Storm Incident

By Jim Bee

Published on Jul 22, 2005


The Fantastic Four is copy-written by Marvel Comics.

The Storm Incident **************************************************************** Prologue

Cleaning toilets is not fun at all. Then again, working in a family owned grocery store in one of the numerous suburbs of L.A. isn't much fun either.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. The name's Josh. I'm a few inches over 6 feet tall, and slender. Not exactly a lot of muscle, but, then again, not much fat either. Lesse, oh right, I've got brown hair and eyes that are usually hazel, but sometimes they shift to brown depending on the type of light hitting them. One might describe me as the sterotypical geek, which, at times is true. Well, not exactly at times, more like all the time.

Right, back to cleaning the toilets. Why cleaning the toilets you ask? Me, working at this run-of-the-mill, family owned grocery store for the summer as a bagger, well, one could say it's a "responsibility" to clean the bathrooms every day. Unfortunately, that responsibility was given to me much too often. And I must say, I generally dislike doing it.

Being somewhat near Hollywood causes some celebrities to sometimes be seen shopping here. And, being a full service store, where the baggers carry the food out to people's cars, is pretty amusing, especially if you get the celebs that are in a hurry and wanna get the hell outta there. Nice tips, too.

Hmmm... oh yeah, this coming school year I'll be a junior at the local high school. I'll turn 17 in the middle of September. Oh right. Sexuality. Weeeeeeeeeeell... let's just say I'm not 100% certain on it, but I know what I want. After having a girlfriend for a month, then learning after about 2 weeks of going out with her and finding out that she was a lesbian wasn't exactly the best thing in the world in keeping me interested in the opposite sex.

Hmmm... one might say I have a busy mind. Probably do.

So back to this bathroom cleaning business. Right. Back to the cleaning I go.

Chapter 1

Josh glanced at his watch. It blinked back "8:19 PM." "Yess! Only 11 more minutes before I can get the hell out of here," Josh muttered to himself while stooped over the last toilet bowl in the small cramped bathroom. The last toilet was finally clean, and Josh was starting on the mirror above the sinks. After a few seconds of staring at it, Josh decided against cleaning it, and figured that it could go another day without being cleaned. Well, assuming he got the hell out of there before his pathetic supervisor Kevin found it.

Walking to the soda bottle return machines, he retrieved the mop and bucket, and wheeled it to the bathroom. Josh noticed that the store was particularly empty, even for a Friday night.

"Weird..." Josh muttered to himself.

Grabbing a wet floor sign on his way back to the bathrooms, Josh quickly set the plastic cone down and went to work on the bathroom floor. It amazed Josh on how nasty the mop water got after it being used for about 2 hours. It was just about the color of one of the "surprises" he found in the toilet earlier that evening.

Josh was almost finished, closing in on the few floor tiles under the sink, with his back to the door. Suddenly, the door burst open, slamming into Josh's ass, causing him to slip on the wet floor, fall forward, and bang his forehead on the countertop where the sink was, knocking him unconscious.

Slowly, Josh regained consciousness. For some reason, Josh felt sort of... odd. He hadn't fully woken up yet, and was in a state bordering on sleep and consciousness. It kind of felt like something was covering his mouth, but he wasn't certain. It also felt like something was rubbing against his teeth, well, not exactly rubbing against them, just sort of... sort of like feeling them. Probing them, perhaps. He couldn't place it, and could feel his lungs fill up with air. Suddenly, Josh came to and was gasping for air and coughing dirty mop water all over. He looked up, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hey, you're cute," the man said. "...Wha?" Josh asked.

According to Josh, the world's sexiest man alive was crouching no less than 6 inches away from him. Yes, he was probably the biggest manwhore alive, but he was hella hot. Perhaps that is why he had his infamous fire superpower thing. Something about dirt-bikes too, and going into space, perhaps? In any event, the man of his dreams was 6 inches away from him.

"What just happened?" Josh asked. "Well, I opened the door to the bathroom, and apparently you were behind it, and, long story short, you passed out in that mop bucket. I pulled you out, and did a bit of CPR." Johnny replied. "Wait... so you... and then I... and then... ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Suddenly it all clicked. Josh had just received mouth-to-mouth contact from no other than Johnny Storm. How hot.

