Story of My Love

By Denzil Cuddy

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Hi, well we are finally at part ten. LOL I never thought this story would go this far. It was just a way to pass the time this summer between classes. I have found, however, that enjoy writing it. So, until this is no longer fun I will continue to write. I might add that I love the e-mails, and keep them coming. I love your input, and need it. So if you like, love, hate, or just don't care about it send e-mail anyway. hehe. hope to hear from you soon.

As usual I do not know Nsync, Brtney Spears, or anyone associated with their record labels. I am just a slightly bored overly imaginative college student. So please don't take any of this to heart. I don't know the actual sexuality of any of these characters in real life, and please keep in mind they are just characters, based very very loosely on the public persona's of these very talented people. Please don't sue me!! hehehe. If you should not be reading this for whatever reason, don't . If you read anyway, and there is really nothing bad about my story, don't say I you weren't warned. So enough about that read this installment and immediately send me some e-mail people!! I hate homework, so give me something else to read!!! PLEASE!!!

Thanks, DC

We go speeding out of the parking lot. The Florida sun is brilliant and we all have our sunglasses on. We make a quick stop at McDonalds and then are on our way to Lance's house. I am attacking an order of fries, while Lance and Justin each have a big mac, and Britney is enjoying her chocolate milk shake. Lance is usually a cautious driver but this time he is flying. I flip on the radio and go in search of a station. I can't find anything worth listening to, and start flipping through Lance's CD's.

"You handled that really well Britney!" Lance says as we come to a stop at a light. There is real admiration in his voice.

"Thanks Lance, I just wanted to help you guys. Well, I also wanted some time with my Justin." She giggles as he puts his arm around her shoulders. "I hope they cave."

"Oh I think they well babe." Justin says as he kisses her cheek. "They don't want all of the bad publicity that we can generate. It was really great of Christina and the BSB to lend us their support."

The light turns green and Lance is off again. We are soon on the freeway doing just a little over 90mph. My phone vibrates against my thigh, and I quickly pick it up.

"Hello." I say into the little black phone. Every eyes and ear in the 4runner is suddenly on me.

"Is this Joshua Chasez?" A woman's voice asks me.

"Yes it is."

"This is Mrs. Montgomery from Jive. I am the secretary to Mr. Carlisle. He would like me to inform you that his bosses have agreed to give you the two months you asked for originally. He says you are to be ready to go on tour immediately after those two months. I would just like to say congratulations, Mr. Chasez, Carlisle fought tooth and nail. You have some really great friends. Have a nice day."

"Thanks, you too." I say as I turn the phone off and throw it in Lance's glove box. Is turn my attention back to my fries.

"Well, what was that all about?!" Justin asks as he playfully slaps the back of my head.

"What was what about?" I ask batting my eyes. I give my best innocent expression.

"Spill it JC!" Lance and Britney say in unison. We all chuckle a bit at that.

"Well, that was Mrs. Montgomery telling me that we have a two month hiatus." I smile as I lean over and kiss Lance on the cheek.

"Woo hoo!" Justin yells in his best Homer Simpson impression. Britney claps, and giggle as she bounces on the seat.

"I love you." Lance says as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Britney, thank you! You did it, you saved us. Let's all go out to dinner tomorrow night my treat." I say as I turn back to look at Britney.

"Well, I only did what was right. They were messing around with my friends. You have to call and thank Christina and the BSB too. Let's do go out to dinner though, and yes you can pay. I've known you forever JC and would do anything to help you out. You're one of my best friends." Britney says as she wipes tears from her eyes.

"Oh, thanks Brit. You are one of my best friends too. If you ever need anything, just let me know. I have got your back girl." I say as I pull her into a hug.

We finally pull up to Lance's house and we all tumble out and make our way to the door. I run around the back punch the security code into the keypad by the back gate and run and dive into the pool. It feels wonderful. I hear a splash and look over to see Justin in the pool too. I splash him and he reciprocates. A full fledged water fight ensues, and I love it.

