Straight Boy Bottom

By P G

Published on May 3, 2013


Chapter 7 - Drugged

One morning, I was having breakfast alone in the cafeteria. It was my longest day of the week, with 5 classes, and I was doing my reading as I ate. I had spent the night before alone in my room at the frat house, and had gotten an early start. I had about 10 minutes left before I had to head for my first class when suddenly someone sat down across from me. I looked up to see the tall dark and handsome Nathan. He smiled his wicked grin at me and said "Mornin sexy. Saw your juice was low and i brought you another." He placed a small cup of OJ in front of me and started eating.

"Thanks" I replied, and sipped the juice. That was really nice of him, I thought, especially since he's usually kind of a dick.

"Long day today?"

"Yea, 5 classes", I groaned just thinking about it.

"Yea, I figured. Gwen always complains she never gets any on Thursdays." Nathan grinned. I chuckled, should have figured that Gwen would talk to Nathan about our sex life.

"Yea I'm usually pretty wiped after." I start packing up. "I actually have to head out now."

"Sure, man, no problem. Don't forget to finish your juice" he said. I drain the half cup that is left, and say goodbye, shouldering my bag.

I walk to my class and sit toward the back as it gets started. Only a few minutes into the class I find my mind wandering. Try as I might I can't stop thinking about sex. My cock is hard in my shorts, demanding attention. I try to focus, but sexual images keep coming unbidden to my mind. Not just sex, but sex with guys. Images of all the guys I've been with, vivid like they had just happened, and even the feelings as they slid into me. My ass was almost quivering from it.

What is wrong with me? I wondered. I had always been a hornbill but I've never been unable to focus on class when I needed to. My phone vibrated. I look, finding a text from Nathan.

'Slipped something fun in your drink, should really inspire you. Have fun ;-)'

What the fuck? he drugged me? Fuck fuck fuck. What was it? What is it going to do to me? I look around, not sure what I was looking for. Should I get up? Should I go jerk off and come back? After another 10 minutes of failing to focus, I decided to try that. I got up, and walked to the bathroom down the hall, doing my best to hide my hard on.

I go into a stall and sit, unbuttoning my pants and grasping my aching cock. I start stroking it, but try as I might, I can't get myself to cum. What the fuck?!? Frustrated I lean back on the toilet, not knowing what to do. As I consider going back to class I look down to see a foot from the next stall over. The foot tapped twice under the wall, then retreated. Confused and curious, I moved my foot over and tapped back.

A metal square on the wall between the stalls, what i thought was a secured patch, moved to the side, revealing a round hole. I barely had time to remember the term 'gloryhole' before a hard cock came through the hole toward me. It was nice, curved slightly upward, flared head. Average in size but clean and nice looking, a bead of pre at the tip in offering.

I must have taken too long, cuz I heard him say "come on man, get sucking."

I should have said no, or just gotten up and left. But I was so fucking horny, and I couldn't think about anything besides that cock. My lips went dry and my ass twitched looking at it. I licked my lips and leaned in. my right hand wrapped itself around the base of his cock, and I licked the head, tasting his pre. He sighed, and I did too. I took the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue and taking in the taste and smell of him. I took him to the base like a pro, drawing a moan from him. He tastes good, clean with a mild taste of sweat. Horny and nervous we'll get caught, I suck his cock with gusto. In only a few minutes, he's grunting and panting and unloading into my mouth without warning. I swallow the whole load without even thinking.

As soon as he is done, the other guy pulls back, pull sup his pants and leaves. He does at least send a quick 'thanks' my way before he leaves. Panting, tasting cum, I try again to jerk off. I'm still hard and dripping, but can't cum. After only a few minutes, another guy enters the 2nd stall and taps his foot. Is this place some kind of gay sex meeting place I don't know about? Frustrated and needy, I tap back again. The square slides aside again, and this time a nice fat cock comes through.

To this day I don't know what possessed me. I was so horny, and so needy, and my body was just so hungry for something other than my own hand. I got up from the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down, and lined the strange cock up with my ass. All my horniness must have gotten my juices flowing, as I needed no lube as I pushed back onto him.

