Twisted Gold

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 11, 2003



Twisted Gold Written by JM

** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that are mentioned within this story. All character's pre-developed personalities belong to Vince McMahon and their souls belong to each wrestler/human respectively. This is a work of fiction with little fact-based material. This is an artificial world I have created and is very much unlike my usual work. It revolves around a romance between wrestlers Edge (Adam Copeland) and Rey Mysterio. Send any and all of your comments to Thanks for your time. **

His nimble fingers drug through his lengthy blonde hair as the sweat continued to slick his tan skin with a wetness he knew all too well. Someone threw a towel on his shoulder; he wasn't quite sure who and didn't bother to look back. He kept a steady pace down the lengthy hallway that to the locker room. A few congratulatory words were passed around as he passed, mainly from his friends like Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle. He took them all with quick nods and gracious smiles. They would probably mean more if he heard them from Chris, Jason or Trish, but he didn't pretend as if they didn't mean anything. They did mean something. He put his body on the line every time he stepped into that squared circle and to give anything less would be betraying what he worked so hard for.

He lifted a hand and began to unravel the tape from around his left wrist. He smirked a little when Eddie Guerrero threw his arm around his shoulder, bragging to his co-workers about how great their match was. It was a level to strive for in his book. The crowd was completely into the match and just about every move went right.

Still, there was an undeniable emotion running through him during the match. It was missing something. And he knew it wasn't that Eddie or his nephew, Chavo Guerrero, didn't put forth outstanding effort, because they did. It couldn't have been Billy Kidman's tireless work rate, because that helped the match beyond numbers. It might have been that for once, in months, Chris Benoit or Kurt had nothing to do with the match. Yet he understood they were moving onto bigger playing fields. It couldn't always be just the six of them.

He laughed at the thought of it. They were dubbed 'The Smackdown Six.' None of them could help it, really. It started with he and Kurt, then the additions of Chris and Eddie continued the storyline. The return of Chavo helped to bring about the different teams. Then, probably through a creative awakening between Paul Heyman and Stephanie McMahon, he was paired with Rey Mysterio.

Maybe that was it? He shook his head and lowered his brow as he walked. Rey wasn't his partner tonight, Billy was. But Billy carried his own weight. He nailed all the moves and was charismatic. He was helpful and good at the high flying moves. And he wasn't Rey.

He laughed to himself lowly as Eddie untangled the arm from around him to gloat. He gave Eddie a quick glance, watching the way he and Chavo jumped around Stephanie celebrating. Out of everyone, they were always the first to brag about good matches. Rightfully so, of course. Still, he always sat on the sidelines with Kurt and waited on Rey and Chris to make some rash comment to make Eddie and Chavo stop. Even outside of the ring, they all worked well together.

"Hot match there Copeland," John Cena commented casually from the side. He nodded toward John but kept his walk at its casual pace. He didn't really want to chat with anyone. Maybe it was him just being anxious. All of the World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars were given ten days off for the holidays. He hadn't had ten consecutive days off from work all year long. He couldn't really count his shoulder injury during the early part of the summer because he still attended television tapings and therapy.

"Billy! You were so great out there!"

When he heard Torrie Wilson's buoyant cheer, he had to glance to his left, catch a quick glimpse of the well-shaped blonde as she threw her arms around her fiance. He was a little disappointed that he agreed to drive back to the hotel with Billy and Torrie. He could already imagine her hanging all over him in the backseat while he played chauffeur.

He shot Billy a quick grin, nodding in his direction. He could remember days like that. Days when it felt wondrous to be so young and in love. He was still young, but the love didn't seem to stay as strong as it did when he first met Allanah. Nothing he could help, really. He was on the road a lot and they were never truly married. It was a quick ceremony, in front of the justice of the peace. And why did they do it so soon? Just so she could travel with him on his work visa? Because they were both Canadians and he happened to be a wrestler that went around the world? She didn't come out on the road with him that much and always found a way to complain when he got home.

His fingers finished untying the wristband from his right wrist and he sighed. His knee throbbed and he was positive that the trainers were going to want to look at it. He regretted not being a little more careful in his match with Paul a few weeks back. He had wrestled matches with Paul in the past, but when he injured his knee while trying to spear Paul, he finally understood why Paul was called the Big Show.

"Hey Adam... Trisha sends her love and says to call her;" Matt Hyson called out to him as he limped by. He glanced up and didn't try to hide his smile.

He missed Trish, uncontrollably. She was some sort of bright light for him when he was on the road. He often called her just to talk, just to hear what it's like on the road with the Raw crew. He didn't mind when she cried to him about Jeff. He understood her pain for reasons even he didn't want to admit. But they laughed too, especially when they talked about how into the Victoria character Lisa Marie Varon got or the things Chris did during the live taping that week.

He fingered a couple of strands of his blonde hair out of his face, feeling relieved because he was drawing closer to the locker room. He just needed to pack up his gear, hop in his rental car and head for the hotel. He couldn't wait to return to Tampa for a few days and then head out to Toronto. To be able to be in his native land, to be around family and friends like Jason, Trish, and Chris would definitely ease the tension he was feeling in his life and his marriage.

"And once again, you manage to deliver Copeland. Can't wait to see what you do when they put you in a title match at a pay-per-view," Chris Benoit spoke frankly and Adam wasn't sure how to react. He nervously smiled before Chris patted his shoulder. He was standing in front of the locker room door and all Adam could think of was getting inside and icing up his knee.

"Thanks, but I think it would've been better had we had you and Kurt to back it up somehow," Adam noted, offering a friendlier smile to Chris.

Chris crooked an eyebrow at him and shook his head quickly. "No, you guys did great. It's good that they are trying to book us in different storylines. Now you can go on and do bigger and better matches."

Adam nodded halfheartedly because he wanted to believe Chris' words, but they were a little too far from reality for him. After all, it was Chris and Kurt who had moved onto to better things already with Adam stuck in a pointless storyline with Matt Bloom and his new character A-Train.

But Adam drifted away from his thoughts when Chris finally did move from the locker room entrance and head toward the stage. Thankfully, Vince had agreed to let all the wrestlers leave after their matches were taped. He didn't know if he could sit around the arena any longer having conversations that merely distracted him from his own problems. Then again, he had to wait around for Billy and Torrie because he did promise them a ride back to the hotel. He didn't know if he really felt like hearing Torrie's useless banter, but he'd learn to sacrifice the better things in life for a simple friendship.

Adam scooped the towel from his shoulder and used it to wipe the small beads of sweat from his face as he pushed open the locker room door. He kept his head low as he dried it and prayed he didn't bump into anyone as he walked. He figured that not too many of the guys would still be in there anyway.

"Chris is right you know."

