Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 25, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 4

Mike was not sure if he was dreaming or what. He could hear a loud beeping sound coming from the other end of the house. There would be a sequence of tones and then a beeping noise. Climbing out of bed he scratched his head as he walked naked into the living room. He saw a large red screen and then heard the beeping. Looking closer it was Stuart's ipad. On the screen it read "HEAVY ALERT ZONES 3 and 4." "Shit I don't know if that is important or not." said. Still yawning he walked out the back door and opened the door tot he apartment. "Stuart" he called out but not too loud.

Moving forward he went into the master bedroom. As he stepped in the door his heart sank first realizing that he was still naked. Secondly the gorgeous Greek God lay on his back with his arms behind his head. His legs were slightly spread and was sporting the largest, longest and most beautiful hard cock Mike had ever seen in his life. He moved to the side of the bed and reached over and lightly shook Stuart. "Stuart. Wake up." Mike said. Stuart opened his eyes slightly but still asleep he smiled and reached out and pulled Mike down on the bed beside him.

Stuart rolled over and placed his head on Mike's leg without even opening his eyes. He curled his body around and his hard cock slid between one of Mike's ass cheeks and his elbow resting on the mattress. Mike moved his arm a couple of times up and down the hard shaft. Stuart slowly began to hump against his arm moaning his approval. About that time the ipad went off again. Stuart's eyes shot open. He was confused for a second and then realized that his hard cock was wedged between Mike's side and his forearm. He smiled and looked up at MIke. "I like this type wake up call." Stuart said slowly pulling his cock free of it's confines. He leaned his head forward and lightly kissed the small love handles that Mike hated so much. FInally up and beside Mike he took the ipad and looked at the screen.

"Damn that cell formed really fast." Stuart said. Tapping another app on his ipad he read the description. "Looks like the first major storm of the season. Headed East. It's going to pass south of here so I need to get a move on. From the energy this thing is putting out I will probably be following it all the way to Georgia." Stuart said. "I hope you will be careful." Mike said. "Always babe. I need to pack for a few days real quick and jump in the shower. Might be a few days before I get another one of those." Stuart said. He stood and leaned over and lightly kissed Mike on the lips before heading for the shower. "You know you could join me." Stuart called out as he quickly soaped himself up inder the hot water. "I thought you were in a hurry." Mike said standing in the doorway. "Good point." Stuart laughed.

Mike watched as the beautiful naked man ran around the bedroom throwing clothes into a suitcase. Mike spotted a large thermos on the dresser. "If you want I will brew a pot of coffee and fill your thermos for you while you get packed." Mike said. "You would do that for me ?" Stuart said. "Gladly." Mike said standing and taking the thermos. About ten minutes later the back door opened. Stuart walked into the kitchen just as Mike was screwing the top on the thermos. "I can do that. I am good at screwing." Stuart said and smiled. "Alright storm chaser here is your coffee." Mike said. Stuart pulled Mike's naked body against his and leaned over and gave Mike a deep sensual kiss. "I will be gone a few days. I will get my things while I am in Georgia if I still have a home here." Stuart said as his finger that had found it's way between Mike's ass cheeks lightly circled his ass ring. "You better be careful I will be pissed if I only get one month's rent." MIke said and standing to his tip toes for a quick kiss. "UUUUUrruggghh." Stuart growled. "Keep the light on." Stuart said as he took the thermos and turned to leave.

Mike's mind was racing after Stuart left so he could not go back to sleep even though he tried. He found himself watching the weather channel. Most people were so used to the weather in the area they only turned it on when they got tornado warnings. Mike had an idea of where Stuart was headed but knew that Stuart would not know where he was going. It would be an hour by hour decision. Mike dosed at different points during the day Sunday. He enjoyed the naps because he dreamed of Stuart wrapped around him with his hard cock trapped between his love handle and forearm.

About seven in the evening Mike's phone chimed. Getting up from the couch he went to the table to check his phone. "Hey store keeper. The coffee was a God send. Boring storm for me so far but it's just getting started. XO" the text said. Mike had forgotten that he and Stuart had exchanged cell phone numbers. Good thing for Stuart because as nervous as Mike had been all day he probably would have blown his phone up. " Hey storm chaser. Need a refill (smile emoji)." Mike sent. " Would love it. The coffee is gone as is the kiss. XO" Stuart said. "If you play nice and be safe there is plenty of both when you get home. XO" Mike sent. "Got to run. Another cell starting up but I will keep this text as proof that I get refills of both. XOXO." Stuart text. "Please be careful. See you soon. XOXO" Mike sent.

Once the text was done Stuart relaxed some. His stomach reminded him that he had not eaten all day. "Pull it together Mike. You haven't eaten and you have sat there all day watching the weather channel and did not even do laundry." Mike said to an empty house scolding himself. At ten Mike finally headed for bed. He had washed the sheets and a load of clothes. He still had a few but decided since it was not a load he would check Stuart's apartment the next afternoon and wash any clothes he had left behind.

