Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 29, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 5

Mike woke a little later and could only smile. Stuart had gotten out of bed and made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for both. Mike moaned as he sat up on the side of the bed to eat his sandwich. "I am so sorry. My cell phone and ipad were in the truck and destroyed. When the station interviewed me I thought it would be broadcast fairly quickly and you would know I was alright." Stuart said. " I am sorry too. I didn't think it would hit me so hard." Mike said. "This is new to me too. I have never had anyone really care if I made it home or not so I didn't really think about it. Forgive me for that." Stuart said. "Enough of the sorries from both of us. You are safe and that is all that matters." Mike said.

"I can't imagine how scared you were." Mike said. "It's not what it looks like. We have units that we try to deploy in the path of a tornado. This popped up so fast all I had a chance to do was to turn the unit on and leave it in the back of my truck. I turned the front and rear cameras on in the truck and ran. I was in the storm shelter with the farmer and his family a good five or six minutes before the tornado came through. It was exciting to see it coming but I never intentionally put myself in danger. I may not have anyone to care if I come home or not but I care." Stuart said and laughed. "Well you have someone now that cares. Me." Mike said. " After Lizzie gets through with me I may not make it back. She scares me more than a tornado." Stuart laughed.

"Lizzie does not have to know." Mike said. "The whole damn county knows." Stuart said. "What do you mean ?" Mike said. Stuart explained to Mike about what he found when he stopped at the store. "I thought something had happened to you. I ended up just stopping and parking in the middle of the street. Every space as far as the eye could see in every direction had some type vehicle crammed in it." Stuart said. "I did not know anything about that." Mike said. "Well they all got quiet when Lizzie spoke." Stuart said. " She can do that. Don't worry about her. I can handle her." Mike laughed.

Stuart took the plates back to the kitchen. Mike had gotten up and went in to empty his full bladder. When Stuart returned Mike had lay down on the bed naked but uncovered. Stuart leaned over and kissed the sleeping man on the lips and pulled the covers back over him. He quietly walked through the house and then out to his apartment. His plan was to clean up the place and do all of his laundry. He stood and smiled as he walked in to find all of his laundry done and the kitchen cleaned. Looking down at his semi hard cock. "I think he likes us. Well at least me. We will soon know if he likes you too." Stuart said before unpacking the dirty laundry he brought back.

Mike woke the next morning to an empty bed except himself. He rolled over to smell the pillow that Stuart had slept on earlier the day before. Breathing deep he could easily smell the man he was falling in love with. He rolled back to his back and laughed. "Well that didn't help." His morning wood had started to settle some until he smelled the pillow. The smell that lingered caused his morning wood to return even stronger than when he woke up.

Mike stretched in the bed. "Ah fuck. Another birthday ." he thought. The smell of coffee and bacon caused him to lift his head. Quickly relieving his bladder once more he washed his face and brushed his teeth. Pulling out a fresh t shirt and shorts he headed for the kitchen. Stuart stood naked in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Stuart turned to face Mike. "Morning sunshine. Happy Birthday ." Stuart said as he walked over and kissed Mike. "Morning." Mike said reaching down and rubbing his hand across Stuart's flaccid cock. "Careful down there birthday boy." Stuart laughed. "But it's MY birthday." Mike said and smiled. "Yes it is. Breakfast will be ready in about fifteen minutes so you go get your shower and come back properly dressed in your birthday suit." Stuart said lightly popping Mike on his ass.

Mike stood in the mirror and looked at himself as he ran his fingers over his lips. He groaned and then turned away from the mirror. "It's my birthday and I know what I want for my birthday . I may not get it but I will be prepared." Mike said, pulling the enema bag from the top shelf of his bathroom closet. "I know it's early but if I do this now I will only have to freshen up a little later." Mike said before closing the bathroom door.

Mike stood back in front of the mirror and just stared. He took a deep breath and said. "He sees something I don't, or does he ?" he thought. Mike put a smile on his face and walked back to the kitchen. Stuart had plated the last of the breakfast. "Ready to eat ? Damn now that is a sexy birthday suit." Stuart said. Mike walked over and hugged Stuart. "You smell good. You smell like bacon." Mike said and laughed. "Good enough to eat then ?" Stuart said and hugged Mike tighter. "Maybe." Mike said.

