Story of My Love

By Denzil Cuddy

Published on Aug 24, 2000


Thank you all for the great e-mail I really appreciate it. The fall term started on Mon. so don't be upset if the installments become rather chaotic and all that. Bear with me.

As usual I do not know Nsync but hope to see them at the rave on the 25... wouldn't that be great. if you should not read this don't, if you do any way don't get caught. Commons sense people. Thanks. OH and I do not know anyone that works at Jive nor do I know Britney spears, Christina Agulara, or the BSB. Any resemblance between my characters and real life individuals is purely coincidence. So don't sue me!! heheeh. I do not mean to imply the sexuality of any of these characters in real life, I just wanted to write a story and they are really cute, and I will say it would be fun if some of them were gay. But alas, we will never know. So, here's to hoping. LOL See ya in the funny pages.

Lance was gently snoring in the seat beside me. Under the blanket our hands were twined together, and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He has a light snore when he is in a deep sleep and it is just adorable. I stare at him for a moment lost in the gentle rise and fall of his chest. He almost glows in my eyes. I love him and I feel my heart swell as I think of all he has done for me. He has worked hard and is exhausted. While he has made sure that I slept, he has worn him self out. I feel horrible but I know that I have needed and still need what he has been giving me.

I will be strong again soon I tell myself. It has been my mantra for the past few days. I am looking forward to being back in Orlando. Lance will be at home and we can both relax away from the prying eyes of the media and management. It will be wonderful. I want to see the endless blue sky and the sweeping ocean. I want to feel the warm gentle breezes and be away from the noise and horror that the winds in New York carry. I want to be home.

I look out the window at my side. I stare at the clouds and sky. I lose myself for a few moments in the dazzling array of nature that nature has spread out for us. I want to cry at the simple beauty of the moment. The person I love at my side and the peace of the heavens just out the window. I snuggle down into my seat and pull the blanket up around my chin. I feel Lance's hand squeeze mine. I look around to see my sleeping prince smiling his wondrous smile at me. I immediately smile in turn.

"Good morning sleepy head." I say as I rub my thumb over the back of his hand. "I hope you slept well you really deserve it. When we get home you are going to take a long nap." He smiles as he wipes at his eyes with his free hand.

"Do I have any sleep in my eyes?" He asks followed immediately by a huge yawn. I chuckle a bit.

"No, but it wouldn't matter if you did, you are the cutest person alive. Well next to me anyway." I chuckle as I lean down and blow in his ear. It is a daring move in a crowded air plane, with dozens of sets of eyes on us. He blushes slightly and I just chuckle a little more. I am in a good mood.

"Well as long as you are the cutest person alive, and you're dating me I guess that is going to be o.k." He smiles as again he squeezes my hand. His eyes sparkle with a promise of waiting things. My knees turn to jelly as I am lost in those dazzling eyes. I am glad that I am sitting down.

"If you would all fasten your seat belts please we are about to land." The little announcement filled the entire cabin. We pulled the blanket back and fastened our seat belts.

My stomach cringes a little as we begin our slow descent, but it is soon over. I want to hold Lance's hand but without the blanket anyone could see. I sigh inwardly in frustration at being in the spotlight even now. I smile as I think about us being alone in just a little bit. The frustration melts and a burning desire fills my heart, soul, and mind.

The plane lands and we wait for a while before disembarking. We usually wait until last or nearly last in an attempt to avoid crowds. Hopefully we will not be recognized. We pull our glasses and hats from the overhead compartment and slip our familiar disguises on. After what fells like eternity the plane is empty and we stand and take our leave. We quickly grab our luggage and head for the doors. We make it outside without any commotion or screaming. It is luck, pure and simple.

