Storm Riders

By Jake

Published on Oct 12, 2016


Hey guys - remember to support Nifty so they can keep the hot stories, that we love so much, coming!!

Hope you all like this little story. Been playing a lot of pick-up b'ball lately, and the horny thought of a Coach being teased got me to writing this. It was done quickly - during 2 days of stormy weather outside - hope you don't find it TOO rushed. Not sure yet if will do other parts to this one, but you never know.

Any comments you might have, are always appreciated at


Lance had seen Coach Storm go into his dad's office. Was really just a coincidence that he walked outside and overheard the conversation between the two, when he stood near an open window.

"Like I said Mr Storm, most, if not all adults, have many erogenous zones. Whether they know so, or not. But a feeling that you may have "over-sensitivity", may be more, a psychological problem."

"No, no, no Doc, ain't nothing wrong with my head," Coach Storm answered quickly, "just since the wife left, any little touch of late, has me very cock-awake, if you know what I mean."

Of course Dr. Ruhl knew what he meant. So did Lance. He couldn't believe his luck as he listened to the conversation!

He and his "posse" had pretty much fucked their way all over town. Daughters, girlfriends, wives - whatever - had been railed with little care. But it had gotten boring, Even riding Coach Storm's wife every time his head looked the other way, had gotten too easy. But here was a challenge he bet his buds would be game for. Sex-was-sex. and if they could use their domination and seduction techniques they had learned, on a big buck like Coach Storm? He and his buds might ALL get their dicks wet.

Later as he met his friends at Log(an)'s house, they weren't as enthused as he was.

"Doesn't fuckin' matter you idiot, not like Coach is gay. And we not gay."

"You not listening to me, bro," Lance persisted, "this about power. You wouldn't get a fuckin' boner making him squirm? Big macho-coach, turned into a horny slut? By us?"

That last part got Tee's (Theo) attention.

"You sure what you heard was legit?", Tee asked scratching at his chin stubble.

"I swear bros, I listened to him and Dad talking for a good 10 minutes, and Coach Storm was laying the facts out. Horny as fuck since his wifey had enough of our cocks and split town, and then spilling-out how his big body twitches when touched."

"Remember she telling us he would cum a huge load when he fucked her?", Log asked almost in a whisper.

Lance smiled. His buds were coming around.

"Yeah, imagine how much his nuts fill up when he's teased. And imagine you in charge of those nuts."

All three guys laughed at the thought that this might actually be doable.

"Well he's doing football try-outs all week at the university, when you figure you gonna get a plan going?", asked Tee getting up to stretch his toned bod.

"That's fuckin' easy, boys. At the vet-bash next Thursday. All the grad jocks coming back for a night to reminisce. Coach going to be front and centre. And we going to be partying up with him all night. And I mean all night."

The following Thursday, when the boys got to the gathering, it was well underway. Lance winked at his bros, nodding towards Coach Storm who was already 2-fisting drinks. There was a lot of pussy at the bash. A majority all three jocks, had actually fucked. But keeping their plan in place, they hung-around Coach most of the evening. Keeping a glass or two on-the-ready for him.

By midnight, the place started emptying. By 12:30, Coach found himself alone, with his three "drinking buddies."

"Coach, lets' grab a cab. We'll drop you off on our way."

To Coach Storm that sounded like an excellent idea. No way he could drive, so he hopped in with the jocks. When they got to coach's house, it didn't even dawn on him that the guys were following him to his steps. Telling him they wanted to make sure he got "inside ok", yet they had allowed the cab to leave?

"Go in the refrigerator and grab yourselves a beer, boys. Been a long day. I just have to grab a shower", said Coach as he stumbled up the stairs.

The guys went in the kitchen. Lance grabbing three cold brews from the fridge.

"You hear that? He's stripping for us already," Lance said laughing, "Just have to take turns going up for a piss to make sure he ain't doing some soap-tuggin' of his dick."

The guys laughed, "cheering" each other with a clang of beer bottles.

Coach was actually stunned each time one of the jocks knocked on the door, asking to come in for a leak. In his drunken stupor, he kept forgetting they were there .

He walked down the stairs still soaked with a towel wrapped around his waist. Again seeming surprised as he saw the three lounging in his den.

Lance Ruhl was sprawled on his couch. The shorter of the three, but definitely the mouth. 5'8, but with a tight compact body, that he was never afraid of showing off. Coach had told him more then once to stop lifting his tee at the gym, to brag about his hairy hard abs.

Logan or "Log" like Coach remembered him, was sitting on the floor. 6' tall redhead, a definite follower of Lance. Friends since they were kids, Coach, had heard on many occasions that Logan had gotten in trouble of some sort because of the "Ruhl-boy."

Theo was and had always been one of Coach's favourite. What was he now, 6'4? The lad had it all - good looks, GPA through the roof, excelled at every sport he tried. His light-chocolate skin, and pouty lips, AND that long tongue he slithered over his lips as he talked real low, mesmerised the girls on campus. Besides all being athletes at some point under him, Coach had no idea the connection between Theo and the other boys. (Obviously oblivious to the sex-legacy the three together, had in the town.)

The jocks, though not gay knew a find male body when they saw it - and Coach Storm fit the bill. At 6'6" he towered above them. His chest adorned with smooth toned pecs. At 37 years of age, he was 15 years older then them, but his stomach though not tight like theirs', had the right amount of meat. As mentioned Coach was smooth, except for his line of fur from around his navel which went down into the towel around his waist. Bare foot he plodded his huge 14s across the floor.

Coach sat down next to Lance on the couch, as the jock passed him a beer. Lance smirked, cause if Coach Storm had any misgivings about what was going to go down, the boner-pill dissolved in the brew, was going to cause some serious questions.

For ten minutes or so, the men chatted about sports, and university life. Eventually though, Lance grew tired of the conversation with the drunk coach, and wanted to crank up the talk to something to get Storm's dick to an embarrassing length.

"Must suck without no Mrs. Storm around, Coach. Big stud like you going from sex anytime, to zero. Must be tough."

Even drunk, the coach found this change of subject a little awkward.

"Well - I - you know, er, I manage."

Lance quickly got up. Stood to the back of the couch. His hands on the coach's bare shoulders.

"Fuck, even a massage once and awhile would help you, Coach. I would definitely get some strong hands on my tensed up body, if I was you."

As he talked, Lance smiled and winked at his bros. His fingers rubbing around the coach's neck had the older man almost passing out with relaxation, already!

At this very moment, Coach felt a sudden surge of blood in his crotch area, and even with a buzz on, he realised he had better get away from Lance's soothing fingers.