Stuart sat Mike at the breakfast table. "I had planned to serve you breakfast in bed for your birthday." Stuart said. "Thank you for the thought but I can do without the crumbs in the sheets." Mike said. "Yeah leave the sheets to get messy in better ways." Stuart said and winked. The smile that came along with it caused Mike to blush as he felt a drop of pre cum escape his cock.

Breakfast was delicious. "You are a great cook." Mike said. "This is not cooking. Bacon in the microwave, frozen biscuits, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns in the oven. I do pretty good with written directions." Stuart said and laughed. "Well it's good to me." Mike said. They chatted a little while they ate breakfast. Mike learned more about the storm and that Stuart was really never in danger. "I needed a new truck anyway." Stuart said and laughed. "Not funny." Mike said and smiled.

Stuart stood to clear the dishes. "I have a present for you so stay right there." Stuart said. About that time the phone rang. "Hey Lizzie. Yes everything is alright. No you don't have to teach him a lesson. I think he has learned it. You don't have to do that." Mike said as Stuart came back for more dishes. "Lizzie." Mike mouthed. Stuart made a funny face and took the rest of the dishes back to the kitchen. "You guys do not have to do that." Mike said. He sat and listened for a couple of minutes. "Alright then. We just finished breakfast so I guess we will see you around one." Mike said before hanging up the phone. "Everything alright ?" Stuart asked. "Yes that was Lizzie. They are bringing lunch and a cake. I tried to talk her out of it." Mike said. "They ?" Staurt said. "Hell knows who all Lizzie has lined up tp come with her." Mike said.

"Before we whip this place into shape and get dressed I want to give you one of your presents." Stuart said. "You did not have to get me anything." Mike said. "This is the small gift. I will wait until after everyone leaves for your other gift." Stuart said. Stuart pulled two large wrapped packages out from the pantry. "Small gifts ?" Mike said and smiled. Stuart lay the two on the table. Mike stood and opened the first one. He looked down at the beautifully framed mirror. With a puzzled expression he looked up at Stuart. "Here let me show you something." Stuart said, taking the mirror and heading for the master bathroom.

Mike's master bath had a seperate mirror over each sink. Stuart lay the mirror across the counter. As he turned Mike put his arm around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. One of Stuart's hands went down and slid between Mike's ass cheeks. As the kiss ended Stuart rubbed his fingers together to feel the lube left over from Mike cleaning himself. "Oh fuck yeah." Stuart thought. "They are beautiful. Thank you." Mike whispered. Stuart took his free hand and ran it across Mike's flaccid cock. The back of his finger was coated with the pre cum leaking from Mike. "I am about to show you just how beautiful." Stuart said. He took and ran his tongue across the back of his fingers collecting the pre cum from his fingers. "Beautiful and tasty." Stuart said and winked causing Mike to blush.

Stuart turned and pulled Mike to him. He turned Mike to face the mirror. "You told me that you have hated what you saw in this mirror for years." Stuart said. He reached up and removed the mirror from the wall. He hung the new mirror on the wall. "Now I want you to see in your new mirror what I see." Stuart said, turning Mike around to look in the mirror. "You see a person never sees themselves as others do. Anytime you look in a mirror you are looking at yourself backwards. Look. You are facing the wall but the image is facing back. It is backwards." Stuart said. Stuart started to run his fingers first across Mike's lips, then down his shoulders to his chest. He lightly tweaked MIke's lightly hairy nipples and then down his sides and across his stomach lightly pulling the few hairs around the belly button. Then he ran his hand further down and rubbed it across Mike's growing cock and close balls. "You see. I see the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. This mirror shows me a sexy, sweet man that I want to get to know better. In these new mirrors you will see what I see and not what you have for years." Stuart said.