Lance and Britney have changed into swim suites and are sitting on the patio sipping big cold glasses of iced tea. I smile as I swim to the stairs and climb out of the comforting water. I pull my shirt off, my shoes, socks, pants quickly follow. I stand there for a moment in my boxer briefs and shiver as I pull the large comfy towel over my shoulders. Lance brought it out, he is sooo thoughtful. I go over and collapse into the chair beside Lance.

"Well, you obviously have more energy! I'm glad to see that you are feeling better." Lance says as he absentmindedly rubs my leg. Britney giggles as Justin comes up and sits down beside her.

"What does everyone want on their pizza's?" Britney asks as she pulls her cell out of her bag.

"Oh, mushrooms, black olives, pepperoni, just get a supreme." I say as I lean back in the chair and shut my eyes. The towel is soft and warm around me, and I feel as if heaven has come to earth to embrace me.

"Make that two." Lance says. I hear him stand and walk toward the house.

"I just want a plain pepperoni." Justin says.

"Fine I'll make the order." Britney says as I hear her punch the keys to her phone.

I realize I am dozing off. I feel the heavy threads of sleep encircling my mind and soul. I feel the world slipping away, and I know I need to get up. I force my eyes to open. I look around at the deck and stare at the sun reflecting off of the ripples on the pools surface. I look over at Brit. and Justin and they are entangled in an embrace. I stand, smiling, and decide to go in search of Lance.

I open the sliding glass door to the house and the cold air rushes out and pricks at my skin. I shiver slightly as I pull the towel a little tighter around me. I walk into the cool dim interior. There are sparks of color dancing across my eyes as I slowly adjust to the relative darkness. I pad quietly through the kitchen and make my way to the living room. No Lance. I look around and head up the stairs. I find Lance on the bed with an arm thrown over his eyes. He is breathing deeply, and I realize he is asleep.

I pull off the towel and my wet underwear. I walk over to the dresser and pull on some dry boxers. I find a t-shirt and slip it on. It fits a lot better than it would have just a few days ago. I walk over to the bed and lie down beside Lance. I slide my arms around him and pull him close to me. He murmurs in his sleep and pulls me against him.

My lips touch his and a thousand little bells and whistles go off in my head. I feel so comfortable with him. I feel so safe and warm, protected with my Lance. I kiss him a little more urgently and he wakes up. His eyes flutter open and I stare into the deep green pools of pure beauty. He smiles at me, and pulls me in for another kiss. After a moment he pulls gently away and just stares at me.

"How did I ever get so lucky as to have you fall in love with me?" He asks. His voice is deep, almost husky with emotions. I slide my hand up and down his back.

"I'm the lucky one. To love you and have you love me back is the greatest treasure in my life. You have helped me through so much, and I just want to hold you forever. You are my heart, my life, my joy. You are my everything." I hear the emotion in my own voice and decide to forgive the cheesiness of the comment. We kiss again for another long moment.

"We have company, and food on the way. We will have to continue this later." Lance says as he stands and extends his hand to help me off of the bed.

I let him help me up. We then head out of the bedroom. Just before he gets out the door though I reach out and slap his ass. He turns on his heel and the look of hunger and lust in his eyes takes my breath away. I gasp as he pulls me into a kiss and melt into his arms. He pulls away and smiles at me again.

"Later, I promise." Lance says as he takes my hand and we walk down the hall and down stairs just as the doorbell rings. Pizza is here.

Justin and Britney have already opened the door and paid for the pizza. We all head into the living room and drop down onto the couch. I sit on the end with Lance next to me, Britney next to Lance, and Justin at the opposite end. I jump up and run to the kitchen for some plates, and a few cans of soda. I pass out the cans of Dr. Pepper when I get back and hand out the plates. We all dig into our pizzas, utterly good.

"So, does anyone feel up to going to the mall?" Justin asks before starting on his third slice of pizza.

"No, not really. I think I want to stay in and get a nap." I say as I stretch.

"I wouldn't mind a trip to the mall." Britney says as she finishes her second slice.

"I'm with JC, I could use a little nap." Lance says as he turns and smiles up at me.

