Straight Jake

By Male Lover

Published on Feb 20, 2002


Warning: If you are underage, or if you do not approve of male-to-male sex, do not proceed. The following is a fictional story. I like reading stories of straight guys trying out male sex, so I thought I try a hand at writing too. If you have any comment, other than on my grammar, email me. I do hope you like the story.

Although this story did not emphasise this, please do practise safe sex.

This is a follow up to my part one. I did not know if I would be continuing with a part 2, but some mails I had received, encouraged me to carry on. Thank you guys for your words of support. Besides, I had covered so far only what had happened on early Saturday morning. Jake and Leo still have 2 days of weekend with one another.

In the last writing - Straight Jake, Leo was fucked by his best friend Jake. These two teenagers got it on during the weekend when Leo stayed over in Jake's house. Jake's father, the town's Reverend, left them to take care of the house. Brought up only by his dad and the Bible, Jake is one of the most unlikely guys who would taste the forbidden fruit. Leo realised that Jake suppressed his hots for some chicks. That first night, Leo was dominated by Jake's lust. This is a continuation of Jake and Leo's weekend together.

Title: Straight Jake 2

It must be 9 plus when I blinked my eyes to the morning light. I was sleeping on my back, naked and uncovered. The window was shut, must be by Jake, to allow the room to be dimmer. But Jake was not by my side. There was no sound from the attached bathroom, so, he must have gone downstairs.

Oh god! What have we done!! I reached out to pull my pillow down to hug. I felt the sore in my asshole. I felt uncomfortable. I shifted around but the sore was spoiling my comfort. Getting up, I felt the soreness more obvious. Slowly, I gathered my strength to walk my whole body to the bathroom. I could still feel the stickiness on my body where the cum covered early this morning. But I was not, by all means, disgusted by it.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Even after the rough morning, I still have that pleasant look, that drove my girlfriend crazy, looking back at me from the mirror. I stepped into the bathtub and turned on the shower. Cold water sprayed down on me. Usually, at this hour, when I wake up, I would have jacked off, but not this morning. I had too much in my mind and the morning ritual was not going to help this time. My cock was soft. This was an indication that I was more worried for Jake's reaction, than for my own morning exercise.

With water running down my stiff and sore body, I let out a long sigh... There was something about the way Jake's body pressed against mine. I love fucking the girls. I enjoy listening to them gasping for air as they screamed my name and urge me to go faster and harder on them. But with Jake, it was something else, but yet not so different from the sex that I had enjoyed before.

I admired Jake. He is a good friend hard to come by. I admired his good build as well. I am obsessed with my body, so it was never a worry for me, in the past when I admired Jake's well defined torso and hard stomach. And I am crazy about sex. So, to admire Jake's giant tool, a solid 9-inch, was something I considered natural. I did wish I have what Jake has. A common admiration.

But that admiration took one step further this morning. It was normal to admire from afar. But to have it in mouth.... a few days ago, I would not even have thought of it. But I guess I had underestimated my admiration for Jake. It turned to be a subdue desire for my own best friend.

No, no, no. I did not like this. I did not like to go down for a guy. I did not like to be dominated. I did not like to bend over for anyone.

Or did I?

Was I having lust for Jake, or was I having lust for sex?

Quickly cleaning up my body and teeth, I went down in a singlet and short, with wet hair.

Passing through the corridor and down the staircase, there were many verses from the holy book, hanging on the walls that seemed to scream at me. I dared not even to look at one, in case, ironically, there was one that would curse for spoiling Jake.

But I'd got to face him. I had to face my best friend. Prayed not, that our friendship would turn sour. I needed a sign. I needed a hope...

Jake was in the kitchen. When he heard me walking into the kitchen, he gave me a smile. He was sweet as ever, but the smile, although was pleasant and assuring, I caught his nervousness in seeing me.

'Morning, Leo,' he said, trying hard to keep a straight face, as if there was nothing to hide.

'Morning,' I replied.

'I heard the shower and thought that I should get your breakfast ready for you'. On the small kitchen table, there was a plate of toasted slices of bread, covered with peanut butter. Always the good old Jake, taking care of friends around him. He was just about to pour hot coffee in two empty cups.

'Come, and sit here,' he said as he pulled up a chair on his left-hand side. Jake was wearing a T-shirt, which seemed to fit his well-toned body nicely. His pecs carved out beautifully. He was wearing a short, which covered until his kneecaps.

I smiled back and complimented him on his hospitality. He laughed. Again, almost like nothing actually happened. Sitting down, I reached out for the bread. The phone rang and Jake excused himself. It was his father, calling to check on the house.

