Story submission

By Dr Throat

Published on Aug 26, 1999



So I got inspired to write again. Don't ask where this one came from. It is pure fiction too. I hope you will find it enjoyable. Judging by your comments from the last story, I trust you will.

And the disclaimer goes that the following story contains sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this material offends you, then fuck you uptight bastards anyway! Just because your uncle used to fuck you up the butt when you were a kid doesn't mean that you have to be against all forms of sex and its expression. Freedom of speech, man!

Any comments are welcome at

Central Park

I'm Pat. At the time of this story I was 27 and lived in Tuscan, Arizona. I got there after college because I had a job offer from a consulting firm. The firm itself was a very uptight place. So I kept my sexuality to myself.

That is actually the way I preferred it anyways. I wasn't one of those way out of the closet and vocal people. I kept my life to myself. And the fact that I was not much into the "scene" made things even lonelier for me. Didn't get to have a close group of gay friends around me. And the community in Tuscan was not that big either. A few bars, some random cultural events, and that was it.

So I had resorted to the gym to otherwise relieve my frustrations. First of all, pumping definitely was a way to let go of tension. And it showed, because I had turned into one good-looking stud, and I guess that some of the straight guys at work were really jealous how masculine I looked and how all the girls at the bars liked to talk to me every time we went out as a group.

The other fringe benefit was that I liked what I saw in the locker room. I would take my sweet time changing and showering. And that would pay off every once in a while. Okay so occasionally, I did hook up with someone. And a few of them were not just one night stands either. Hey, stop giving me dirty looks, you sick fuck!!! Making me feel like I am a regular gympup out for cruising! Stop smirking like that or I won't tell you the rest of the story....

Ok better. So the story next takes us to New York City. I was being sent on an assignment for a week, Monday to Friday. So I figured that I would attach the two weekends to it too, since I have never been there. And I figured that NY must have more to offer on the gay sightseeing, with it being the largest center of gays in the nation. I was determined to make my trip there useful for business as well as checking out what was going on there.

Specifically, I had heard some time ago, I don't remember from whom, that there is this one area of Central Park where guys go all hours of the day for cruising. For some reason that was intriguing to me, random guys doing it out in the open, surrounded by the big city. I was determined to check out the place to just see it and telling people I have been there, like that was something to gloat about.

I got into NY Friday night. It was late, and went straight to bed. The next morning I got up early to take in as much of the city as I could. I did a couple of Museums really fast, and in the afternoon I made it to the park. The park turned out to be bigger than I thought, and it was a lot cleaner and family oriented than rumors have it outside NY.

So I tried to look for the famous spot all afternoon. I looked in all kinds of remote areas that could be "the place", but nothing. Just a whole bunch of people biking, blading, and picnicking. I felt like asking someone. But what was I gonna do, go to some random dude and ask: "hey where do all the fags go to their rocks off?" There was no way I could find this place. After a long afternoon I gave up.

Then on Sunday, I met the clients for brunch, and before you knew it the day was over. Monday to Friday flew by fast, and the job was done. Then on the weekend I flew back home. End of story!

Ok, got you there for a second. You know that could not be the whole story. In fact you probably already know where the story takes us, but just humor me, because it is not that straight forward.

Saturday I had the day to myself again before I flew back on Sunday. I was determined to go to the park and find the spot. I didn't know why, but I just had to.

So, another day in the park, except it was really hot that day. Temperatures were running in the 90's, and the humidity was really bad. I had to take my shirt off, as I went through my desperate search. Once again, I caught both sexes stealing glances at my well developed body; girls with lust, and guys with jealousy.

After a couple of hours of searching, I gave up. Some things were not meant to be. I made my way to the Great Big Lawn, which is big piece of lawn where people go to lay down and catch some rays.

I scoped the scene. There were a few groups of people which looked like they were gay, hanging and joking. I bet you I could ask them where the spot was, but that would be too tacky. So fuck it, I was going to just chill out.

Then, this guy came and sat on the grass only a few feet from me. He was wearing only a pair of surfer shorts and sneakers with no socks. Looking carefully I could not see the outline of any underwear under those shorts. As for the guy himself, he was yummy. He probably went to the gym just as frequently as I did. Except that he probably took steroids or something, because his built was so much more defined that mine was. Short brown hair, nice tan, with no tan line peaking from the shorts. Kind of like a football player type.

He had seated himself directly in front of me, facing 90 degrees away. So that I couldn't help but check him out, but he was looking elsewhere. And as long as I wasn't caught, I was going to look, because me so horny. He looked in every possible direction except mine, which gave me permission to check him out completely the whole time.

And then I was caught! In one swift motion, he turned his head and directly stared into my eyes. I wanted to quickly look away, but I was busted. Instead, his green eyes nestled in that tanned, chiseled face were hypnotic. He stared straight into my eyes, almost like in a challenge to see who will blink first. I stared back, not knowing where this was going to lead. Either he found the whole thing very flattering, or he was deciding if he should make a scene and come over and kick my faggot ass.