Adam stumbled when he heard the voice. He managed to regain his balance and not put too much pressure on his injured knee, but that wasn't his concern. He dropped his towel immediately and focused his green eyes on the man that sat in the corner of the locker room. He didn't want to expose a smile, but it was hard not to, mostly because of his disbelief.

He strung his fingers through his tangled blonde hair and took a moment just to stare at him. Was he there? Truly? Adam watched him cross his arms over his chest and give him a perplexed stare and it had to be because Adam was still standing there, not offering any form of communication. But he wasn't sure he could.


A charming laughter rose from the man and Adam caught himself laughing lowly too. Rey was there, sitting in the corner with his arms folded over his chest and one of his legs propped up on a chair. It was the leg he had surgery on, the one that kept him from being on the road with the others. It was the injury that prevented Rey from being his tag team partner tonight.

Oh, but there was still that smile on Rey's lips that welcomed Adam's presence. There were those chocolate brown eyes that were always friendly, always kind to whomever they greeted. He wore his eyebrow piercing and a pair of baggy designer jeans. Still, Adam was troubled by the fact that most of Rey's face was covered by the legendary Mexican mask that he wore to the ring. He rarely wore it in the locker room, usually backstage to prevent possible fans or others from seeing the face that he had begin to hide once joining the WWE.

"Um, yeah, it's me. Well, at least last time I checked. These painkillers have me think otherwise sometimes," Rey responded.

Adam chuckled lowly and ran the towel over his collarbone. He was still in his mild state of disbelief, but he let it pass briefly to admire his friend.

Rey's small, muscular body sat up in the chair; his leg remaining lifted on the other chair in front of him. He uncrossed his arms and Adam watched the way his tattooed arms flexed as he stretched slightly. He was wearing one of his shirts. Well, it was a shirt that said "Edge Army" on it. A black one, one that fit tightly over his small body and Adam smiled on the inside.

He sensed Rey caught him staring and he quickly averted his eyes, still solidifying a grand smile on his lips. He laughed nervously and dropped his towel to the side, glancing at his gear crumpled in another corner of the room.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? When did you get here?"

Adam didn't mean to spit out so many questions at one time, but it just happened. He was a ball of nerves and he still didn't know why. He had seen Rey plenty of times before, with and without the mask. They had shared the same locker room, same car, same hotel room, and same shower before. But while Rey was away nursing his injury, Adam began to lack and hunger for those simple moments.

"So did you want me to answer those in chronological order or order of importance?" Rey joked, a smooth smile creasing his lips. Adam blushed slightly and shook his head, sweeping locks of his hair from out of his face.

"I'm sorry Rey; it's just that..."

"No, it's cool Adam. I can understand your surprise," Rey assured him, laying a hand on his knee as he adjusted his leg with slight pain fizzling through his brown eyes. Adam felt a foreign need to move closer to Rey and assist him, but he denied the feeling. He simply squinted his eyes a little and ignored the pained rush.

"You're here."

Rey nodded slowly, shooting Adam a curious look again and Adam shook his head quickly, laughing gleefully. He felt like an ass, but it was just that shyness inside of him that he hid from everyone. Only a few had caught a glimpse of this side of Adam Copeland.

"I'm just real glad you're here Rey," Adam said through his laughter. He bent over and snatched up the towel, adjusting his tights, as he stood straight again. He breathed in lightly and could feel the necessity for a shower. Maybe when he got back to the hotel and wasn't in front of Rey? A place where he didn't have to think about Rey might be good for his head at the moment.

"Well, Adam, you sure have a funny way of showing how glad you are to see me," Rey boasted, folding his arms over his chest again as Adam moved toward the corner his bag sat in.

Adam glanced back with a candid smile, letting a few strands of hair fall to his face again as he leaned over to grab his bag. He slowly pulled out a black T-shirt and some jeans, settling on showering at the hotel instead of the arena. He was ready to leave. All the while, his eyes never seemed to linger from Rey for too long. And Rey just watched him. He just stared at him with reflecting brown eyes that didn't hurt to look into, just stirred the emotions within.

"Would you like a hug Rey? A party? Maybe a sign that says 'Welcome back'? A kiss on the head or something?" Adam teased him with his wild smile only growing wider. Rey didn't seem as amused, but Adam couldn't let it faze him.

"Really? A hug? I'm so overwhelmed with an opportunity like that," Rey finally joked back and Adam swallowed that flutter in his stomach when thinking about hugging Rey. He had done it before, proudly. When they won the Smackdown tag titles, they embraced. They hugged several times. Whether it was in celebration or mutual care for each other, Adam didn't care to decide. It felt good to have the smaller man's arms wrapped around his neck, lodged into his stronger arms if only for a few minutes.

"I'll be sure to make a mental note for later on then," Adam smiled and did he really mean that? Did that sound sexual? He hoped not because that wasn't him. That couldn't be a feeling he had developed.

Adam gave Rey a quick glance and nothing but a small smile glazed his face.

Rey was just there; quiet and he remained unnerved. Everything that Adam wanted to see might have been hidden behind that mask Rey wore, but not his smile and not his eyes. It comforted Adam and he pulled at his tights, folding his shirt and jeans over his arm before grabbing his towel from earlier.

"Taking off that mask anytime soon?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow at Rey while limping toward the bathroom area. He kept an eye on Rey as he moved, watching the younger man lift his hands tentatively.

"Once you tell me where we're going after this," Rey called to him, smirking as Adam walked away.

"Ah, come on. I miss your pretty little face," Adam cooed, pulling at the back of his tights until a portion of his black thong peeked out of the top.

It was so much easier for him to wear thongs or bikini briefs when he wrestled. He was used to it now. It was silly because he only did it to eliminate the imprint underwear usually left through the tights he wore. He didn't want the world looking at the briefs showing through his tights like Jason did.

"And I miss not sitting on my ass all night," Rey countered, pulling a lighthearted chuckle from Adam.

"You need to be sitting on your ass instead of hopping around on everyone like you usually do," Adam admonished with a smile, peeking out from the bathroom area. A portion of his body was exposed and he knew Rey could see him with his tights partially pulled down, his thong completely exposed with his T-shirt hallway on. His state of dishevelment didn't bother him, but Rey stirred a little, his fingers struggled with his mask while his eyes glanced up and down Adam.

Adam watched the mask slide off of Rey's head and he almost dropped his towel, the baby face of Rey leaving him a little taken aback for some reason. He really did miss Rey's face, but repeating the statement would only lead Rey to think things; things that Adam didn't want to think himself.