I looked up and saw another verse written on a board opposite me. Hey, don't forget that Jake's dad is a priest!! Guilt began to rebuild in me. I lowered my head, to swallow the chewed bread and hopefully, my guilt down. I preferred not to be reminded of what was right and wrong, before I could still make a sense of this morning's event between Jake and I.

Jake looked desperate to hide it, just like he was hiding his desire for Donna and the other girls. Ahhh! That busty, seductive Donna... But what about me? I knew I still love Lori, my girlfriend. She could take me high when we were having sex together. I could not be gay. I refused to believe that. But it seemed that the morning sex was telling me that I could be. I do have a little attraction to Jake. Would I give Lori and the other girls up for Jake? I doubted so.

I knew I have to be careful in talking to Jake about us. I have to avoid using the word 'wrong', 'sin', 'god', 'punishment', 'bible' and whatever other things that would make him feel bad about himself. Especially the word 'sin'.

I heard Jake said goodbye to his father. He walked in with a smile, and just like earlier on, he did not make a long eye contact with me. He sat down beside me and took the breakfast meal fast.

'I think I have got the solution,' Jake said, without looking at me. What? Was this how he jumped into conversation about the problem? 'We got to cut and paste more,' he continued. Cut?! Paste?! I swallowed the bread, which seemed to be stuck after hearing him saying 'Cut'.

But suddenly it made sense. He was talking about the computer project. Oh!

He kept on rambling about what to be done and I just nodded my head to what he said. He said that since he was up earlier, after his morning ritual of bible-reading, he spent some time to think through what our project needed. I was basically speechless.

'But Jake, we need to talk...,' I told him.

He sighed. I had never heard him sigh before. Must be all those positive things he learnt from the holy book that kept him spirit up. But this time, he sighed. He looked so helpless. Like he needed to be covered with some kind of assurance that it was ok. He looked so lost, and yet so adorable. I wished I could reached out and hugged him, but that could have frightened him.

'I am no gay,' Jake said. Then he paused, maybe out of clue on what to say next.

'I know,' I answered. Jake turned his head to look at me. 'How?' he asked.

'I have seen the way you looked at Donna. And a few of the other girls. You may play your disguise behind your church image well, but I knew. And Jake... your boner gave way to your secret.'

He was stunned to know that I knew. There was that blush again. He turned away to avoid my face. Man, he looked good and although I was telling my heart to ignore it, he did look so yummy.

He looked at his toasted bread, and it seemed like ages, before he turned and looked at me. 'Did it hurt you? I'm.. er.. sorry if it did.. I did not know what came over me, but I... it was just that... I had this urge and I.. and you were there, Leo.' His face was one that no one could be angry with, at that moment. He looked so pitiful. And I saw it. It was that secret that he carried on his shoulder. That image we expected a priest's son to be, had bonded and burdened him. He was forced to act up to what we think of him. So, no matter how normal guy he wanted to be, to taste what sex is like, to hit first or even second base, was out of question. He was not expected to be the anything else, but the goody bible boy.

I quickly placed my right hand on his shoulder and told him that it was okay.

I gave him a smile to let him know that he did not need to shoulder the secret alone. The smile that I hope he would know I would be there to hear him out. The smile to let him know that this morning did not upset me. He smiled back, a sign of relief, to know that I was alright with the whole event.

'And Jake... I am no gay either. I mean, last night, I was curious. As much as I was not prepared for it, I was not about to turn down my best friend when he was horny.' It was a statement made, from I did not even know where. I just had to say something to cover myself. I still needed time to think it over before blowing it to Jake. I did not think he needed to have another mess to worry about.

'Besides, I think you are as hot as my Lori,' I kidded him. We both laughed.

'You do? You think I am hot?' Jake questioned.

'Hey, have you seen yourself in the mirror naked? With your hot body and your giant killer down your crotch, I am not surprised if I became a gay for you... Hahaha!' I teased him.

He blushed, again. It made him more adorable then. I gave a light, friendly punch on his chest, and moved back my right hand to rest on his shoulder, to reassure him that everything was cool with me. He just smiled.

I decided to continue with my tease. 'I mean, look at you... solid hard biceps,' I said that while my hand went down to feel his bulge on his arms. 'And these chests are way too rocking hard,' I complimented him while I cupped his left chest with my palm. He giggled. It was too ticklish for him.

I wondered if he did get hard from my compliment. I slid my hand down his body. He knew where my hand was heading to, but he did not stop it. I felt his hard lean washboard stomach. I could feel him holding his breath. His body tensed. I groped his groin and was awarded with a semi-hard dick in my hand. He was growing. I gave it a few rub. My dick was also beginning to respond.

'Knock it off,' he said softly, and lifted my hand away. 'Didn't you have enough this morning?' he teased me back. I laughed at his sudden daringness to joke on the situation. He was laughing over it too.

