Student No Longer

By moc.liamtoh@04nojsirk

Published on Nov 11, 2002


Student no longer. A story in 10 chapters

Disclaimer: This story contains passages of explicit description of sexual activity between boys of 18+. There is also strong language. If you are likely to be offended by these, please read no further.

Chapter 6: Candy

It was eight o'clock the next morning. Saturday! Oh, how I loved Saturdays. No need to get up until mid-day. A long, snoozy doze-in in the warm comfort of the sheets alongside my beautiful, snoozy, schmoozy partner ... and a day of idleness ahead of me. As I looked across at Bob, the guilt I had felt last night continued to tweak my conscience and disturb my mood for a minute or two. He was still fast asleep and snoring lightly, barely covered by the duvet. Instead of tucking him up, I had the urge to remove the scrap of linen still partially covering his nakedness. I slipped the duvet off, inch by precious inch. His tanned left side appeared, his hip bones, his thighs, and now his floppy cock, lying temptingly across his lower belly. As always, the kink at the tip excited me.

It was so liberating to look at his body in the stillness of the early morning without interruption. To observe the light breathing below his rib cage, to see the patterns formed by his thick, wiry, pubic hair, extending in a black line to his cute belly button. To observe, the fleshiness of his upper thighs and the wrinkliness of his balls, nestling in the recesses of his crotch. He stirred and I held my breath. He flopped his right arm upwards above his head and wrinkled his nose in his sleep.

I just loved every square inch of this guy.

Gently, I took his limp tool between the forefinger and thumb of my right hand and slipped my left hand under his balls. I kissed it delicately and it stirred into life under my caresses. Bob gave a gentle whistle through his teeth, but didn't open his eyes.

I softly rubbed his cock up and down now and with every movement it got thicker and harder in my hand. Then I knelt beside him and took the now nearly erect knob into my mouth. It felt so good there. I nipped it gently with my lips, taking care to draw back my teeth. Bob groaned in his sleep and, startled, I released the dick, lay back and pretended to be asleep myself for a minute or two. Then, seeing he was still slumbering peacefully, I resumed my attentions. This time, I took the whole of his fleshy prick in my mouth. It made a bulge in my cheek, and I massaged this bulge with my fingers, rotating my cheek and pressing his tool with my tongue against it. I let it scrape against the ridged roof of my mouth. I loved the thickness of it, the texture, the gristliness. I took the whole shaft and could feel his pubic hair tickling my chin and the sweat of his balls cool under my lips.

Now in his sleep, he was reacting to the sensuousness of my administrations. What dreams he must be having now, eh? He sighed and started moving his hips up and down. He was fucking my mouth in his sleep. Aaah, he murmured and arched his back, pressing his palms against the mattress.

I increased the pace of my sucking. I cupped his stirring balls in my hand and felt the base of his cock. My saliva was running freely and my tongue twirled around his cock-head. I pressed up and down, up and down, ever faster. I could tell he was getting closer to orgasm, and I resolved to take all his cum in my mouth. He thrashed about ever more vigorously in his sleep, his body glistening with sweat. His breathing was fast now. Then he suddenly grasped my head and pumped it up and down. He was no longer asleep.

He shouted wildly: "Keep going. I'm nearly there. Oh hell, John. You're a fucking superhero! Take my's all yours. Take it NOWWW!"

Nothing would have prepared me for the sensation of his hot spunk squirting into my mouth and down my gullet. My heart pounded. My tongue felt the creamy texture of the fluid. I savoured it, moving it round my taste buds while Bob panted beside me. We lay exhausted amongst the tangled bedclothes for an hour or two or twenty ...I know not how many. Then we enjoyed a sumptuously prolonged kiss. What a brilliant start to Saturday morning!

After we had got up and breakfasted at leisure, we idled about, doing the odd spot of housekeeping, watching kids' programmes on television, joking, flicking through magazines .... I look back on that day and it was as if time had stood still, and nothing beyond the four walls of the flat mattered at all. I started the first paragraph of an essay I had to do for college... but couldn't concentrate.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Bob led me to the sofa for a spot of heavy petting. But, just at that moment, there was a rap at the door. Andy was there. At the sight of him, I blushed at the memories of yesterday.

"Hya Game Boy," Bob greeted him.

"I wondered whether you wanted to come down to the pub?" Andy returned.

I didn't really want to, but Bob was all for it.

"Meet the gang," he said, getting his coat on.

So we three sauntered off.

The pub was called the Three Bells. It was a large, but homely, place, with a real log fire casting its glow over oak timbers. "The gang" was clustered on stools and benches in the corner opposite the door. We made our way over to them. I suddenly felt very shy.