But not being too steady he started to stumble, just as Tee came up from behind and held him up. His arms around the broad chest as his hands zeroed in on coach's pointy pink nipples.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa Coach. You aiight. I got this. Yeah, just relax here, Fuck yeah, that feel good. Those are some nice boobies you got there Coach. Fuck yeah, they sensitive, ain't they? That's ok, Coach. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We like big sensitive titties, don't we boys? Yeah they get bitches moaning when they pulled like this, or pinched, or fondled like this. You tug your tits when you tugging your dick Coach? Fuck yeah, pointy horny nipples like these, you probably give a pretty good workout? Fuck yeah, they ARE pointy ain't they? And hard! Look at the tip of those boobies, boys? See all around here, we call that the areola. But right here. This hard tip. That is the nipple. The tit. The horniest part of the boob. All you need is a thumb-nail to get that excited. Just like this. Over and over the titties."

Coach Storm was almost literally being kept on his feet, by Tee. His knees were bent a bit, but he was being help up by fingers mauling his pecs. And his fuckin' nipples, just being one of his weaknesses to the touch, were forcing him to just groan with pleasure. Tee's voice right in his ear, was all he heard.

He could't hear or see the other two jocks, moaning with his eyes half-closed, but they were busy.

While laughing as Tee give his anatomy lesson about nipples, Log reached over and YANKED the towel from around coach's waist. A now hard cock in full view. The obvious excitement of the nipple-play oozing down the big head of the drugged cut dick.

"Look who joined the party. That is impressive, Coach. What is that, 8-9 thick inches of meat? "

"Probably just a 5-incher before Tee got a hold of his tits," laughed Lance.

Though none of them had ever handled another man' junk, it surprised Lance as he watched Log suddenly grab the Coach's nut-sac. He had felt that sense of power that Lance had been talking about, when he wrapped his fingers around those big hairy nuts. Being in control of a man that had irked him so often with screams from the bench to do better, felt good.

As Lance went for a piss, Log helped Tee keep Coach in place. Squeezing the bag whenever Coach tried to squirm too much from the fingers tweaking his nipple-tips.

Coach groaned in reaction as Tee murmured in his ear.

"No, don't Coach. Don't try to squirm away. Let me just help you, here. It is obvious you have a horny problem with these boobies. You help me so much Coach, let me just return the favour, by soothing these hard titties with my fingers. It's the least I can do. Fuck Coach, your dick seems to like it, so you just relax and let me enjoy these nice tits of yours. Look how far I can pull those nipples out. Yeah, just keep both of those tit stretched out. That feel good, Coach? That feel good on those big boobs?"

As Lance came back down the stairs, he had not forgotten the Coach saying to Dr. Ruhl he had erogenous "zones". Nipples was an easy one. Time to find # 2.

He lifted Coach's head.

"You ok Coach? You seem a little distracted. Or should I say dick-stracted. Or tit-stracted. I'm glad we were able to show up and help you out. Cause you seem to have a major problem with extreme horniness."

First time in minutes coach managed to speak legible words.

"Stop boys. Let me go to bed. I'm sorry. I - I don't know why I'm so horny."

"It's cool, Coach. No reason to be sorry. We just here to help you find out why you moaning like a whore," said Tee with another round of nail scratches on the pink nubs trapped between his fingers.

The Coach knew why he was so turned on, having his super-sensitive body teased! But surely not imagining that it could have gotten his cock to the lengths that it now stood out. He dared not tell the jocks the embarrassing fact. He need not worry. Lance was already on it.

"I bet if your tits are that sensitive, then other parts of your chest would be too. Let's see," smirked Lance as he suddenly turned on a small hair-trimmer.

Not that Coach could have stopped him, but Lance looking up at the coach's glazed eyes, passed the trimmer RIGHT over the coach's navel. Then again. Then again. Only part of the treasure-trail he worked on until the belly-button was a smooth circle around the hairy lower stomach.

Coach's breathing coming in gasps made Lance smile. Without a doubt he had found another of the coach's weakness. Even with the hairs gone, Lance kept the trimmer vibrating on the smooth navel. Soon having Coach with his head back and his tongue lewdly hanging out.

"Aarrgg Fuck! No more! Trimmer, stop the trimmer.", Coach slurred out as he felt the clippers tickling his belly.

Lance did stop. Only to bring a teasing finger around the exposed navel.

"This better coach? I have fucked a lot of chicks. who love having their belly-buttons played with. And I guessed that the way your tits are horny like theirs, then maybe your belly-button was too, you know?" And they all had smooth belly-buttons, soooooo I figured I would help you out by shaving yours. That's ok, right? RIGHT? Hey Coach? How's your belly-button feeling, Coach? Is it feeling good? Ohhhhh, your cock seems to think so. I think we doing progress here, Coach. This massage we giving you seems to REALLY be helping you forget about Mrs. Storm. I think that's pretty generous of us, Coach,"

Lance had his bros laughing as he chirped at the coach with quick sentences. His middle finger slowly stalking the coach's stretched navel. Making the older men squirm from the itchy feeling. AND making his throbbing pecker bounce by itself as it seeped pre from the slit.

In Coach's stupor, he began to figure out, that the jock's were not helping him at all! They were hell-bound to make him a whimpering bitch, by finding his erogenous zones, that he had kept hidden from EVEN his wife. Fuck, she could have made him sign over anything, if she had known about his horny bod before she left.

But these fuckers somehow were stumbling onto his soft sports. He tried to squirm out of their grasp. But fingers pinched his nipples even harder, or that finger would flick in and out of his navel, or now again, his big nuts were roughly being played with - and he was falling back under their control.

Log stood up. Never letting go of Coach Storm's nuts.

"Now Tee got a pretty good guess thinking those tits of yours -"

"Boobs!", interrupted Tee with a laugh.

"I stand corrected - Tee made a good guess thinking those boobs of yours were pretty tensed. And hats off to "The Ruhl". Able to find and shave off that hidden tense area on your stomach. Now besides the obvious bone of yours trying to bounce away, that leaves your next tense spot as these nuts I have between my fingers here. But let's make sure."

Another series of pinches and pulls on his sore nipples made Coach throw his neck back and GROAN. He soon lost sight, but could certainly feel Log's work with his nuts.

The big balls were looped and tied with twine, then pulled up and to the side.

"Lance, hang on to the end of the twine. Keep those hairy eggs right there."

Trimmer was turned on, this time scraping the hairs off the bound balls.

Coach had man-scaped many times, but NEVER had he completely shaved his nuts. Loving the feel of the hairs on his ticklish sack. He was about to get a new feeling.

Nuts totally shaved, Log pulled the twine. Bringing the nuts out towards him, he placed his fingers on the balls. Then scratching lightly at the freshly shaved sac with fingernails. Then a YANK brought the balls in another direction, so Log could work fingers now underneath the sac.

