Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 5, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 7

Mike was surprised at how busy the store was that day. He finally figured that many were just buying something so they could check on him. Stuart had called almost every hour on the hour as he headed to Texas.

Mike could not put his finger on it but it seemed weird. With all the traffic through the store the day seemed to fly but he realized that he had been picking his phone up about every three or four minutes all day checking the time to see when it may ring again.

Mike had even seemed to glow all day. He could feel it himself and it took until after lunch for him to be careful when he sat on the stool. He normally would just plop on the stool but a sore ass would make him jump. At certain points he would close his eyes and would imagine the slight discomfort was Stuart's cock still buried deep inside him. It would bring a smile to his face and a fresh drop of pre cum to the end of his cock.

Mike locked the store and headed for his truck. As he closed the door his phone chimed. "Be careful going home. See U there as soon as I can XOXO." from Stuart. Mike had to smile knowing that Stuart was watching the clock and thinking about him. "You be careful and hurry home. Love you storm chaser." Mike shot back.

A little sadness came over Mike as he walked in the backdoor. Yes he was sore but he had a man that wanted to have sex with him and said he loved him. He wanted him home for a repeat of the night before. The first thing he did was to go and get the t-shirt that Stuart had worn the day before and put it on. The only thing he wore was that t-shirt. He could lift the collar and sniff and it felt as though Stuart was surrounding him. Mike was washing the dish his dinner salad was in as his phone rang. "Hey sexy." Stuart said as he answered. "Hello my sexy storm chaser. How has your day been ?" Mike asked. "Busy. It is about to ramp up and get insane." Stuart said.

"Turn on your face time. I want to see my sexy lover." Stuart said.

"Are you alone ?" Mike asked. "No but there is no one around that can see what is on my phone." Stuart said. Mike turned his on as well as Stuart. "There is my sexy man. Wait. You are supposed to be naked." Stuart said. "Close." Mike said panning the phone down and then turning around to show his ass cheeks. "Is that my t-shirt ?" Stuart asked.

"Yes. Sorry but not sorry. It smells like you." Mike said. "Baby you are sexy as hell dressed and not dressed. I know now when all my shirts come up missing that Mike has a hidden stash. " Stuart said and laughed. "You don't mind ?" Mike asked. "Hell no. Makes me horny as hell knowing that you want me that close to you." Stuart whispered. "When you get home I will have a fresh stock of shirts." Mike said and smiled.

Stuart turned his phone around the room to show Mike what he was doing. "I watch the entire storm. When I see something that looks like circulation I send the GPS coordinates to whoever is in charge of that area. That way they can watch just that area and pull up streets to warn." Stuart said. "It looks complicated." Mike said. "Not really. You do need to come down here and show them how to make coffee. This stuff is crap." Stuart said. "I wish I could." Mike said. "Hey guys we have about thirty minutes before the next strong cell is in range. I am going to step outside." Stuart called out to the room.

"Now. More privacy. Go to the bedroom." Stuart said. "O.k." Mike said. "Did you leave something ?" Mike asked. "Yes but I could not pack you in my duffle bag. Now prop your phone up aimed at the bed." Stuart said. "What are you up to ?" Mike said. "Remove my shirt and lay on the bed and I will show you." Stuart said. It took Mike a couple of minutes to get the phone set up to suit Stuart and lay naked in the bed.

"Take your hands and run them over your chest and belly." Staurt said. Mike blushed but began to run his hands lightly over his chest and belly. "Now play with those beautiful nipples." Stuart said. Mike lay his head back and began to moan as he lightly tweaked his nipples. Licking a finger on each hand he reached down and began to massage them. "Oh fuck baby that is so hot. DO NOT touch that delicious cock though. " Stuart said. "I may have to." Mike laughed. "Take some of that love juice you are leaking and spread it on those beautiful nipples." Stuart said. Mike's moans got louder. Stuart had to keep readjusting his cock in his shorts.

