Straight Jake

By Male Lover

Published on Apr 14, 2002


Author Note: It gives me pleasure to write this chapter as I favour the way the story ends. When a story ends this way, it gives me time to contemplate on the direction of the story. Even if I choose to stop here for a meantime, at least I can still continue at a later time period. A story with 'closure' cuts down the possibilities of continuation.

I thank all those who wrote in, to give me their support. I shall write more, but on other stories, whichever I can find responses. My stories are stored in my yahoogroup. The address is at end of this page. Forgive me for my grammatical errors. And enjoy the story. Again, I could be contacted at

In the last chapter, Jake showed to Leo what kind of man Father Rykes was. This story continues where the last chapter ends.

Title: Straight Jake 6

'How long have you known this?' I asked Jake that night. I was driving my car. It was too creepy for me to digest what I had just witnessed half an hour ago. To find Father Rykes fucking a local lady, it was too bizarre for me to accept. This was the guy who spoke highly of life away from sins, the man who spoke against lust. And I caught him red-handed fucking a pussy.

I had to admit that I got a little hard-on from watching him. The sight of 27 year old Miss Pamela Jenkins naked was good enough to turn any hetero, or in my case, a bi, on. Her luscious breasts and dynamic hourglass body shape brought nothing but lustful imaginations. It might be true that blondes have more fun.

But 34 year old Father Steve Rykes was another breath-taking sight. Beneath his clothes was a body so well-defined, and no one would imagine that his pants was hiding such an impressive 9 inches cock. I was getting hot thinking of Steve. I did not think I would be seeing him as a priest anymore. He would always be a Steve - Stud Steve. But of course, characterwise, I thought Steve was an asshole.

I had nothing against horny guys, or girls. I was one as well. But to preach about life without lust, pretending to be all holy and good, but yet behind closed doors, one acted so beastfully in sex, I could not think highly of him anymore.

'Since two Tuesdays ago,' Jake answered. He was still waiting for me to swallow the whole truth about Father Rykes. He raised his hand and patted my thigh. 'Are you ok?'

I turned and flashed him a smile. I was alright, but was just a little upset. My smile told him I was ok. He responded by breaking into a grin. He was happy to know that.

Jake was a handsome stud. Being there with him, nothing could spoil my mood. Besides, what we had seen just now, was Steve's business. Not ours. It was just that I was pissed off by his pretense. Hypocrite!

'Can he do that?' I questioned. My eyes were on the road.

'We had just seen his ability. What do you mean if he 'can'?' Jake answered, trying to be a smart ass. He chuckled to his own wise crack.

'You know what I meant...' I snapped at him.

'Remember I told you that men are not perfect?' Jake answered, after he realised that I wanted an explanation from him. He was the best choice I had to explain this, as his father was the head priest.

I nodded. 'Uh-huh! But goddamnit! He is a priest!!!' I cut him, with a raised tone. My hand slammed a quite hard one on the steering wheel. I was angry with Father Rykes. He should not have caused Jake and I to go through all those miseries for the past 2 weeks, when he himself was a bloody sex maniac.

'Leo, calm down!' Jake said as he rested his hand on my left thigh. That did the work. Lately, Jake had that effect on me. I was succumbing to Jake's wishes without any resistance. I guessed this was something a fool would do when he fell in love. The fortunate thing was that Jake would never take advantage of me. And I did not think that Jake knew he had that full effect on me. I wondered if he knew I was in love with him.

'Maybe somewhere along the line, Father Rykes fell out of his practice. But don't get angry with the church for this. Not, when it was because of this one man,' Jake continued.

'I'm not angry with the church. It is him I am frustrated with. I mean, he made us went through all that shit, while he himself was busy fucking. Busy getting laid!' I explained. My voice tone was clearly showing that I was disturbed.

'I'm glad you're not upset with the church. Just do me this one favour. Don't judge our faith through this guy, ok?' Jake asked.

'Hmm,' I answered as I nodded my head. That was basically all I could say. I did not disagree. It was unfair to say that just because one member made a mess, the whole belief system should not be trusted. My faith was not that weak.

That night, when Jake inserted his thick cock inside me, he joked about fucking me with dirty talks, just like Father Rykes' act. I told him he could if he wanted to attract my parents' attention. We both laughed, which was good, as I began to see the humour side of the incident. Jake fucked me wild the first round. I did not expect Jake to help me to cum. He had only touched my ass since our first encounters and nothing more. He won't touch any other part of me. But as if to make up to me for that, Jake fucked me in a slow rhythm the second round, as if we were making love. His chests lied on top of mine. Everytime our nipples brushed each other's chests, as he pressed his body on top of mine, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

The sermon the next morning was different. One, Jake kept his promise and sat with me for the church morning service. Marilyn looked hurt that Jake did not sit beside her like he used to. I wished I could jump with excitement that I had won this round and not her, but I did not think Marilyn would understand. I knew I was competing for Jake from her, but she did not know she was competing him from me. She still believed that she only had to watch out for the other girls in school and in church.