The hot humid southern air hits us immediately. It feels warm and slightly damp, like a second skin. It does not take long to become sweltering in the bright sunlight. Lance is getting a cab and I feel like I am going to pass out. The world is spinning and I just let myself fall on one of my pieces of luggage. I hold my head in my hands and feel the sun beating into my back. I'm going to have to get used to this weather again.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Lance's worried face staring back at me. I smile as I stand, a little wobbly and let him help me into the waiting car. He and the driver place all of the luggage in the trunk and Lance soon joins me in the air conditioned back seat. He gives the driver his address and we are on our way.

I slide as close to my love as I dare. I don't know the cab driver, and anyone could see us through the windows. I sigh as I look out of those same windows at the beautiful day. The sky is a perfect bird egg blue with white fluffy clouds floating lazily across its serene surface. I feel Lance's hand quickly brush against mine and smile at the contact. Simple things, they are what makes life worth living.

The traffic is fairly heavy, but nothing like it is in New York. I love it. I am glad to be home and I can not suppress the sigh of relief as we finally pull up in front of Lance's house. The cleaning service had come around a couple of days before to clean the house, and Justin's mom had come by and stocked the fridge and pantry. So we walked quickly up the shaded walk and Lance unlocked the door. I went on in at his insistence and let him and the driver bring the bags in. The cool air of the house is a wondrous thing as I sit in the large over stuffed couch and doze off a little.

Lance drops down beside me and pulls me over. I rest my head in his lap and let him run his fingers through my hair. I was in heaven and let my eyes slip closed at the gentle caress. I didn't feel Lance stand up and spread a soft blanket over me. I dreamed sweet dreams of home and family. Lovely dreams of Lance and the southern air. It was a great.

I woke up on the couch with the gentle light of dusk floating through the window. I heard noises in the kitchen and a tantalizing smell filled my nostrils. I stood and had a major head rush and stood holding to the back of the couch for a minute. I finally feel steady enough to walk into the kitchen. There was my Lance standing over the stove stirring something in a large kettle.

"Hey sexy, what are you cooking?" I ask as I place a small sexy kiss on his neck.

"Hey love, just a little family secret recipe." He says as he turns and pulls me into a long kiss. "Well that was worth the wait I suppose. Joey and Chris are coming over for dinner. Is that o.k. with you?" He asks as he turns back to the chilly. I walk over to the fridge and pull out a bottle of water.

"Sure I would love to see the guys. That chilly smells really good. Can I steal a little taste before the others get here?" I ask walking back toward Lance.

"Sure grab a spoon. It's a little spicy though, so be prepared." He smiles as he looks at me.

I dip down into the kettle and extract a big spoonful. I blow on it to cool it down, and watch the white steam waft gently away. I bring it to my lips and smell the spices. I smile inwardly as I open and devour it, my hunger overcoming my common sense. Immediately the bells start going off in my mind. The heat is intense. I grimace as I run over to the fridge and pull out the milk. I gulp down some right of the bottle, and feel the heat diminish.

Lance laughs as he pulls me into hug and slips his hand under my shirt. He rubs my back gently and I lean over and kiss him. We lose ourselves in the intimacy of the moment. I love the feel and touch and warmth of him I love being alone in the house with him. I feel the moment drawing out and I love the feel of it. I have my hands in his hair. He pulls away gently and gives me a devilish smile.

"Well, we are going to have to finish this later." He smiles as he messes my hair. "You need to shower and get ready. I put your clothes in my closet...I hope that is o.k." He blushes as he says this.

"Of course it's o.k. I wouldn't sleep in any other room and it will be far more convenient to have my stuff right there." I blush a little myself. This is our first serious relationship and the awkwardness of love is still with us. I smile as I look forward to the future of love and how we will grow more comfortable with each other. I turn and head out of the room, up the stairs into the bathroom.

I quickly get the water to just the right temperature and get in the shower. The hot water cascades off my head and shoulders and sooths the muscles in my back and legs. I simply stand for a few moments under the steady rush of liquid. It is heavenly. There is nothing in the world like a good shower to completely relax me. I wash my hair and everything else and step out of the quiet wet world. I wrap a towel around my waist and stand at the sink and notice Lance has placed my tooth brush in here. I smile as I pick it up and apply some tooth paste. I brush my teeth for a good five minutes.

