Strawberry Hill

By Sam Tudor

Published on Apr 4, 2023



This is, of course, ficition, but, as with much of fiction, is loosely based on what really happened some years ago, the model for Ben died of AIDS in the 1980's, the model for Hump is still around, a grandfather many times over, and, I, the model for Steve, am alive and well.

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Strawberry Hill

I knew Humphrey, nicknamed Hump, much to his parents' distress, but they named him, not his fault, from high school. He was a year ahead of me, and had gone to different elementary and middle schools, being from the other side of our medium sized (20,000) town. But, we were not at odds nor good friends, we just travelled in different groups.

On the other hand, Ben and I (by the way, my name is Steve) had been friends since first grade, we met on the first day, and he sat right in front of me, since we were seated in alphabetical order, by last name, something I figured out sometime in the year when I had learned what alphabetical order was. Our friendship continued, we were in the same Scout troop, our mothers were acquainted, although not good friends, we had occasional sleep overs as elementary school kids, all very innocent. We had seen each other naked, swimming at the Y (it was a YMCA and it was males only for the most part, females had certain hours when they were allowed in the building, and during those times males had to wear swim suits or shorts but otherwise nudity was the rule, in the pool, or even walking to the pool from the locker rooms,) and we had compared cocks on sleep overs, I was cut, he was uncut, and we wondered why there seemed to be two kinds of men, the fire hydrants (the cut) and the fire hoses (the uncut).

And, Ben was a chub, in today's terms, fat in those days, and his cock, and balls, like those of it would seem many chubs, were little compared to most of us guys. His cock was, unless he pulled it out, totally tucked into the fat of his pubes. Measured from his asshole, which we tried, it was still pretty short. After puberty it only completely retreated when it was cold, such as swimming in the pool. And, when hard, after puberty, it was rock solid but pressed upward against his pubes -- how it would ever get bent down enough to get into a cunt was a mystery to me. In fact, comparing notes, years later, he never did get it into a cunt, he being a total homosexual, and total bottom at that. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Upon hitting puberty, more or less at the same time, we resumed our investigation of our private parts, first comparing erections, then masturbation, then ejaculation, our progress was reasonably parallel. We were, at 12 and 13, too old for sleep-overs and both of our mothers were "homemakers" so there was not much opportunity for privacy at either house. And, this was New England, and in the winter, there was privacy to be found outdoors but it was either too cold or wet to even think about it.

Hump was in a different Scout troop, but, when we were 14, our Scout troops merged, since his leader had resigned, no one else could be found to take over, and it was very small -- the ideal size back then was 50 or so and they only had 12 kids, and we had about 25. So, at the beginning of high school I knew him from that context as well. He was athletic, outgoing, and a friend to all. If someone wanted to tease him about his name, Hump, he would stand up and move his pelvis in a humping motion, and if the teaser were in range, try to grab him and hump his ass or leg or crotch and laugh kind of manically.

Our Scout troop went to the Y three times a year, we had the pool to ourselves, in order to have fun, but also to pass the swimming requirements for those who needed to. So, Ben and I were 14, Hump 15, and he was clearly a "man" whereas we were still "boys", we had pubic hair, and we could cum, but he was built, his cock was really big, soft, he had a very long foreskin (by that time we knew about circumcision, but Ben remarked to me, "Did you see his firehose?", to which I replied that I did). I wondered, to myself, how big it was hard. Certainly, it was a match for most of the adults I had seen naked in my life, but that was not many.

As the weather warmed up Ben and I occasionally found some time, usually on the weekend, to go off in the woods and jerk each other off. We never kissed, or hugged, or did anything about assholes, and had no thoughts that we were queer, at least I didn't, it was just about getting off.

We both had "girlfriends" but that, at 14, with no car, and relying on parents for transportation, was pretty much a nothing, sex wise. The school had "dances" where the boys, at least Freshmen like us, and the girls, congregated with those of the same sex, and watched the upper classmen, who really were dating, dance, until our parents picked us up. I would always jerk off afterward, as did Ben, since the hormone levels were high, and the action was, for us, non-existent.