Finally, he winked at me. Suddenly, he got up and started walking back to the direction he had come from. Not a word. I looked at him as he was going away, puzzled about what had just happened. Just then, he motioned with his hand for me to follow him, without even looking to see if I was still looking at him.

This I found too intriguing. So I followed him. He was leading, with me about 40 feet back. Every once in a while he would look from the angle of his eyes to check if I was still there, and continue on. I didn't know if I should run up and strike a conversation, or just follow, or what. Since he didn't really pause for me to catch up, I just continued the same way.

The question of where he was leading me to was a different issue [Okay, so all you smartasses at this point think you are so smart because you have the whole thing figured out, and that we were going to the spot in the park I had looked for all this time. So what if it is obvious? The point is what happens there, because you just could not phantom. This is my story, and I'm gonna tell it the way I want to, and you will shut up and listen like the good boy that you are.]

So, was he taking me to his apartment, or maybe to that spot in the park I couldn't find on my own? [I said shut up, or I will not tell you the rest of the story]. I just followed him. Ten minutes later, we were in the forest-like part in the center of the park. There were a lot of paths, but I thought I had explored all of them. The he took a sudden turn on this dirt path, which I had missed all this time. Ahh, so that's where it was the whole time.

I was still trailing him by 40-50 feet. He went in, and I followed. That path was crowded with bushes and branches hiding the view in the front. I followed what seemed like the path, except that he (whatever his name was) was way ahead and I couldn't see him any more.

Then the path made another sharp turn, and suddenly I found myself in this space that was secluded all around, but open in the center. From the bushes on one side I could hear some moans and the outlines of two naked guys pretty busy at their task. In front, and on top of the hill, in open view, there were two guys kissing, still with their clothes on.

And directly in front, was my seducer, sitting on a park bench, with the fly of his shorts open and his meat hard in his fist. And that was some meat! The thickest one I had seen since my history professor in college, but that is another story.

I froze at the site. With his left hand he motioned for me to get closer, while he used his right hand to keep stroking. I got closer, and stood right in front of him. He put his left hand on my nipple now, with no invite mind you, and landed his mouth on the other nipple, still stroking himself. The path south to my shorts was pretty short, as a couple of kisses on the bellybutton, and off came my shorts before I knew what was going on. He sat back on the bench and swiftly took my rod in his mouth. This guy was all business, I'm telling you.

Maybe the steroids he was on did it, but the suction power of the BJ he was giving me was sucking all the blood out of the rest of my body. And he was one of the few people that could take my entire manpole (10") into his mouth. Just before I was going over the edge, he must have sensed that I may cum soon. So he did the next best thing: he paused, and let me have a shot at his goods. He climbed on top of the park bench, so now his cock was at mouth-level with me. And I need no more invitations than that. That cock was in my mouth in no time. I really had to open wide to be able to fit it in. He had one of those cocks that bend down, so on the way in, it would fit perfectly into the curvature of my mouth. That's why I was able to take the whole thing all the way to the base.

As we continued, he assumed more of a pumping action. He grabbed my head with his two hands, and pushed me ever so closer to his pubes. And I loved it. Just then I felt something on my cock. I tired to look down and see whose mouth was engulfing my member. But this stud was not letting go of the hold he had on my head. Finally I struggled and saw this really old guy giving me a BJ. The guy must have been at least 65, not well kept or good-looking at all. And I guess being in that area, with my cock hanging out, that gave him the permission to do whatever he wanted.

Not that I normally turn down BJ's, but who the hell was this guy, and what is he doing to my cock. Granted, it felt cool and everything, he knew how to give head, but this was too much. The stud, on the bench, must have sensed my hesitation at the situation, and said: "It's cool," and forced my head to his pubes again. And for lack of better judgment, I went along with it. If I'm gonna have a story to tell, might as well make it juicy.

After a few minutes of this, the stud grabbed my shoulders, and forced me to sit on the bench. He positioned me to rest my head on the top edge of the seat back, and leaned my head back. He the straddled my head, and inserted his cock in my mouth again. He fucked my mouth with such force I thought I was going to choke.

Meanwhile, some new sensation was happening to my cock. This was not a mouth anymore. This was definitely an ass riding my boner. The old man had apparently oiled himself there ahead of time, and had sat on my lap as my cock called for attention. He was riding my pole and giving himself pleasure. All the while that the stud pumped my face.

The stud was near the end. I felt the veins in his cock get engorged even more, and with one push, he delivered buckets of hot homemade cum down my throat. Which then triggered me into an orgasm, as I reciprocated all that cum into the old man's rectum.

Wow, that was some experience.

As I was recovering from my orgasm, the stud turned to the old man and said: "Happy Birthday, Dad!" I looked carefully at them, and now I saw the resemblance.

[See, I told you to read carefully to the end]

[That thing with the professor in college is a story for another time]

[How come you never tell me any juicy stories???]

Hope you and your cock both enjoyed this story. If anyone got cum all over the keyboard or the screen, get up and clean up before it gets dry and crusty.

Comments are welcome at And for more stories written by me go to

Take care.

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