Story of My Love

By Denzil Cuddy

Published on Aug 1, 2000


Well, here we are kiddies, part 5!! Wow, I can't believe the e-mails I have gotten. Thank you all so very very much. I am glad to know that you have all enjoyed my story. LOL I do not think there will be many more installments on this particular story, but I hope to put a new one out, so don't worry. Well, thanks for reading and again, let me know what you think, feedback is CRITICAL! Hope to hear from you soon.

As usual I do not know or am in no way affiliated with NSync. Don't read this if you shouldn't, especially if you get caught. geesh. Well, see ya'll next time, and I expect e-mail people!! If you love it hate it, or just want to send an e-mail to someone, I love all e-mails. LOL bybyby

I look over at Lance, and can not help but smile when I see those wonderful green eyes looking into my soul. I am glad Joey decided to go back to the hotel after the mall; I love spending down time with my Lance. The candlelight is perfect; it causes his eyes to twinkle. I smile again, and laugh inside at what a hopeless fool I am when in love.

"I hope Justin is o.k." Lance says. There is a faint frown around the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, I'm sure he is. He got what he deserved Lance. I would have done, and have done, the exact same thing in similar circumstances. Besides, I think it is romantic how you came to my rescue."

I reach over the table and give his hand a squeeze. It is fairly dim inside the restaurant and we have a private booth. It sill feels odd and dangerous to do such things in a public place. I like the feeling of danger. His skin is smooth and hot to the touch. I want nothing more in life than to sit and hold his hand and stare into those wonderful eyes. He pulls his hand away as the waitress brings us our meals, and a bottle of wine.

"Here you are Mr. Chasez, Mr. Bass." She looks at us and smiles a huge smile. She looks to be in her late twenties, but I can see she knows that we are famous. "Well there be anything else." She looks directly at Lance as she says this, with flirtation dripping off of her voice. I see Lance smile back, but he cringes a little in his seat.

"That will be all thank you." I say with a little anger and frustration in my voice. It is not fair that she gets to be more familiar with my boyfriend than I do in public. I take a big drink of my wine, and know that my face is a little flushed. She leaves with a bit of a frown, but a gentle grin from Lance puts the smile back on her face. She twists just a little too much as she leaves.

"JC, are you o.k?" Lance asks looking at me with a little concern and a little shock.

"I'm fine, just a little frustrated. I want to be able to flirt and stuff with you in public." I sigh a little over dramatically. "I guess it's better to have you in private though, fewer people get jealous. That and the whole Justin thing, I guess it has gotten to me a little bit."

Lance reaches out and pats my hand. He takes it in his own and twines his fingers around mine. I feel completely connected to my love. My heart beats a little faster, and I suddenly want to forget the meal and the cozy restaurant with the flirty waitresses and run back to the hotel with Lance in toe. Instead I smile and rub the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Well, I hate to do it, but let go of my hand. I am hungry and the sooner we eat the sooner we can get back to our room."

I notice the twinkle in his eyes as he says this. I want to be cautious and move slow, but my reticence melts like snow in a fire. No, like snow in a conflagration. I release his hand and we both pick up our forks. I am about to take the first bite of my fish, when I see Lance looking at me disapprovingly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lance, would you like to say grace?" I sometimes forget that Lance is a bit more religious than most people are. I've met his parents and I know where he gets it from. He smiles and bows his head, I just watch in adoration. The prayer is simple and to the point, perfect. I smile as he raises his head and we both start eating.

My hunger is back with a vengeance and I make quite the pig of myself. As we both finish we sit back in our seats and sip our wine. The sense of urgency from earlier having been misplaced. We chatter about silly things, inconsequential things. It is wonderful.

"JC, I think we should be getting back to the hotel now. Don't you?" Lance finally asks as his foot gently rubs against my leg. I smile.

"Yeah, let's go. I have all these calories that I need to burn off!" Lance smiles and immediately whips out his credit card. I start to object but the waitress appears and takes it away. He just smiles and winks at me.

"Fine, you pay this time, but I pay next time."

"That's cool, I don't mind paying. I kind of enjoy it actually; maybe you owe me a little something now." There is a twinkle in his eye that is hard to mistake. I blush a little, and know that there is a similar look in my own eyes.