Mike went through the motions in the store over the next couple of days. He and Stuart text short messages a couple of times a day. By Wednesday Stuart was in Alabama. He had chased a couple of tornadoes but noting like he was used to. Mike had cleaned Stuart's apartment and washed all of his clothes but the white shirt he wore the day they met. It lay on the pillow next to Mike so that he could smell Stuart as he slept.

Wednesday night Mike got a text from Stuart. "Made it home. Everything is packed. Headed back. Got one last storm to check out on the way back." Stuart said. "Sounds good. What do you want for dinner ?" Mike asked. "Kiss first then we will discuss menu. XO" Stuart said. "Can do. XO" Mike said. Friday Mike was like a new man in the store. He was thrilled. Stuart should be in sometime that night. It may be the middle of the night and he had text Stuart and told him to wake him up no matter what time.

Hazel was due in an hour when Lizzie came through the door. "What's up girl ?" Mike said. "We need to talk." Lizzie said. "Can't be that bad." Mike laughed. Lizzie looked around the store and saw Earl on one of the isles. "Earl you need to pick something. Mike's got to close for a minute." Lizzie said. "I have to decide what size fishing weights I need." Earl said. Lizzie moved quickly to the isle and pulled two packs with assorted weights and handed it to Earl. "Here this ought to cover it." Lizzie said. "I may need corks." Earl said. "Why the fuck you need corks Earl ? You ain't gone fishing in ten years. You just tell your old lady that is what you are doing. No time to be nosey. Take these and go. On the house." Lizzie said. "Lizzie." Mike said. Lizzie practically pushed Earl out the door and turned and locked it. "Who the hell is after you Lizzie ?" Mike asked. Lizzie moved quickly to the counter and took the television remote and changed iot to the weather channel.

"Breaking News. EF3 tornado touched down just outside of Oklahoma CIty. The cell was a freak cell and gave no warning. Reports and video are still coming in. We are unable to reach authorities at this point to find out about injuries or casualties. A storm chaser was caught in the middle trying to warn citizens to take cover. At this point we have not been able to get word as to whether he is safe or not. Stay tuned and we will update as information comes in." the reporter said. About that time the camera panned around and they cold see what looked like Stuart's truck with a grain silo collapsed on top of it.

Mike could not breath. Luckily he was already seated on the stool. "It's not him Lizzie. It can't be." Mike said in a shaky voice. Mike's hands were shaking as he picked up his cell phone. He was finally able to dial Stuart's number. "Hello this is Stuart I am probably trying to tame a tornado so leave a message." came over the phone. Mike could not even speak to leave a message. Ending the call he went to his text messages. "Please call me." he texted. He hit the send button and the door began to rattle. Lizzie looked back at the door and it was Hazel. She got to the door before Hazel could get her key out and pulled her inside and locked the door. She whispered to Hazel as they walked tot he counter. Mike's phone chimed. Quickly checking his text. "Undeliverable at this time." was the reply.

Mike was beginning to shake by this point. "It's not him Lizzie. It just can't be." Mike said. "I am sure if that was his truck that he is fine. He seemed to be a smart man." Lizzie said. "It's not him Lizzie." Mike said. "Sweetie what we need to do is get you home. He has your house phone and cell. Hazel will be at the store if he calls here. Hazel can you follow me to Mike's and bring me back ?" Lizzie asked. " I will be happy to." Hazel said. They were able to get Mike into his truck and Lizzie drove to his house. He and Hazel got Mike into the house and settled on the couch. "Alright sweetie the minute you hear from him you call." Lizzie said. "If he calls the store I will call you immediately." Hazel said. "Thank you but it was not him. It just couldn't be." Mike said.

"If that man ain't hurt and he hasn't called Mike I will kick his ass all over Main street." Lizzie said as she and Hazel headed back to town. "He may have his reasons." Hazel said. "Don't you go defending him. This is Mike we are talking about." Lizzie said. "I know Lizzie but we have to follow Mike's lead when he gets back. I hope to hell it is not him. Mike's birthday is in two days. This would be too much for him." Hazel said. "Ah shit I forgot about his birthday. "Mike is right. It just can't be him." Lizzie said.

Mike turned the television to the weather channel. The words became just "Blah, blah, blah." They did announce that there were four confirmed casualties and at that point twelve injured. Mike looked at his phone. When he saw there were thirty seven attempts to call Stuart he tossed his phone to the far end of the sectional. He had gotten up and showered trying to calm himself down but he sat naked in front of the television just staring into space.

At six in the morning Mike got up from the couch and went and started the coffee pot. He had sat all night and not moved nor slept. Walking into the master bathroom he relieved his bladder that had been screaming at him since about three he just had not had the energy to go relieve it. The weather channel was on to other storms and he was not repeatedly looking at Stuart's crushed truck. Mike looked in the mirror. The huge, dark bags under his eyes told the story of beyond exhaustion.