Coach Storm stood on tip-toes on his huge feet. The jocks in each unique way driving him crazy with lust. Why didn't they stop? His drunken bod struggled in vain, while his cock stayed painfully hard.

For the three jocks, their lust for power, was very real. Their thought had been to just tease the coach for a bit till he passed out. But they had underestimated how much they would enjoy doing it. Seeing the macho coach reduced to a horny bitch, was making them hard and not wanting the fun to end.

"I - I got to piss." groaned Coach, making the boys stop their teasing in unison.

"Why didn't you say so, Coach? You know we here to help in any way."

Lance directed the wobbly coach up the stairs.

As they got to the top, Log came up from behind.

"Not so fast, there Coach. Don't trust that you might go in there pulling your meat."

Removing the twine from around the older man's nuts, he them looped and tied it lightly around the shaft of the throbbing 9 incher.

Lance and Tee laughed as they watched Log pull the rope. Forcing Coach to follow, as he was led to the toilet by his hard cock.

They continued to chuckle as they could hear Log snapping at the coach.

"Keep your hands behind your back, I got your dick here. You just concentrate on pissing in the bowl. Must be tough to piss thru that fat hard-on, ain't it Coach? Well too fuckin' bad. I ain't got all day here, so let's get-at-er'!"

Somehow Coach did the deed, and was pushed back out of the bathroom. He staggered towards his bedroom, followed by the three jocks, who by now had fresh beer in their hands.

Coach looked at the digital clock on his night-stand. 1:41 It hadn't even been hours since they left the bash - it felt like that was days ago.

He zigzagged towards his bed, falling on the sheets, ready to crawl underneath.

"Not so fast, Coach. Party's just beginning. Turn around and show us that big macho horny bod of yours. Here let me help you. There you go. Obviously, you don't wanna sleep either, Coach. Your dick so fuckin' hard. It's remembering how good we made it feel by helping you feel less "tense". The least we can do is keep making Coach feel good, right boys?"

"You right-on there Tee. Now you just lift those big arms over your head, and let old-Lance here get a taste of those big tits. Mmmmmmm. Yeah, hard, man-tit to suck on. Fuck Coach, you opening my eyes here. I been working on women't tits for years, and here are a set of man-boobies just as sensitive."

"If not more!", added Log

The jocks lay on both sides of Coach. Each holding one of his arms over his head, as they wrapped their lips around a puffy pink tit.

Lance kept talking even with the nipple in his mouth, making his bros laugh.

"Now Tee, you might be the professor of the boob, but I'm the expert on making the tits wet and begging for more. First you squeeze the areola and get that titty at attention."

Tee laughed as Lance enunciated the word "areola" and pinched the area extending the Coach's sore nipple.

"Then you lick the tip of that mother-fuckin' tit like it's your last meal."

Lance stuck his tongue out and licked at the tit between his fingers like it was a cat sipping at milk. Flicking his tongue quickly over and over the horny nipple.

"I been to the Lance Ruhl school of tit-licking, Tee. And we learned that next, you wrap your lips around the nipple and suck like you a vacuum."

Coach growled as Log's suction around his sensitive nipples made his toes curl. Felt so good. Why couldn't they just let him go to sleep? Could they not see they were driving him crazy?

Tee meanwhile had removed the lace around a pair of sneakers in the room. He looped one around Coach's left nut, and the other smooth ball was bound with the other lace. Passing the ends up to the two tit-teasers.

"Here hold on to that. Coach seems to be moving around a lot. Yank of his nuts in different directions will calm him down, I bet."

"That's a good idea cause the final rule in The Ruhl's rules of tit licking, is "Intensify and Repeat."

Coach cried out in lust as the two jocks pinched, licked and sucked harder on his pink nubs. PULLING on a nut whenever he tried to move his body away from the intense feeling around his tortured nipples.

"Boys, please. You gotta stop. My nipples are really sensitive. It's humiliating how horny they are. You gotta stop."

That is what the Coach WANTED to say. Instead just moans and whimpers escaped his open lips.

Tee was just sitting back in a chair in the bedroom. Watching the scene in front of him, as he sipped his beer. He wouldn't have thought that Lance was right, but seeing his bros making Coach their bitch, had indeed got him hard. And got him to thinking what else he could do to torment the masculine man into even more submission.

The answer was right in front of his face. The Coach's huge bare feet.

Grabbing and holding the foot steady, he stuck out his tongue and LICKED from heel-to-toe.

Coach GROWLED. This foreign sensation on his soles give him such a jolt! There it was again. And AGAIN.

"Looks like I found soft-spot number 4, boys. Look at his pisser leak that pre."

Coach had known about his erogenous zones for his entire life, it seems, but that tongue flicking wildly on his big feet was a new one on him! He could feel the sensation all over his body, and for the first time in minutes, his voice was very legible.


The jocks DID stop, again in unison. Smirking to themselves at what the Coach had just, I'm sure accidentally, blurted out. Could it be that the cocky-jock Skip Storm had the same ailment as his Dad? Skip hadn't really bothered Tee too much, but to Lance and Log? This rival was their arch-enemy on the field, the pitch, the courts - you name it - for years.

While the jocks said nothing but thought of the possibilities, Lance had a finger tracing in and around the coach's shaved navel. Never letting up the teasing of one of Coach's weak spots.

Moments later, Lance was again joined by his posse. Nipple, navel and soles being licked or fingered had the big coach a moaning mess.


The jocks were proof that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Not a care that sex with a dude had never crossed their minds before, but here they were - all with hard cocks just by driving the subdued Coach to a frenzy - by using the same techniques they used on chicks.

As Lance sucked on a sore nipple he heard the buzz of a smart-phone. Noise coming from the bathroom, where Coach had stripped to take his shower. He stood and went to check it out.

The short message could be read without even unlocking the phone.

"Dad, running late with the guys. Be home soon. Night"

Lance showed the message to Tee, making him laugh as he kept lapping at the moaning man's heel.

"Here Coach, you got a message. Unlock your phone so you can answer it."

Coach Storm on instinct pressed the four digit code into his phone, and slumped back in the bed. Not even remembering doing it as Log worked on both of his nipples with fingers or lips.

Lance text-in a reply, and showed it to Tee.

"Ok, I'm going to bed. I got samples of a new supplement you can try. I'll put one on the kitchen table. Give you energy in the AM"

Lance showed Tee another boner pill he had taken from his Dad's office. He went downstairs. Putting the pill on an envelope so it couldn't be missed by Skip. Finding the little left of the laced beer he had given to Coach earlier, he filled it up again with some of his beer, and put it back in the fridge. Just in case Skip got thirsty.

