Story - Transjen

By Karen Mitchell

Published on May 9, 1996



From Sun May 12 23:54:59 1996 Path:!!!!!!!usenet Newsgroups: Organization: I-Link Lines: 241 Message-ID: Reply-To: (Karen Mitchell) NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I did not write this and you must be 18 or over to read it as it may contain a great deal of adult explicit sexuality. If this is offensive do not read - delete file. For those of us who enjoy .... enjoy! Please do not ask for files by e-mail - I can barely keep up with what I have now.

A TRANSFORMATION TO JENNIFER Jeff was only 19. He had never met his real parents. He really did not care and showed little interest in who or where they were. He had been, for all practical purposes, abandoned as worthless at the age of 11 and placed in an orphanage. The orphanage was far from perfect. There had been several children placed in the quarters and it was run quite poorly. The 20-plus kids that lived there were left pretty much to fend for themselves. There was food, if one could call it that. The sleeping conditions were incredible. Wherever one could find room to lay became the bed for the night. The school was also mixed...boys and girls shared the same rooms and, for lack of clean laundry, frequently the same clothing. The mixed clothing was frequently left in piles and everyone merely grabbed whatever looked the less filthy. It was not uncommon for the girls to be found wearing boys jeans and shoes. No one really cared. If it was warm, put it on. One morning Jeff had overslept and arose to find almost all of the clothes had been appropriated. Not wishing to spend the rest of the day in his briefs, he pawed through the diminutive pile of rags for anything he could find to cover himself with. Some of the other boys in the home observed all of this and started snickering at Jeff for his having nothing to wear. Suddenly Jeff managed to pull out something turned out to be a skirt! ...and that was all there was. The others mocked him...PUT IT ON...WE DARE YOU! Against his better wishes, Jeff had no choice. It was the skirt or...nothing. Jeff laughed and slipped into the skirt and zipped it to his waist, allowing his T-shirt to hang out over it. He felt very embarrassed. He had never worn a skirt before. He smiled and walked to the mirror. He HAD to see this! What he saw disturbed him greatly. He looked damn good in it! Jeff, it should be mentioned, did not look like any ordinary boy. Jeff was indeed...beautiful! His hair was long-blond, his eyes were blue, his skin was very smooth as silk, his cheekbones were exceptionally high and his waist slender. As he looked ceaselessly into the reflection, he noted how the tightness of the skirt set off his curvaceous, feminine- looking ass. His smooth, shapely legs had never before been exhibited in a skirt. They looked like they might have belonged there! The other boys fell silent, then one of them finally spoke... HEY, YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL. Jeff just looked and smiled... I DO, DON'T I...? It was at this point that some of the girls from the home rushed in. They all took one look at Jeff and started giggling. As much as Jeff tried to explain to them that the skirt was the only clothing left to wear that day, the girls mockingly insisted that Jeff wanted to wear it...that he looked so SEXY in it! Finally one of the girls absolutely insisted that they all take a hand in dressing him. The boys joined in and there was just no getting out of this for Jeff. One of the girls dug out a white blouse, another her makeup, still another, her high heels. Still another, her padded bra. After almost an hour of the effort, there was still something critical missing...panties. A girl finally made the great sacrifice and Jeff had donned her black, bikinis. The makeup was unbelievable...he looked absolutely stunning. Jeff finally walked to the mirror again to behold the handiwork. He was flabbergasted. The reflection produced... a female...a gorgeous, shapely, delicate...girl! He could not believe his eyes. Jeff looked himself over. His hands crept their way to his ass and explored the panty-line, apparent through the tightness of the skirt material, which Jeff had made tighter by forming the rear of the skirt firmly about his comely ass. The three-inch heels set off his legs like crazy. He smiled as he gingerly slipped the skirt above his knees, then further upward to his upper thighs. He turned and posed his legs in various ways, girl-like. Everyone just stood and looked, astonished. The transformation was incredible. Jeff, in one brief hour, had become...Jennifer. In the ensuing weeks, Jennifer would never be caught dead in male clothing. The girls happily volunteered anything they had for Jennifer to wear. Dresses, skirts, blouses, heels, shorts...whatever they had was Jen's for the asking. Hours were spent teaching Jennifer to walk in heels, sit properly, cross her legs, smile seductively. Her voice was worked with to turn into a whisper, a purr, a pant. Jennifer was having one hell of a time. Then the magic moment arrived...Jennifer had been selected for adoption. Jen never thought she would be reluctant to leave the orphanage, but...she could not spend the rest of her life there. ...and it meant an unwilling transformation back to Jeff! That was brutal for her. Jeff had very little use for his stepfather, who was drunk every night and seemed to enjoy berating his wife as well as their 18 year old daughter, Sarah. Weeks past as Jeff settled into the family, such as it was. One afternoon Jeff was alone in the house. The craving for Jennifer to emerge again was as strong as it had ever been. Jeff entered Sarah's room and looked about, opening drawers and her closets. He hastily tried on a dress, a skirt, her heels. Things fit. It was like stumbling across a gold mine! He knew he had at least two hours before anyone would be returning so he took that opportune moment to jump into one of Sarah's skirts, a blouse and a pair of her heels. He went downstairs to the dining room mirror to check out Jennifer. His frustration was uncanny. The longing for Jennifer was inconceivable. As he turned toward the living room, the front door swung open. His stepfather entered quickly, having left work early due to a headache. Their eyes met, then the stepfather looked Jennifer over in detail. