Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 22, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 20

"Come on over here. That stallion is going to be a little anxious when Nick comes out with him." Rigs said, taking Daryl's arm and guiding him to the fence. Daryl surveyed the two men in his mind. He figured early thirties at the most. Late twenties for both would probably fit better. Bradley was sexy as hell and Marcus ran a close second but in Daryl's mind the two shirtless cowboys with their hats and hot looks were walking orgasms.

Nick came out with the stallion high stepping and seeming to try and pull away from him. "Woo boy calm down. You will get that dick of yours greased in just a minute." Nick said. "I like a good dick greasing." Daryl said. "Oh you do now ?" Rigs said. " Can't get enough. Greasing them up for someone that is." Daryl said and smiled. Nick released the stallion and walked back and stood on the other side of Daryl. "So you storm chasing with the other two fellas." Nick asked. "Sort of. I met them in Alabama when they were staying there. We had some fun and I decided to take a week's vacation and come out with them." Daryl said. "Heard those two like to play." Rigs said. "Play together a lot. It was new for me and I just couldn't get enough." Daryl said. "New ?" Nick said. "Well I have been with a few men. Yes I am gay too but I had never been with a couple. First time they double fucked me I was hooked." Daryl said. "Double ? You mena spit roast ?" Rigs said. "That was first just to get me in the mood. No I mean I take both up my ass at the same time." Daryl said. "No shit ?" Rigs said. "Can't seem to get enough." Daryl said and smiled. "So you aint attached to them ?" Rigs said. "Nah just along for the fun." Daryl said.

Daryl leaned over to see through the rails to watch the stallion and mare doing their courting dance. "Here stand up on this bottom rail and you can see better." Nick said, taking Daryl's arm and directing him up on the fence. Daryl could barely watch the horses as he felt the body heat from the two shirtless cowboys so close to his skin. "Ouch." Daryl said, raising his chest from the fence. "What happened ?" Rigs asked. " A splinter." Daryl said as he moved back off the fence. "Let me get you a blanket." Rigs said. "No need. I got it covered. Daryl stepped back and removed his shirt. He lay it across the top rail of the fence. He then removed his shorts and lay them on top of the shirt. "That should work." Daryl said as he climbed back up the fence. "Damn sure works for me." Nick said. "Your chest alright ?" Rigs asked. "You can check." Daryl said, turning to expose his chest to Rigs and pushing his bare ass cheeks into Nick's chest.

Rigs leaned up and ran his finger across the small prick mark. He leaned over and kissed it as Nick's rough hands held a hand full of soft ass cheek each. Rigs moved up and lightly licked one of Daryl's nipples. He moved back and Nick guided Daryl back to the fence but he only removed one hand. One rough hand rested and lightly kneaded the one ass cheek. Rigs reached up and began the same with the other. The two men took turns sliding their hand down the crack of Dary's ass and across his ass ring. Both men felt the remnants of the lube Daryl had used before his shower to clean himself for a night of fun. When the mare finally gave in to the stallion and he reared to mount her Daryl's eyes were wide open and he almost lost his balance. As the horse's huge cock began to enter the mare Nick slipped a rough finger inside Daryl's ass to hold him steady. The men smiled at each other as Daryl's body shook and he moaned. The stallion was done for round one and dismounted the mare. Daryl was breathing hard by this point.

The two men smiled at each other as Daryl watched the horses. "He is a horny fucker aint he ?" Nick said. "Yes I am. Oh you mean the stallion." Daryl laughed. "Well when the mare has had enough she will stop him." Rigs said. "Poor fella. I wish I were that mare. That stallion would have to lay down and rest while I coaxed that cock back to life. Not into giving but I can't get enough receiving. The more the merrier." Daryl moaned. "Careful what you wish for." Nick said wiggling his finger still inside. Daryl leaned back against the finger and reached down and unbuttoned the top button on Nick's jeans. Lowering the zipper a little he spread the flap of the jeans open. He then turned and did the same to Rig's as his was when they first walked up. "Looks like that horse has you two going a little too. You needed more space in there for those monsters." Daryl said.