Two, I was beginning to watch Father Rykes in a different way. Or should I say, Steve. No longer I viewed him as a man of God, but one who disgraced Him. Fine, I was no angel too, but at least I was not a hypocrite. In fact, I believed it was a tough job for priests to resist any temptations. If they fell, I would have forgiven them. I did not think men could be so good that they would not make mistakes. But I just could not accept extreme hypocrites.

Smiles formed on my face. Again, it was because handsome Jake was beside me. Whenever I turned to face him, my heart felt a little lighter knowing he was there. Two, it was funny to watch Steve Rykes preaching. There were some truths in what he was saying. But I wondered how much he had gone against the Bible quotes and the advice he gave that morning.

Jake left for his home in the afternoon. I wished I did not have to let him go, but I guessed I had to, to avoid any suspicion if we spent too much time together. Besides, I could not afford to be too attached to Jake. A bit separation was bearable, as long as I knew I would be seeing him again.

My parents invited him and his father over for dinner. Jake was asked to inquire his father which day they would be available. Jake assured my parents that he would ask.

'So, are we ok now?' Jake asked as I walked him out.

I patted his shoulder once. My smile told him that we were already.

My whole afternoon was spent on sleeping. With Jake here, I was sacrificing much of my sleeping time. During the two nights, I loved to turn and find Jake beside me in bed. I loved to watch him sleeping. I felt secured, knowing he was with me.

In the late evening, I decided to keep my promise and looked for Lori. Instead of driving over, I had decided to take a walk. I was enjoying my stroll along the neighbourhood when I heard a housewife and a few girls started to make a fuss over something. They were giggling and hurrying out of their houses. Some pretended to watch their garden flowers and some pretended to have a chat. I was puzzled over the commotion. I knew only one thing could lead to such a scene. I turned my head around. There he was - Steve Rykes, or should I say the hypocrite Father Rykes. He was on his normal routine of jogging. He waved unwillingly to some of the people on the street and proceeded on, without stopping for any chat.

'Hey kid!' he greeted me as he jogged past me. I could hear his panting.

I did not say hi back, but forced myself to smile. He just smiled back.

As he moved on, I was watching him, but with cautious. The ladies were watching him too, as well as his nice, firm, big ass. I was watching it too, admiring the sight. Since that I was going the same way as Steve, I figured no one would suspect me watching that part of his body.

I chatted with my mom's friend on my way, which was why I reached Lori's place half an hour later.

Damn it! It looked like no one was in. The family car was not in the driveway. No one answered my knock. The stupid doorbell was still not working. I should have called before I came over. It was a wasted effort as I thought of many things I could have done, instead of coming over.

The day was warm. It made me feeling itchy for a swim. Lori's family had me over to use their swimming pool often and I knew that they would not mind if I used it this time. So, what if I were to swim in my brief? I could always go back in my shorts, without the brief. But I had to check if the backgate was locked.

It was not. I let myself in. As I approached the pool, and was about to take off my shirt, I realised that there was music playing. It was soft, but loud enough to catch my attention. I looked up and realised that the music was from Lance's room. The window was not shut totally.

I might be wrong after all. If Lance was in, Lori might be too.

I walked over and knocked on the glass door of the kitchen. I doubted anyone could hear. I guessed I had to shout for them. But my eyes were on the door handle and decided to give it a little tug. To my pleasant surprise, the door was not locked properly. I decided to surprise Lori.

I moved from the kitchen to their spacious living room. The room was dark, as no one had switched on the light. There was no sign of anyone occupying the room at that moment. It would have been quiet, if not for the music coming from upstairs. Lance was blasting rock music.

I made my way to Lori's room. I took my time going up the stairs. As I approached the top floor, I could see light from Lance's room. His door was not closed properly. Besides the music, I could hear faint voices coming from his room. Lance must had his friends over.

Lori's room was the first one after the stairs. I tried her door knob. It was unlocked. I opened the door, but Lori was not there. She did go out with her parents.

I closed her door, and walked my way back to the stairs when I thought I heard an argument from Lance's room. I paused. I turned my head to hear clearer. Nothing. Only music. It might be them, Lance and his friends, just laughing.

