Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 16, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 27

The group had gathered once again. It was almost time for Nick to ride again in the finals. Rigs and Brody had already won in their categories so they would only have to stay for the ceremonies the next day. Nick had to ride one more time and would be able to use his best time from the two events. The ropers rode a second go around but Brody had decided to hold his first time which did well for him and he still won. The bull riders got only one chance in their designated class so Rigs was done.

Kurt elbowed Carl as Rigs came walking up. He could tell from his stride that his package was uncomfortable in the tight jeans. "Have fun ?" Kurt said. "You know how it goes. Get a good ride on a cowboy cock and you can't get enough." Rigs whispered and smiled. "So you finally got inside those jeans." Carl laughed. "Inside the jeans. Inside the cowboy." Rigs said. "Where is Brody ?" Kurt asked. " Trying to get his land legs back. Takes a few minutes after you ride the cowboy train." Rigs said. "There will be no living anywhere near you now." Kurt laughed.

Rigs went over to help build Nick's confidence with Daryl. Kurt and Mike had to keep from laughing because it was fairly clear from the way he walked that Brody had ridden something other than his horse. "Alright there buddy ?" Mike asked. " He is something else. I will be fine." Brody said and blushed. "Yeah never rode it but he definitely isn't little compared to a lot." Kurt said and smiled. "Ain't that the truth." Brody said and smiled. "You alright little buddy ?" Carl asked. "Oh I am just great. Ahh.. umm. About that job ?" Brody said. "If you are interested you can start as soon as you can get packed up and move to the farm." Carl said. "He knows ?" Brody said looking at Kurt. "It is C & K Farms for a reason. C knows "MOST" of what K does." Kurt laughed. "Well everything I own is in the truck and trailer. Guess I can check around for boarding my horse." Brody said. "We already have stables. How does yours get along with others ?" Carl asked. "He is a gelding. He might even be like his owner and want some stallion attention." Brody laughed. "He will be fine then. Just keep up his area and buy his food." Carl said.

"So it looks like we are getting a new neighbor." Mike said. " I have flirted with that cowboy for three years. He only noticed two years ago and then he was a little awkward about flirting back. Hell this is the gay rodeo. I need to thank Daryl for making him jealous." Brody said. "Daryl ?" Stuart asked. "I really think that Rigs was more worried about Nick being alone than being happy himself. Now that he has Daryl, Rigs is a different man around me. All hands kind of man but I like that too." Brody said.

"So when will you be moving ?" Mike asked. "Not sure. According to when the big boss and the boss want me to start. Don't have anywhere to go and pack up anything. I have lived in the camper riding the circuit for two years." Brody said. "You can follow them back tomorrow if you like. It's up to you if you tell Rigs or surprise him." Kurt said. "I want to talk to him about it first. It's his home. I do not want to muscle in without him agreeing." Brody said. "Hell boy all he has talked about is you for over two years. He starts counting the days from one event tot he next. Hell he will probably drive your truck so you don't get lost." Carl said and laughed. "That would be fine too." Brody said. All attention turned to the ring as Nick's ride was called.

Nick added two more seconds to his first ride which cemented his second place in the nationals. "I was hoping he would win." Mike said. " Oh do not worry about Nick. He is over the moon just placing and getting second is even better than he ever hoped for." Carl said. "As long as he is not disappointed." Stuart said. About that time Rigs walked back up. Placing his arm around Brody. "That son of a bitch is over the moon. I think he is happier than either me or Brody and we got the championships." Rigs said. "Are you sure ?" Kurt asked. "Look." Rigs said and they saw Nick carrying Daryl back to the group. "Yep he is happy." Carl said and laughed.

Stuart and Carl decided they would split the bill to carry everyone out to eat for a celebratory dinner. The waitress was very flirty. That many hot men at one table made sure they got the best service possible. They laughed quietly wondering if she realized that it was the gay rodeo in town and it was a table full of couples of men. "I propose a toast. I look around the table and I see winners in some form everywhere I look. Tonight is for the rodeo winners. Awesome riding guys and congratulations on your wins." Mike said. "Here, here." the group said as they raised their tea glasses. "I think I speak for the three of us when I say thank you for coming to watch us compete. I also want to thank big boss and boss for bringing me such a sexy surprise." Nick said. "Yes thank you all for coming. Today has been an amazing day all the way around." Rigs said. "I just bet it has been for you." Kurt said and smiled.