"You okay?" Johnny asked. "Ummm... I think so. My head hurts quite a bit," Josh replied. "Yeah, you hit your head pretty hard." "Do you have the time?" "Ummm... it's 8:35."

Josh was totally enamored with Johnny's looks, and was at a complete loss of words. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the stud, but his brain was completely panicking as to what to say. Johnny's looks were getting the better of Josh. Sure, he looked great in the newspaper or on TV, but never in his wildest dreams would he ever imagine that he would be so close to him. He looked way better than he did on camera, and Johnny knew it. It probably helped Johnny a lot that he was a smooth operator and knew exactly how to phrase things so he got what he wanted, and, nevertheless, he was inching his way toward getting Josh.

"Do you want me to take you home? It looks like you're going to end up with a pretty big bruise," Johnny offered. "Ummm... I would, but my parents are out of town for the weekend. Something about visiting Michigan to take care of my grandparents," Josh replied. "Awwww... isn't that sweet?" "Shut up. And besides, my car is sitting here in the parking lot, and I'm not too confident about leaving it here overnight." "Yeah, but you're in no condition to drive, and I'd feel a lot better about it after what I did to you if I gave you a ride home or something."

Johnny had to admit, Josh was a tough one to snag up. Almost all the time people were just begging to go home with him, or get a ride home with him, or really do anything with him in general. Either Josh wasn't interested, or he wasn't completely sure what was going on. Hopefully, it was the latter.

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, I'll let you drive me home," said Josh. "Okay, but there's one more thing," Johnny said, acting guilty. "What's that?" "...I don' I don't know if it's safe to leave you home alone after slamming your head on the counter that hard, and I don't want to wake up and read some headline on the front of the paper saying that you died. That would just tear me up inside."

"Wow," Josh thought. "This guy must be pretty desperate. I mean come now, that's an incredibly pathetic pick up line. He may as well just say that he wants to fuck me silly and get on with it. Honestly."

"Yeah, but... wait... hold on. So... you, a complete stranger, you, you wanna spend the night at my house?" Josh replied. "Um... weeeeeeeeell... actually I was thinking more about at my place," said Johnny.

Johnny knew he was in for it now. He totally wanted Josh. And honestly now, did he care about Josh that much? Not really. A good fuck, perhaps. But deep down inside, he cared a little bit. While his appearance made it look very... very... much like he didn't, he really did. I mean come on, he didn't want to be convicted of murder. That would totally stop his whoring around. Well, there were always prison boys... but that's just disgusting.

"So let me get this straight... you want me, a random person you just tried to kill while cleaning the bathroom, to spend a night at your house, you being a total stranger," Josh said. "Yep. Pretty much. But I'm not a complete stranger. I'm Johnny Storm," Johnny replied. And with that, Johnny showed off his trademark smile, one that always reeled the victi-, I mean person, in for a home run. "This is true. Tell ya what, I'll go along with this. But if anything goes down that I don't like, your ass is never gonna get into space again." said Josh. "Okay, okay, just... well when are you off work?" Johnny asked. "Um... about 10 minutes ago." "Okay, let's fly. I'll meet you outside the store." "Sure thing, just let me punch out. See you there."

And with that, Johnny left the restroom, turned the corner, and headed out to his car. Josh quickly picked up the cleaning supplies and threw them in the cabinet, and ran off to meet Johnny.

"Hey babe," Johnny said as Josh walked up to his Porsche. "Geeze, for being the biggest whore you are, I'd expect you to drive an Escalade or something. A big Lexus perhaps?" Josh replied. "So that's what they call me, eh? Heh, heh." "Wow. It's funny that you're totally comfortable with that title." "Yep." "So are we off now, or what?" "Oh right. Yeah." "I still don't believe what I'm getting myself into, but hey, may as well take a chance." "Yep." Johnny paused for a few seconds. "God you're cute." Johnny said.

And with that, Johnny floored his Porsche Boxster S, causing the wheels to screech as they left the parking lot.

What do you think? Will Johnny and Josh have a bit of fun? Stay tuned for the next installment.

Suggestions, comments? This is my first attempt at an erotic story, so please give me all the suggestions that you can. Yes, I realize that there wasn't any sex in this one, but perhaps there will be in the next installment.

Drop me a line at:

Next: Chapter 2

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