Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 22, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 3

The store was slow but moderate and Billy decided to turn it over to his employee Hazel. She was a little skeptical of Stuart in the beginning but within an hour Mike felt like the two were ganging up on him. Stuart and Hazel laughed and picked on Mike continuously. Mike and Hazel went over some of the orders that had come in for certain customers. "If you run into an issue just call. " Mike said. "We will be fine. I will keep Kurt busy when he gets here and the two of us can handle it. Besides it looks like you are going to be quite busy this weekend." Hazel said, turning and smiling at Stuart.

"Alright it's time for that lunch. I will drive." Stuart said. "Drive ? It's right there." Mike laughed. Stuart turned and saw the bakery across the street. "I can still drive." Stuart laughed. The two men crossed the street and Stuart opened the door for Mike as the entered the bakery. "Well lookie what the cat done dragged in." a short black lady said. "Hey Lizzie. I was just in here Wednesday." Mike said. "Glad I don't have to depend on you to keep my doors open." Lizzie said. "Me ? When was the last time you were in my store ?" Mike laughed. "I am busy over here I don't have time to visit." Lizzie said. "Your last visit was Monday and I am still waiting for payment for the batteries you needed." Mike said. "Oh you didn't get paid ? Lesson learned. Never trust a short black lady with a dreadlock wig. More important who is this tall, fresh drink of man you brought with you ?" Lizzie said.

"Lizzie meet Stuart. Stuart meet Lizzie. A pain in my side since the third grade. Stuart has rented the apartment attached to my house. He is aprt of a storm chaser team." Mike said. "Apartment. Mike you should be ashamed. Putting this sexy thing out there in that little closet when there is so much room in your house." Lizzie said. "We had planned to eat lunch at some point today Lizzie." Mike laughed. "Keep your panties on. Take a table but keep that man away from my kitchen. As hot as he is he may melt all my frosting back there." Lizzie said. As they sat Stuart was still unsure exactly what to say. "Is she always that way ?" Sturat said. "That was mild. Wait until she gets to know you better." Mike laughed.

They ordered their sandwiches and laughed at Lizzie as she dealt with customers as they came in. Lizzie brought their sandwiches to the table. She took a seat in the chair beside Stuart. "This looks good." Stuart said. "Everything is good at Lizzie's." she said. "I always have to check mine for poison." Mike said. "Keep it up and I will spike it with a laxative." Lizzie said. "It is always this much fun in here ?" Stuart said and laughed. " You gotta be rememberd for something. Mine is cooking and personality." Lizzie said. "I can see why you would be hard to forget." Stuart said. "Thank you sweetheart. Now you piss me off and you will have something else to remember me about." Lizzie laughed.

"So you two went to school together ?" Stuart said. "I moved here to live with my Grandma in the third grade. There was a little group of us. Five girls and Mike." Lizzie said. "We did have some fun." Mike said. "What about the other girls ?" Stuart asked. "A couple still live here and the others not far away. We always get together around Christmas every year. We also all try to meet at the Homecoming game at the High school every year." Mike said. "Looks like we are going to have a plus one this year." Lizzie said. "Lizzie." Mike growled. "Mike sweetie me and the girls have known your truth since the seventh grade. Hell everyone in town knows your truth but it's yours to tell not ours." Lizzie said. "His truth ?" Stuart said. "Honey you are so like Mike. Neither of you play dumb well." Lizzie laughed and stood and headed back to the kitchen.

The men finished their meal and Stuart went to the register to pay. Mike cleared the table as Stuart paid. "You seem to be a nice guy. You hurt my friend and I will pull this wig off and beat your ass in the middle of the street and when I get tired I have a whole county that will be in line behind me." Lizzie said in a serious voice. "That is the last thing I would ever do. The ball is in his court." Stuart said. "Ah shit. This may be a long process then." Lizzie said as she handed Stuart his credit card slip. "See you later Lizzie. As always it was delicious." Mike called out as he reached the door. Stuart instinctively placed his hand at the small of Mike's back as they stood there. "Lower their handsome." Lizzie said. "Excuse me ?" Stuart said and smiled. "Hand. Lower." Lizzie said pointing towards his hand and wiggling his finger telling him to lower it. "This ?" Stuart said as he moved his hand to Mike's ass cheek. "Much better now you two have fun. Don't do anything I would do." Lizzie said. "LIZZIE." Mike said loudly. "Honey we all grown here. I got mine at home and if he ain't willing I can do just like you and reach in the bottom drawer of the night stand." Lizzie said and laughed. "LIZZIE." Mike said again.