The dinner was just what was needed. "Daryl, we are going to do a little quick shopping since we are in the city. We will be leaving in about an hour and half headed back. If you want to ride with us you can either go with us or we can come back to the arena and pick you up." Kurt said. " Do you mind picking him up ?" Nick asked. "Not at all. Probably be about an hour and half." Kurt said. Stuart and Mike said their goodbyes and headed home from the Restaurant. Carl and Kurt stood beside the truck as the other four loaded into Rigs truck to head back to the arena. "Want to get a room ?" Carl said and rubbed one of Kurt's ass cheeks. "No sweetie, you are taking me shopping. We have a whole house at home and you will get your reward in a couple of hours." Kurt said. "You were serious about shopping ?" Carl said. "Hobby Lobby here we come. I have a house to decorate." Kurt said. "Lord help me." Carl said and laughed.

Carl had made peace with himself that Kurt was probably going to go crazy shopping. There were many things that Kurt picked up and then placed back on the shelf. "Go ahead and get it." Carl said. "Nah. They will put it on sale." Kurt said. "But you may not be here when they do." Carl said. "Baby it is called online shopping." Kurt said. Carl began to pay more attention to the cute ass stuffed in the jeans more than anything Kurt put in the cart. " We may get kicked out if you keep playing with my ass." Kurt said. "Baby remember two things. The gay rodeo is in town and this is Hobby Lobby. There are more jealous shoppers than offened ones." Carl said leaning over and kissing his cheek. "You have a point there." Kurt said and laughed.

Carl and Kurt tried to lift Daryl's spirits on the ride home. Daryl tried to cover his mood but it was just too overwhelming. They did not arrive back at the farm until about ten that night. "I am going to pull out as soon as you guys get up in the morning." Daryl said. "I will fix a good breakfast and a sack lunch for you." Kurt said. "Thanks but I will not have time for that. I will just need a jump when you guys wake up." Daryl said. "Carl and I have talked about it. You are coming back next week so you are taking my car back instead of yours." Kurt said. "Thanks guys but I can't ask you to do anything like that. You need your car." Daryl said. "He has his truck to drive back and forth to school. Would not hurt my feelings if you lost that car between here and Alabama." Carl said. "HEY. I drive that to keep the miles down on my truck." Daryl said.

"Look over there. One tire,almost flat. Not even sure if it will run once it is cranked. Sorry but that heap stays here. Nick would kick our asses if he knew we let you leave in that." Kurt said. "Sorry but that's all I have." Daryl said. "Not picking on what you have. Kurt's car was in bad mechanical shape but we had it gone over with a fine tooth comb. It may not look new but mechanically it is as good as a new one." Carl said. "Thanks but I had rather take my chances with mine." Daryl said. "You try and leave in that car and I will figure out how to run that backhoe and crush it." Kurt said. "You both are amazing friends. Thank you both. I will leave shortly then so I can get started back." Daryl said. "No you go to NIck's duplex. Get a shower and take a nap. I will pack you some food and I will wake you about four in the morning." Kurt said. "Will you be up ?" Daryl asked. "As horny as this cowboy is I am sure that I will still be up. I am sure that he will be. Well at least the lower half will still be up." Kurt laughed. Carl helped Daryl move what he needed from his car to Kurt's.

Nick lay naked in his bed. He had one arm behind his head and one across his stomach. His hard cock lay against his hand on his belly. His and Rigs camper / horse hauler was set up facing Brody's. The camp ground was silent except for the grunting and shouts from the trailer next to him as Rigs and Brody sealed their relationship as many times as Rigs could get hard again. Nick had to laugh a couple of times because he would hear an "Ah shit. Keep on." after it sounded like a piece of furniture crashed under the pressure. He dozed off dreaming of Daryl not knowing that Daryl was asleep in his bed at home with his pillow hugged to his face so he could be surrounded by Nick's scent.