We continued eating. The coffee softened the bread in my mouth and in one gulp, I finished up my drink. Jake was finishing up with his last sip.

'So, you were planning to remain a virgin until you are married, huh, Jake?'

'Well..,' Jake drifted for a while.. 'I was expected. But I knew it would be hard to wait that long. I wish I could bury my desire but there was this eagerness-to-know in me that was bursting out. At times, I thought I would have gone crazy, fighting it. But I just had to. But when Donna or Katie..'

'Katie?' I burst.. Wow, Jake has good taste.

'Yeah, Katie.. they sure know how to tease with their big breasts... I wonder how any guy could turn them away... except me, huh, Leo?'

I nodded my head.

'I can't go out with these girls. I have the fantasies about them. Short ones. And I felt uneasy immediately and I tried to get the thoughts off my mind. I was scared that if I continued thinking about them, I may lose control. Like yesterday. If I did not walk away, I wouldn't have known what would happen between Donna and I. But I dare not to take the risk. What if there is trouble if I did accept her offer? I can't imagine facing my dad over this....' Jake said. He was getting uncomfortable, pouring his feeling to me. I stopped him from saying any further. I understood. If these bitches fuck-and-tell, Jack is a goner.

There was silence between us for a while.

'And er.. you like our show yesterday afternoon, Jake?' I was referring to him watching me fucking Donna doggy-style yesterday afternoon, in the community pool's storeroom.

'You knew I was watching?' His eyes expressed his shock of being caught.

'I knew, Jake. I was terrified at first, but you did not ask me about it later, so, I kept quiet. And sorry that I lied about it. You know I won't lie to you to hurt you.'

'It's ok.'

He paused again.

'Was it good? I mean, when you er..,' Jake stammered.

'.. fuck her?' I whispered. Oh Jake.. the sweet old Jack dared not to use the F word. 'Yes...' Jake answered softly with his head bent slightly down, as if guilty that he agreed with me on such word.

'She is a good fuck anytime! Her breasts were large and holding them in my hands, woh.. And her cunt was tight. It blew my mind to slide in and out of her.' I watched Jake for any reaction. He must be picturing the whole thing in his mind. I peeked at his crotch. His healthy dick was growing again.

'You liked the show, Jake?' He laughed, hiding his guilt of his pervertness.

Damn, I wanted feel his dick again. I was obsessed by this guy. I reached out with my right hand and grabbed his shaft. It still felt good to hold it although I had already knew and seen his dick size. A monstrous 9-inch dick. I switched to the other hand to massage his dick better through his short. He did not push me away. He seemed to enjoy it. His dick was twitching in my hold.

'Ever jack off, Jake?' I asked.

He shook his head.

I was stunned. He was that innocent? I pulled my hand back. Maybe because of guilt. Maybe because I did not know if he would want me to. Surely he would have masturbated himself if he wanted to, in the past.

'Why not?' I asked.

'It is just one of those things I was taught not to do.. was told it was wrong.. although I had the urge as well...,' he said, looking back at his empty plate. 'My cousin was caught doing it once, and his family members were so upset with him, he did not face them for many days. It was something difficult for him to get over. That gave me enough fright to turn me off.'

'Leo, I think we'd better stop before we go too far again...' he said it, but with a kind of sad tone.

'I see you upstairs,' he suddenly said and picked up the plates and cups, leaving me at the table. He walked to the sink and placed the dishes down.

His hard-on was still visible. I could see the outline clearly from his short. It looked like it needed a good attention. Jake, why are you so hard on yourself, I thought to myself. Why ignored it?

I got up and walked out of the kitchen. But as I was about to go up the staircase, I paused. Why not, I thought to myself. Something naughty formed in my mind. My body began to get aroused and felt heaty. I took my singlet off. My dick began to harden in my short, excited, thinking of what I was about to do next. I get hard whenever I knew I would be doing something kinky, naughty. I walked back into the kitchen, towards the sink where Jake was standing. He was soaping the dishes, and did not hear me coming in.

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his waist and sensed his surprise. I did not let go of my hug. Jake knew I was going to do something there and then. But he trusted me. Since that he did not try to move away, I knew I had him.

My hard dick was pressed against the cheeks of his rear, telling him that I was in lust. My right hand slipped up into his shirt and started to cup, and run my palm around his left chest, feeling his bulging pec. As my palm brushed his nipple again and again, I felt his it hardening under my palm.

My left hand reached down and groped his dick outside his short. His dick had not softened. I slipped my left hand through his waistband and grabbed his hard dick. Jake moaned. His hands had stopped washing the dishes. He placed both of his palms on the sink's edge, supporting himself from the pressure of my body weight leaning on his.

