Straight Guys Having Fun

By moc.liamg@ecanrufytluaf

Published on Oct 29, 2019



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I used to work with this guy named Greg, who I became pretty good friends with over the course of a year. He was a super gregarious guy, always cracking jokes and laughing infectiously, and most nights that we worked together we would end up going over to the bar. Usually it was pretty empty but this night in particular it was very crowded, filled with drunk men and women carrying on and being loud as hell. Greg and I ended up practically smooshed into the corner, pounding back our beers and chainsmoking cigarettes close enough to each other that I was able to smell his sweat and even feel his hot breath in my face as we chatted back and forth. We worked in a kitchen that didn't have good enough air conditioning so we had both sweated a lot that night. I've never really been turned on by other guys, but there was something about the bond we had and the physical closeness that had my stomach feeling a little knotted, almost in excitement.

After around 3 beers each, we both had to piss, so we pushed our way through the crowds towards the bathroom. It was a cramped little room, barely big enough for a sink, a toilet stall, and one piss trough, big enough for 3 guys. We sidled up to the trough and pulled down our pants. Glimpsing over, I could see that he tucked his shorts and underwear underneath his balls. His balls were much bigger than mine, nearly the size of limes, and hung down in a very hairy, wrinkled ballsac. I was pleased to note that my cock was bigger though, easily beating his in its soft state by 3 inches or so, although his did seem to be a bit thicker at the base. I also noticed he was uncut, an observation which gave me a sort of thrill of curiosity. Maybe it was the beer, but I found myself wondering how it felt to have foreskin, and how it might feel to play with it. Glancing down at my own cock, I noticed I was beginning to chub up a little as I finished my stream, and hastily tucked myself back in, moving over to the sink to wash my hands. Beside me, Greg was finishing up his piss as well, sending out the last spurts in little pushes and sighing as he did so. He had a deep voice because of his big barrel chest, and there was something about the timbre in his voice that sent a little thrill up my spine.

We forced our way back up to the bar and ordered a couple shots of tequila each, quickly dispatching them before getting another beer. By now the bar crowd was starting to thin out a little but there were still a good amount of people. We made our way into one of the back rooms where there was a small dancefloor and probably 10 or 15 people all dancing. We decided that seemed liked fun so we made our way onto the floor. In short time we both found ourselves dancing with a couple girls, grinding up against their asses and moving in time to the music. I looked over at Greg and smiled at him as he grinned and stuck up his thumb. It looked like we might be getting lucky tonight! But unfortunately before I knew it Greg's girl grabbed her friend who I was dancing with and they rushed off the dancefloor towards the bathroom. Greg looked crestfallen when I glanced over at him, and I was able to see he was tenting his shorts a little, as was I. He moved over towards me, leaning in close to my ear.

"Couple of cockteases, man!" he shouted. I just shook my head in agreement and hooked my thumb over to the bar. He nodded and we went over to the bar to grab another drink.

"Dude that fucking suck," I said. "Thought I was gonna get lucky tonight!"

"Me too buddy. Look, I'm still boned up over it," he said, pointing at his crotch. There was still a noticeable swelling there.

"Fuck, me too," I said, groping myself and squeezing my stiff cock lightly. "Whatever, man. Guess it'll just have to be our hands tonight." He laughed at that.

"Hell, I might as well be dating my hand at this point dude." Our shots arrived on the bar and we cheered, pounding them back.

"Hey dude, you wanna get out of here and go back to my place? I got some weed and some blow, and some more alcohol I think."

"Dude, that sounds perfect," I said. We settled up our tabs and headed out into the warm summer night. I hadn't felt that drunk when we were inside, but as soon as we started walking I could feel it hitting me. I guess four beers and three shots in a couple hours would have been a lot for anyone, though, and I could tell from Greg's slightly slurred voice and stumbling walk that he was feeling the effects too. Greg only lived about five blocks from the bar, so we arrived at his front porch in no time. He fumbled with the keys a little bit, dropping them once, before he managed to get the door unlocked. I'd been to his apartment plenty of times, and it was about what you'd expect from a sloppy straight guy, and pretty much the same as my place. The living room had a big, beat up couch, probably salvaged from a trash day, facing a big TV complete with xbox, playstation, and stack of games. The floor was covered in a layer of dirty clothes, beer cans, and cigarette packs, with a small path through the mess headed towards the kitchen and the hallway where his bathroom and bedroom were, as well as the door to the basement. The small space was hot, and filled with the stink of a dirty guy, undercut with the smell of nicotine, weed, and booze.

"Lemme go get the party supplies," he grinned at me, retreating into his bedroom. He popped his head out and gestured me in with a wide grin on his face. Entering his bedroom I was even more overpowered by the smell, a musky sweatiness filling my nose. His bed was lying on the floor in one corner, piled with clothes, and dirty clothes lay strewn all over the floor, underwear and socks crumpled up everywhere. He had a small desk on one side of the room, and a beat up looking wardrobe with a mirror on the other. The walls had a a few posters hung up, but the defining look of the place was pretty slobbish. Not that I was judging, at the time I pretty much lived the same way. Not having a roommate helps keep one lazy.

Greg was standing by the wardrobe, a big blunt lay on the top next to two fat lines of coke, along with some more in a little baggy. He produced a dollar bill that he rolled up, and then bent over to do his line. He snorted it up and handed the bill to me. As soon as I started to blow it I could tell that this was strong stuff, and pure, because I almost immediately got the familiar buzz.

"Damn dude!" I said to him. "This shit is fucking good!" He grinned.

"Fuck yeah it is man, I'm feeling it already. Let's go get a drink and spark this fucker," he said, holding up the blunt. We stumbled into the living room, with him veering off to the kitchen to grab a half full handle of whiskey. We flopped down onto the couch and he sparked the blunt. We passed it back and forth, along with the handle of whiskey, progressively getting more stoned and fucked up. I was really buzzing from the coke by this point, and I could tell he was as well.