Mike stood looking in the mirror as Stuart stepped away. "I need to run shower I guess and get dressed if the crowd is coming to see the birthday boy." Stuart said and moved out of the bathroom while Mike still stared into the new mirror. Mike had replaced the second mirror and walked out to Stuart's apartment. He could hear the shower running. He walked into the master bedroom and saw the cargo shorts, underwear and shirt laying on the bed. Mike heard the water stop as he walked over and took the underwear and put it back in the drawer. "Oh I like these surprises. A sexy naked man in my bedroom." Stuart said and smiled.

Mike sat on the edge of the bed. Stuart walked over and dropped his towel. Reaching over he looked around the bed. "Damn I know I had a pair of underwear out here." He said. "You did. I put them back." Mike said. Stuart looked at Mike with his head partially cocked to one side. "I washed all your clothes. Apparently you and I are alike in one aspect. I don't wear underwear either so no need in wearing them today." Mike said. "Oh so you don't wear them either. Hmmm. Problem is if I have to watch the sexy birthday boy walk around greeting guests I may not be able to control my little tornado." Stuart said. "First off from what I saw it was not little. Second it's my birthday and I want you commando so you will have to use mind control. " Mike said. Stuart walked over and leaned over and kissed Mike on the lips. "I will try birthday boy but I can't promise. There is only so much self control a man can do." Stuart said.

The house was in order with fresh coffee brewed for any that may want some when the guests began to arrive. There were about a dozen people that showed up including Lizzie, Hazel, Kurt and Earl. There was pulled pork bar b que, baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad. Lizzie had made two cheese cakes and decorated them versus a regular birthday cake. Stuart mingled with all the guests also trying to avoid Lizzie. "You trying to avoid the mean black bitch ?" Lizzie said. "Not at all Lizzie. It's Mike's birthday and I am trying to stay out of any spotlight." Stauart said.

"Well our boy looks happier than I have ever seen him. You must have plugged that hole finally and blew out the cobwebs." Lizzie said. "Lizzie. I am surprised at you." Stuart said. "No sweetheart you would have been surprised if I had asked you if you took that dick out and finally shoved one up Mike's ass." Lizzie laughed. "Finally ? And no we have not had sex." Stuart said. " Yes finally. I would bet my bakery that Mike is a virgin. Both straight and gay but if you repeat that you are use to chasing tornadoes but you ain't never had to run from Cyclone Lizzie." Lizzie said. "Cyclone Lizzie ?" Stuart said. "Piss Lizzie off and I will put a hurricane to shame." Lizzie said. "I will remember that." Stuart said. "Wise man." Lizzie said and laughed.

The two chatted more about the situation earlier. Stuart explained about leaving his truck in the path and about the interview with the reporter that did not air until the next day. "Well since you did not give him your tornado pointer, what did you give him for his birthday, or did you ?" Lizzie asked. Stuart took her hand and pulled her to the master bathroom. "Mirrors ? A bottle of lube would be more romantic." Lizzie said. Stuart explained the reason behind the mirrors and was shocked to see a tear in Lizzie's eyes when he finished. Lizzie for the first time wrapped her arms around the man and hugged him. "I am taking those old mirrors for my house." Lizzie said. "Just ask Mike. As long as they leave this house I don't care." Stuart said. "Ask ? You have a lot to learn my boy." Lizzie said and laughed.

Back in the living room area Lizzie was preparing the cheese cakes.

Earl walked up and began to chat with Stuart. "Mike looks happy." Earl said. "Yeah he seems to be." Stuart said. "You are the reason." Earl said. "How do you figure that ?" Stuart said. "You are not a kid. You know yourself that you are the reason he is so happy. Mike is special to everyone in this town. If you plan on just passing through then pass on. Mike has been through enough in his life. If you plan on hanging around for a few weeks and then leaving I will warn you. I am not Lizzie. I am too damn old to chase you down the street but I am not too old to put you in the cross hairs of my scope and pull the trigger. You are in farm country. Plenty of places to bury a body that will never be found. If you plan to hurt our Mike then you leave when we do," Earl said. "Look at him. Who could possibly ever hurt him intentionally." Stuart said. "Good man. Just remember that when you think about running." Earl said.