He slipped back into the bathroom area and adjusted the straps on his underwear. He was glad a mirror wasn't near because he didn't want to see himself. He knew he was blushing and he knew he probably had that glazed look of happiness permanently scribed into his face. He shook his head and pulled off his elbow pads, dropping them next to the towel on the floor. It was just Rey. It was just a stirring in his stomach that he couldn't stop and when he tossed his blonde hair behind his shoulders, he wasn't sure it was just a feeling he wanted to go away.

Adam wasn't truly sure of how Rey had convinced Bill DeMott to shuttle Billy and Torrie back to the hotel, but he wasn't going to question him. Why? He didn't yearn for another one of Torrie's senseless conversations about she and Billy's upcoming wedding or her career as a WWE Diva. Or what was left of it at least. Adam grinned to himself when he thought how Billy must feel having his fiancee caught up in a absurd storyline revolving around the temptress, Dawn Marie, seducing her father, Al Wilson. And that vignette from Armageddon? The one in which Dawn and Torrie actually kissed rather sexually? Adam couldn't imagine being Al, let alone Billy. It was beyond degrading for both females.

He adjusted his rearview mirror as Rey indulged into a conversation on his cell phone. His eye caught the way Rey's face tensed and the occasional way his voice would drop, probably to whisper something Adam wasn't supposed to hear. Yet he did, every time. He sighed to himself, fiddled with the knob on the car radio and kept a focus on the road.

Rey was talking to his wife, Adam could tell. It was obvious by the way his tone changed from a surge of life to a man pleading for a way out of a maze. Adam pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and thought about the way Rey used to praise his wife backstage. That was months ago, when Rey first started traveling with the Smackdown roster. Things had changed drastically, from what Adam had heard from others. He didn't pry though. He didn't want to push Rey away, not when something just drew him closer and closer to him.

Rey mumbled something in Spanish and dropped his cell phone into his lap, leaving Adam with nothing but contempt to glance at him quickly. Rey's head was down and his eyes shut, his index fingers rubbing his temples. He couldn't ask. It would be too invading, even though most of him said he could relate. His marriage or lack thereof, was troubled. He knew the pressures of being a man on the road, a young man at that. Adam was only twenty-nine. Rey was a year younger.

"You know appreciation is a very devalued thing now a days," Rey commented, lifting his head and Adam could feel a smile radiating on him. He had to smile back, taking a quick look at Rey was more than a little curiosity burning through his expression.

"We go out there, slam folks around, get our asses kicked and the fans cheer. They love you, scream for you and even applaud for the hard effort. But then you go home and the ones that are supposed to love you and appreciate you without all the stress just give you shit," Rey continued and Adam tried not to let his expression falter too much. He could feel the tenseness in Rey's voice, but he wasn't sure what to say. Nothing came to him.

"I just don't understand, Adam. Why do I have to do flips for my wife and the fans? Can't I just be appreciated for being the man that I am sometimes?"

There was a lot of validity to his question and a lot of answer desired in his expression. Yet, Adam didn't have them all. He didn't even know if he had any. He was just a WWE Superstar, not a man capable of dealing with those burdening issues. He had avoided them for so long.

Adam slowed the speed of the car as they drew closer to the hotel. He eased his foot harder onto the brakes and turned his head, sighing quietly. Rey was still waiting for something from him.

"I don't know Rey. I don't think I'll ever understand what people want," Adam huffed out, pulling the car to a stop once he edged into the parking spot. Rey nodded, losing more than just a little bit of his hope. He ducked his head and glanced out the window, tracing imaginary signs over the lower portion of the window.

Adam knew he shouldn't have and felt a need to kick himself for it, but he drew back a breath. He pushed a section of his hair behind his shoulder and leaned onto the wheel, resting his chin on the back of his hands. "But if it helps any, Rey... I appreciate you, with or without the flips."

It didn't take but a moment for Rey to glance back, a vivid grin coating his thick pink lips. He nodded with a shyness only young boys carry and leaned back in his seat. He reached a hand out and Adam didn't know whether to flinch or melt. He opted for option one until Rey's small hand reached the top of his head and pulled his shades down over the brim of his nose.

"Partners like you are hard to come by Adam," Rey smiled out, turning to open the door.

He was a partner, a tag team partner. But it still gave him a funny glow just to have Rey do such a minute gesture and to smile the way he did. He was going to question himself about the feeling later; he knew he would, but he just let it live inside and exist as it was. Feelings like that were so rare for him and he preferred to cherish it rather than put it out.

"So, are we eating or working out?"

Adam was a little thrown off by Rey's sudden question. Rey had sat near the window for most of their time in Adam's room. Adam was busying packing up clothing and grabbing little things from around the room. He glanced at the alarm clock near the lamp, making a mental note about his sunglasses and skullcap sitting next the clock. It was late, probably not too late to grab something from a fast food restaurant, but too late for a real meal. He needed one.

"We could call down to the desk and see if they can get us some egg whites and chicken?"

Adam could see the disdain in Rey's expression. It was a healthy suggestion, Adam thought so. Yet, maybe it wasn't the most ideal.

"Or you could stop eating so damn healthy and snack on some real food," Rey advised, standing up cautiously from his chair. He placed most of his weight on the chair as he balanced himself, ignoring sudden bursts of pain that burned through his leg.

Adam flinched a little watching Rey, trying to put more focus into his packing than the younger man struggling to make it past the bed.

Adam leaned into the door jamb of the bathroom and sighed, crossing his arms while struggling with his need to assist Rey as he finally made it around to the other side of the bed, closer to Adam. He scratched his beard and watched Rey lean against the bed, lifting the skullcap with a playful expression.

"You're in good shape Adam. Why eat some much protein shit? You've got a good body..."

Rey slowed his speech, watching the way the blood flared up in Adam's cheek, leaving a nice shade of blush for Rey to admire. He giggled at that and Adam hides his embarrassment behind a confused grin.

"Good body, great hair, nice teeth and you're not heaving and calling for air after a fifteen minute match. Be the young and good-looking Canadian that you are," Rey finished, lowering his eyes because even speaking the words was too much for him to commit to.

Adam ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit. He didn't know how to express appreciation for Rey's words, but he was sure his heart could find a way.

"Not all of us can be cute, charming with a nice body," Adam said with a soft voice, leaning his head against the door of the bathroom. He didn't blush this time and almost wanted to remind himself that he was just being nice. But Rey smirked at him and again he faltered.

"Plus that height deficiency," Adam sneered, snorting as he leaned out of the entranceway and moved toward the lamp. He heard Rey fake a laugh while slipping on the skullcap, pulling it down until it almost covered his eyes. It was cute on him and Adam knew he had better second-guess himself that time. Wasn't there a wife he should be calling or something that would draw his thoughts from the young Latino?

"I suppose we're working out," Rey finally spoke up again, peering at Adam with little interest in the idea. Adam knew they both needed to do some rehab and maybe some cardio would help them stay in condition. Ten days with no work? There's no way either of them wouldn't get too caught up in relaxing to work out during the break. Adam just didn't see it possible.