I slipped my hand out of his short and together with my right hand, I pulled his shirt up. He did not resist. He lifted his hands up. I got his shirt off and threw it to one side. And then, I ran my hands down his shoulders and arms. My dick twitched at the touch of his hard biceps. It slapped Jake's back. Jake did not move away from that. He was letting me to have things my way.

I moved both of my hands to his front, enjoying the feel of my palms on his pecs. I massaged his chests in a circle with my palms. His hardened nipples confirmed he liked what I was doing.

Slowly, I continued my rub on his body, from his pecs slowly down to the hips. My dickhead swollen when I felt his six pack. He felt it as well. I paused when my fingers felt his waistband. I breathed deeper this time, excited about my next move.

'No one is here..' I whispered to his ear, before he changed his mind. 'So, relax...'

With one pull, I got his short, and underwear, halfway down his thighs. His hard dick flopped down and hit the edge of the sink. I pulled myself closer to him... my hard dick was pressed up against his ass crack. He shivered at that move.

I pulled him, to move a step backward with me, so that the sink would not be in the way. His dick was pointing a straight 90-degree. His hands fell to his sides. My right hand moved up to feel his lean stomach. I used the other hand to hold the base of his cock. I started to jack him off. I ran my palm from the base to the middle of his shaft, and then back. His dick twitched, responding to my stroke.

Grabbing his body tighter, I began to stroke him faster. I was determined to show him how good masturbating is. He groaned to the rhythm of my stroke, again and again. I stroked his shaft longer and further up, covering more length with my palm. My hand began to brush the sensitive edge of his dick head. He gave out a long moan. His body shook. I wrapped my right hand around his waist and held him tighter to me. His head jerked backward, resting on my shoulder. His body jerked whenever my hand teased his dick's sensitive edge. I slid my palm lower. I wished not for him to cum too early. I continue to slide my palm back and front on his shaft for minutes. It worked. His body seemed less tense, although his breathing was still rapid.

'Pass me the hand soap,' I told Jake. Obediently, he reached out and grabbed the bottle for me.

'Squeeze a few drops onto my hand,' I said, while reaching out with my left hand. I scrubbed both of my palms together. Then, I moved my left palm back to his shaft and stroked him slow with soap. This time, I moved my hand until it covered Jake's mushroom dickhead. I slid my hand back to the base, teasing his dickhead's run. He trembled to the touch. I could look down and see his chest breathing faster. His body was more tense. My eyes focused on my left hand, which was doing the stroking. The sight was breathtaking. Jake has a beautiful cock. Long and thick, it made Jake seemed all too powerful and I had this powerful guy in hand!

My right hand went back to feel his chests and stomach. It felt good to feel him all over.

My fingers felt his left nipple and began to pinch it hard. He groaned. I was breathing down his neck. My hand began to work down his chest, tracing the line of his six packs, to join the other hand on his shaft. Putting my hands side by side along his shaft from the base, I began my slow stroke and then quickened the pace. Jake's ass bumped on my groin with every stroke. I was breathing hard, and so was Jake.

'Leo.. Leo.. arrgh...' a soft moan left his lips.

Again and again, I pumped him hard. Jake's body tensed even more and was pushing back on me, for support. Then, leaving one hand near the base, I moved the other hand to the head of his dick. As one still stroke Jake, I used the other palm to run and rub over and over Jake's dickhead.

His dickhead had swollen purple. But I let go off his dickhead before he could cum. His breathing picked up a faster pace. When it turned red again, I cupped his dickhead in my palm and began my torturing tease-rub. I knew I have to keep rubbing the dickhead's edge to get him really hard. Again, his dickhead had swollen hard. I began to feel his body trembled more. 'Pleaseeee... urghhhhh... Leo, just let me cum.. please...' Jake whimpered under his breath.

He grabbed my hand that was holding his dickhead and guided me to stroke his shaft, up and down his dick head faster.

That must have gotten Jake.

'Aarrrghhhhhh... I am cumming' he yelled. His body shook violently and his dick thickened even more as he cummed. His first cum shot, hit the cabinet above. I continued my rubbing on his dickhead. 'Arrgh...,' he yelped again. The second one shot onto to the wall. He continued to shoot a few more spurts of semen. Every time he cum, his body jerked back onto me. He was panting, trying to catch his breath. His shot slowed down and I could feel the shooting turned to oozes, flowing down his dickhead onto my palms. Both of my palms were covered with his cum. This guy has a well full of cum stored up inside his body. The cum was warm to my palms. I was still sliding my palms up and down on his shaft.

Eventually his body stopped shivering and I stopped my stroke on him. Still holding him for a while, I kissed his back, before I let go off his dick and body.