They all sang happy birthday and sliced the cheese cakes. "Damn Lizzie what do you put in these things. This is the best cheesecake I have ever had." Stuart said. "Girl can't give up her secrets. I tell you them and then you will make your own and not buy mine." Lizzie said. "They are made with love." Hazel said. "That too." Lizzie said and laughed.

The party had ended and Hazel had offered to stay and clean up but Mike told her it would only take a few minutes and he would get it done. All the dishes were in the dishwasher and a sink of soapy water ready to wipe all the counters down. "Where is the vacuum cleaner ?" Stuart asked. "I can do that." Mike said. "It's your birthday and a vacuum is not usually that complicated. Where is it ?" Stuart asked. "The closet in the bedroom on the right." Mike said.

Stuart returned with the vacuum cleaner. Mike was wiping the counters when he heard the machine start up. He looked up as he was wiping one section to see the naked Greek God pushing the cleaner around. His back muscles flexing and also his pecs as he pushed and pulled the machine. As he moved around his flaccid cock and low hanging balls flopping around with the movement. Minutes later Mike realized he was about to rub a hole in the same piece of marble. He also had to wipe his mouth quickly realizing that he was beginning to drool. " Done. Good enough ?" Stuart said. "More than perfect." Mike said and smiled. "In more ways than one." Mike said to himself.

Mike chose a movie to watch. Stuart stretched out on the sectional and had Mike lay naked in front of him. He pulled Mike's body tightly to his and placed his elbow on the couch and propped his head on it so he could look down at Mike. Many times during the movie Mike would turn his head and Stuart would lightly kiss his lips. As the movie ended Mike turned on the couch to face Stuart. He leaned forward and what he had intended to be a light kiss turned into a passionate kiss. Mike threw one leg over Stuart's hip. Both men's hard cocks were trapped between the two. Stuart had one arm under Mike's neck and the other hand was exploring between Mike's ass cheeks. Stuart's heart jumped as he put a little pressure on Mike's ass ring and Mike moaned and seemed to melt even more into his body. The kiss ended as the two lay there looking into each other's eyes. Before they realized it both had dozed off wrapped in each other's arms.

Mike smiled before opening his eyes. Stuart was lightly running his finger up and down Mike's back. "Sorry I fell asleep on you." Mike said. "Well I am sorry to then because I fell asleep too." Stuart said and smiled. Mike was still looking into his eyes and Stuart smiled even bigger when he felt something slick land on his hip. "Thank the good Lord this man is a leaker. I LOVE leakers." Stuart said to himself.

Both men had emptied their bladders. "So birthday boy where do you want to go eat dinner ?" Stuart said. "If you don't mind I don't want to leave. There are plenty of leftovers from lunch." Mike said. "It's your birthday and that sounds fine to me. Besides you won't have to dress to eat here." Stuart said and winked at Mike.

"Thank you for my birthday present. I love it and love the meaning behind it." Mike said. "Well I have one more present. You may not like it but I wanted to wait until after dinner to give that to you. " Stuart said. "You didn't have to get me anything else." Mike said. "Well it's nothing special and you may not even want it." Stuart said. "Oh I am sure I will." Mike said and leaned up and kissed Stuart again.

Dinner was quick and the last dishes in the dishwasher. "It will take me a few minutes to finish wrapping your present. If you want, look for another movie and I will be back in a few minutes." Stuart said. "You don't have to wrap it ?" Mike said. "It won't take long." Stuart said as he headed out the back door.

Mike quickly headed to the master bathroom to freshen up. Once he was happy with his efforts he looked in the mirror. "What you see in the mirror is backwards." he whispered. Teeth brushed and a quick shower Mike was ready for his gift. As he walked back into the living room Stuart walked back in the back door with a wrapped box in his hands. It was not wide but it was tall. "A nice vase maybe." Mike thought.

"Find a movie yet ?" Stuart asked. "Yeah it's on pause. I am making some coffee if you want some. I will be in there in just a minute." Mike said. "Fresh coffee. I am in love." Stuart said. Mike could hear some noise from the living room but did not know what it was. Two fresh cups of coffee and headed into where Stuart was setting. He put one cup on the end table beside Stuart and the other on the coffee table. He took a seat beside Stuart but turned his hips so he was facing him.