I was about to take the next step forward when I heard it again. An angry voice. I had known Lance for his bad temper.

Lance was one year younger than me. Lori was pretty. And Lance, inheriting the same genes, was adorable. He was short, just like Lori, but his cute appearance overcame that shortcoming of his. To my knowledge, Lance had his share of breaking his female schoolmates' hearts. If I had known gay sex any earlier, and perhaps without Jake around, I would be facing trouble in staying away from this cute guy.

I heard the loud voice again. It would have been clearer if the music had not drown half of the voice. Whoever it was, it was angry. But it was not Lance's voice.

My curiousity got the better of me. I turned around and approached his room slowly. I did not want to budge into his room, just to be caught in the midst of an argument.

I approached his room cautiously. I peeked into his room.

It was the second shock I'd gotten two days in a row.

Lance was giving Steve Rykes a blowjob!!!

I could see Lance's right hand wrapped around Steve's thick cock. Steve was sitting on the edge of Lance's bed. The head of the bed was by the door. Lance was kneeling on the floor, naked. His left hand was on his thigh, supporting himself. I could see Lance's cock, straining a 6-inch hardness. It was thick, and looked yummy. Lance's eyes were closed, and he lunged his mouth forward onto Steve's giant cock. I could see Steve in ecstasy. His hands were pushing Lance's head down, making him swallow as much as possible. Lance had already gotten half in, as he continued to bob Steve's hard cock up and down. Steve's eyes were also closed, with his head tilted back, as he moaned. The music was loud, but his moan was clear enough.

It was too dangerous for me to peek from my position. I retreated once I saw Steve tossed his head forward to admire the blonde kid's skill.

Again, I was too shocked to react. It was definitely none of my business what those two were doing inside. But to know Lance would give a blowjob was a shocker. To know that Steve was a bi, was even a bigger blow. Shit! Father Rykes could take sex from any gender.

I quietly walked away. I could hear Steve making curses. I imagined he was doing the same stunt as the night before. I knew then, that not only Steve had sex although he was a priest, he had a good appetite.

I was getting hard from imagining Steve feeding Lance with his cock. That thick cock! When I passed Lori's room, an idea struck me. Lori and Lance shared the same balcony! I knew this opportunity should not be wasted.

I opened Lori's bedroom. Before I moved to the balcony, I made sure that I shut the door tightly. Lori never locked her balcony door. So, with no obstacle at all, I was already in the balcony, making my way to Lance's balcony door. I could hear music from his window, but the door was shut. Curtains were drawn close, but there were some gaps. It was dark outside, but with Lance's room light on, I could peek in to see their action. I knew the tainted glass would prevent them from spotting me.

I knelt down. I could see Lance was still on his knees. Steve was holding his chin, as he slapped Lance's face with his hard dick. This time, I was watching from an angle, which gave me the view of Lance, but the bed was blocking his lower part of the body. I was watching them sideway, from the back of Steve. I could see him holding his cock at its base, as he continued to hit Lance's face with his cock. He must had said something, which Lance nodded happy. Steve teased him by pointing his cockhead at Lance's mouth. Lance kept lunging at his cock but Steve would shift his cock sideways, laughed and then slapped Lance's cheeks with his cock.

Steve asked something again. I bet it was 'you want this, huh?' as I still remembered well from the action the night before. Lance nodded his head. Steve held Lance's hair with one hand, making him opened his mouth. Lance looked like he was in pain, from Steve's grip on his hair. Lance's eyes were shut, when Steve pulled Lance's head forward, burying his cock in Lance's mouth. Lance gagged. When Steve removed his hand from his head, Lance held Steve's cock, and began hungrily slurping the cock away. Lance's hands were roaming up, feeling Steve's hard body, before Steve pushed his hands away. I could see Steve shouting at Lance, demanding Lance to concentrate only on sucking his cock.

My cock was already hard in my shorts. I used my right hand to reach into my shorts and began to stroke my 7-inches stiff dick. The feel of my sensitive cockhead rubbing against my brief helped to excite me more. But I did not want to come too soon. I knew there would be more to watch.

Steve got up. It was the first time I was given a full view of his naked ass. It was firm and round. I felt the desire building in me, to fuck him. My cock jerked to that thought.

As he stood in front of receiving Lance, I watched his hips rocked forth and back, as he jammed his thick rod into Lance's mouth. Lance was gagging, but he did not seem to give up. Even at times when Steve was not pushing his cock into Lance's mouth, I could see Lance was trying to get more in. That slutty boy was enjoying Steve's 9-inch!