Hump, however, was way ahead of us. He had a buddy who was a year older, and had a car, and Hump had a girlfriend who he danced with, very closely during the slow dances, and, it was very clear, walking back to the sidelines, that he had a hard on, sticking up and to the left, in his pants. And he was not trying to hide it, or show it off, it was just Hump being Hump. We heard him say to his date, Gloria, "It is just what you do to me, it can't help it, you are so hot." By the end of the evening there was a clear wet spot where his dick ended, just pre-cum, which I knew about but did not yet have any of, although Ben had plenty.

Ben began palling around with Hump, off and on, which was not an issue, Ben and I had many friends other than each other, and I was in the "academic" track, and he and Hump in the "manual arts" track, so we shared no classes. I helped Ben with math off and on, and had since 2nd grade. He helped me in my father's home workshop when I wanted to fix something or make something.

Every May the Scout troop had a big Memorial Day weekend camping trip where we would go to the White Mountains, camp on Friday night, break camp on Saturday morning, hike up to a campground at elevation, stay there two nights, and hike down on Monday, returning home Monday afternoon. So, we had three nights in a tent.

Ben and I, as we had for years, shared a tent, and, as we had for years, jerked off, jerking each other off in part, and talking about what we had learned about sex. Hump shared a tent with another guy who was older than him. We all had great time, the weather was good, no sprained ankles, nobody got lost, skinny dipping in a stream on the way down on Monday so we would not be too dirty when we got home, and some of the older guys really stunk at that point. The stream was so cold that if we were inclined to get hard, the cold water shrunk everyone up, Ben's cock totally receded into his pubes, for example. (Now, to confess a bit, some of the guys' stink really repelled me, but some of the guys', particularly Hump's, sort of turned me on. So, I managed to hike right behind him, much of the time, and we talked, and I got to know him a lot better by the time the weekend was over.) On the way back I managed to sit between Ben and him in the way-back seat of the big old Ford three seat station wagon we were assigned to, given the washup in the stream he was not as pungent as he had been, but he still smelled good to me. I fell asleep once we started moving, leaning on Hump, but he did not seem to mind, he was asleep leaning on the window.

We stopped to take a piss, and buy candy bars, our hiking diet having been "healthy" dried food, but pretty fat free, I was clearly hard when I woke up, Hump noticed, and said, "Looks like you got a pretty big one going for you."

"I think yours is bigger," I responded.

"I think you are about the same," Ben added.

"How do you guys know anything about my favorite toy?" Hump asked.

"I saw you pretty close up after you were dancing with Diane a few times," I said.

"Oh, yup, lots of things do that to Yank. That's my name for my favorite toy."

And we went into a "roadside attraction" with store to piss, the men's room had an old trough urinal, long enough for four guys, at least, to piss at once. I was embarrassed, since I was still hard, but we all stood there and whipped it out, me trying to face away, Hank looked at me, and said, "Steve, we have all seen your cock before, soft anyway, and I bet Ben has seen it hard, so man up and piss."

Ben's had recovered from its turtle act, and was semi-hard, Hank's was soft but big. Hank pulled Yank's long foreskin way out and used it to alter his piss stream in creative ways -- flat, round, split, and then when he finished pulled it all the way back and shook it off. I could piss hard, and still can, so finally let it loose, and Ben just pissed.

We talked on the way home, and Hank invited us to camp out with him the next weekend on Strawberry Hill, he described it as a hill behind his house where there was a very small cabin, about 12' x 12' that his grandmother, now in a nursing home, had used to "write". (It turned out that she had written several novels, one that sold well, and a number of children's books.) It had a table, an old Underwood typewriter, one comfortable chair, one desk chair. The hill's surface was mostly wild strawberries, which, coincidentally, were ripe it being the first week of June. They were really very small, very sweet, and very seedy, so mostly food for the rodents and birds, but we ate a few.

Outside there was an outhouse, and a well with a hand pump, and a gallon bucket of water to "prime" the pump so it would work. As long as we used it every couple hours it would keep its prime, and the water was fine for washing up, but, we were warned, not necessarily safe to drink.

"Have you ever fucked a guy?" Ben asked, later that week, as we were walking together on the way home from school.


"You want to try it?"

"Sure. You ready to bend over for me?" I asked, half kidding.

"No, but, and you have to keep your mouth shut about this, Hump would."

