Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 29, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 22

Mike and Stuart were at the counter drinking coffee when Kurt came into the store. "Boy shouldn't you be in class ?" Stuart said. "I only have one today. Since you filled out the apprentice paper for me my classes will be in the field dealing with the storms. I have one professor that doesn't see it that way." Kurt said. "Next time he mentions a guest speaker tell him I volunteer." Stuart said. "Cool you would do that ?" Kurt said. "I do that at many colleges. Part of the grant program." Stuart said. "I can sit in the back row and make funny faces while he speaks." Mike laughed.

"Speaking of sitting in the back row. How would you feel about giving your hours here at the store to Lizzie's niece ?" Mike said. "If you really want that. I can find something else to pay my tuition and bills." Kurt said as a sad look came over his face. Stuart reached out to the counter and handed Kurt a piece of paper. "You are shitting me right ?" Kurt said. "It's right there in black and white." Stuart said. Stuart had gotten a fax that morning where he had applied to officially list Kurt as an intern. Two of the colleges and the National Weather Service had offered to pay his salary and tuition. "Are you serious ? Oh my God." Kurt said and jumped to Stuart for a tight hug. "But boss what about the store ?" Kurt said. "I may have another plan there too." Mike said. "Speaking of plan." Kurt said and smiled.

About that time the door chimed and Carl came through the door. "Why aren't you in school ?" Carl said. "Alright daddy. I will tell you all so it is clear. I only have one class and it is at eleven." Kurt said and smiled. "How long is the class ?" Carl asked. "An hour. That professor is determined to be sitting in front of his lunch by ten after twelve no excuses." Kurt laughed. "I have to be at the lawyers for the closing at eleven. Want to ride with me and then I can wait on you until you are out of class and we can grab lunch ?" Carl said. "My man is going to escort me to school and then take me to lunch. Who could say no ?" Kurt said and smiled.

"You said you were working on something. Care to share ?" Kurt said. "I am thinking about hiring an assistant manager." Mike said. "No a manager and you will come and go as you please." Stuart said. "Want a suggestion ?" Kurt asked. "I may already have one." Mike said. "Hear me out first. How was Nick this morning ?" Kurt said. "Nick ?" Mike said. "That poor fella is on cloud nine one second and like a lost puppy the next. Rigs is giving him hell." Carl laughed. "Back to my proposal. Have you thought about maybe Daryl ?" Kurt said. "I had a long talk with Daryl's boss yesterday. He is who I was thinking of just did not know if it would be interesting enough for him to leave Alabama." Mike said. "You leave that to me." Kurt said. "What are you up to ?" Carl said. "I am up to you taking me to school and then buying me lunch. Then I will. ( .......) ." Kurt said whispering the last part in Carl's ear. Carl looked at the other two with wide eyes. "See you two later. Have a good day. Come on. Got to get you to class." Carl said and smiled.

"What was that all about ?" Stuart said. "Sounds like there may have been a connection with Daryl and Nick." Mike said. "This taking more time off is sounding better and better every minute." Stuart said and leaned over the counter to kiss Mike. About that time the door chimed and Stuart leaned back and looked. Bradley, Marcus and Daryl came through the door. Daryl looked like he could smile the biggest tornado into submission. " Hire him now and remind me to kick their ass. Meet you at home in ten minutes. Be naked." Stuart whispered. "You have work to do." Mike laughed. "UGH." Stuart growled and smiled.

"Mind if I hang out with you. I can do a few more things for you in your system that will help you out. They are talking tornadoes. I don't know barometric pressure from a cumulus cloud. At the farm I don't know the difference between a draw bar on a tractor from and PTO whatever that is." Daryl said. "Sure as long as you don't lock me out of it. I had a long talk with your boss yesterday." Mike said. "Is she pissed ?" Daryl said. "Not at all. She was worried you may not come back. " Mike said and smiled. "Don't really have a choice. Have to have a paycheck." Daryl said. "Speaking of checks." Mike said opening the door behind the register for Daryl to come through.

