Student No Longer

By moc.liamtoh@04nojsirk

Published on Dec 20, 2002


Student no longer. A story in 10 chapters

Disclaimer: This story contains passages of explicit description of sexual activity between boys of 18+. There is also strong language. If you are likely to be offended by these, please read no further.

Chapter 10: Full Circle

I slept fitfully for a few hours, constantly turning and twisting to try to ease the discomfort I suffered. I dreamt almost continuously, strange surreal nightmares. Finally, at about six, I got up, levering myself out of the bed, my whole body at odd with itself, my mind feverishly overworking one minute, wretchedly paralysed, the next.

I shuffled to the bathroom and splashed a little cold water on to my face, dragged a comb through my hair and stood painfully at the toilet to let a few drops leak from my shrivelled cock. I scrutinised my pale reflection in the glass and winced.

Then I padded into the living room, picked up a worn duffel bag and crammed a few belongings into it. I needed to get out of there. I hadn't the strength to carry my large trunk and so all my other possessions would have to be jettisoned or picked up later.

Then I dressed rapidly, shuddering as the cold, fresh air bit into my bare body and as the coarse materials scraped against my cuts and bruises.

I stole out, scarcely looking back at the house which had promised so well but had become my nightmare. It was dark. The streetlights cast a mournful light in the still, drizzly air. I was cold.

I made my way to Kings Cross Station. I had made up my mind to eat humble pie and try to recover my simple life in the north-east with my family. I could still see in my imagination the disappointment etched in the faces of my parents as they stared at me in disbelief while I presented a (carefully edited) story to them to explain my sudden return. I would have to persuade them not to intervene, but at least they were people that I could trust and I could get a decent job and settle down there, looking after them and reacquainting myself with old friends. It all seemed most alluring. My eyes became misty as I contemplated it.

I went to the ticket-office. There was a train due in half an hour so I'd be back home by mid-morning. I felt for my wallet and searched for cash. I suddenly felt faint. All my money had been removed and all payment cards. The Landlord had taken precautions. he had taken the rent, in lieu of notice!

"Anything wrong?" said the clerk. "You've gone white."

I didn't reply. I left without explanation and flung myself on a bench in the station. No-one noticed me. I was just another of the hopeless youths who hung around there, waiting for drugs or money from whatever doubtful source might show up.

Then, I remembered the bank account my dad had opened for me in the case of emergencies. The trouble was that the bank book was in my locker at college, a hideyhole for safe keeping. Still, I must be optimistic; I could get there, take the book to a bank and get out enough money for a rail ticket very easily. I'd just have to wait till the college and the bank opened.

The next two or three hours dawdled past. I stayed mostly in the warmth of a waiting room. I watched impatiently as the stream of commuters got steadily more prolific. I stared wretchedly at those who were buying steamy breakfasts from the food outlets in the station. Then I walked down to Southampton Row and Holborn to my college.

First, I decided to visit the college nurse. My cuts and bruises were beginning to make me feel alarmed. She might help to ease the pain. I had to wait. Several students were sitting solemnly in silence, sniffling and coughing as though to prove they were ill.

I entered the surgery eventually. She was brisk.


I silently lifted up my shirt to let her see the problem.

She was visibly taken aback.

"Where in heavens' name did you get these?"

I muttered something about falling downstairs.

"Pull the other one, " she rejoindered sharply. "I'm going to inform the police."

I said some garbage about patient confidentiality and made to go.

This brought her to her senses and she advised me to go to the Accident and Emergency Department at the hospital. "I'll arrange transport."

"I just want some temporary relief," I said. "I'm going to go home, honest," I said.

She was reluctant to let me go, but on seeing that I was about to walk out on her, she conceded that she would put some ointment on my cuts and bruises and give me the jar so that my parents could temporarily salve the wounds until they could get me to a doctor.

When released, I shot towards the lockers where my bank book was. I crouched down and feverishly rummaged through my belongings, till I found the book and clasped it to my lips.

Then I was aware of a shadow. A person was standing over me. Panic-stricken, I looked up but was relieved to see only a concerned looking Andy, the harmless Game Boy in his track-suit. From the position that I was, I got the full view of his genital bulge and I felt the same stirrings of desire that I had when I first saw him.

I got up and smiled ruefully.

"I've heard what happened," he said." He's a bastard, that fellow."

I didn't try to deny it.

"You are coming back," he said.

"I can't," I replied. "Would you?"

"But where will you stay?" the good-natured lad asked. "Why don't you shack up with me? He won't bother you then. I need never tell him, anyway."