"No shit," I responded, "He is such as stud."

"No shit," Ben said, "but he likes to be fucked, and, he likes to suck cock, and, he likes to fuck girls and guys, and he likes his cock sucked, too."

"Wow!" I said, "How do you know all this?"

"Well, I was at Strawberry Hill with him a few weekends ago and we fooled around."

"Did you fuck him?"

"No, but he fucked me. He wants a bigger cock than I have, I had to use my fingers in his ass to help him get off."

"Did it hurt?

"Yes, but it was worth it after a while."

"Did you 69?"

"Yes." "How come you never gave me a blow job?"

"Well, I don't know, but I would now. Maybe this weekend!"

I adjusted my now hard cock in my pants, said goodbye to Ben where our paths home diverged, got home, said "Hi" to my Mom and immediately went up to my bedroom and jerked off, thinking about the weekend to come. I did it lying down on my back, dry, ignoring the washcloth my father had given me when I was 12 to cum onto or into, to see myself shoot up past my head to the headboard of the bed. I used my cum rag to wipe up my cum, tasted it, and that turned me on again, so I jerked off again, this time with some lube and spit, and came in my faithful cum rag, and tasted it again, and then settled down to do my homework.

I jerked off twice a day until Thursday, when I thought I would better save it for the weekend.

Ben's mother picked me up, we had our air mattresses, sleeping bags, food (mostly junk but also a cooler with hot dogs and some salad), Ben had agreed to bring the charcoal briquettes, our toothbrushes, and other miscellaneous things. She drove us across town to Hump's house, he met us at the door, and we proceeded to hike up the hill to the cabin.

It being late on a Friday afternoon, we to settled in, started the charcoal fire, primed the pump, cooked hotdogs, with a few sexual references about whose wiener was as big as the hotdogs (in fact Ben's was shorter, and thinner, mine was longer and thicker, and Hump's was even longer and thicker than mine, but only Hump was sure about it at that point).

We ate. We laid out our air mattresses on the floor, sleeping bags on top, Hump got out from the bottom of his pack a porn magazine someone (he said, his cousin, but that turned out not to be true) had brought back from Europe when in the Army. It was black and white, in French, which I could barely read and translate, having just about finished French 1, but we were really into the photos. There were only seven, in about thirty pages of text, one Lesbian, two heterosexual, but full frontal nudity, cocks hard, pussies showing enough to show clits (which I never seen, let alone felt, in person), and four bi-sexual, each with two or three guys and one woman, the guys having various sexual "almost penetrations" with each other, oral and anal. The guys were all pretty well hung, making Hump "average" in comparison. There were cum stains on some of these pages, but not enough to obscure them.

Hump pulled the curtains, we laid down onto the sleeping bags, put the mattress from the daybed behind us, pulled down our pants, eventually taking them off, and started by playing with ourselves, then, me in the middle, one hand on each of my buddies' cocks, both of them with a hand on mine, I was as hard as I have ever been. We looked at all the pictures, we commented on what they were doing, and their equipment, both clits, and tits, and assholes, and cocks, and balls. We began talking about what we would like to try -- I said I would love to try a blow job or even a 69. And, in a moment, Hump had turned around, we were in 69 position and sucking each other's cocks. It was so good, I came in less than a minute, too much cum for Hump, it was spilling out of his mouth, but, I was staying hard, and, although it hurt a little, he kept on sucking it, and I kept on working on his.

This was the first cock I had ever had in my mouth, and, as I have noted, he had a very long foreskin. It completely covered the head, and, there was plenty left over for me to tongue. Hump then pulled it back, so I had the bare head in my mouth. "Go easy, very delicate," he said, "The head is very sensitive, as we go longer, it can take more pressure."

Once the foreskin was pulled back it was sort of like sucking on a piece of marble, I could imagine it was no more than the penis off of an old Greek statue. I had no sense it was part of a living being. Meanwhile Ben was sucking on Hump's nipples. I had no idea that male nipples worked like female nipples, sex wise. Hump was in heaven with me on his cock, him on my cock, and Ben working his pecs, which were far more defined than mine, and his nips, which were sticking out like the erasers on #2 pencils we had in school.