Then it was back upstairs where Log had changed places with Tee. Unlike the black jock who had been more sensual with the coach's big feet, Log's aim was to tickle and stimulate with just the tip of his tongue fluttering all over.

Tee meanwhile had figured that a long tongue slurping on Coach's belly seemed more of a worry to the older man, then a finger. Slurping wetly at the navel making Coach grab down. Trying to push Tee away to stop the sensations.

"Whoa, settle down, Coach. Don't try to stop us. Your cock is LOVING it. So let us help you out."

Lance sat on Coach's pecs. Grabbing both arms, he bound the hands to the headboard of the bed with socks he found on the floor. Making sure as he leaned over, that Coach had himself a big sniff and feel of a hard dick thru his jeans.

"Sorry to tie your hands Coach, but you gotta let the men do their jobs here." he said grinding his dick in the squirming face.

Coach though at times feeling close to passing-out, was now also feeling helpless. As the jocks moved back, his body was now on full display.

"Wow, Coach you have certainly leaked a river of pre all over your pubes there. Gentlemen, I say we did a hell of a job, helping Coach with his situation."

"Man, you right Lance. Though, he still squirming around like a slut in heat. Good thing you grabbed his hands there. Fuck, I think Coach wuz ready to pull his pud right in front of us!"

Coach was STILL squirming, just like Log said. Fingers and lips having left his big body but his hard cock still a solid pipe as it lay on his stomach.

The jocks sat back. Enjoying watching Coach almost begging them for their touch. Once and awhile giving him more then he needed of teasing of his horny exposed zones. Just enough to have him on the embarrassing edge of cumming while they watched.

They kept him groaning and growling at them - both hating and loving the sensations on his body. They only stopped when they heard the sound of Skip Storm coming home.

The jock was definitely a tall chip off the old block, at 6'3". He and his Dad looked more like brothers people said, being so close in age. Being only 21 made them "look" like brothers, but there was no question that Coach Storm ran the house-hold with a strict hand.

Being 21, also made him legal to go out boozin', and there was no doubt when he arrived, that he had been partying. The jocks upstairs stayed quiet. (A finger wrap around Coach Storm's balls made sure he stayed quiet too)

They could hear Skip "Sshhing" himself as he made noise in the kitchen. So the jocks knew, they were safe inside, cause no way Skip wanted to wake up his Dad.

Though, minutes later, when he made his way upstairs, the boys were ready to pounce in case he walked in. Instead, they heard him go to the washroom. A loud piss, was followed by the shower being turned on.

The jocks had really no plan to have the two Storm men at their pleasure. To make sure Skip might become as horny as his Dad, Lance sneaked downstairs and saw that not only was the "supplement" gone, but the jock had also chugged the (maybe) laced beer left in the fridge.

Quickly back upstairs, Lance informed the boys that it looked like a go to bring Skip to his knees.

"He's drunk as fuck, and he's going to be horny as his Daddy in about 10 minutes, I would bet. Tee you stay and take care of things in here, while we go talk son into joining us."

Tee snickered as he lay next to the hand-bound coach, as his buds sneaked into the hallway.

In his near-sleep daze, Coach was again hearing that deep voice RIGHT at his ear.

"Ho-hey-ho Coach, wakey-wakey. You might be tired, but those hot boobies of yours say a DIFFERENT story. See? Just a fuckin' thumb-nail scraping across that titty has your dick again with a serious leakage problem. Ohhhh man, you doing some serious moaning, there Coach. We gotta be quiet for a bit. I know, here you go. Just gonna pull my socks off and gag those horny whimpers of yours Coach. Yeah, you keep that sock in your mouth. Now, what you say, Coach? Couldn't really understand you there, but you wondering how, I am gonna keep my feet warm, with my socks in your mouth? Well, that's nice of you to ask, Coach. I'll just rub them on the soles of your right foot there. What? What Coach? What the matter? Oooohhhh that made you seriously moan. We trying to be quiet here, Coach."

Tee was getting the coach back to a feverish pitch. Both nipples were being nimbly fingered. One of the older man's feet was being held by one of Tee's while another foot scraped the sensitive soles of the 14s.

The Coach's dick was back to seriously throbbing and leaking - but really, it had rarely STOPPED throbbing and leaking!

The two other jocks, with of course no plan, simply stormed into the washroom where Skip was taking his shower.

"What the fuck? Dad?", slurred Skip in a panic.

"No, it's your buddies."

Skip turned the shower off, and put his head thru the curtain.

"Ruhl! What the fuck-? What you doing up here! And Log? What the two of you fuckin' want?"

"Now is that any way to talk to two guys looking for your best interest? You were taking so long in that shower, we got worried that you would hurt yourself pulling your dick."

"Fuck you, Ruhl!"

As he went to step out, Skip stumbled a bit. The jocks looked at one another smirking. Though he had actually sounded fairly lucid speaking from the shower, the cocky jock was actually so drunk, he could hardly stand.

This time though, it was the "helpful" arms of Log that got the big jock to his feet.

He held Skip in place, with the jock's arms over his head. Log's arm with a neck-lock, so Skip wasn't moving around.

Lance lifted Skip's face.

"You not such a big shot right now, are you Skip? Not so tough without those fuckin' jerks you hang around with, close by."

"Where's Dad?", Skip slurred.

"Your Daddy? Well he's being much more hospitable then you are. He was right-nice to us when we got here. In fact your Daddy and I had a very good conversation, didn't we Log?"

"We sure did. Fact Daddy told us you were a really special boy."

"A special boy, full of special places. Special places that needing exploring."

Skip couldn't comprehend what Lance was saying, but a sense of dread hit him when he felt fingers suddenly cupping his pecs. Second later, those same fingers latched onto his tit. Skip's nipple extended from the tips of his pecs. And right now Lance had a pinch of both of those ends.

"Look at those babies, Log. Look at the tips. These are true-blue teats."

In Skip's drunk state, Lance had wondered if the boner-pills were gonna work fast. He need not worry, cause Skip's nipples was making him get hard LONG before those pills would have started working.

Deep MOANS came out of Skip's mouth as Lance roughly worked his nipples.

"Yeah, fucker. Daddy might have mentioned something about these tits being a little sensitive. Guess he was right, eh?"

"Ruhl, what the fuck are you doing? Let me go!", Skip asked slowly.

He squirmed with little results, as Log had a strong grasp of his shoulders.

"Let you go? But man, look how much fun your cock is having."

Skip looked down. His meat was at it's full 8 inches. Jocks HAD caught him jacking off in the shower. What they hadn't known is he was doing so by playing with his horny nipples. Soon as Lance grabbed them, his cock reacted again!