I finally wander out of the shower and into the cool bedroom. I walk over to the closet and quickly find a baggy t-shirt and some old cargo pants. I slip them on and head back down stairs. Joey and Chris are sitting in the living room with Lance. I smile as I walk down and quietly stand behind them. Lance pretends not to notice me. I grab their head and crack them together.

I laugh as I walk over and sit on Lance's lap. Chris and Joey are rubbing their heads and staring at me. I stick my tongue out and wave at them.

"So, I see we have the old JC back." Chris says as he leans back into the couch.

"Well, almost." I say as I lean back against Lance. "I'm not quite up to my old standards yet, but soon. I promise." Lance's arms circle around me and hold me against him. I smile in luxury.

"Well, you seem like the old JC to me." Chris says as he too leans back into the soft plushness of the couch. "We'll be back on tour in no time." He chuckles a bit as I scowl at him.

"Actually," Lance chimes in "it will probably be a couple of months at least. JC's legs are weak and so is the rest of him. You can not expect him to recuperate over night from something like this. Management will just have to understand."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. I could feel the tension hanging in the air. I leaned back a little more on Lance and I can not help but wonder what the three of them were discussing before I came back down.

"Is management pushing to get us back on the road?" I finally ask no longer able to take the silence.

"Yeah, they wanted us to tour while you were in the hospital. Lance and Justin refused." Chris stopped as he realized what he had said.

"Umm...what Chris means to say..." Joey starts but trails off as he sees the look on my face.

"What he means is that you and he took managements side. That is why you didn't stay in New York. Exactly what have you two been doing down here?" I hear the anger on my voice, and I tremble a little as I sit up straight and look at my two friends.

" well we were doing some small public appearances to apologize for missing our scheduled concerts. Nothing big, just some small stuff. We didn't want to bother Justin and Lance." Chris has a bit of a blush on his face as he says this. He is looking down at his hands, and Joey is looking at the wall. Neither will make eye contact with me or Lance.

"You mean you didn't want Justin or I complaining!" Lance says as we both stand and face the two of them. "You enjoyed being lackeys for management. You betrayed us. I can not believe you didn't tell us what was going on from the beginning. My god, you assholes." Lance storms out of the room and into the kitchen.

"I think you two should leave, unless you have any other secrets to tell us." I say as I glower at them.

"Actually we do." Joey says as he stands too. "Management is pushing for us to get back on the road as soon as possible. If you are not ready, then we will start the tour without you. I can fill your vocals, JC, I don't want to; but they are insisting. We all have contracts, and it won't look good if we dump another label so soon after our legal battles with the old one."

I look over at Chris and I see the truth in his eyes. They have played this little game out to suit them. They have been down here working with management, and now they were willing to screw me over. I sat on the chair and focused all of my attentions on not crying. I felt the blow to my heart and soul, and I knew I would not be able to take it for long. I could feel the tears building.

"Get the HELL out of my house!! I will come to the offices in the morning and have a long talk with management. GET OUT NOW!" Lance said in the most terrifying voice I have ever heard him use. His face was red, and his hand was shaking. I could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. Joey started to say something but Chris grabbed him by the arm and they were quickly walking out of the house.

I let the sob escape me as the door shut. I jumped up and grabbed Lance and pulled him into a hug. He was shaking and I wanted to hold him and tell him it was all going to be ok. I rub his back until I feel the trembling subside. His arms finally slid around my waist and he pressed his lips against mine. I pressed back and enjoyed the feeling.

"Oh, Lance, don't worry it is going to be ok." I say and am pleasantly surprised by the conviction on my voice. "When are Justin and Britney coming down?"

"They are going to be here in the morning at ten. We'll wait for them before we go to management. The more of us the better, and the fewer secrets." Lance says as he walks to the kitchen.