Nick laughed as he watched Rigs and then Brody walk to the stand to receive their metals and checks. Both men walked as though they had been riding bulls all night. In any other rodeo it would have been more obvious but with it being a gay rodeo he noticed that quite a few had celebrated balls deep in one way or another the night before. He was even less surprised that Rigs drove the truck behind him bringing Brody to the farm to see if he was interested in the job. As they turned off the highway onto the main strip to head through the small town he slowed when he saw all the cars at Mike's store. "What the hell ?" he thought until he saw the flashing sign. "CONGRATULATIONS. Rigs 1st yr National, then Nick 1st yr 2nd place, Brody 3rd year national champion." He slowed the truck and almost jumped as Rigs blew the horn on the truck behind him.

Kurt had made a call to the local associated press agent, named Lizzie. She got the word out and let everyone know that they were meeting at the store to welcome the winners home. Nick was shocked and was not sure what to do. The trucks stopped in the middle of the street as people began to clap and surround the trucks. Rigs was on cloud nine since he knew almost everyone there. Brody on the other hand was scared to death. He spotted Stuart and Carl but they were the only two at that point that he knew and did not know them that well. Lizzie was the first to pull Nick from his truck and give him a big hug. Releasing Nick she headed towards Brody's truck. "Oh fuck. Who is that ?" Brody whispered. "Oh that's Lizzie. Get ready. She looks small but hugs like hell." Rigs said, smiling.

Brody was surprised at how many shook his hand, congratulated him on his win, called him by name and welcomed him to the community. The mayor made a quick speach thanking them for representing their community so well. "Do they know that I am gay ?" Brody whispered to Stuart. "Honey everyone knows that you are with Rigs so you have to be. Wait right here and I will make sure." Lizzie said. She was standing behind them and heard Brody's concern.

"Everybody listen up. I want to be one of the first to welcome Brody to our community. As you all know or are about to know that he and Brody are a couple. Any of you got a problem with that ?" Lizzie said. The crowd was quiet except for a few mumbles. "Thought so. You have an issue. I will be in my store bright and early Monday morning and I will be GLAD to discuss it with you one on one." Lizzie said and stepped down off the trailer. As she walked back up Stuart just laughed. "They know now. Welcome to town." Lizzie said. "You did not do that for me." Stuart said. "You are different. Haven't decided if you can stay yet." Lizzie said. "But you threatened me if I tried to leave." Stuart said. "That was on your own accord. Got nothing to do with me kicking you'r ass out. " Lizzie said and smiled.

"Who was that lady ?" Brody whispered to Kurt as the crowd began to mingle. "Who Lizzie ?" Kurt said. "Yeah who is she ?" Brody asked. "She owns the bakery, sandwich and coffee shop across the street. In this town the Mayor, City council and even the Sheriff are elected but Lizzie runs this place." Kurt said and laughed. "At least she seems to like me." Brody said. "Yeah either Lizzie likes you or you are on her hit list. No in between. You made the good list." Kurt said. "Hit list ?" Brody said. "Might as well be a hit list." Kurt said and laughed. "O.k. I think." Brody said and smiled.

Brody was given a quick tour of the store and an even quicker description of the town. The crowd began to thin and the group headed to the farm. Kurt was careful to warn Nick that Daryl's car was at the bunkhouse. Carl had taken a tractor and dragged the car over to the bunk house so that it was not in the middle of their drive. Nick kept thanking them for putting Daryl in Kurt's car. "Tell him to keep it." Carl said. "Wait, that's my car. I drive it to school to keep the miles down on my truck. Plus it is better on gas." Kurt said. "Don't worry baby I have found you something better." Carl said. " You ARE not buying me a new car." Kurt said. "It's not new so calm down." Carl said and laughed.

Carl had talked to one of the other farmers that had bought an Explorer Sport Track a few years back. They had bought it to use to run back and forth to get supplies. Being a small four door pickup they thought it would be perfect. They realized that it was more costly to run back to the main farm area to swap vehicles when they needed something so the vehicle had been sitting in one of the barns. They would crank it and drive it once a month or so. Carl had already had it checked over by skunk. It was five years old but still had less than twelve thousand miles on it. With the low miles he hoped that Kurt would like it and it should last him far beyond finishing school. With it being part pick up Kurt would be able to pick up horse feed, salt blocks and other farm supplies when he got out of class.

