Straight Jake

By Male Lover

Published on Apr 12, 2002


If you are underage, or find male sex disgusting, please do not continue. I just wanna thank all those who wrote to me after reading Straight Jake 4. There were some who gave me a few suggestions on how the story should go, but as I had already planned the plots in advance, I like to take this opportunity to thank you guys and to apologise at the same time for not being able to use your plots.

I agree with another reader that I should end the story at a high note, and not when almost everyone gets bored with Jake and Leo. There will be a few more chapters after this and then, I will give these two guys a rest. Concerning this chapter, I will like to apologise in advance if the work this time offends anyone. The story here is purely fictional.

As usual, if you like the story, please let me know at Please forgive me for my poor grammar.

In the previous chapter, we find Jake and Leo faced a rocky relationship, when the town's substitute priest, 34 year old Father Rykes openly condemned lust in the morning sermon. But Leo thought it was funny, as Father Rykes, a stud himself, was actually getting lustful attention from the female churchgoers as well. But the sermon did the damage. It had shocked Jake, who chose to stay away from Leo for a while. Leo, who had fallen for Jake, was disappointed. After two weeks of turmoil - Lori asked for a cool-off period, Donna found a new boyfriend, Leo found out that Lori was cheating on him with her two cousins, and bruises of ego, Jake found his way back into Leo's heart, with a little help of 'medicine'.

Title: Straight Jake 5

I woke up to the sound of my silent bedroom, filled only by the sound of Jake's heavy breathing. I was happy. Really happy. The turn of the event had been nothing but a blessing to me, as I had missed Jake so much. To be able to touch him again, to be able to feel him and do wonders to his body, as only I could, much of the resentment and ache I had carried, disappeared.

I watched Jake, who was lying on my bed, beside me. His eyes were closed. There was this certain feeling of calmness on his face expression with his head sunk unto the soft, extra pillow of mine. I watched his face. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Jake was such a stud, I could not believe this guy could be available for such a long time. He looked so handsome. And I was lucky, damn lucky, to be the one who took his virginity away.

I longed to kiss him. I wished I could. But I dared not to. The boundary of male sex between the two of us was something that we had just broken recently. It might be a poor excuse but sex was an act driven by lust. Lust could be so powerful that at times, it overshadowed self-control. But a kiss was different. A kiss was intimate.

I knew I fell for Jake. But to kiss him and be caught, I did not dare to think how his reaction would be. I could not bear another day without having him near me.

My eyes moved down to his topless body. I watched as his chests rose and fell, to the rhythm of his breathing. His pecs were pretty developed for a young guy like him, due to the constant drill of workouts. My eyes gazed lustfully at his nipples. His body was smooth and hard. Abs was well-toned and lean. I felt my cock stirred, although I had just jerked myself off before my sleep.

I raised my index fingertip and moved it closer to his pecs. Gently, I felt the tip of his left nipple. It was soft to my touch, even when I pressed it a little. My body began to feel warmer as my excitement rose. I ran my fingertip around his nipple ring.

Jake stirred.

'Hey you... why aren't you asleep?' he asked as he stretched his body a little. He turned his face to me, but he did not move his body away. He was letting me having my fun with his body, as usual. I continued to caress his nipples, although I was no longer so gentle. I started to pinch and pull them a little.

Jake looked down at the work of my fingers. He just smiled and turned his head back up, to face me.

'Did I wake you?' I asked in return. I had raised my head up on my right arm. My eyes continued to explore his naked top. Jake's smile was so adorable.

'No...,' he paused. 'No. I had been awake for the past... er.. maybe 15 minutes?'

'Oh? Why?' I asked. My fingers had stopped teasing his nipples, and had moved on, to feeling the curves of his swell pecs, and running my palm over his chests. His nipples were already pointy and hard.

'Just thinking,' Jake said. He giggled a bit, as he felt my palm tickled his skin.

I did not say anything. Neither did I ask him what he was thinking of. I had been thinking about the two of us. I assumed that he was doing the same too. There were too many things to ask, and I did not know where to start.

Since Jake arrived after dinner, I had locked both of us up in my room, got down of my knees and took him in my mouth. I made him cummed twice and even ejaculated myself to his groan as my mouth received his 9-inches thick cock. My parents had left for poker night, so there was no one to disturb us. I had already decided to pleasure Jake to the most, although we had 3 sessions earlier on in the school toilet.