"Good drugs man," I said, coughing a little on the harsh weed smoke.

"Thanks buddy. I buy only the finest!"

"Can I throw you some money for this shit?"

"Nah, you'll get me back somehow."

"Cool. What do you wanna do man? I'm fucked up but this coke has me wide awake."

"Fuck, same here man. Wanna go play some darts? I have a board in the basement."

"As long as you're ready to get your ass beat," I said. We headed towards the basement door, grabbing the whiskey and the coke. A rickety set of stairs with peeling paint led to the dusty floored basement, unfinished and low ceilinged. The only furnishings down here were a couch that was even more beat up than the one upstairs, a dirty glass-topped coffee table cluttered with beer cans and an overflowing ashtray, a dart board on one wall, and a single toilet. The basement toilet was actually a pretty common occurrence in this city, although this one was a little unusual in that it was almost smack dab in the middle of the room, simply sitting against a brick column.

Greg grabbed the darts, handing me three of them, and we started a game, drunkenly shit talking each other every time we missed, which was not rare considering our state. In the end I ended up beating him, though very narrowly, which I took no small pleasure in rubbing in his face. Although the basement was cooler than the rest of the apartment, we'd still worked up a bit of a sweat, probably the coke combined with just the movement of the darts. It's a particular kind of miserable in those Summer nights so hot the lightest exertion can break a sweat. I noticed Greg's armpits were soaked, and his face had visible beads of sweat on it.

"Fuck it's hot" he said, andjust pulled his shirt off. "Feel free to do the same, man," he said to me. I shrugged, and pulled my shirt off as well. I was used to hanging out with my buddies being half naked, having done sports most of my life, so it wasn't too weird, but it was a new thing for Greg and I. I took the opportunity to check him out the same way all guys do in the locker room or shower. He was a little taller than me and nicely toned, his pecs looking firm and defined but with a little bit of padding. His stomach was the same, wide but with a little bit of a belly, and covered in soft looking brown fur. I noticed the hair fanned out more and got thicker as it approached the waistband of his basketball shorts, but otherwise his chest was smooth save for a little swirl of hairy around his large pink nipples. I on the other hand had a heavy coating of hair all over my chest, which I could see he was looking at. It made me feel weirdly proud that I was hairier than him, like I was more masculine or something.

"Let's do another bump," he said, grinning at me. I just grinned back.

"Fuck it man, we're both off tomorrow." He pumped his fist.

"All right!" He moved over and sat down on the couch, grabbing the coke and little mirror he'd brought downstairs and quickly portioning out a couple lines, smaller than the first ones but still substantial. I noticed there was still more in the bag. He held up the mirror to me.

"Winners first," he said.

"Thanks buddy." I took the mirror and blew the line, again feeling an almost instantaneous rush as it hit me, and handed it back to him. He blew his, theatrically throwing his head back and sighing loudly as it hit him.

"Fuuuck man, that feels fucking good," he moaned, almost sounding orgasmic. I don't know what it was, but there was something about him shirtless, his eyes closed, with that tone in his voice that had my cock twitching.

"Yeah man, I'm flying," I managed to say. "That coke is good shit." He was still lying there hishead resting on the back of the couch and his eyes closed. Looking at him, shirtless, legs spread open, I felt another twinge in my groin. I was confused, as I'd seen plenty of shirtless guys and even naked guys in the locker room and showers throughout high school and college and never felt anything but a sort of comparative interest. But looking at Greg had me feeling all sorts of confusing things, and I tried to get my mind off it.

"How about another game of darts buddy?" I said to him. He cracked his eyes and looked at me.

"Sounds good man, I just gotta piss first." He stood up from the couch and walked over to the toilet, only about 5 feet from me, and pulled his shorts down. He must have been pretty fucked up by this point, because his shorts almost completely dropped down, exposing to my view not just his cock but his ass, which I noted was large and muscular, cleft by a dark hairy crack. I could see his cock, probably a good four inches with a wrinkled shaft, a heavy profusion of hair crowning the thick root and spreading out over his thighs and hips. His enormous balls hung down in their hairy sac, fully relaxed in the heat of his house and drooping easily seven inches down. Fuck. This wasn't helping with my confusing feelings at all. I could feel my cock definitely start to rise. I nervously looked aside as he finished up his piss, the loud splashing of urine in the bowl petering out and replaced with a loud sigh and the flush of the bowl. I looked back over at him.

"Fuck that feels better! Let's do this, man," he said, turning towards me as he pulled up his shorts and underwear, giving me a full on view of his cock. I couldn't help but notice it looked a lot thicker from this angle, and his balls seemed even bigger. He must have caught me looking because when I looked back up at him he was looking right at me and smiling.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked. I blushed but hope he didn't see.

"Dude you're the one who just whipped it out," I said, laughing and hoping my nervousness wouldn't come through. "Let's just play the game man." He just laughed and we breezed through another game, which he won, but I ultimately won the match with the third game.

"Sorry man," I said, patting him on the back and lightly rubbing his shoulder. "I guess I'm just better at darts than you, even though you have a board in your basement."

"Dude, whatever," he said, his tone a perfect mix of annoyance and lightheartedness. "I bet I'm better at a lot of things than you."

"Oh yeah? Name one," I said.

"Well, I bet I'm better at jacking off than you." My mouth went a little dry when he said that, and I felt blood rush to my cock. I wondered what he was getting at.

"Dude, how would you even judge something like that?" I scoffed at him.

"Well, I guess it would have to be based on a few factors," he pondered, almost philosophically. "The distance of the shot of cum, for one. Then amount of cum, I guess."

"And you'd have to account for different lengths of cocks," I said, deciding to play along with this. "Have a starting line, nobody's head can go over it."