"I hope that he likes it around here." Kurt said as he prepared dinner. "He seemed to. I did not want to hang around too much and let Rigs show him around." Carl said. "Well he will probably stay then. IF you left it up to Rigs the only tour Brody will get is the bedroom." Kurt laughed. " They rode out on the horses. I figure the full tour of the bedroom will be later." Carl laughed. "I feel so sorry for Nick." Kurt said. "Ah he will be fine. By the time Daryl gets back he and Rigs will be even." Carl said. "Even ?" Kurt said. "Yeah Rigs had to suffer through Daryl's visits wishing he had Brody. Now Nick can suffer through Rigs being happy until Daryl gets back. I just hope he comes back." Carl said.

"OH he will be back. He has a better job. He has a cowboy that loves him and he has my car." Kurt said. "He may decide to stay." Carl said. "Let him. That loaner form I gave him for insurance reasons has an expiration date on it. Do not make me report it as being stolen." Kurt said as he turned and smiled. Carl and Kurt were both naked. Carl got up and walked up behind Kurt and wiggled his hips until his soft cock was good and snug in between Kurt's ass cheeks. "Keep that up cowboy and you will have to call them and tell them dinner will be late. You will have to give me a guided tour of the bedroom." Kurt laughed. "That's alright baby. They can eat sandwiches." Carl said as he swayed his hips with his arms wrapped around Kurt.

The farm hands and their spouses or partners arrived at the house for dinner. Beverly's husband worked on the farm and they lived in one of the duplexes. "Your house is going to be so beautiful when you are done. I hope you don't mind we went over and walked through this weekend. " She said as she helped Kurt. "I don't mind at all. I am really nervous about how it will look when it is finished." Kurt said. "The barn wood walls in the den and the barn wood on the ceiling extension in the kitchen are amazing." she said. "Thank you. Let's just hope the rest matches." Kurt said and laughed.

Kurt sat back and watched as everyone dug in. One thought was hungry pigs been turned out to a full trough. As everyone got started Carl made the formal introductions of Brody and that he had been offered a job to help around the farm. His roping skills would be very he;pful when it was time to brand and band calves. Rigs had already introduced Brody to everyone as they met them around the farm. Beverly had even offered to come and help him dig all the dust out of Rigs and Nick's duplex. Rigs and Nick's duplex was a little different than the main one. Theirs had two master suites with seating areas and shared commons area of kitchen and living room. Beverly and her husband had a full three bedroom duplex and the main bunk house had four bedrooms. Two on each side with a shared bath and a common kitchen and living area. Nick and Rigs discussed the possibility of Brody moving in. They figured there would be no issue with Daryl and Brody living there also since there were separate full master bedroom suites.

Most of the guys stood around drinking beer discussing the work schedule on the farm. Beverly walked back with Brody. "Once you get settled come see me. I have plenty of odds and ends packed up that you can have any you want to make this more of a home." she said. "Thank you. I may wait until Daryl gets here." Brody said. " Well you two are welcome to any of it. We have been here seven years and I have not opened the boxes since." she said and laughed. Once she was gone Brody rushed into the bedroom and pulled his supplies from his duffle bag. Rigs had told him that Nick and Daryl had gone to a same day testing clinic and got tested. They found one in the same town as the rodeo and were both tested before the awards ceremony. They both received a text on the way home that their tests were clear.

NIck stopped at the stables to check on all the horses while Rigs went home in search of Brody. The small man stood naked in their bedroom fresh from the shower. "Now That is one sexy cowboy." Rigs said as he turned and pulled the door shut. "You like ?" Brody said. "Oh yeah this cowboy loves." Rigs said. "Well you go shower first, big boy." Brody said. "Don't you move. Be right back." Rigs said as he was trying to pull his boots off so he could strip.

The shower was quick and Rigs walked back in still drying himself off. "Ah baby fuck me." Rigs said in a low voice. "Not in this position, stud." Brody said. Rigs had laughed at Brody when he saw the large stuffed horse that had been given to him for his win. He was no longer laughing. The horse was almost as long as Brody was tall. He had removed the plastic saddle and was laying across the back of the horse. His weight had the legs of the horse splayed out and Brody lay face down on the horses back wearing only a pair of crotchless lace panties. "You going to just stand there or are you going to bring that horse dick over here and breed this cowboy pussy." Brody said and wiggled his ass as he strattled the stuffed horse.

Next: Chapter 28

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