Straight Jake

By Male Lover

Published on May 30, 2002


Note: Please do not proceed if you disapprove of male-to-male sex. This story is only a fictional work. In reality, we need to be safe. Use protection.

Title: Straight Jake 7

In the last installment, Jake asked Leo if Leo was in love with him. This installment continues where we have left Jake and Leo.

It might have been a simple and straight answer to what Jake had asked. But I knew the answer I gave would mean a new direction in my life, in Jake and my lives. I wanted so much for him to know - for me to say yes. But I prayed that he would not freak out. I prayed that a straight guy like him would not leave me alone.

'So, are you?' Jake asked again.

What could I say? Should I tell him the truth? Would he accept my feeling for him? But my actions for the past few days had been too obvious.

If I were to tell him the truth, my only fear would be that it would put strain on our relationship. Jake needed sex, just as much as I wanted to sex him. But did he need me to put feelings into our relationship? Would he welcome the complication of a relationship? Perhaps it would be just like Donna and I - pure sex, without commitment? Would Jake want a commitment?

If I were to lie, Jake could tell. We had gone beyond the border - too far to pretend that the relationship was all sex and nothing else to me.

And he asked. He asked because he needed to hear the words from me.

This was the moment. Things would change. For the better, or for the worse.

'Why do you ask that?' I asked back, trying to delay. My brain waves rushed fast to think of something to say. I scratched my head, pretended not to understand him. 'Studying too much, have you? Got too many ideas now, huh?'

Jake paused, seemed surprise in hearing my reply. He was expecting my answer, not avoidance. There was a short moment of silence between us. It was like a vacuum was building between where we were standing, slowly sucking in the surrounding.

His eyes were looking at mine. I knew what they were searching for - the truth.

I forced myself to be strong. I made eye contact with him, praying that he would not know that I was hiding my feeling. I needed him to believe it was only sex. Jake would never fall for me. I could not afford to make him be wary of me. The feeling needed to be sacrificed. Or hidden. I could not let Jake know that I was in love with him. A straight guy would never love a gay.

I forced myself to chuckle.

'What's getting into you?' I asked.

'No, I just thought I should know...' Jake asked. If he was disappointed, I would not know. If he was relieved, I could not tell either. His face was showing indifference. I still had no idea if I had played my card right.

'Hmmm...' I hummed. 'I thought of it before too, but Jake... I think this is not the right time to ask me. I.. er.. I..' I tried to find an excuse.

'You're right.. you don't have to say anything, Leo,' Jake cut me off. He broke into a smile. 'Sorry I asked you... .' He shook his head. His left hand rubbed the back of his neck as he broke into a chuckle too. 'I don't know what got to me...'. He still got that wide smile on him.

I was relieved. The situation could have turned out ugly. I was scared. Jake turned his face to me and gave me another smile.

Oh God! If only he was not good-looking....

'I gotta go... I see you in school tomorrow,' Jake said, as he turned, swung his bag onto his shoulder and left my room.

His footsteps could be heard down the hallway, and gradually the sound disappeared.

I was still standing where I was when Jake left. I felt stupid. I felt like an idiot. I quickly rushed to the door, and closed it, fearing that I had made a mistake. Had I? Oh God! My whole knees felt weak, as my mind replayed images of Jake leaving my room. I felt empty. I felt I had betrayed him.

My legs gave way. My knees were too weak to hold me up. I fell onto my bed, sitting there blankly at where Jake was standing earlier. I buried my face in my palms - still contemplating my gamble just now. Did I blow the chance?

My mind told me that I did. That I should wait and see, and not to rush, in case I would frighten Jake with the truth.

My heart told me that I did not. I wanted so badly for Jake to know.

The next few days were uneventful. Since we knew about Lance, and Colby, and also Steve, we were more aware of them. My eyes seemed to follow Lance whenever he walked pass, only to turn my eyes away when I knew he was eyeing me. I felt proud. Lance thought I was hot enough to be checked out. Colby was still following me around. He only disappeared when Jake accompanied me. I guess it must had been that Colby hardly went to church and he was not comfortable seeing Jake. Jake automatically reminded Colby of Father Thompson.

Father Thompson was still needed to serve out of his constitution area, which was why I could go over during the weekend, and serve Jake. He was getting braver with me. In the past, he was the shy one, and it would take a minute or two into sex before he would transform into a passionate sex-beast. He would take over my lead and made me do things his way. But he was more open now.

At times, he demanded me to go down on my knees and sucked him - in the living room, in the bathroom, in the kitchen or anywhere one can think of. But most of the time it was I who helped myself to my man buffet, as I forced Jake to lie down and ate him slowly.

In fact, once after our swim practice, Jake purposely stayed back and took a longer shower. Colby was the only one left with us, and when Jake stood in between Colby and I, Colby was a little intimidated and in fear of my Jake that he quickly rinsed himself clean and made his way out of the shower and locker room.

I thought Colby would be impressed by what Jake had, but I guess Colby was more disturbed by Jake's religious background to be turned on. I had to stay back, to accompany Jake, waiting for him to be done. I only knew the reason for the slow rinsing when he came over to me, put a hand on the back of my head and pulled my head close to his right chest, offering me his hardened nipple. And then later, his hard 9 inches cock. We had sex that day in the open, the first since our early sexcapade by the lakeside. Jake was so turned on, he cummed hard. So did I.

Lori was still under the weather. Donna was happy about that. She did not like it that Lori was over the moon sexing me and my 7 inches tool, and lived every school day to show her happiness about it. And now that the table was turned, Donna was proud that she had a boyfriend now and Lori was alone (although Donna was worried that someone would tease her about not being able to be satisfied with her boyfriend's small dick).

Lori asked her close mates to ask me if I would take her back. I had considered. I missed fucking. Don't get me wrong. I loved Jake screwing me. Having his hard body pressed against mine, with his groin bumping and humping against my ass was wonderful. But I felt a little incomplete that I would have to use my own hands to release my own tension.

Having Lori's cunt to plough would be good, since that I did not have the access to Donna's anymore. Sex was sex, but having Donna's boyfriend rearranging my face if he were ever to find out was an important issue. Even if Donna were to break up with her boyfriend, I did not see him as someone who was willing to let go of her.

I sighed. I was destined to be really alone in this department. But then again, I knew this was a great worthy sacrifice. Having Jake was more important to me. I had to be more selfless.