I had only stopped when Jake felt bad about me being the one who kept getting him off while he did nothing back for me in return. I sure did not mind, but Jake was also tired. So, as he slipped back into his shorts, and climbed onto his side of the bed, I crawled into my place beside him.

As much as I wanted to hug him to sleep, I dared not to. The most I could do was to sleep close to him, letting my skin pressed against his, as we both tried to sleep. Jake did not move away from me, so I took it as a signal he did not mind. There was no hugging, although I had really wanted to. So, I forced myself to be contented with just having Jake sleeping by my side.

I continued to feel him under my fingertips as I ran them down his stomach, tracing the lines of his vague muscle lines. Jake's breathing continued to raise his stomach up and down. My index fingertip made a circle around the ring of Jake's navel. Jake laughed softly as he felt ticklish again. Jake had raised his head a bit, and his eyes were following my fingers.

I slid my hand lower, passing through the elastic waist band of his shorts, just to be met by his uncovered cock. Jake was not wearing any brief. His cock was longer, but still soft, an obvious fact from my consistent assault on his manhood since afternoon. At least we knew that the viagra effect was no longer there.

My fingers felt the length of his shaft. Jake sighed a deep out-breath.

I used my fingers to caress his pubic hair gently. Jake giggled again. I ran my fingers around the hair, and played gently with it between my fingers. Touching that area of his groin, covered by his trim hair, brought a sense of joy to me, as I was sure no one else could go that far with Jake, except for me. There was the sense of Jake belonging to me when he allowed me to feel him that way.

'You like that, huh?' Jake asked, as he moved his right hand over, to stroke my head a couple of times.

'I like any part of you,' I answered, looking into his eyes.

'Slut!' Jake teased.

'Only for you,' I teased back, which I would believe was the truth. We both chuckled.

I released my hand from his shorts and sat up.

'You wanna have coffee? Cookies?' I asked Jake. Since that we two were up, I thought Jake might want something.

'Er... if you don't mind,' Jake said as he raised his body up by the back of his arms.

'Be back in a few minutes,' I said, as I jumped off the bed and rushed to the door.

When I made my way back to the room, Jake was no longer on the bed. But the curtain of my balcony door was moving to the breeze. The door was opened. Jake had gone outside. I carried the tray of coffees and chocolate chips to the balcony, making my way through the thick curtain.

Jake saw me coming, and got up to help me. He was sitting on the floor.

'Why are you doing out here?' I asked.

'I needed fresh air.'

I placed the tray down and joined him as we both sat down on the floor, resting our backs on the wall. I looked up. It was a nice early morning. It was still dark, and the moonlight was the only source of light for the area where we were. There were a few stars blinking. I looked over, at where Jake was. He gave me a smile. I wished the sunrise would never come. I wanted the moment to last. I did not wish to say goodbye to him when daylight showed itself.

Jake seemed to understand my smile. He put his arm around my shoulder and both of us just sat there, enjoying the cool air and the silence. Our topless bodies were pressed against each other.

'Here, before it turned cold,' I offered his mug to him. I only wished the coffee would be as good as Mrs. Krishna's. Mrs. Krishna, my housemaid, had a way with the meals or drinks she made. Almost everything else tasted inferior to Mrs. Krishna's, once one tasted her prepared meals. Or in this case, the coffee. But I remembered well her advice on how to prepare a good one, and to impress Jake, I tried.

'Hmmm...' Jake hummed, approved of my coffee. I was glad.

I joined him in sipping mine.

A few moments passed again before I broke the silence.

'Jake, I think we need to talk.'

Jake was quiet.

'I know,' he said a few seconds later, as he removed his hand away from my shoulder, and wrapped his arms around his raised knees.

'Look. I am sorry, Leo. I should not have treated you that way when we left the church that day, but I was really confused. I was being a jerk.'

'And still is,' I joked a little as I gave a light pat on his kneecap.

Jake chuckled. But his face expression turned serious moments later.

