Sub Ed Caught Cheating

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 30, 2022


Joel gave it a few days. He had been an attorney for so long that his mind immediately became analytical and skeptical. The evidence was all circumstantial: he smelled Jason's cologne, but ed had admitted Jason had been over: to bring the rugby uniforms. He saw the stain on ed's uniform: Jason had told Joel that he had a fetish about military men, and the spot was just about where Joel would have dribbled if he weren't careful. There was no "hard" proof, although Joel knew how to get it. The best form of proof was a direct confession. He knew how to get that. Now, he had to think about the remedy. That took another day of thinking and then he had that too. Step by step: that's how Joel operated professionally, and that's how he was going to take care of this. He told ed that he wanted to go to the next rugby matches, and he saw ed visibly redden. "Do I embarrass you ed? For wanting to see my hot marine running around in tight shorts?" That drew a smile from ed. "No Sir, it's just.. I sense that there's some tension between you and Jason and... well, he'll be playing too." Joel shrugged his shoulders. "Well, there's not much I can do about him playing and really: I think you're overstating things, edmundo." He grinned. "The tension may be because we both think we have the hottest sub in town. It's interesting though...." and he ALMOST said "that Jason fucked MY sub's face," but he said "we never seem to have seen matthew." "Oh, I'll ask Jason to make sure he comes to the match Sir." Joel smiled. "Perfect."

That Saturday was one of those days when ALL the teams were playing, albeit on different fields. "See, Sir? That's matthew over there. He's with his brother." Joel looked up and saw two strapping hunks. "That's right: they're twins. Just use different bunks." ed laughed at that. "I never thought of that Sir. I always had the bottom bunk when I was in the service. Never put two and two together." Joel made a joke: "the only number you have to think about stud, is 69. Introduce me before the match." "Yes sir, " ed took Joel over to where Jason, Owen and matthew were standing and introduced them. "Jason, how DO you tell them apart? " Joel looked at Owen and matthew. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you're both breath takingly handsome." Out of the corner of Joel's eye, he could see the slight frown on Jason's face as he flirted with his boyfriend. He also saw that ed was miffed, and had reacted by puffing out his chest, and putting his hands behind his back. "Well...." Jason answered. "While I wouldn't know.. matthew tells me that their dicks hang in different directions. So if you see a left leaner, that's my boy. Right leaner: his man is playing later." "It's nice to meet you Joel" Owen put out his hand. "I think I've seen you here at a match or two." "That's about it, Owen. I'm not here every week." "Neither is matthew," again Jason answered. "He always has an excuse for not coming to see me play." "Well, he may need to save his energy for you Jason. In my exprience, these rugby games get ed tired, but also horny." Now ed blushed, as Joel continued. "And nothing turns me on more than a horny sub." Jason laughed. "I agree with you there, Sir." He looked at matthew. "You gonna be horny tonight?" matthew looked down. "Yes sir." "Not that you have any choice big guy. Master Jason wants what he wants." Joel was impressed: matthew was bigger than ed, but Jason seemed to have him totally under control. "I could fuck him" Joel thought to himself. "No, I WILL fuck him." Owen spoke up. "You'll have to excuse me gentlemen. I need to go and wish russ a good match. I don't think I'll get to see him tonight: he's hanging out with an old school friend so.. it's bachelor's night," he laughed. Joel saw he wasn't happy about that. "Well, you know, ed and I don't have any plans and I'm sure we won't substitute for your man, but if you want to go hang out, get a drink or something, you're welcome to join us." Now he saw REAL jealousy in ed's face. Owen smiled. "You know, I'm gonna take a rain check if you don't mind. I actually have some ideas for how I'm going to amuse myself tonight, so... next time Joel?" "Anytime. Nice to meet you."

Joel watched the match, not really paying attention to anything other than the interaction of Jason and ed: the occasional ass slap Jason gave ed, and the smile back, the high five followed by a hug when ed made a major tackle. Yeah, there was something going on. Joel wasn't ready to call it "trouble," but there was something. He knew enough not to fight it, and his plan would use that "trouble" to good effect.

"Hey, Jason, I'm gonna give you a call tomorrow. Promise. We'll set up something for the future, not too long from now, sound good?" "Sounds good Joel. ed... see you at practice." And then ed slipped again and said "yes sir, I'll be there." As Jason got in the car with matthew he turned to him and said "I thought about what Joel said all match. And now I'm hornier than usual. You better dig out the clamps, the BIG dildo, and the handcuffs. Trust me matty boy. You're gonna be sore tomorrow."