"Are you staying at this hotel?" Adam questioned him, moving out of the doorway of the bathroom. He was a little more than curious because Rey didn't really talk about that. Rey had told him that he traveled to Tulsa to speak with Vince and the writers about possible upcoming storylines. Rey also said he wanted to see the others, not Adam specifically because damn that would twist Adam up too much. He is too tangled in his thoughts to be concerned in what was said.

"Well, actually, the flight was so last minute that I haven't booked a hotel room yet. I was going to call around about that before.. Before I ran into you," Rey replied, his voice dropping a little as he neared the end of his statement. There was child-like illustration branding his face, glowing against his skin in some odd light. But then something pulled at the corner of his mouth and Adam watched a grin melt over Rey's thick lips. Was he afraid of this change? Never. Just amazed by it.

"Maybe we should stay here so you can call around for a room?" Adam advised, taking stronger steps toward Rey. He reached him in only a few steps, looking down at him with a curiousness he believed only he could carry. The way Rey's muscles bunched under that shirt when, his head tilting back to look up at Adam. Adam didn't laugh, but smiled a little harder. He laid a hand on Rey's shoulder, maybe a little more confident in himself or just drunk on some fizzy feeling boiling in his stomach.

"No, I don't want to ruin your evening like that man," Rey shook his head, hands slithering into the pockets of his jeans. Something so innocent shouldn't get to Adam like he did, but he let it.

"Ruin my evening? I don't constitute exercising and eating crappy hotel food the highlight of my night Rey," Adam admonished, inching his way past Rey to sit on the bed. He scooped locks of his hair up and slipped it behind his shoulders, waiting for Rey to turn around.

"Oh, and I bet I would be the highlight of your evening Copeland," Rey kidded, turning slightly to look at Adam again.

Adam shrugged but smiled, leaning back a little to relax his muscles. "I always have fun with you."

Rey raised his brow, but it didn't trace away a warm smile from his lips. He toyed with the loops on his jeans, the shyness in his expression unconceivable. But did he try? Adam didn't think so and that's why he kept his green eyes on the shorter man.

Adam scooted back on the tidy hotel bed, leaning back against one of the pillows for support. He tilted to his right and grabbed the remote control, quickly clicking on the television. He flipped through the channels for a moment before giving Rey a quick glance, sizing him up, as he stood there a little confused.

Adam sighed lowly and patted to the side of the bed he left empty, single sections of his hair falling over his face as he angled his upper body toward Rey. "Sit down and start calling buddy. We've got time to spare."

Rey grinned, scratching his beard inquisitively. Adam could tell he was thinking over the proposition. There was still a chair by the windowsill or there was the bathroom or there was right there, next to Adam. The bed was big enough and Rey could sit on the edge if he wanted. Adam was just being polite. At least, that's what his head was telling him.

Rey nonchalantly pulled his cellular phone from his pocket and flipped it open, pushing the skullcap up on his forehead. He looked at the empty portion of the bed while dialing information. He chuckled lowly and Adam raised an eyebrow when Rey finally sat down, resting one leg on the bed while the other foot stayed firmly planted on the floor. Rey leaned back against the other pillow and focused his eyes on the television, leaving Adam to his thoughts as Rey searched for a hotel.

Some wicked kind of serenity must have come over Adam because his body shivered slightly when fingers slowly traced against his cheekbone. He smiled softly before wrinkling his brow, an awkward awareness coming over him. He was sleeping? He had fallen asleep while watching some show that he really couldn't remember now, but it didn't really matter.

He blinked his eyes open slowly, the light from the room leaving a burning sensation behind his eyes. He brushed strands of his hair from his face and glanced around, catching a view of Rey sitting up next to him on the bed. He blinked again, watching as a tendered smile spread across Rey's lips and he cocked his head to the side, viewing Adam in another light.

"I didn't find a room," Rey said, losing a tinge of that glow his smile once inhibited.

Adam yawned lowly, throwing a hand over his mouth before turning to his side, squinting his eyes at Rey. He peered past Rey to see the time. Had it really been over an hour? Being on the road always drained him. Waking up early, traveling on planes, going over storylines, doing backstage skits, and wrestling was truly a day full for him.

Adam stretched in the bed before sitting up some, scratching the end of his nose. He could feel the weight of Rey's stare on him and let his emotions soak in it for a few moments.

"What time does your flight leave tomorrow?" Adam finally asked, scratching the top of his head as Rey sat up some more in the bed.

"Around two. I figured I could just go down to the airport now and book an earlier flight, maybe a red eye," Rey shrugged off, turning until his back was to Adam.

Adam was puzzled. He scooted up until he was in a sitting position and fixed his attire. His shirt had ridden up a little during his sleep, exposing his stomach and his socks were barely on his feet now. But that wasn't his concern. Rey was.

"No, you can stay here tonight Rey," Adam insisted, his hand just barely grazing against Rey's shoulder blade. He quickly pulled it back once their skin met, fearful of what the touch might do. Was it that strong now? His feelings? His possible attraction? But that wasn't probable. He was married, always faithful, and there was never once a passing thought about another man in his mind. Never.

Rey glanced over his shoulder, the faded skeleton tattoo on his back shifting as he moved. He had some urgent sense of hope lifted in his eyes and Adam pushed further from his feelings. He offered a small smile, one that barely curved his lips and left more to the imagination than he thought to contrive. But just sucked in his lower lip and gave Adam something the others couldn't: Beauty in the shyness of the world.

"I don't want to put you out or anything," Rey spoke up and Adam shook his head quickly, rolling in the opposite direction to climb off the bed. He took his time, cautious not to put too much pressure on his leg before moving toward his bag. He knelt down slowly and pulled out a pair of flannel pants.

"Don't be silly Rey. We're two crippled guys who both have planes to catch tomorrow. I don't think it'll kill us to share a hotel room, let alone a..."

Words drifted so slowly off of his tongue then. Was he going to truly say that? Could he confess that so easily? Without thought?

Rey arched an eyebrow and licked his lips unconsciously, folding his hands behind his head. "Share a bed for one night."

Rey had said what Adam knew shouldn't have been said. But maybe it was a little more natural for Rey. Adam had shared a bed with Jay several times during their earlier days in the wrestling business. He even shared a bed with Jeff Hardy once when the plumbing went bad in the Hardy brothers' hotel room. But he couldn't share a bed with Rey. Not when his heart race and his fingers twitched at the thought of Rey.

"As long as your tall, lanky body doesn't take up more than half the bed, I think we'll be all right," Rey joked, finding a way to stand from the bed as Adam turned around.

