Our Anniversary

Published on Oct 16, 1993



Reply-To: an10649@anon.penet.fi

The following is a fantasy I wrote 'specially for my lover, and I hope you enjoy it as much as he did! 8) It involves relations between adult males. If this offends you, simply don't read it.

I ask for feedback from you concerning punctuation, parts you liked a lot, parts you didn't like, etc. Also, should I continue writing and posting fiction as such or give it up and go home? I will ignore all flames concerning the nature of the intimate relations.

Thanks in advance.


Our Anniversary

Your phonemail states only that I will pick you up at your apartment at 6:00. I tell you that you should make plans to be gone for the weekend, and that you should worry about nothing, but to be dressed casually when I arrive.

I arrive on time, and knock gently on your door. You open it with a flourish, and smile warmly. I step in, acknowledging the unspoken greeting. I am dressed in guess jeans, with a striped button down shirt, unbuttoned one button. I am thrilled to see you, and as the door swings shut, I take you in my arms. You are surprised at my forcefulness, but you respond positively to my kiss, opening your mouth for my tongue. I probe softly against your lips, and then touch your teeth before withdrawing.

You hold me for a moment longer. I can smell your cologne. Drakkar, of course, mine as well, but on you it is different, manly, sexy. You are dressed in 501's, with a polo shirt on, vertically striped. I massage your back through the material as I hold you, and feel your strong muscles, your taught skin. Then we release one another.

I ask you if you are ready to go, and you respond positively, asking what's on the agenda. I reply that you will find out later, and to just go along with everything. I smile at you, thinking of the fun we will have this weekend, and I take your hand pulling you out the door. You turn off the radio and the lights on the way out, pulling the door shut and locking it. We get down to the street, and leave the building to get into the taxi I have waiting on the street. I tell the driver to take us to the airport, and you look at me with surprise. I put my arm around you, and pull you close to me, burying my head in your hair, breathing deeply. I tell you that I have the whole weekend planned, just to trust me. I tell you how much I love you, and you look into my eyes and smile.

I get lost in your beautiful brown eyes for a moment. Infinity draws me in. I can see and feel our love buried deep within your gorgeous eyes. I breathe softly, and follow the line of your mouth to your chin. I follow it to your soft neck, and then look down further at your body. I think of how lucky I am to have such a beautiful man to call my own. I think back to the first day I met you, exactly five years ago this week while we were both still in college. You are the only man I have ever loved, the only man I was ever destined to love. I thank the fates for my luck in this life.

Time flies rather quickly as I look at you, and you look back. Several words pass, but they are just to fill in the silence of our love. We both know what we want to say, what is both unnecessary and essential, and you take my hand and hold it saying it all. I squeeze softly to show my love, and the cab comes to a halt outside the airport. You squeeze back and release my hand. The cool evening breeze of Florida in February brushes against my neck, and I step closer to you and wonder if I shouldn't have brought a jacket. That's all forgotten as we get into the airport though, and begin moving away from the passenger terminals towards the charter planes wing.

I tell you to wait a moment, and I go to a small counter and have a discussion with the clerk. She smiles broadly at me, and I can feel your jealousy across the distance. It comforts me, as I make the final arrangements. I come back to you, and pat you on the shoulder in the direction we are supposed to travel. After arriving through all of the terminals and procedures, we finally board a small jet.

We seat ourselves in the comfortable seats provided, and wait for takeoff, just the two of us. I gently rub your thigh in the seat next to me, and you turn and smile at me. Soon the plane takes off, and we unbuckle our seatbelts. There is a small table in the center of the compartment, and an attendant soon comes to our service. We are seated, and she serves us a nice meal on board the plane. Over dinner I explain that we are going to Greece for the weekend, to enjoy our time away, and most of all, to enjoy each other over our five year anniversary.

