Story - Myman

By Karen Mitchell

Published on Apr 30, 1996



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I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.

MY MAN, BILL (Lisa Marie)

As a young boy, I had always identified more with little girls than with the other little boys. I didn't have much interest in sports, but always envied the girls with their pretty dresses and gentle ways. As I grew older I began to sometimes dress first as a girl, then later as a woman. As I grew into adulthood, I always assumed that there was something wrong with me. Then I found out about transsexuals.

As I began to read more,I realized that clearly, this is what I was. So, one day I decided to do something about it. Not being sure enough of myself to undertake counseling, I decided to start off on my own. I started buying new feminine clothes, and over time built up a small but flexible wardrobe. I would go to work as a male, but most days as soon as I got off work, I would shower, shave and change into what I felt was the real me. Through a friend who was a medical student, I learned about the various hormones that were available, and managed to get a prescription for some. As my breasts blossomed, and my hips became more rounded, I began to be more confident about my femininity and go out more often. Eventually I began to feel that dressing as a man was the masquerade.

One thing that saddended me somewhat was that during these few months, I had become somewhat of a recluse. I had gradually dropped out of contact with all of the friends that I had made in my male identity, and I had not yet made new ones in the new identity that I was creating. As fall turned into winter, I moved into a new apartment, as a woman. None of the neighbors knew that the new girl who had moved in was not quite what she seemed. I usually went to work after most of the other residents, and often returned home after dark. I wore a trenchcoat style of overcoat to work which, while actually a womens coat, did not seem to attract any attention at the office. I think that some of my co-workers may have wondered about my long, perfectly shaped nails, but no one ever commented, and I didn't wear any polish at all to work. At any rate, my male alter ego was pretty well hidden from my new neighbors. All in all, things were going pretty well in my new life. I was starting to get admiring looks in the public places, and felt ready to start making new friends.

Then one day an old friend from my past paid me a visit. This was quite a surprise since I had not heard from this particular person for about a year.

Bill had been a fairly close friend a few years back, but we had gradually lost contact. When I heard the knock on the door, I was just lounging around house, thinking about going out shopping. I was wearing a short skirt and low cut sweater, with my normal garter belt, sheer stockings, and plunge bra on underneath. Perhaps somewhat of a sexy sort of outfit, but I like to feel attractive. I didn't think twice about going to the door and opening it, since I thought that the only people who would be coming would be people who knew me as Heather, my new name. When I opened the door, we were both struck speechless for a few moments. "Come in, Bill." I managed to stammer out. "Randy?" he said in an uncertain voice. In all the years that I had known him, I had never seen him so surprised. "Is that really you?" he asked. "No," I replied, "not Randy anymore. It's Heather now." As he looked me over, I could see him wondering if I had had "the operation." I invited him in and we both sat down on the sofa. "In case you are wondering, no I have not had surgery yet." I told him matter of factly. He replied "That is exactly what I was wondering. But what has happened to you. You obviously have at least some of the physical attributes of a woman." as he gazed down my low cut top at my full breasts.

"Well,", I said, "I came to realize that I was not really a mixed up male, as I had thought, just a female in the body of a male. I am in the process of correcting nature's mistake now. I am taking hormones to fix my shape, and when I have lived as a woman long enough, I will get the surgery. By the way, may I get you something to drink?" He nervously accepted, and I quickly went to the kitchen to fix his drink, gratefull for the chance to try to sort out my thoughts. Here was someone who had at one time been my best friend. How would he react to this new me? He seemed to be taking the shock pretty well so far though. As I returned from the kitchen, he smiled and said, "You know, I always thought that there was something different about you. You never seemed all that interested in girls, and yet you never were at all gay that I could tell.

And you always seemed sort of soft and sensitive. I guess now I know why. Are you happier this way?" "Yes," I replied, "I am very happy now. The transition has been a little inconvenient at times, but now I am building a new life as Heather. I still dress as a man for work, but soon I will be looking for a new job, as Heather. I feel that for the first time in my life, I am truly being myself."

As we sat and talked some more, I noticed Bill becoming visibly more relaxed.

He had always been tolerant of others, but I wasn't sure how he would react the the dramatic change in me. He seemed to be very accepting. We talked about old time, people we had known, and what we had been doing since we last talked. It turned out that Bill had done quite well. He was the regional sales manager for a large office supply company. By sheer coincidence, he was living just a few miles away from me. He asked me if I had had any boyfriends yet. I started to blush, and replied "No, I've been afraid to so far. I'm afraid that they will want to go to bed with me, and that is something that I can't do yet." "But there are things that you could do with a man." "Yes, but I couldn't take off all of my clothes in front of a man, yet, and it all seems like too much of a risky situation. I wouldn't want to go out on a date with a man, start to like him, and then have to drop him because I couldn't get physical with him." I noticed that he was smiling as he put his hand on my knee and said "Well, if the man already knew about your situation, you would have nothing to be afraid of. You actually are a very attractive woman you know, and parts of you are very womanly." as his gaze wandered down my top again.