I was standing behind him with my own hard dick. He just stood there, still with his back to me, with his palms, pushing as support on the sink's edge. He turned around.. he looked so beautiful with all those solid muscles. A few drops of cum dripped from his semi-hard dick as he turned to face me.

I smiled at him. He smiled back. His chests were rising up and down, from all that panting. So were mine. I stepped up and hugged him. I felt his arms went around my back too and he gave me a tight squeeze. That was a thank-you hug from him.

I let go of him and stepped back. 'Like it?' I asked. He nodded with a smile, so sweet and yet so shy, that I felt glad to help him out.

I was not going to wait to get any favour returned.

'I am going upstairs to clean up again,' I told him. I turned around, leaving him before he could say anything else. The truth was that I was going upstairs to take care of my own hard-on.

My eyes were looking back at me from the mirror, as I pumped my 7-inch hard dick. I shut my eyes and allowed my mind to wander back to when Lori first blew me. I remembered rocking her body, as I pumped my dick in and out of her cunt. Lori kept moaning for me to slow down. Her voices kept ringing in my head, as she groaned and cried my name. My dick could not take the stroke any further. My dickhead swollen and I was cumming.... 'Shitttttttttt!.... Arrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!' as I moaned as cum after cum shot out of the tip of my dickhead. I opened my eyes and saw, through the mirror, Jake leaning by the bathroom door, smiling at my exhibition. My panting seemed to be sound in the area I could hear.

Jake shot me a smile. 'Nice show,' he teased.

'If you had come earlier, I would have asked you to join me,' I teased him back. Jake was checking me out, from where he was standing. He was naked with a semi-hard dick. Seeing him in total nude is breath-taking scene. His eyes moved up from my dick to my chests and then paused, staring at my face.

'If I had, I don't think we would be able to complete our work at all. We still have a few areas to cover, you know,' he answered with a smirk.

'Taking your bath?' I asked him.

'Have to. My friend smeared me all over with soap, what do you think?' he said, as he stepped into the bathroom, heading to the showerhead,.

I placed a hand on his stomach, to stop him and asked, 'Would you mind a company?'

'Well,' he said as he stood in front of me, and teased 'Is it fun?'

Jake and I had taken our shower many times together after games in school. But this time, it meant our bodies were free to be explored by one another, since our 'bonding'.

'It will be,' I told him.

'Not too much, I hope,' Jake said. He and I still could not wipe the smile off our faces. 'I really want to start on our school project.'

'Ok,' I gave him my promise. 'Maybe.. just soap each other?'

'I like that,' Jake said, as he pulled me to join him under the showerhead.

Well, I kept my promise. My dick was still having a mind of its own. It got semi- hard. So was Jake's. I kept my hands away as far as possible, from groping his dick. Jake did not seem to be interested to feel my dick. Maybe I was really turning gay.

I soaped him under the water spray and he returned the favour this time. I felt good when I felt his hand washing my dick and balls. My dick rose quickly. But Jake had already gotten up from his kneeling position. We washed each other and I did take opportunity of the small bathroom space to press my body on him. He did not mind. Nor did he push me away when I hugged him once in a while.

It was already near twelve when we settled down to start the computer. We kept our clothes on, so that we won't have so many distraction. Or was it for me who was so easily distracted by Jake's hunky body?

I got a call from my mom to confirm that we were going over for lunch at 2pm. we tried to complete as much as we can. That really took my mind away from sex and I was glad to get something done. By the time we had to leave for lunch, Jake was satisfied with the result. I thought of something more to add in, but that would have to wait after meal.

I was going back to my house, wearing what I had worn. Jake changed into a track bottom. Watching him stripping his short down, I took the chance to admire his buns. Although covered by his underwear, I felt the lust rising in me to kneel down and lick those yummies. But my mom was expecting us. So, I tried to control myself and continued to stare at the wonderful sight. Jake turned around and caught my eyes.

'You never give up, do you? Still horny after all these?' he asked.

'Hey, sex is good. I think I will take whatever good that is coming my way,' I told him honestly. 'Come, we may be running late. Let's go, Jake.'

We went over to my place, which was only a few blocks away. By using short cuts, we reached my house within 10 minutes. My maid, an elder plus-sized, motherly type, Indian woman, Krishna, had warmed up the meals for us. My parents had gone out shopping. My mom, always watching over my welfare, left some cake and cookies for us to bring back to Jake's house. In case we get hungry, Krishna told us. She left some money as well. It was like I was leaving home for a few weeks, and not just days. She does embarrass me at times, but hey, I would not mind the pampering if money comes along.

