Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 12, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 26

"I think I had rather stay here all day." Stuart said as he smiled down into Mike's eyes and flexed his cock inside him. Mike was still trying to catch his breath. "What are you smiling about ?" Mike said. "I love watching your face just after you orgasm and when I flex my cock inside you, you seem to glow." Stuart said and smiled as he flexed his cock inside Mike once again. "Amazing is the only word for it." Mike said and smiled. " Do we really have to go or can we do this all day ?" Stuart said and leaned over for a light kiss. " We promised. We will be back home tonight and no storms in sight for three days so I promise tonight and tomorrow you can keep me impaled from when we get back until Monday morning. " Mike said. "If I can have that then I can give up part of a day for the rodeo." Stuart said.

"Did you hear something ?" Kurt asked. "Heard my dick churning the butter I just deposited." Carl said as with his arms wrapped around Kurt's body and his massive cock softening inside Kurt. "No, I heard a car or something on the gravel." Kurt said. "GGGgrrrrr. I will go see. This better be damn good." Carl said as he pulled back and his softening cock slipped free of it's warm tight resting place. Carl wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for the other end of the house. He looked out the kitchen window. "Who the hell is this ?" Carl whispered. In the drive was an older model Altima. The car was dark red but had a black passenger door and what looked like a white trunk. There was a small amount of smoke coming from under the hood of the car as it sat. A figure appeared from the driver's side. "Well I will be damn. BABY IT'S DARYL." Carl called out loud enough for Kurt to hear.

"Now this is a surprise." Carl said as he opened the door. "I was trying to surprise Nick. It took me longer to get here than I thought." Daryl said. "Hey buddy. You are back early." Kurt said. "Just a quick trip. I wanted to surprise Nick at the rodeo. I didn't know where it was so I came here to get directions." Daryl said. "What is that smell ?" Kurt said. "Probably my car. I need to check the oil and water before I try to go any further. I stopped last night and slept for a couple of hours. I think I was still in Oklahoma. I filled all the fluids then." Daryl said. "No offense but what in the world made you try to make a trip like this in that car ?" Carl said. "The only car I had and I had to come." Daryl said and lowered his head. "I understand." Kurt said. " You do ? " Carl said. "I would get in a car just like that if that was the only way I could visit you." Kurt said. " But that's crazy." Carl said. "Oh so you would not drive a car like that on a trip if that was the only way to see me ?" Kurt said. " I didn't mean it that way. I ... Uh... I mean." Carl started. " Can it lover before you dig a hole. " Kurt said and laughed. "Whew." Carl said.

" So are you here to stay ?" Carl asked. "No, I had two days of vacation left. I took one of them. I have to be back Monday night. I will go in at eleven at night and get off around ten in the morning Wednesday." Daryl said. "Wait Wednesday. Why so long ?" Kurt asked. "Inspection is Wednesday morning. I told my manager I would help through inspection. Then I will go back and work Thursday from seven in the morning until three so the manager can take the day off. Next Friday is my last day and it will be my last vacation day. I plan on leaving that Friday morning for the last time headed this way." Daryl said. "Can't be too damn soon. I need you to get here so Nick will stop moping." Carl laughed. " Grab your stuff and take a shower. If you don't mind you can ride with us to the rodeo. We are coming back tonight but Nick and Rigs are coming back tomorrow. You can decide if you are coming back with us or them." Kurt said. " Yeah you ride with us and you can sleep on the way. Just pull your car over to the side of the house." Carl said. "The battery is bad. Can I get a jump ?" Daryl said. "It is fine right there. Wait on the jump until it's needed." Kurt said.

Daryl showered and then Kurt and Carl showered together. " Baby what do you think of Daryl taking my car back to Alabama. It's not the greatest either but mechanically it is almost new. I have my new truck I can drive to school for a week." Kurt said as Carl slowly washed Kurt's ass in the shower. " Baby you can give it to him. I have been wanting to hit it with one of the tractors since you got the truck so you couldn't drive it." Carl said as he slipped a soapy finger inside Kurt. " You better not hit my car. I still have a couple of years of school and I don't want to put that many miles on my truck. Plus it loves gas and my car doesn't." Kurt said. "We will get you something to drive back and forth to school but I will be relieved to see you driving the truck instead of that car." Carl said. " I love you cowboy." Kurt said. "Love you to babe." Carl said and kissed Kurt's shoulder.