"I am so sorry about all that. I should have known Lizzie would be her true self." Mike said as they crossed the street. "I enjoyed it. I bet she is something else with a few drinks in her." Stuart said. "A few drinks in Lizzie and it's time for us all to leave." Mike laughed. "What are your plans for this afternoon ?" Mike asked. " I need to unpack real quick and do a little paperwork but then I was wondering if you could show me around. Back roads and such that I may need to know about." Stuart said. "I can do that. It's Friday and I have three elderly shut-ins that I need to run a few errands for. That will take a couple of hours at most." Mike said. "If you don't mind just check with me when you get home. I should be done by then." Stuart said. "Sounds good. I will see you at home." Mike said as Stuart opened his truck door. "See you at home. Enjoy the thought while you can." Mike thought as he turned the corner of the building headed for his own truck.

Stuart made it back to his apartment. He picked up his lap top but could not get the words out of his head. "We know your truth" is what Lizzie said. "What was that site ?" Stuart sat and wondered. He got up and walked over to Mike's house. He felt like a thief or a stalker. He quickly found the piece of paper that had story names on it. Back in his apartment he googled the site Nifty. "Ah. Let's see." Stuart said. He saw the different categories. He skipped the lesbian but started with bisexual. "Nope non of those stories there." he thought. He clicked on the gay male and under Beginnings he saw a title he recognized. "Now clue two. His truth must be he is gay. Thank you Jesus." Stuart said and began reading.

Stuart was unaware of the time until he heard a car door shut. He had lay on the bed and began to read. He had not remembered removing his shorts and shirt while he read and was at that moment stroking his hard cock. "Shit this is good. I am going to have to remember a couple of those positions. Hot as hell." he said as he jumped to his feet and headed into the master bath. Washing his face with cold water did the trick and brought his cock to it's flaccid state once again. Quickly dressing he walked out in the backyard. Mike was over in the corner near the grill. "You get your errands done ?" Stuart asked. "All done. If you like ribs you are welcome to eat dinner with me tonight. That is unless you have plans." Mike said. "Love ribs and love the company. Can I fix anything ? I still haven't done any grocery shopping." Stuart said. "Go it all handled. Going to mix the baked beans so they can marinate, potatoes are already peeled and cut soaking in water. When we get back I can cook the beans and make the potato salad and mix the slaw while the beans cook. The ribs will be ready in the smoker by then." Mike said. "You make it sound so easy." Stuart said.

Stuart insisted on driving. They would be taking some narrow dirt roads so that he could learn short cuts and also quick exit routes if he were caught to close to a storm. He wanted to drive so he could make a mental note of the feel of each of the roads. Stuart tried his best to concentrate. His arm would rest against Mike's on the console most of the time. Mike had turned slightly in his seat towards Stuart and was unaware that the tip of his cock was visible through the leg of his shorts. On one of the long straight roads Stuart almost lost control. He was able to turn more often to look at Mike and when he smiled big he happened to look down and see a clear drop of liquid form on the tip of the exposed cock head. "Oh holy fuck. I got me a leaker. HELL YES." his mind screamed until he realized he was drifting out of his lane.

They arrived back at the house just after five. "I have a couple of reports to email off and then I will be in to help you." Stuart said. "No hurry. It won't take much but the beans have to cook for over an hour so I would say we eat around seven." Mike said. "Sounds good but I will come over and help shortly." Stuart said. "Sounds like a plan." Mike said. "Thank you." Stuart said. "You haven't tasted my ribs yet." Mike laughed. "I am sure they will be amazing. Everything else is. I want to thank you for showing me all the dirt roads and pig trails." Stuart said. "Anytime." Mike said as he turned and headed in his back door.