"Yeah," he laughed, "And just to level the playing field make everyone jack off, like, an hour before the main event, so no one can edge to advantage!" We both just fell into drunken laughter at that, thinking about some sort of cum Olympics with rigorous standards like that. As it was fading, and we were catching the breath, Greg cleared his throat and started to talk.

"Dude, all this talk has me a bit boned up." I looked over at him, and saw one of his hands was resting on his crotch. I felt my own cock, which had been semi hard for at least the past hour, swell a little more.

"Me too man..." I didn't know what else to say, afraid of my own feelings and what his reaction might be if I betrayed them. We sat in silence for a few moments, lightly groping ourselves and finishing our cigarettes. Greg leaned over the dirty coffee table and stubbed out his smoke.

"Well here's what I say, man," he said, slapping his thighs as he started to stand up. "I say we finish off this whiskey," shaking the almost empty bottle, "and go watch some porn."

"Uhh sure man, I guess I could do that." My head was swimming, either from the coke or the weed, or the whiskey, or maybe just the thought of jerking off with Greg.

"'I guess I could do that,' don't be a pussy, man. We all jerk off, why be shy about it?" he said, lightly mocking me. He had a point though. And if we were watching porn with a chick in it my boner wouldn't seem out of the ordinary around him, though the more I thought about it the more I was realizing this erection was for Greg. He took a swig, and handed me the bottle.

"Bottom's up man," I said, grinning at him and draining the handle. We went back upstairs and I sat back down on the couch while Greg went to grab his computer. He came back in and sat down, quite close to me, setting the computer on the coffee table in front of us and pulling up Pornhub.

"Dude, this is one of my favorite videos," he said, as a video began of a girl with huge tits in the middle of a blowjob. She was doing a really good job of it, it looked like, real nice and slobbery, just the way I like it, and gagging on it as she bobbed up and down, something that never failed to get me hard. Every once in a while she would pull off and trap the guy's dick in between her boobs, using them to jack him off. It was a hot fucking video and I know I'd go crazy if a girl did that for me. As the video went on I found myself noticing the guy more and more, finding myself more interested in his admittedly hung cock, the way he groaned when his balls were being played with, even the swirl of hair on his stomach. In fact, in terms of his body hair he looked like Greg, mostly smooth save for his stomach and bush and a little bit of hair around each fat pink nipple.

"Fuck man," I drunkenly whispered.

"I know, right?" I glanced over at him, my eyes quickly darting down to his crotch. By now he was fully tenting the thin fabric of his shorts, openly groping it in front of me.

"Looks like you're in the same boat, buddy," he said, grinning at me and looking down at my own tented shorts. "Whaddaya say we lose the pants? Porn's good for one thing, right?" I just gulped, and nodded a little. Fuck. What was I getting myself into. He just drunkenly grinned at me and lifted his ass as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband and pulled down his shorts and underwear, kicking them over into one of the other piles of clothes on the floor. His rather stubby little cock had hardened out into a super thick slab of smooth, columnar flesh, thickest in the middle and tapering to a bullet shaped, pink glans, actively weeping precum, the smell of which immediately hit my nose. His huge balls spilled out below the huge cock, pooling on the couch in the loose, wrinkly sac.

Snapping to attention, I quickly lifted my own ass and pulled down my shorts, trying not to seem too eager or like I'd obviously been staring at his junk. I'd seen plenty of erect cocks in porn and stuff, and the occasional boner or semi in the locker rooms, but this felt different. I found myself wondering what it would feel like in my hand, what it was going to be like to watch him cum.

"Damn dude, that's a big cock," I heard Greg say as I tried to get my attention back on the porn. That comment definitely didn't help. It was true, though. I was a solid 10 inches, 10 and half when I was really excited, and about as thick around as my wrist. I had a big head which made girls squeal when I popped it in, and the rest just made them scream for more.

"Thanks, man. You've got a big one too," I managed to say, trying my best to sound casual and keeping my eyes on the porn. We fell silent for a minute, letting the moans from the messy blowjob fill the silence, although I could still hear the smooshing sound of Greg's precum as he lazily stroked himself. The video had progressed a little, and now the girl was sitting on the guy's face. Most of the shots were of her moaning, but there were a few clearly showing the guy hungrily eating out both her pussy and her asshole, tongue flicking and probing back and forth between the two holes.

"Fuck man, I wonder how that feels?" I said

"What man, you never ate pussy?" he laughed at me

"Fuck you dude, of course I have!" I loved oral sex, giving and receiving, and loved nothing more than eating out some wet pussy. I liked to think I was pretty good at it, considering how many girls couldn't get enough of my tongue. "I mean I wonder what it feels like to get your ass eaten out?" All the girls I'd been with had just stuck to blowjobs.

"Dude, it feels amazing," Greg said, casually letting that drop.

"Dude, when did you get your ass eaten out??"

"Well I had a girlfriend a few years back who was pretty freaky. She convinced me to let her eat me out, and she had me squirming to cum in minutes. You ever heard of the prostate, buddy?"

"Kinda, man," I said, unable to think clearly, too turned on by the whole scene and the fact that, while we'd been talking, our naked, sweaty thighs were rubbing together, our feet close enough to each other that I could feel his body heat.

"It's like a male g-spot, right up your ass. After she ate me out and had my nice as loosened up she slid a couple fingers up there. Fuck. Soon as she hit my prostate it was like electricity through my whole body. I'd never felt anything like it."

"Fuck, man." I said. "I mean, I guess that's why gay guys like it up the ass, right?"

"Yeah man. I came harder with her fingers up my ass than I ever had before. Unfortunately I haven't found a girl as kinky since."

"That's too bad, man," I said trying to find something else to say, but before I could, he started talking again.

"Yeah, well she still made me realize something about what I like, and what feels good. Can I show you something, man, and you have to promise not to get weird about it?" Fuck. Where was this going.