"Well, let's get out of here, and back to the hotel." With that we both leave the table and walk out into the busy New York night. We quickly hail a cab and arrive at the hotel without incident. Just as we step out of the elevator Joey comes running down the hall.

"There you two are, geesh, don't you people believe in turning on your cell phones!? I was worried. Oh well, it's cool, I understand." He looks at our entwined hands and gives us a conspiratorial wink. "Come on, we're having a meeting in Chris's room. Justin wants to apologize."

I groan, I can't help it. I have this sickening lurching feeling talking about Justin. I still want to forgive him, but he keeps destroying everything. Joey looks at me, and Lance just laughs. I finally force a smile and nod my head and nod my answer to Joey. He smiles and runs down to Chris's room.

Lance kisses me. Wow, it is amazing how quickly my dark thoughts and worries can melt in the face of raw emotion. Finally he regretfully pulls away, and takes my hand.

"Come on, the sooner we get in there the sooner we can leave. We'll just let Justin apologize, accept and put all of this behind us."

I don't have the heart to tell him that it is going to get involved, as I know it will. It always gets complicated. One of my difficultly learned life lessons. I smile and let him lead me to the door. We walk in to find five chairs around a rickety looking card table. There is a large bottle of vodka, some OJ, and some sprite. I smile wider when I see this. Maybe it won't be such a bad night after all.

"Welcome, please have a seat." Chris says as he walks out of the bathroom and takes his seat to Justin's left. Joey is on Justin's right, keeping him safe from Lance and I. We take our seats and keep our hands together.

"Well, Justin has something to say." Chris finally says, his voice cutting through the strained silence.

"I'm sorry guys. I really am, I don't know why I reacted the way that I did, and I don't know how to make it better."

That's when I notice the half empty glass in front of him. He was a bit flushed, and it suddenly became clear that he had been drinking. I chuckle as I fill a glass with ice and then add half sprite and half vodka. I mix it with one of the straws and take a long drink. Ah! My favorite.

"Well, Justin I want to accept your apology, but I want a better explanation for why you acted that way." Lance says as I finish off my drink. Chris is downing his too. This is going to be fun; I suddenly want to get completely drunk.

"You know what, let's play a drinking game." I say into the silence. Chris and Joey immediately agree, followed somewhat reluctantly by Lance and lastly Justin.

"So, what do you want to play?" Joey asks.

"O.k. here it is" he stands and goes over to his luggage, producing a deck of cards. "We each pull a card; the one with the lowest has to accept either truth or drink. The person with the highest will ask the question."

We all nod our agreement, and the games began. An hour and a half later, a very sober Lance helps me to my room. The game went well, no one came to any sudden epiphanies or deep understandings, but everyone got really drunk except Lance and Justin. I stumble and Lance supports me.

"Sorry, Lance, I just wanted to lose myself. I didn't want to have to deal with all of that tonight." I lean heavily on his shoulder as he slides my key card through the door. It clicks open and we walk into the dark. I smile as I push him on the bed. I immediately jump on top of him. Our lips lock and I lose myself in the kiss. He suddenly pushes me away. I land with a thump on the floor.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I ask as I rub my ass.

"Josh, you're drunk, and I don't want anything to happen! I am going back to my room and we can talk tomorrow, without a bottle of vodka." Lance quickly and quietly leaves my room.

I sit in shock for a moment, and then jump up and run to the bathroom. I puke everything I have eaten since second grade up. I sit back when I'm through and curl into a little ball on the floor and am gone.

I wake up to a gentle shaking. The world is far too bright. I groan and pull a hand over my eyes, in a vain attempt to shield them from the harsh truth. God, I feel horrible.

"Josh, come on man, get up. You have to get ready, there were some scheduling errors and we have to go to an autograph signing today." It is Lance, so I slowly open my eyes, and see him staring down at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey, I thought you would be pissed at me." I rasp out as he helps me to stand. He turns on the shower and looks at me. I am covered in my own puke, and look like shit.

"I was until I saw you and realized that you had suffered enough. I love you after all." With this he pulls my t-shirt over my head and gives me a wink. "Now, get in the shower and make yourself beautiful for all the fans."

