Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 5, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 24

Nick had pulled Daryl from the bench and sat in a chair with Daryl in his lap. He had his arms around Daryl and his chin on Daryl's shoulder. Both men chuckled when Nick's cock finally softened and fell free of Daryl's ass ring. "Are you alright ?" Nick whispered. " Can I ask you a question ?" Daryl said. "Baby I can feel my cowboy juice leaking out into my lap. I think you can ask me anything." Nick chuckled. "First. Thank you." Daryl said. "For what ?" Nick said. "I have never had a man cum inside me. It was amazing and I am glad that it was you." Daryl said. "Well it was my honor and thank you. I have never cum inside a man before. Except in a condom." Nick said lightly running his hands over Daryl's chest.

"You said you loved me. Before you say anything I can understand if it was in the heat of the moment." Daryl said. " One thing you need to learn about cowboys. We may stretch a tail when it comes to roping, riding or breaking a horse but a cowboy never lies about his heart." Nick said. " I meant it too when I said I love you. I was willing to go through with my promise to you and Rigs about both of you but honestly I just wanted you. Rigs is a sweet guy and hot as hell too but you have something extra." Daryl said. "i have something extra ?" Nick said and lightly pulled on one of Daryl's nipples. "Yes. This cowboy has my heart." Daryl said. Nick cursed under his breath as the kiss began because there was someone banging on the shelter door. "You guys alright ? Finish nutting and get up here. We have some work to do." Rigs shouted. Both Daryl and Nick had dressed and Rigs almost got hit by the door as he leaned over to see if he could hear some loud sex noises. "Damn you two need to work on that. You were suppose to hollar back that you would be out when you got through fucking." Rigs laughed.

"I need to go. There was damage to the main house and a little to the stables." Carl came in and said to his group. "I will go with you." Kurt said. "Do you need to help Stuart ?" Carl asked. "He is fine. There will be many times in the future where he can help with the data. Right now I am going to get the video out for different media circuits and I will watch the storms progressing for the National Weather Service. The data will wait until after the clean up." Stuart said. "You two be careful. Let me know if I can help out. I can fix chili, soup or sandwiches." Mike said. " I bought enough of what we needed just in case but thanks." Kurt said.

The next morning came early. Mike felt half asleep as he drove to the store. After the night before he was getting there early to have thermoses of coffee ready. The store being the gathering place for the community after the storm he knew that some would be there just before sunrise. It was five in the morning and could smell the food cooking already from Lizzie's bakery and deli. The second pot of coffee was in the thermous and a third brewing when the first people began to arrive. Mike had printed off a new copy of the community checklist. " Good morning Mike." Kurt sid as he and Carl walked through the door. " What kind of damage did you guys have ?" Mike asked. "Doesn't look like the twister touched down but it went over air born. It messed up the kitchen and master bedroom walls in the main house. A couple of old and empty barns fell and the stable had some roof damage." Carl said. "Sorry about the house." Mike said. "No problem. I wanted to remodel anyway. Might as well let the incurance company pay for it." Kurt said and smiled. "I thought he would be really upset but he just smiles and said it's fixable." Carl said.

Kurt was sorting the community checklist when Daryl and Nick came in. " Anything I can do to help boss or you need me working on the farm and fences ?" Nick said. " The guys can handle that. We got the house tarped last night so it's all good. It's about time you learned what all goes on in this store after a storm. I get the feeling you may need that knowledge in the future." Carl said as he slapped Nick on the back and smiled.

The county had set up a special tax a few years back that paid Mike for the supplies that he bought during a disaster. He sold the tarps, plywood, water and other supplies at his cost. As long as he kept up with everything the county reimbursed him for the cost of the material and a small profit for handling it. They also paid Lizzie for her supply cost, payroll and a small profit for the meals she prepared for the workers. Daryl got busy using invoices to set up a program in the register so they could keep up with items the county paid for so it would not have to be done on paper. The system was rebooted and Daryl taught Mike, Hazel and Lizzie's niece how to scan it into the system. Customers had to pay or charge a small price for the items that they turned in to their insurance company. The money collected was the profit that Mike made for handling the items. The count was needed for the county to pay him back.