The group was dominated by a man in his late thirties or early forties. He was harsh looking, with a granite hardness. His eyes were black and menacing. There was not an ounce of fat on his body though his frame was broad. He smoked a large Havana cigar and puffed smoke in clouds around the group. The stubble on his chin and cheeks was black and thick and he had tufts of black hair emanating from his upper chest, to curl around his muscular neck. He ordered Andy to get three drinks with some coins he tossed nonchalantly on to the table.

"Yes, Landlord," Andy said in an uncharacteristically meek voice.

Everyone called him Landlord when they addressed him - even when making the most casual comment. They all appeared to be so in awe of him.

"So you're Little John," he said to me.

"Yes," I muttered timorously.

"Yes...Landlord," he corrected me.

This made me more nervous than ever.

"Yes, Landlord," I complied, even though I didn't know who I was talking to.

He abruptly appeared to lose interest and turned to the boy who was sitting next to him. This was Mark. He was equally threatening but in a different sort of way. He hardly spoke. His face remained grim all the time we were there. Initially, he stared at me with his icy, blue eyes. He was only a year or two older than me, at a guess, and while his body was firmly muscled, he was slimmer and more graceful than the Landlord. He had a baby face which did not look old enough to shave. His wavy, fair hair also reduced the air of menace around him. But his unblinking stare gave me the shivers.

The other members of the group were a good deal more affable. They were Paul and Candy, a couple who were obviously very much in love. Paul was of Pakistani descent and he was a stunner! He was slim and cute with a broad, flashing smile which exposed his glistening, white teeth. Much of the time his expression was quite mournful, but when Andy, for example, cracked one of his awful jokes, his face lit up with a smile which would charm anyone. His eyelashes were long and his skin was unblemished. I fell in love with him immediately.

But he devoted all his attentions to Candy. He could hardly keep his hands off her. He would look into her eyes and kiss her lovingly at regular intervals. He held her hand throughout, letting his thumb caress her knuckles or tickle her palm and let his head loll against her neck. Touchingly romantic!

She responded as a true lover does, with little whispering kisses and nudges. She was of mixed blood. She had some Caribbean in her. Her skin was a lovely chocolate brown while her features were very delicate. She had a provocative, pale pink lipstick on her lips and a heavy rouge on her cheeks. It gave her a sort of "tarty" air. This was emphasised by the tight, short denim skirt she wore and the pink mohair sweater which accentuated her pert breasts. She had a deep, sexy voice. I tried to think which of the two I fancied most ... was I gay or bisexual? The stirrings of lust for Candy suggested that I wasn't as homosexual as I thought.

The funny thing was that I couldn't help feeling I had seen her somewhere before.

Suddenly at eight o'clock, the Landlord straightened himself up, tapped at his watch and said, "Time for work you two!"

Bob instantly got up. Paul bashfully followed suit.

"And put your smart suit on, Bob," said the Landlord. " I don't want you looking like a tramp."

I was distressed and confused to see the two of them go off like that at the Landlord's bidding. I now felt very uncomfortable. This was made worse when Andy wandered off to play darts at the request of another drinker who knew his liking for games. I was alone now with only Candy, Mark and The Landlord for company.

I decided to offer the excuse that I needed to finish my essay and left them. I called in at the bog on the way out.

As I approcahed the urinal, I was amazed to find that I had been pursued and followed in by Candy.

"You can't come in here," I protested. "It's the gents'."

She put her arms around my neck and, in a sort of deep, whining voice said,"Come on, honey. Why did you leave me with those cold fish? Am I not interesting enough for you?"

I felt very uneasy.

"What about Paul?" I asked anxiously.

Paul's gone to work," she replied pathetically, "and a girl needs company at night."

I was really confused by now. My cock was inexplicably stirring in my pants and there was something wicked about her that attracted me to her - an illicit lust. Perhaps I was not gay at all. And still nagging at the back of my mind was the feeling that I had seen her before somewhere. But where?

"I haven't any money to pay you," I faltered.

" Fuck you!" she stormed then. "Do you take me for a whore?"

She wheeled around and left me. I no longer felt the need to piss and, mortified at my mistake, I rushed after her.

"I'm so sorry, Candy," I said. "Of course I didn't mean to imply you were a prostitute. I didn't mean that. Please forgive me."

She put her head on my shoulder and cried her heart out. I smelled the fragrant perfume she was wearing and inhaled the warmth of her body. I tried to comfort her, putting my arms around her. She stayed quietly in my arms till her sobbing diminished and then, with tears still adding a sparkle to her eyes, she invited me to their flat for cocoa.