The attendant brings us a bottle of chilled champagne, and two glasses, and leaves us alone. We sit down on a small couch, you at one end, and me in the middle, near you. You romantically toast to the rest of our lives, to our love, to infinity, and we drink deeply, believing in the unity of our lives, bodies and souls. I lay down, placing my head into your lap, and stretch out on the sofa. You play with my hair, and after you finish your wine, you draw circles on my chest. I sigh and look into your eyes as you tell me all about your day at work.

We remain in one another's arms until the plane is ready to land. After getting off the plane and checking our luggage, we go to the car rental agency, and pick up the jeep that I had reserved. We throw our bags into the back, and head for the hotel. Soon we arrive, and I pull up to the valet parking area. They remove our bags from the back, and a cute porter comes to help us. He smiles at you, virtually ignoring me. Checking in at the desk, he makes small talk with you, and you flirt (as usual). I know your fidelity is not to be challenged, but I'm still a bit jealous.

We arrive at our suite, and the porter brings in our bags. You tip him a bit too generously and he leaves graciously shutting the door behind him. I smile at you, and look around the small room. Decorated in post-modern Greek, the room seems to play with the ideas of this city's ancestral architecture. With small columns along the perimeter of the room, and the stark white furnishings and walls, the room feels like a Greek Temple of the Ionic Order. You sigh, and look over to me as I admire the surroundings, and especially the man here with me.

I walk to you, and take you in my arms. It is just getting dark here, and you mention going in to take a shower. I tell you that I will join you in a few minutes, but to get the water hot for me. As we talk, trying to lengthen the time we are here, together, I unbutton your jeans, and pull your shirt free of them. I reach up under it, and feel your bare, strong back as I pull you towards me. I sigh again, and kiss your neck, nibbling toward your ear. Then, you pull away and start to walk toward the bedroom and bathroom.

I can hear the water in the shower begin as I dial down to the desk asking for room service. I put down the receiver and walk into the second room of the suite, carrying our suitcase with me. In the center sits a king size bed, covered with a white bedspread. Your clothes are discarded in the otherwise perfect room. Your jeans are on the ground, with your briefs, seemingly pulled off in one motion. Your shirt is thrown onto the dresser. I drop our bags gently at the base of the bed, and disrobe as well, placing my clothes on the dresser next to yours. I step into the bathroom, and I can feel the steam emanating from the shower stall. I open the smoky glass door, steamed over, and feel the rush of warmth, and the smell of wet, clean flesh.

I can barely make out your form as you reach to me, pulling me into the warm spray. You pull me to your wet body and hug me tight. The warm water rushes across my back, across your hands, and follows the line of my body to the floor. You are rubbing my body, and I can smell the soap already spread around your body.

You release me and reach for the bar of soap. Lathering your hands, you begin to clean me. I feel your hands on my chest, rubbing the soap into my pecs, massaging my chest. Your lips meet mine, and you rub across my shoulders and back as you and I kiss deeply, locked in the grip of our passion. You massage my lower back, and begin to rub my ass with your soapy hands. You break the kiss and begin to rub my legs, first my thighs, then my calves, soaping each and every inch. Then you are rubbing my hardening cock with your soapy hands. You rub my balls, and clean my crotch, letting the water run off of my body, cleaning off the soap. You reach out and kiss the side of my cock before standing up fully.

You set down the soap, and reach for the shampoo. You begin to lather my head, holding your strong arms over our bodies. I reach for your sides, pulling you close. Again we kiss, and I caress your side, pulling you close, letting the water flow over our bodies as you massage my scalpwith your loving hands. In this moment, we are one, time is infinity, and we exist absolutely. One body, one spirit, mixed physically with the basic el ements. Caught up in our passion we knock the bar of soap to the ground and are snapped back into reality. After you are sure the shampoo is rinsed from my hair, I squat down and retrieve the soap. I begin at your feet, gently massaging each foot. I rub my soapy hands in between each toe, and you react with a giggle, almost having forgotten what the sensation of ticklishness was. I move up your left leg, and massage your calf, gently kneading the hard flesh, feeling each muscle. I do the same to the right. Then I move up to your thigh. I massage the flesh here too. I can feel the power of your legs as I massage each one. I get to your ass, and soap up your two cheeks, parting the flesh of your hard ass cheeks, I massage the soap between them, sliding a soapy finger into your asshole, eliciting a groan of pleasure from you.