Mike stepped into the shower and just let the hot water try and make his blood circulate again. He had not shed any tears but he knew they were not far below the surface. Mike stood under the water and tried to remember the last time he shed a tear.

It had to have been at least twenty years since he had shed a tear. After his parents died he missed them so much due to the way his Aunt and her children treated him he had long since stopped shedding tears. If memory served him right it was the night of his graduation. He shed a couple of tears because his one wish was that his parents would have been able to be there to see him. See that he had survived and graduated with honors.

Mike stood once again and looked in the mirror. "I hate you. I told Stuart I didn't like what I saw and here is proof." Mike said before turning and heading out of the room. As he fixed his coffee he almost shed a tear remembering Stuart wanting a kiss and coffee refill. Back on the sectional he placed his coffee on the end table and once again stared at the television.

"Damn I really like this new truck." Stuart said as he turned off the main highway and headed in to town. "New phone and ipad Monday and I will be back to normal." he whispered. As he approached the store he had to slow down. "What the fuck is goig on. Is MIke alright ?" he thought. The parking lot was full with some vehicles double parked. The street, on both sides on each side of the street were lined with cars, trucks and ATV's. Stuart's heart raced so fast. "Fuck it." he said parking his truck in the middle of the street and running to the front door of the store.

Stuart burst through the door. "What happened ? Where's Mike ?" Stuart shouted. The room got quiet and turned towards the door. "You limp dick mother fucker." Lizzie shouted. "What's going on ? What happened to Mike ?" Stuart shouted. At this point he had begun to shake. "Have you called him ?" Hazel asked. "No. The silo got my truck, cell phone and ipad. I hadn't memorized his number. What happened to Mike ?" STuart said in a demanding voice. "Do not any of you call Mike. This is for he and Stuart to work out. If you try to call him Mike would try to race here to the store and we don't know what state he is in." Kurt shouted over the crowd. "What state he is in ? What are you talking about ?" Stuart said. "Dumb ass the picture of your crushed truck is all over the news. Your cell phone was dead and you didn't call. What fucking state do you think he is in ?" Lizzie shouted.

"They interviewed me right after it." Stuart said. "Well dip shit that never made it on the news. Mike is not answering his phone so we don't know what is going on." Lizzie said. "Oh fuck." Stuart said and ran back out the door to his truck. Stuart made it to the house in record time. He put the truck in park and took a deep breath. "Be very careful and be prepared." he kept telling himself.

Mike was shocked back to reality. The voice on the television was Stuart's . They were finally broadcasting the interview. As he fumbled for the remote to turn the volume up the back door opened. "Honey I'm home." Stuart called out. Mike jumped to his feet and then everything went black.

Stuart stood in the door calling out that he was home. He saw Mike jump from the sectional naked. "Damn he is so fucking hot." Stuart thought just as he saw Mike fall and land on the corner of the sectional and roll to the floor. "Oh fuck." Stuart shouted and ran to Mike. Stuart picked the limp body up and pulled Mike into his lap on the couch. "i am so sorry baby. I promise it won't happen again. Wake up baby and talk to me." Stuart said. Mike seemed to partially wake but then back out again. Stuart lifted his head and for the first time in his life his heart hurt when he saw the puffy dark rings under Mike's eyes.

Stuart slid up to the edge of the couch and picked Mike up and walked to the bedroom. From the look of the room he was quite sure that Mike had not slept in the bed. Mike's work clothes from the day before still lay on the made up bed. He sat Mike down on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers back. Mike moaned as Stuart situated him on the bed. He quickly stripped naked himself and went around and got in bed behind Mike and pulled his body up against his. It seemed like a life time but a minute or so later Mike moaned and ground his body into Stuart's.

"I'm so sorry baby. I thought they aired the interview too. I am so sorry." Stuart whispered. Stuart could feel the tension in MIke's body begin to relax against his. "I told them it was not you." Mike said as the tears finally began to flow. "I am alright baby. I am right here." Stuart said. "I told them it wasn't you. I told them." Mike said as he sobbed. Stuart leaned his head over and kissed Mike on the cheek. Mike turned his body and wrapped his arms around Stuart's neck and pressed his lips tightly against Stuart's. Stuart was able to calm Mike enough to turn it into a sensual kiss. Mike's exhaustion had taken over and he began to slip off again. The kiss had not caused any leakage of inflation on Mike's part but it had done the trick for Stuart. Stuart turned Mike back so that his back was against his chest. Stuart had one arm under Mike's neck and one over his chest with his fingers intertwined with Mike's hand. He moved his hips back and forth until he got his now hard cock lodged between Mike's beautiful ass cheeks. "Honey I'm home so sleep sweet heart." Stuart said.

Next: Chapter 5

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