Mike moaned and raised his legs. "That's it baby. Show papa that sexy ass." Stuart said. Mike raised his legs higher and reached down with both hands and opened his ass cheeks wide. "Does papa like what he sees ?" Mike whispered. "Oh baby. There is papa's sweet honey hole." Stuart said. "It needs Papa inside it." Mike whispered. "Don't you worry baby. Papa has something to take care of that sweet hole and he plans on showing it just what it needs. Take one of those fingers and put some of that love juice on papa's love hole." Stuart said. Mike could hear Stuart's moans over the phone as he circled his ass ring with a finger coated with pre cum. "Don't push it in. That is papa's job. The only thing allowed in there now is papa's hard dick or fingers." Stuart said. "What about papa's tongue ?" Mike asked. "That too baby as long as papa is the one doing it. Fuck you have me so hard it hurts." Stuart said.

"Are you sure about that ?" Mike said. "Umm.. Wait a second. ..... Look at the phone." Stuart said. He had stepped in the back door and into the restroom. Quickly unzipping his shorts he breathed a sigh of relief when his hard cock sprang free. "See what you fo to me ?" Stuart said aiming his phone down so that Mike could see the over nine inch hard cock. " Do I really do that to you ?" Mike asked. "Only you baby." Stuart said. "That is all mine. I am the only one that can make that dick shoot then. No jacking off on these road trips and definitely no other lips, top or bottom on it." Mike said. "Damn baby you are killing me." Stuart said. "Oh baby I want to wrap my lips around that beautiful dick and suck it into my mouth. When I get it good and wet I want to part my legs and warp my arms and legs around that sexy storm chaser as he pushes that dick deep inside me." Mike moaned, rubbing his finger around his hole for Stuart to see.

"Damn. I need to leave now. I see something that really needs my attention." Stuart said. "Well if I can't relieve my pressure while you are gone then you can't either. " Mike said. "You are so mean." Stuart laughed. "What's mine is yours to make squirt and what's yours is mine to make squirt." Mike said. "You promise ?" Stuart said. "Cross my heart. Which also belongs to you." Mike said. "Well I may have to change one thing. I told you that I would never just fuck you. When I get home it may be fuck first and make love later." Stuart said. Mike just smiled and made his ass ring twitch. "Fuck you are killing me." Stuart said. "I love you too baby." Mike said. " You hear that. He loves me." Stuart said. About that time there was a knock on the door.

"Pop up cell Stuart. We need you back." a voice said. "Alright my love. Don't you touch that beautiful dick. That's all mine." Stauart said. "You do the same. Be careful baby." Mike said before ending the call.

Mike was tired but happy when he woke the next morning. He fell asleep after Stuart called. He had the pillow that smelled like Stuart hugged to him. He had planned to shower to get the pre cum off of him but had fallen asleep and dreamed of Stuart making love and just fucking him all night long. "He told me he loved me." Mike said as he looked into his new mirrors. "He said when you look in the mirror you see things backwards." he whispered. About that time the phone rang. "Morning sexy. You sleep good ?" Stuart asked. "I dreamed of riding a certain storm chasers cock all night." Mike said. "It may be one more night here. This front seems to have stalled." Stuart said. "As long as you are safe." Mike said.

"What are you doing ?" Stuart said. "Just got out of the shower. " Mike said. "Can I see ?" Stuart asked. "What are you doing ?" Mike said. "Just woke up. About to grab a shower and head back in." Stuart said. "You can see as long as I can." Mike said. "You horny little devil but I LOVE it." Stuart said. Face time was on and Mike showed his body still partially wet. As he looked at the phone Stuart started with his face and moved the phone down to show his beautiful hairy chest and stomach. Mike licked his lips and moaned as the phone panned further down and could see the full nine inch cock standing at attention. "I guess somebody llikes what they see." Mike said. "No baby it fucking loves what it sees." Stuart said. "Now I am going to have a hard on all day at the store thanks to you." Mike laughed. "At least you can stand behind the counter. Everybody will know all day that I have a sweet piece of ass waiting on me to get home." Staurt said. "Yes home." Mike said. "Well baby. I have to run. I will be back as soon as I can." Stuart said. "Just be careful and I love you." Mike said. "I love you too." Stuart said.