Carl lost the argument and ended up driving. They met Mike and Stuart at the store. "Come here let me show you something." Kurt said. Mike and Stuart walked over to the truck and Kurt pointed to the back seat. Daryl lay on a pillow sound asleep. "When did he get here ?" Mike asked. "About an hour ago." Carl said. "I didn't think he was supposed to be back until next weekend." Mike said. "He has to be back Monday. He said he would be leaving next Friday moving here." Kurt said. "So he came just for the weekend ?" Stuart said. "Just for the rodeo." Kurt said. "That is crazy." Stuart said. "I would have." Mike said. " You would have come all this way for the rodeo ?" Stuart said. " No lover I would have come all this way just to see you." Mike said. "Oh so he is here to see Nick." Stuart said. "And he is the one with a doctorate." Mike said looking at Carl and Kurt causing them to laugh. Carl had already gotten his education from Kurt on what he would do for Carl.

Arriving at the Rodeo over an hour and half later they left Daryl sleeping in the turck. It was just after ten so it was not hot outside. They knew that Nick and Rigs would not compete until around twelve in their first rounds. "Hey guys. I am glad that you were able to make it." Rigs said as the group walked up. "Nick I need a favor." Kurt said. "Sure big boss. What's up ?" Nick asked. "Take my key. Your boss man decided I needed a real work out before we came up here. I didn't think I would need my bleacher cushion but it is going to be a must. We parked in the second row. Do you mind going and getting my cushion for me? It's in the back seat." Kurt said. "But....." Carl started before getting a jab in the ribs. "Yeah in the back seat." Carl said.

The group moved over to the fence in the area the performers were set up so they could watch the current action. Rigs walked up and placed an arm around a small man that was sitting on the fence. "Guys this is Brody. He competes in roping." Rigs said. "Damn he is little." Carl whispered. Rigs introduced him to each in the group. Brody jumped down from the fence. If he had not had on boots and cowboy hat he may not pass as a cowboy. The hat raised his height to probably five foot five. The heavy rope rolled up and on his shoulder might have made him top one hundred thirty five pounds. You could tell that he was muscular with such a small frame it had to be all muscle and no room for fat.

Stuart and Carl were the two that noticed that he had a cute bubble butt that filled his jeans to the max. Removing his hat Kurt almost gasped as the head full of bright blonde hair came into view. "He looks more like a surfer than a cowboy." Mike whispered to Kurt. "They say he has won the national roping title two years running. " Kurt whispered back. "He is cute as a button though." Mike said. "Yeah that smile is as big as he is and I have never seen Rigs look so happy." Kurt said. About that time Nick came up grinning from ear to ear dragging Daryl with him. "And this must be Daryl. That could be the only one to make that ugly mug of Nick's grin so big." Brody said. "You must be Brody. I have heard a lot about you." Daryl said. "I hope you didn't listen to a word this cowboy said about me." Brody said leaning into Rigs and lightly pushing him before standing back up.

Brody was up first out of the group. They all watched from the stands as he rode out and roped the calf. A collected "damn" came from them all as he sprang from the saddle and landed on his feet. Within seconds the calf was flipped, roped and his hands in the air. "Alright ropers. You better step your game up. Two time national champion Brody just broke his own record by one point three seconds." The announcer said which brought roars from the stadium and the small group.

The guys had to chuckle when he was able to return to the group. Rigs grabbed him and lifted him up and kissed him on the lips with a passionate kiss as he turned the two in a circle. Brody's feet were nowhere near the ground with Rigs' six foot or better height. Placing Brody back on the ground he released the kiss. " Sorry. I got a little carried away." Rigs whispered. "No complaints here." Brody whispered back.

About an hour later it was time for Nick. Daryl walked over with him as he mounted the horse. Nick was riding bronks in the rodeo and Rigs was riding bulls. Daryl leaned over as if he was going to kiss Nick. "No baby. Just blow me one. If you kiss me I will be riding this damn horse with a hard cock and that might hurt. " Nick said. " Alright I will ride that hard cock later." Daryl said and blew him a kiss. "UGH." Nick growled and then smiled. Yeah he could feel his cock wanting to grow inside the tight jeans after the comment.