I asked Tina, Lori's messager if Lori was REALLY feeling terrible. Tina nodded. Lori's friends had been treating me better since Lori's mess. When Lori first wanted to break up with me, they were eyeing me like a wasteful product - hanging around although rejected, slash dumped. But now that they knew Lori wanted me back, they, including Tina, treated me like an important client, one not to be offended.

I asked Tina who was it that really broke her heart. I knew it was not me. I was only a second best. Tina hesitated. I asked if it was Greg. Tina nodded, after contemplating whether to reveal the truth or not. I did not blame Lori. I would have a hard time rejecting Greg too, if he were to come on to me.

But for now, knowing that I had Jake, I was 'complete'. No, I could not take Lori back.

But that came the question. How could I tell Jake, without scaring him away? How could I know if he was okay with it? I feared him leaving me.

One Friday evening, a few weeks later, I came to school to fetch Jake. Jake was going to stay in my place. Jake had stayed back, because he had a project to do with his club committee members. I was late, 30 minutes late.

When I reached the school, Jake was already waiting at the staircase. He smiled when he saw me. I returned his smile.

I had no fear of him cheating on me, although we had no confirmed relationship. Our discussion on my jealousy had helped. Although Jake did not have to, he tried to show to me that I had nothing to worry about. He did not tell me anything, but at times when he saw me, he gave me that look that he was glad to see me. He was sweet.

Although he thought I did not know, I was aware of his concern with my reaction when a girl hung around him too long. As if wanting to tell me that there was nothing going on, he made the effort to come over, and made me dwelt in conversation with him.

I had lost the worrying feeling that he would like a girl soon enough to cut our sexcapades short (I had to be realistic that he would eventually get tired of gay sex and wanted a straight sex, since that he was a straight). But he made no attempt in finding a girl, and focused his time on his studies, other social activities and me. Yes, he actually MADE time for me.

Jake told me that his club project was over but he needed to carry some stuff back. He wondered if I could give him a hand, in carrying the stuff to my car.

Together, we carried 3 boxes, and put them in my trunk. The boxes were dirty, so the obvious thing to do next was to head to the bathroom to wash our hands. On our way out, as we joked and kidded around in the school hall, we could see a female figure near the school's main door. She was struggling, as she carried a box too big for her size.

Jake, being the nice person he was, rushed over. I joined him as we dashed to the door.

'Miss Jenkins?' I opened my mouth as the recognition struck.

Her head turned to face us, as her body tried to balance itself.

'Oh hi, boys...' she said, surprised to see us in the school at such an odd hour. 'Still here?'

'Yeah.. you too,' Jake answered.

She flashed us a smile, some thing so sincere, and yet it looked so sexy. Since Jake and I first saw her naked, fucked by Steve Rykes, we had not looked at her in the same way. Before, we were crazy about her. She was the youngest female teacher in the school. She was in her late 20's, but anyone could have mistaken her for a 24. And the fact that she was blessed with busty boobs and slim figure, it was not surprise that she made History (subject) fun again. The guys were very much attentive in her class - to the move of her body, not so much of what she was teaching. Yup, she stirred so much hatred among the girls in the classes.

But since that Jake and I had already seen the naked side of her, our visualisation of her nakedness in class was more accurate. I would imagine her tits and much more, as my eyes burned through her dress. I knew Jake was too, although he dared not to admit to me. And if I was not wrong, she was still eyeing me as well. I knew she had the hots for me, although I was pretty younger than her. Maybe she was one of those who liked young guys, and heaven knew I loved girls, no matter what age, as long as they looked hot.

'Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be out with your boyfriend?' I teased. We laughed a little, because we all knew she did not have one, although she was courted by countless guys. She was not the type to settle down for just simply any guy. With her look, and her body, we knew she was waiting for Mr. Right - sensitive, thoughtful, romantic, brainy, brawn, tall, dark, handsome and pretty loaded - with money, cars, a nice mansion and credit cards.

Jake immediately reached out to help her, to carry the box but she turned the box away from his hand.

'It's ok, Jake... I can manage..' she said, although it looked like she was having trouble.

'What's in there?' Jake asked. I was puzzled. What was with the rejection of the offer?

'Oh... nothing....' she answered, a little too quick. Her tone was sharp. She looked like she was afraid we would ask more.

Jake and I stepped back. We thought we were not welcomed.

She read our thoughts fast. Her face expression changed. She seemed regretting her action.

'It was nothing, boys... I just.. err.. I..' she struggled to answer, as she turned her head back to the box she was holding, and realised that her stammering gave her away again. She sighed. It looked like she gave up. She tried to lower her box to the ground. I reached out and helped to place it down. It was light - a big box but lighter than it had looked to be.

'Boys.. if I tell you, will you keep it a secret?' she asked, as she straightened her body up, and her dress down. Her eyes alternated between Jake and I. My eyes were alternating between her left breast and her right. I believed Jake was doing the same too, when we knew Miss Jenkins was not noticing.

'Promise,' I said. Jake said the same too, but the request for secrecy made us more puzzled. It could be heard in our replies.

'This is my last day,' she said, softly.

'What?!' Jake and I answered, simultaneously.

'Calm down, boys... calm down. Before you ask me anything, I gotta tell you this. It is an emergency. I have to leave. I knew about it only this morning - something got to do with my brother in Arizona. I am needed there. Nothing serious, but important enough.'

'Does the school know about this?' Jake asked.

We were indeed surprised. No more Miss Jenkins. No more interesting History. No more babe teacher. No more busty breasts to stare at. This was going to be a nightmare.

'Er.. no...' she said.

'Why?' I asked first.

'They won't let me go this soon. So, I applied for leave.. and I'm not... coming back,' she answered, as she swallowed the last word.

'Oh...' was all I could mutter. Jake and I knew we would miss her.

'When are you leaving? Are you coming back at all?' Jake asked. The 'coming back' was referring to her returning to our town.

'Tomorrow. And I don't know how to answer the second one,' she answered.

'I see,' Jake said.

We stood there, quiet for a few moments. Jake and I, still thinking of what to ask, and Miss Jenkins, waiting to be asked.

'Packed your things yet?' I asked.

'No..' she sighed. She shook her head, must be thinking of all the loads she had to go through.

'Need any help?' Jake asked. I was about to ask the same.

She looked at us, as if a hope was offered to her. 'Do you boys think you could help? I promise to pay...' she said.

'No, we'll be glad to,' Jake answered again, as he turned to me, to see my reaction. I nodded, to show him, and Miss Jenkins, that I was offering my help too.

'Oh! Thank you, boys! I can't tell how relief I am! Thank you! Thank you!' she said.