Mike sailed through his day at the store. New stock had come in and special orders for customers. He didn't watch his phone all day but luckily was always alone when Stuart either called or text. He had a few laughs along the line. No matter how well you are liked and respected there are always some sour people in your community that always have something to say. Earl was on his daily run to the sporting goods store when there was another lady in their shopping. A couple of people came through while they were on another aisle. Each asked about Stuart. They asked how things were going, where was he , and if he was safe. Lizzie had sent her neice over to finally pay for the batteries. She and Mike stood at the counter laughing about how Lizzie could act.

"Old woman carry your old tired ass back out to the country." Earl almost shouted. "Everything alright over there ?" Mike asked. "This old bat keeps mumbling every time you mention Stuart and I have had enough. " Earl said. "Watch your mouth Earl or I will call your wife." she said. "Call her bitch. I am so sick of you. I will call your husband. Oh wait. It's Tuesday so he has snuck off to the strip club. He wouldn't hear the phone." Earl said. "HOW DARE YOU." she shouted. "Alright folks let's keep it neighborly." Mike called out. "How dare you say my husband is at the strip club ?" she shouted. " Because it's Tuesday. That is where he is." Earl said. "I will get you straight. I am going to call your wife." she said. "Call her. Everybody in town knows you need to lay off the cheap perfume and wash that nasty ass. Besides I am already straight." Earl said and smiled towards Mike. "I do not have to take this." she said. "No you don't. Take your bigotted ass back out to the sticks and washed it." Earl said. The lady turned and stormed out of the store.

"Thank you Earl but you did not need to defend me." Mike said. "Everybody is sick of her ass." Earl said. "Damn. Aunt Lizzie is going to be pissed that she was not here to put in her two cents worth." her niece laughed. "If Lizzie had been here I would have had to close the store. I did not know you had it in you Earl. " Mike said. "Don't get to use it at home so I have to use it somewhere." Earl said and laughed.

Mike opened the door at home and felt a little sadness. One more evening and Stuart was not there. He walked out to the guest house which Stuart called an apartment and began to look around. He was not being nosey he just wanted to feel close to Stuart. Two hours later Mike had not even thought about what he was doing. He had moved everything of Stuart's into the main house. Drawers had been emptied and he had placed Stuart's clothes in his bedroom. There were very little personal items. All the bathroom items were placed in the master bath around the other sink. "What the hell are you doing Mike ?" he thought as he realized what he had done. "Oh well if he is not happy I can move it all back." Mike whispered.

Mike slept better than night. Stuart was too busy for phone sex and from the sound in his voice way to tired also. They had gotten busy in Texas but things were starting to calm at least for the moment. Mike was a little upset but tried not to show it when Stuart said that he may have to detour through Louisiana for a night before heading home. "It's his job so do not get upset." Mike thought. His dreams that night were of cuddling, kissing and of course Sturat's large cock being deep inside him. He was more relaxed the next morning when he got up to get ready for his half day at work.

Mike tried to call Stuart while he was dressing for work. He left a message on the voice mail telling him that he was sure he was busy or finally sleeping but to have a good day and be careful. Mike had not watched the weather channel because he knew that Stuart was safe and the weather was not affecting his area.

By ten in the morning he was beginning to wonder. Mike had made a practice since he bought the store of taking a large enclosed trailer to one of the wholesalers and filling it with cases of bottled water. When bad weather was approaching he opened the trailer and allowed the residents to buy the water for the same thing he paid for it. There had been a few grumbles over the years that the water in the store cost more but the majority of the residents appreciated him doing that.

Mike finally turned on the weather channel after customers began to arrive wanting water, Kerosene, propane and other staples that he stocked just for storms. There was a fast approaching front that was a spin off of the one in Texas. Heavy tornadic activity was expected during the evening hours. Lizzie's business was almost none due to people rushing around to prepare. Leaving her niece in charge she went over to run the water trailer and watch the kerosene pump. Hazel arrived early to run the register so that Mike could weigh the propane. Mike had two five hundred gallon tanks underground and sold the propane by the pound. The above ground tanks the previous owner used had been tossed around by a tornado so Mike had these buried for safety reasons.