He comes back a few moments later with two bowls of chilly and a couple of drinks on a tray. I look at the food warily but it smells heavenly. I crumble a pack of crackers into it and stir it all up. I look at Lance and he just smiles at me as he eats a spoonful. I sigh and bring the spoon to my lips, and it is delicious.

"I added a little parsley to it. Helps to absorb some of the spices. The crackers help too. Good isn't it?" He looks at me with those eyes of his.

"Wonderful, but I think I am hungry for something else." I wink at him and chuckle at his immediate blush. I stand up and walk over to the stairs. I put a bit of a twist in my walk and hope that Lance is watching. I reach the banister and I turn back to look at him. He is sitting looking at me with this look on his face that warms my heart. I lean on the banister.

"Well, Mr. Bass, are you coming?" I ask in the deepest voice I can muster.

He doesn't say anything just gently places his napkin on the table beside his bowl, and stands. He straightens his clothes, and walks slowly over to me. His face has a blank look and I am about to say something. He stops in front of me, though, and brings his finger to my lips in a shushing motion. Before I can do anything else he has swept me up in his arms and is carrying me up the stairs. I laugh as he pushes the door to the bedroom open with his foot. This is going to be fun.

There were birds singing outside the window. That is the first thing I noticed. It has been so long since I heard the simple joyous sound of bird song early in the morning. I then remember last night and a deep and wonderful blush comes to my face. I think of Lance and I laugh with the hot joy of love. Strong emotions always find a way out and laughter is mine. I stretch on the bed pulling my arms over my head and arching my back. I feel alive and strong. I sigh contentedly as I swing my legs off the bed and stand up.

I walk over to the window and look out on the bright summer Florida world. The wind is gently stirring the leafy green trees and everything looks prefect. I know it is sweltering out there, but it looks perfect. I turn around and head for the bathroom. I quickly shower, trying not to think about last night in the shower. I sing instead. My voice is strong and I feel confident in the singing for the first time since I woke up. I get out of the shower half-heartedly dry off and walk into the bedroom naked. I pull on some nice blue nylon pants and a loose long sleeve t-shirt.

I walk down the stairs and am beginning to wonder where Lance has gone. I walk over to the fridge to get some water, and there is a note on the door held in place with a magnet. I pull it off and look at it in the early morning light. It says:

Dear JC,

Last night was...wonderful. I hope to do it again very very soon. I have

gone to the airport to pick up Justin and Britney, we will all have breakfast here

and then head over to the Jive offices. See you soon,

Love forever,


I sigh in delight as I hold the note to my chest. He loves me. I mean we have said it a lot but today it has a special meaning. I smile broader as I think of last night and with I had Lance here with me now. This is going to be a long day. I hope we can get things wrapped up soon, and get back to his house. I get my bottle of water and walk into the living room and flip on the television. I start flipping through channels and finally find a nice bugs bunny cartoon. I sit and watch the crazy antics of the warner brothers character as I sip my water. Thoughts of last night running through my mind in little circles.

Finally I hear the door open and Lance comes walking in and smiles when he sees me. He gives me a little wink and my heart is racing. I try to control myself as Britney comes running in and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, and feel Justin join in the hug.

"JC, we missed you! How are you feeling?" Britney asks.

"Yeah, how you doing man?" Justin echoes her sympathies.

"Well," I smile as I blush a little "I'm feeling a lot better today. I feel stronger already, and I think I will be able to go on the road as long as we can tone down our dancing a little." I see Lance smile.

"Well, maybe, but I don't want to be rushing things. We'll tell management that we will be ready in a month. Give us all some time to get over everything. You and Lance some time together, and me and my baby some down time too." Justin says as he puts his arms around Britney's shoulder. She smiles at his display of affection.

"I'm not sure how well that is going to fly with management." Lance says as he comes over and puts his arms around my shoulders. I wink at Britney as I smile and nestle up against him.