Jake and I helped to carry her box to her car. She told us that the moving truck would be coming by 11 am the next day. And she would need to drive to the city to catch her flight. She would have to deal with her car days later. From her information, we figured that she would have to leave her house by 5.30pm. But it was not the flight she was worried about. She was worried about the moving truck. She was worried that she would not be able to pack on time.

We told her that we would drop by after dinner, to see what we could do to help. She thanked us and offered to treat us dinner. I told her it was not necessary. She could consider this as our present to her for all the classes she taught us. She smiled and thank us profusely again. She looked more happy and relieved now.

When we showed up, we tried hard to focus on the job that was needed to be done. Miss Pamela Jenkins had always have this sensual aura enwrapping her and her moves. It took Jake and I all our courage not to undress her with our eyes the whole time she walked or ran pass us. She gave us the tasks of packaging the heavier stuff while she handled the more private items. We worked hard, and by the time she felt we should go back to our homes, we managed to get 60% of her stuff packed up in boxes God-knows where she got them from.

We promised that we would be there the next morning at 8am, to help her again. She invited us over for breakfast.

That night Jake fucked me hard. I knew he was very much turned on by Miss Jenkins. I was too. My anus hurt from the consistent and hard pounding from Jake's mantool.

The morning was less bearable than the evening before. Not only my ass was hurting (sweet Jake tapped me on my ass a few times, seemed apologetic of his hungry desire the night before), sweat was getting in our way of working. Since that Jake and I handled the heavier stuff, our clothes were soaking with sweat soon enough. Even Miss Jenkins was having problem with the hot weather. Already dressed only in really short cut-off jeans, she pulled her buttoned long-shirt out of the short. Half an hour later, she was tying the ends of her shirt into a knot, revealing her fair stomach and belly button to Jake and I, two boys who would be willing to be sex slaves for her any time, any day.

After she carried a box out to the driveway, she walked into the kitchen to get us cold drinks. She told us to make ourselves at home and take off our T-shirts if we wished to. Without waiting for our replies, she took off, back into her room to clear her stuff. Jake and I looked at each other, and thought that Miss Jenkins' suggestion was probably the only wise thing to do. It was not helping much to move around in warm and wet T-shirts.

I was definitely getting Miss Jenkins' attention with my topless body. When she walked out of her room in the following round, I could see her stunned face expression when her eyes were feasting on our topless bodies. I thought she was going to drool when she saw the our exposed biceps, developed chests and lean stomachs. She was impressed with Jake's too, but I caught her eyes checking me out more. I was surprised. I would have believed Jake would be any girl's type, not me.

The pizza guy came and dropped our lunch and left. The moving truck came and left by 1.20am. The last task was to stuff her other things into her car. She still had a few bags with her.

'Thank you, boys... I can't tell you how grateful I am,' Miss Jenkins said. We were sitting on her naked living room. Jake and I were topless, with our backs on the wall. She sat in front of us, with her legs stretched out. Her arms stretched straight behind her, supporting her body up. She tossed her head back, turning her head from left to right, releasing the stress from her aching neck. When she did that, she allowed us a cheap and long admiration of her covered busty breasts. We were so admiring the sizes. I stole a look at Jake. He smiled. He was enjoying it. I was too.

'Ahh... I gotta clear this mess..' Miss Jenkins sighed, after she sat straight up. She tried to gather the pizza box and the paper cups. I quickly offered my assistance. Both of us got up, leaving Jake to rest. He was playing cards, matching the numbers and colour. Although Jake wanted to help, I told him to continue. Miss Jenkins and I had everything covered.

'Are you staring at my breasts?' Miss Jenkins asked as she looked at me through the kitchen mirror. I was busted. I was looking at her big breasts through the mirror. I was so turned on that I forgot she could catch me easily.

I blushed. No point in denying. It was obvious.

'My, my! I did not know that I've a secret admirer!' Miss Jenkins teased me.

She turned around and faced me, leaning her back on the sink ledge. She raised her index finger and ran it down the outline between my chests, and then down to my hard stomach.

'Such a pity that I'm leaving... we could have something together...' she said, as she raised the fingertip to her lips and sucked it.

My cock found life immediately. It was growing. And the fact that I was so close to her, I could almost smell her breasts.

I just smiled. I did not know what to say.

'And a pity too that we're not alone now,' Miss Jenkins said, referring that Jake was there too. 'I sure would like to thank you personally,' she said, as she ran her hand on my hair, causing me to shiver.

I was in lust.

'Jake?' I asked her.

She nodded her head, telling me of our barrier.

'What do you have in mind?' I asked her.

'What - do - YOU - have - in mind?' she whispered back, seductively into my left ear.

I had to swallow my saliva. I felt myself breathless when her covered breasts pressed up against my naked torso. As she stepped back, my eyes were on her cleavage.

'Hmmm.. interested in my breasts, huh?' she asked.

I blushed again.

'Well, after all your hard work,' she whispered again, as she ran the back of her hand on my jaw-line slowly, from my right ear to my chin, 'I'm cruel for not showing my gratitude. But...'

'...but there's Jake,' I cut in.

She nodded. I hoped she was not suggesting me to get rid of Jake. I could not do that. I did not know the reason why she had found me more attractive than Jake. Maybe she liked a blonde. Although I was flattered, it had to be Jake and me all the way, or nothing at all.

I understood her fear of Jake. Who would dare to mess with the son of the chief priest in our town? Anyone but me, of course.

It was almost like a good deal disappearing.

'Why not include Jake?' I asked.

'Him?' she asked, surprised.

'We ain't telling anyone anything 'bout you leaving. Why not include this?' I asked, whatever 'this' deal was supposed to be.

'Hmmm...' she hesitated - the 'Father Thompson' factor.

I told her that I would ask Jake, making it sounded like it was my idea. If Jake disagreed, then Jake and I could leave.

A smile formed on her lips. 'Hmmm.. two young guys at the price of one? I don't think I could resist..' she teased, biting her index finger lustfully. Her other hand reached out and pinched my left nipple, a reminder that I should convince Jake. Somehow, I knew she was more eager to focus on me.

I went to Jake. It took me awhile to convince him, as he was afraid of the idea. He was scared to do something like that. I looked at the cards he was holding. I asked if he was okay with just strip poker. Jake hesitated, but agreed eventually.

I hurried to shut the front door, and closed the curtainless windows. I did not want any voyeur, although I, myself enjoyed being one.