"Uh, sure man," I said, looking at him as he stood up and walked to his bedroom, giant cock bobbing in front of him and big bubble ass flexing. I heard rummaging coming from the other room, and he came back out a few moments later holding a shoebox and grinning. The lid was labeled "Toys."

"So don't judge me man, but this is my little toybox," he said, setting the box down on his lap as he sat back down next to me and taking off the lid. The box was almost filled to the brim with a variety of sex toys. The first thing that struck me was the fleshlight lying on top of the pile, right next to a big bottle of lube. I could see greasy fingerprints on the black casing and wondered how much he used it. Below the fleshlight I saw, to my shock, a variety of differently sized dildos and buttplugs, some with pronounced knobs and ridges on them, and an assortment of different kinds of vibrators, including one that included a strap I could only presume was meant to be a cock or ball ring.

"Holy shit, dude," I said.

"Dude I thought you weren't gonna judge," he said.

"No dude," I quickly assured him. "I'm not judging. It's just... damn. I never thought you'd be into that."

"Don't knock it `til you try it, buddy," he said. I watched him rifle through the various toys, before deciding on one and pulling it out, holding it up for our inspection. It was all black plastic, probably 5 inches with a pronounced curve to it, with a bumpy looking knob connecting via a skinny shaft to a base with a button on it. He pressed the button and the thing began to purr at a low volume.

"I really like this one because of the settings." He pressed the button again, increasing the speed of the thing, and then again, making it buzz loudly. He pressed it a few more times and the thing actually started pulsing in patterns. He grinned at me as I stared at the thing, silent but still achingly hard and dripping, slowly stroking my cock as I got lost in his little demonstration.

"You wanna see my favorite, though?" he grinned at me. I just shook my head yes, unable to look away from the dildos and his cock. He dug into the bottom of the box and pulled out a realistic looking dildo. It seemed so big to me, but in retrospect wasn't even close to the biggest available dildos, and I couldn't imagine how he could get that much up his ass. As I looked I noticed something familiar about it.

"Dude, is that your cock?" I blurted out. I felt a belch of precum ooze out of my piss slit as I realized it had the same dimensions and shape as his cock. He laughed pretty loudly at that.

"Haha I was wondering if you would figure it out!"

"Why do you have a dildo that looks exactly like your cock, man??"

"Well that girlfriend I told you about? One time for her birthday she asked me to make a mold of my cock, so that she could have it whenever she wanted. Total freak, right? Well it turned me on so bad I did it, of course. She would send me pictures while I was in class of herself fucking herself with it, and when we hooked up she'd either be sucking or fucking it depending on the hole I was in. It was such a turn on, buddy, like nothing else."

"Well how'd you end up with it then?" I asked staring back and forth between the dildos, not even trying to hide my interest.

"When we broke up she threw it at me after she'd just dumped all my shit on the lawn and said I could go fuck myself with it. I got super fucked up that night and when I got home I decided, what the hell, might as well go fuck myself. So I did. With my own cock." I looked up at his face and he was grinning wide, totally unashamed. His cock was throbbing hard and dripping precum as he talked. "You wanna see me use it?" His smile said so much, both shameless and afraid, inviting and nervous. I just nodded my head at him.

"Yeah man, I do." He grinned, obviously relieved at my answer.

"Let's take another bump first," he said, reaching for the baggie. He portioned out two fat lines which we quickly blew. I felt a surge of blood in my already hard cock, and my heart started racing in anticipation of what I was getting to see. He scooted around on the couch and lay with his head on the arm rest, facing towards me. I watched as he lifted up his hairy legs, framing his face and his junk. His asshole was amazing looking, something which shocked me when I said it in my head. It was ringed in curly black hair, and was tightly folded, the inner portion of which was slightly darker than the rest of his skin. It flexed and puckered a little as he shifted into better position and reached down to grab the bottle of lube. He squirted a couple pumps right into his asshole, reaching through his legs, and started rubbing around the hole.

"Gotta get myself ready for this fucker," he said, before quickly shoving two of his fingers all the way into himself. The tight hole almost instantly opened up around them, swallowing the digits.

"Mmm fuck that feels good," he growled, not a hint of pain or discomfort in his voice. He pumped his fingers in and out for a few minutes, making a wet squishing sound. "Hand me that dildo man," he said to me, snapping me out of my trance. I picked it up, painfully aware that it was basically his cock, and handed it over to him. He pumped lube all over, stroking it a few times to fully coat it, before bringing it down to his asshole.

"Here goes buddy," he grinned wide, and started to push. The fat head flattened against him for a moment before almost getting sucked into his hungry looking hole. He grunted at first, letting himself stretch out a little around the wide head, before proceeding to push it in. I neglected my straining cock, afraid I'd shoot at any moment, and leaned in closer to him, watching the hole stretching around his width. He began to slow down as he reached the widest, middle portion of the shaft.

"Fuck, this part is always hard," he said, panting as he held the dildo still and tried to relax his muscles.

"Fuck, just imagine how it is for the girls feeling that when you fuck them," I said.

"That's what I like to think about when I'm using it," he said, grinning at me, face sweaty from his exertion. He kept moving the first few inches in an out of himself, moaning slightly. "Fuck, I haven't done this in a while. I'm too fucking tight for this, man." He pushed hard on the thing, trying to get that thick center portion through his hole, but couldn't quite manage to do it. I decided to just say the hell with it, and reached out to grab hold of the base. He looked up at me in surprise, but just smiled.

"Do it man, help me out," he said. I just pushed hard into him, seeing his tight ring straining around the thickness, and after a few moments I felt the muscles give way and watched in astonishment as the remaining 5 inches sank deep into him. He threw his head back as I rooted the dildo into him, grunting hard, clearly feeling equal parts pain and pleasure. His hand reached out to grab my wrist, holding me there as his adjusted to the dildo I held. His eyes were squeezed tight as he breathed raggedly, opening himself up to it.