"Well, they won't like the publicity that they will get if they try to pressure you." Britney says as she takes Justins hand and leads him over to the chair. He sits and she sits on his lap. "I will cause a bit of a scene, and so will some of my, and yalls very good friends." She smiles a little wider as every eye in the room is on her.

"Britney you can't endanger your career that way because of me." I say before anyone else can.

"I won't be hurting my career silly. Geeze. It's just a threat, a move in the game we are going to be playing with Jive. Your and my good friend Christina has agreed to speak out if we need her too. I called her last night sweetie." She explains as she kisses Justin on the cheek. "And one Kevin Richardson called me yesterday morning after hearing rumors about all of this and said he and the guys would lend their support if we need it. I don't think management will care too much about another month when faced with the unhappy protest of four of their biggest acts, and all the fan reaction that we can cause." I stare at her as if she has grown a second, and then third head.

"Brit., when did you become so cunning?" Justin asks before I can.

"Yeah, you are like wonder woman or something." I say.

Lance just sits in stunned silence with tears running down his face. I kiss him gently and we sit on the couch. Seems like just the other day we were worried about losing all of our friends when we came out. Now we were all stronger than before. Except for the whole thing with Chris and Joey.

"Well, I am a teen diva, and have been trained and groomed for this for the past couple of years. Besides with friends like Christina and the BSB you learn fast. Kevin said they had to go through some similar stuff when Brian had his operation, and they would do anything to keep that from happening again. I love those guys." She giggles as she kisses Justin and looks around at us. "Shouldn't we be getting to the office?" She says.

There is a predatory gleam in her eyes, and I know she means business. I nod dumbly as we all stand and head for the door. We decide to take Lance's car, instead of calling a cab. Justin's is at his house, and Britney does not have one. Traffic is light and we arrive at the Jive offices in less than an hour. We walk quickly and business like to our managements office and tell the secretary who we are here to see. We don't have to wait long before she tells us to go right in. We start walking for the door, when suddenly Britney turns and looks at us.

"This is going to be fun." She smiles and we continue our little walk.

"Good morning Lance, JC, Justin, Britney. What can we do for you this morning?" The man behind the desk asks. His voice is smooth, and even. He is middle aged, with slightly graying hair.

"Well, we had a little talk with Joey and Chris last night and they gave us the impression that you were wanting us back on the road right away." Lance said matter-of-factly as we all take seats in facing the large oak desk.

"Yes, that is correct. We need you back on the road ASAP." The man said calmly tapping a pen on the desk top. "We lose money every day you don't perform, and we feel that you are losing fans. If JC isn't well enough to go out in a week, which his doctors say he won't, you will just have to start without him." The man has a slight smile on his face, a smirk almost.

"Lance and I are not going out without JC." Justin says quietly, with immense composure. I am impressed.

"Mr. Timberlake, you have signed a contract, along with Mr. Bass and Mr. Chasez it would be unwise to break that contract." The smug little smile is still there. I would love to hit him.

"Mr. Carlisle I believe those contracts say we will perform except for cases of dire emergency. This is such a case. JC will be ready to go in a month and a half, shortly before schedule. That is the best you are going to get." Lance had implicit threat in his voice.

"Mr. Bass it would be foolish for you to threaten us. You, and the band, have just gone through one long costly court battle to leave your old label. It would reflect very badly on you all to do that again so soon. I think the courts would side with Jive. So I assume you Mr. Bass and you Mr. Timberlake will be ready to go in a week." While Mr. Carlisle had worded that last part as a statement the question was implicit. It hung in the air begging for an answer.

Britney cleared her throat. In the silent tension of the room it was a huge and monstrous sound. In reality it was a quiet polite way to interrupt. Everyone looked at her. Mr. Carlisle has a funny little smile on his face still, and a questioning look in his eyes. We all wait for a minute staring at the suddenly silent Britney. The moment draws out and I realize it is a game of wills between her and Mr. Carlisle.

"Well, Mrs. Spears, did you have something to add?" I smile inwardly as Britney smiles her sweet smile outwardly. Carlisle has cracked first.