Adam blushed lightly and threw the pants over his shoulder. "Lanky? I worked hard to make this all muscle, shorty."

Rey giggled and shook his head, brushing his short hair forward with the palm of his left hand. He scratched behind his ear before letting his hands reach to the bottom of his shirt, tangling the material in his fingers while looking at Adam. Was there doubt there?

Adam averted his eyes for Rey, trying to think of a tensionless conversation. He limped toward the bathroom and peered to his right as Rey finally lifted the shirt over his head, balling it in his hands while looking at Adam. They shared a quiet smile and Adam made it into the bathroom, trying to bury thoughts of Rey behind his plans to return home the next day. It just grew harder and harder for him to do so.

Adam pulled open the door to the bathroom the second he heard a hand rap against it. His toothbrush was lodged in the corner of his mouth, his hair was tossed to one side and his brow was raised. He had managed to spend all of ten minutes thinking to himself. Thinking about Trish, Chris, and Jay. Thinking about working out the next day for at least three hours to make up for not working out after the show. He thought about calling his wife, but then thought about calling his mother to avoid being yelled at. He didn't think about Rey, not until he knocked on the door and Adam opened.

And there Adam stood, just a pair of flannel pants and a small necklace covering his body. His bare feet skid against the ground as he backed up some, staring at Rey standing in front of the doorway in nothing but a pair of Hilfiger boxer-briefs. They were like the pair Rey usually wore to the ring, under his usual wrestling gear. They always had a way of peeking out of the top of Rey's colorful pants and Adam didn't know whether to smile at the image in his head or question the man before him.

Adam muffled something, foaming trying to escape his mouth as he looked on Rey with kind eyes. The shorter man arched his eyebrow and Adam laughed, nodding at him. He knew Rey didn't understand what he said and maybe spitting out the contents of his mouth would assist him.

"I just need to pee before I hit the hay," Rey finally said as Adam began to turn toward the sink.

Adam rotated his head to look at Rey, raising his brow again. "Pee?"

It sounded funny coming from Adam, white foam finally dripping to his chin.

He quickly caught it with his hand and gasped.

"Yeah? I need to pee or urinate or water the grass or whatever the hell you want to call it," Rey affirmed, stepping into the bathroom. He watched Adam briskly spit into the sink, turning on the faucet to drowned out the fluid.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll grab my shit and get out of here," Adam said, reaching for his small bag.

Rey's hand grasped his and pushed it away. Adam glanced at him with suspicion before Rey shook his head. "Just let me go real quick. Finish up what you're doing while I pee."

Adam almost swallowed his tongue at the prospect. Showering with Hulk Hogan after a Smackdown taping seemed like a bag of cotton candy when compared to standing in the same small hotel bathroom as Rey as he urinated.

It just didn't seem healthy, for Adam's heart. Yet, Rey was already at the toilet, lifting the lid and pulling at the front of his boxer-briefs.

"No looking," Rey teased him, swatting a hand at Adam's abs. Adam jumped back a little, trying to offer a fake laugh for Rey. He turned his eyes to the mirror and thought of any song he could to override the sound of Rey. And the temptation to look was greater than Adam thought it would be. Why would he want to see another man's penis? What would it do for me? What questions could it answer?

Adam turned on the faucet quickly, running his hands under the warm water before bringing them up and dragging them through his soft blonde hair. He tried to swallow whatever lump was expanding in his throat and calmed his breathing as he heard the toilet flush. He dipped his hands back into the water and felt another pair brush against his, leaving a foamy soap across his thumbs.


Rey was right there, his upper arm brushing against Adam's forearm and their feet were almost touching. Adam glanced down at him and smiled halfheartedly, nodding. He let the drops of water from Rey's hands flow over his, cascading some kind of beautiful waterfall that he wish would rid his mind of the thoughts concerning Rey's body. But the heat from Rey's body was nice, the way Rey leaned toward him for balance because the pressure of standing too long caused Rey the slightest bit of pain.

Rey's pinky toe brushed Adam's big toe and Adam jumped a little, trying to hide in the fear in his face. Rey almost noticed it, looking up to him when it happened with crimson coloring his cheeks.

"I can sleep on top of the covers, if you want. I don't mind. It'll probably get too hot with both of us under them anyway," Rey offered, drawing his hands from the sink and Adam felt Rey's right hand brush against his wrist, a feeling that he wanted to burn away into his memory just because it made him feel almost normal.

"No, it's cool if you sleep under the covers. I wouldn't want you to get cold and then I'm to blame because Rey Mysterio is stuck at home with some God-awful case of the flu or something," Adam laughed out, turning off the running water. He shook the excess water off in the sink and turned to his side, leaning against the counter as Rey drew back to lean against the wall.

"You sure?" Rey questioned him with a cocky smile that made Adam want to walk on air. He decided he might walk on fire if it brought him closer to Rey. Close enough to maybe kiss Rey and then he knew that thought had to be discarded.

"Come to bed 'Giant Killer'," Adam snickered, leaning off the counter. He walked toward the door and grabbed Rey's arm, being careful not to make Rey walk too fast out of the bathroom. He stayed aware of Rey's injury as he walked Rey to the bed, releasing his arm as he walked toward his own side of the bed. He pulled back the comforter and the sheets and waited to see if Rey would move, if he'd decide on the space that he'd give himself in the bed.

There was more than just a hint of mystery in Rey's eyes and he was devoid of those white contact lenses to assist in the look. Adam took in a quick breath and leaned toward the bed. Maybe his motions would assist Rey in what felt like something they shouldn't be doing. But why not? They were only sharing a bed, nothing more.

Adam smiled to himself when Rey finally eased into the bed, cautious of his leg as he laid down. He immediately turned to his side, facing away from Adam. Adam withheld a sigh, slipping under the sheets before pulling the linen over them. He clicked off the light and let the silence encase them.

He laid on his back and folded his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling with some new form of contentment. He didn't know what to say, what to do, how to act. Rey was there, mere inches away, laying on his side as he Adam had done something vulgar to him. Yet, he still felt close. He still felt like the same Rey Adam had worked with for months.


The voice was soft, carrying just the sweet gentleness Adam needed to make him shift in the bed, turning on his side and tilting his head upward to look at Rey. But Rey didn't turn to him.

"Sweet dreams," Rey said softly and Adam felt the need to rub Rey's back, say something on a grander scale.

"Same to you Rey-Rey."

He managed to get that much out without swallowing his tongue and cursing his heart for beating so swiftly. And when did he ever call him that? He had heard Billy call him that and even Torrie too. Hell, Dawn Marie and Eddie called him that rarely, but they were in Extreme Championship Wrestling and World Championship Wrestling with him respectively. How long had Adam known him to call him that? He closed his eyes and wished it all away and maybe the sleep would do that for him.