'I really wanted to think what Father Rykes had said. His words were sharp but were really eye-opener. They hit me hard. I was scared,' Jake said as his head bowed low. 'But that was no excuse for the way I had treated you. I mean, you and I are in this together. If there is anything, it should be me with you, through all this.'

I waited to hear him say more. It was my turn to put my hand around his shoulder, to let him know that I was alright. I was not alright before, but with Jake beside me, I was willing to let the past passed.

'I am sorry,' Jake apologised.

'Then why didn't you call me?' I asked Jake.

'I did! But you never returned my calls.'

I was stunned. But knowing the people in my house, I was not surprised that I did not get the messages.

'Ohhhh...' was all I could say. 'I did not know, Jake. I did not know you called.' My anger was rising. I wished my family would be more sensitive.

'Oh... When I called but you did not call back, I thought you were angry with me for the way I treated you,' Jake said, as he turned his face to me.

His eyes were filled with a certain look of sadness, for all the confusion we two had gone through. I felt bad. Perhaps I had over-reacted for the past two weeks.

'When I had realised my mistake, I wished I could approach you. But you were like giving me this cold shoulder... cold stare. I figured you would shout at me, if not punch me, if I come near you. I was really lost. I did not know what to do,' Jake added. 'Where you angry with me?'

'Yeah,' I mumbled, as I rested my chin on my kneecap. Guilt was building in me. If I had knew Jake was miserable when I was angry with him, that would have been a joy. But in this different circumstance, I felt the pang.

'I am sorry,' Jake apologised again.

'No, it was not your fault,' I told Jake. 'I.. er.. I..' I stumbled, fearing to tell him.

'What...' Jake asked.

I breathed in a deep breath. Should I tell him? I feared his reaction.

'I did not know... er... what's with you and Marilyn and more... I just got out of control. I.. er...' I tried to explain, but obviously did a poor job. I looked away.

'You mean, jealous? Like that night when I was with Donna?' Jake asked.

I was shocked. I turned to face him. How did he know? Oh my god! He knew! Even about my jealousy of Donna when she had Jake's in her.

'How.. how did you...' I stammered in surprise.

'..know?' Jake finished my sentence for me. 'Somehow, I figured. Your eyes were telling me things. But I was not sure then.'

Oh fuck! I did not know what to do. I was caught. Was it alright with Jake that I was jealous? A guy who was jealous with a girl for touching my Jake? My heart began to beat faster. I was speechless and scared.

'Hey,' Jake said, as he gave my back a light tap, 'are you okay?'

'I.. I don't know,' I said, in confusion. My eyes were staring far, but were looking at nothing. I dared not to have any eye contact with Jake. He would know as fear was written in my eyes.

But somehow he knew. He patted my back, put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

'What's the matter?' he asked, concerned.

'I'm not sure... I don't know.. I mean, it kinda depends..' I answered, hesitating, as I was not sure of what to say.

'Depends? On what?' Jake asked. He never let go of me. He was trying to make me feel at ease.

'I don't know why I felt that way when I see you... with that, that church bimbo!' I cursed softly. I broke away from his arm.

Jake was quiet. I was scared I offended him when I labeled Marilyn as a bimbo. I turned to face him. But he was not angry. He was smiling.

'What?!' I asked, puzzled with his reaction.

'You are jealous!' Jake said.

'What's so funny about that?' I asked.

'No. Nothing funny,' he quickly answered.

I was lost. I still did not know how he felt about the whole thing, or how I should feel.


'Yes?' I responded softly.

'Thank you,' he said.


'When I saw that you were jealous, I was surprised. But I felt honoured too,' Jake explained.

More questions were forming in my head. Honoured? Why? Was that normal? Even for Jake too? But I did not say anything. I let him continued to do the talking.

'Leo, I really did not know what to do with what you were feeling. And I knew I cannot stop you from feeling such a way. I mean, to know that you are vying for my attention. That is...,' he paused as he searched for words, '... neat. Sweet. I know it sounds silly, but I felt kinda proud for a moment that I was a cause of jealousy.'

Jake was still smiling away. I could see what he meant. Not being in a relationship before, Jake never knew for certain, how it felt like to be fought over for. If only Jake knew in how many girls he had stirred the feeling of jealousy. Girls were crazy over this stud. They were jealous when either one was able to get close to him.