When I entered the kitchen, Miss Jenkins was sitting on the cabinet, waiting. She looked up and smiled when she saw me. She was beautiful. And gorgeous. And I wanted so badly to see her naked breasts and pussy up close, even if there was no sex. I told her about Jake's fear and how I managed to get him to agree to strip poker. She agreed, but she was wondering why I did not just send him home.

I told Miss Jenkins that Jake had helped a lot, and just like any other guys, both of us had the hots for her. So, it would be unfair for me to enjoy anything more than him. Of course I left out the part that I would not do anything without Jake.

She looked unconvinced that I would go through all the effort for Jake, instead of enjoying the fruit alone. But she forced a smile out, willing to play the kiddy game, as she wanted to see more of me. Or should I say less.

We approached a shy Jake. As he made eye contact with Miss Jenkins, he nodded blushfully of his willingness to join in the game.

'No telling anyone,' Miss Jenkins said to a nodding Jake. 'Especially your father.' Jake smiled, understanding her fear. He would be afraid too if his father were to find out.

I was happy, smiling away, as the deal was on. I had Jake with me, and both of us would get our dream come true - to see Miss Jenkins naked.

The rule was simple. One clothing item for each loss. The one with the most points in hand would have to strip. But what become a disadvantage was that Jake and I were already topless, and from what we could see, Miss Jenkins had 4 pieces on. Jake and I had only two each - our jeans and briefs.

Miss Jenkins was the first to lose, which was bad news, for us. As soon as her shirt came off, Jake and I lost our concentration. Jake was the poorer player, or should I say, the one who had heavier crush on Miss Jenkins. He could not concentrate. By the time he took his jeans off, Miss Jenkins eyes went really wide, seeing the outline of his giant 9 inches, hard in the brief.

I was very much turned on too, which was why I lost the next game, due to too much distraction - Miss Jenkins' boobs and Jake's hard dick. Miss Jenkins was so determined for me to lose the next round. Although she was beginning to have more interest in Jake, she was still on to me.

And I did lose. I had to strip my jeans off, which made Miss Jenkins so happy that she was laughing as she clapped, cheering me on to give her a strip dance. I did, even showing my shaking ass to Jake, which made Miss Jenkins laughed even more, she rolled on her back. Jake was blushing. I was high. And Miss Jenkins' eyes were undressing my groin this time. I could feel the stare of her lust. My cock was straining hard, just like Jake's.

Miss Jenkins lost the next round, and instead of fulfilling our wish of seeing her breasts free, she took her cut-off off. That left her covered by her black, lacy undergarments. My eyes were visualising her cunt, and I knew Jake was doing the same.

Jake lost the next round, and off his brief. His big boner flopped down, as he slipped his brief off, shyly. Miss Jenkins let out a whistle, which made Jake blushed even more. Rules or not, she reached out and grabbed his hard shaft, which made Jake jumped. She murmured a wow. Instead of jealous, I was proud that the piece of meat was mine.

I tried to concentrate hard on the game. I really wanted her to take off that bra.

Jake got used to his nakedness, and his hardness had calmed down, but it still looked like a big, thick snake, on his thigh. I knew Miss Jenkins' eyes were on the monster. This should give me an advantage of winning, if she was not concentrating on the cards.

No one warned us that elder ladies were experienced in most things, including card games. I lost. My brief was off, and my 7-inch hard dick was offered for her eyes to see. She did a whistle too, and her eyes made contact with mine. They were telling that before she could catch her plane later that day, I would sure be hers to be devoured. My dick twitched at the message. She went wow again.

Jake saw the chemistry between us, but said nothing. I knew he would never be jealous. Or would he?

We played, but it was Jake's turn to lose.

'Hahaha.. loser!' Miss Jenkins laughed, causing her breasts to shake in front of our hungry eyes. Even Jake chuckled, hiding his fear because he did not know what rule come next.

'Hmmm... I guess you have to do something, since that you're already naked, right, Leo?' Miss Jenkins asked.

'What do you want him to do?' I asked her, since that she was the winner.

'Why don't you unhook my bra, Jake? Do you think you have the guts for that?' Miss Jenkins challenged him. It was an offer could not be refused. The hook was in front, and sandwiched real tight between her boobs.

'Ahem... sure! Why not?' Jake answered, after he cleared his throat. Jake got up, and knelt on his right knee.

Miss Jenkins just sat right there, waiting to see if Jake would complete his forfeit.

Jake's hands was clearly shaking lightly as his fingers went nearer to her breasts. I was watching him. His dick was recovering back to its full-length hardness. If Miss Jenkins was not there, I would have jumped on that giant.

As Jake's fingers brushed her breasts, Miss Jenkins sighed, causing Jake to retreat.

'Sorry!' he said, embarrassed.

'For what? Don't be silly, Jake! I'm waiting...' Miss Jenkins said.

Jake suddenly realised that he had not seen my reaction to all this, and he wondered if I was upset. He looked at me, and I gave him the eye that he should go ahead, before lowering my eyes away. It was too obvious in front of Miss Jenkins if Jake were to check with me often, if I was alright with him nearing a girl. I was afraid Miss Jenkins would see our reaction. And when I looked up, as Jake's fingers moved closer to Miss Jenkins' breasts, I saw her eyes. She saw our eye contact.

She still had that puzzle look, over our closeness, but she gave me a smile. Her attention went back to Jake's fingers pressing against her big breasts as he tried to unhook the bra. She even pushed her body out, teasing nervous Jake.

'First time, Jake?' she teased.

'Yes..' Jake stammered, as he chuckled. His eyes alternated between the hook and her breasts. It took him a few seconds longer, before Miss Jenkins' bra snapped open, freeing her breasts. Since that her breast cups were still on, and she did not intend to remove her bra (she said she had not lost yet), we were only given sneak preview of her tits.

Jake gasped. So did I.

'Okay.. now, it's obvious that you two have nothing more left to offer me. And I know you two still want to see my pussy... isn't that right, Leo?' she asked, to which I nodded my head. 'Well, if we're gonna continue playing, new rule. If any of you lose, you have to do what I said, okay?'

I looked at Jake, wondering if he would back out. He looked at me puzzle, waiting for an indication from me. Miss Jenkins saw that.

I had no problem. I said yes. Jake followed my lead.

'Are you sure, Jake?' Miss Jenkins asked him. I was not surprise, as she would have believed that he was a virgin and this type of thing might be gross for him.

Jake nodded again.

'Okay then, let's play...' Miss Jenkins said.

