Story - Onbecom

By Karen Mitchell

Published on May 31, 1996



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I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.

On Becoming Kathy A True Story By Kathy Morrison

Chapter One

I thought I was destined to live on my own my whole life. I wasn't what you would call a social butterfly. Short, fat, very nearsighted and having a feeling that puberty stopped half way was not the way a college junior wants to picture himself. I kept to myself, maintained passing grades and got by. That was until I met Valerie. Val was in much the same predicament that I was. She was beautiful to me, but I don't believe that the rest of the world saw her in the same light. She was even more nearsighted than I was. Val was a more dominant person than I was, but still kind of a social outcast. We worked ourselves up to going out together, movies and such. She was much more of a student than I was. She aced everything, I was lucky to get C's. We continued to go out up until graduation. I couldn't graduate because I was a few credits short and had to make them up in summer school. Val graduated Summa Cum Laude. I was so proud of her, I felt she was a little disappointed with me, but she stuck with me. Val got a job with a Big 6 accounting firm as an auditor. I finally graduated in December. I started to notice a change in Val starting in the early spring. She seemed much more outgoing and positive. She was doing exceptionally well at the firm and I had just managed to land a retail management job at a local shopping mall. We continued to see each other, but I felt that we may be starting to pull further apart. Val had never been very athletic, I certainly wasn't either, but she started participating in a road running club with some of the people that she worked with. I thought it was only a phase, but she really started to get into it. She tried to push me, but I really wasn't into it. She started to run in 6K races and actually got good at it by the next spring she was actually winning races. That's when it happened. She introduced me to Mark, an associate from her work that ran in the club. I was very jealous. She had lost a lot of weight and was looking fantastic. She started dressing and acting the part as wel l. She got contacts and a whole new wardrobe. She and Mark would run races together all of the time. I couldn't stand it. We went up to Connecticut for a 6K race one weekend. I felt like a third wheel. The first night at dinner, I had to leave because I couldn't take it seeing them together. Val came back and met me at my room. She said that I was acting like a child and that it was my own fault. I didn't take care of myself and allowed myself to become what I was. If I wanted to continue to have a relationship with her, I had to get my act together. After she left, I must of cried until dawn. The race was that next morning and to add insult to injury, I followed them out to the race and dutifully stood my post at the aid station with their water. It was obvious that Mark was enjoying this and I think that Val was beginning to as well. I sat in the back seat of the car on the way home with Jack, a friend of Val and Mark's from work, and didn't say a word the whole way home. I felt humiliated, but didn't have the guts to do anything.

They dropped Jack and I off near my apartment, Jack lived right down the street. I heard Mark made a wisecrack to Jack, about me being the water girl, "girl" how could he say that? On the inside I wanted to kill him, on the outside I hung my head. Jack didn't seem too amused and said good bye as Mark and Val drove away. I wanted to burst out crying right then and there. Then a strange thing happened. Jack came over to me and asked me why I let Mark treat me that way. I said I didn't know, I guess I just didn't know what to do. Jack asked me to come up to his apartment and talk. I must of talked till three in the morning. It was such a catharsis. I found out Jack was gay, which bothered me a little at first, but later on not so much. I told him that I didn't know what my identity was. I didn't think I was gay, except for some feelings I had as a child, but I couldn't seem to have a real relationship with women. Val was the only relationship with a woman I ever had. That was more of a relationship of convenienc e than of love, even for me. I was so confused. Even as a child I didn't really see myself in a masculine role. I got so bold to even tell Jack that when I was 11 I tried on my older sisters prom dress and played prom night. I broke down crying and he held me. I thought I would be repulsed, but I wasn't in a weird sort of way. In my mind, I at first pictured myself as I was, a man, and it bothered me that Jack was comforting me, but I thought of that time I wore my sisters dress and that Jack knew of this. I felt different, like it wasn't wrong. As a matter of fact it was very right. More right than a lot of things had been for a long time. As we sat on the couch, I felt like...a woman should feel, being comforted by a man. I felt so vulnerable, yet protected. Jack knew this and understood.