Continuing, I massage your balls, your hardening cock, but I refuse to bring you all the way up. I use my hands to soap up your pubic hair, and move to your hard stomach. I massage your stomach and chest, and then your shoulders. I soap down your left arm, massaging the hardness, kneading the tense muscles. I follow with your right, rubbing your beautiful hand, holding your hand in my hands, then moving up your arm back to your shoulder. I massage your back with my hands, the tight muscles, and the hard flesh.

I set down the bar of soap, and pick up the shampoo, massaging my hands into your thick hair from behind. I kiss across your shoulders as I massage gently, then harder, whispering my love to you.

Too soon, our shower is over, and you turn the water off. I can smell your clean flesh, still warm, relaxed now. You leave the shower, swinging the door open, and I follow. You grab a towel, and I approach you from behind, reaching my arms around you, pulling you to my body again. I grab a towel, and begin to dry your back, and your arms. I rub your head, tussling your hair. I turn you around, and pat your chest and stomach dry, kissing the flesh as I move. I carefully dry your nether regions, then your legs one at a time. You do the same for me, until we are completely dry. As we leave the bathroom to go into the bedroom, you gently grope my ass with your hand. I catch the in joke, and laugh. You always grab my ass when we shower together. Your grope is as natural as was my first unnatural, and we both remember when I told you about it, and how you said you wished it could have been you, and I told you that you could grab my ass anytime you wanted. You have never forgotten, and I smile thinking of how lucky I am to have you. I flop the suitcase onto the bed, and open it. I pull out a pair of boxers and pull them on. You watch with a smile. I pull out another pair a nd throw them to you. You grin and begin to put them on as I walk into the other room.

The balcony doors are open when I arrive, and I realize that room service has already been here. I smile and call to you to join me on the balcony. I step out into the warm air. The sun looks as if it has just set. I look up into the sky and begin to admire the wondrous stars. There are so many, all shining bright with our love. Just as you walk onto the patio, I point to Orion. You smile and step up to me pulling me to you.

We kiss, a small breeze caressing our almost naked bodies. I rub your soft, hard flesh with my hands, recalling your body, a body I have taken so much pleasure in memorizing. I move away, uncorking the bottle of wine that I had delivered. It is a good vintage, 1929. I pour the red liquid into two glasses, and hand one to you. This time I toast to our lives, present and past, and how they may always be intertwined, in body, in soul, in spirit. We clink our glasses, and sip. Then you lead me back into the bedroom, leaving the balcony doors open, and take my glass, setting them both down. You take my arm, and fall backwards onto the bed, pulling me onto you. I reach to your shoulders, and caress them as I plant a kiss on your lips. I gently kiss each of your closed eyes. I kiss your eyebrows too. Then I move to your ear. I kiss the lobe, and then lick gently inside, ticklish, teasing the inside before I begin to suckle gently on the lobe. You moan very softly, almost inaudibly. I begin to kiss along your strong chin, moving down your neckline towards your arms. I kiss your shoulders, and your upper arms. I move your arm away from your side, and kiss your fresh armpit, licking gently. You shiver slightly.

You close your eyes, and lean your head back on the soft white bedspread. I can feel your skin begin to pop up with goose bumps, as chills run up and down your spine. I move to your hardening nipple, and lick it with the tip of my tongue. I caress the other with my hand as I lick and then suck gently at the first. They both become considerably harder as I suck one, then the other, leaving a trail of saliva on your skin between the two.

I move my hands to your flat stomach, and begin to kiss and lick at your washboard. I move down farther still, gently licking around your navel, then dipping my tongue into your bellybutton. Another chill runs up your spinal column, and you giggle softly. I pull off your white boxer shorts, sliding them down your hips, over your already hard member. I smile and look at your beautiful cock, standing tall and proud, inviting, yet reserved. Your beautiful balls lay below it, as if waiting to do their job, to bring you the ultimate in pleasure. I caress your thighs with my fingertips, gently running them over your soft flesh from the tops to the insides, adding pressure, spreading them apart.