" A couple more days and I will not be able to run my own register." Mike laughed. "Were you serious about the job ?" Daryl asked. "The offer still stands. Take your time to decide. It's a big change." Mike said. "Nick told me he loved me last night." Daryl said. "Wow. Are you alright with that ?" Mike asked. "I slipped up and said it first. I have fallen madly in love with the guy. I know it's sudden but he is just perfect." Daryl said. "He is a great guy." MIke said. "He said he was going to talk to Carl today and then I will know which way to go." Daryl said. "Talk to Carl about what ?" Carl said. He had walked up just in time to hear that part of the conversation. " I need to let Nick talk to you." Daryl said. "I have a feeling it is about Daryl living with him on the farm. I offered him a job here." Mike said and laughed. "Fine with me. You pay a dollar a month like the rest for rent. As long as he is out on the farm for work on time I have no problem." Carl said. " A dollar ?" Daryl said. "We have all had a dollar a month taken out of our checks for rent. It's a legal thing." Carl said. "Please don't say anything. Let Nick approach you about it. He may change his mind and I want this to be his decision." Daryl said. "No problem. Come on Nick. You can go with me so you can see how these lists work." Carl called out and turned and smiled at Daryl.

The speech to the group was short and sweet. Most already knew what to do. A group of ladies left to go help at Lizzie's and Stuart made it just in time for the end of the meeting. " I have already checked out some of the damage images. Concentrate your efforts at the north end of the county. That is where the most damage was." Stuart added. Mike smiled as he saw Nick pull Daryl around the corner of one of the walls. He could see in the mirror as Nick placed a hand on the side of Daryl's face and leaned over for a kiss. "I think I will be semi retired very soon." Mike said whispering to Stuart. "Good. That means long love making sessions in the mornings too and you will not have to jump and run to get the store open." Stuart said. "I think that can be arranged." Mike said and smiled.

The list had been checked by ten and all residents were accounted for. There were a few houses in the north part of the county that subsatined heavy damage. There were two that were completely destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders had a camper on the farm that they never used. They had bought it a few years ago to loan out to people in the community that had damage such as this or fire. There were also a couple of other large farms that had done the same thing. Mr. Sanders had laughed saying that the others did not want to be out done by the Sanders. "Carl and Nick hooked the camper up and headed out to the farmhouse that they had checked that their house was a total loss.

" Boss I need to ask you something." Nick said. "Is it about Daryl ?" Carl asked. " Well yeah it is. Thing is Mike offered him a job at the store and..... " Nick started and then stopped and just looked out the window. "Do you love him ?" Carl asked. " Boss there is just something about that man. He just makes me feel like I light up inside everytime I see him. " Nick said. "Are you sure it's not just the sex ?" Carl asked. " Thought that to begin with but when we were eating chili I was just as happy to watch him in the room and hear him talk. Yeah the sex is amazing but not as amazing as he is as a person. He has had a tough life and I really want to be the good part of it." Nick said. "Then yes." Carl said.

"Yes ?" Nick said. "If you can convince him then yes he can live with you in the bunkhouse and work at the store. Just make sure that is what you really want before you offer his that option." Carl said. "How did you know what I was going to ask ?" Nick said. "Damn cowboy after what you just said there was only two options. Move him in with you or you go find a job in Alabama and you are not leaving my ass here. I have Kurt to deal with." Carl laughed. "Thanks boss." Nick said. "Just make sure this is what you want before you offer." Carl said. "Thought about it all yesterday, last night and this morning. It's all I can think about." Nick said. " Easy part is done. Now you have to convince him to take the job." Carl said.

