Story - Sidefx

By Karen Mitchell

Published on Jun 11, 1996



From Sat Jun 15 00:48:17 1996 Path:!!!!!!!!!usenet Newsgroups: Organization: I-Link Lines: 288 Message-ID: Reply-To: (Karen Mitchell) NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.


A tale of a potion with definite side-effects.

by Jill 72570,2264 Comments appreciated.

We were not strongly in love when I married my wife, in love but not strongly. After our marriage we settled down reasonably contented if not really happy, but who is. It wasn't for almost a year that I realized that my wife wasn't happy with our sex life. I was satisfied. But she wasn't happy with my physical performance, not even satisfied.

After nearly two years of marriage she was starting to actively complain. The complaints centered on what could politely be called my endowment; or actually my lack there of. To be blunt, I wasn't hung as well as she wanted. Now I'll admit I'm not some giant down there, but I'd thought I was at least adequate! My wife wasn't buying; she was complaining and I figured if I didn't do something to satisfy her then we were through.

At first I tried to improve my technique to better satisfy her. I studied books and found new positions, but they didn't really help. I was having a ball, literally, and she seemed interested during the act but she still wasn't happy and she wasn't stopping her complaining. I was getting desperate, desperate enough to resort to something I'd seen mentioned in one of the books on sex I'd read.

It had been a strange book. Fun to read in an off beat way, full of odd advice, which amazingly enough worked very well. That book had been one of the few that had actually been able to improve my love making. The part I went back to now was a section on aphrodisiacs. There was a mention of a drug that was supposed to increase a man's endowment but was banned by the FDA because of 'side-effects'. It didn't say what the side effects were but it did seem to imply the stuff worked. The only comment directly about the side effects was that the test subjects had been unwilling to discuss them. I figured it was probably B.O. or athlete's foot. I was willing to put up with those, the problem was availability. I studied the book and finally made an educated guess. I was scheduled to go to Hong Kong on a once a year business trip and the oriental name of the substance suggested that might be the place to look.

Once I got to Hong Kong and finished business I left myself a week of vacation time for personal interests. I immediately set out to find a shop that would sell me that potion. Now if you need to find a shop selling something like this, Hong Kong is the place to look. There were plenty of places that sold related stuff. Things related to sex are sold openly and potions are all over the place; but this was one hard to find potion.

The first few places I tried refused immediately. They had no such substance, they didn't handle it, they wouldn't handle it, and please leave quietly or at least quickly. They also seemed to give me a strange look, which made me realize suddenly how embarrassing looking for something to enhance ones 'endowment' was. But, I was persistent.

I finally decided that reputable, or even semi-reputable, place wouldn't handle this. I also decided it was probably banned in Hong Kong as well as the United States, although I hadn't expected that. I next tried a little, rundown and dirty place in a not too good part of town, and hit the jackpot. The old man who ran the strange little shop didn't seem to speak much English but seemed to understand it alright. When I got there, before I had a chance to tell him what I wanted, he immediately began trying to sell me everything in the store. He did most of the pushing with gestures rather than words, once handing me a piece of paper with a price written on it. He pushed pornographic books, tapes, a cassette of I don't know what and some kind of toys I didn't even recognize. Finally I got a word in edgewise and mentioned the potion I wanted.

When I told him the name, he seemed to freeze for an instance. He gave me piercing sidewise stare as though sizing me up. Then he made a gesture at his groin, fist sliding in and out, that was obviously meant bigger tool. I nodded enthusiastically. Then he made a gesture at his chest indicating big breast, meaning was I after a girl. I nodded very enthusiastically. He looked at me strangely for half a minute and then sighed, shrugged and held up one finger before disappearing into the back. It seemed more like five minutes of waiting than one, but finally he came back, with a large box under his arm. I was concerned, since I didn't think a potion would require that big a box, until he opened it. Inside was a book, and a dress and a bottle nestled in the cloth. My eye immediately focused on the bottle. But I made myself go over everything else in the box first, the book was of girls, many of the ones I looked at in bed. The dress was low cut and pretty, not what a woman (a nice one at least) would wear in public but very nice around the house or in the bedroom.