"Holy fuck that feels good," he moaned, his head thrown back on the couch. He cracked his eyes a little, staring up at me. "Dude, you're a legend."

"I can't believe you can take this whole thing man," I whispered. "Too fucking wild." He just chuckled a little, causing his belly to jiggle a little. I began to slowly twist the dildo, still firmly planted in him, causing him to take a sharp breath.

"Oh fuuuuck," he moaned, his voice low and husky. I never thought this would be so enticing me to me, but I felt myself belch a bit of precum seeing how much he was enjoying it. I pulled it out a couple of inches but slowly pushing it back in, watching how his tight hole clenched at the toy. I kept pulling it out and pushing it back in, listening to his breathing become steadier as he got used to. I couldn't believe how hard his deep moans were making me.

"Does that feel good man?" I whispered to him.

"Oh fuck buddy, it feels so fucking good!" he groaned, looking me right in the eyes. I glanced down at his cock and saw it was fully hard again, a stream of precum just pouring out of the engorged head.

"Do you always leak that much precum, dude?" I asked him. He just gave a goofy, drunken grin.

"Only when I'm playing with my ass, man, then it's like a goddamn faucet," he laughed. I just smirked at him, continuing to pump in and out of him with the same slow rhythm. The porn onscreen had kept playing. By now the guy was fucking the girl with his thick cock, slowly plunging in and out of her in deep, shallow thrusts. She was cooing and moaning as he opened her up, burying himself to the hilt and gently swirling his hips, his furry balls rubbing around the bottom of her pussy. I started doing a similar swirling motion to Greg, moving the dildo in a circle as I pressed the big fake balls against Greg's muscular, hairy ass.

"Oh fuck man, that's good," he purred, reaching his hand out to his cock as he enjoyed what I was doing to his ass. I watched him rub his big thumb around his wet head, smearing it with precum. He didn't stroke his whole shaft, he just kept playing with the head, almost like it was a clit or something. There was something about this whole thing that was just too fucking hot for me. I'd never even thought about another guy before this night, but the way that Greg was just so casual and open about this shit, how much pleasure he was getting from these dildos, it was all driving me wild with lust. I started stroking my own aching cock as I kept fucking into him. The room soon filled with the sound of wet stroking, our precum making lewd smacking sounds as we played with ourselves. I started to switch up the pace, pulling the dildo from his ass a bit further on each stroke out, and pushing it in more quickly than I had before. He started grunting and swearing more loudly as I did so.

"Oh fuck yeah man, fuck me harder with my cock!" he started shouting, pulling harder and faster at his own dick. I complied, and soon enough was ramming it into him at a fast, rough pace. He was moaning and grunting like a stuck pig as I did so, his hand a blur on his fat cock. I was stroking my own pretty quickly too, feeling like I could cum at any second. This was just too fucking hot, maybe because it felt so wrong. But it also felt right to be doing something so intimate with my buddy like this. He just kept panting and huffing, begging me in a strained voice to keep fucking him with the dildo, and I don't know what it was, but something just snapped inside of me. With no warning, I wrenched the dildo from his tight hole, watching it gape and flutter as it was emptied, winking open and close as it begged for more stuffing. He stopped jerking, and looked up at me in confusion.

"Dude why'd you take it out? I was really... oh Fuuuuuck!" He threw his head back and moaned as I quickly shoved two of my fingers up him. I couldn't believe how tight he still was, or how soft his insides really were. I also couldn't believe that I now had my fingers shoved up my buddy's hairy ass. I found a little knob of flesh, and curled around my fingers around it. He groaned even louder at that, and started to jerk himself off again, but slower this time as I began to work his prostate, stroking it and tapping against it as I pushed my fingers in and out.

"Oh fuck buddy, work my fucking prostate man, fuck this feels so good," he practically whined with pleasure. I just smirked at him, and worked another finger into him, earning another loud groan. Soon I was fingering him at a rapid pace, shoving them in and out, even trying to open them so his hole would stretch even more. But this wasn't enough. I knew I needed more. I positioned myself between his legs, pulling my fingers out of him. He gave a disappointed sigh at that, but when he felt my fat cockhead at his entrance he looked up at me, eyes full of fear and lust.

"You fucking want this man?" I said to him, in a low, deep voice. It was less of a question that a statement of something we both knew. Things had gone this far, it just made sense. He just looked me square in the eyes and nodded yes, a little hesitantly maybe but I could tell how much he wanted. With that silent affirmation, I began to push into him. I watched in disbelief as my fat cockhead slowly entered his hairy hole, and he threw his head back, groaning low and deep as I pushed into him. Despite the thorough fucking I'd just given him with the dildo, his ass muscles were still tight, spasming around my cock like a vise, but I was so far gone in lust that I wasn't letting anything stop me. I just kept slowly sliding in, feeling as my cockhead rubbed against his swollen prostate. He whimpered at that, and kept breathing heavily and giving out little high pitched sounds of pleasure, mixed with some obvious pain and discomfort. I had an extra couple inches on him, and even though he was definitely hung, I was thicker than him even at his widest, and my girth was the same from root to head. Soon, I had my entire length buried in him. I swirled my hips a little, loosening his ass a little as I moved my cock around in circles. I loved the feeling of my pubic hair grinding against his hairy ass, and the feel of my balls nestling against the sweaty cheeks. He just groaned below me, his eyes squeezed tight and his face all scrunched up.

"Fuuuck, dude, you're so fucking big.." he whined, his voice shaky.