He no longer cursed himself. In fact, he wasn't really mad at himself. He was mad that there were painful tears stinging his eyes, ones that he was desperately trying to hold in. A few had already escaped, riding down his face at a slow, burning pace. They left strong streaks of shame down his cheeks, but he refused to wipe them away. He merely licked them from his lips and tried to calm his breathing.

What got him to this place? What brought him to the bathroom in the middle of the night when he should be sleep, relaxing his body and resting his leg?

It never seemed to fail, in his case at least. Another call from his wife, if that's what she was by his standards. She bitched, she complained, and something along the lines of her spending Christmas with her parents instead of him rang through his head. He wasn't sure anymore because half of the conversation was spent arguing over whether they even had a future together.

He could see brighter fields without her, but that was his wife. Someone he agreed to be with for life. Or until the divorce papers that he was sure she would eventually file came his way.

And Rey was but a few feet away, trying to sleep as Adam went from hollering to whispering on the phone with her. Why did she have to call so late? So just knew how to break him, how to leave him silently crying in some fucking hotel bathroom while another man, a man that he was beginning to see in a more romantic light, slept in the same bed with him.

He sniffled lowly and felt a few more solid tears slide hotly down the side of his face. He stared into the mirror, eyes beginning to red and puff, his nose a new shade of scarlet and his cheeks flushed. Wild strands of his hair covered portions of his face in a mixture of gold and shadows. He wrinkled his brow and thought of the last time he looked so miserable.

But then there was a knock, slow and soft, one he would've never heard if he was crying any harder. He choked back a whimper and leaned off the counter, running a quick hand over his face. He knew he couldn't clean himself up completely, but he didn't want Rey to see the tears left on his face.

Adam pulled open the door with hesitance before another knock could call upon him. He sniffled again before looking at Rey. Rey stood with a worried expression scribed into his youthful face. Adam pushed out a smile, trying not to blink but tears escaped his eyes anyway. He laughed lowly, letting his head droop without thought.

"Damn bill collectors. They call at anytime of the night."

Adam attempted to cover up with situation with humor. But Rey stayed silent, causing Adam to lift his head and look upon him. Rey wasn't smiling, just staring. He was a well-painted portrait of concern. There was no illusion, no smoke and mirrors. Just concern that seemed to be endless once Adam looked into those calming brown eyes. He tried to look beyond them, but he couldn't. It wasn't there for him.

Rey's hand nervously lifted and his thumb brushed under Adam's eye, smearing away a tear that began its slow roll to eternity. He ran his thumb down Adam's cheek, carving the features of Adam's face. He ran it over Adam's nose, his fingers brushing against Adam's pouting lips, drying any form of wetness left from Adam's continuing pain.

Adam's lips began to move, unsure of what they would say. Rey's fingers pressed down, held them together and Adam didn't mind the sensation. He closed his eyes and let two more tears slip from his eyes, striving to purge his mind of thoughts of his wife and their conversation. He just wanted to enjoy this rare moment when Rey was close and soothing.

His hand was gripped by Rey's free hand and he could feel Rey pulling him forward, toward the bed. He sniffled and opened his eyes, looking down into Rey's safe eyes. He followed Rey without question, too many thoughts, too many emotions strickning him numb to everything.

Rey climbed into the bed, still holding Adam's hand, inviting Adam to join him. Adam followed with little hesitation, laying down on the side of the bed Rey had slept on before. He sniffled even lower, letting Rey pull the linen over them. He rubbed his palm against Rey's, enjoying the incredible softness of Rey's skin against his. He let his head rest against the pillow as Rey laid down, facing Adam this time.

"Life isn't all bad, Adam," Rey said so softly that it curled against Adam's skin and left a coating of warmness over his heart. He nodded, but he wasn't sure he believed it.

Rey's other hand grazed Adam's shoulder, rubbing it kindly while still staring into Adam's tear-soaked eyes. He traced Adam's skin, leaving goose bumps over the tan flesh.

Adam shivered and blinked back a few more tears. He let Rey push strands of hair behind his ear and then wipe away another tear. He looked down, followed Rey's hand as he traced over the blonde beard on his chin then his neck, fingering the necklace Adam wore.

Adam found some strength and lifted his own hand, running his fingers over Rey's elbow, up his arm until he reached the inside of his arm. He outlined the tattoo there before running his fingers over Rey's bare chest, touching the almost bronze skin with life burning across his fingertips. He found Rey's chin, his small goatee and let his fingers rest there, easing himself into a state of nirvana.

"I've been separated from my wife for about a month and a half now. I only visit her to see my children, to be around them. Otherwise, I spend the rest of my days off trying to figure out my life in my new house out in San Diego. I know I want to enjoy what I have, with the WWE and in my heart," Rey explained, thumbing over Adam's bottom lip.

Adam didn't know. He never asked, never tried to figure out the conversations between Rey and his wife over the phone. And his family never came on the road with him. Never.

"As I began to find more of myself, I got teamed up with you and we became better friends. Since then, I've gotten to know, gotten to share a piece of you and it's hard for me not to say that I don't enjoy it," Rey added, running his index finger over the faint hairs that grew on Adam's upper lip.

He sketched all around Adam's lips with his fingers as Adam sat there peacefully, saying nothing.

"So if I can find you, you can find your serenity too," Rey finally said. Adam attempted to analyze the comment, but his thoughts were scrambled. He watched Rey lean forward and then up, kissing Adam's forehead. It felt like heaven rolled into a ball for him to hold, just as he still held Rey's hand.

Rey's lips flowed a little further down, kissing the small space between Adam's eyebrows. Adam breathed lightly, sleep swallowing him in a slow, torturous pace.


Rey's voice calmed him and his eyes flutter shut for just a moment. He didn't try escape the feelings inside of him, not with so many attacking him at once. He murmured and sighed as Rey's breath caressed his forehead.

A leisurely wetness slip over Adam's lips and his eyes blinked back open for a moment, staring into Rey's as his thick lips kissed at Adam's. Adam was tentative about doing anything. He sat there as Rey looked for some reassurance in his eyes, leaning back occasionally before laying another small kiss on Adam's lips.

Wasn't this what Adam desired? Somewhere, in some dream, it must have been because Adam never pushed Rey away. He just sat there, watching Rey as he leaned in again. Their eyes remained on each other, one looking for permission while the other looking for a form of safety.

When Rey drew in again, Adam lifted his hand, resting it behind Rey's head.

He welcomed the next kiss, closing his eyes and tilting his head to absorb everything Rey would offer. He opened his mouth a little, signify his acceptance of the kiss. Rey followed suit, causing Adam to draw closer to Rey, kissing back with smooth and sweet lips.