The old man also gave me a slip of paper with a price on it. The price was high, but when I made my first sign of disapproval over it the old man immediately made a gesture of removing the box. I took this to mean that it was non-negotiable, no-haggling. I considered for a couple of seconds and then pulled out my wallet and handed over the wad requested. As I took the box and walked out, the old man gave me a knowing grin just before the dust covered door closed.

I went back to the hotel and repacked the box. I wasn't worried about anything but getting the potion past customs, it was after all a banned medical substance. So after checking that the odor of the potion wasn't too horrendous, I placed it in a clean perfume bottle, so if anyone asked I could say it was cologne. The potion smelled musky enough that I could make that believable. I wondered a little what went into the potion but then decided not to worry about it.

The flight back to the states was uneventful. Customs didn't even look at the potion in its perfume bottle. And they didn't ask about the dress or the book either. I gave the dress to my wife when I got home. She thought the dress was a little low cut, was intended for someone taller and more buxom but otherwise was a nice treat. I put the book away in a drawer until sometime when we might want to look at it together, in bed.

Then I explained about the potion and what it was supposed to do. My wife seemed torn between excitement about what she might get out of it and disbelief that it would work. We decide (well I decided and she liked the idea) to try the potion at least once. I poured out a spoonful and took a dose. The potion tasted like a mixture of Tabasco, kerosene and three week old fish and burned a little on the way down. The only immediate effect was a slight light headedness. I hadn't expected anything immediate and was prepared too take it for a couple of months, if I didn't get sick from it. After about an hour there was one additional reaction. I went to bed with my wife and we really went at it. I was pleased, after two weeks away I was horny and enjoyed it thoroughly. Interestingly enough, and probably as a placebo effect on her part, my wife was pleasantly satisfied. She still complained some, but gave me the back handed compliment that I wasn't as inadequate as usually.

I continued to take the potion daily, and my wife continued to be pleased. I figured it was only my wife's imagination at first, but after a week I thought I detected a slight change. My member seemed to get slightly thicker and somehow firmer (firmer while in its flacid state that is) over the first week. I wasn't sure if anything was changing, I couldn't measure it and it was subjective but I was convinced enough to continue on the potion.

Over the months that swiftly followed I had to admit the potion was having its desired effect. My member was definitely getting bigger. The change was gradual, nothing that could be noticed as it happened, but over a period of time the effects were nothing short of astounding. To be blunt, I was hung like a horse.

The potion was also having some of its undesirable effects, but not the ones I'd thought of, and not ones that were particularly onerous. I didn't get bad breath or athlete's foot. The first effect I noticed was that it was easier to shave. For the first 3 months I thought it was just my imagination but I finally got to the point where I only needed to shave every other day. I continued to shave daily considering that was the right thing to do, but I could have skipped a day and not been overly noticeable. It wasn't just my face either, except for my head and groin, which both seemed to get slightly hairier, my hair became very light. I was concerned when my chest started going bald but it turned out my wife didn't care about hair on the chest, just my being hung and she was very happy there. I couldn't understand the FDA's barring this potion when it seemed to have reversed my slight baldness!

While my hair was moving around, my skin was clearing up. Freckles I'd had since a teenager faded, slight wrinkles disappeared and my skin got very smooth. I started to look better. It was so pronounced I even lost some weight from my gut! I was feeling great, looking great and had lots of confidence (being really hung will do that to a guy). The only thing scaring me was about once a month I spend a tired night with a slight fever. It only lasted one night and didn't even seem that uncomfortable but the first time I thought I had the flu. Eventually I got so I expected it, I couldn't predict it but I new when it was starting. I didn't mind the 'flu' too much since it seemed to precede a week of unusually fast growth, down where I'd really wanted it when I started in the potion.

Using the potion sparingly it lasted me about 6 months. By the time I was running out I was extremely endowed, the growth had practically stopped and my wife was actually relieved, because she liked me just as I was. Our marriage hadn't really gotten stronger but now that my wife wasn't complaining about my endowment and I wasn't being so defensive we were working on it. When I was down to the last couple of doses of the potion I considered stopping and leaving them, but I'd spent a lot of money on the potion and I wanted my money's worth.

The day after the last dose of potion, and a very long session with my wife celebrating, I woke up with a slight fever. I thought I recognized the fever as the side effect of the potion and knew it would pass soon. I was tired from the previous night so I called in sick. All through the day I lay in bed, but instead of the fever fading, as the side effect of the potion always had, it got worse. I finally decided I really had the flu, it had been going around work, and settled into be sick. My wife was understanding and set in to nurse me through a period of fever, aches and pains. The fever lasted three days, with the last day the worst, I was barely aware of what was going on and just lay under the covers feeling weird.