As I felt his warm hand on my knee, I realized that somehow during our conversation, he had moved closer to me until now I could feel his body against mine. For a moment, a chill of fear gripped my insides. "What is he trying to do?" I thought to myself, as I fought not to panic. Then as I looked into his eyes, I realized what he intended to do. When he leaned over to kiss me, I didn't try to pull away. As his lips met mine, I felt as if sparks were flashing between us. I felt a warm feeling rising up from my stomach through my body. Our tongues hungrily sought and found each other. He fondled my breasts tenderly and I felt my passion growing. As he started to undress me, I realized, we were about to do what I had been so afraid of, and it felt com pletely comfortable. After he had removed all of my clothes, he started to take his off. As I looked at his firm, well muscled body, I knew that I wanted him as I had never wanted anyone in my life. He sat back down on the sofa, and guided my head down towards his now very hard manhood. I took it into my mouth, marvelling at the size of it. Once I had caressed him with my lips and tongue for a few minutes, he pulled me away and laid me down. He licked his fingers, and reached down to my shapely rear and moistened my opening.Then he slowly and gently entered me. As he pumped, slowly at first then faster and faster, I felt waves of sensation washing over me. I had never imagined that I could enjoy sex so much. Finally, I seemed to explode in an overpowering climax, just as I could feel him climaxing. I reveled in the feeling of his heat filling me in powerful surges. Afterwards, we leaned back and cuddled up to each other. It was wonderful to feel so warm and protected, with his strong arms around me."Thank you Bill." I said "Thank you, Heather, for the best sex I have ever had! Somehow, with other women, I have always felt that there was a gap between me and them, a gulf that couldn't totally be bridged, no matter how close we got. With you, I don't feel that." I didn't know what to say, so I just snuggled closer to him. We spent the rest of the evening in passionate lovemaking. Later, as he was leaving, Bill asked, "How about dinner this Friday?" I readily agreed, and gave him a kiss to send him on his way.

Friday came, and I dressed in the sexy new dress that I had bought earlier in the week. It was a quite a slinky affair, very low cut, and it fit like it was sprayed on. The color was black, to complement my blond hair and fair coloring. I was quite nervous as I waited for him to pick me up. I had been out shopping, and on errands many times, but never out to dinner. I just knew that he would take me to some really fancy place. When Bill arrived, he told me how beautiful I looked, and that he had been looking forward to this evening all week. Once we got to the restaurant, which proved to be very elegant, and had some wine before dinner, I began to feel better. No one seemed to suspect that I was anything other than the lovely young lady that I appeared to be, and felt like. After dinner, we went to a quiet night club and danced to romantic music. Naturally, at the end of the evening, we ended up in my bed for another night of spectacular lovemaking.

Over the course of the next few months, we began to see a lot of each other. I began to meet some of Bill's friends and business associates. He began to introduce me as "Heather, my girlfriend." Shortly after we had begun dating, I had started counseling with an understanding therapist. She agreed with my opinion that emotionally, there was nothing really wrong with me exept for feelings of frustration at my incorrrect plumbing. Also, I had found another job, this time as Heather. My new boss was very pleased with my work, and gave me several generous raises. I made friends with some of the other women in the office, who accepted me totally. My new life was coming together fabulously.

Then, after six months of therapy, my therapist told me that she was going to give her approval for me to go ahead and get surgery. She said that since I had been living as a woman for about a year now, she felt that I had had enough of a Real Life Test. The next evening when I saw Bill, I could hardly wait to tell him. "That's great honey!" he exclaimed, "When will it be?." I told him how I had managed to get sheduled for a date only three weeks away. He seemed almost as happy as I was. When I told my boss that I needed a month off to take care of some important personal business, he said that it would be no problem, even though I had only accumulated a week of vacation time. "Think of it as a little bonus." he said.

Two weeks later I had my surgery, and three weeks later I was home in my bed.

Bill was really a sweetheart. The first two weeks that I was home, he came over every night to fix dinner for me and take care of the house.

After a month of recovery, the doctor pronounced me fit to go back to work, and resume my normal life style. When he said that, I secretly laughed to myself.