"Oh my God" he says as I push back, but he doesn't pull away. The fat head of his cock pushes though my anal ring and I sigh with pleasure, knowing this is what my body wanted all along. I slide fairly quickly down until his entire 6 inches are buried in me. I moan deeply. The other guy begins pulling back, and thrusting forward, fucking my ass. He does not start slow, but goes immediately to a fast pace, smacking full length into me over and over.

"Oh my god what a total slut" he moans. I would take offense except that I am too busy thinking the same thing. Simultaneously disgusted and turned on by the fact that a stranger is fucking me right now. My cock is rock hard as he fucks me. I grasp it and start jerking, knowing I can finally cum like this. bracing my hand agains the opposite wall, i push my ass up against the divider so he can fuck me as deep as he can. My cock is leaking, I'm moaning as he hits my prostate. But way too soon I hear him utter "fuck im gonna..." and he blows his load inside me. He finishes and pulls out before I can shoot.

"Fuck" I say to myself as he dresses and leaves. I look at my cell, realizing I have missed way too much of my class already. Swearing to myself and at myself, I get dressed and go back to class, my stiff cock stuffed into my underwear.

The rest of class is torture, I can't focus, can barely think about anything but my hard cock and hungry ass. Every guys I see I briefly consider propositioning before my right mind intervenes. Finally the bell rings signaling the end of class, and I thank God. I let most of the class go before I get up, my still hard cock impeding me. I pack my bag up, noticing how few notes I took and go to leave.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jones?" I hear form behind me. It's my professor. Shit. "Could you come down here for a moment please?" I turn to face him.

"Right now sir? I have another class soon."

"Yes, right now" his voice was stern. I walked down to the podium, hoping my hood is hiding my hard on. Professor Gordon was fairly young, in his late 20's I think, with dark hair and a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. "Tell me, what am I supposed to do with you?"

"Excuse me sir?" My mind not in a position to realize what he is asking about.

"Well, your grades have been slipping this last month, and now I noticed you left the class for a full 45 minutes today. What's going on with you?" He seemed to be a mixture of genuinely concerned and angry. He leaned with his hands on his desk, somewhat hunched over, waiting for my answer.

What was I supposed to say? I've been so busy having crazy amounts of sex I've been forgetting to do my assignments? That I had to leave today because I'm so inexplicably horny that I fooled around with two strangers in the bathroom?

"Well, um, Sir, it's hard to say. A lot of things have been happening lately and..."

"I had such high hopes for you. I was going to ask you to TA for me next semester, you were doing so well. It comes with a scholarship and everything. But now, you clearly don't have the focus for a TA job, and you may not even have enough to pass this class."

Shit. Now I look like a fucking moron. Not to mention missing a chance at a scholarship? That would have been incredibly helpful, what with my parents not being able to pay for my college.

"I'm sorry Sir. I can really do better. I've been having some trouble focusing lately, you are right, but I can pull it together. Just...don't write me off of that TA job yet."

Some of Prof Gordon's anger seemed to subside at this. He stood up straight, crossing his arms. "Well, what's been pulling your focus?"

I didn't even hear the question. My eyes were locked straight on his crotch. Now, this is not normal behavior for me. But my cock was still aching and leaking, and my ass was only hungrier for having been fucked, albeit briefly. My body was not obeying me, and was fixated by the bulge I could see in my professor's pants.

"Well, I guess that answers my question" he said, noting my stare. "Come" he said, grasping me by the forearm and pulling me toward his office across the hall. He shut the door behind us and locked it. "So you've been too distracted by dick to do your assignments is that it?" I was flabbergasted. He was right of course, but was it so obvious? Not for the first time I wondered if there was a sign on my forehead that said 'I like dick'.

"Look, I understand" Professor said. "You probably didn't get any action back in your hometown because you didn't want anyone to know you're gay, and now that you are in college you are going to town getting as ouch as you can." He was being very understanding, even though he was incorrect.

"Well, not exactly sir, you see..."

"But you have to keep your priorities straight" he continued. "You can be a slut and still get your work done." He smiled now. It was kind of sweet I guess, how understanding and reasonable he was trying to be. "I assume you went into the bathroom across from the lecture hall didn't you? The stall with the hole in the wall?" Holy shit he knows about that? He smiled. "Yea, I've heard about the guys who frequent that bathroom for action. I didn't know you were one of them. How often do you go there?"