Mike was impressed at how quickly Daryl fit right in and was able to help the customers quickly. He had even been out to the barn and the bottled water trailer and seemed to have that process down quickly and easily. During a couple of breaks Daryl even showed Mike how to pull up the report to show what the county owed him for. No more paper sheets. "Once it calms down I will go in and put the cost on these and when you poll it the price will be added to the ones you have already sold." Daryl said. " You said I could put inventory in here." Mike said. "Yeah I have been using the handheld to ring up stock from outside. You see this parked order on the side. That is where that shows up until I come in and total it. I can take the hand held. It will take a couple of days to get everything in the system and it may take a second run to zero items out and then get all your inventory on here. I can put the order ID and also the cost and retail so you can pull up just the item or store wide anytime you want." Daryl said.

"You are hired." Mike laughed. "Oh and when you go to make your deposit when you poll the register it will tell you what your charges are, your credit cards and cash deposit." Daryl said. "No more separating it all ?" Mike said. "Just the touch of the screen." Daryl said. "You are promoted too." Mike laughed.

Mike sent Daryl with Kurt to deliver meals to the guys out working. Mike could use the help at the store but he wanted Daryl to realize everything that went on in the small community when a storm hit. Daryl was amazed at the damage done to some of the properties. If the truth was known it was more amazing at how many people from the community were out helping others. "These people jump in at the drop of a hat." Daryl said. " It's a great community and if you decide to take the job and move here you will see just how tolerant they are of gay couples. If they have an issue they would not dare let Mike know. They are scared to piss him off. More so I think they are more afraid to piss him off which would REALLY set Lizzie off." Mike said and laughed.

Daryl and Kurt made their last stop the house that Carl and Nick were working at. Carl had gone back and gotten the backhoe and brought it out to clear a spot for the travel trailer. " Alright you two it's time for lunch." Kurt called out. "Just a couple of minutes." Carl called from the backhoe. " Alright. I will tell Lizzie you did not like her food." Kurt said. "Oh no hell you will not." Carl said quickly getting out of the cab. "You have to learn how to work these cowboys." Kurt laughed. The two men ate their meals and then split up before Kurt and Daryl went to leave. "I talked to Carl. He said you were more than welcome to move in with me. That is if you want to." Nick said.

"I want nothing more but that is a big decision and you need to think about it." Daryl said. "Nothing to think about. I think about you every minute. I fell madly in love with a Bama boy and I want him in my bed every night and my life every day." Nick said before leaning in for a light kiss. " This Bama boy fell in love with a sexy cowboy. I will tell Mike that I will take the job." Daryl said. "So we are doing this then." Nick said and smiled. " As long as you will have me. I do have to go back for about a month though." Daryl said. "Make it three weeks and we have a deal." Nick said before another light kiss.

By four in the afternoon everyone was accounted for and most damages were either tarped or boarded. The storms were expected to fire up again around eight. They were not expecting it to be as much as the night before but the chance of tornadoes was still there. The store closed at five instead of eight. Mike was not that concerned about the weather but everyone had worked so hard all day and he wanted them all at home before the heavy rains and winds hit. They all rode out to the farm to look at the damage to the house.

"I figured he would be really upset but he seems to be fine." Carl said. Stuart stood with Carl and watched as the rest of the group walked around the house. "Hell of a note to get a new house and then this happen." Stuart said. "It's fixable. I wanted to do some remodeling. Especially the kitchen and master bedroom and bath so I might as well let the insurance company pay for it." Kurt said and smiled.

"Stuart I need a huge favor." Bradley said. "Sure if I can. What's up ?" Stuart asked. "We are going to follow this system and then head back to Texas to catch the system coming off the GUlf of Mexico. We were going to put Daryl on a bus tomorrow or the next day. If I give you the money for the ticket can you and Mike make sure he gets on a bus." Bradley said. "Leave that to me and Kurt." Carl said. "Thanks buddy. I will give you the money for the ticket." Bradley said and turned to walk off. "If he forgets the ticket money just let me know." Stuart said. "Thanks but I have a plan. Can't see putting him on a bus for two to three days." Carl said.