An hour later Daryl sat there with a blank look on his face. "You would trust me to do that ?" Daryl said. "My concern is that it would not be enough for you to want to move all the way out here." Mike said. " At this moment I would love nothing better but I have a situation." Daryl said. "Nick ?" Mike said. "How did you know ?" Daryl said. "Small town." Mike said and smiled. "OH FUCK.. What if Nick hears the gossip ?" Daryl said and placed his hands over his face. "Don't you worry about Nick. I will tell you the main thing about these cowboys. You let them take the reins but you do the steering." Mike said. "Take the reins huh ?" Daryl said. " Just let nature take it's course. Don't push hard but don't back down." Mike said. "Is rent high around here ?" Daryl asked. "Rent ? If Kurt has his way you will be quite happy living in the bunkhouse. You can discuss that rent with Nick." Mike laughed. "Kurt ?" Daryl asked. " Just leave it to Kurt. What I want you to do is take the next couple of days and think about my offer." Mike said.

"If it does work out it will be a month. We have inspections coming up in three weeks and I can't leave my boss hanging." Daryl said. "No big hurry. I don't have to hire anyone. You just take a couple of weeks and see how things go then you can give me your decision." Mike said. "You will do that for me ?" Daryl said. "If you are half as good as I have been told then I am making the right choice. I even talked to Hazel about it. She was all for it. She said you helped her with the system last night and taught her all types of tricks." Mike said. " If you don't mind I want to see how this works out with Nick before I make a decision. I could not come here and see him come through the store and us not be a couple. Just hearing his voice makes my whole body and soul melt. I know that sounds dumb." Daryl said. "Not at all. I hear Stuart's voice over the phone and I leak like a faucet. Heaven forbid I see him in person." Mike laughed.

Daryl was busy on the computer screen when the bell rang on the door. He did not look up to see who it was. "I need to go to the store room. You know how to ring things up." Mike said. "Hey Nick. How are you today ?" Mike said. The computer started making all sorts of error sounds. "Fuck... fuck... fuck." Daryl whispered causing Mike to laugh. "Thought you were with Bradley and Marcus today." Nick said as he placed the two packs of batteries on the counter. "They are over at Stuart's office." Daryl said and smiled. Nick leaned over the counter and lightly kissed Daryl. " Good morning sexy. How do you feel this morning ?" Nick said, raising to his tip toes and looking over Daryl's shoulder and down at his ass. " Empty, unloved. You know. All the feelings a guy gets after riding a stud cowboy." Daryl said. " Well my little buddy we can't fix that right now but if you are interested this cowboy can check all that out and fix it later on." Nick said. "I think I just may have to take you up on that." Daryl said and smiled. "Stop that." Nick said. "Stop what ?" Daryl said. "Smiling and being so damn sexy. I will end up roping the fence post instead of a calf." Nick said. "You could rope a Bama boy." Daryl said. " Now that is an idea." Nick said and smiled.

Mike heard the bell chime and came out of the store room. "Ready to take the job yet ?" Mike laughed. " Fuck he is so damn sexy and so sweet. He kissed me and asked how I felt this morning." Daryl said and sat back on the stool and put his hands on his head. " I don't want to get your hopes up but I saw the look on his face when he saw you behind the counter. The man is smitten. " Mike said. " No he's not. There is just a piece of ass in town he has access too." Daryl said and pulled his hands down across his face. " Is that all you two did last night was fuck ?" Mike asked. " The first time." Daryl said. "First time ?" Mike asked. "Well Rigs was there the first time and I kind of blew him while I took Nick. Rigs left and then it was just us. Now you think i am a slut." Daryl said. "Not at all. What about the second time ?" Mike asked. "He was upset that I had not cum. He said he wanted to make love to me. I fucking shot my load without touching myself while we kissed and I rode him. Who the fuck does that ?" Daryl said and placed his palms over his face. "Me." Mike said. "You ?" Daryl said with a confused look. "I cum hands free everytime Stuart and I have sex. I have not touched my cock the first time nor has he. That is love my friend. " Mike said.