"Um, sir, today was the first time..." He laughed.

"You don't have to lie to me. Your grades speak for themselves, you've clearly been servicing guys quite a lot recently. How many was it this morning?"

"Um, 2 sir. but honestly I..."

"2, and it's only 10am? Wow, you are a busy boy." His fingers reached out and touched my lower lip. "Not too red, having sucked off 2 guys so recently" he commented. "Or did you use another part to satisfy them?" When I turned red, it was all the answer he needed. "I see. Giving yourself up to faceless strangers? My my, what mischief you get into. And it doesn't seem like you got off, what with the bulge in your pants and the fact that you are still looking at my crotch." I hadn't realized it, but he was right. Fuck, what is wrong with me? I moved to turn away with embarrassment when I felt his hand on mine. Professor Gordon very slowly moved my hand until it was pressed against his crotch, where I could very much feel his cock, hard as steel. My hand wrapped around it, feeling its thickness inside his pants.

"Since you are so desperate for cock that you can't focus on your schoolwork, why don't I help you out?" Professor Gordon unzipped his pants, and slowly took his cock out. It stood hard before me, a nice thickness, sticking out proudly. "This should help you satisfy your lust so you can focus on your other classes for the day." He placed his hand on my head, and I sank to my knees in front of him. The very small part of my brain that was still thinking clearly hoped he was right, that I would be able to pay attention if I could just get off. I opened my mouth and took his cock, wrapping my lips around the head. I tasted his dick, and moaned when a drop of pre hit my tongue. I heard him sigh deeply as he sank deeper into my mouth. As my nose met his crotch, I felt his hands in my copper hair, holding me close. He slowly pulled back and pushed forward again, and I realized that I was getting face fucked by my professor. The situation

was kinky and taboo enough that I would have been rock hard in my jeans even without the drug in my system. He fucked my face for several minutes, moaning and groaning, leaking pre into my mouth.

"Get up" he said, and pushed me over his desk. I leaned over his desk as he undid my pants and pushed them down. Instead of lowering my underwear, he tore the back of my briefs open, exposing my ass. "There we go, easy access" he said, as he ran his cock head up and down my crack. "You have cum leaking out of your hole boy" he said, chuckling. "Guess you were giving this ass up in the bathroom huh?" He smacked my ass, making me whimper. His cock head easily pushed into me, lubed up from the previous load. My entire body felt like it was on fire from this drug, and it made my ass so hungry that I backed up onto his cock in one fell swoop. I couldn't help but moan deeply as he started fucking me over his desk. His hand pressed firmly into the small of my back, pinning me face down to the desk. My own cock leaked profusely into my underwear as he took me for a hard ride.

"Oh yes" he moaned, pounding me. "I do love the hot slut students. And you might just be the sluttiest one I've met so far." I had little to say by this point, my whole body was on fire from lust and whatever drug I had been given. Professor Gordon rode me hard for several minutes as I whimpered under him on the desk. Before long though I got the warning "I'm gonna cum. Fuck I'm gonna breed your hot, slutty little ass." Without waiting for a reply (none was coming), he began to slam into me harder, and unload his cum. The heat in my body had finally reached a peak, and as I moaned deeply, my cock shot it's load all over the side of Professor Gordon's desk.

"Clean it up" he ordered, pointing at the mess I had made. I knelt down and licked my cum off the side of his desk. It was darkly erotic, as he watched me do it. He also made me take off my underwear so he could keep it.

"So," I asked as I got dressed, "I'm not failing anymore am I?" Professor Gordon laughed.

"Stupid slut. Putting out once doesn't fix your entire grade. For this, I won't mark you down as absent for today's class. You have to earn a passing grade."

WIth that I walked out, feeling used and abused, but so glad I wasn't so horny anymore.


Hey guys! Thanks for waiting so long, and thanks for everyone who wrote to encourage me to keep writing. Sorry about the wait but I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you have any fun ideas for what happens to Derrick. email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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