You comply, moving your legs to the sides, giving me room to do my work. I kiss the inside of the left thigh, down at your knee, gently, just whispering my lips across the hot flesh. Then I kiss the other side. Moving back and up a half inch, I kiss the left again, following to the right. Meanwhile, I caress your sides and pelvis with my hands, coming close to your shaft and balls, but never quite reaching it.

I kiss back and forth, moving upwards at an agonizingly slow rate. You moan softly urging me on, but I don't speed up. Slowly, softly, I move to position, and blow warmly on your balls. Your cock jumps as it receives the stream of air as well. I move my mouth right to the head of your cock, gently holding the shaft with my fingertips, running my fingernails up and down it's length, teasing you, and move the head into my mouth, still not touching it. Then, I breathe deeply in, pulling cool air past it, then releasing my breath, blasting it with hot air. It seems to swell, and glow brighter red/purple. I repeat this several times, each time your cock responds swelling up and growing more impatient.

Then, without warning, I swirl my hot, wet tongue over the head, licking at the pre-cum juices which have collected in your piss-slit. I lick again, this time, more heavily, relishing the taste of the man-juice. I move my head down, engulfing your dick in my mouth. I suck gently at the base, and pull up, creating a vacuum sensation. You moan loudly, and your cock seems to jump free of my mouth. I lick the shaft, first at the top, directly under the head, flicking my tongue across your most sensitive spot, then licking and sucking all the way down to the base. Then I lick back to the top, swirling my tongue over the head, and then moving back down.

You moan loudly, impatiently, and I know that you are getting close to climax. I defocus from your cock, and move towards your balls to give you a chance to cool down. I lick at your ball sack, lapping at it. I then lick at each ball, taking first one in my mouth, thoroughly sucking it, then the other. Then I blow on your saliva soaked balls, and they seem to shrink from the cool air. I lick at them some more before I push your thighs up to gain access to your gateway.

I lick from your balls, across your taint, and begin to work my tongue towards your asshole. I lick at the skin all around it, making little circles, making my tongue tease your skin, dancing along, until I reach my goal, and plunge my tongue deeply into your hole. I jab at your flesh and you respond with a something other than a moan. A deep grumble from the depths of your being. I continue licking at sucking at your opening, probing it, then licking it, then probing it again. My hands fondle your hard cock and balls, stroking your phallus, gently, but insistently.

I move my tongue against your flesh in a trail from your hole across your phreneum, caressing your balls and beginning, again, to lick at your hot love stick. I lick up and down your mast, cleaning the pre-cum from your head, and tasting you, licking you, sucking you.

We begin to become one unit, feasting on sexual energy. I engulf your rod with my mouth, licking and sucking with my tongue and lips as I glide down your tool, and feel my nose in your soft pubic hair. Then I pull up before thrusting my head down again. You moan, and place your hands on my head, rubbing my hair, pushing my head down, then pulling it up, fucking your cock with my mouth.

Soon your urgency is obvious, and I can almost feel your cum swell up in your balls as if it were mine. You burst and your cum sprays me as you pull my head up and down. I'm lost in the stream, and as you cum, so do I, shooting my load onto your legs and my stomach. I swallow several times, but your cum flows back down your rod, and drips off my lips as well, mingling with your pubes, white, creamy, musky, sexy. Too soon, it is over, and your body still shudders slightly as I crawl up, and lay down next to you on the bed. I place my head on your shoulder, my arm on your chest. I kiss your smooth chest, and tell you how much I love you. The breeze blows in from the open balcony doors, the soft bed lights creating an ethereal glow around us. As we are bathed in the soft golden glow, we fall asleep in one another's arms.