We were quiet for a while.

'So, you are okay with this?' I asked. I needed to make sure.

'I cannot say that I wanna encourage you with this,' Jake said.

I felt a letdown. I wished he would say that he wanted that. If he had said yes, I would have known that he wanted me to feel like that for him.

Jake saw my face expression.

'Hey...,' he said to me, as he jerked me a little on my shoulder. 'Why are you upset with this?'

I did not answer.

'Listen, Leo. I don't think I should encourage you to be jealous, right?'

I was still quiet. My eyes looked away. I knew he was right. But I was scared of our relationship in the days ahead. I mean, how would I react if I would see Jake with Marilyn again? Would I be able to resist the feeling of anguish and jealousy? I doubted I had the strength to.

I felt Jake's arm going around my waist again. With one pull, he got me close to him again as he hugged me tight. I tried to push away. I did not want to be all mushy when I was not sure what to expect from our relationship. But Jake would not let go.

'You know...,' he whispered to my ear. I stopped my struggle, waiting for him to continue.

'You know, you don't be jealous,' he continued his whisper. 'I mean, the girls..' he meant Donna and Marilyn, '...were not that lucky. I mean, who took my virginity?'

I turned to look at him in the face. He was blushing. I realised that he was trying to console me. He was right. It was me, who was the lucky one to enjoy him. Not Marilyn. Not Donna.

He loosened his hug around me, but I did not bother to struggle free this time. I was happy to have his arm around me. He could see my smile forming. He knew his trick had worked.

'And who gets to eat my cum...' he added.

'Pervert!' I snapped at him, jokingly.

'Oh, look who's talking!'

That really broke the odd moment we had for a while. We both laughed quietly. Things were going to be alright between us. I was glad that we shared. I knew there was still the question of me being in love with Jake. But Jake had tried to cheer me up over the jealousy issue. I did not want to pursue the ugly mood any further that time. Enough was enough for whatever we had discussed so far. The rest had to wait.

I reached down and grabbed a chip cookie for him.

Jake politely declined. I guessed our conversation had made us lose our appetite.

Jake used his hand to brush up the front of his hair. He looked simply beautiful and dashing. He realised that I was looking at him, and turned to flash me his million-dollar winning smile. I felt my heart melted away again.

It was at that moment, I could not control my desire. I just had to know.

Without even thinking twice, I raised myself up slightly, leaned forward, closed my eyes and planted a kiss on his lips. Jake's lips were moist and soft. The touch of our lips together seemed to take my whole strength away. It was like a burning desire exhausted, at last.

But Jake did not move. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes were opened wide as I retreated.

Oh no! What had I done! Immediately I regretted my action. I should not have done that. I should not have tried to find out. I felt embarrass. I felt silly. I felt the hurt.

Jake did not kiss back.

It was like the answer I dared not to find out, but it was coming to me. When Jake did not kiss back, I knew what that meant.

'I'm sorry. I did not know what came over me,' I said, trying hard to cover up my injured pride through my voice. It was not so convincing.

'Er... I..' Jake tried to say something, but was at lost for words.

I quickly gulped down the last few sips of coffee in my mug and got up. I could not be there with Jake. I was too embarrass. I needed to be somewhere else.

'Wait, Leo!' Jake shouted softly, and got up to catch up with me.

His hand caught my arm.

'I'm sorry. But I don't think I can do that. I don't know if I want to. I just don't know,' Jake tried to explain again.

'No, it was my mistake. You don't have anything to do with that just now. I'm alright,' I tried to assure Jake, but both of us knew I was lying. I was not ok.

Jake turned me to face him and hug me in his arms. I felt like crying, but I held back. I felt so silly and alone. Jake would never fall for me. I was playing the game alone. Jake would never be mine.

Jake seemed to understand my sadness, but I did not blame him for not doing anything. I did not know what to do too, in such circumstance.

After awhile, Jake pushed me onto my bed. I fell onto my back. Before I could get up, Jake slipped his fingers through my the band of my shorts and pulled my shorts down, to my knees and struggled to get it off.

'No, Jake... I don't think this is the right time,' I protested lightly, but Jake knew I was crazy in sex with him. He did not believe me. He knew too well. He did not bother to stop.