"You ready for this man?" I asked him. He opened his eyes, staring into mine, and just nodded. His face was so handsome like that, covered in sweat, need written on his face. I just grabbed his legs and started to withdraw slowly. I could feel the tight walls of his ass grabbing at my fat dick, almost like they didn't want to give it up. I pulled out until just my cock head was inside him, enjoying the feeling of his tight sphincter against the ridge of my glans, before starting to push back into him, still at a slow pace. I had never felt anything tighter than this. I'd been with plenty of girls but their pussies had nothing on my buddy's hungry muscle ass. Sinking back into him he was just as tight as before, though the lube and my copious precum were making it a bit easier. He still huffed and puffed, wincing as I pushed myself back in to the hilt, and moaning and whining when I would pull it. After a few minutes of this, I could feel his ass loosening up for me, my strokes becoming easier.

Feeling that give, I started really ramping up my speed, long dicking him in smooth, steady strokes. He yelped and whimpered each time my cockhead grazed over his prostate, rubbing that love nut and getting him hornier and hornier. He was leaking precum like crazy, like I'd opened a faucet with my fucking. It just kept streaming down his fat cock, puddling into his belly and matting down his pubic hair. Soon the air was full of the smell of his precum, our sweat, and his opened ass, a dirty, animal smell that was totally unlike fucking a girl. No, this smelled like real man sex, like two rough, hairy dudes just going at it. I found myself intoxicated by that smell, and wanting to keep smelling it. The sounds too were thrilling. Greg's moans and yelps were high pitched, but still masculine and rough, the little whines punctuated with a deeper growling and grunting, mixing with my own grunts as I received the intense pleasure of his tight ass on my cock. Amid that I could also hear the heavy, fleshy sound of my balls as they smacked against his sweaty ass, a steady "thwump" that kept sending shivers through my spine as I felt them tapping against his hairy cheeks. There was also the wet, sucking sounds coming from his ass as I fucked into him, a sort of squelching which, before tonight, I might have found gross or funny, but for some reason in this moment was the hottest sound to me, to the sound of a fat dick plowing into a tight, wet ass. All of this had me getting more and more worked up, and by now I was really laying into Greg, pistoning in and out of him at a rapid pace. Every shove in caused his cock to belch up more precum, and his belly jiggled a bit every time I buried myself.

"Fuck yeah buddy, fucking fuck my ass man, oh holy fuck your cock is fucking amazing bro!" he was practically shouting, loudly grunting as I fucked him faster and faster. "Goddamn man your cock is fucking huge! Bigger than my fucking dick man! Fuck I've never felt anything this good man!" he just kept babbling. He was writhing underneath me as I laid into him, his arms above his head, hands grasping tightly at the couch. His super hairy pits were in full display, the position of his arms showing off the muscles in his big arms as he fought to gain control of his body, of the sensations he was feeling. His cock, untouched since I started this, lay there on his hairy stomach, glistening wet and raging hard. Any pain he might have been feeling when I first entered him had been washed away by the intensity of his pleasure. I could feel my balls tightening and my orgasm rising, but I decided I wanted to make this last. Who knew when I'd be able to do something like this again? So on one stroke out I just pulled all the way out, earning a loud, breathy gasp from Greg as I wrenched my fat cockhead from his still tight sphincter. I looked down at his asshole, gaping and wet from lube and precum, almost winking at me as the muscles kept spasming and sucking at the air.

"Dude what the fuck?" he said, almost angry sounding. "I was so fucking close to coming man!" he whined at me.

"I know dude, same," I said. "I just want to keep this going as long as I fucking can." He just grinned up at me, face sweaty and flushed.

"Well fuck, when you put it that way buddy, I can get behind it. Come on, let's do some more lines," he said. He put his legs down and shifted himself so he was sitting on the couch once more, and leaned in towards the coffee table, pouring out some more coke and crushing it up. He divvied up the lines, and stretched out his hand, offering it to me first. I took the bill and snorted my line, immediately feeling the rush of blood as it took effect. He grabbed the bill, but before he snorted his line, he looked up at me with a wicked smile.

"Dude, this might sound gay, but... can I do a line off your cock?" My dick pulsed at that. The idea was so hot for some reason, even though it was something I'd never considered.

"Fucking go for it buddy," I said to him, and he just grinned again. I stepped up to him, erection bobbing back and forth as I moved, and he took an amount of the coke and carefully laid it in a line down my wet cock, a good 3 inch line too. It hardly looked like anything against my 10 inches though. He leaned in, holding the rolled up bill to his nose, before looking up at me and arching his heavy eyebrows.

"Here goes nothing I guess," he said, and leaned down to snort his line, grasping my cock firmly from the underside so that it held steady. I could feel the heat of his face close to my cock as he snorted his line off of me. He took a deep breath after he did it.

"Fuck yeah!" he whooped. "That was fucking great!" We both looked down at my cock, and could clearly see there was still coke on it, where it had adhered to the sticky wet flesh. He looked up at me, a little wild-eyed, and just said, "Waste not, want not," before leaning down and licking it up. His broad tongue flattened out on my fat cock and just licked up the coke residue. I hissed at the sensation, both the wet warmth of his tongue and the slight scratch of his stubble on my sensitive cock. It felt so fucking good, I couldn't believe it. Once he had it clean, he looked up at me, licking his lips and beaming.

"Fuck man, I can taste my ass on your cock."

"Fuck yeah man, how's it taste?"

"Like fucking ass, man," he laughed. "But damn, it tastes good." With that, he grabbed my cock, looking at it for a moment, and leaned in again to start licking around the head. He started slow, just tonguing around it, swirling it below the ridge of my glans. I could feel myself pouring precum into his mouth as he suckled on the tip.