Lance lay both his hands on Skip's chest. Both middle-fingers ROUGHLY flicking the extensions of the tits.

"Yeah, look at those big titties bounce. "

Skip was moaning in his drunken-stupor like his Dad had done hours before. Even louder when Lance moved a finger down and diddled in Skip's navel.

"Who've figured you would have had a horny belly. Just like your Daddy. Fuck Log, look at the bitch squirming!"

Log laughed having a hard time holding onto the jock, as Lance poked in the navel.

As they got Skip to straighten up again, Lance smiled as he noticed during the little commotion, the pill he had left on the table fall to the floor from the sink. So Skip was this horned up, basically from the tit-play without help of the boner-pill. Lance didn't let the pill go to waste.

"Didn't your Daddy tell you to eat this earlier? Open up."

Skip thinking nothing of it, swallowed the "supplement". Only remembering what his Dad had told him earlier. Not cluing-in as to why Lance would know what his Dad had told him earlier!

"Fuck Lance, he doesn't have a hair on his nuts. I was sort of hoping to shave down there for him."

"He's got little bushy blond pube thing going on the belly there. You can shave that," answered Lance laughing.

Lance again stepped right in front of Skip. Using his thumb and forefinger, he grabbed both of Skip's protruding nipples. Rolling the tit,

"Stick those fuckin' pecs you so proud of there, boy. Fuck yeah! Lance listen to him moan. I think Skippy here, is enjoying himself"

"Hell yeah, Log. He's having a GREAT time," said Lance as he moved back a step - showing Skip's hard bone, "Open your eyes, big boy. Get a look at your fuckin' dick. Ready to bust a nut having a DUDE working your fuckin' tits."

Skip was humiliated, but not surprised. This had been happening to him like he was in a bad-dream. Once again, when he opened his eyes, he could see his dick was at full mast, while his nipples were getting mauled. They were so charged to his cock, that he actually wore t-shirts when he fucked chicks, so they wouldn't brush their fingers over his chest, and cause him to cum!

And now fuckin' Ruhl was pinching his nipples and making him get so hard! Why would his Dad have told Ruhl about this? He knew the guy could be such a jerk.

When Log let him go, Skip again almost fell to the floor. This time it was Lance that held him up.

The jock was in a drunk horny daze just like Coach Storm. Lance could see that lustful haze in Skip's eyes.

"Your cock seems to be pointing right at your Daddy's bedroom? Probably not the first time, hey Skippy?"

Log laughed at Lance's comment as he turned cold water on his fingers. Making Skip growl, when he placed his fingers on the hot tips of the nipples.

"Let's cool these babies down while we go see what's going on in Daddy's bedroom?"

With Log pulling his nipples, and Lance shoving him from behind, Skip was directed into his father's room.

The jocks may have been looking for a more shocked reaction from the two, but both Skip and Coach were so buzzed, they hardly acknowledged one another.

Lance and Log could tell that Coach had been played with while they were gone. His hairy pubes were coated with fresh-pre. So was his dick! The hard pecker sweaty and shiny from the constant teasing of his big body.

"Had to sock-gag Coach, did you Tee?", Lance asked with a snicker.

Tee turned, seeing the jocks walk in - and leading an obviously turned-on, Skip by the nips,

"Yeah boys you know how Coach likes to get his tit massaged. Was getting a little loud, moaning for it. Wow! I can see old-Skipper here was enjoying what you boys were doing. Boing! Boing! Boing!"

The jocks all laughed as Tee brought a bare foot over and tapped Skip's hard dick, Making it bounce with each "Boing". They laughed even harder when they removed their fingers and showed Skip's excited nipples. Tee jumped up and put his eyes inches from a tit. Looking at Skip's pecs from one side then the other.

"Now that is an impressive set of head-light boys. Just standing up begging for attention. You fuckin' know Skip here has tugged on these beauties to get himself off, isn't that right. you horny bitch."

Skip had almost fell asleep standing there, when Tee came up behind him. The two other jocks smirked as they saw their buddy seducing another bitch. Tee's mouth now inches from Skip's ear.

"It's ok buddy. All good. Get comfortable. We all buds here. Just helping one another feel good. And I can tell these hot nips of yours being played with is going to make you feel good. Yeah, big boy. Just fuckin' groaning already just from me scraping my nails under that big titty. I can see I'm going to REALLY make you feel good. See big tittied bitches, are my speciality. OOOhhh yeah! That gets you whimpering, don't it Skip? Keep your hands to the side, I know what I'm doing, bitch. Give these tits the work-out that they craving."

Tee had the drunk jock panting as he looked down seeing his nipples being roughly pulled. Never having had another person do that to his sensitive pecs, so GOOD. Skip yelped, as his dick dripped pre to the floor.

Tee kept pulling the tits as he watched Lance return to the bed.

Tee grabbed Skip's hair. making him lift his head.

Skip felt clippers suddenly passing over and over his lower belly. Roughly hitting on his hard dick as it buzzed around. Tee kept a hand pulling Skip's head back. Other hand still busy playing with a pink titty. Ensuring Skip wasn't moving as his pubes were shaved.

Log to humiliate the rival more, made Skip bring his hands up, clasp them behind his head. As Tee used fingers on both of Skip's nipples, Log went to work shaving the jock's exposed pits. It was hard to tell if Skip even knew it was happening. Still pissing pre out of his slit as those fingers kept rubbing his sore nipples. His eyes closed while he swayed.

Lance meanwhile had Coach Storm again desperately writhing on the bed. He had lay over Coach, purposely landing his cock mound right over the coach's face. A finger playing with the coaches' shaved navel. Making the older man hump his body, rubbing his nose all over Lance's denim-covered dick.

"Coach, what? What are you doing? Are you trying to sniff my cock?", Lance asked, making the other jocks laugh as he held his position so Coach had no choice, "you must love the smell. Look at you just mashing your face on my dick."

When Lance moved off Coach's face, he didn't even try to hide the outline of his rock hard dick. All three jocks obviously turned on by making the two alpha men their bitch.

Tee and Log brought Skip over the bed. He hadn't even tried to resist and move his hand down when they shoved him on the bed. He landed open-pit on his dad's face.

"HA! HA! HA! Oh Fuck, that was perfect", laughed Lance, "free-fall, pit first in his dad's face."

"Yeah Daddy didn't seem to mind. He's still sniffing for your cock, Lance. Feel bad, I shaved Skip's pits now. Sorry Coach," Log joked.

"I like that touch though. Pit-to-face. Turn Skip around here. Yeah,bro. We just gonna lay you on top of Dad a bit."