Then I saw it. Steve was still cursing things that I could not hear, as the music was louder. But his hips had stopped retracting to the back. He pushed himself forward, and pulled Lance's head towards him at the same time. He was ramming his whole 9-inch into Lance's mouth. There was no way Lance could do it. Or could he?

I watched as Lance struggled to get more of Steve in. His lips began to cover more and more length of Steve's cock. But I could not see any further as Steve's hip blocked me from the view. But by the way Steve tossed his head back, to moan, and the pat he gave Lance on the head later, before he rocked his hips again, told me that Lance did it. Steve was fucking deep into Lance's throat. I tried to find another angle to watch the view better, but I could not. Damn!

The music died down as the playing song ended. I could hear Steve's voices as he raised his voice at Lance, just like what he had done with Miss Jenkins the night before.

'I'm gonna make you a man, you hear that boy?!'

'Keep sucking that cock, kid! You want it bad, huh? You like cocks, don't you?'

'Gonna make you my slut, you bloody sinner!'

My cock was actually responding more to his dirty talks. But Steve's voice was taken over by the next rock music playing. I was again back to relying on my visual aid to get excited.

Steve took his cock out of Lance's mouth and pushed Lance onto the floor. He raised Lance's knees and moved closer to Lance's ass. I watched for the few minutes, the violent thrust of Steve's hips as he fucked Lance on the floor. I could not see much, other than Steve's ass up in the air, before it slammed back down, pushing his cock deeper into Lance.

Steve had a fine body. There was a great V-shape on his back, from where I was watching. He was smooth, but hard. I felt like putting my tongue on his body and licked him, and his sweat, which I could see glistering on his back.

Lance tried to put his arms around Steve's shoulder, but Steve pushed his hands away. I could see Steve pressed Lance down. Steve's hands were pressed on Lance's shoulders, as he continued to assault Lance's ass with his cock. He was also abusing Lance with his words, but the more he said them, the more ecstasy I could see from Lance's face expression. That pissed Steve off and he shook Lance a little, to stop the kid from enjoying himself.

But the fuck ended there. Steve took his cock out and pulled Lance up. Steve sprayed his cum all over Lance's face, before forcing his cock into Lance's mouth, which Lance was happy to oblige. Steve took his cock out and slapped it a few times on Lance's face.

I shot my cum in my shorts the same time Steve ejaculated his onto Lance's face. After my last ooze of cum, I watched them one last time before carefully moved out of the house. When I left the place, the house was still in the dark, except for Lance's room.

I called Jake that night but his dad picked up the phone. Father Thompson had come back. After a few lines of greeting, I asked Father Thompson for Jake. He told me that Jake had gone to bed early. Father Thompson figured that we two must had enjoyed ourselves the whole weekend, as his son was tired. Well, he was right about that, but I knew he did not know how we enjoyed ourselves. He would freak out.

I grinned, thinking how funny it was that I was the one who had exhausted Jake. And how sweet of him to bear with me for the whole two days, without complaining. I thanked Father Thompson and wished him a good night. I guessed I had to tell Jake the new discovery on the following day.

Donna called to ask about me. And also to ask about Jake. Then she went on bitching about the news she had heard. She heard that Jake and I were hanging out together on Saturday night. She asked whether we two were back in talking terms. I said yes. She gave me a long lecture on how she and her boyfriend, Tony, had to go through all the trouble to torture Jake on Friday for what they thought he had done to me, but in the end, Jake and I were ok buddies. I just laughed. I did not know what to say. Then, she mumbled something about she was glad that I had a close buddy since that I did not have girlfriend anymore. Before she hung up, she gave me another lecture. I just laughed to the phone.

I had a lot to thank her for. If not for her boyfriend's viagra, the one they used to torture Jake, I might not have talked to Jake that Friday. I made a mental note to get her a nice gift.

Jake searched for me on Monday morning in school. I told him I had news to tell, but we would have to wait until after school. Jake was eager to know, but he figured the news was sensitive enough to wait for the right time. I invited him for dinner and he said yes.

For the whole day, we sat near one another. I forced myself not to sit next to him for every class. I could not afford to get anyone suspicious about us. So, in some classes, I sat beside him. In some others, I sat behind him. In another, I sat one seat to the left in the row behind his.

I sat near Jake, because I really wanted to. Jake sat near me, because he knew I wanted him to.

One peak at him, being nearby, was good enough to make me smiling. Jake seemed to have this sense of knowing when I was watching. He would at times turned around, just as my eyes were admiring him. Our eyes were locked and I could not help blushing. He would just smiled and turned away. I was very careful not to be caught by our friends.