He proceeded enthusiastically to promise great laughs, games and companionship, and remembering the evening, I had spent with the fair-haired, lively, innocent, I was attracted. I remembered his joky boyishness, his endless patter, his sensuous movements as we played Twister.

But I shook my head.

"I couldn't live across the landing from Bob," I said reluctantly. "I still love him."

"That need not matter," said a voice from the shadows, and Bob emerged from behind a locker.

He came to me , swaggering insolently, pressed me against a locker and shamelessly kissed me full on the lips. My cock now did more than stir. I reciprocated for a second or two and then broke away.

"You have betrayed me," I said. "I can't trust you. How can you do what you do for money?" And memories of my little fantasy of his pleasuring the ex-public schoolboys fleeted through my mind and I was aware of the itchiness of the dried cum staining my stomach.

"Let's cut the crap!" said yet another voice and Mark emerged. "You've tried your ways," he said to Andy and Bob. "Now let's do the Landlord's bidding my way."

He grabbed my arm and Andy and Bob and now Candy, appearing from nowhere in sinister male diguise, started rounding on me. I was cornered. Furiously, looking around, I spied a door leading to a yard outside. I wrenched myself from Mark's grasp and fled. They followed. There was no other exit from the yard. Then I spied a pile of builders' stones. I raced over to them and started hurling them at my pursuers. Andy and Bob soon disappeared. Candy held out until he was hit on the shoulder. He yelped like a damaged fox and then took cover. Mark stuck it out until he recognised the odds were aginst him and then left.

I stayed a moment or two. Suddenly I was aware that students from the main building had been watching this little diversion. I clearly saw the white face of Jake looking startled in my direction.

I crept back into the building and found a place where the cleaners deposited their equipment. I had a strange sensation that I had been here before. In fact, the whole incident had the feel of deja vu about it which made the hairs on my neck stand on end. I sat down amongst the brooms and buckets. Then, the four of them crept up. I was on my feet gain, snarling at them, "Shove off wankers. You pretend to be friends, but I know who my true friends are!"

At this moment, they seemed to dissolve. Somebody had evidently disturbed them. With relief, I put my head in my hands and sobbed uncontrollably.

I felt a touch on my shoulder. I leapt up ready to do battle once more to the death.

"Hey up," the boy replied, putting his hands up in surrender.

And it was Jake.

He looked at me, at my bruised body, my tear-stained face and gulped. "What have that lot done to you?"

" wasn't them. They're a lot of pussies. They couldn't hurt me."

And again, where had I heard those words before? It was as though I was re-enacting a well-known playscript. It unnerved me.

Then I recalled Jake's treachery.

"Hey why don't you get lost. Who gave you the right to pry into other folks' business?"

But almost immediately, I relented. I needed his help after all. I called him back and apologised. He crouched down beside me. It was an intimate moment. It occurred to me that the foursome might anticipate that I would be off to Kings Cross and might successfully pick me off there and it felt kind of cosy, sitting there with Jake comforting me. I felt his fit, manly presence beside me and could just discern the outline of that fabulous cock that I could only imagine in my dreams. So I put myself in his care.

"I've nowhere to sleep tonight. Could I doss down on your floor. It would only be for one night."

He agreed and my heart thudded.

I stayed on the premises of the college all day, keeping a wary eye open for the Landlord's thugs. At the end of the day, I cleaned myself up a bit and joined Jake. He took me to his flat in the east end. It was reassuring for me to walk beside him. His brisk, youthful walk gave strength to my movements and we even started to laugh a bit and loosen up. I loved his hazel eyes, his sideburns and his fit, stocky build.

He seemed a little ashamed of his flat when we arrived and compared with the palace I had escaped from, it was dingy indeed. But I liked his presence there. In the confines of his small rooms, it was very sexual.

We had a nice meal together. His hands were nifty and muscular; I liked the little hairs on his wrists. Our chairs were so close together; I kept on touching his knee with mine. He flushed and slightly moved away, but I loved it. I wondered whether Jake would drop his guard in time.

After the meal, we washed up and then I excused myself to go to the toilet.

I stood there watching the stream of my urine cascade into the pan and felt sleepy, but more content than I had been all day. Jake had been good, quiet company. Not exciting, like the boys back at the apartments but pleasant, comfortable company.

I returned to the bedroom to find Jake in the sort of old-fashioned pyjamas I had been used to wearing before I went with Bob. I grinned.

"All right, all right," he said. "I know they're ridiculous but they keep me warm."