"This for me ?" Mike asked. "If you want it." Stuart said. Mike reached out to take the box. "It moves around a lot so I will hold it and you can unwrap the top and take the lid off." Stuart said. "Oh o.k." Mike said. Mike took a sip of his coffee and pulled the wrapping paper from the top of the box. He lifted the lid and gasp. The box had a hole in the bottom and inside was Stuart's hard cock and balls. To Stuart's surprise he had been so excited too that he knew it had reached at least close to nine and a quarter inches. "For me ?" Mike whispered. "Yes baby for you but only if you want it. If not I understand." Stuart said. "Oh no." Mike said as he reached in the box and lightly wrapped his fingers around the long member.

"Calm down sweetie. It doesn't bite. It does spit. It spits a lot and likes to spit quite often but it doesn't bite. It can be a fun pet." Stuart said. Mike was so nervous his hands were shaking. He leaned over and kissed the tip of the cock. His own cock began to flood. This was the first cock other than his that he had touched since middle school and the first one that had ever touched his lips. Stuart moaned and lifted Mike's head. "We don't need the box anymore." Stuart said carefully lifting the box and tossing it to the side.

"Really mine ?" Mike whispered. "Baby if you want it, it is all yours and only yours." Stuart said. Mike leaned back over and took the mushroom head into this mouth. Both men moaned. Mike sat back up and looked into Stuart's eyes. "I love my birthday present but..." Mike said. "I understand." Stuart said. "No it's not that. I ...ummm.. you may want to run but.... I have ..uhh... I am a virgin." Mike said and lowered his head. Thirty seven today and still a virgin." Mike said. Stuart reached under his chin and lifted his head.

"That does not matter to me. We can go as slow as you want and stop anywhere you want to stop. It is no hurry baby. I know this is quick. Hell it even scared me but I have never felt like I do for any man in my life. You are the sweetest most caring man and even dressed to me you just ooze and drip sexy." Stuart said. "I do ?" Mike said. "Yes baby you do and if you will have me and him we are yours totally as long as you will have us." Stuart said looking down at his cock. Mike looked down and Stuart flexed his cock which moved from one side to the other. "I think I can do that." Mike said.

Stuart quickly pulled Mike into his lap. He had Mike on his knees with Mike's hands on his shoulders. He reached a finger down and collected some pre cum before lowering his head and taking Mike's cock into his mouth. He first licked and cleaned the leaking liquid off Mike's cock and balls. He then took the raging cock into his mouth and slid the slick finger between Mike's ass cheeks and in one motion it went deep inside Mike. Stuart quickly found the love button he searched for and began to massage it.

"OH STOP.. I 'm about to.... uh....UUUGGGHHHHHH..." Mike shouted as his hips bucked and he shot his birthday load deep into Stuart's mouth. Mike tried to catch his breath and lay his stomach on Stuart's head. Stuart still massaged his finger deep inside Mike. Mike finally leaned back taking the inserted finger with him and pushing it even deeper. "I didn't want to cum so fast." Mike whispered. " It's your birthday. We needed to get the urgency over so you could enjoy the oncore." Stuart said. "Fuck me." Mike whispered. "I think I have some condoms." Stuart said. "No condom. If you are mine for the rest of my life and you are sick I will be sick with you." Mike said. "Well I have not been with another man in three years and I have been tested every year. I just didn't want to make assumptions." Stuart said and lightly kissed Mike. "I know I am. You can't catch anything from a toy. Fuck me." Mike whispered. "No baby I will never fuck you. I will make love to you as often as you let me but this will never be just fucking." Stuart said.

Mike stood from the couch and reached out for Stuart's hand. The two men melted into a deep sensual kiss. Stuart inserted two fingers this time and the two men kissed as Stuart kissed Mike passionately and held him tight to him with his two fingers as he backed Mike down the hall to the master bedroom.

Next: Chapter 6

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