"Oh fuck yeah buddy, suck my fucking dick." He just grunted and started trying to take more in. It was clearly his first time sucking cock, as he grazed me with his teeth a couple times and couldn't get much in, but it was a valiant effort on his part. I was really thick though, so I understood how hard it must have been. No girl I'd been with had ever managed more than 6 inches or so, but he was pretty quickly able to take my first 4. I sighed and grunted in pleasure as he bobbed up and down on me, taking his time and just enjoying his first exploration of another guy's cock. He was getting me so worked up that without thinking I just sort of grabbed the back of his head, holding it down as I tried to push in. He choked a little in surprise, but let me take control. I could see his jaw straining to open wide for me, and the muscles in his neck tighten as I held him close. I could feel the back of his throat by now, and had half of my length in his mouth. I couldn't resist, and kept putting pressure on his head, pushing him down, and with one final push managed to pop my huge head through his throat, slicing down into it. He immediately started to gag, but still didn't put up any resistance, letting himself be used by me.

There were still a couple inches of my cock showing, but he was far enough down on it that I could feel the tip of his nose just barely tickling my bush. It was the most anybody had ever taken, and by this point I was too horned up and coke crazy that there was no stopping me until I had the whole length, so I kept pushing him further down, impaling him on my thick cock. I could feel his throat clench and tighten, the muscles spasming around me as I pushed further in. He was gagging hard by now, but that wasn't going to stop me. With one more hard shove, I managed to sink the last inch down his mouth. I was now fully down his throat, all ten inches of my meat finally getting a real blowjob. I sighed loudly in contentment, enjoying the wet warmth of my buddy's throat, but only for a moment. Holding his head tightly in place, I pulled out about halfway, popping my cockhead out from his stretched esophagus, before plunging back in, making sure to bury his throat in my sweaty bush each time.

"Fucking take my fat fucking cock you slut!" I cried out. "Swallow it down you fucking cocksucker!" I don't know where the words came from, it was like a flip had been switched. I was getting off talking dirty to Greg like this, calling him these names and using him hard. He grunted hard at that, eyes full of tears as he looked up at me. He was sucking in air quickly every time I pulled out and gagging and choking every time I plunged back in, having quickly found a manageable breathing rhythm. I looked down to his lap to see he was furiously jerking off, the wet smacking sound of his strokes distinguishable from the other lewd sounds we were making.

"Choke on my fucking cock, man! I know you fucking want this!" I shouted at him, holding his head down, my whole shaft buried down his throat. I just held him there, not letting him back off for air, and he started hitting my chest in stomach a bit in protest, pushing and hitting at me to let him back off for air. Finally, after at least a minute of enjoying his spasming throat muscles around me, I released his head and stepped back, letting him fall back, coughing and sputtering for air.

"Holy fuck man!" he said, voice a bit hoarse. "I almost passed out there dude!" He didn't seem angry about it, though, and his cock was just as hard as it had been. "You got a giant fucking cock man."

"Sorry man," I said. "Guess I got a bit carried away."

"Don't worry man, it fucking turned me on for sure," he said.

"Even the dirty talk?" I asked him.

"Dude especially the dirty talk! Man, I didn't think I'd ever be called a cocksucker in seriousness, but when I've got almost a foot of cock down my throat, I guess the shoe fits!" He laughed at this. "But also dude, I never thought I'd be sucking a cock either. Or getting fucked by a real one!" He laughed again.

"Wait, is this your first time doing either, dude?" I asked in disbelief. He just nodded, looking a little bashful about it.

"Well fuck man!" I said. "You did a great fucking job with both then!"

"Really?" he asked, seeming pleased with it.

"Fuck yeah man. I'll tell ya, no girl has ever managed to get to the root. Hell, the best blowjob I got she could only get about halfway down."

"Well yeah, you're fucking ten inches man," he scoffed.

"And I can't believe you could take me up the ass man. Fucking tight as hell, even after that dildo of yours."

"Hell man, I'm pretty thick but I don't have any toy that could have loosened me up for this monster," he said, reaching up to stroke my cock. Our erections had waned a little while we were talking, but were still more than half hard, ready to stiffen up again at any moment. He grinned up at me.

"Wanna put this back in me man?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah buddy," I growled at him. He got up from where he was sitting and knelt down on the floor, getting on all fours and hiking his ass up at me. His hairy hole winked at me as spread his cheeks, and he looked back at me.

"Fucking do me man!" he said.

I just sidled up behind him, grabbing hold of those muscular cheeks, and positioned my head at his entrance. In one easy shove I buried my entire length into his silky wet hole, which had retightened some but was still loose enough to take me. He gave a loud grunt in front of me.

"Oh fuck yeah that's it bro," he growled as I sank in to him, our balls lightly slapping against each other as I buried myself. It felt like I could somehow go even deeper this way, and I relished in the feel of his tight ass surrounding me once again. "Fucking filling me up man," he sighed.

"Get ready for it man," I warned him, and with that grabbed him tight by the waist and quickly pulled out before slamming back in, immediately starting to really piledrive him. It wasn't a very fast fuck, but it was a solid, well paced one. I withdrew myself to the tip and then just shove it back into him, barely giving him any time to readjust. He just grunted and started swearing.

"Fuck fuck fuck, fuck yeah man, feels so fucking good. Goddamn that fucking cock is huge man, fucking tearing up into me. Fuck!" He just kept moaning and babbling as I slid myself in out, battering his prostate on each thrust. Our balls kept slapping together as I fucked, giving a loud slapping sound and sending a jolt of electricity through my whole crotch, unlike any sensation I'd had with a girl. He was getting so lost in it that his arms sort of gave out, his upper body just falling on the floor as he grabbed at the carpet in ecstasy. This essentially folded him in half, leaving his ass even more hiked up in the air, allowing me to really start slotfucking into his stretched hole, plunging in and out of him hard.

"Is this what you fucking wanted you fucking slut?" I shouted at him. "Wanted a fat fucking cock up your faggot ass?" He moaned in delight, either from the fuck itself or the dirty talk I was giving him. "You fucking love this don't you bitch?"