Stuart fired off the email answers quickly. He was not really sure if they were correct or not because his mind was on that pretty mushroom cock head and the drop of pre cum at the tip he could not dare reach out and taste. In the shower he gritted his teeth and moaned as he stroked his enraged cock. "That's it baby. Get comfortable on that big cock and ride." Stuart growled as his cock began to spary a heavier load than ever onto the shower wall. With his hand on the shower wall with his head lowered he used that hand to balance himself as his body shook in orgasm aftershocks.

Stuart stood in the bedroom trying to decide what he wanted to wear. "He said he enjoyed being nude. Time to test that theory before he deposits the rent check." Stuart said. At the door Stuart took a deep breath and grabbed the knob. He felt energized stepping out into the outdoors completely naked except for flip flops. "Knock, Knock." Stuart called out as he entered the back door. "In here." Mike said. He stood with his back to Mike as he stirred the potato salad. Stuart walked over to the breakfast table. A birthday card lay on the table opened. "Who's birthday ?" Stuart said. "Mine." Mike said with his back still to Stuart. "You should have told me it was your birthday." Stuart said. "Next Sunday. When the girls and I meet at Christmas we sign a bunch of cards and everybody gets a birthday card every day for the week before their ......" Mike said as the metal spoon hit the floor with a loud clank.

Mike stood frozen looking at the naked Greek God in his kitchen reading the birthday card. Stuart looked up. "Oh sorry. Didn't mean to read your mail." Stuart said. "Umm.. No..." Mike tried to mumble out. "Hope I am dressed appropriately. You said you liked to be naked and this is my second day here and no naked Mike." Stuart said. "You are right. I guess I just..." Mike tried to say. Stuart walked over and picked up the spoon from the floor. Mike almost passed out watching the beautiful cock and balls sway as the Greek God walked towards him. Stuart stood close enough to Mike for him to feel his body heat as he dropped the spoon in the sink. "Your turn." Stuart said. "Um.. well I need to shower to get this.... ummm smoke smell from the smoker." Mike said. "Get a move on. I will finish this and take care of the bread. Go shower." Stuart said.

"Afternoon Hazel." Lizzie said as she walked through the door. "Hey Lizzie. Looks like you have had a busy day over there." Hazel said. "Thank goodness it's Friday. You seem to have a steady flow here too." Lizzie said. "Yeah Mike will be happy. Busier than normal but they have been coming in mostly to see if they can get a glimpse of the storm chaser." Hazel laughed. "Yeah about him." Lizzie said looking around the store. "Yeah he is a hot number isn't he ?" Hazel said. "He is a hot number." Lizzie said. "Yeah and he watches every step that Mike takes too. I think this is the one Lizzie." Hazel said. "The one what ?" Kurt said as he approached the counter. "Grown ups talking little boy." Lizzie said. "Now Mrs. Lizzie." Kurt said.

"He doesn't take his eyes off Mike. He has that look like he could eat him alive." Hazel said. "I noticed that." Lizzie said. "Eww." Kurt said. "You listen to me little boy. You say anything or any of those dumb ass little firends have anything to say about Mike and Stuart I promise I will slap that little boy grin off your fast so hard and so fast your Mama will forget she even had you. You got me ?" Lizzie said. "I wouldn't dare Mrs. Lizzie." Kurt said. "Well you better spread the word around your little friends because if I found out they even thought something that anyone beside God could hear that I will do the same to them. You got me boy ?" Lizzie said. "Yes Ma'am you are scary Mrs. Lizzie." Kurt said. "You remind your friends of that when you tell them. Lizzie don't give a good hooters damn who any of these kids folks are. Remind them of that too." Lizzie said. "Yes Ma'am Mrs Lizzie." Kurt said. Lizzie headed back across the street to her store. "Damn. I went to pay for those batteries and forgot all about it. Oh well."

Mike stood in the shower with the hot water cascading over his body. He was so nervous he had begun to shake. "He is fucking gorgeous and then look at me." kept screaming in his head. Finally realizing that he had taken a long time under the water he turned it off and began to dry off. He stood naked in front of the mirror and his body began to shake even worse. He had to take his eyes off the mirror and look down at the sink. Stuart walked into the bathroom. "I took the beans out but I can't figure out how to turn the buzzer off." Stuart said causing Mike to jump. Mike quickly covered his private parts and turned away so Stuart could not see his face or chest. "Holy shit. That is one gorgeous ass." Stuart thought and licked his lips.