And we played. Miss Jenkins won. I had the most points, which meant that I had to do what she said. And believe me, I was ready to eat her. I knew Jake would be jealous, as he would want that too.

'Good.. now, why don't you ... hmmm.. let me see.. what I could ask you to do....' Miss Jenkins said, playing with me, causing more suspense. Even to suck her tit. One would do. That would make my day.

She pretended to play with the locks of her hair, as she pretended to think. Her boob was exposed, and Jake and I were not paying attention to her much anymore. Our eyes were peeking at her exposed tits.

'You know what really turns me on?' she said at last, bringing our attention to her pair of eyes, instead of her pair of wonders.

'I want you...' she said to me, as she pointed her index finger at me, ' kiss him. On the lips!' Miss Jenkins continued, as she redirected her pointing to Jake.

Jake seemed to be in shock at her request. I was too.

'Oh, com'on!' Miss Jenkins persuaded. 'You guys liked to see girls kiss, right? Well, I like to see guys kissing.'

My eyes turned to Jake. I did not know whether we were gonna do it or not. It was not about revealing ourselves to Miss Jenkins only. Since the last time I had kissed Jake, I never dared to try again. Jake did not respond to my kiss the last time. It was painful to kiss someone I was in love with, to find out that he did not feel the same. It was all said in the kiss. I had kissed him. He did not kissed back.

Miss Jenkins saw the hesitation in our faces. She leaned forward. Her open bra widened, baring more of her busty breasts. I had to swallow my saliva, to clear my throat. She was trying to tempt me. It was working. Her wonderful boobs were calling out to me, telling me to go for it - kiss Jake.

I turned to face Jake again. His eyes were sucking in, shamelessly, the sight of Miss Jenkins' assets. He was mesmerised.

'So, guys? If I lose the next round, I'll do anything. A-NY-THING!' she emphasised, as one hand reached up and cupped her breast, pushing the full breast up like an offering. Her pink round tit was tempting us. I wanted her badly.

I moved my body closer to Jake. Jake was surprised by move, and he jolted a little. But after the jolt, he did not seem to try to get away from me. I was not going to take a no now. I desperately wanted the game to continue. I needed to fuck Miss Jenkins and Jake's shyness or unwillingness should not be in the way.

His eyes watched my lips as my face drawn closer to his. My breath became heavier as my face got closer to his. It was like the only sound I could hear was my own breathing. Jake looked scared. So was I. I did not hold his shoulder. Neither did I touch any other part of his body.

I leaned forward, closed my eyes and kissed my Jake. I kissed him on his lips. It was just like before. He did not kiss back. As my lips brushed against his lower lip, I shuddered. Even until now, the touch of him electrified me. I felt his breathing on me, as much as mine on him. I shivered. And I knew he knew.

As I retreated, my eyes opened to see Jake was doing the same. He had accepted my kiss with his eyes closed. What did that mean? But his passive act on the kissing reminded me that I was only dreaming, hoping for the impossible.

I needed to double check with reality.

Miss Jenkins' holler stopped me from my wondering. I turned to face her. Jake and I just blushed and smiled. We got her hot. Her panties was still on, but her right hand had slipped in. She was already fingering her pussy. She pulled her hand out, and put her middle finger into her mouth, slowly sliding the finger out. My thick cock was straining hard. It was pointing up. So was Jake's.

We played another round. I won. Jake had the most points. So, I had to forfeit Jake.

'Kiss Miss Jenkins.' I could have said 'kiss me', but I knew it would be the same as before - a cold kiss. And somehow, I knew that Jake wanted to feel Miss Jenkins. I had to choose. I could choose to be ignorant of my best friend's desire, or I could help him. Since Donna, I knew Jake wanted to feel another girl. It was a hard choice, but I chose to be selfless.

Jake was surprised by my choice of forfeit. He looked at Miss Jenkins. She had already wore a sexy, lustful look n her face, inviting him. She spread her legs and used her index finger to gesture Jake to come close.

'Let me show you how to kiss...' Miss Jenkins teased, seductively.

Jake looked at me, and I gave him the go-ahead sign. His hesitation vanished when he saw that I was serious with the challenge. He picked himself up and moved closer to Miss Jenkins.

Jake knelt in front of Miss Jenkins' opened thighs. He was not sure how to make the first move. Miss Jenkins was still waiting, but smiling away. Her eyes hungrily eyed Jake's hard body and even a harder thick, long cock. Jake leaned forward, copying what I had done on him earlier, although he looked nervous, as if he was worried of mistakes.

Miss Jenkins took advantage of Jake's unprepared position by lunging forward, wrapping her arms around Jake's body and pulled him forward. As Miss Jenkins lower her body onto the floor, she pulled a surprise Jake along. Jake lied on top of Miss Jenkins. His hard body pressed onto Miss Jenkins' firm breasts.

I thought I felt a spang of jealousy, and lust. The latter seemed to overshadow the former.

Jake was surprised by Miss Jenkins' move, and before he could react, Miss Jenkins put a hand behind the back of his head, and pulled it closer to her. Her lips parted and engulfed both lips of Jake's at once. Jake looked like he was surprised, and tried to push away. Miss Jenkins did not let go. Her arms wrapped the back of his shoulders and held him still, as she tried to bring Jake's passion alive through her lips.

Jake's resistance faded away as Miss Jenkins repeatedly kissed him hard, moving her lips all over him. Jake's body was no longer struggling to be free, and I could see his hand holding her shoulder. I knew and could imagine his hard cock twitching, pressed against Miss Jenkins.

Although Jake had not resisted, I could see he was not kissing back either. He pulled his lips away, looking at a smiling and satisfied Miss Jenkins. He implanted another gentle kiss on her lips, and tried to pull away as Miss Jenkins offered her tongue for French-kissing. Jake pulled up and broke away from her arms.

'What about you? Are you just gonna watch?' Miss Jenkins asked me. I still had this weird idea that she had more hots for me.

I lunged at her opening arms, as Jake moved his ass away from her. I attacked her lips. It was sweet, moist with hers and Jake's saliva. As I kissed her, I thought of Jake, being there where I was now. My hard cock pressed hard on her, and I could feel her wriggling her hips to feel my manhood. Her wriggle caused her firm, luscious breasts to rub on my naked chests. Each feel of her tits on my naked skin made me shiver.

She french-kissed me, something she failed to do on Jake. I responded, exploring her tongue with mine. Her body moved around, rubbing her breasts and tits on mine, as I lied on top of her.