Jake does not enjoy as comfortably as my style of living. His father is a priest. So, they usually have just enough for what they need. I was given my own car when I got my driving license. Jake shared one with his dad. But he would usually walk. I have toured for holidays. Jake's visits to other states were usually church activities. Not that Jake minded. He was more of a contented guy. I wore CK. He wore those that his father bought from Walmart. But he knew our friendship is beyond such status. That was another reason he likes me.

I skipped up the stairs to my room to get more clothes. I threw in another towel into a bag I dug out from my closet. I took 2 sleeveless shirts and then... I wondered... hmmm.. I decided to bring my thongs to Jake's place. One for him and another for me. I bet he looked good in this.

When I got downstairs, Jake was busy feeding my dad's fish. Jake was fond of my dad's collection. At times, he would come over to help my dad clean the aquarium. I was not that interested to pick up an extra housechore. Thank heavens for Jake. Seeing him there, smiling at me so handsomely, through the aquarium glasses, I really thanked heaven for Jake after the wonderful new discovery this morning. My asshole ached again, remembering how he plowed my once virgin hole. We bade our good-byes and Jake, polite as ever, praised Krishna for her cooking and thanked her a few times. On our way out through the back door, to get my car (I wanted to go for a drive late this evening), Jake looked at the basketball ring and I could tell he wanted a game. Well, a short game would not hurt. The afternoon was hot but the trees shaded my yard. So, we would not be under the sunlight.

I picked up the ball and passed it to Jake. The game started and before we knew it, we had wasted another hour on the game. Jake had beaten me this time. But somehow the game was hotter for me this round. I loved bumping my body against his hard body. I loved the way he used his body to block me. I loved the opportunities I got to rub shoulders with him and more.

Krishna brought us two glasses of cold drinks before we took off.

I was glad that we took the car. It was cooler, than to walk back under the sun. My shirt was soaking with sweat and so was Jake's. My eyes wandered down to his crotch. I could see the short resting on his dick. It was soft, but it still looked big enough. Pretending that I wanted to shift the manual gear, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his dick. He laughed and adjusted his sitting. He rested his head on the neck rest and closed his eyes. He did not mind my hand rubbing his dick. But Jake remained soft. So, I let go off it. I let him rest, without any conversation.

It was only a short drive and once we reached Jake's house, we could hear the phone ringing. Thinking that it might be his dad, he rushed in. I got in a while later, after parking my car in his driveway.

'Who was it?' I asked when I saw him.

'I don't know,' he answered. 'Must have hung up before I pick it up.'

'Leo, I am going to take a bath first,' Jake said as he walked up the staircase. I was following him up. 'You try to work on that equation for the project.'

'Okay,' I said, with my eyes not leaving his sight. He took off his shirt and wiped his sweat with it. Oh boy! I would have loved to lick those sweat... Hey.. Would I? But Jake was already taking off his track bottom and rewarded me with a sight of his soft cock and steel buns. I watched him disappeared into the bathroom and then I turned to the computer. It was only a few seconds after I have switched the computer on, when I heard the phone rang again. The shower was already running.

'I'll get it!' I shouted to Jake as I dashed to the corridor. There was another phone installed here. I slumped onto the one-seater cushion as I picked the phone up.

'Hello,' I greeted the person on the other side.

'Hello.' A girl's voice greeted back. Familiar voice.. hmmm...


'Is that you, Leo?'

'Yeah... say, what's up?' I asked her. Hearing her voice got me excited. I wanted to fuck her again so badly, I just could not believe how fate answered my request.

'I called your house and your maid told me that you would be here. Leo, was Jake upset with me yesterday? I wanted to ask you first before I talk to him.'

'Jake, angry? You must be kidding. Well, you were being really straight-forward.. too straight-forward, if you know what I mean, Donna.'

'Well, Leo, I did not see you complaining when I did the same to you the last time.'

'Hahahaha!' I laughed, thinking of our first time. 'But you know Jake is that bible boy type. You can't use the same move...'

'Sigh... Leo, he is really huge. Oooh.. how I wish I could have him. Can't you help?'

I wanted to tell her I knew well his size, but I kept it to myself.

'If he did sleep with you, it would be known by the whole within hours. Do you think he wants that?'

'Damn all these holy stuff....' she grumbled. I imagined she was getting wet thinking of Jake's dick and what she could do with it.

'Hey, it seemed that you are only eager to please Jake now... What about me? Have you forgotten me?' I teased her.

'Ok, what do you want, Leo?'

'Same place tonight. 11 pm sharp.' I fucked her good the first time we swam naked together at the lakeside on our town's hilltop.

'Are you sure Lori would not mind, Leo' she was teasing.

'Well, if she does not know, it would not hurt her.'