Mike and Kurt made sandwiches for everyone. With storms headed their way they knew there was no time to cook a meal and they had plenty of meat for sandwiches and plenty of chips. The hands from the farm also came for sandwiches. Carl introduced Stuart to one of the hands wives. Beverly use to work for an attorney and before Stuart finished his first sandwich he had hired her to work in the office. "Let's make this a good night people. Make sure you stay safe. Mike and I are headed home. I am working online with the National Weather Service tonight so I won't be chasing." Stuart said.

Mike went and took a quick shower and prepared himself just in case while Stuart set up all his computer equipment and linked it to both his truck and the internet. "Now I am hurt. You did not wait on me." Stuart said as Mike walked back into the breakfast room naked. " If you are all set up you go and take a shower and I will pull together some quick snacks for later and some fresh coffee." Mike said. Sturat walked up and kissed Mike running both hands down and pulling the hairy ass cheeks apart. " Snack huh ?" Stuart said and smiled. "You better go shower before the snacks get cold." Mike said and smiled.

Stuart stood under the warm water. "This has really been fast. Found a man I love, opened an office, hired a secretary. All in just a few weeks. I hope I have done the right thing. Stop analyzing idiot and enjoy." Stuart told himself. Stuart was not a procrastinator but when it came to his personal life and business he always moved very slowly and carefully. Walking down the hall he cold not get the thoughts out of his mind of everyting moving so fast. That was until he turned the corner. All thoughts and fears left him.

"And what do we have here ?" Stuart said as he walked towards the table with his cock growing. Mike was laying on his back on the table with his knees pulled to his chest. "Snack time." Mike said and smiled. Stuart walked up and stood between Mike's legs. He began to run his hands lightly up and down Mike's legs and inner thighs. He reached down and fondled Mike's ball sack until the hard cock began to produce large amounts of pre cum. Leaning over Stuart's heart melted as he heard Mike gasp as he took the leaking cock between his lips. "Careful baby or you will get the finale of that snack pretty quick." Mike whispered. "Mhm." Stuart moaned with a mouth full of cock.

Stuart let the cock free from his lips long enough to wet two of his fingers. He took the hard cock back into his mouth as he slipped the two fingers into Mike's ass. Mike began to roll around on the table. Stuart picked up the pace at both moving up and down on the hard cock and finger fucking Mike's ass. "UUUuuuhhhhhhhhhhh." Mike shouted and arched his back. Forcing his cock deep into Stuart"s mouth he began to shoot his load deep in Stuart's throat and then his mouth. Stuart pulled back and spit some of Mike's cum and his spit into his hand. He lubed his cock well and while Mike's cock twitched and pushed out small amounts of semen Stuart slowly pushed his cock in until his hips spread Mike's ass cheeks as wide as it could.

"Ah fuck baby. You are always so tight." Stuart whispered as he leaned over to kiss Mike. As he began to move his cock in and out of the tight ass. He pulled back a couple of times bringing his cock all the way out and then sliding right back in while the ring still gaped. Mike's legs were on Stuart's shoulders and then down around his waist. The hard cock pounding his sensitive prostate made his legs go wild. Stuart pulled his cock from Mike and pushed him further on the table. "Good thing this is a solid wood and sturdy table." Stuart said as he climbed on the table between Mike's legs. As if it knew it's own way his cock slid back deep inside Mike with no guidance or assistance.

Stuart had one hand around the top of Mike's head and the other under his waist lifting his hips. The deep kiss got more and more passionate. "Oh fuck baby I love you soooooooooo......... ffffuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk." Stuart shouted and pushed his cock as deep inside MIke as possible. The only movement was Stuart's body shake and jerk as his cock expanded and jerked inside Mike as it shot it's hot load. "I love you too baby." Mike whispered. "You have a store manager and I have a secretary. We can have a snack like this anytime we want it." Stuart said and smiled at Mike before leaning over for another kiss. Stuart's heart melted again as Mike moaned every time he flexed his still hard cock deep inside him.

Next: Chapter 25

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