I loved holding her in my arms but I released her and followed her up the stairs, watching her pert bum wiggle from side to side. She opened the door. soon as we entered, she thrust me, with unexpected strength, against the wall and pressed her hot lips strenuously against mine. I stood, legs slightly apart, feeling her breasts pressed against my chest and her legs sliding sensuously against my groin. She must have felt then how aroused I was. Her tongue was working against mine now.

If Bob and Paul had gone off, why should we not play? Besides, this might convert me to heterosexual lust. I had never had a girl-friend. I was still technically a virgin, is spite of my activities with Bob and Andy. This might be the opportunity to gain a little more experience. At least, I would know what I was rejecting.

I moved my hands to her breasts and fondled them greedily. Then I started to feel up her jumper, but was to be disappointed. She firmly moved my hand away. I tried again a little later after some more powerful snogging. Again the same reaction! Was she what other blokes called a "prick-tease"?

Instead, she led me to their bed and pulled me down on it. "Feel up my skirt," she pleaded huskily. "Take down my panties."

Quivering with excitement, I obeyed her. I groped for her lacy knickers and edged them down. I put them to my nose and loved the scents I picked up.

Then she became more winsome. Her deep voice had an erotic charge. Put your hand up now and tell me how you like what you feel there."

With a pulse thudding in my brain, I moved my hand up between her thighs into a mysterious zone I had never before ventured into. I felt some pubic hairs and then, I got the shock of my life!

For my hand found a penis! Two balls and a penis!!! Candy was a boy!

She looked at me anxiously. I tore off the skirt and saw it for myself. There was a six inch, erect tool, quite thin and very hard, and a pair of cute balls hanging below.

Was this why I had lusted for her so much? Because she was a boy?

I grasped the cock, my lust in no way abated.

She moved it out of my hand.

"Don't bother about that little thing, honey. I want you to fuck me. I want you inside of me."

She took me in hand, grabbed my belt and unceremoniously proceeded to undo my trousers and pull down my briefs. I gave her a helping hand. My cock was already glistening with precum. I was in a fever.

"How can I fuck you? You're a boy!" I yelled.

In response, she lay back with her legs wide open and pressing down on her shoulder- blades on the bed to lever up her arse, drew me down on top of her. Fumbling in a bedside cupboard, she found a condom and some lubricating jelly. She seemed expert at putting it on my rigid cock, and lubricating it and her back passage at the same time. Then breathing deeply, she guided my cock to the entrance of her bum. She drew me down and I pushed feverishly. I met a resistance at the beginning of the passage, but Candy, as feverish as I was, guided me in and clasped me to her, devouring my lips with hers as she did so. Then she drew down her legs on my back and pressed me hard to her.

I started fucking, trying to be gentle. I was amazed to feel the contractions she was able to create with her arse muscles around my willing tool. She contracted and released, constricted and released, contracted and expanded, heaving forward and backward as she did so. What bum muscles she had! I didn't know they even existed. They were bringing me off in spectacular fashion. I thought you just fucked into an empty hole like a dead piece of meat... I didn't know you fucked and were fucked at the same time. She was sweating away putting in just as much effort as me.

"Fuck me harder, stud!" she shouted. "Rougher!" she gasped. I slapped her bottom cheeks and she yelped in delight. I then ploughed into her, pumping faster and faster, furiously pounding into her arse, biting her neck and earlobes until I could hold out no longer, screamed, "This is all yours, WHORE!" and shot gallons of cum into the condom deep inside her.

She continued to moan and clench her arse cheeks. I wrenched myself to the side of her, then kissed her long and hard on her lips. She grinned impishly at me.

For a time, we messed around with each other. I tried to play with her tool again, but she was not interested. Then I wanted to see her breasts, but she kept her sweater firmly on and I could only pinch what I presume were false breasts from the outside. We tangled and wrestled playfully, giggling happily at our acceptance of each other. But then I went a bit too far. Intrigued by her sexuality, I pinned her down on the bed and tussled with her wig. I managed to lift it to the side to disclose close cropped, curly hair and then .... I knew exactly where I had seen her before and the realisation was like being dowsed in freezing cold water. She (or he) was one of Bob's tormentors from last week, one of the four who had been shouting abuse at him. I was struck dumb with amazement.

Meanwhile, Candy was outraged by my attack on her identity.

"Get out!" she hissed, retrieving her wig. "Don't you ever dare to come back to this apartment. I thought you'd respect a young woman."

And she quivered with emotion.

She held the door open for me and I left with my tail between my legs.

I felt I had betrayed and been betrayed.

If any reader is still persevering with this story, please send me a message to keep me going. I will reply: Next chapter is called: Sunday Penance.

Next: Chapter 7

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