Tee and Logan directed Skip on his back. Coach's head was free of the weight of his boy's body, but was turned so it faced an exposed pit. That pit was on display cause Lance had tied Skip's hands to the headboard, near his Dad's.

The jocks sat back and looked at their handiwork. Both men on top of one another, squirming like horny bitches. They laughed when Tee reached underneath. Finding Coach's big pecker, pulling it out, then making it SNAP on top of Skip's cock and balls! Then again! Then again! Pain and pleasure combined for the men as their hard cocks were touched - the pain of the SMACKS as the hard meat collided, had them moaning.

The lace that had been tied and retied around Coach Storm's nuts was again grabbed. The older man could not see what they were doing, but he felt his tight nuts again bound and attached tautly to something - which ended up being the shaft of Skip's cock.

Lance and Log lay on the bed on the side of both men.

"Coach, you stick your tongue out and you start licking that pit." Lance said insuring his order was obeyed with threatening fingernails scratches on those tied balls.

Tee untied the coach's sock-gag

"Oohh what the fuck? Lance you fucker, don't! Dad - OOHH FUCK - Dad don't listen to him. MMOOOOAAANN. Fuck. Stop Dad!"

Skip was moaning as he lazily slurred for the tongue to stop. Pit so fuckin' ticklish now. His Dad was lapping at it non stop.

"You just relax Skippy old boy, your Dad can't hear ya. He's so fuckin' drunk and horny, that he's gonna do anything to get off. And he knows WE, not YOU, might get em' off.

Lance reached down to prove his point and roughly scratched at the coach's tied nuts. Laughing as he could hear coach lap at the open pit in response.

"Time to feast on some puffy pink teats," he moved down a bit. Opening his mouth he swallowed Skip's right nipple as he smiled at his rhyme.

Same exact time Log did the same on the left tit.


As Skip growled, Tee came from behind and used his socks to gag the jock's whiny pleas.

"First of all, shut-the-fuck-up, bitch. Secondly, look at your fuckin' cock. That look like someone who is "hating" what is going on, well I! Don't! Think! So!."

Tee again used his bare feet to slap Skip's throbbing dick with each syllable. Making Coach Storm's nuts get PULLED by his son's shaft.

Skip was moaning like a paid whore in the sock. Squirming. but no way was he able to move - drunk, hands bound and laying on his Dad. His nipples were being sucked like crazy in hot, wet mouths. Tit at times chewed-on lightly, as the jock remembered how the younger alpha liked his nipple-play rougher.

But the pitch went higher in the sweaty sock, when Tee went down to the jock's big feet. Skip felt his left foot being moved so it was under his Dad's. Other foot the same. Skip's right foot, basically being held in place by his Dad's huge dawg.

The long lick from his heel to his toes made Skip GASP LOUD in the sock-gag. His body rising off his Dad, only to be pushed back down by suctioning lips working his erect nipples. Then another lick was felt on his other foot. He wriggled his toes frantically. His feet getting him so hard(er) so quick, his cock hurt!


Skip wasn't even thinking about his Dad under him. Every hard movement of his body, made his shaft PULL on Coach Storm's nuts.

The jocks were smirking - hardly able to make out a moaning word from Skip's gag.

"I hear him say we sucking his nipples too hard? Perhaps you like a softer nursing of your titty," Lance replied mockingly as he started an exaggerated slurping at the tit with loud sucking noises.

Skip growled in his gag - curling his toes at the feeling on both of his pecs.

"Those piggies want attention Skippy? Don't mind if I do."

Tee noticing Skip squirming, stuck his tongue between the sensitive toes. Making him HOWL in reaction. A tongue on Coach Storm's soles was a warning to keep his feet right where they were - holding Skip's huge feet in place.

The jocks had Skip on the edge of cumming so many times. Like his Dad below him, he was in a horny drunk stupor. His dick having dripped sap till it rolled off his smooth belly, onto his own dad's stomach.

Coach Storm wasn't helping. Mindlessly licking Skip's shaved pit, each time Lance told him to.

Log, who was LOVING the sound of the big alphas moaning like whores, joined Tee at the edge of the bed. Now two tongues worked Skip's feet to get the big jock whimpering.

"DUDES! PLEASE! HA! HA! HA! HA! OOOOH FFAAAWWWKK!", he tried to slur out thru the sock-gag.

He was bouncing frantically on his dad's chest. Pulling on Coach Storm's huge nuts as he did.

"Whoa, whoa big boy, you gonna hurt your Daddy doing that," said Lance feigning concern.

'What? What you doing?" slurred Skip thru the gag.

"Just making you more comfortable, boy."

Lance untied the coach's balls from Skip's shaft, and turned the young Storm, so he was now laying right on top of his dad. Both alpha men, even in their drunken trance, felt the awkwardness. Well aware that they were laying hard dick-on-hard dick.

"Now isn't that nice to see a family that is so close after all these years", laughed Log.

He returned to licking the soles of Skip's feet, which had the jock SQUIRMING frantically on his dad's chest.


"Shut up, bitch," snapped Tee, grabbing the back of Skip's head and forcing it in Coach's Storm's exposed pit.

The jocks laughed as they heard Skip's muffled cries as his feet were again tongue-tickled over.

Minutes later, when they let him off his dad's body, there was reason for more laughter and teasing as both men had dripped a copious amount of sticky pre-cum all over their stomachs while they squirmed on one another.

Lance lay down on the bed next to Coach Storm.

"Hi Coach! Bet you missed old Lance didn't you. Man I can tell. Just rubbing my finger around your belly button, and you moaning like a paid whore. Yeah you definitely in need of some more attention, ain't you Coach?"

"We in need of some attention too!"

Lance turned around and laughed out loud, as he saw both Log and Tee had stripped bare ass naked. The seduction of the two alphas had just turned up- a-notch. Both jocks proving their enjoyment of the scene, with stiff wet dicks sticking out of their pubes

Skip and Coach Storm hardly seemed to notice that they had dicks now inches from their lips. Their eyes half closed as they lay side by side on their backs.

Lance burrowed himself a bit between their legs. One at a time, he kicked off his sneakers, and reached back to pull his socks off. Making both men GASP as he pushed a middle finger in their navels. Same time his bare feet teasingly scraped on the alpha's soles.

"Now let's see some puckering, from those moaning lips, boys. That's it. In fact, I wanna see you duck-lip like you taking a selfie. Like you a teasing whore wanting some cock. Coach Storm, you want this finger deeper in your belly-button, Sir? Then I would suggest you start puckering like you're a hoe! See Skippy here, is being a little more attentive. Knowing how he's in a bit of a predicament if he don't obey, but you Coach seem to enjoy getting your belly-button finger-fucked."