"Oh yes I fucking love it!" he moaned, a little muffled from how his face was pressed into the carpet. "Fucking love that massive fucking cock inside me! Please keep fucking me buddy!"

"Fuck yeah, can't believe how fucking tight you still are man! Fuck, never thought it would feel this good!" I said as I just kept fucking him, my pace qetting a little faster. I was only pulling out about half my length now, keeping a constant pressure on his prostate as I fucked him like a jackrabbit.

"Fuck, neither did I buddy," he moaned back. "Never thought I'd be taking a real dick like this but holy fuck, it feels so much better than those dildos!"

"Well I'm bigger than any of those fucking dildos man," I grunted at him, just continuing to jackhammer him.

"Oh fuck yeah you are, you're so far up in me dude, fucking stretching me like nothing else!" He kept grunting. I couldn't believe how horny he was making me with his dirty talk. I never talked like this with the girls I'd been with, and most of them hadn't even been able to take as much of me as Greg was. It's like knowing he wanted it rough, and knowing how he was tough enough to take it and fucking love it was enough to unleash a more aggressive side to myself.

"Goddamn your fucking ass is hungry for it man, fucking faggot cocklsut. You'd do anything for this fat fucking cock wouldn't you?" I shouted at him, slapping his ass hard as I finished speaking. I felt his ass tighten around me as I struck him, and he moaned loud below me.

"Oh fuck yeah I'd fucking do anything for your cock buddy!" he whined at me. "Feels so fucking good up my muscle pussy!" Hearing him call his ass a pussy almost made me shoot my load, but I wasn't done with him. To keep from shooting, I pulled all the way out of him with a loud pop, earning a yelp and a groan from him. I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him up, spinning him around before getting on my back. He picked up on what I wanted and immediately straddled me, grabbing at my dripping cock and holding it upright. In one swift move he shoved himself down onto me.

"Aw fuck!!" He screamed as he impaled himself.

"Fucking ride it bitch!" I hissed at him through clenched teeth. He immediately started to bounce up and down on me, using his strong legs to push himself up and then slam himself back down. He had his arms down on the ground for stability as he rode me, leaving his big cock to bounce around wildly. It was a bright red color, looking ready to burst at any moment, and he just kept leaking precum, which was flying around as his cock bounced around, sending little sprays of the juice all over his chest and mine, another unfamiliar sensation I found I couldn't get enough of.

"Fuck man! Every angle you're hitting something else!" he gasped out as he kept bouncing up and down. He was moving so fast I couldn't believe his legs weren't getting tired. His whole body was covered in a layer of sweat, as was mine, the smell of our pheromones and precum and his fucked open ass just filling the whole room. I felt myself getting closer and closer, and decided to bring this thing to an end. I'd been fucking him in various positions for well over an hour and my balls were tight and clenched around my waist. Taking control, I gripped him hard by the waist and started fucking up into him. He stopped bouncing and sort of leaned back, just letting me pound him from below.

"Fuck this tight pussy is gonna make me cum man!"

"Oh fuck yeah buddy, do it, load me the fuck up!" he whined. I started really laying into him, huffing and puffing as I built to my orgasm. He threw his head back and just let out one low continuous groan as I did this, waiting for me to cum in him.

"I'm fucking close buddy," I grunted. "You fucking want this load? You want fucking want my cum in your faggot pussy?"

"Mmmmm fuck yeah man, fucking breed me buddy! Fill me with that fucking load!" he shouted. I could tell by the pitch of his voice that he was also close, though he still hadn't touched his dick again. I decided to help him out, and reached out to grab that thick cock, pumping up and down and matching the pace of my fuck. It felt so hard, but soft at the same time, so much like mine and yet thrillingly different. I really worked his fat, spongy head, smearing the precum all around it and rubbing my thumb on the sensitive underside.

"Oh fuck buddy! Oh fuck! You're gonna fucking make me cum man!" he whimpered, his breathing growing erratic as he came closer.

"Do it man, fucking shoot it! Show me how much you fucking love cock up your muscleslut ass!" I yelled.

"Oh FUCK! FUCK! Oh my fucking god! Fuck I'm coming!" he screamed out. I felt his cock swell harder in my hand as he fired. The first shot flew past my head, but the next few landed square on my face, then my chest, then my hairy stomach. I could see his head pulse with each shot, the wide piss slit flaring open as he sprayed his thick, heavy load. He just kept cursing and screaming as he came, and his ass clenched around me every time he fired, milking my rod like a vise. This was too much, and as his orgasm faded and he shot his last rope of cum, I slammed him down on me and started to unload.

"Fucking take my load bitch!" I shouted at him. "I'm fucking loading up your pussy ass man! Fucking breeding you!" It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had, I came so much it almost felt like I was pissing in his ass. His spasming hole just kept sucking the cum out of me as I buried my load 10 inches deep in his hairy ass. My head was flying, and I swear I almost blacked out from how good it felt. Any words we had just devolved into moaning and grunting and heavy, sweaty breathing. As our orgasms faded and we regained some control over our bodies, Greg just continued to sit on me, his front half collapsing down onto me, his weight pressing our hairy chests together. He smelled so fucking good in that moment, his dank armpit just inches from my nose. Finally he sat up and slowly pulled off my half hard dick. As my cock fell out of him, shiny and dark red, he loudly farted and a big gob of cum came out, landing right on my balls and dripping down onto the floor. He started laughing loudly.

"Fuck, sorry man! Guess you fucked a lot of air into me or something!" I just laughed along with him. It might have seemed gross, but there was just something so hilarious about it that I couldn't help but laugh. He stood up, his legs still a little wobbly, and stood above me, his half hard cock still dripping a little of his own cum.

"Well fuck, buddy. You uh... wanna do another line?" he asked me, beaming broadly. I just smiled up at him and nodded. It seemed like this fuckfest might be far from over.

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