'No Jake!' I repeated as he yanked my shorts off and threw it down. I was naked on my bed.

Jake stripped down his shorts. He knew I lied when I protested earlier. He could see it was obvious as I did not attempt to move away this time.

With him standing there, I could see Jake in all his naked glory. A firm body and impressive medium swell of muscles. His cock was semi-hard, pointing 45 degree.

Jake climbed up the bed and parted my legs. He raised my knees and adjusted his position closer to my ass. I lied there almost motionless, changing into every position he wanted me to be in.

He aimed his cockhead at my asscrack.


'Yes?' Jake answered, with his eyes looking at mine.

'Put some spit on it, please...'

'Oh...' That was all Jake said, before he bowed his head down and spitted saliva onto his palm. He used that hand to stroke his cock a few times, lathering it up. Each time he pulled his long dick, I felt his cockhead brushing against my asscheeks. My cock began to grow.

Jake aimed back his cockhead at my ass. I raised my legs up and rested them on his shoulders, lifting my ass for him. His cockhead found the access. With one push, his cockhead easily slipped into my asshole. It was stretched too often by Jake, and only Jake.

He pushed a bit and more of his shaft was swallowed in. Jake retreated a bit and slammed it back in. I groaned. Jake could feel the tense from the reflexes of my leg muscles and on my abs. My anus contracted and held Jake's thick cock tight. I could feel Jake enlarging and thickening within me. He was getting more excited, just like me.

He pushed more of himself into me. Bit by bit, and with much soft groans and moans from the two of us, I felt my balls touching his groin. Jake had pushed himself entirely into me. I could feel his 9-inch man muscles stretched me inside. Jake's eyes never leave mine. He was watching me for every joy and ecstasy I was feeling from his pump.

He gently pushed my legs away. Slowly, he lowered himself down. Placing his head onto the pillow space beside my head, I felt his whole hard body crushed and pressed on top of mine. The feel of our skins touching sent jolts of sexual pleasure. But it was over yet, this display of Jake.

Jake slowly rocked me and he humped his thick cock in and out of me, gently. As he fucked me slowly, his solid body brushed against mine, with every touch screaming sex. My heart was in total lust. I hungered more of him.

I raised my legs and wrapped them around Jake's body, as he continued to plunge me gently. My hands went under his arms and hugged his body closed to me, as I groaned to each of his soft assault on my ass with his giant cock. His cock might be pumping slowly in my ass, but the pleasure was tremendous. My heart yearned for more of him. I wanted him to be faster, to hurt me with all his strength, and yet I wanted him to stay like that. In that way, it felt like forever, with him moving slowly, in and out of me.

Jake was trying to make it up to me. He could not kiss me. So, that was the best he could give me. And I knew it was such a thing that had made me fallen more for him.

Jake used his body weight to press me down as he continued to hump me. He could feel my hard-on, sandwiched between our abs. Each rock rubbed my cock against his skin and my own. He lifted his head, to be greeted by my happy smile. He just wanted to make sure I was feeling better. He smiled back happy.

He rested his head back on the pillow. All this time, his body never stopped to slide his buried cock in and out of me. I felt his sweat on my body, on my skin. I knew he felt mine too. We were both panting for air.

The pleasure was too much. Our constant rubbing on my cock, made me sent spurts of cum onto both of us. I groaned, as Jake slipped his arm beneath my neck and pulled me close. Jake did not last long after me. I felt his cockhead and shaft thickened and a moment later, I felt his cum ejaculated into me.

When I woke up, my room was already litted by the ray of sunlight sneaking into the room through my door and window curtains. Jake was naked beside me, sleeping. I was naked too. When I moved a bit to give him more space on the bed, he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw me, he smiled. I smiled back.

'Morning...' I greeted him.

'Hmmm...,' he hummed as he stretched his body and turned around, to lie on his back. 'Morning, Leo,' he greeted back, as he broke into a yawn.

'I can see you smiling now. So, things ok between us now?' he asked.

'What do you mean?' I turned to face him. My eyes were watching his limb cock, resting on his crotch, but quickly returned my stare to his face. He looked so angelic, as always.

'Well, someone almost got into bed in a bad mood, as I recall,' he teased, breaking into chuckles.