I want to jump him right then and there, but I don't. We do have company after all. Instead I smile back and throw a piece of pepperoni on his face. We all laugh as Lance just pulls it off and eats it. We are all full, and Lance takes the leftovers to the kitchen.

"Hey, JC, can I borrow some of your clothes?" Justin asks.

"Sure, come on." We both jump up off the couch and head up to the bedroom. We walk into the mater bedroom and head to the closet.

"Man, I'm so glad we get this time off, and all of that. Thanks, for still being my friend. I love you man, and I'm glad you and Lance have one another. Tomorrow let's, just me and you, go to a movie or something." Justin says as he pulls out a black shirt and some nylon pants. I throw him a pair of boxers from the dresser and he quickly changes.

"Sure, man, that would be great. How about around 11 we go get lunch, catch a movie, and just hang for a while?" I ask, happy to have my life going back to normal.

"Sure, yeah man. I'll just tell Britney, maybe she and Lance can hang out." We both chuckle a bit and head back down stairs.

"You ready Brit?" Justin asks as we reach the living room.

"Yeah, baby let's go. Bye Lance, JC, I'll see ya'll later." She says as she stands and pulls Lance and then myself into a hug.

We all say our goodbyes and then they head out. Lance had evidently called the cab while we were upstairs. The door closes as they leave and I drop to the couch. I lean back and close my eyes, and pretend to sleep.

"Oh, no you don't! We made a promise, and I'm still hungry." Lance says as he rolls me off the couch. I land with a thud on the floor and can not help but laugh.

"O.k. I suppose." I grin up devilishly to let him know that I am just playing. We head up the stairs and I am suddenly anxious. This is going to be fun.

I walk quietly down the stairs to the kitchen. I am parched, and do not want to wake up Lance. The sun has long since gone, and the stars and moon provide little light in the large dark house. The silence around me seems a deafening crescendo. My mind clicks and whirls, free to wonder in any number of directions. No longer held down, or back, by the world of sounds that usually occupy it.

I used to be scared of the dark. I used to imagine dark hideous creatures lurking just our of sight waiting to grab the unsuspecting and careless. I am still not completely comfortable in it. The dark night air is like a slick damp cloth clinging to me. I feel as if I am suffocating. As soon as I reach the kitchen I find the light switch and squint as the harsh light fills the room. I relax and let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I shuffle over to fridge and fish out a bottle of water. Ahhh....refreshing.

I jump as the doorbell rings through the house. I walk quickly to the door hoping that the sound has not woken Lance. I glance at the clock on the VCR as I walk through the den. It glares at me in glowing green numbers that it is 1a.m.. I look out the peep hole and see Chris and Joey standing there. I open the door and motion for them to come in. The smell of alcohol is almost overpowering.

"JC..." Chris starts in a voice entirely too loud for so early in the morning.

"Shh...keep it down Lance is still asleep." I say as they sit on the couch and I take the recliner.

"JC, we are so sorry man, we did not mean to betray you and the other guys. We were just intimidated by management, can you guys forgive us?" Chris slurs out and starts to cry.

"Yeah, man, we are sorry. They threatened us and we caved. We heard about how you guys and Britney really stuck it to them earlier today though. That is cool man." Joey echoes Chris's sentiments.

"Guys, I understand I really do. I am sure we will forgive you. I forgive you and I know that Lance and Justin will too. Britney you may have a bit of a problem with, she was pissed at you guys. But I am sure even she will come around. How did you guys get here?" I ask as I hope that they did not drive.

"Joey drove. We were talking and just had to come over and apologize while we had the nerve. We were afraid that you or Lance or both of you, would throw us out. You are part of our family, brothers, god knows we spend enough time together. We are so sorry." Chris stands and stumbles over to me pulling me into a hug. He reeks of Whiskey, but I hug him back. Joey soon joins in the little hug, and I give them a minute before I push them away.

"It's o.k. guys, I forgive you. Now come on upstairs and get into bed." I say as I stand and start toward the stairs.

"No that is ok, I am cool to drive. We wouldn't want to impose." Joey says as he stands on wobbly feet.