Mike stood just outside the door and watched his sign. He had asked Daryl to change the message on the sign. He normally put store closing time and everyone be safe. He was amazed as he watched the sign. A tornado moved slowly across the screen followed but the words Everyone take cover if needed. Then it said store closing and four p.m. started flashing in huge red numbers. "Hell I didn't know it could do all that shit." he said as Lizzie walked up. "Damn Mike. If I get one of those signs can you program it for me ?" Lizzie said. "Daryl did all that." Mike said. "Daryl ? You mean Nick's new bo ?" Lizzie asked. "Slow down. We don't know that yet." Mike said. "Oh yell Mike you have always been blind. Nick came in to get some lunch for him and the guys and I thought he was going to melt the glass in my window. That sexy cowboy did not take his eyes off your store the whole time." Lizzie said and laughed.

Carl and Kurt pulled up as they watched the sign. "Is it all final ?" Mike asked. "Yes and Oh my God let me show you." Kurt said. Mike reached up and wiped his finger on the side of his mouth and nodded to Kurt. Kurt reached up and felt the drop of Carl's cum that had leaked out the side of his mouth. "Oh. " Kurt said and smiled. "Boy you gonna learn not to lose that stuff. You are too young to waste drops." Lizzie said, causing Kurt to laugh and Carl to blush. "Now what do you two plan on doing about that cute little fella in there and Nick ?" Lizzie said. "I have a plan." Kurt said. "Son we may need to talk. It took four years for your plan to work with Carl and we aint gettin' no younger around here." Lizzie said. "I have crafted my skills." Kurt said. "I can vouch for that." Carl said and smiled.

"Look... Look at what Carl did." Kurt said, handing over a piece of paper. Mike and Lizzie looked at the paper. There was a circle with a cowboy on a horse at the top. In the middle was a C with curls at the top and bottom. There was a K with curls hanging from the bottom curl of the C and under that said farms. "That K is just hanging there off the C." Lizzie said. "Well I will have you know that this K loves hanging off C." Kurt said. "Damn leave it to you two to make the business sign sexual." Lizzie said. "Now time to go in and start on Daryl." Kurt said. " Nick came in earlier for batteries." Mike said. "Good. Part one worked." Kurt said. "Part one ?" Carl asked. "I knew that they were using the prods today to round up calves. I hid all the batteries." Kurt said. " You sneaky thing you." Carl said and smiled. "Baby I am just getting started with surprises." Kurt said. "Alright you two go get in the store room before you two start fucking in the parking lot." Lizzie said. "LIZZIE." Mike said. "Hell boy you are grown. You stay out of this. Took you almost thirty years to make your plan work. It only took Kurt four." Lizzie said and headed back across the street.

The sign must have shown all through the county. Within minutes the parking lot began to fill. Mike was busy keeping up with stock while Daryl ran the register. There were a couple of items that did not scan.. "Sorry." Mike said. "No worries it won't take but a day to get all that fixed." Daryl said and smiled. All the customers asked Daryl his name and each one shook his hand as they finished and told him they were glad to meet him. He even caught a few whispers of some ladies mentioning Nick's name too. Carl began helping tote bags out while Kurt went to the barn and began pulling some supplies that some asked for. "Just write those down and add it in your head. The county pays the profit on those things." Mike called out. "I can program that too but not right now." Daryl said. Kurt stopped Carl in the parking lot. "Baby I got this. You go to the farm and make sure everything is ready just in case." Kurt said. "They can handle it." Carl said. "I know that but it's CK Farms now. Now go." Kurt said. "I love you." Carl said. "Love you too baby I will see you shortly." Kurt said.

Daryl ended up riding with Kurt back to the farm. Bradley and Marcus had come to the store and said they were heading to Stuart and Mike's to prepare. Daryl had opted out of the storm chasing. He had been on a couple of chases on their way there and though the naked hale stone part was fun Bradley and Marcus had made him very nervous because they liked to get a little too close. The two men got a large pot of chili going on the stove. "Run to the stables and see if the guys are there. Tell them to all come here for chili tonight if they are interested." Kurt said. "Sure. What if they are not there ?" Daryl asked. "They should be. I talked to Carl before I left the store. He said that the only thing left was the stables and they were headed there next. " Kurt said.