When the horse went to mount the mare the second time Nick removed his finger and squatted and placed his face between the ass cheeks. "Hey Bro." Rigs said. "You got you some strange at the Denver rodeo. Ain't had none for me since Dallas." Nick said. "Easy boys there is plenty to go around." Daryl moaned as Nick's tongue pushed through the ring. Rigs pulled Daryl back so that he was sitting on Nick's face. He spat in his hand and wrapped it around Daryl's hard cock and began to tug on it as he leaned over and took one of Daryl's nipples between his lips. Daryl was so worked up it did not take long and as the stallion groaned and his haunches shook as he emptied into the mare. Daryl gasp as he shot his load through the rails on the fence. "Oh my, my. He is a horny little devil Nick." Rigs said and smiled. Daryl leaned over for a deep passionate kiss. As soon as Nick pulled his face from his ass cheeks he turned for the same kiss from him. "Ah fuck Nick. That stallion is getting too worked up. Rigs had noticed the stallion trying to mount the mare again but too quickly.

The two men released Daryl and grabbed a rope and halter. They didn't take time to snap their jeans as they moved in the corral to catch the stallion. Daryl's eyes were glued to the two cowboys. Their jeans rode very low on their hips and he watched the strong muscles on their back and top of their ass cheeks as they tried to calm the stallion. "Fucking horse. I was just about to get me two cowboys." Daryl mumbled. Nick was close enough to hear the mumble. " Don't worry cutie. Plenty of time for cowboy cock but aint going to be tonight sorry. This is gonna take a a while. WO THERE boy." he called out. Daryl had dressed by the time they had everything calmed down. They had moved the mare to another corral and had the stallion up by the fence. "Keep them things plumped up boys. I haven't had my fun yet." Daryl said as he hiked his shorts even higher and began to walk back toward the stable. "Nice to meet you." Rigs said. "Oh I am not going anywhere for a few days and like it or not I am going to see all of you two before this is over." Daryl said as he rubbed his ass cheeks as he walked.

The men were talking as Daryl walked in teh door. They could tell by his puffy lips and the look on his face that he was flustered. None were sure if he had gotten fucked or not. "Have fun out there ?" Marcus laughed. "Not as much as I planned that damn horse got skitty." Daryl said. "Poor baby." Bradley said and laughed. "Don't worry we have a few days. Bedtime now. Time for you two to finish what those two cowboys started. Anyone else want to join in ?" Daryl said as he grabbed Marcus's hand and pulled him to his feet. "Guess we have been summoned to bedtime. You two care ?" Bradley said. "Knock yourself out." Carl said.

Carl helped Kurt with the few cups and a couple of plates. "Head on back and I will lock up." Carl said. "I know you want to go check on the horse. You go do that and I will find something to thaw for breakfast. Don't be long." Kurt said and kissed Carl. Carl slipped on a pair of shorts and flip flops and headed out to the stables. "Heard you two had to calm him down." Carl said. "Sure boss. Didn't help much, we had to calm down too." Nick said and laughed. "Yeah I think you sent a disappointed fella back to the house." Carl laughed. "You think it will be alright ? Well you know if he starts it. " Rigs said. " From talking to Bradley he isn't attached to them as far as couples go. He also said he ain't much into poking so you two be fair with him. He's a guest." Carl said. "Sure boss. Prime ass like that is worth working for. Plus I can't get into the getting poked either." Rigs said. "Told us that he takes both them fellas up the ass at the same time and loves it." Nick said. "That is what Bradley said. If he goes for that you two are going to have to be careful. Bradley is a pretty large fella but Marcus aint as big. If memory serves you two are about the same. Nick a little thicker and Rigs just a little longer. It will take a little extra work if he wants to try that with you two so be slow and careful." Carl said. "You got it boss." Nick said.