Tee laughed, as he reached down and grabbed Coach's nipple as he placed his hard black dick right above the older man's lips.

"Don't listen to Lance, Coach. You doing fine. In fact, so fine, you deserve to have your lips rewarded. There you go. You can warm up those lips on that hot cock. That's nice, Coach. Let me grab both your tits. Fuck yeah, Hearing a bitch moaning for my dick, just makes me harder, Coach."

Tee's fingers pulled the coach's nipple straight out, in different directions. When the alpha moaned, his lips were soon being parted by a thick jock-cock.

"Keep puckering your lips. Now stick you tongue out. Yeah show me how hungry you are for my dick"

Tee and Lance noticed that Log had Skip in pretty much the same position. Head of his dick resting on spread lips as Skip moaned and licked as ordered.

Soon both Storm men were having their mouth spread wider. Skip and Coach were untied, and thrown on their backs on opposite ends. Both men, had their heads hanging over a side, with their lips being spread by a hard cock. To keep the alphas moaning around their dicks, the jocks tickled or licked the exposed soles near them.

"Fuck yeah, Coach. Swallow that big black dick. Moan bitch. Fuck, mouth so hot."

"You got that right, Tee. Man, Skippy here just whimpering for more of my cock."

"Fuck you, Log. I think Coach Storm likes my dick more."

Tee and Log doubled the efforts on the feet of the cocksucking alphas. Laughing themselves, as they heard and felt the squeals around their pistoning pricks.

Lance seemed in fascination with the navels of their new bitches. He lay on his stomach besides Skip. Middle fingers toying with both men.

"Fucking amazing. Two big guys brought to their knees, or in this case, on their backs, just from working their rather, erogenous zones. Obvious bitches, for sure. Just fuckin' diddle their inviting belly-buttons, and they fuckin' sucking dick and wriggling their feet for more! And look at THEIR fuckin' dicks! Meat ready to bust a fuckin' vein! No cocks can get any harder, bitches. You better hope this news doesn't leave this room Yeah, show the boys how much you want this juicy little gossip to STAY in this room. Suck like you know you better suck to keep us happy. Meanwhile, old Lance here will keep YOU happy."

Middle finger scratching at the rim of the alpha's navels. Both Coach Storm and Skip, stretching their feet out in reaction. Enticing a finger or a tongue to come down and swipe at their huge ticklish toes. Dicks being pushed in their open mouths, Log and Tee tapping their nuts on the alpha's faces, as they both leaned over. Grabbing both nipples on their cocksucker's chest, and pulling them in-rhythm to feeding the open mouths.

"I don't know about you Lance, but Tee and I gonna need to be sucked off pretty often to keep US happy," said Log as he made Skip nurse on the tip of his dick.

"O.k., enough. My turn, I want some of that, " said Lance as he got up taking his clothes off.

Tee pulled his wet dick out the coach's mouth. Letting Lance have a turn at those puckering lips. Tee lay next to Coach.

"Yeah Coach Storm, you think those pink boobies of yours remember me? (SLURP! SUCK!) I think they do! Yeah stick them out for me Coach. I know you love it, bitch."

Tee loudly nursed on that hard nipple, as he moved a hand up to grab one of Skip's feet. Holding it, so he could scrape his fingernails lightly on the sensitive toes. His other hand having taking over Lance's shift, now tickling the alpha's sensitive stomachs.

Coach Storm and Skip moaned. Their bodies twitching with lust as their erotic zones were teased. Unable to stop as fat jock-cock filled their mouths.

Log and Lance chuckled as they both pushed their dicks in, so they were making the cheeks push out with the outline of their peckers.

When they pulled out Skip, and Coach stayed with mouths open. Tongues hanging out. GASPING for breath. Their drunken, horny state giving them no strength to even TRY to climb to their feet, and get away. Skip DID try to roll to a side. Only to be stopped by Log. The jock easily lifting the alpha by the shoulders and SHOVING him down on his Dad's chest. Skip laying across his Dad's belly. Coach Storm GROANING at the weight of his son's body landing on his pulsing pecker.


"Watch it, Skippy. Don't want you fallin' off the bed, there. WH-at? You see that boys? Did Skippy just lift those big cakes for more? You like that Skip? That how Coach gets things done around here, when you slacking off, on the field or on the courts? Take you over his knee for a bare-hand spankin'? I think it probably happened so often, that Skippy fuckin LOVES hands smacking his ass! Now that's just a theory, but.."

With that Log rained SLAPS on Skip's ample butt cheeks. The younger jock squirmed on his dad's chest. MOANING at the heat coming off his ass.

Coach was groaning for another reason. The head of his dick being SQUEEZED by Skip's smooth stomach as it roughly pressed down with his horny movements. His groans were soon muffled, as Lance stood above them. Pushing his low hanging balls between the coach's open mouth.

"Slurp on that sac Coach while I get a good view of your boy getting a little discipline. Lift his bod up for a second, Log. Holy Moly, Coach! I dunno if you leaking all that jizz. I think it may be Skippy there, enjoying a bare-bottom spanking. Looks like we found another one of those itchy sensitive spots on Skip's big body, didn't we Coach? What are we up to? Five horny spots on you and Skip?"

"Now Lance technically we only seen four sensitive part on Coach," said Tee as he entered the room again after going to get more beers, "those hot boobies, his slutty belly-button, his freshly shaven nuts, and his big feet."

"Only one way to find out if he has a fifth, bro" replied Lance laughing, "Log, lift Skippy up there, before he bust a nut all over his daddy's belly.'

Smirking, the redhead grabbed Skip, lifting him up.

Lance helped Coach to his feet. Suddenly grabbing the older man by the hair he pushed him up against the wall. Then deliberately SMACKING one high butt cheek, then the other.

"FUCK! RUHL! What the hell you doing? OW! FUCK!", growled Coach as the pain snapped him out of his daze a bit.

"Nothing you don't seem to be liking, Coach. Look!", said Lance as he turned him around so again, all could see the angry hard cock, "get down there!"

Lance shove Coach Storm on his stomach on the bed. Log threw Skip in the same position besides his dad,

Skip's hair was grabbed. Forcing him to lift his head. A SPANK on his ass made him yelp (OW!) and open his mouth - barely enough to allow a hard black pipe to stretch his lips.

"Suck that dick, bitch. Fuck, yeah! And no teeth! You scrape my cock, your beefy ass-cakes there get a slap? Understood?"

Tee leaned over. Leaving a hand-imprint on a round cheek with a SMACK. All the jocks laughing at Skip's horny muffled moan.

"Gimme some room here," said Log as he got up on the bed.