"Whoa," Hump said, "Steve here already came once, I am really close, and I want to fuck. Ben, you want to go first?"

"Sure," said Ben, and he produced a jar of Vaseline from somewhere, greased up his ass, Hump got up and him over the daybed and put a pillow under Ben's chest. Hump put a dollop of grease on Ben's asshole and worked it in with a finger, eventually putting his finger all the way in.

"Here," he said to me, "you try it, and see if you can find his G spot, it is like a lump on the cock side of his asshole.

I was a little reluctant, fearing it would be shitty. "Isn't it going to be shitty?" I asked.

"Maybe," Ben said, "but I cleaned my hole out before we came up here, and anyway, that is what the paper towels are for. Just put plenty of Vaseline on your fingers before you put them in."

"Them? More than one? All I have ever put up my ass is one."

"Work up my hole to loosen it so three will go in, then your cock will fit without hurting me."

So, I did. One, two, three, and I could feel his G spot and he told me I was right on it, and to massage it, gently, with a circular motion, his cock was throbbing, and leaking precum.

"Now, Steve, fuck me."

I did, Vaseline on my cock, and it went right in, and I fucked. Ben was moaning and groaning, and saying, "harder, harder, fuck me harder," I obliged, and then, suddenly came. Hump was just watching this, stroking his cock, very slowly.

"Your turn, Hump."

Hump lubed up, and it went right in, he had no problem going longer than I did. He fucked, and fucked, and managed to go long enough that Ben got off, Hump working his cock, and Ben working his own nips, and me, hard again, just watching, totally intrigued, I knew guys could fuck each other, but had never seen it, let alone experienced it. When Hump came the excitement of seeing him convulse as he came, and the pressure on my cock, made me tip over, and I shot a third wad of the evening. God, it felt good.

We all cleaned up with shampoo (it was a detergent and cut the Vaseline according to Hump, who knew a lot more than Ben and I) and water and paper towels, and lay back, naked and talked about the sex we had had. Ben and I had shared our experiences, most had been with each other, but Hump's were all news to us and included males and females, our ages and older.

He had started with an adult, whose identity he would not reveal (but it turned out to be the Scout leader in his old troop) when he was 13 who took his virginity and who taught him just about every sex act two guys can do. So, Hump knew a lot, and over the next day, we talked about it, and tried various things, some of which worked, and some of which did not. None of us could suck our own cocks, for example, the statistic was 3% of Caucasian males could. None of us could work our cocks around to fuck ourselves, that statistic was 2%. We speculated that a Black senior, who had a very long thin cock, might be able to do both, but none of us were going to approach him to find out -- and we never did find out.

We hiked into town to get lunch, and then to a swimming hole where traditionally guys would swim bare ass, although on hot weekends in the summer there were females there and we had to suit up, and Hump's Mom brought us up supper. Chili, homemade bread, and apple pie. We were careful to hide any evidence of our sexual adventures. Once we had eaten, and cleaned up, we put the sleeping bags back down, got out the porn magazine, I read one of the stories, translating as I went along, making up parts that I could not translate, but which would go with the pictures, and, clothing on, we were all hard and just keeping hard with hands here and there.

Finally, it was dark, we were sure no one would come up to check on us, Hump had taken the empty dishes back down to the house, we got the Vaseline, and the paper towels, and the pillows organized, and Hump said it was time to clean out our asses, in case we wanted to experience getting fingered, or, even fucked.

He pulled a bulb syringe out of his pack, showed me how to fill it, how to stick it up my hole, hold the water in, then let it out into the outhouse hole. As outhouses go, this was a good one. Since it barely ever got used after his grandmother had gone to the nursing home, it really did not stink. We watched him demonstrate, three rinses, and done. Then Ben did his, he had bought a syringe and did it at home the day before, so he knew the basics, but I helped him aim it, with him bent over my lap, ass up, for some reason this got me really hard. He did three rinses, and then it was my turn. I got even harder doing it, it really felt weird, but, it was OK, and when I let it out, it really felt neat, sort of the same tingle I get after I take a hard shit.

"Your ass virgin?" Hump asked.


"Well, virgin no more after tonight!"

Then we washed each other's asses, the rest was pretty clean from our time in the swimming hole, and got back in the shed, pulled the curtains, locked the door, and got down to business.