Jake was watching us all the time. His hand was stroking his cock. This was the first time I had caught Jake stroking himself. He would never dare to do such an act in the past. But he was clearly turned on. I did not know whether it was Miss Jenkins' body, or was it my bubble butt that made him excited. As if he knew what I was thinking, he suddenly became embarrassed and moved his hand away.

My hand was busy feeling Miss Jenkins' breasts and slipped down to pull her panties off. Miss Jenkins and I both struggled, with our tongues battling one another, tried to get her naked. Jake got the message and stripped her panties off. Her pussy was visible to Jake, making him more excited. And my 7 inches dick was a few inches away from the paradise hole.

I kissed her as I entered her. Her moan became louder as I humped her pussy hole with my rockhard cock. I did not want Jake to be left out too long. I lifted my body up, as I kept my cock buried inside our teacher's cunt. I continued my rhythm of fucking her, causing her to sigh and moan.

Jake knew what he had to do. He moved his hips nearer, to where Miss Jenkins' mouth was. She reached out and grabbed Jake's dick and engulfed my best friend's dick with her mouth. Jake started fucking her.

In our sexventure with Miss Jenkins, something felt amiss. I longed to fuck a girl, but yet when this was happening, I missed the feel of Jake's body near me. I could see him, but I could not touch him.

It was indeed so near and yet so far.

Jake looked at me, as Miss Jenkins continued to devour his cock. As she moved back and forth her mouth on Jake's cock, Jake sighed ecstasy, but his eyes peeped at my reaction. I wondered if he was worried that I might be jealous.

I was indeed jealous someone was touching Jake. Someone was feeling what should be accessible only to me. But I needed to fuck so badly, I could not afford to be greedy for myself and yet expect Jake not to be having fun. It was like I could cheat, but he could not.

I forced myself to smile, to let him know it was a cool thing, to be banging our teacher. My smile was fake. He could see through. His smile, was a fake one too.

The excitement and Miss Jenkins' moans stole our attention back to our naked bodies and our humping. Jake and I felt Miss Jenkins' everywhere, especially her breasts. We both were indulging in her twin wonders.

I cummed soon.

As my cum erupted from my cock, filling her pussy, I sighed a great relief. It had been so long since I fucked one. I must had sighed loud, because by the time I opened my eyes, Jake was looking at me in a strange way. I raised my eyebrows, asking what. He just shook his head, and smiled another fake smile.

I was not done. I wanted more. I climbed on top of Miss Jenkins and began to fuck her breasts. I cupped her breasts close together, and began to slide my cock to and fro. Jake got up and knelt behind me. It was not to fuck me, but to fuck Miss Jenkins. Miss Jenkins moaned louder, as Jake's bigger dick penetrated into her. I suspected it was not so painful for her, as she had been fucking with Steve Ryker, who had the same size dick as Jake.

I could not see Jake, but the breasts clenching my cock was good enough to keep me entertained.

Sometimes, I swore I could feel Jake's breathing on my back, as he thrust himself into Miss Jenkins. His thrust rocked Miss Jenkins' so hard that I could feel the motion under my spread thighs. I closed my eyes and imagined Jake's ecstasy as he filled Miss Jenkins' up. I could not do that. Jealousy was there again. It was too obvious.

I cummed hard, when I thought of Jake's hard cock. I shot my cum all over Miss Jenkins' neck and chin. At the same time, I heard Jake howled. But before I could turn around, I felt his cum sprayed on my back. I had pulled his cock out fast enough to shoot his cum on my back and also on Miss Jenkins' stomach.

Miss Jenkins had long cummed, and as we lifted ourselves up from her, she continued to lie on the floor. She gave us a wide smile.

'Very good, boys! What a departing gift. Phew!!!' she praised.

Jake and I slumped our backs onto the floor, and lied down there. Our eyes stared blankly at the living room's ceiling, as we tried to catch our breath. Our chests rose up and down, covered in sweat. I wanted to let Jake knew I was ok with him touching another girl. I was not really ok, but I had to lie.

I was lying in the middle, between Jake and my teacher. I shut my eyes for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes, I realised that Miss Jenkins had fallen asleep. But Jake's eyes were wide opened, still staring at the ceiling. He looked like he was thinking of something.

I Moved closer and brushed my arm against Jake's muscular one. It really felt good to feel his skin touching mine again. But Jake pulled his arm away slowly. I was stunned. I looked at Jake, but he turned away.

Jake got up. I got up too, to follow Jake. Both of us looked at Miss Jenkins. She had rolled onto her side, facing the other way. After a whole night of packing, she must be really tired.

Jake seemed to be upset about something. I wondered if it was the guilt of fucking his own teacher. Maybe it was that I occupied more of Miss Jenkins and he was left out. Maybe he was not happy that Miss Jenkins had the hots for me, and not him.

Whatever it was, Jake just walked to Miss Jenkins' room, without saying much to me. I knew he wanted to take a quick shower. So was I. I followed him in.


Jake ignored me.


He turned and confronted me. I really did not know how to read his face expression. Was he angry? Upset? Hurt? Jealous that Miss Jenkins liked to sex me more than fucking him?

'What's wrong?' I whispered.

'Nothing!' His tone was sharp and cold. But immediately he was sorry for the way he talked to me.

I saw him sighing and he turned away, regretting his reaction.

I caught his arm and pulled his body to mine. I held him in my arms, not knowing what to say or do. I only wished that he would know that I was sorry if I had hurt him. Or that I was not upset with his anger. He tried to break free at first, but I held on strong. He did not put up much fight. I held him, with one arm around his waist, and the other around his shoulder, crossing his chests. I rested my chin on his shoulder. It was then that he stopped struggling.

Jake let me hold him in my arms. Maybe the sex with Miss Jenkins was a bad idea after all.

When Jake was calmer, I knew I could not hold off the temptation of his smooth and hard back pressing on my body. Immediately I was getting hard. And from what I could from my roaming hand, Jake was too.

Jake's cock was semihard, and was still soaked with his cum. My hand on his shaft told he was getting hard from our two hard bodies crushed together. He knew I was eyeing for his meat.

Instead of allowing him to enter the bathroom, I turned him around, and pressed him, with his back, against the wall. Jake wanted to be clean, and that should be my job, and not the water, to clean him up. He knew my hunger from the look in my eyes. He surrendered. He knew I worshipped his body, and especially his big cock. It would be a sin not to let me get down on my knees when I wanted to. He smiled, giving me his approval, which I did not need to wait for.