Both he and Tee were shoving their cocks in a hot mouth. Each kneeling on one knee, the jocks held the Storm men by the hair, and forced them to swallow their cocks over and over. Lance meanwhile just stood back. Enjoying a beer, he SLAPPED an unsuspecting butt cheek, then another.

"Keep you butts nice and arched, boys. Yeah, 4 fuckin' fat targets to slap around. Keep your fuckin' foot right there, Coach. I am SURE Skip is enjoying your toes rubbing on his soles. Bros, one cannot get in a better bitch-position then the one these two strong gentlemen are enjoying."

Log laughed as he give Lance a "high-five".

"For sure! Slurping on cock on all 4s, and getting their butt spanked? Only the horniest of bitches, enjoy that! JESUS! Coach just fuckin' EATING my cock! Slurp on that dick. Fuck yeah! Lance spanking you just makes you work for more, don't it?"

Skip and his dad were desperately moaning with both pain and excitement. Their fat cocks proving their lust. Not understanding, but somehow getting turned on by being submissive to the aggressive jocks.

Finally their stretched lips were given a reprieve. Both alphas falling to their shoulders, big red butts in the air.

Lance stood behind, With a SLAP! SLAP! on coach's ass, he suddenly pushed a finger between the deep crack. Using his other hand he did the same to Skip. Still groaning from two SLAPS, just before feeling a finger scraping at the clenched cheeks.

"I think I may have found the portal to sensitive part number six.'

With that Lance pressed his fingers firmly up the muscled butt. Both Storm men, yowled in reaction.


"Shut up, bitch!", said Tee as he scooted his bod on the bed, Grabbing Skip's hair, lifting his head, then dropping it on his sweaty big nuts.

Log quickly followed suit. Making Coach get a sniff of his balls, as his bubble-buns got played with.

"Dudes, you know how chicks will NOT let us fuck them in the ass. I think I may have found the solution. Think about it. Tight muscled asshole around your cocks? Man some chicks won't even let you play with their assholes, and here we have two big dudes just moaning for it."

By now Lance had found the smooth holes and had teasingly began jabbing at the clenched slits.

Both Storm men, without the other one knowing of course, knew that their assholes were just another piece of their enhanced libidos. Having teased their taint and asslips when they jacked off. But NEVER had they felt ANOTHER person's finger jabbing at their hole, and it was making them squirm in lust.

Suddenly that finger had penetrated their protesting puckers. Their holes forced to let the invader push in. Then out. In. Then out. The feeling in their ass was so intense. Especially when Lance started a brisk finger-fuck. They had nowhere to move. Nuts covering their faces. Now fully laid out on the bed, getting fingered.

The Storm men would not remember when their holes were taken by hard cocks. They passed out on their stomachs. Both sock-gagged. With one hard cock after another plunging in their holes.

Log and Lance having taken no time pushing their dicks up the man-pussies.

While Tee put sweaty socks around both men's lips, two stiff pricks were bustin' some cherries. If the Storm men felt pain, they, certainly didn't react. Their virgin holes the only defenders - the tight pink lips - were soon spread by determined dicks.

Tee took his turn. GRINDING his belly on a hot set of buns, as he filled that pussy with cock. Over and over the jocks changed holes. Coach Storm and Skip MOANING at times, as their p-spot was rammed - but only to fall back in a dazed/sleep as their holes were drilled over and over.

The jock that WASN'T doing any fucking? He was in charge of teasing the big alpha feet hanging over the bed. Even passed-out, Skip and Coach, reacted to a nail-scrape on their feet, with a TIGHTENING of the asslips around a thick cock. Adding to the pleasure of the horned up jocks.

"Oh fuck, bro! Lance you were right. This pussy, without a doubt, the tightest hungriest cunt I have ever fucked. Just trying to drain my dick."

Lance slapped hands with Tee.

"I told you, bro! Coach's hole is just wrapped around my cock. It's just enjoying the ride."

Both jocks made SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! sounds as they slapped their bodies up against those round asses.

"Fuck, Log, don't stop working Skip's feet. His ass just grabbing at my dick for cum."

"Coach is gonna get his load, for sure. AHHHH FUCKER! YEAH! TAKE MY JIZZ!"

Lance's own round butt a blur as he drilled his prick in and out of that tight hole, until he clenched his cheeks and SPURT! SPURT! SPURT! a huge load of cream up that ass.

He hand't pulled out for a second, before Log was pushing his own meat up the coach's wet hole.

"Take my baby-makers, bitch," growled Tee as he filled Skip's hole with his own cum.

Log meanwhile, jumped from one of the men to the other. He pulled out of Coach's hole, just for a sloppy-second round at Skips hole.

Back and forth the big redhead jumped in one manpussy, and then the other. It ended with a loud orgasm. Log pulling out of an ass to shoot his hot cum, in between one ass-crack, and then the other. Not stopping until his load dribbled out on smooth fucked butts.

The jocks one at a time, went in the bathroom to clean up, then came back in to get dressed.

"What should we do with the bitches? Should we drag Skip to his bed?"

"Fuck that, Tee" said Log, "I want these two jerks waking up together."

"Log, they so buzzed, they not gonna remember what happened, anyway."

"Exactly," Lance answered with a snicker, "let's move Skip to the opposite end here."

"Bro, that is fucked!" Tee said laughing as he watched the two other jocks move Skip and his dad so they were laying there, eyes closed, face-to-cock.

Lance laughed as he grabbed the coach's dick. That meat had barely lost any hardness, but gentle teasing strokes soon had the pecker at full thickness.

"What? Haven't you ever heard the old saying "incest is best". We just helping the Storm men out to do their best."

The two other jocks could hardly stop their laughing as they watched Lance grab Skip's jaw. Making him open his mouth. With a little help from Log, he got coach in position, so the head of his hard prick was soon in Skip's mouth. Then looking at the other two jocks, Lance made a production of putting one finger on Skip's jaw, and pushing the mouth shut - with the lips wrapped around the big cock head.

Moving to the other end, Lance repeated the process. Lifting the wet slab of Skip's meat, he teased it with fingers and nails, until it too was rock-hard, and Skip was moaning softly around the dick in his mouth. Was a little harder to get Coach to open his mouth, but Log started pulling and licking at the swollen nipples - this soon had coach opening his mouth in pleasure. Just enough for Lance to place the engorged head of Skip's dick between the stretched lips.

While Log and Lance worked, Tee moved around with his phone. Taking pics from different angles, so there was no doubt what was "obviously" going on in the Storm household.

The jocks then put pillows around the alphas, so they basically would not move out of the position they had been placed.

High-fiving one another to celebrate their conquests, the jocks walked out of the bedroom snickering at the sounds of cocks being gently sucked.

Next: Chapter 2

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