"matthew's really hot" Joel said as he drove the car. "Yes Sir. You made it clear that you felt that way." "Ho ho. Is my marine stud muffing jealous of me looking at someone else?" ed was quiet for a minute. He didn't want to start a fight and..matthew WAS hot. When he saw him with his twin, he imagined himself as a sandwich in between the two of them so... "A little Sir. I'm always scared you're gonna dump me for someone else." "Well, handsome, THAT is not gonna happen. I mean, I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't thought about screwing the shit outta someone, but if I do, you're gonna be right there, watching." "Participating, Sir?" ed looked at Joel. "Maybe... maybe. If I organized a spit roast, you rather be the pig or the one getting his cock sucked?" ed was silent for another minute. "It would depend Sir." "OF COURSE it would. I shoulda thought of that. So, edmundo, you heard me talking about how the matches made me horny?" "Yes sir." ed smiled. He was getting roused and it showed. He wasn't caged for the match. "Well, after you get yourself washed up, how's about you put on those dark blue speedos I got you, and nothing else." "YES SIR" ed felt his cock standing at attention.

"Looks like you don't need a shaving yet, sailor." Joel was walking around ed who was standing at attention, his hands behind his back and his chest thrust out. "No shaving but... some discipline. Get on the bed. On your belly." "Yes sir." ed got into the position Joel had ordered, and he felt his ankles tied, and then his wrists. Then he felt them being tied together. Joel had hogtied him: something he didn't do often. "Open up. OPEN." Joel had one of ed's rugby socks balled up. He shoved it into ed's mouth and then sealed it with a big cloth bandana. "I'll be back in just a second. I need to get something." ed thought Joel was going for the hitachi or something like that, so when Joel came back in with the uniform he had been wearing when he sucked off Jason, he began to squirm. Joel smiled. "Now ed boy: that stain on your uniform. I keep on thinking about it and... I have no idea how it got there. So, I know YOU do, don't you?" ed's eyes looked frightened, and he shook his head no. "Oh, sweet buns. You know... It's so easy to tell when you're lying and you're lying now. So, I have my ideas on what that stain is, and I'm gonna find out. Unless you're ready to tell me." ed was motionless. Then he felt the banjo pick travel over his left sole and then his right one. "OH SHIT" he thought "He's gonna tickle me." Joel traced the pick over each of ed's soles five times before he stopped. "Ready to tell me?" No motion from ed. He saw Joel take the picks off his fingers, and then he felt Joel's hands dig into his pits. His struggling got harder. He needed to get out of the ropes DESPERATELY, but that wasn't happening. Joel had tied him too well. "I think thirty seconds of this, before we go to the ribs. How's that sound to you, bitch?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" ed tried to beg for Joel to stop but only muffled sounds came out. Then three sets of banjo picks went on ed's fingers and he traced them ever so lightly, over ed's rib cage. Joel had tickled ed before, but never like this. "We're gonna begin again, stud muffin. Here we go." Now, three sets of the picks traced over ed's soles, not five times, but ten times. "Whaddya think marine boy? Gonna confess? Cause I'm gonna tell you what I think caused the stain. I think that when that fuck Jason came over here, you put on the uniform for him and you blew him. How close am I?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" ed was writhing again after Joel dug into his pits. "Close at all? On the button? Red hot? Iced cold?" ed's ribs were under attack. "Gonna tell me? If I take out this gag, you gonna tell me what happened ed?" He could hear ed almost sobbing as his head bobbed up and down in the affirmative.

"OK. I'm gonna take out the gag, but I'm leaving you tied up. And I'm turning you on your side because... you're gonna suffer for making me wait for the truth." ed felt Joel's fingers dig into his nipples, not gently. "You're right Sir. You were right on the money. Jason came over and... well, it got out of control. He wanted to fuck me but.. you called and...." Then he began moaning from the nipple work. "You know, I always thought that something like this was gonna happen someday. You're such a hot stud. I see men look at you, and I know..." He reached down with one hand and grabbed ed's balls and cock. "What pisses me off more, is that Jason took you without checking with me. Whether I would have let him or not is a separate matter, but taking another DOM's sub without permission? That's kinda rude." "I'm sorry Sir. I should have...." "What you should have done is told me that night, bitch. You didn't. And you're gonna pay for that. See, I think what you did is what any sub would've done: a DOM told him to do something, and he did it. I have some problem with that, but not as much as I have with Jason. So.... what do we do from here? A few things, but first.... turn back on your belly. I told you I was horny and I am. Get set for a good solid fucking."