"Get up against the bed, both of you," Hump commanded, "I want to compare your holes and then fuck both of them. But don't worry, I will take it real easy on you, I want you to like it so I can do it again, and again, and again. I still have two years of high school left and I need to get off at least once a day, in some way."

We obeyed. Stuck our bare asses out. Hump got behind us, lubed up a few fingers on each hand, and probed our holes, one on each hand. I can't speak for Ben, but he was not complaining, but I found it felt really good, especially when he found my G spot and massaged it gently. I was hard as a rock and began to drip precum, something that was new to me.

Hump gradually put in two, then three, fingers, and worked them around, loosening us up.

"OK," he said, "Now, first, Ben, you fuck Steve, then, Steve you fuck Ben, but nobody cum if you can help it, and then, once you are both loosened up, I'll pork both of you, taking turns on your asses.

So, Ben lubed up, lubed up my hole some more, and put his cock against my hole. "Relax, and push out," Hump instructed, "and let go of your cock, if you are stimulating it, it tightens up your hole."

I obeyed, and Ben, with the cock thinner than a good sized hot dog, bent his cock away from his pubes and tried to slip it in. He managed, his pubes up against my ass. It felt weird, but after a few minutes, it felt sort of good. Ben got going, and it began to feel better. I began to move back against him, trying to get more of him in, but, it was all in. His balls were slapping against my taint, and, that felt sort of good as well.

"Time," Hump declared, "Switch." Ben pulled out, bent over the daybed, and I lined up, lubed up, and put my dick against his hole. A bit of a push, and it went in. A short part pull out, and a long push, and it was all the way in. It felt better than any blow job, and, keep in mind, I had never fucked a cunt or an ass before. I liked the way his hold gripped my cock at the surface, while it had all the room it wanted, deep inside. I tried doing long strokes, and almost pulling out, and short deep strokes. I was really getting it on and was ready to cum. Hump noticed and said, "Steve, pull out before you cum."

Meanwhile, he was putting it to Ben, slow stroking. The he pulled it out of Ben and put it to me. He was a lot bigger than Ben, but somehow it went in easy. My cock was really dripping precum by now, Ben reached under me and grabbed my cock, his hand well lubed, and played with it as he had done many times before, but not at that angle.

"Oh, oh, Hump, I am going to cum, I can't help it."

"Let it go," he said, and began to really ram me hard, and as I came, so did he, filling my ass with his cum. I slumped down and that forced his cock out, dripping cum and Vaseline on my ass cheeks and legs.

"OK, Ben, how do you want to cum?" Hank asked.

With you in my ass buddy," Ben responded.

"OK, let's do it." And Ben got his torso on the day-bed, ass stuck out behind, and Hump used a finger then two to open him up, and then put it in, and fucked him hard, for only about two minutes, I stuck a finger up Hump's ass, and he came, Ben came, and we all laid down on the sleeping bags.

"Time to clean up a little, and rest, before another round," declared Hump. We used paper towels to wipe our now messy holes, ass cheeks, and upper thighs, cocks and balls, and once cleaned up, "No Vaseline stains on the sleeping bags" he continued, "hard to explain to the Moms when we get home."

We all drank a big bottle of Gatorade, and just lay there and talked. We agreed on the "rules", no mention of what we did to anyone without prior approval. Hump knew quite a few guys at the high school who were into male to male sex, but almost none were "out". There were two guys who were "out", one of whom I had heard of, the other I knew who he was but had no idea he fucked around with guys. The "out" guy was very effeminate, and, was of no sexual interest to me, although I supposed he probably gave good blowjobs, and under the "a hole is a hole" philosophy was probably better than jerking off.

We agreed on more trips to Strawberry Hill, and tentatively agreed to a foursome with a "football player" on another weekend, provided he was OK with us.

We looked at the porn magazine again, played a little, I came again as did Hump, Ben tried to but could not quite force it out, so we all slept. In the morning, we showed each other our jerk off techniques with our morning wood, went out the door, pissed on the ground, and finished jerking off onto the strawberries, strawberries and cream for breakfast, was on the menu, but not consumed by anyone.

And that was my introduction to much of gay sex.

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