'Hehehehe,' she giggled at the other end. 'Ok... I will see you there, Leo. Any luck Jake would be there too.'

'Jake? Girl, you never give up on him, huh? I think you'd better not get your hopes up too high. He has eyes on Marilyn.' Marilyn was supposingly Jake's ideal girl from the church group.

'That lucky bitch!! I bet she would not know what to do with his dick,' she cursed.

'I bet you would know naturally, huh? Why don't you try talking dirty to him? I dare you.'

She giggled again. 'Anyway, where is he? I think I need to talk it over with him before school starts. I don't want him to be angry with me...'

'Okay, I will call him. Tonight, ok? 11 sharp. And Donna, I bet you would try again to sweet talk him.... Just don't get me jealous.' We both laughed at my joke. Jake was done. I heard the shower stopped running.

'JAKE!!' I shouted.

Jake stepped out of his room, wrapped with a towel around his waist. His hair was wet.

'Who was it?' he asked when he approached and took the phone from me.

'Your hot Donnnnna,' I whispered to his ear.

He covered the receiver and his eyes widened. He looked excited.

I decided to leave him alone. I walked back into his room.

But I could still hear his conversation. There were 'alright' and 'I'm ok' at first. I tried to concentrate on the computer screen. But then Jake's voice tone changed slightly. That caught my attention. There were more of 'No, don't, Donna', 'we should not do this' and 'er.. er..'. Definitely a lot of 'er...' and then short 'yeahs'. He was not talking much anymore except for short replies.

I was curious. I just got to know what they were talking about.

I walked out of the room, to see Jake hanging to the phone, on the cushion I had sat on. His pole was standing and it made a huge tent with his towel.

I knew then he was getting excited. Donna must be talking dirty to him and she would not hang up. Jake tried to cut her off but in vain. Still many 'er.. Donna..' and 'yeahs'. I stepped closer to him. I was happy to see him with his hardon. I did not know what Donna was saying, but this girl has many tricks up her sleeves. I would not surprise if it was a normal conversation on biology, on women's organs, turning into a hot, seductive topic.

Jake cleared his throat. He was enjoying it, but scared that Donna would know. As for me, my eyes were fixed on his smooth body and his pole, under the towel. His towel did a poor job in hiding his rising big dick.

I knelt down in front of Jake and placed my hands on his thighs. His eyes were fixed on me, but he did not try to push me away. He was saying another uh-huh to Donna. His dick twitched under his towel.

I ran my fingers along his thighs, under his towel, up until I reached his cock. I cupped his balls, with one hand and the other was grabbing his shaft. Jake's body shivered. I looked at him. He wanted to moan, but he was trying hard to keep it in him. Donna was still talking dirty, I assumed, to him. His breath became deeper.

I parted his towel to expose his huge dick. It was already oozing with precum. I pushed my hand higher to open his towel. I pushed each side of the towel away. There, lied my Jake, on the cushion, with his dick rocking hard, but unable to move away. He was really a hot jock.

I held his dick up with one hand, and moved my mouth forward. I licked his precum off, from the lips of his dickhead. His legs trembled. I moved back and dove in again, but lower this time, to lick his balls. His eyes were looking at me, almost like begging for mercy for me to stop, but his face expression was like urging me not to stop.

He tried to stop his chat with Donna, but Donna seemed to be too engrossed describing something.

I licked his balls again. Jake was looking down at me. Then, he lifted his free hand and placed on my head. He pushed me down to continue licking. I knew I got his attention now.

'Yeah, Donna... and?..' he suppressed his groan as he tried to answer her through the receiver.

Again, I gulped his balls in mouth and ran my tongue around them. It was not easy. Jake's balls are huge. To be able to put them in, was one thing, but my tongue lost its space to move around.

Letting go of his saliva-covered balls from my mouth, I ran my tongue from the balls slowly up Jake's shaft until I reached his dickhead. There, I opened my mouth and swallowed in his head. Holding his shaft down to my mouth, I ran my lips up and down on his dickhead. His body shook whenever my lips brushed the sensitive areas - the ends around his mushroom dickhead.

He groaned inside. I felt it from my palm, which was placed on his stomach. His stomach tensed and his head swollen. I let go of his dickhead.

He looked like he was panting for air. His mouth was slightly opened to grasp for air.

I smiled. He must be feeling tortured as he had to suppressed his moans.

I licked his shaft again. This time, I tried to take in his dick as much as I could. His mushroom head was already a problem for my mouth. Adjusting my mouth position, I tried to take in more. His dickhead was almost touching the back of my mouth when slipped past the edges. I felt his thighs tensed too. I tried to push more of his dick in. I was halfway down his dick when I felt I could go no further. I could not take it down my throat. It was just impossible.