I was having a hard time with Lori. She started to tell her girlfriends how cold I was to her. I could not tell her that I did come over to her place, but to find her brother sucking the town's priest. Her girlfriends and her were giving me the cold stares. But by the end of the last period, she walked by me, looking like she was begging me to take her back. After what she had done to me, I told her that I could not talk to her until she got a grip on herself. She did try to press her body on me. I was getting hard from feeling her, but I was no longer interested. So, I told her to stop, when she tried to grab my crotch.

I could not help but to check Lance out. I could see that he had a nice package, from the bulge on his crotch. I was not the only one who was doing that. I noticed a few girls were too. I wondered if they knew he could go both ways. And yes, I liked his butt.

And since I knew Lance's special encounter, I was beginning to sense his eyes were checking me out too. He did not know I was aware, which was fine, because I wished not to have anymore trouble from his family, especially in my condition with Lori.

And I found myself admiring Colby too. Bear in mind that I would not mind fucking his cute guy, if it had not been for his famous reputation as a gay. But Colby was still harassing me. He sat with me at the same table, as I chose not to eat with Jake. My heart was heavy to leave Jake, but I guessed I was doing the right thing. I was relieved to see Jake not sitting with Marilyn during recess. Marilyn had turned cold too, towards Jake. Perhaps I could fix her up with Lori. They could be a good lesbian couple.

When I left for the male toilet, Colby pretended he had to use it too. He chose the urinal beside mine. Other than Colby and I, there was only one other student. When that student left, Colby took the opportunity to openly admire my cock. I just let him be. I did like the attention. I was glad that my cock was not hardening. It would mean I had to explain to Colby my cock's reaction. Colby tried to slip his hand into my pants, to feel my butt, but I pushed his hand away. I checked out Colby's too, from the corners of my eyes, when he was not looking. It was already 7-inches hard. When I heard the door opened, I quickly zipped up my pants and left Colby behind.

That night Jake came over. I told him about Steve and Lance's sexual encounter. Jake was surprised. He knew Steve was into sex, but he never figured that Steve would be into boy sex, as Lance was only 16.

'Lance?' Jake asked, just to be sure.

'Yes, Lance!'

'You mean, your girlfriend's brother?' Jake asked again.

'Ex-girlfriend!' I emphasised.

'Your ex-girlfriend,' Jake repeated after me. 'Wow! Who would have thought that cute Lance is a bisexual?' Jake leaned back on the wall. His face showed his disbelief.

'Hmmm... why are you so interested in him, huh?' I asked. I was a bit surprised with Jake's interest.

'No.. nothing... It's just that since knowing Father Rykes, I am no longer so stunned by anything he does. But Lance is different,' Jake explained. 'There are priests. And there are men who pretended they are priests.'

I agreed.

'What about you and Colby?' Jake suddenly asked.

'What do you mean?' I replied, as I picked up Jake's beg and placed it at my studying desk.

'I saw you two together, here.'

'Oh... it was nothing,' I told him. I remembered Jake seeing Colby and I outside my house during one of those days when I was not in talking term with Jake.

'Are you and him.. er..' Jake asked, as his eyes watched me for my response.

'He and I? Nah....' I denied. Of course that was a lie. I could not lie to Jake. 'Er.. actually, Jake... er.. there was something...,' I said as my fingers scratched my head.

Jake sat up straight when I said that. He looked interested in what I had to tell.

I told him about my encounter with Colby in the shower after our swim practice the other day, when Jake left me there all of a sudden. I told him of how Colby was persistent in coming on to me and how I succumbed to his offer. I let Colby masturbated me, but I made it clear to Jake that was all that had happened. I assured Jake too that Colby still thought I was straight as an arrow. I asked Jake why did he leave. Jake told me that he was about to get a hard-on, when he saw me naked that day. This was the reason Jake disappeared when he heard someone else coming into the locker room.

Jake adjusted his sitting position. I suspected something. I reached out and grabbed his dick through his jeans. He was hard. I grinned happily. I had got myself a meal. Jake blushed, embarrassed of being caught. He was excited by my adventure with Colby. But before I could help myself to my dish, my mom called us for dinner. I was disappointed that I had to give up the appetizer when my mom called us for the second time a few seconds later.

After dinner, Jake and I settled down to complete our homework. We discussed the assignments, interlude with my update on Lori. Jake asked me if there were any new girls I was interested in. I knew the day would come when I would be interested in one, but I did not see one yet so far. Besides, at the meantime, I was happy with Jake.