'And was that your standard way to change his mood?' I teased back, referring to him fucking me.

'Unless that someone does not want it that way...' he pushed the ball back to me. Of course I wanted it that way. I would love to have Jake in me anytime. Even if it meant I would be the one doing the servicing. I did not mind being dominated. Not if it was by Jake.

Jake knew I wanted it. He did not need me to answer his question.

'So, are you and Marilyn an item now?' I asked. I was scared he would say yes. But I guessed I needed to know some time. Better sooner than later. It was pointless to go around, pretending Jake was available, when in fact he was with someone already.

'What makes you think that?' Jake asked.

'You two were spending a lot of time together. In school.'

'Huh?' Jake answered back. 'Oh! Oh! Leo! You'd got it wrong!'

Jake sat up, pulled his pillow up against the head of the bed, and leaned on it. He pulled his blanket to cover his naked groin.

I got up too, sitting in the middle of the bed, facing him.

'What do you mean?'

'The church came up with a project for the teens. And half of the committee members are the friends you know. You know, Marilyn, me and others in the same church. I wanted to ask you to join, but you did not return my calls,' Jake replied.

'Oh...' was all I could offer. I wondered if I had not over-reacted, would Marilyn have the chance to be near Jake so often? But my thought was interrupted by Jake.

'But Marilyn did come on to me. She wanted to go steady,' Jake added, as his eyes watched my face for reaction.

I did not say a thing. I avoided the eye contact. I was scared of the truth.

'And I told her no.'

I really could not believe my ears when I heard that. Although my head bowed down, I knew Jake could see me smiling. I was relieved. And happy. And I felt a pillow hitting me.

'Jerk! You like me being alone, all for you, huh?' Jake pretended to be angry.

But my huge smile, seen as I looked at him, calmed his pretense.

That explained why Marilyn looked upset on one of the school days. I did not ask Jake why he rejected her. I liked the news so far. I did not intend to spoil it. Blissful ignorance.

'Well, if Donna asks me, maybe I would consider...' Jake added, breaking into laughter.

I laughed too. The news about Jake and Marilyn not-being-together was too great for me to be bothered with his insult. I was too happy.

'And Leo...' Jake called.


'Sorry about you and Lori.'

We spent the whole afternoon catching up on the games that we had not been playing together for two weeks. Mrs. Krishna cooked an excellent lunch for us, because Jake was with us. Father Thompson had left for his 'mission' in another church. He won't be back until Sunday, just like the previous weekends. Jake was not needed to accompany him this time. My dad complaint, in a joking manner, that it seemed like Jake was the owner of the house since that Mrs. Krishna had gone through all the trouble for him, treating him like a VIP.

We played basketball, and Jake won. We shot pool in my house, and Jake won too. We logged into the internet and faked all our information in chatting with other teens. By the time it was dinner, we had to be scolded by Mrs. Krishna and mom, to sit down quietly and eat our meals.

I got a call from Lori. She was sobbing over the phone. She regretted her rush action of asking for a cooling off period and would like us to meet, to discuss about us. I looked over to where Jake was sitting. He was reading a magazine. Looking at Jake, I decided that what I had with Lori was over. There might be another girl who could steal my heart away from Jake, but it was definitely not Lori. I told her that I was not free and I would talk to her on Sunday night. Jake would be back to his house by then and I wanted to have every minute of his time with me that weekend.

Jake and I retired to my bedroom for a private chat. To avoid any suspicion, I left the door opened as we did not plan to have any more encounters until everyone was asleep. Mrs. Krishna had left for home. Mom had a colleague over. Dad left for a church meet.

'Why didn't you go to church last week?' Jake asked me, as he threw an Ace spade card onto the bed. We were playing cards.

'Didn't feel like it.' My answer was short and simple, but it was the truth. I could not bear facing the church and even Father Rykes after what had happened a fortnight ago.

'But we are going tomorrow, right?'

I nodded my head lightly. My eyes were on my cards.

'I promise this time I will sit with you,' he added.

I looked up. I was surprised. He would do that for me? To make me happy? He smiled as he saw a smile forming on my face. Jake had never sit anywhere but the front row. I was so touched.

'But you have to share me with your parents. I believe they are going to be with us, right?' he teased.