Daryl chewed his nails as the gate opened and Nick and the horse left the shoot. The buzzer went off and Daryl gasped as Nick fell off the horse. One of the men at the gate grabbed Daryl's arm to keep him from running into the arena. Nick was quick to his feet and used his hat to beat the dust from his shirt and jeans. Daryl's heart was about to jump out of his chest as NIck climbed over the fence. Grabbing him and holding him so tight he could barely breathe, Nick smiled to himself. "I am alright baby. It was fun." Nick said. "And I promise. No bruised dick." Nick whispered. Daryl still held him tight but reached down and fondled the bulge through the skin tight jeans.

Rejoining the group were many hand shakes and pats on the back. " Looks like Nick is running a close second guys. This ride was only one point behind our leader so pull out your best game guys." the announcer said. "Two down. One in first and one in second." Kurt said. "Leave it to the big boss to apply the pressure." Rigs laughed. Kurt smiles as he looked at Rigs leaning against the fence with Brody backed up beside him and Rigs hand resting on a firm ass cheek.

Mike had won the argument with Carl and offered to buy pulled pork sandwiches for all the guys. Brody won the argument when Rigs stated that he did not want to eat before riding. "If you don't eat you WILL NOT get on that bull. Got it ?" Brody said. Brody walked with Mike, Kurt and Daryl to get the sandwiches and chips. "You and Rigs seem to be pretty close." Mike said. " Yeah he seems to be a good guy but I only see him a few times a year." Brody said. "Have you two had sex ?" Daryl asked. "Ummm.. no." Brody said and blushed. " Well that man is head over heels over you. He talks about you all the time. You need to climb on top of that cowboy and tame him. I did Nick." Daryl said. "To the point I see." Mike laughed. " Hey I almost waited too late and look at you. You waited until you were around for forty. Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way." Daryl said. " No you are right but I got the best when I waited." Mike said and smiled.

"I travel from show to show. Tried to get a job roping but look at me. If you don't see me in the ring then I don't have a chance at a job like that." Brody said. " Well you may just have that chance. We are expanding and having to bring on more hands. Can you ride, rope and drive a tractor ?" Kurt said. "All of that why ?" Brody said. "You think about it and if you think there is something good between you and Rigs then I can offer you a full time job. You may have to bunk with Rigs but I don't think he will complain." Kurt said. "Serious ?" Brody said. "I am the K in C and K farms. I do the hiring." Kurt said. " Rigs said that Carl was the boss but you were the big boss." Brody said. "Oh no Carl is the BIG one by far." Daryl said and laughed. " We have a great community that is very accepting. I own a store that Daryl is about to take over the management and Stuart is a storm chaser and has an office in town." Mike said. "Storm chaser with a doctorate. I am in school to be a meteorologist. I think you would love it there but I want you to think about you and Brody and then come talk to me." Kurt said.

Lunch had settled and it was time for Rigs to ride. Brody left with him to stay at the gate until he was released. " I think we may have a new farm hand." Kurt said. " I owe you a twenty Stuart." Carl said. "Gladly take it my friend. " Stuart laughed. "Twenty ? Why ?" Mike asked. "We had a bet. Carl said that Kurt would offer Brody a job late this afternoon. I bet he would by lunch. I won." Stuart said. " You are not mad ?" Kurt said. "Baby it's C and K farms for a reason. No I am not mad. What did he say ?" Carl asked. "There were conditions. Just like with my job." Daryl said. "Conditions ?" Nick asked. " The condition was that I wanted to spend my life with you. Brody was given sort of the same conditions." Daryl said. "Rigs is going to flip out." Nick said. "Not a word to him until Brody talks to one of us. If he declines I don't want Rigs hurt." Kurt said.

The gate opened and Rigs had drawn one of the worst two bulls in the competition. All eyes were on him as the bull began to buck. The bull seemed to be on steroids tossing Rigs all over the place trying to dismount him. Rigs was able to maintain his riding style and the buzzer rang. Three seconds later Rigs found his opportunity to jump from the bull and roll across the arena. Nick jumped and took his hat off and waved it in the air hooping and hollering. "What ?" Kurt asked. "Rigs rode through the buzzer. He is the only one that has made it to the buzzer. There is one more rider. If he doesn't make it then Rigs gets the national championship." Carl said. "Wow." Stuart said who had been trying to figure out the shouting. A couple of minutes later the next rider left the gate. The stadium was almost silent. The rider was thrown from the bull a full two seconds before the buzzer sounded. The arena and a small group of men began shouting. "Rigs, Rigs, Rigs." "Folks, we have a new national champion. Way to go Rigs from C & K Farms." the announcer said.