Why would I want to go back to being an imitation woman, when I was now a real one! The doctors appointment had been on a Friday, and Bill had arranged to take me out to a special evening on the town to celebrate. I knew that he had been planning this ever since I came back from the hospital. He seemed very excited about it. That night, I wore the most elegant dress I owned, a strapless evening gown with a long skirt and a slit "up to here." I knew that Bill was quite fond of my breasts, and that this particular dress showed them off to good advantage. The restaurant was one of the most expensive in town, and very elegant. The food was delicious, as were the admiring glances I received from some of the other men there. Then over coffee afterwards, Bill said to me "Heather, I don't really know how to say how I feel about you. Once, you were my best friend. Now, you are a different sort of best friend. I think that you know by now that I love you. You are truly all woman now, so I feel that it is all right for me to say it." "I love you too Bill, more than I can describe." I replied. He went on "Well, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about us, and where we are going together." At that moment, a ring with a large diamond in it seemed to appear in his hand. "I want you to say yes." he asked, as he gazed directly into my eyes. I felt as if I was in a daze, could this really be happening to me? Truly I did love Bill. He was the only man that I had ever made love to. And since I had abstained from any sex during my recovery period, I would be coming to him as a virgin bride of sorts. It all seemed so incredibly wonderful, it was hard to believe that it was true. Well, it only took me a moment to make up my mind, and I murmured "Yes, yes I would love to be your wife."

Bill took me home to meet his family, but didn't mention anything about me ever being anyone else but Heather. His father pinched my bottom and said "Looks like Bill has really caught a beauty." His mother said "I'm glad that someone has finally managed to tame our young Casanova." One problem was that I wanted to invite my family to the wedding, and they had no idea of the changes that had happened to me. I called my mother, and told her that I wanted to see her, to discuss something important. She asked me if everything was all right with me, and said that my voice sounded a little funny. I told her that everything was wonderful with me, and that I had some good news for her. I arranged to meet her at a cozy little restuarant near my office for lunch. I often went there with other girls from the office, so all the employees knew me as a regular. My mother and I both arrived at the restuarant at the same time, almost bumping into each other at the door. The hostess asked me "Your regular table Miss Heather?" I said that that would be fine, and she led back through the other tables to a secluded booth near the rear. As I was sitting down, I told the hostess that the woman who had come in behind me would say that she was expecting to meet someone, and to bring her to my table. I said something about me meeting her in place of the gentlemen she was expecting to meet. After the hostess had seated her, my mother asked me "Do I know you, you look very familiar, and why isn't my son here to meet me?" "You do know me, mother." I replied, "Randy is no more, now you have a daughter. My name is now Heather." At first she was flabbergasted. Then she wanted to know all about why and how. She had trouble believing that I was actually a woman, until I showed her my new drivers license and revised birth certificate. After a little while, she seemed to be adjusting fairly well. Then I told her the other news, "And guess what mom, I'm getting married next month!" and showed her the ring on my finger. She asked me when I would be bringing the young man home to meet the family and I said that I wanted to meet the rest of the family myself in my new identity first, then anytime after that. We set up a date for dinner at her house, with all of my brothers and their families being there. My mother must have briefed them all beforehand, since when I got there everything went smoothly. A week later, I brought Bill to dinner, and they all took to him right away. I was glad that my future husband was such a charming gentleman.

Only my mother remembered him as being a friend of mine from before, and she didn't mention anything to the others.

As the wedding day drew near, my mother was a great help with all of the myriad details that a bride has to deal with. My wedding gown was gorgeous, with miles of lace and satin. I felt like a princess when I wore it, which I suppose is how you are supposed to feel. The day of the wedding, I was more nervous than I had ever imagined I could be! But the ceremony went off without a hitch. Both of our mothers cried, and I felt so happy that I almost cried myself. When the priest said that Bill could kiss his bride, and he did, I felt like I was in heaven. At the reception I danced every dance. When I wasn't dancing with Bill, the other men were lining up to dance with me. We left fairly early, to catch our flight to Hawaii, where we were to spend our honymoon. My boss hadn't been real pleased when I asked for more vacation time, so soon after my month off, but when I told him that I was getting married, he decided that it was fine with him. For the next week, we laid in the sun and played in the water all day, and made love all evening in our room. It was seven days of sheer bliss! Alas, all vacations have to end sometime, and this one ended all too soon.

When we returned, I of course moved out of my apartment and into Bill's house.

We were completely happy together in our new life. We began to entertain frequently, often having dinner parties in our large formal dining room. Since it was still summer, we often spent weekends out at the pool, and I maintained my Hawaiian tan. After that, I suppose my story might get a little boring to you, the reader. It seems so trite to say "and then we lived happily ever after", But what can you do if that is exactly what happened? Oh, we occasionally have little spats, like husbands and wives do, but we always make up with a kiss right away. It really does seem like we were made for each other. And now dear reader, I must leave you. Bill is calling me to come to bed, and that is an invitation that I would never want to refuse. Just let me leave you with one parting thought, wishes really can come true.

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