He soaked up all of Rey, the way Rey's tongue sporadically licked out, tasting the top of Adam's lips. He breathed a little heavier, fingers running over the soft spikiness of Rey's hair. He groaned softly, teeth moving behind his lips as his tongue began to move outward, licking at Rey's teeth. Rey moaned back, tangling his fingers in Adam's hair. He gave it a slight pull as Adam's hand crawled over Rey's face until it reached his chin, cupping it to lighten the kiss a little.

Rey began to draw back, leaving softer, quicker kisses over Adam's lips. Adam wanted more, needed more, but didn't fight for it. He let Rey pull back while he licked his lips to taste what he could of Rey.

"Sleep Adam," Rey said again, leaving a final kiss on Adam's closed lips before moving backward. He continued to hold Adam's hand and keep him in the web of protection Adam craved.

Adam opened his eyes once more to look upon Rey in the darkness of the room, thinking of nothing but the kisses they had just shared. He could fight it, think of his wife and the marriage he could try to save. But he wanted to think of Rey and nothing but Rey until his dreams took over.

The mirror didn't seem so filled with misery when he looked in it this time. There was a lot of uncertainty there, but nothing he couldn't deal with for a few hours. He'd have to, wouldn't he? Rey's flight didn't leave until two and it was only a little after ten. When he went to take his shower, Rey was still sleeping serenely in the bed.

He glanced down at his hand, still thinking of the tender touch of Rey's in his. He wanted to return to that, to enjoy that feel, as well as the safety of Rey's arms and lips. Something pulled him from that. He still didn't know what it was, but he knew he shouldn't be with Rey like that. Maybe he was only meant to be Rey's friend? Maybe they were just too grieving husbands trying to figure out what road to walk? It was just a comforting moment, not an emotional beginning.

He brushed the wet locks of his hair behind his ear and adjusted the towel around his waist. He was too caught up in admiring Rey to remember to grab a fresh pair of clothes before entering the bathroom earlier. But he was pretty sure Rey was still sleep because there was nothing but silence coming from the other side of the door.

Adam pulled open the door with a little hesitance and peeked his head out, glancing around the room for a sign of Rey. He didn't spot Rey, but he didn't do much looking before the door was yanked open, Rey emerging from behind it to smile at Adam.

"Morning," Rey said with a low voice, leaning against the open door. His charming grin beamed. It was contagious, a glittering smirk falling upon Adam's lips. He didn't know if he wanted to just stand there and grin at Rey for hours or lean down and kiss him. He knew either one would lead his heart in the direction he was trying to avoid. Because last night wasn't real, it wasn't true. It was just an emotional mistake.

"I.. I need to put my clothes on," Adam stuttered out, easing into the room and past Rey. He clutched onto the towel around his waist and stepped lightly through the room, moving directly for his bag.

"If you say so," Rey remarked, moving toward the bed. Adam glanced over his shoulder with a reassuring, but nervous smile for Rey. He quickly turned his attention back to his bag because watching Rey sit on the bed, facing him, in just a pair of boxer-briefs intimidated him.

He let his grip go on the towel and began to rummage through his bag for something clean to wear. He pulled out a T-shirt and moved a couple of pairs of jeans and leather pants around to find his pair of track pants. "Oh, about last night, Rey..."

"You missed your flight Adam," Rey stopped him, leaning forward for a better view of him.

"Uhm, I know... I..." Adam couldn't stop his stuttering or the way he was trying to avoid his feelings. He missed his flight purposely. His missed his flight to be with Rey and he knew it. At least, his heart knew it.

"Do you want me to apologize for kissing you last night?" Rey asked him flatly and Adam turned his head immediately. Was that what he wanted? It didn't feel that way, not inside of him. He could tell it wasn't what Rey wanted. The question alone had stolen that beautiful morning smile from Rey's lips and had caused his brow to wrinkle. He didn't want his mind to manipulate his heart but how could he go after something that was wrong in all aspects?

"If you want me to, I'll apologize and we don't have to think about it anymore. You can catch a later flight, I can catch my flight and continue on as tag team partners. It doesn't have to mean anything," Rey insisted, a slight sign of uncertainty in his voice.

Adam turned his body, let his heart guide his actions. He didn't want it to be just something that happened anymore. Adam kissed Rey too. He felt a sizzling fire race over his body when Rey touched him, when Rey held his hand. He could still feel the bond, when they intertwine their fingers together before they went to sleep. That couldn't be just a black and white memory for him.

Adam stood and looked upon Rey, slowing the tears that threatened to attack him. Rey was special, Rey was what he missed on the road. Rey was looking at him and Rey was revealing everything that Adam hadn't touched in over a year.

"Just say it," Rey whispered.

Adam shook his head, wet tresses of his hair falling toward his face. Slowly drying beads of water slipped down his naked chest and he didn't care that when he walked toward Rey his towel fell away. He just walked, his body exposed, his heart written into his eyes.

When Adam reached Rey, he knelt down before him, ran a tentative hand over Rey's smooth cheek. He admired the way Rey stayed calm under his touch, melting into the feeling. He ran a thumb over Rey's lips, remembered his lips touching those beautiful lips. Then there was the heat again, that overwhelming feeling that made him ashamed to deny that he wanted this man. He loved to be around this man.

"Don't say it," Adam whispered back, leaning up until his lips made contact with Rey's, tilting his head while searching deeper with his lips.

He kissed and kissed until his lips felt bruised, but that couldn't stop him. He eased Rey back onto the bed, crawling up him with tender lips still expressing what he could not say aloud. He rested a hand under Rey's head, tilting it upward while his tongue slipped past Rey's lips.

Rey groaned into the kiss, spreading his legs a little to allow Adam's lower body to fit between them. He ran his hands over Adam's broad back, encouraging Adam to move further with their actions.

Adam felt no hesitation this time. His lips broke from Rey's, allowing them to breathe as his other hand slid down and over Rey's chest. His traced Rey's pecs, felt the erect brown nipples on his chest. He skated over Rey's tight abs and then to the top of Rey's boxer-briefs. Was he prepared to go that far? His body felt that way and he looked down into Rey's open brown eyes for some form of confirmation. Rey just nodded, panting with trust in his almond eyes.

His finger hooked into the waistband of Rey's underwear while his lips continued to kiss over Rey's face. He kissed the corner of Rey's mouth as he exposed his body, pulling down the boxer-briefs until they reached Rey's ankles, allowing Rey to kick them the rest of the way off.

He didn't let his eyes avert downward, though something called him to. He didn't know what it was because he never had the desire to see another man's penis. He never yearned for it. Now was a different story. Now was reality and he let his hands follow what his body lusted for.