With that he turns and leaves. I quickly shower and towel off. I go into my room to find some clothes laid out for me on the bed. It is my favorite green shirt, and a pair of baggy khakis. I smile as I quickly dress and walk out of the room. I go down to Lance's door and knock.

"Hey, we've got twenty minutes before the limo gets here. Come on in." He says as he opens the door.

"So, about last night. I am really sorry, I should have never acted like that. Do you really forgive me?"

"Yeah, I love you. I understand it was hard for you. Justin was really close to you, but he and I had a long talk last night after the rest of you had gone to bed. I think he is really sorry, and I forgave him. You two need to talk later." Lance says. He is dressed in a bright white shirt, and dark black pants. He is adorable.

"O.k. cool. I planned on forgiving him. I love you too. I really do, and we need to talk in private tonight." I wink at him and was just about to kiss him when there is a knocking on the door.

"Come on you two the limo is here." Joey yells through the door.

We reluctantly go out the door giggling, and holding hands. I see Justin off to the side. I walk over to him.

"Hey, curly, don't sweat it, I forgive you. You're my friend no matter what. Just don't ever rag on my man again."

He looks at me and smiles. He is suddenly hugging me and laughing. We all pile onto the elevator and sense of peace finally back with the group. I smile, happier than I have been in a long time. The ride to the Garden is short, and uneventful. Justin apologizes a couple more times, and we all make nice. A few tears are shed, and everyone is finally happy and normal again.

We walk over to the table set up for us, and sit down. Some body in a suite makes a few introductions to the crowd, and then they are all in front of us. Asking for autographs and I go on autopilot. I sign and joke, and make cute comments. All to be forgotten again just a moment later. Suddenly there is a homely looking girl with long brown hair in front of me. She is speaking to me, and I look up at her. She has this huge smile on her face and a crazy look in her eyes. She gives me the spooks.

"Oh, my GOD. I love you soo much JC!" She is obviously excited and I just shake off my feeling of creepiness. She reaches into her large purse and pulls out a large glossy photo of me. I reach out and take it from her and ask he what her name is. She tells me it is Amanda and I begin to make it out to my biggest fan Amanda, Love JC. It is a fairly standard autograph. I smile up at her as I hand back the photograph and she is just standing there. She isn't smiling and she isn't reaching for the autograph.

"Here you go." I say as I hold the photo out to her again. She screams and pulls a gun out of her purse. Suddenly it is pointed at me and I hear people screaming. I feel something hit my chest, and suddenly I am on the floor. The world is spinning, and it is hard to breathe.

I hear screaming and a gun shot. Suddenly it is all quiet. The world is kind of blurry, and my eyes are so heavy. It hurts, something is on my chest, and it hurts. I can't breathe, I am trying so hard, but it hurts so badly.

"JC, JC, come on man, hang in there."

It is Justin he is looking down at me. He is so adorable, but has this horrible look on his face. It is concern and I see him staring down at my chest. His hand is in mine, and I feel him give it a squeeze. He is crying and I want to wipe away the tears, but I can't seem to move my arm.

"Justin,'s o.k., don't.......cry." I finally manage to rasp out. I cough then, for what feels like an eternity. I feel a warm liquid on my face, and Justin is deathly pale. He is staring in horror at me. He wipes at my face and I see that his hand is red as he pulls it away. I can't think clearly, the world is spinning too fast. My eyes are closing and I feel someone shake me. It doesn't matter; I can't open them again.

"JC!! Don't, Don't leave me!" It is Lance's voice. I manage to open my eyes, and he is looking down at me from the side opposite Justin. I try to smile. "JC, I love you!! You can't go!! Please, please hold on." I hear the desperation in his voice and want to tell him that I will never leave him. I can't though. It hurts too bad.

"I.." gasp "Love....." gasp.. "you too" I cough again, and the world spins. Everything is going black and I can't breathe. I can't feel my hands being tightly gripped my Justin and Lance.

"JC...." I hear both Justin and Lance talking and screaming at the same time. I can't open my eyes though and the world goes black and quiet and I sigh in relief, as the pain is gone. Then I am gone too.

Well there is part 5!! Should it end now, or go on a little longer. I want a sad ending and this seems sad too me. Let me know people, send e-mail. Choose life or death for the character and the story. Thanks, looking forward to your e-mails.


Next: Chapter 6

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