I was done with my work fast enough. Jake was more careful, so he was slower. And after he was done, he took out another classmate's class note to copy. I was bored. I lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. A few minutes later, I turned to face Jake. He was still with his work. I turned back. The ceiling had not change its look since the last few minutes.

I got up. I looked at Jake. He sensed I was bored too. He turned and gave me a smile before moving back to his work. Mrs. Krishna came up to bring us drinks and some cookies. She placed them on the desk, before shaking her head looking at me. I knew she was comparing Jake and I. Jake was studying and I was not. I just raised my eyebrows and shoulders, and grinned. She left, after closing my door.

I took my drink and left for the balcony. I could see Jake from where I was standing. I felt so lucky. As I sipped my drink, my eyes were checking out my handsome Jake. I was picturing him topless, his naked broad shoulders, nice pecs and brown nipples. Jake looked up again, and saw me looking at him. He picked up his drink and gestured a cheers before he drank his. I raised my glass to him and sipped mine too, but my eyes never left him.

I thought of Colby and I. I thought of his cock and also of his hand on mine. I thought of Steve with Lance. I played the pictures in my mind of those two naked guys rubbing against each other as Steve fucked Lance. My cock was growing. I decided that I could not wait for Jake to finish. The night was still young. Jake could do his work later.

I moved to my desk, placed my glass down and turned Jake's chair around. He was stunned that I spun him to my direction. I knelt down and helped myself to his jeans' buttons.

'Woh!!! Can't you wait for later?' Jake asked, in a stunned voice.

'No!' I told him.

Jake sensed the urge in my voice. He paused for a moment as he watched me struggle with his jeans. He dropped his pen and stood up. I pulled his jeans down, exposing his groin, covered in his brief. I could see the outline. It was thick, although it was still soft. My right hand reached out and grabbed his dick through his brief. Jake moaned, as my fingers gripped his dick a little too hard.

'Don't have to be so rough, Leo..' Jake snapped at me. 'I'm all yours!'

Jake moved his feet around to let me take his jeans off.

I got up and faced him. I held both of his arms and spun him around, causing him to fall back onto my bed. He laughed. Jake was lying on his back, with his feet on the floor.

'What'd got into you?!' he giggled.

'Nothing...' I said. 'Just crazy about you. So crazy about you.'

My hands caught the bottom line of his shirt and I slid it to the top, as I climbed onto my bed. Jake struggled to help me to take his shirt off. I got his shirt in my hand and threw it to the floor. Jake was topless, and was only wearing a brief. I was sitting on his thighs. I watched him. His eyes never turned away from mine, anticipating my next move. My cock lengthened. Jake was mine. All mine. And I loved that smile he had on his face.

I slid down a little, as I bent forward. My tongue reached out and licked his left nipple. A few licks later, it was already hard and pointy. I moved to his right nipple. It was already hard, but I still gave it a few licks to wet it up. Jake giggled. I reached out with my teeth and bit lightly his right nipple. Jake yelped. He raised his head to see what I was doing. I bit it again, and this time, I pulled the nipple with my teeth. Jake groaned softly. I let it go and his skin snapped back onto his chest muscle. I did it again. Jake groaned and his head fell back onto the bed. His right palm cupped his forehead as I continued to tease him there and then moved on to his left nipple. My hands were hanging onto his ribs, feeling the smoothness of his skin on my fingers.

I returned my move to licking his nipples, to soften the effect of the nipple-biting. Jake's body responded. It relaxed down. I ran my lips over his chests, starting from his nipples, and then move from left chest to the right, and then back to the left, back to his nipple. This time, I covered the whole area of his chest around his nipple with my mouth and sucked deep. Jake's chests jerked forward in ecstasy. I released his chest from my mouth and moved to his right nipple. Jake's body slammed back onto the bed. I repeated the sucking, but this time I sucked his chest longer. Jake's chests raised up again, as he groaned. He ran his fingers all over my hair as he suppressed his moans to soft ones. I let go of his chest. His body slumped back onto the bed again. Jake panted hard for breath. He looked at me and shook his head, amazed with what I was doing to him. His grin told me that he liked it. So, I did it again, for a few more times.

Jake had shut his eyes. His face expression was telling me that he enjoyed my mouth and tongue on his chests. I could tell too, from his hard cock pressed onto my abs. As I kissed his chests, I made sure that I moved my body around, massaging his hard cock, with my abs.

Jake's lips parted a bit. He was breathing through his mouth, as he panted a little, excited by my mouth massages on his chests.