"Bullshit, you two are not going anywhere in this condition. I would not be any kind of friend if I let either of you drive like this. Now give my your keys and come upstairs. You two can share the guest bedroom." I hold out my hand. Joey hesitates for just a moment before reluctantly pulling out his keys and placing them in my hand. I smile as I slap him on the back and we all head up the stairs.

"Good night guys." I say as they climb into the bed and kick off their shoes. I pull the door closed behind me and walk back into my bedroom.

"Well, what did they have to say?" Lance asks in a sleepy voice as I climb back into bed.

"Oh, sorry didn't mean to wake you sweety. They are both drunk and apologized repeatedly for the way they behaved with management. I put them in the guest room, they were in no condition to drive. Hope you don't mind." I say as I put my arms around him and snuggle close.

"Of course I don't mind. Don't want them getting killed or killing anyone else. I am glad you did it. I'll forgive them tomorrow after they suffer through a nice long hangover. hehe. Goodnight I love you." Lance says as he snuggles back into me.

We both finally drift off to sleep.

Lance is walking out of the bathroom when I open my eyes. He is naked and has water dripping down his face and chest. He is beautiful. I smile as I sit up and give him a low whistle. He blushes of course, and I smile all the wider.

"Good morning sunshine. I think I want to wake up to that sight every morning." I sit up and jump out of bed. Lance pulls the towel around him and begins to dry off.

"Good morning, hop in the shower. We've got a long day ahead of us. I want to take a drive down the beach, maybe just lay around for a few hours. You're getting as pale as I am, and we can't be having that." Lance says as he begins to pull on some clothes.

"Sure, sounds like a plan to me. You gonna make breakfast while I shower?" I ask as I pull some clothes from the closet and head for the bathroom.

"Sure, some nice eggs, toast, maybe some bacon. Oh, and I had better get some coffee going for our guests." Lance smiles as he walks up to me an pulls me into a kiss.

"Oh, I had forgotten all about them, don't wake them until I get out. We'll have to think of some really mean way to wake their alcoholic asses up." I laugh as I walk into the bathroom and take a long hot shower.

I pull on some jeans and a t-shirt when I get out. I look at myself in the mirror for a moment, and the gauntness is almost gone from my face. I smile at myself, I can not help it. I feel strong and confident, I feel the old me is finally beginning to return. I walk barefoot down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of food is driving me insane, and I feel ravenous. Lance is sitting at the table sipping his usual glass of tea. I have grown an affection for sweat tea since moving to the south. It is addictive stuff. Whenever we tour up north Lance, Justin, and I go crazy, they just do not know how to make tea up there.

"Good morning again, sexy!" Lance says as I notice the plate of food he has ready for me on the table. I sit down across from him and begin to raise the fork to my mouth. "Oh, come on, you know I want to say grace first." Lance chuckles as I place my fork back on the plate and reach across the table so he can take my hand in his.

"O.k. just make it quick, I am hungry." I say as he smacks my hand gently and starts.

"Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day. Thank you for this food, and all the other blessings you have given us already this day. Thank you again for letting me find my love, and letting him live through his horrible ordeal. Thank you for Britney and her way of handling management, and letting us get these next two months off. Thank you for our two friends upstairs, and seeing them safely here last night. Thank you lord for life, health and happiness. In Jesus name, amen." Lance lets go of my hand.

"Amen." I echo him and open my eyes. I smile at my love and then dig into the wonderful food he has prepared.

"It's delicious honey, why didn't you tell me you could cook?" I say between mouthfuls.

"I don't like to make a habit of it. Besides, this stuff is easy to cook, so I'm not really a cook. So, have you decided on how you want to wake the other two up yet?" Lance asks with a devilish grin.

"Well, I was thinking..." I start.

"Think all you want, but we are already up. Sorry to foil you plans, maybe next time." Chris says as he walks into the kitchen. He walks as if he is about to break into a thousand pieces. I feel sorry for him, but there is nothing I can do. He gets the worst hangovers, which is why he doesn't usually drink too much. Last night being the first exception in a long while.