"I'm embarrassed." Mike whispered. "Why would you say that ?" Stuart said. "Look. I can't stand what I see and no one else does either." Mike said turning around facing the mirror. "Wow. I disagree." Stuart said stepping up behind Mike. "I look in this mirror every day and hate what I see." Mike said. Stuart moved up so that his chest was against Mike's back. His semi hard cock rested in the small of Mike's back. "Not so fast. I see a sweet, kind, caring and absolutly fucking gorgeous man in the mirror and standing in front of me." Stuart said and lightly ran his hand over Mike's chest and stomach. "What about this ?" Mike said reaching down and grabbing his small love handles and squeezing. "I love them." Stuart said lightly rubbing both hands over the small pudges.

"You are kind. Don't worry I am not going to tear up your check and kick you out." Mike said. Stuart turned Mike to face him and pushed his body back into Mike. His semi hard cock was pressed against Mike's stomach. "You can kick me out but I will come back. You are sexy as hell and if you give me permission I would like to get to know everything about you and every inch of you." Stuart said and leaned over and lightly kissed Mike. MIke moaned in the light kiss because Stuart had reached one hand around and had it in between Mike's ass cheeks circling his ass ring. "Now sexy there are some exotic smelling ribs in the kitchen calling my name. You ready to eat ?" Stuart said. "Yeah let me get dressed." Mike said. "You are already dressed. Come on." Stuart said taking Mike by the hand and pulling him towards the kitchen.

Dinner was amazing and they sat naked on the couch watching a movie. It had gotten late and Stuart was lost running his fingers up and down Mike's naked body. "Alright I hate this but I need to get some shut eye." Stuart said standing and reaching out and pulling Mike to his feet. He held Mike's hand until they got to the door. He turned and looked into Mike's eyes. Mike lowered his head and Stuart reached down and lifted his chin. "Time for a proper goodnight kiss." Stuart said as he leaned forward. When Stuart's tongue finally breached Mike's teeth Mike just melted into the tall handsome man. The tan lines were as sexy ei Mike as the rest of the man. Stuart enjoyed himself as one hand held one ass cheek and the other circled Mike's ass ring. Breaking the kiss Stuart looked down into Mike's glassy eyes. "Night sexy." he said as he reached down and swiped his finger over the tip of Mike's cock. Bringing his finger to his lips he licked the pre cum off. "Oh yes. Sweet AND sexy. Good night. See you tomorrow." Stuart said leaving Mike standing there speechless.

"Oh Stu..... Oh Stuart..." Stuart heard over a speaker in his apartment. MIke had installed and intercom system during the remodel. Apparently since it had never been used he did not realize the microphone was still on from installation. "Stuart... oh Stuart." came over the speaker. Stuart pressed the button. "Mike... Mike is everything alright ?" Stuart said. "There was no reply due to the microphone being activated from the house. "Oooooohhhhh." came next. Stuart quickly headed for the door and across the breezeway. Entering the house he could hear moans. He headed down the hall but realized they were moans of pleasure and not pain. Looking around the edge of the door he could see Mike on the bed with his feet in the air. One hand jacked his cock while he finger fucked himself with the other. "Oh fuck me Stu. Harder, harder baby. breed me and make me yours." Mike almost shouted as he arched his back. Stuart caught his breath as he saw the whilte liquid shoot skyward from Mike's cock. "Oh yes baby shove that big dick deep inside me." Mike called out as his cock continued to erupt.

When Mike calmed from his orgasm Stuart realized that he was still standing in the doorway. He moved back in to the darkness of a bedroom door. He heard the water of the shower come on. He moved back down the hall spotting the intercom. He reached up and turned the speaker off and quietly snuck out the back door. He reached down to touch his own cock and felt something slick and wet. "Ah shit. This has to be the one. I don't leak." Stuart said making his way quickly back through the apartment door.

Next: Chapter 4

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