'Asshole!' I snapped back. But I was happy. Damn happy!



'What about the things the church had said?' I asked.

'Leo, those words were said by Father Rykes. May not be what others wanna say.'

I just listened. I knew Jake was going to explain.

'You should be there, in my house, when my dad called Father Rykes over. They did not know I was there, but I could hear their conversations clearly. My dad was upset with the tone Father Rykes had used to carry out the sermon. My dad told him that there are a few kinds of Christians. His tone and speech were appropriate, according to my dad, if he was talking to a few individuals that he knew well.'

Jake cleared his throat as he watched me, to see if I was interested to hear more. I was.

'My dad was telling Father Rykes off as nicely as he could, that he would frighten those with weaker faith. Although sermons were meant to build faith and devotion, proper application is important. And my dad said some church-goers complaint.'

'Oh,' I uttered. I could not imagine a priest going against another priest. But in this town, people respected highly Father Thompson's view and opinion. Father Thompson had a way with people. They felt at ease with him. They could pour their problems to him, without feeling that they were judged upon.

'When Father Rykes left, dad and I had a talk later. I wanted to know more,' Jake said, as he smiled weakly to me.

'Dad told me, confidentially, that he worried about Father Rykes,' Jake said.

'About what?'

'Well, Dad thinks that Father Rykes acts as if he is the one. That his words are words of the Bible. Sometimes, dad feels like Father Rykes thinks he is God. It worries dad a lot.'

'So? What's your father gonna do about this?' I asked.

'Nothing. My dad said that sometimes when priests are young and new, in years of experience, they tend to react more emotionally. Dad said that it would wear off, as they learnt about the people.'

Father Thompson sounded so wise. But then again, I knew he was.

'I even asked him about lust,' Jake added again.

'So?' I asked, eager to hear what Jake's father had said.

'He told me that men are born sinful. Men are not perfect. But if men were, then they won't be needing any help. They won't be needing churches. They won't be needing the Bible. But men are not. So, as long as they need guidance, my dad said they should not be made to feel guilty.'

'My dad said that men are way too complex now. New approaches should be used to deal with their emotions and problems. Including lust,' Jake added.

I dared not to ask about gays. Or bisexuals. Besides, I doubted Jake talked to his dad about gays too.

'So, why did you come back?' I asked after we kept silent for a while.

Jake seemed to take forever to answer this one. This time, it was him who avoided the eye contact when he told me his answer.

'Because, for me, being without you is just not right,' Jake answered.

His uneasiness was telling me to ask no more. I did not wish to anyway. His answer was what I wanted to hear.

My heart was stolen again.

An hour later, Jake was ahead of me, running but kept watching behind, to see if I was following him. I ran faster to keep up with him. I did not know where we were going. Jake refused to let me know. I was supposed to keep my mouth shut, make no noise and follow his lead.

We ran through several houses, as he made me parked my car a distance away. We did not run far. Suddenly Jake stopped and looked around, before gesturing me to follow him up a hill. We climbed through the trees and tall grasses. I could see us approaching the back of a house on the hilltop. I recognised the house. It belonged to our school's History substitute teacher, Miss Pamela Jenkins. It was a small single-storey house, surrounded by grasses, due to poorly taken-care-of gardens. There were a few trees around her house, which gave her place an even more crippy look.

If there was any teacher to lust over, it had to be Miss Jenkins. She was only 27 years old, pretty, smart, available, sexy and really horny. Her breasts were huge and the guys would often take note of them as she walked pass them. Rumour had it that she was fucking a few students. Miss Jenkins had hit on me before. Of course, she was careful not to do it in front of Lori. She did not dare to touch Jake, as she was afraid of Jake's father, but I had seen the way her eyes checked out Jake whenever he walked by.

I pulled Jake's arm sleeve, to stop him. He turned to me and signalled me to move on. He knew it was her house. He insisted that I followed along. He was trying to show me something.

Miss Jenkins' house was in the dark. She must had gone out or slept early. But as we moved closer to her house, I could see dim red light from her window. Her window curtain was closed, but there were some small gaps letting out the light. Her window panes were opened. The closest house was a few hundreds feet away, and since that the area was in the dark, I was sure no one could see us.