I ran my tongue around his nipples, first on his right and then on his left, before I kissed my way up his chests. Jake's head tossed back. His body was tensed. When I reached his neck, I stuck out my tongue a little, and wriggled the tip of my tongue on his skin above the collar-bones. Jake's body shivered. He was moaning as I licked his neck. I ran the tip of tongue up his neck, until I felt his Adam's apple. I shifted myself up, brushing his hard-on and sat on his groin, pressing my ass on his thick cock. I nibbled Jake's Adam's apple with my lips. The groans that were escaping his throat could be felt through my tongue on his neck.

I slid to the leftside of his neck, continuing my nibbling on his neck. My tongue tasted the skin of his neck, as I worked my way up, until I had his ear between my lips. Jake tilted his head to the right side, to let me have a better access. Jake giggled, but I was not about to stop nibbling. My hard cock was pressing on Jake's abs through my shorts and I knew Jake could feel it. I was enjoying myself. I pressed harder.

I nibbled his ear and made Jake felt ticklish there. I continued tongue-marathon by running the tip of it along Jake's jaw slowly. Jake moved his head back front. When I reached his chin, I gave it a hard suck. My lips were too close to his. Jake's eyes opened to see my next move. I did not feel like kissing him, although I wanted to. I did not see any reason in kissing cold lips.

I ran my tongue up along the other side of his jaw. Jake giggled again. But he moved his head to face left, offering his right side to me. I retreated and gave him a smile as he opened his eyes, wondering why I stopped. I moved back to his right ear, and nibble again. After a few nibbles, I held it between my teeth, gently, and pulled. Jake laughed softly.

My lips moved down the right side of his neck. There, I nibbled and kissed his neck. When he least suspected, I sucked gently the skin of his neck. I decided to leave him lovebite marks. Jake giggled but he did not push me away. I sucked again, much to his enthusiasm. But on the third round, I sucked Jake's neck, hard. I could feel Jake's chests rising, as he inhaled pleasure. I held his arms, to hold him down. My fingers just loved the feel of his bulging arm muscles. Jake's body was shaking as I sucked him hard.

I decided I had enough with the warming-up. My lips found another spot of Jake's neck and sucked it hard for one last time, before I sat straight up on Jake, admiring my work of art. Jake turned his head to me. He was smiling, but his right hand reached for a pillow and walloped my head with it.

'Pervert!' Jake yelled softly.

'You like that?' I asked.

Jake smiled. And after a short pause, he nodded shyly.

I did not have to ask. I could feel his cock jerking under my ass as I was sucking his neck.

I got up and climbed down the bed. I pulled Jake's brief down and took it off. I threw it down to where his jeans were. But my eyes were concentrating on his monster dick, jerking up once in a while. His eyes were on me. I took off my shirt, to show him my body. My body was toned nicely too, but Jake had a better built.

I leaned forward, lifted his long cock and took Jake into my mouth. Jake groaned again. I could taste his precum with my tongue. I slurped his cock as much as I could. It was difficult since that Jake had a long 9-inch. His hands rested on both sides of my head, as he guided my mouth to bob up and down on his thick cock. His cockhead tasted salty and smooth in my warm mouth. He groaned more when my lips brushed again and again against his sensitive underside of the cockring, as my lips slid up and down along his cock. As I slid my lips up, I sucked Jake hard, just to be rewarded with a stronger grip of his hands on my head.

I tried to take more of Jake in. I could only take half of his cock in my mouth, before I felt his cockhead poking at the entrance of my throat. I pushed Jake's hands away. I did not need them to move my head anymore.

I held steady his thick cock as my mouth engulfed half of its length. I relaxed myself. Jake was puzzled why I stopped. Slowly, I lunged my mouth forward, pushing Jake's cock into my throat. His cockhead was big. I gagged, and retreated.

Jake was surprised.

'No, Leo... you don't have to do that!' he yelped as he sat up.

I pushed his body back. Jake was reluctant, but I pushed it again. Seeing that I was insisting, he slowly lowered his body back onto the bed, but kept his head raised up, to see me swallowing his cock again.

His cockhead reached the end of my mouth again, poking at my throat. I told myself to relax. Gently I pushed my mouth forward, slowly, bit by bit. I could feel the opening of my throat widening. I reminded myself to go slow. I lunged forward a little bit more and I could feel my throat swallowing in a part of Jake's cockhead. I had to breathe hard through my nose. I lunged forward more, but it was a mistake. I did it too fast. I gagged again. I pulled back and coughed.

'Leo...' Jake tried to stop me, but I won't listen to a 'no'. Jake sat up again, concerned with me.

'Just let me try!' I begged him.

Jake sat there silent. Slowly, he lowered his body back onto the bed. But I gestured Jake to kneel. He got up and positioned himself in the middle of the bed.