"Why yes, thank you Mr. Carlisle I did have something to add. If you try to do this very unfair thing to my friends I will have to have a little ole press conference and tell the world of this outrageous behavior." Her sweet fake smile stayed on her lips as Mr. Carlisle's smirk vanished under his new found scowl.

"Mrs. Spears, that would be a very unwise move on your part. I would not recommend it." He says in what I believe is supposed to be an intimidating voice. It is not.

"Why is that a threat Mr. Carlisle. I believe I was very cautious when we renewed my contract last year. There is no clause for you to release me as long as my sales stay strong. You have no grounds on which to threaten me." She pauses for a moment to let this information sink in. Her smile has not wavered, but the sparkle in her eyes has grown.

"I don't recall having ever threatened you Mrs. Spears. If I gave you that impression I apologize. I am disappointed that you feel a need to bring the public into this. I feel confident, however, that Jive will maintain it's position on this matter." The little smirk was back, not as obvious as before but still there.

"You don't feel that I can bring enough attention to this matter to cause a difference is that it?" Britney asks in her sweet little innocent girl voice. She was good at hiding the strong business woman side of herself when it suites her purposes. People often forget she was an actress before she was a singer. I feel sorry for Mr. Carlisle.

"Well, yes Mrs. Spears, if you really want to know the truth. Jive knowing of your relationship with Mr. Timberlake assumed you would do something like this, and it does not worry us. We know you can bring considerable attention to this situation but you are not on tour right now, and you begin work on your next album shortly. You have no grounds to leave us, so no, you don't worry us." The smirk is back in full force now. I think he has convinced himself that he is strong by his own voice. Stupid little man.

Justin starts to speak but Britney stops him. Lance and I are silenced with a swift glance, and she turns her attention back to Carlisle.

"Mr. Carlisle, would it make a difference if I were on tour?" She asks again with her sweetest voice.

"Well, yes it would. You would have a much larger influence on fans, and on the media. You are out of the spot light for the most part at the moment, and will be fairly busy with the new album. In a few months all this will have blown over and your hair do will be getting more attention from both you and the public than this little fiasco." Britney's eyes flare at this.

"Mr. Carlisle, the remark you just made was incredibly sexist, and I'm sure you will be hearing about it from the higher ups; and I might add I have three witnesses." Carlisle's smile wavers a little. "It might also interest you to know that two very popular acts on tour at the moment are also highly disturbed by this companies thoughtless behavior to it's artist." Britney smiles and Carlisle frowns.

"Who might that be Mrs. Spears?" He asks and his voice shakes a little. Britney does not waver.

"Oh, one pop princess very near and dear to all of our hearts, especially mine, Justin's, and JC's. A certain world famous boy band is also upset over this whole thing. I'm sure they are not the only ones, but they are the ones who will hit you in the wallet the most. Think it over Mr. Carlisle, I'm sure another month and a half of leave for the guys will be a lot easier than to have four very angry, wealthy, and incredibly popular acts mad at you." Britney stands and we all stand with her. I feel a little dizzy and lean on my chair. "We will expect your call before the end of the day Mr. Carlisle, I suggest you have whatever meeting you need to have. Thank you." With that she heads for the door and we all begin to follow her.

"Wait, this meeting is not over." Carlisle says in a petulant voice from behind us.

"Yes, Mr. Carlisle, it is. It was over when you decided to be a stubborn, greedy man. We will expect your call, and you know what we want to hear." Britney says without looking back and we all leave the office without any further problems.

Well that is it for part nine. Thanks for reading and again I do not know any of the famous people who's names I use in this story. This includes Nsync, Britney Spears, Christina Agulara, and the BSB. I do not know anyone at Jive, or anything about the company really. All the characters that work there in this story are purely ficitonal and any resemblance between them and any real life person is purely chance. Part ten should be out soon, so keep an eye out for it. Bear with me if it's late, I do have 15 credit hours this semester. Thanks.


Next: Chapter 10

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