Carl stripped again once he was inside the house. Locking up and turning out the lights he started down the hall. Kurt stood at the guest bedroom door and watched the group on the bed. Marcus lay on his back with his cock inside Daryl. Bradley was mounted on Daryl's back with his cock inside with Marcus's. Bradley had Daryl's head turned and was kissing him as he pounded his cock up into Daryl. "You thinking about two ?" Carl whispered and he reached around and swiped his finger across Kurt's leaking cock. "No baby I have two built into one already. That thing you got stretched more than those two put together. Time for you to prove it too." Kurt said as he reached back and grabbed the semi hard cock. He pulled Carl by his now growing cock to the bedroom while Carl licked his fingers clean.

Kurt helped prepare breakfast the next morning before heading for class. Today was going to be a short day but with his first major tests coming up he did not dare miss. Daryl was unsure what to do. Carl was out on the farm and Bradley and Marcus were going to Stuart's office. "You and Mike will get along great. Why don't you go with us and hang out between the store and the office." Bradley said. "Are you sure ?" Daryl said. "If you go out there after those cowboys while they are working Carl may run you off." Marcus laughed. "Good point." Daryl laughed.

First stop was the store. Stuart was there to have coffee with Mike. Daryl walked around and looked at the mix of part convenience store, part grocery store, part hardware store and part sporting goods. "I love it. One stop shopping. All you need are gas pumps and a car wash." Daryl said. "I will leave those two for someone else." Mike laughed. Stuart, Marcus and Bradley left headed to the office. "I hear you are a cashier." Mike said. "Not a glorious life." Daryl laughed. "Hell I am just a glorified cashier. I just happen to own the place is all." Mike laughed. Daryl pulled a stool up to the counter. " You have a great register system. I miss this one. Our company claimed they were upgrading but that was a load of crap." Daryl said. "I do the basics on it." Mike said. " You know you can set inventory safety levels and it will tell you what you are running out of. I saw you write down something for someone a few minutes ago. You can do charge accounts on here too and that will not mess with your money but will keep your inventory straight." Daryl said. "You must really know this system. It was all I could do to figure out how to put in barcodes to scan." Mike laughed.

Daryl sat on a stool in front of the register and within an hour he had all of Mike's charge accounts listed in the computer along with everything they already had on tab. He moved a quick touch icon to the main screen so that it would be easy for any cashier to ring it up instead of writing it down. "Now once they ring it up it will print them out a receipt and it will show the dates and amounts already on their account below their purchase. You can hit this button and when the screen comes up you can get a running total for charges or charge by person. At the end of the month you just pull up the customer and it will print out a bill. When they come in to pay or mail in a check it will pull up their account and you can pay through the register whatever they have paid." Daryl said. "You cut out a full days work for me each month in just an hour." Mike laughed.

"This came with a hand scanner didn't it ?" Daryl said. "Yeah it's still in the box." Mike said. "If I were staying longer I would take three nights after you closed and put all your inventory in here. That way it would give you alerts for what you are running short of and it wouldn't be checking the shelves and then checking the store room." Daryl said. "You really know what you are doing with this system don't you ?" Mike said. "I cut my teeth on this system. I love it. It can do so much and all at the touch of a finger tip. You can even set it up to do automatic orders. Myself I like that you can have it produce a suggested order and you can customize it. When your invoice comes in it alerts you at price increases from the vendor." Daryl said. "I may need to pay for another week's vacation for you and you get my store set up right." Mike laughed.

Everyone met at Mike and Stuart's house for dinner. For a large crowd Mike made two large lasagna's and Kurt made a large tossed salad and blueberry crunch dessert. The main talk was the plans for the upcoming storms. Mike, Carl and Daryl sat in the living room with fresh coffee while the others gathered around the table with laptops, ipads and maps. "Are you enjoying storm chasing ?" Carl asked, looking towards Daryl. "It's alright. I just came along for the after chase fun if you get my drift." Daryl laughed. "I remember the after chase activities." Carl said and laughed. Carl brought the empty cups into the kitchen for Mike to put in the dishwasher. "He seems a little anxious." Mike said. "Yeah he met Nick and Rigs last night. I think he is itching to get back to the farm. Carl laughed. "He has good taste." Mike laughed.