So, I began to bop up and down on his shaft, as my palm stroke the lower side. I could feel his body responding to my mouth stroking his dick. His body became hard and harder when I kept up my rhythm. I felt his oozes of his cum in my mouth. I loved the taste of it.

I ran my hands up his body. I cupped both his chests. His nipples were already hard. I moved my hands back and held his dick with my both hands. My mouth continued to go up and down on Jake's dick. He sighed, away from the receiver.

Then, suddenly, he sat up straight. My dick just popped out of my mouth. I looked up at his face. He gave me a smile of assurance that he enjoyed it so far.

'Yeah, okay, Donna.. bye. Er.. sure, no problem. I was er.. glad.. er.. you shared that..' Jake said to the receiver. 'Tonight?' Jake said, looking at me. I was still on my knees. I gave him a smirk when he knew of my night plan. 'I don't think so, Donna. You two go ahead. Okay.. okay.. bye, Donna.'

Jake hung up the phone and gave me that 'you-naughty-devil' look. I just shrugged my shoulder and smiled a 'I'm guilty' smile.

Jake got up from his seat. I moved back to give him some space. Standing up, his dick was now pointing at me.

'Go ahead.. enjoy it, Leo.'

My hands moved behind his naked butts and pushed him to me. My mouth opened up and welcomed his dick into my mouth. He pushed his hips forward. His shaft rushed through my lips and his dickhead poked the back of my mouth. I gagged at his thrust. My palms spread wide to feel his buns. They felt smooth and hard. My hands moved his hips forward to rock him into me. He picked up the rhythm and followed the move.

His hands grabbed the sides of my head and began to move it forward and back. His dick thrusted in and out of my mouth. My saliva soaked his dick and some began to dripped down from one side of my mouth. With this big dick in my mouth, I had no chance to swallow any saliva down my throat. His dickhead was practically blocking it.

I tightened my mouth around his dick as he kept up his thrust. He moaned to the pleasure. I could not get all his length in. It was just way too long and thick.

Jake quickened his pace.

'Suck it, Leo... suck it harder!' Jake ordered me.

If that was what my boy wanted, that would be what I gave. I sucked his dick harder when he was pulling out and released my mouth-grip when his dick thrusted in.

I could feel the dickhead in my mouth becoming bigger. With a few more thrusts, Jake cried out, 'I'm cumming, Leo...'

Oh, I wanted his cum. Although he wanted to push me aside, I pulled his hips toward me and clasped his dick in my mouth, not wanting him to take it out.

'I'm cumming... aarrrghhh... urgh.. arrrrgh...' Jake yelped again and again, as his body shook, releasing cum after cum into my mouth. I did not taste the first few. They went straight into my throat. The next few filled my mouth. I felt some on my tongue. A little salty, but thick. I gulped down whatever I could. Some dripped down my chin.

The pulse on his dick started to slow down.

Jake removed his dick from my mouth. 'Wow! I don't believe you did that? You ate my cum...'

I looked up. His face was a stunned expression. But he must have sensed my panic, to be caught with his cum in my mouth. He shot me a smile.

'Wow,' he said again, through his panting. 'It was just that I did not know that was coming,' he said trying to console me. I swallowed his left over cum in my mouth in one gulp and licked some, around my lips. My eyes never left his eyes.

'Do you wanna clean up the rest?' Jake said that, while grabbing his still hard dick at the base and shoved it to me.

'Gladly..' I answered. I could smile my relief.

I held his dick and licked his, clean. It felt good. I just loved the way his dickhead rubbed around my lips and when I planted it in again, sucking whatever that was still oozing out from the lips of his dickhead.

Jake rested his palms on my head. He ran his fingers through my hair. I guess he felt more intimate with me now. I knew I definitely felt that way.

His dick softened. I released it from my mouth. Looking at his big semi-hard dick, I gave it one last lick on the head. I felt his hands helping me up to my feet.

We just looked at each other, standing there in the corridor. My face was a foot away from his. I wanted to put my lips on his. But I knew that would be awkward. Instead, I just fell into his arms and hugged him close. He hugged me back... his bare chests on mine.

'Are you afraid of me now?' I asked Jake, with my chin on his shoulder.

'Never.. Leo.. You gave me what I have always wanted to know. Thank you.' He wrapped his arms tighter around me, holding me close to him. 'Always my best friend..' he murmured.

End of Part 2.

Date: 20 Feb 2002.

P.S. If you like the story, please let me know. I enjoy hearing any nice comments at I gotta face it, I live for compliments too. They kept my spirit up to write more. Again to those who have written in to me, thank you.

If you wanna use this story, write in to ask for permission.

Next: Chapter 3

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