"What are you doing ?" Daryl said and smiled as he saw Nick standing near the window of a horse trailer with a camper built on the front part. "Shhh." Nick said. As Daryl got closer he could hear voices and see the trailer moving slightly. "Yeah ride it cowboy. Ride that cowboy dick." Rigs was saying. There was moaning and the sound of skin slapping. "Yeah, thats it. Squeeze that cowboy pussy around my dick. Ahh. Fuck. Ride it cowboy." Rigs said. Daryl walked over and got on his tiptoes to try to peak in the window. "Oh shit. We can't do that but it looks fun." Daryl whispered. Nick peaked in and turned to Daryl. "Why can't we do that ?" Nick said and reached down and rubbed one of Daryl's ass cheeks. " Um I may be smaller than you but I am nowhere near as small as him. I weigh too much." Daryl whispered. "My baby is light as a feather." Nick said picking Daryl up and throwing him over his shoulder.

Rigs was so excited that Brody was as limber as he was. Brody's legs were wrapped around Rigs waist. Brody had a tight grip on Rigs arms as he lay back and Rigs held his hands under his shoulders and pounding his cock in and out of Brody. "Fuck yeah ride that cowboy dick." Rigs growled. "Oh fuck. So big. That cowboy dick is so big inside me." Brody moaned. Brody was nervous to begin with because he loved wearing lace panties. When Brody walked back into the main area of the camper wearing the lace panties he opened his arms. "You may not like it but this is me." Brody said. "Wow. You mean I can buy my sexy cowboy lacy panties ?" Rigs said and licked his lips. "So you like it ?" Brody asked. " Well as soon as I modify them they will be perfect. Rigs took a pair of scissors and cut a slit up the ass of the panties and then cut an "x" in the front and pulled Brody's cock through it.

Brody still wore the lacy panties with Rgis cock buried deep inside his ass and Rigs would pull one hand back at times and spit in his palm and jack Brody's cock. Rigs could feel his orgasm building. His legs began getting weak and he quickly sat on the couch taking Brody fully impaled on his dick. "Ahhhhhh... Fuck that cowboy dick is so good deep in my ass. So big." Brody whined. " And baby that cowboy pussy is so tight on my big cowboy dick. You like riding a real cowboy ?" Brody said. "Mhm." Brody whined. Rigs leaned forward and took one of Brody's hairless nipples in between his lips and began to suck hard on it. He tweaked the hard nipple with his tongue and jacked Brody's cock as fast as he could. "UUUUUUGgggghhh AAAAAhhhhhhhh........ fffuuuuuu...." Brody shouted as he forced his body down onto Rigs' cock, pressed his head into the nipple as hard as he could and rode the orgasm as Rigs feverously jacked his cock. Brody smiled around the nipple as he felt the warm seed shooting between the two from Brody. Brody's insides began to spasm on his covered cock along with the ass ring gripping his cock in a death grip. "FFFFFuuuucccckkkkkkkk." Rigs shouted as his cock began to fill the condom deep inside Brody.

The two had barely regained their breath when Rigs pulled Brody from his still hard cock. He stood Brody in front of him and licked up his body cleaning all the semen Brody had shot. "Mmm. Best cowboy juice in the country," Rigs moaned. He then turned Brody around and bent him over. He ripped the lace panties to where they were just hanging there. "I will buy you a truck load of these." he whispered just before shoving his face in between Brody's ass cheeks and pushed his tongue through the twitching, stretched ring. After about five minutes Rigs pulled his face back and pulled Brody into his lap. Brody reached down and pulled the filled condom from the softening cock. "This cowboy likes to eat his cowboy pussy before and after. I really enjoy eating it out until I am ready to fuck it again." Brody said. "That can be arranged." Brody said and he leaned over for a kiss. He made a funny face when he pulled his head back. "Yeah the lube on these condoms is not that tasty." Rigs said and smiled. "We will have to see what we can do about getting rid of those." Brody said. "You mean that ?" Rigs said and grinned. "Just for you." Brody said. "YEE HAW. My cowboy is going to let me breed him. Make him all mine." Rigs said before quickly pushing Brody back onto the couch and laying on top of him for their first slow and very sensual kiss.

Next: Chapter 27

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