Jake pulled me nearer to her house. We could hear voices coming from that room. That room must be her bedroom. When we went nearer, we could hear her groans and screams of lust. Someone was banging her.

I could barely make out what she was screaming. She was definitely begging for more.

Jake made the shhh gesture with his finger and pulled me to her window. Her curtain was poorly drawn, and that left us a few gaps to peek through. We squatted and peeked beneath the curtain.

I could see her. She was on her bed, on all four, being rammed in a dogstyle by a guy. Her breasts were hanging low, swinging back and fro as she was banged from the back. I could not see the guy's face, as it was blocked by the curtain. But his abs was lean, and I could tell that this man was muscular. A young adult. And his cock was a giant. Might be as big as Jake's 9-inch, but Jake's was thicker. We could see it slid in and out of her cunt, as she groaned.

The man was shouting at her, as he slapped her buttcheek again and again, with each thrust.

'Tell me you like that, whore! TELL ME!'

'Oh baby... I like that.. I like that...' Miss Jenkins moaned.

'Yeah, you like that cock inside you, don't you? You dirty bitch! Cheap whore!' he screamed as he rammed a hard one into her, where she yelped with joy.

'All you bitches are the same. Cunts! Take that, bitch!' he yelled as he pulled out his thick cock and slammed another hard one into her, as he pulled her hips hard to his groin. She pressed her head onto the bed as she silenced her scream through the mattress.

'Oh no, you don't, bitch!' the man said, as he reached out and pulled her hair. She yelped and her head was pulled back.

'Say you want me! SAY IT!'

'I want you.. ohhhh... I want you bad!!' she screamed, and groaned more. She might be screaming pain, but her face was a mixture of sensual ecstasy and hurt.

'Yeah... that's more like it.... you bitch! All you damn sinners! You all need this cock badly to clean you, huh? ANSWER ME!' he yelled again as he pounded her hard, much to her pleasure.

'Yes, father! Yes, father! I've sinned! Help me! HELP ME!' she screamed back, before going into groaning again.

I went blank. Father? I turned to see Jake. Jake knew I was surprise, but he gestured me to be quiet and continued to watch.

'Yeah.. yeah.. that's more like it! You all just needed to be taught. Take this! And this! And this!' he yelled, as he thrust her cunt again and again with his big cock. Each time his thick cock crushed into her, she jolted forward, but was held back. She could do nothing but groaned.

I tried to peek who this stud was. I needed to know. I adjusted my head position to see higher. Jake just let me.

My eyes eyed his hips, moving up his leaned abs, to his well-defined smooth hard chests. I could see his arms, with nice muscles. He was sweating but was still shouting at Miss Jenkins, as he slammed into her. Whore! Bitch! Slut! Basically all one could think of, came out of his mouth. His voice was too familiar.

As he lunged again and again his cock into Miss Jenkins' pussy, I caught his face. I thought I was about to get a heartattack.

It was Father Steve Rykes!!!

'Yeah, you like that cock in your pussy, don't you? Say yeah!'

'Yeah,' she moaned.

'Sinner! I gonna wash your sin away, you bitch! Take this!' he plunged another deep one into her pussy. That was the last stroke.

Father Rykes pulled out his thick cock and aimed it at her pussy. He gripped hard the base of his cock, making his cockhead swollen angry as it sprayed cum all over her bush of groin hair.

'Yeah! Let me clean your sin away, you slut!' he said, as he wiped his cum-covered cockhead on her pubic hair. He gave her buttcheek one hard slap.

SMACK! There was a red mark, where the slap hit. He hit her hard.

But she wanted more. Miss Jenkins turned around and took Father Rykes' still hard cock, and licked it clean with her tongue.

Jake gestured to me, that we should be moving. Quietly, we traced our way back, leaving behind Miss Jenkins and Father Rykes. But my mind could not stop thinking of what I had just seen.

That stud was Father Rykes? The one who preached on all sorts of holiness? That lusty and lustful guy was Father Rykes? I was speechless.

THE END. Date: 12 April 2002

I apologise if I offend anyone. But we all know hypocrites exist. It was not intentionally meant to insult anyone.

If you like the story, write me at My stories are stored at

Next: Chapter 6

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