"Hey guys. The boss man sent me out here to tell you all to come to the house for chili if you want." Daryl said. Nick turned and smiled at him and all he could do was blush. "The boss ? I didn't send you out here." Carl said and smiled. "Yeah boss we all know who the real boss is." one of the hands said and laughed. "How long before it's ready ?" Carl asked. " Maybe half hour. I will go back and get the bread ready. " Daryl said. "No need. I am headed that way. You guys go shower quick and get to the house in half an hour. You piss the boss off and you will deal with me." Carl said and laughed. All of the men headed in different directions except Daryl and Nick. Nick had stood motionless smiling at Daryl since he walked up. "You going to go shower ?" Daryl asked. "You going to wash my back ?" Nick said. " I would but tonight I may piss the boss off. The real boss." Daryl said and smiled. "Well I guess a kiss will have to do then." Nick said walking towards Daryl. Daryl stood speechless trying to catch his breath after Nick kissed him deeply with two hands full of ass cheeks through his short. "Better go get grub ready." Nick said and slapped Daryl on the butt and turned to walk off. "Grub... Yeah grub ready." Daryl said, still standing glued to the spot as Nick walked away.

"As you all know I signed the papers on the farm today. It is now C.K. Farms. We added the neighboring farm and are going to be adding more cattle for breeding. This means more hay and grain crops. Before you moan it will be a work in progress and we will be adding more hands for the extra workload." Carl said. "Tonight and tomorrow may get rough weather wise. I want you guys to discuss it. The Sanders did not get away as fast as they had hoped so they are still in the main house. I know there are two storm shelters over there and one near the bunkhouse. I want you guys to divide up. I know that more needs to be staged over near the house and the cattle than the bunkhouse and stable. Daryl is going to stay here and he is going to make sure all of the shelters are set up and ready. Whomever stays near the stables needs to make sure they also keep up with Daryl and get him in the shelter if the sirens go off." Kurt said. They guys turned and looked at Carl. " It's C and K" farms. You heard the boss and in the future it will do you well to listen to him. " Carl said, causing the group to laugh.

"Boss if it is alright with you we three will take care of the main house and barns. Nick can take care of Daryl and also watch out for this house and the stables." Rigs said and laughed. "As long as it is all covered." Carl said. "I can gladly cover it." Nick said and winked at Daryl. "We will be in and out. Kurt is helping Stuart and I will be with them." Carl said. " We will be in and out here too so don't worry." Nick said. "In and out huh ?" Kurt laughed. Daryl still did not comment.

When Nick arrived he was in a tight fitting pair of jeans but a cowboy style snap up shirt with the top two snaps undone. He had on a new cowboy hat and Daryl could hardly breath. He definitely could not take his eyes off the hot as hell cowboy. "Fuck he looks so hot in those jeans." Daryl thought. "Alright guys. Eat all the chili you want. It may be a long evening and night." Carl said.

Daryl walked over and carried more bread to the table. He stood beside Nick. Nick ran his hand up between Daryl's legs and slid a hand up the back of his shorts and ran a finger in the crack of his ass. Never looking over at Daryl he ran his finger up and down the crack causing Daryl to almost lose his balance. "I can handle the in and out. That's for sure." Nick whispered. Daryl swallowed hard and for the first time in his life felt like the virgin about to give themselves to a man.

"What was Rigs asking you about ?" Kurt asked as they pulled out heading towards Mike and Stuart's. "He was asking about new hires for the farm." Carl said. "So you think he is wanting that guy he is chasing to come to work for us ?" Kurt said. "Why do you think I mentioned adding on more hands." Carl said. "You are sneaky." Kurt said and laughed. "Not as sneaky as my lover but I am getting there." Carl said and reached over and placed his hand on Kurt's leg. "Who, me ?" Kurt said, causing them both to laugh.

Next: Chapter 23

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