I took his semi-hard cock in my hand. My mouth took Jake's man-toy into my mouth and swallowed deep. This time, I did it really slow and careful. I pushed my mouth forward, to take his cockhead into my throat. I relaxed my jaw muscle. I felt my throat opening wider. Jake just lied down still, letting me to do my job. I breathed slower but long breath through my nose. I lunged my mouth forward slowly, bit by bit, and then I felt it. I had taken Jake's cockhead into my throat. I slid his shaft deeper into my throat. More and more of Jake was sliding in through my lips.

I was working well with my throat reflexes by then, and pulled Jake's hips forward, signaling him to fuck my mouth deeper. Jake did as I wished, as he held on to my head. I felt more of him sliding in. Jake began a slow hump. He pulled back a bit, and pushed more forward. A few more thrusts by Jake, and I found my nose buried on his trimmed pubic hair. My nose was poking onto his groin. I had swallowed Jake's whole 9-inch cock. I was deep-throating Jake's 9-inch cock.

Jake fucked my mouth slowly. I could hear his groans as he fucked his cock through my tight throat. I was breathing hard on his thick shaft. Jake was careful not to hump fast, or to pull out too long. He kept feeding me his thick cock, with his each moan accompanying each thrust forward. Jake's cock had hardened. I could feel his shaft thickening and his cockhead swelling bigger in my throat. I felt the smoothness and thickness of his cockhead as it tickled my inner throat when it slid up and down my airhole. I could not hold back the sexual joy anymore. I ejaculated in my shorts, somewhere in the midst of Jake's cock pumping my mouth.

I could not swallow my saliva. It just trickled down my lower lip, down my chin and some onto Jake's balls. His balls were sticking to my chin each time he thrust forward, burying his full length in my mouth. His balls were banging onto my chin as he fucked me.

A few thrusts later, I felt Jake's cock thickened more, as his hands gripped my head tighter. Jake shot his cum directly into my throat. Jake just held my head still as he pumped his rich cum into me. I could feel spurt after spurt of Jake's thick cum inside me, until Jake bent forward, sliding his cock out of my throat and my mouth. A few gushes of his cum settled on my tongue. He rested on my back as he panted for air.

I reached forward and grabbed his cock. I brought it to my mouth and licked Jake's cockhead clean of cum. I just loved the taste of Jake's cum.

I felt Jake's hand cupping my chin and pulled me up. I got up on my knees, facing him. Jake was sweating from all the pumping. But he had that happy grin on his face. Jake just stared at me His eyes moved around, from an affectionate look at my messy hair, to my eyes and to my lips. He turned my face slightly and planted a kiss on my right cheek.

I was surprised.

'Why? You... really like that?' I asked.

Jake just nodded and smiled. I could tell he did.

Jake finished up his work while I went to take a bath. I put my clothes back on as I knew Jake would be leaving soon, and we had to open my room door.

As I came out, he was packing his bag. Jake had pulled up his collar, to hide the lovebites. As for me, I was left with a sore jaw.

He slung his bag over his right shoulder and tilted his head towards the door, with a smile. He needed to go. It was already 10.37pm.

'You don't have to show me out. I know my way,' Jake told me. 'You get your rest, ok? And thank you, Leo. I'd enjoyed myself.'

I just smiled. I was glad he did. I loved Jake inside me anytime. As I was tired, I took his advice to stay in.

Jake left for the door, as I turned and walked to the bathroom to switch off the light.

'Oh.. er.. Leo?'

I turned back to face him. He was standing a few feet from my door. There was a hesitating look. Jake's head bowed sideway, eyes looking at the floor.

'What is it?' I said, worried that something was wrong. I took a few steps forward, and stood near Jake. I raised my hand, and patted his arm. 'Tell me!' I said softly.

Jake's eyes looked up and were locked with mine. He had nervousness written in those eyes. I gave him a smile, to let him know that I would be alright with whatever he had to say. Jake forced himself to smile too.



'Are you... er..,' Jake tried to say, but failed.

'Are you..,' he tried again, but got so nervous, that he turned his head away, before returning his gaze back to me. I was getting more nervous by his difficulty.

Jake inhaled a deep breath. He looked at me in the eyes and cleared his throat.

'I need to know, Leo,' he said. 'Are you in love with me?'

THE END Date: 15 April 2002

If you like the story, do let me know at My stories are archived at

If you like my style of writing stories and will like to read more, then watch out for my next series - 'A Gay And A Straight', which covers the turmoil of relationship between two guys, met by fate, tested by principles and challenged by hardship.

Next: Chapter 7

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