I licked his right nipple, playing it with the tip of my tongue. I flicked the pointy nipple with my tongue, and as usual, it got him hard. His cock was pressing against my stomach, as I continued to nibble the nipple with my lips. I continued the assault on his left nipple, and gave it one hard suck, causing him to moan. He would have moaned louder, if it was not for Miss Jenkins in the next room.

I was excited. I was hard from feeling my lover again with my hands, and my mouth. I loved the feel of my mouth pressed against his hard body, as I nibbled him. His suppressed sigh got me even more excited. And I believed both of us were getting high from knowing that there would be a possibility of us getting caught.

My hand stroke my hard cock, as my tongue licked its way down Jake's hard stomach, passing his sexy, trimmed pubic hair and licking its way from the base of the shaft to the cockhead. I shivered with excitement when I felt the moist on the cockhead. It was his cum mixed with mine, when he fucked Miss Jenkins earlier. I tasted the delight with my tongue, licking in whatever small chunk or taste I could gather. I licked Jake's cock like licking a lollipop. It was smooth, it was hard and it was delicious to my senses.

Jake moaned, as I played with the sensitive area of his cockhead. I knew how to turn him on after the many training I got. My hands left my aching cock to feel Jake's steel buns. Jake loved it when I caressed his whole body with my hands, and I was definitely going to please him, as I loved to have his skin under my touch. I ran my hand all over his buns, slipping my fingers in between his crack, to feel him deeper. Jake shivered when my fingers brushed against his assring. His cock twitched harder in my mouth.

I took Jake's masterpiece all the way into my throat. I had learnt to deepthroat him, although it took a lot of patience and practice. As long as Jake liked it, I would do it. And it helped too when the sucker enjoyed feeling the long cock ramming and sliding in the throat. I loved that. The only part I did not like was the void it had created when Jake pulled out his cock.

I munched with my lips, as my hungry mouth slid its way to the base of his long shaft. Jake's thick cock throbbed in mouth, reminding me that it was active and could erupt anytime. I loved the feel of its bigness and hardness, engulfed by my lips. I could take this one alive, and lived to tell the tale about the one that did not get away. Its throbbing did not stop me.

My lips and my tongue made love to Jake's hard and thick cock. My tongue explored the smooth underside of that guy's big cock. It lathered Jake's cock, covering it with my spit. Jake moaned, still softly as he was worried about Miss Jenkins.

I pulled my mouth away and licked his balls. Jake's balls were huge, just like mine. As I played with the balls, I felt Jake's thighs shivering, under my right palm. My left palm was busy stroking Jake's cock, as my tongue lathered up Jake's ball. Once or twice, I would take the whole of Jake's balls in my mouth, making him under my control. As his balls felt my teeth, Jake shivered again, but then he would relax as he felt the warmness of my mouth.

I gave his big cock a few more lapping. As my finger tickled his balls, I felt his body tensed. I knew my cue. He was cumming and I would never want to waste his cum. Jake knew that. He knew how much I loved to eat him, right down to his jism.

I cupped his big mushroom cockhead with my lips. I felt the cockhead bloated, his body tensed and suddenly, I felt his cum shot inside my mouth. The first few shots hit my throat. The rest oozed down onto my tongue, allowing me to feel the thickness of Jake's manlove juice.

At the time when I felt Jake's body began to relax down, I was my turn to cum. I felt the pressure building within me. Jake felt it too, as my head jerked back. But instead of letting go of me, Jake held on to my head, refusing his cock to leave my mouth. As I jerked, shooting my cum, Jake had forced me to suck in his cock as I breathed for more air. I would not complain. His cock was heaven to me.

We left Miss Jenkins' place after taking a quick shower together. We dried our bodies with our clothes and made our way out quietly, not wanting to disturb her. I did give her a wake-up call around 4pm, just in case she overslept. She thanked us for our help, and also for covering her with her clothes, before we had left. She promised that me that she would not tell anyone about us, especially about Jake. She asked for the same from us.

I told her that we promised. I guessed that was the code of cheaters. We cheated the society's system of belief and yet, when it mattered the most, we trusted one another. Others would not kiss-and-tell. In our case, we trusted one another not to fuck-and-tell. What kind of world are we in now, that the person we had to trust the most is also another cheater?

But I was not the only one thinking of this. Jake was too. And I had no idea he was seeing this incident more than just sex. Jake was acting different the whole day. At first I thought it was just he was too tired. But even after the evening nap, Jake was still a little different. He was not angry with me. He was not upset or anything. But more of like he was in this deep thoughts of his own. I figured he must had felt guilty about the incident. Maybe it was just another taboo that he had broken, that made him more guilty. It was bad enough that I introduced him to sex. And it was not just sex, it was a male-to-male sex. He did not show any anger. He tried to smile, but the smiles were not convincing. And the topics he brought up for chatting, made me more believing that he was seriously disturbed by something.

I offered a penny for his thoughts. He turned it down, by brushing off the topic.

I knew it. I should had offered a dollar.

Miss Jenkins' mysterious disappearance shocked the school a few days later. On Monday, no one was bothered much, as it looked like she was taking a leave. But when the news spread about her empty house, the school management started to investigate.

I was in my own investigation. I wished I learnt mind-reading. Jake was still not telling, and was denying that he was disturbed by something. But he knew he was telling a half-truth. At times, after denying, he would give me that second check look, to see if I had bought his story. I did not pester him after he gave me that look. I knew when not to ask.

Jake and I did talk, after difficult situations, thanks to first Lori, and second Colby.

Lori came by, one evening. Things happened really fast. One minute she was in my living room, in her sexy dress. The minute she ran up, to my room. I tried to stop her. She jumped on me as she closed the door behind us. The impact was that we both fell, with her on top of me. She tried to strip me off and kissed me at the same time, which I defended myself, by pushing her away. It was not easy as I tried to catch her wild hands which were caressing my whole body. Yes, I was turned on, but I did try to fight her off. In the midst of doing so, I heard (but Lori did not) the door opened. As my struggle loosened when I tried to see who it was, Lori locked her lips on mine. I pushed her away just in time to see Jake at the door.

'Sorry!' Jake said while his eyes turned away. He closed the door as he walked out.

Lori turned when she heard Jake. She became happy to know that there was a witness to 'the two of us' on the floor in action.

'Wait! Jake!!' I shouted as I struggled to get up. Lori's hands were trying to get to my zip. I was frustrated with her. I gave her a jolt, pushing her to one side, as I scrambled to the door. I could not let my Jake walked away. Lori was stunned that I would leave her like that.