Joel practically tore the speedos from ed after he had untied his ankles. He put his hands underneath ed to prop up his belly just a little and then... "HOLY SHIT SIR" . Joel rammed in so hard, and so fast, ed actually felt pain for the first time in a long time. "JUST SHUT UP YOU CHEATING BASTARD. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT OR I'LL GAG IT SHUT AGAIN." ed bit his lip. He knew Joel was angry: whether it was because of what he did, or not telling Joel, he didn't know. He still couldn't read Joel that well to know WHY he was angry: he just knew he was angry, as the pounding continued. Then he heard the sound of Joel pulling out of him. Odd, because he hadn't felt the jizz from Joel cumming. "ON YOUR BACK YOU MISERABLE SUB." This was new: Joel didn't change positions when he was fucking ed, but he was doing so tonight. The look on his face was actually scaring ed a little, and he couldn't do anything about it. "YOU are going to have to LEARN .... yet again. what your place is. And if I have to teach it to you every day for the next 3 months, I will do so. YOU GOT THAT BOTTOM?" ed hoped it was okay to answer and he squeaked out "yes sir. I'm sorry Sir." Joel grabbed ed's pierced tit. "I ought to bite right through this. Or maybe replace it with something that says 'property of Jason.' You want that, pretty boy?" "NO SIR. NO. Please. It won't happen again. EVER." Joel laughed. "Oh, that's what you think simple minded bitch. It WILL happen again. With me watching. And you're gonna watch me pound matthew's ass. You think you didn't put ideas in my head with your fucking cheating? " Joel reared back and now, ed felt the full force of his cum spreading into ed's ass. It felt hotter than it usually did. When he was finished, Joel didn't stop twisting ed's nipples. He twisted them HARD. "You're gonna need to wear clamps under one of your tight t shirts fucktoi. AFTER... I make a call." ed's hands were still tied behind his back and they were beginning to hurt. Joel lay down alongside of him. He pulled out his phone and punched in a number. Then, when he was waiting for the other party to pick up, he put his free arm around ed and hand gagged him. "Hi, Jason? Yeah, Joel here." ed could hear sound from the phone and then Joel laughed. "Yeah the screaming hornies just take over every time I see this stud. try to be butch." More sound from the phone. "Well, anyway, I'm gonna let edmundo speak to you in a minute, but I wanted to follow up on our chat today. I wonder if you and matthew would like to come over sometime? " Again some chatter and then Joel speaking "Oh, next Sunday would be great. You'll probably get to see ed in his uniform again." Then Joel started laughing. "Yeah, I know. I figured it out. You know you owe me. What's my price? Ha ha. matthew's quite a hunk. How's about a little sub swapping? That'll make it up to me." ed saw the grin on Joel's face. "Yeah, right in front of each other. You and I will work out the details early in the week? GREAT. I'll make sure the uniform is clean. You wanna speak to ed? One second." He put the phone to ed's ear. "Yes... No, Sir knew. Sir tickled me. I deserved it. " Jason asked him if he knew he was going to be fucked in front of his Master. "I guess if Sir Joel wants that, it will happen." Joel pulled the phone away. "Sir Joel DOES want it that way. It'll be good to have my cock somewhere other than this blond boy's hole. See you then." He got off the phone and smiled at ed. "Now you see? YOU inspired this dinner. I'm sure matthew's gonna LOVE you when it's all done. Now, before I forget." He pulled out a pair of needle clamps and put them on ed who winced from the continuing pain. "When I untie you, put on the tightest t shirt you have. I want them rubbing up against you all night. And I'm not done with that ass yet."

Meanwhile, at Jason's place, he turned to matthew, who was spread eagled, naked on their bed. Jason had the shaving tools out to give his hairy sub a good cleaning. First though, he took a finger and began running it over matthew's cock, and then slid it down to his ass. "I wonder how Owen would feel about seeing his twin like this. Maybe we should send him some pictures. "PLEASE SIR. NOT TONIGHT. HE'S.. HE'S HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME OF IT." "AWWWWW. Poor baby. Maybe he should come over and I can fuck twins. I've never done that before. Think he'd give up his ass for you stud?" "Yes sir. He would. " "Heh heh. Got to keep that in mind. GOD there are so many possibilities to consider. " He turned on the shearer. "But the first thing to do, is to get this bottom as smooth as the peach I'm gonna fuck in a few minutes."

Next: Chapter 5

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