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?, he screamed. ARE YOU SOME KIND OF FUCKING FAGGOT OR SOMETHING? He grabbed Jennifer and pushed her into the sofa. Jen did nothing, she merely laid there. The stepfather looked at her...A SKIRT AND HIGH HEELS. NOW AREN'T YOU SOMETHING. HELL, YOU LOOK BETTER THAN SARAH! Jennifer ran upstairs sobbing. Jeff came back down... When his stepmother and Sarah got home, the stepfather told them what he had discovered on his early departure from work. Jeff quickly tried to explain his longing and his frustration to dress female. His every sentence was met with stares, then hilarity from the three of them. That evening Jeff's stepfather was drinking heavily. He screamed at Jeff to go upstairs and change into something seductive. He wanted Jeff to "turn him on..." Jeff smiled to himself...OK, YOU ASSHOLE, he thought to himself...YOU WANT IT, YOU GOT IT! He entered Sarah's room and mulled through her closet again. He wanted to be very selective this time. He wanted this imbecile to see her best. What came down the stairs made his step-parents and Sarah all rise from their chairs and merely gaze at...Jennifer. The unbelievable transformation caught them all speechless. Jennifer was incredibly beautiful...the best she has looked, even in the orphanage. She wore a tight-fitting sweater, a coal black miniskirt, dark, seamless pantyhose and black heels. She just smiled, sauntered to a chair and slowly sat, crossing her gorgeous legs and making eye contact with all three of them. By now the stepfather was crocked out of his mind. He kept blinking...trying to wake up. Sarah just looked at Jen and smiled, then walked over to her and engaged her hand and held it. The stepmother just starred at Jen in disbelief, but intimately comprehending that Jeff may never be back. Jennifer moved out shortly after that...into a universe that she hoped, beyond all expectation, might someday embrace her... Jennifer had never really been alone before. She only knew she could not tolerate the thought of returning "home". ...and, she needed a! She caught the next bus out of the city and got off at some tank town about 80 miles from what was once home. On her walk from the bus terminal, she passed a small bar that had a HELP WANTED - COCKTAIL WAITRESS sign in the window. She glanced in to see what the place looked like. Nothing spectacular but not too shoddy either. What the hell...! She checked into a small motel with the little money she had left and unpacked. Cocktail Waitress, she thought... Why not. Better than working in a car wash. She hung out one of her sexier above-the-knee skirts, a pair of black heels and dark, seamless pantyhose. Cocktail Waitresses have GOT to show off their legs...sort of a pre- requisite of the job. THIS, she deliberated, MIGHT BE SOMEWHAT OF AN EXPERIMENT! She made her way to the bar and sauntered in. Business was quite slow that afternoon, maybe nine or ten guys sipping a beer. She told the bartender she was there to apply for the cocktail waitress job. She was referred to a large man sitting in the corner at a table...the owner. After the usual boss-applicant repartee, the owner rose and grabbed a garment from a hanger near the bar and held it up. Good grief!!! It was the cocktail waitress outfit, what there was of it! White blouse, black string tie and a skirt that stopped at the hips! The bartender looked Jen over...DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS?, motioning to the outfit. Jen gulped slightly, then answered...SURE! WHY NOT...? OK, he said, GO PUT IT ON FOR ME. FOR THIS JOB, LOOKS IS 80% OF IT. Jen reached out and took the outfit from his hand and existed into the Ladie's Room. (Shit, she thought...he is going to read me...!) She put it on instantly and checked her pantyhose for any conceivable flaw. Well, she thought, life sometimes comes down to one brief moment...! Jen opened the door and strutted right out and stood in front of him... She smiled...DO I PASS? (funny line, she thought) The owner put down his beer and ogled Jen from head to toe. TURN AROUND, he asked. Jen wheeled about, posing her ass and legs to best effect. HEY GUYS, the owner yelled, WHAT DAYA THINK...COCKTAIL WAITRESS...? Everyone in the place turned and looked at Jen, standing there in her scanties...! SHIT, she thought, I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING! YEA...SHE LOOKS of the customers yelled. SHE'S PROBABLY GOT THE BEST LEGS IN THIS FUCKING TOWN ANYWAY. Jen wheeled around and faced the owner once more. She just smiled and purred...WELLLLL...? The owner introduced himself as Paul...OK HONEY, BE HERE AT 6:00 TONIGHT. YOU GOT IT! LEAVE SOME ID AND TAKE THE OUTFIT WITH YOU... Jen thanked him, left the address of the motel and wiggled her shapely ass out the door. YEEEEE GODS, she thought, I JUST GOT A JOB AS A COCKTAIL WAITRESS...MY FIGURE PASSED, MY FACE PASSED...MY ASS AND LEGS PASSED!!!! IT ALL PASSED!!!! She suddenly realized she was out in the street in broad daylight in the cocktail waitress outfit. She quickly found her way to the bus stop. FUCK 'EM, she thought, LET 'EM LOOK! A few horns honked at her, a couple of guys yelled at her, Jen coyly smiled...! The bus came... When she got back to the motel, she could hardly wait to check out the outfit in the mirror in her room. WOW! It was more revealing than she had imagined. She bent over, away from the mirror, as one must do when serving a drink. Her panties showed...just slightly. She thought of the old joke... I SEE YOUR PANTIES. I'M NOT WEARING ANY PANTIES...! Jen stood upright and looked at the reflection of her silkened legs, posing herself as she would do on the job. ...better than she imagined! She showed up at the bar around 5:45...dressed to kill. Her makeup was! The evening went quickly, business was slow. It was not one of the better bars in town, but it had a job opening. Jen managed her way through the hours, serving drinks, getting tipped, trying to ignore the cheap feels from the guys as their hands accidentally-on-purpose brushed her thighs. Finally the place closed and Paul dimmed the lights, offering to drop Jen off at the motel. She smiled and accepted... (to be continued...)

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