"Morning guys!" Joey says as he comes, practically bouncing, into the room. Joey can handle his liquor better than anyone I know. He is almost never sick the next day. I am happy for him, but it makes me feel worse for Chris.

"There is a pot of coffee guys, I figured ya'll would be needin it this mornin." Lance says. I notice his accent and can not help but think it is sexy.

"Is this that famous southern hospitality I have heard so much about?" Joey asks with a little chuckle as he heaps some food onto his plate. Chris just grabs a mug of coffee.

"How can you drink that stuff so early in the morning?" Chris asks as he sees that Lance is drinking tea.

"Ya'll just don't understand how good and wonderful iced tea is. You have been deprived by growing up way up north. I will never ever understand coffee, sure we drink it down here too, but I hate it. Entirely too bitter for me." Lance says as he takes another big drink of his tea.

"I will stick to my orange juice, thank you." I say laughing at both of them.

Joey suddenly coughs and spits out the fork full of eggs that he has just put in his mouth. His face is red, and he looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head. He grabs the mug of coffee and chugs it. He spits this out too, and runs to the sink and holds his mouth under the faucet. Lance is laughing like a mad man. Chris cautiously takes a sip of his coffee and looks over at Lance with a smile on his face. He just sits the mug down and pours himself a glass of tea from the pitcher in the fridge.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Joey asks as he finally manages to damp down the fire in his mouth and throat.

"No, just a little fun. Get a glass of milk, and eat a piece of toast, it will help." Lance says as he takes another sip of his tea.

"What did you put in it?" I ask.

"Oh, some black pepper, some Jalapeno's, and a little Texas Pete hot sauce for good measure. That is why I had your plate ready when you came down stairs. Vengance is mine sayeth Lance." Chris and I chuckle at Lance's little comment, and the look on Joey's face. "So, all is forgiven now. I am glad ya'll came over last night. I hate it when we are mad at one another." With that Lance stands and pulls a couple of pans out of the oven, identical to the ones on the stove top. "Don't worry ya'll this is edible. I'm told it is pretty good too."

Joey piles up a plate and takes a cautious bite before digging in. Chris gets a piece of toast. We all sit and enjoy breakfast and the company, talking idly of nothing and everything. It is great. I glance over at the clock on the microwave and it flashes 10:14 at me. I think for a moment before I realize I am suppose to meet Justin and spend the day with him. That is when the doorbell rings and I know it is Justin.

"Joey, can you get the door?" I ask.

"Sure." Joey says looking a little puzzled as he stands and heads toward the living room.

"Lance can I speak to you for a moment upstairs?" I ask taking his hand and pulling him up behind me.

"O.k., we'll be back down in a minute Chris." Lance says as we head up the stairs. I hear the door opening, and Joey saying hey to Justin.

"Lance, I am sorry to ruin your plans for the day, but I promised Justin that I would spend today with him. I promised him yesterday, before I knew you wanted to go out and do anything. Can we have tomorrow together?" I watch his face for a moment. He looks a little disappointed and I understand.

"Sure, we will have most of the two months together. I understand. I should have told you earlier that I wanted to do something today. Tomorrow it is just you and me though." Lance says as he smiles and pulls me into a kiss.

"You got it babe. Do you know how much I love you?" I ask as I stare into his eyes.

"Just as much as I love you. Don't do anything to strenuous today, tomorrow you will need your strength." Lance smiles as he kisses me again.

With that we head back down the stairs just in time to see Justin and Britney take a bit of Lance's special breakfast. Justin gasps and spits it out, squarely in Joey's face. Britney smiles and swallows, as her eyes water. I am impressed.

"What the hell is in this Lance?" Justin yells as he grabs the milk off of the table.

"Oh, that was the little joke I had for Joey and Chris today. Sorry, they seemed to have used my material against you." Lance says as he sits back down at the table. I notice he does not pick back up his tea, and I can not help but think that is a smart idea.

"You ready to go Justin?" I ask as I message Lance's shoulders.

"Yup, let's go." Justin stands and gives Britney a kiss on the cheek. I lean down and give Lance a similar kiss. With this we say our goodbye's to the others and head out into the Florida sun.

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