"MIKE, SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU." Hazel shouted from the back door. "Damn I don't have time to chat with customers." Mike thought He finished that last tank for the moment and gave the customer the ticket to carry to Hazel. "These men need to see you." Hazel said. "You aren't Stuart." one man said. "I am Mike watkins. How may I help you ?" Mike asked. "We stopped here to see if anyone knew where we could find Stuart Phillips." the taller man said. "My name is Bradley and this is Marcus." the taller and slightly older man said. "The last time I talked to him he was planning to leave Texas and possibly have to go to Louisiana." Mike said. "Talked to him. How do you know Stuart ?" Marcus asked. "He rents my guest house." Mike said. "I'm sure he does." Marcus said elbowing Bradley.

About that time Mike's cell phone rang. "Hello." MIke said. "No good morning lover or how are you sexy ?" Stuart asked laughing. "Been a very busy morning and I have two guys here looking for you. Oh and yes to what you said earlier." Mike said. "Looking for me ? Who the hell ?" Stuart said. "Here you talk to them." Mike said, handing the phone to Bradley. There was something about Marcus that did not set well with him at the moment. "Damn Stuart. Thought you would be here where all the action is going to be." Bradley said. "What action ?" Stuart asked.

"Damn Stuart I guess you have been focused on Texas." Bradley said. "That and other things. What are you going on about ?" Stuart asked. "I see your main focus. I am looking at him. Good choice my friend." Bradley said. "What in the hell are you doing there ?" Stuart asked. "Look at your computer." Bradley said. "Hold on and let me pull off the interstate." Stuart said. "Got it up. Now what's the big ...... Oh fuck." Stuart said. "Yeah look at your two fronts. They are coming together right around this area. Suppose to be the biggest outbreak of early season tornadoes." Bradley said. "Let me talk to Bradley." Stuart said. "Don't worry friend. Marcus and I will keep him safe." Bradley said and winked at MIke causing a cold chill to run down his spine. "Touch him mother fucker and die. Either one of you." Stuart barked over the phone. "Calm down I hear you." Bradley said before handing the phone to Mike.

"Hello." Mike said. "Hey baby. I am turning around and headed that way as fast as I can. Do not and I repeat do not let those two near you." Stuart said. "Why is that ?" Mike said with concern in his voice. "They are known as the hunting whores. They will fuck any man or boy that can't get away fast enough." Stuart said. "No worries there." Mike said and laughed. "Give the phone to Marcus. The cocky one." Staurt said. "Here he wants to talk to you." Mike said. "Well, well Stuart. We see why you moved here." Marcus said. "Touch him fella and you die. You understand me ?" Stuart said. "Possessive bitch are we." Marcus said. "In your case a deadly bitch. You understand ?" Stuart said. "Chill out. Tornadoes first for the pay check and play later." Marcus said.

Mike had the phone back at this point. "Hey baby. I have turned around and I'm headed that way. Put those two idiots to work if the store is busy but do not let them touch you. If one does in a flirting manner clock him over the head." Stuart said. " I can take care of myself." Mike laughed. "Once those storms get close that store better be closed and that pretty sweet ass of yours better be in the storm cellar." Stuart said. "I am an old pro at these storms. " Mike said. "Baby that was not a request. When I get there if the weather is severe and your ass is not in that storm cellar you and I will have something unpleasant to talk about." Stuart said. "Calm down baby. We all have storm cellars in this area and I promise to go to mine if I need to." Mike said. "Sorry baby. I am just worried." Stuart said. "Don't be. I will be fine. You just be careful and don't drive to fast. We will all be here when you get here." Mike said. "I love you baby but your ass better be in the storm cellar." Stuart said. "I love you to and we will see." Mike laughed.

Next: Chapter 8

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