But I couldn't resist flicking the cord which held them up, dangling oh so close to the delicious, flaccid protuberance hidden away underneath. He flushed again and playfully swiped my hand away.

After my tiring day, I was ready for bed and after the last week, I no longer had any qualms about appearing nude in front of anyone. The boys had cured me of modesty. They had helped me to be relaxed with my own body. I peeled off my shirt.

I noticed Jake couldn't keep his eyes off my scars. "Do me a favour," I said. "I've got some ointment that the nurse gave me. Rub some into my back where I can't reach."


My cock gave a twitch at that simple word of assent. I lay down on my tummy on the floor and relaxed while he knelt down beside me. I was next to a mirror and I could see his face concentrate as he took the jar in his hand and scraped some ointment on to his fingers.

His first touch was excruciating. "Ouch!" But soon he learnt how to operate smoothly but firmly and I purred in approval. He worked silently, massaging my back so I felt more and more sexually charged. There was a touch of electricity in the room. His hands were rubbing lower and lower now and I felt my bum begin to tingle in anticipation as they began to mount the lower slopes of my arse cheeks. They crept underneath my trousers and I remembered that I had not put any briefs on. I was getting stiffer and harder underneath.

"That's perfect, oh just perfect," I cooed and this seemed to intensify his breathing and he worked ever more diligently.

"Just a mo," I said and I unclipped my belt. "Slip them down," I said hoarsely. I wanted him to be active now, to become sexualised like me. Wonderfully, he did what I asked.

His touch was becoming ever more assured as he cupped my bum cheeks in his firm, sporty hands. Then I felt his lips touch a bruise on my bottom. I tensed my muscles in response.

Now he moved his attentions to my legs, strolling up my inner thighs.

"Higher Jake. Higher. Just a bit more....that's it.... wonderful.....aaaahhhh" I eased myself up so that he could reach the spot which Paul had identified for me and as I was doing so, I glanced at Jake in the mirror and, oh joy, his penis had escaped from the slit at the front of his pyjamas and stood there proudly to satisfy my eager gaze. And it was worth waiting for. He was clearly excited, very excited indeed. There it stood, a well proportioned eight inch boner, uncut, throbbing, with light brown pubic hairs at the root of it. Yes, I thought, Jake was straight or in that department he certainly was!! Straight and made of solid stuff. Kingly it was....kingly!

But I had made a mistake. He realised my gaze was fixed on his pride and joy and blushing furiously, he threw himself on to the bed and cowered against his bedroom wall, weeping as though a wicked secret had at last been discovered. I suddenly felt deperately sorry for him; all our old grievances were at an end.

I clambered on the bed beside me and started stroking his side. I tried to refrain from reaching out for the splendid prize between his legs. Gradually I put him at his ease.

"Don't fret, Jake. We all have secret sides to our sexuality which we only discover through our interactions with other people. It's all about love. No man is an island and none of us is purer than pure. It's inconvenient but its's good that we are made this way."

And feeling sexier and sexier, I reached round slyly to that cock, that huge, enticing weapon and I grasped it.

Straightway, he spluttered, stiffened and gasping "aaaahhh" he ejaculated all over my hand all over the bedclothes all over his antiquated pyjamas. I was transfixed. I swiftly sucked my hands, glorying in the taste of it.

And only then did I realise why I had had the feeling of deja vu. Everything that had happened today had echoed my first encounter with Bob. But I wasn't going to humiliate Jake any further. Like an elder brother showing off loads of greater experience, I explained that he'd just had a premature ejaculation, common in inexperienced youngsters who were healthily randy, and who hadn't had anywhere to put their gallons of spunk.

We lay in the dark to save his embarrassment.

And I proposed to take him in hand....and in mouth....and up my.....and I giggled and snuggled up close to my new student. I was looking forward to the lessons to come.

And I felt a dry sense of superiority. I was the teacher now. I was a student no longer.

P.S. A tip for serious readers of this story: to understand the full significance of the "deja vu" element of this chapter, it might be worthwhile refreshing your memory of Chapter 2. The implications of the ending might then also be better appreciated. If you have any questions about this or any other matter, please write to

Many thanks for all messages. Your favourite character appeared to be Bob.

In the new year, I might write a happier story about Bob's camping holiday in Greece, before the incidents described by Little John took place. If you have a different favourite and you would like a story developing his character instead, please tell me and I'll try to oblige. I aim to please.

Also, if you have enjoyed this story and would like me to contact you if/when I post a new one, drop me a Thanks for reading. (Now not so little) John.

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