As consciousness begins to dissipate the mist of my dreams, I feel your smooth chest under my left hand. You are breathing comfortably, and we lay in basically the same position as last night. You right arm rests on my back, holding me to you, and I kiss your shoulder.

The room smells musky, a manly, sexy scent created during our act of love the previous night. I breathe deeply, smelling you, smelling the room, my environment. I close my eyes for a moment longer, savoring the sublime peacefulness of laying in your arms, protected from the foreign, the outside. A warm breeze lightly touches us from the still open doors of the balcony. I sigh, and look up to your face. Your strong mouth is open just a little, and your head is tilted towards me, your chin almost touching my head. I can see that you have drooled just slightly in your sleep because of the little spot of wetness on the bedspread. I reach up and trace your jawline with my finger, feeling the strong bone and taught skin. You stir gently, my spirit pulling yours from the union of our sleep. You look down to me and smile, beginning to caress my shoulders, to feel my back. I smile back, looking into your eyes.

"Good morning, lover," I say.

You smile, and lean down to kiss me. I accept the soft kiss and begin to rise. I caress your side from below your arm to your pelvis, gently, smoothly stroking your hard body.

Then I walk towards the bathroom, leaving you on the bed alone. The water is hot, steam rising from spray, caressing me. I can hear you walk to the toilet, and I hear your piss splashing harshly against the water. Then I hear you enter the shower, pulling the door open. I know you are there, but I don't turn around. You walk up behind me, and put your arms around me, pulling me tightly against you. I can feel your soft cock against my ass cheek. I move my hands to your arms, stroking them, gently. Your warm body feels perfect against mine. I finish rinsing off, and disengage from you, handing you the soap.

"Help me?" you say hopefully.

"Not this morning, lover," I tease, "We have such big plans ahead of us." As I open the door, you grab my ass, giggling softly. I dry off quickly, then brush my teeth, listening to the sound of the water hitting your skin. You are still showering as I walk into the bedroom, and put on a pair of boxers, khaki shorts, and a t-shirt. I put on my Birkenstocks to complete the outfit, and walk towards the balcony to warm up in the sun and wait for you.

You arrive on the balcony, and we embrace, kissing each other deeply, our mouths fresh with peppermint. You smile at me, and we look over the city in daylight. From here, we can see the ocean, and the village, and in the distance some ruins. We decide to do a little shopping in the city, and then to head to the ruins, to explore the heart of Greece. The sun is soft and warm as is our embrace, and all too soon we are closing the balcony doors, leaving for the city. We go from shop to shop, from stall to stall in the city, looking at the wares presented for us. It seems as if we are the only two visitors to this foreign world. The girls all smile at you, virtually groveling for your attention, and you dole it out, dutifully smiling at them. I drag you along. You buy a hat at one of the stalls, I buy a belt at another. All of the wares seem very nice, but something draws us to the ruins at the outskirts of the city.

We grab lunch at a small out of the way cafe. It is quite refreshing, and soon we are ready to set out for the afternoon, an afternoon of exploration, both of the environment, and of one another. The ruined temples are awe inspiring, both in construction and in magnitude. Walking among the still standing columns and walls brings a sense of majesty of power to this culture that one can't experience vicariously. We explore for hours, in the warm sun, identifying the Greek orders, walking, running, chasing, resting. Soon, the afternoon is waning, and we decide to leave the ruins.

We get in the jeep, and I pull out, but away from the city. I drive along the beautiful coastline, until we come to a small cove. I pull into the white sand, and bring the jeep to a halt on the beach. I suggest that we might go for a swim here, that it was recommended to me at the hotel. You agree, and we jump out of the vehicle.

The sun is just beginning to set against the background of the ocean, and the bright oranges, reds and purples light the sky and the sea, the sand even reflects the beautiful colors as we shuck our clothes, running for the water's edge. I reach the water first, splashing in, and then diving, pushing out further.

You are close behind, and soon, you grab my leg, stopping me. We are out in the deeper part of the sea, and we swim together, splashing, playing, like children. Our gropes and caresses become more and more suggestive as we move towards the shore. As the last flames of the sun are swallowed by the sea, we step up on the shore and fall to the ground, you laying on top of me.