Rey moaned against his lips as they tried to kiss through their pleasure. He pushed forward, locking Rey's lips again, licking at his teeth and then the roof of his mouth. His other hand palmed the small of Rey's back, lifting him up some so the friction was deeper. He wanted to growl, release some of the ecstasy than ran through every nerve of his body. He let his rumble in his throat as Rey pushed the hair from his face.

Rey's fingers traced over his face while his other hand gripped at his shoulder, bracing himself as they lower bodies finally met, Adam moving his hand to enjoy the raw sensation. His dick ran over Rey's in a smooth flow, feeling the length, the throb, the bliss. It ached in Adam's thighs and sizzled down his spine. He arched into Rey as Rey's left leg curled around his hip, drawing him in with a breathy groan.

"Feels so good.. good.." Adam huffed out, trying to slow the rate that he breathed. He couldn't. Sweat was beginning to perspire across his back as his fingers ran over Rey's abs, feeling the way they tightened and relaxed when Rey moaned into his ear. He smiled to himself, satisfied knowing that this was overtaking both of them. They refused to hold back and it made it more beautiful than erotic.

Adam's tongue slipped from his lips, tracing along Rey's jaw with a need to taste something other than Rey's warm, velvety mouth. He reveled in the masculine smell of Rey's body while leaving dainty kisses along Rey's cheek.

His hand gripped Rey's hip, held him still against his own body, their bodies dipping into a swilling pool of delight. He let Rey's chest beat against his as Rey's hands scrambled across Adam's damp back, looking for something that would guide him deeper into this unfelt pleasure dome.

"More," Rey pleaded, kissing at Adam's chin with a desperation that was familiar only by dreams, not reality.

Adam felt Rey's right leg skirt around the back of his thigh, clenching them together as he ground Rey into the mattress. He grunted hard against Rey's lips, trying to silence some of his screams with his lips. But he didn't want to. This was all they needed. They didn't need any of the other acts Adam had heard about from others. This was enough.

The mattress shook, the walls moved in closer, and everything revolved in a tangled motion in Adam's head. He ran his fingers over Rey's nipples, then traced all of the tattoos on his arms. He watched the way Rey's mouth remained open, sometimes to scream, other times to whisper things in a foreign tongue. His penis jabbed into Rey's ballsac, felt the way it was tight against his body, ready to release everything Rey couldn't moan out.

Adam finally glanced down, sweat slicking both of their bodies. He looked at Rey's dick, the smooth, flared skin standing curved against Adam's. Was Adam ever this hard? He loved the way Rey's black hairs circled his groin, sprinkled lightly over his balls. It was a bit smaller than Adam's, but not anything Adam wouldn't grow to love. He let his hand curve around it, grip it before gripping both of their dicks together, intensifying what was already unbearable.

Adam could sense Rey couldn't handle much more. His lips were roaming over Adam's throat, occasionally baring his teeth to nip at the skin. Adam relished the feeling of Rey's tongue skimming the base of the his throat before dipping into his collarbone. He ran his thumb over Rey's jaw as Rey's lips sucked at the flesh on Adam's collarbone. Adam panted a little harder, his hips spasiming quicker against Rey's thrusting.

"Oh, Rey-Rey," Adam choked out as Rey moved his head back up to plant a gentle kiss on Adam's lips.

Rey tangled his fingers in Adam's hair, tugging lightly before combing his fingers through it. The sweat made it soft, slightly damp. It slinked through his fingers like twisted gold. He could not concentrate on it for long when Adam's hand slipped over his butt, lightly rubbing the flesh.

"Don't... stop," Rey stuttered out, holding Adam close.

Adam could feel the slickness all over his hand. It was their pre-cum. It left a stickiness that he now craved. He licked his tongue out, wet his lips and batted open his eyes. He watched Rey. He watched the way Rey's face contorted as Rey's fingers dug into the skin of his back. He watched Rey's brow wrinkle and his lips pressed together as he suppressed another squeal. It did more than add to Adam's passion. It made him forget to hold on a little longer and then it happened.

"Oh shit," Adam grunted, ducking his head as he spilled his seed. He whimpered and panted, his lips reaching out to kiss Rey's, but he just couldn't grasp them before his head snapped back, his scream growing louder.

"Oh, oh Adam," Rey groaned back, pressing his head into the mattress as he too ejaculated.

Adam could feel it. It was hot, thick, dripping from his fingers. Their cum had splattered onto their stomachs, the bed, and his hand. He released their penises, the sensation too much now. He was too sensitive. He knew Rey had to be too.

He rolled their bodies on the bed, giggling as Rey held tightly onto him. Rey now laid on top of Adam and Adam's other hand still traced the muscles of his ass.

Adam looked up into Rey's eyes, looked for that awkward feeling that could follow something so passionate and new. It didn't exist. It couldn't be created and Adam smiled at that. There was just those sentimental brown eyes that looked upon him as if he was the one Rey had been with for years. He couldn't truly express how it made him feel, but it made him feel.

His hand slipped from between their bodies, his mind ignoring the residue that was now clinging to their flesh. One thought entranced him. His tongue timidly licked out, tasting just a small drop of their cum that clung to his index finger. It was bitter and thick. It melted against his tongue and suddenly he didn't mind the taste.

Before his tongue could go for more, he felt another tongue snaking around his thumb, licking away more. He watched Rey with a new found pleasure. Rey's lips sucked the thumb in, his tongue bathing it with care. He swallowed a moan and relaxed, letting Rey fall between his open legs. Rey became more comfortable and Adam just watched, fascinated by the way Rey took in the new experience.

Limbs tangled and Adam bent his head forward, searching for Rey's lips. He found them when Rey released the digit between his lips, their mouths crushing together to taste the nectar. Adam's tongue pressed forward, finding Rey's, swirling together in some twisted vine of ecstasy.

Adam broke the kiss, panting as his hand dropped to Rey's back, running nimble fingers over the smooth skin. He stared at Rey, watched a smile part his thick lips as he caught his breath. He didn't care about anything else.

"Would I sound like too much of a girl if I asked you to hold me now?" Rey questioned with eyes that were half-scared.

Adam quickly shook his head, scooping Rey tightly into his arms and rolling until they laid on their dies. He kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back as Rey snuggled even closer. He let Rey push strands of hair behind his ear and lean up for a kiss. Adam obliged with a small one, nuzzling their noses. He used to do that with his wife, when he loved her. But that didn't trouble him now. At least, he wouldn't let it. He only wanted to be troubled with Rey and the way Rey felt.

"I like this Adam. I like this a lot."

Adam smiled and closed his eyes. "I do too Rey-Rey."

|To be continued for now...|

** Remember, if you like it, drop me a line. I want to continue writing about Edge and Rey Mysterio, but won't if no one wants to read about it. **

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