The morning after I felt fine. Let me change that, I felt strange but fine. I lay there under the sheets enjoying the sensation of being well again. I was a bit lazy and didn't feel like jumping right out of bed. I just lay there on my back staring up at the ceiling, moving from side to side every so often; and every so often I got a strange feeling in my chest. It wasn't painful and it was hard to describe but the feeling of the sheet over my chest somehow felt both more sensual and simultaneously more intimate.

It wasn't for nearly half an hour after I woke up, when I was just starting to wonder about the sensation on my chest, that my wife came in and wanted me to get up, immediately. She said that if I was feeling better I should get out of bed and move around. Well, I felt fine so I started to sit up and that was when a radical new development was revealed.

I sat up in bed and the sheet slid down and I discovered I had breasts, big ones! They were big, creamy, jiggly and any woman would have been proud to have them, I wasn't. I was shocked. I stared at them trying to figure out how they had come to be attached to my manly, if hairless, chest. My wife was staring at them too, her hand at her mouth, not knowing what to do or say. While I was still staring in shocked silence she decide what to do, she disbelieved and to prove she was right she reached out and touched me. I wish she'd been right about them not being real but as soon as she touch them we both had to admit they were real.

When her hand touched me, I felt it, a warm touch on tender flesh. I felt my tissue move out of the way of her hand. I felt my skin pushing back against pressure, and most telling of all I felt the nipple tense just slightly. I finally stopped staring at myself and my eyes rose to meet my wifes.

We both had the same awful thought at the same instant. But my wife was slightly faster to respond and with a small yell yanked the sheet away from the rest of my body. We both stared at my groin area and to my relief I was still there. It was a strange sensation looking over my large breasts to see my, also large, member there. Strange and rather exciting. Determined to do Something, anything, I swung out of bed, stood up and looked at myself in the mirror on the back of the door. What I saw was enlightening, and rather scary.

I was still hung like a horse. But now I was also, to be blunt, built like a brick you know what. The sight sent an eerie thrill through me, causing my member to twitch slightly. An answering twitch seemed to come from my breasts, as though they each knew what the other was thinking, whatever that was. Other changes had occurred while I was in bed, minor ones but the cumulative effect was telling. My skin had become practically hairless except for head, groin and under arms. My skin had taken on a change of color and texture, becoming smoother and softer, and somehow the lines of muscle had changed to be softer and flow easier. My rear had gotten a little plumper I thought and either my waist was smaller or my hips larger. Even my legs seemed longer in proportion and my feet and my ankles smaller.

I turned to my wife, feeling the unfamiliar sway of my new breasts. I stared at my wife with a look of confusion tinged with horror. I started to raise my hands to reach out to her for support, but she stepped back with a look of horror on her face and her eyes fixed on my chest. She must have felt my need for her, just as I felt her horror at the idea of hugging my unexpectedly changed chest. Somehow she found a depth of understanding that only woman have. She came up with a cunning method of assuring me of my manhood without facing my new growth. She dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth, I responded immediately. As she manipulated me I felt relief at the fact that I could still respond. I also felt a new and unsettling tension in my chest. As I moved uncontrollably by the excitement building in me my breast shook and I found the sway distracting, so I reached up and took them in my hands. The touch of my own hands on my own breasts was a new experience. My hands loved the sensation of touching the soft flesh and my oh so soft flesh loved the quick touch of my grasping palms. The combination of the new sensations and my wife's stimulation caused my climax to be of a height I'd never experienced before.

Afterward we sat on the edge of the bed. I noticed my wife looking at my chest with an unpleasant look on her face. I started to apologize for offending her, but she stopped me. "I was just thinking," she said, still looking at my chest, "I'm soon going to be a little jealous." "Yours are actually a little bigger than mine, I can't even lend you one of my brassieres", she apologized.

That's when it hit me. I might actually need ... one of those garments I couldn't bring myself to name. I didn't know how handle this. I considered fainting but decided it wouldn't help. Fortunately my wife put her arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry dear," she said, "we'll get through this and anything else". Maybe our marriage is stronger than I thought.

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