'What's the matter with you?' she screamed as she threw tantrum.

'Nothing... I .. I gotta go,' I said as my hand reached for the door knob.

Lori was still in the state of disbelief.

'Go where? To Jake?' Lori yelled. She felt that being a girl, she would have the control over me. Given months ago, I would say that she was right. My dick was hard, because of her body rubbing against mine. I still loved to screw a girl.

But my heart told me that there was other more important thing - Jake. I could not afford to let the heart lose.

'Lori.. It's over.. wake up! It's fucking OVER!!' I yelled my frustration at her before I dashed out.

Jake had left the house.

When I opened the front door, I saw him standing there, with his back to me. He was just standing there, as if he was thinking. His right hand was on his forehand, as if his head was in pain.

He must had heard the front door opened, because immediately he turned to his side and walked off.

'Jake!!' I yelled. He did not turn back. I did not care if Lori was gonna be pissed off that I left her to chase after Jake. If she were to ask later, I would just have to lie that Jake owed me money and I desperate wanted it back.

I caught with my guy. He was obviously trying to avoid me.

'Jake?' Jake was not slowing down. His head was facing ahead, avoiding eye contact.

'I need to go back,' Jake said, without looking at me.

'Why?' I asked, hurrying as I tried to keep up with him. 'You came and just leave?'

'Just remembered I've to do something,' Jake said. He was still avoiding eye contact.

'Jake, stop!!' I was tired chasing him. I grabbed his arm, trying to stop him.

'Why? Why should I?!' Jake said, in a tone a little too high.

'One, we have to talk,' I told him. Jake seemed to retaliate.

'And two, your house is the other way!'

Jake looked at the direction my finger was pointing, and back at the direction he was heading. He realised I was right. He blushed, that I caught him making the error.

'What's the fucking going on, Jake?' I demanded to know.

'Nothing!' he answered, his tone commanding no further question was to be asked.

But I was not ready to leave it at that.

'No, something's going on. Tell me!' I asked. My voice tone matched his.

Jake was shocked by my reaction. His eyes looked around. We could have been creating a scene if there were any neighbours watching. Luckily, there wasn't any.

Jake turned and walked by the same direction he was heading to earlier on. He did not want to walk past my house. I knew it had got to do with Lori and I. I walked along with him. He did not ask me to stop following him. It only meant that he DID want me to go with him.

Where? I did not know, but I was not about to leave him alone.

'What about Lori?' Jake asked. He was concerned about Lori being left in my house, unattended.

'She'll live,' I answered, sarcastically, but it was only meant as a joke. Jake understood, and I was glad to see him smiling to it. At last he smiled. His smile made him looked even more gorgeous. Only heaven and angels would understand why I had fallen for Jake.

'Jake, what is it about?' I asked. Jake could sense my urge for the answer.

'I don't know, Leo. Look, I'm not in the right mind to talk about it now,' Jake answered, without looking at me. 'Can we just leave it for now?' he asked, more like begging.

Jake could ask me to blow him right there and then on the street, and most likely I would do it. For such a favour, I knew I had to let him win.

I nodded, although my heart was not entirely willing.

'So, since that we have nothing to say here, don't mind if I go back now, Jake? Lori and a pussy are waiting...' I said, as I retracted a few steps back.

I caught Jake's face expression as he turned to watch where I went. His eyes showed he was surprised that I would do such a thing, and leave him there. But he recovered quickly when he saw I was looking at him with a wide smile.

'Gotcha!' I teased. 'You think I will leave you all by yourself. Fat chance, man!'

Jake blushed for the second time. He was caught red-handed. He wanted me to stay and he had just shown it clearly, eventhough he did not say it out. His eyes gave him away.

We walked that evening. I did not know where we were going. When he felt like it, he just took a left or right turn and I would walk beside him. I did not remember much of what we had shared that evening. It was nothing personal but every little thing that we could think of and chat about them. Or even laughed. I loved that evening. Nothing in our conversation was important, but it was important enough to keep us together that evening.

Jake took every turn, except for the one leading back to my house or his, until it was really late. We had a late dinner in his house. I had my dinner there because Jake had insisted. It was like he was trying to keep me away form my house, just in case Lori was still there. I did not question him. I just 'obeyed'.

Even the dinner at Jake's place failed to keep Lori away. I got a call later at Jake's place, sometime before 10pm from my mom, to check if I was at Jake's place. She told me that Lori came by, and they wondered what time I would be back. Mom whispered to the phone, telling me that Lori looked terrible. She whispered as she was afraid Lori would hear her.

I told mom to wait for awhile, as I went into Jake's room to tell him.

Jake looked a little uneasy. I would not know if he was upset.

'So, should I go?' I asked Jake. I did not want to leave him unhappy. But Jake was the quiet type. He would not tell me if he was. I wondered if he was upset.

Jake just avoided my question, as his eyes gazed out the window. I felt like he wanted to tell me so many things, and yet it was Jake's natural way of confronting any situation. He kept things to himself.

'Well, since that I don't even know if you want me to stay or not, I guess I should go,' I told him as I turned to walk out of his room.

Jake mumbled something.

I turned and faced him. He was still looking out the window.

'Stay, Leo.'

Something in me just fell weak when I heard that. He wanted me there, with him. He did not want me to go. In my pathetic relationship with a straight Jake, this was the closest I got to that he wanted me too, as much as I wanted him.

I shook my head, couldn't believe the confusing and frustrating situation I was in. I walked back to the phone.

'Mom,' I called out, clearing my throat. 'I won't be home tonight. Yeah. Yeah. Tell her I'm busy. And mom, I'm staying over at Jake's place. Yes, mom. Okay. Nite.'

That night, we continued our talk. We talked about our friends and what we would expect from our last year there. We talked about the college we liked. We talked about almost anything, except for our feelings. I had no heart to force it out from Jake. And Jake looked like he was thankful that I did not.

Father Thompson forced us to turn the light off at 12am.

'Night, Jake,' I said as I took my place on the sleeping bag, on the floor. With Father Thompson in the house, we did not dare to do anything hanky panky.

'Night,' Jake greeted back. 'And Leo?'


'Thank you.'

I just smiled. Jake might not be able to see it, but he knew. And I was glad I stayed. To be in the same room with him, although I was not able to make love to him, was good enough. I breathed his breath. I sighed to his sigh. Man, I was really in love with this guy. And I knew that he knew.

THE END. Date: 29 May 2002

Next: Chapter 8

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