We are both breathing heavily from our swimming, and the sand feels very good and very warm against our skin. Your body feels great, laying against mine, perfect, as if eternity had molded our physicality into one unit, as if the fates had known we were meant to lay together, two halves of a whole, never to be parted, never to be separated.

Darkness overtakes us, and soon we are laying without light, like two souls adrift in the mist of the afterlife, adrift in space, yet connected. I can feel your hand, drawing pictures on my chest. I can feel you writing words. Perhaps you write "I love you" or draw a heart, or some other such thing. What you write isn't important as the fact that you and I are together, one. We lay like this for what seems like eternity. Perhaps we doze, goodness knows that we were busy enough today to be tired. A small breeze begins to flow over our bodies. The breeze isn't warm, isn't cold, but seems to cover us like a blanket. The heat rises from the sand, into our bodies, warming us. I rub your back with my hand. We fall into a kiss. It lasts a minute or an hour, I can't tell, but for that moment, that period, I feel closer to you than ever before.

I whisper that I love you. You say you know. Then we are silent for a moment, pensive. Totally relaxed. You look into my eyes, and I gaze back. You tell me that you want me to make love to you. I tell you yes, perfect. We move from the emotional love we always share to the physical love that drives us to one another.

You kiss me again. Then you nibble on my ear, rubbing my shoulders. You begin to kiss and lick across my neck, stopping to service my nipples as well and then, farther. You kiss my navel, licking my stomach. I can feel you take my dick into your mouth. The hot, warm, wet feeling is very good, and immediately, I'm hard. You continue to service me now licking my cock, my head, my shaft, then my balls. I move you around so that I can reach your dick as well. I take it into my mouth, and try to give you some pleasure as well. Soon, I am licking your asshole, rimming you, gently sucking at that rosy piece of your flesh.

You moan, and so do I, almost at the same time, filled with the same ecstasy. I place my finger against your hole as I begin to take your cock again. You continue to lick my balls, my cock, my thighs. I feel you going all the way down, sucking my cock to the root, and then breathing. The air moving in and out is tremendous. Then you begin to hum. I have never felt anything like it in my life. The vibrations from your vocal chords, and the simultaneous sound from the essence of your being virtually cause me to shoot right there. You continue, changing pitch and frequency, and shivers run up and down my spine continually.

You bring me right to the edge, and then you stop. You move, disengaging yourself from my mouth. I lean up and kiss your departing member as I pull my finger out of your ass. You squat down over me, and I feel you positioning my cock at your asshole. I look towards your eyes.

"Are you sure?" I whisper.


The one word gives me all the assurance that I need. I can feel my cockhead at your door, and you push down slightly. The pressure is as intense as the pleasure as I slide into your hole. Impossibly tight, my cock slides in and out, as you pump yourself up and down. I reach for your cock, and begin to stroke it, playing with your balls. I pump it as fast as you move on mine. My mind is overloading with all of the sensory input, still not having recovered from your humming. All I can think of is the awesome pleasure I am receiving and how much I love the man I receive it from. I can feel myself rising to a peak. I can feel you rising to a peak as well. You arrive first, and spray your cum onto me. I open my mouth, but I miss with my aim, and the first string lands on my cheek and chest. As you come, your ass muscles begin to convulse with each spurt, pushing me over the edge right after you, and I shoot my love juices deep into your being.

You spray all over my chest and hands, and we both finish at approximately the same moment. Once again you fall onto me, your come gluing our bodies together forever. We sigh together. You tell me you love me and I tell you the same. I say thank you. You respond in kind. We kiss, and you lick your cum from my chin and neck before resting your head on my chest. My cock slowly softens and withdraws from your ass. You straddle me, laying on top of me. We breathe as one, falling asleep there, on the beach, the warm sand around us, our hot bodies melding into one, joining our souls on the ethereal plane.

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