Chapter Two

I fell asleep on the couch that night, Jack did not take advantage of the situation. He was a very kind understanding person. He didn't fit the stereotype of the homosexual male. More like a baseball player. It's hard to describe, but I guess I'm just naive. I was still sleeping on the couch when I heard Jack working out on his Soloflex in the other room. I just laid there, a little scared and not knowing what to say. He came in with a towel around his neck and a jogging outfit on. Jack was probably about 37 or 38, much older than Val, Mark or myself. But you couldn't tell from looking at him. I was sitting there looking like a lump while Jack was like a carved sculpture. He looked at me and said, "Ken, today is going to be the first day of the rest of your life." It was such a corny line, but coming from him at that moment in time, it seemed so profound. He proceeded to tell me that he was going to help me get my act together. To find my identity, what ever that is. And that all I would owe him at the end wo uld be that I would try and not give up. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head.

The next six months were like a whirl wind. Jack had a friend Laura who taught a co-ed aerobics class. I was enrolled. I was put on a near starvation diet. Jack tried to get me to run with him, but I liked the aerobics much better. Laura and I became friends, I found out later she was a lesbian, but that's another story. I began to lose a lot of weight and shaping out, although not like most men. Softer and less defined. I began to look more like Laura than Jack. Laura talked me into taking a class with her in modern dance. I was the only guy in the class, although neither the women in the class nor myself minded. I wasn't like a guy. Just treated like another girl. This went on for almost a whole year. It was October and one of the women in my dance class was having a Halloween Party. The party had a theme, each of the couples had to come as some figures in history or entertainment. This was a very creative group, so I was sure that there was to be many surprises. Jack had become my best friend. And although I really didn't think of myself as gay, I was very close to him. I asked Jack to come to the party with me. Jack Laura and I were sitting at Jacks apartment trying to think up what we could go as. There were all sorts of ideas; Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, Lone Ranger and Tonto from the entertainment world. Roosevelt and Truman, Washington and Lincoln, and many more. We got crazy and started thinking of weird combinations like Henry VIII and the Marquis de Sade. Nothing seemed to click. Finally Laura piped up and said she had it. We could go as Romeo and Juliet. I looked at her cross-eyed. "Yea Jack you could go as Romeo and Kenny could be Juliet." Jack looked at me and I looked at Laura and she looked back at both of us. I didn't know about this. Laura spent the next half hour "convincing" me to do this, although deep down inside I didn't need much convincing. It was settled. It was three weeks before the party and Laura decided to take charge. She had already decided what she was going to be. She was going to be Vanna White and her girlfriend was going to be Pat Sajak, this I had to see! Laura decided that I was definitely going to get into the part. I was having problems at work and having a difficult time paying the rent. Jack said that I should move in with him, but Laura said that before the party, I should move in with her. My head was spinning, I didn't know what to do. I ended up quitting my job. I had some money saved and thought I needed to get my head together. Laura was very serious about me getting into the part. For the next three weeks, I lived as a girl. She took me to a friends salon and had my longish hair cut, colored auburn and permed into a very feminine style. My body was w axed so to not show unsightly hairs. My eyebrows were tweezed within an inch of their lives. My ears were pierced, not once, but twice. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. My nails were manicured and extended and polished a bright red. I was fitted with three incredibly tight corsets that crushed my waist down to an unbelievable 25" and pushed what ever fat I had left up and on to my chest. She even bought me some realistic looking breast forms that when put into a bra and combined with the already built up flesh, gave me incredibly realistic looking boobs. For most of the time before the party, when we had to go out, Laura would have me dress in a sweater and a pair of ladies slacks and a pair of flat shoes. Around the house, she played a little bit of Barbie doll with me and dressed me up in what ever she could think up. I was a little apprehensive, but she was so into it, I couldn't resist. She loved giving me make up lessons and showing me how to expertly apply my face. All the weight I lost an d the tight corset I had to wear all of the time had left me a 5'4", misses size 7. My feet were small, even smaller than Laura's, (Laura towered over me at 5'9"), I only wore a size 8 Ladies shoe. Laura also had me wearing something she had gotten from one of her female impersonator friends from the village. It was called a gaff and was like a very tight g-string. It took my already small genitalia and held it up and in so I appeared to have a very feminine contour. The party was to be Saturday night. Laura had kept me from seeing Jack since this whole thing had started, she wanted it to be a surprise. Thursday night she said we had to get up early. She had canceled all of her classes for Friday and we had a lot to do. I had no idea what she had planned and had a restless sleep that night. The next morning I awoke to find Laura was already up and about. She hustled me off into the shower and proceeded to bring in a bag of clothes from the other room for me to wear. I was informed that we were about to spend the day shopping and primping. I was very nervous and excited as well. She had several shopping bags on the bed. She started by having me put my hands up and took a roll of first aid tape and "taping" my chest. I couldn't understand what she was doing until she took out of one of the shopping bags a very scary looking corset. It was black lace all over and heavily boned. It laced up the back with very imposing laces. After putting on my gaff and pulling the rear strap up into my derriere, she had me hang from her chin up bar in the doorway. and proceeded to lace up the cinch. It was hard to breathe and cut into my waist. One last pull and she let me down. She inserted the breast forms into the cups and pushed my taped flesh up and over the forms. By the time she was done, I had a very nipped in 23" waist and a very well endowed chest including an incredible cleavage. I was wearing a B-Cup on the push up bra of my corset and I was spilling over that. I felt so flushed I thought I was going to faint. Laura handed me a pair of black stockings with a almost transparent pattern of little roses in them. Very pretty and very feminine. I carefully rolled them up my legs and attached them to the garters of the corset. Laura then handed me a wisp of a pair of panties. Barely more than my gaff, they covered my now feminine crotch with black lace and provided a band of pretty black lace separating the cheeks of my behind. Laura sat me down at her makeup table and proceeded to give me a complete makeover. We were going out for day so that she was not too heavy except for my mascara and full pouting red lips. She replaced my gold ball studs for the first time with pearl drop jackets over diamond studs with another set of studs in my other piercing. She then pulled from a suit bag an exquisite black and white silk and wool herringbone patterned suit. The skirt was short and straight with a moderate slit in the back. I pulled it up my legs and zipped it up. It was fully lined and hugged my hips and thighs like a glove ending a good four inches above my knees. I thought I was going to wear a blouse, but Laura had thought other wise. The jacket had a square cut lapeless bodice with two rows of black and pearl buttons down each side. The waist was very nipped in flaring to an exaggerated peplum at the hip. The combination of the low cut of the jacket and the ample bosom that I now possessed left little for the imagination. My breasts were framed elegantly and presented for all to see. Laura had me then step into a pair of black and white spectator pumps with a 3 1/2" heel. A double strand of pearls around my neck and bangles for each of my wrists. A few sprays of Halston a black purse and we were off for our day.