Carl and Kurt had whispered on and off all evening. When they walked into the house Carl turned to the others. " Why don't Kurt and I take you around the county and show you the short cuts and roads not to take. You can come with us to Daryl or you can hang out here or with the horses. Up to you." Carl said. "That sounds great." Bradley said. " Come here and let me show you something." Kurt said to Daryl as he followed Kurt into the laundry room. "The boys will be checking the horses in about an hour. This heavy quilt works really well on the hay bails. If you want to stay and play I fully understand." Kurt said. "You don't care ?" Daryl said. "I can tell that you are smitten with those two. They are not lovers but they are thick as twins. As long as you know that then you will be fine and you are welcome on this farm anytime you want to come." Kurt said. Daryl grabbed Kurt and hugged him tight enough to almost cut off his breath. "Thank you, thank you." Daryl said. "Don't worry we will be gone for two or three hours and I promise to keep everyone away from the barn when we get back. If for some reason they don't show up just follow the path around the trees and they are in the first half of the first bunkhouse. It's just those two in that one." Kurt said.

Daryl took extra time preparing for what he hoped was a fun filled evening with two hot cowboys. He dug through his duffle bag and pulled out a full box of condoms and a bottle of lube. Brushing his teeth a second time he wanted to make sure his breath was as fresh as possible. He even went as far as putting extra lube inside himself. Kurt had also let him borrow the bottle of peach flavor. Carl had said the peach was really good but the strawberry was the best.

Daryl made his way to the stall at the far right of the stables. He quickly moved a few hay bales to make an area he felt would be comfortable for all three. He sat a bale of hay out from the rest and draped his shirt and shorts over it. On the bale he put the box of condoms and the bottle of lube. When and if the two men walked in they would have to walk by that bale and they would not have to guess at Daryl's intentions.

Daryl got anxious as he heard voices coming his way. He could hear the crunch on the ground of the cowboy boots also. The two men stood outside the stables talking. He was in the first stall so he could smell the cigarette smoke from one of the two. "Let me check on the stallion. He has had a busy day. If that mare aint bred after today then she never will be." Nick said. "Looks like her pussy is getting smaller so apparently she took. She will be out of heat by the morning." Rigs said. Nick headed into the stable. He looked into the first stall as he passed and then stopped and backed up. "Lookie what I found here Rigs. Speaking of pussy in heat." Nick said as he leaned against the stall frame and used his hand to adjust his growing cock through the jeans. " My , my I would not mind finding this more often." Rigs said. Daryl was on his hands and knees with his face on the blanket, ass in the air and his hands pulling his ass cheeks as far apart as he could.

"Oh so I am not alone ?" Daryl said and lifted his head and turned to lay on the blanket on his back. With his legs spread wide he looked up at the two men and smiled. "Alone ? What are you planning on doing with that big box of rubbers if you are alone ?" Rigs said and began to move towards Daryl. "Stop right there mister. No man is allowed past that bale of hay with anything on other than their cowboy hat and that is optional. "Oh now I like a bossy little bottom." Nick said as he quickly kicked off his boots and dropped his jeans. Rigs almost fell over trying to get one of his boots off. Nick stood at the end of the bale with his cock almost three quarters filled. By the time Rigs made it to his side he was one hundred percent hard and almost aching. Daryl got up and crawled on his hands and knees to the end of the bale. "I hear that the studly of cowboys have a very short regenerating time. I guess we will see who is a genuine cowboy. You two are a little bigger than I am used to. We may not get both in at the same time tonight but I promise with my plan if you can get it up more than once both of you will have fucked this Bama boy before we get to the real fun." Daryl said.

Next: Chapter 21

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