Chapter Three

We went to Bloomingdales as the first stop. I spent a lot of time in and out of my suit that day. Dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, sweaters even jeans and shorts. Lingerie and "lack of" sleepwear each sexier than the last. Laura actually bought some things for me saying that they were a present from Jack. In particular a little black dress that was all lace with a sheer bodice with puffy sheer sleeves dotted with rhinestones that tapered in lace as they reached my delicate wrists. This was all laid over a sexy sweetheart neckline that generously displayed my new assets. Matching black lace pumps with 4 1/2' heels and a matching clutch. So SEXY! That afternoon we went to the salon where I had a touch up on my waxing, a facial and new makeup for evening, a manicure and pedicure and my hair was done in a more formal evening style, up off my neck. I had no idea what was going to happen, but soon found out that she had set up the evening for me. I was to wear my new black dress out of the salon, new rhinestone drop earrings and diamond necklace. Laura let me borrow her tennis bracelet. I wore those fabulous pumps and new silk stockings. I felt like a princess. But it was even better, because I was going out for an evening of dinner and dancing as Jack's date.

Chapter Four

Laura had a car drop me off at the Four Seasons. It was almost 8:30 by the time I got there. Jack was waiting for me. He looked fantastic in his black Italian double breasted suit. Here I was dressed in this tiny little dress that barely covered my stocking tops and left my legs looking like they would go on forever. Jack looked at me and I at him. At first we were dumbfounded, then he came over to me , grabbed me and kissed me. I melted in his arms. He whispered in my ear "You will never regret this Katherine", a name I found out was always dear to him as it belonged to a friend he lost in his youth. also found out that Jack was not Gay, but BI. And I was his ultimate fantasy. He and Laura had worked together to reach his goal, and how glad I am that they did! We had a wonderful dinner..... I think, I don't really remember. And then we danced at the Rainbow Room until the wee hours of the morning. Jack took me back to his apartment and we made love. I was his woman and he wanted it that way. The next day at the party our Romeo and Juliet was a complete success. I was truly a fair young maiden, a little rosy cheeked and tender from the activities of the night before. But happier than I had ever been before. The next day Jack asked me to move in with him. I had worn a fall with my costume the night before and Jack liked me so much with long hair that the next week I had extensions put in that came half way down my back. I started on therapy for gender dysphoria and found out that I was truly a transsexual, a woman trapped in a man's body. It wasn't long there after that I was on hormone therapy. I ended up having some surgery including breast augmentation, a nose job, collagen on my lips and liposuction to further shape my waist. With Laura's help I became quite a da ncer and loved performing. Jack left the firm to start his own accounting practice and I became his office manager. A true professional woman, except during the occasional lunch break when Jack would take me on his desk and leave me wobbly kneed and rosy cheeked for the rest of the day. I always tried to find classy but sexy career fashions to please Jack. My own hair began to grow out along with my body. I had my hair cut a little shorter but still way past my shoulders. And I found that I was now a Size 5 with a 36-23-34 figure. Jack's business was doing quite well and he took me to St. Martin for a week in the sun. With the right adjustments I could wear most bikini's and found myself going topless quite often. I was in heaven. The last night of our stay, I was dressed in a little tropical sheath dress and strappy heels. Jack was in his white linen blazer and slacks, he asked me to marry him. I couldn't stop kissing him for the rest of the evening. A beautiful engagement ring was added to all of the wonderful things he had given me. We were to be married in a year and I could hardly wait. A few months after we had come back from St. Martin, Jack said he wanted to run in a 10K up in Boston. I said what ever he wanted and he took me up for the weekend. It was quite warm out and I only wo re a little wisp of a sun dress. With all of the Reeboks standing around at the finish line, I was quite a sight in my mini-dress and 5" heels. All the more incentive for Jack to finish faster. As the men were coming in I saw some great looking guys and they saw me, not that I am anyone's but Jack's, but a girl can look can't she. My nipples were so hard, I thought I would burst! I have been fantasizing lately about being made love to by more than one man at once. Jack has threatened to make my fantasy come true. Breaking out of my daydream I saw Jack coming over the finish line. I hugged him and kissed him. Right behind him I saw Mark cross the line. I didn't know what to feel. In some ways I hated Mark, in others I would kiss him for what he did for me. Mark came up to Jack and congratulated him on a good race. I never noticed what a good looking man Mark was before, wow my nipples were getting even harder looking at him. Jack introduced me to Mark as his fiancee, he had no idea who I was. Jack suggested th at Mark join us for dinner that night after we went back to the hotel and got freshened up. I was very nervous and didn't know what to do. Jack said don't worry and relax, everything would be fine. Mark met us at a great trendy place in the Back Bay Section of Boston. He looked great in his grey silk blazer and jet black hair. Jack looked equally fantastic in his double breasted sports jacket and silk shirt. I had the salon at the hotel French braid my hair and pinned an antique lace bow on my braid. I wore a tan linen sheath dress with wide crossing straps across the back and cut down to the top of my derriere and low on the sides. My only underwear a tiny thong bikini of French lace. My breasts were free with my nipples rubbing against the linen of my dress, they moved freely as I walked and protruded so no one could doubt their arousal. As I walked my breasts moved as to be quite visibly obvious along the sides of the loose fitting Sheath. My sun tanned legs stood in tan suede sandals with 5" spiked heels. A thin suede strap across my toes and a suede tie at the ankle held me perched on the sexy shoes. We had a wonderful dinner and during desert Jack broke the news to Mark of who I was. His jaw nearly dropped to the floor. I was giggling so much I could hardly stop. I then found out that before Mark met Val, he and Jack were lovers. I was shocked at that. Val and Mark had split up not long after I had last seen them. She had apparently gone with another guy and ended up getting married and had kids. We talked and laughed and then Jack whispered something to Mark. Jack picked up the check and we walked to few blocks back to our hotel. When we got back to the lobby I was ready to say good night to Mark when Jack said to me that it was "Fantasy Time". I got wet just thinking about it. We went up to the room and I undressed both of them . I took both of them into my mouth. They each took one of my breasts to their lips and sucked furiously. Mark took me from behind while I sucked on Jack. I was then sandwiched between them and found all new positions I thought previously not possible. It was my ultimate fantasy . By morning we were totally exhausted. Back in New York, Mark joined Jack and myself quite often for wonderful interludes. They even had other men join us and I had been with as many as five at once. I married Jack and live in wedded bliss. Never could I have thought that things would be so beautiful.

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