Sub Student

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Feb 27, 2023


SUB-student, Part Eleven

(Note: this Chapter has the approval of Master Daddy Sir)

While boi tried to adjust to his bondage and hot wax down in the dungeon, Jeff followed me upstairs to take a break. I wanted to use the opportunity to make sure he knew he was on my territory, that under this roof I was the boss, the Master, and although I might share boi with him, Jeff was to respect me! I had decided to have a beer and a man-to-man discussion with the hot black top about where the lines were drawn.

I was walking a few steps ahead of him and reached the top of the stairs and paused. Suddenly I heard a woosh and felt a sharp pain in my right butt cheek. I twirled around to see Jeff holding his horse crop in one hand, his other pointing beyond me to the kitchen. "Get the fuck in there!" he growled at me.

"What the...," I started to object, but he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, roughly forcing me into the kitchen and up against the island. Then he grabbed the other arm too. In seconds he had attached handcuffs and shoved me to the floor. He use his leather crop to rain down blows on my ass! It was all so unexpected all I could do is try to protect my skin with my cuffed hands. Through it all he heaped verbal abuse on me!

"You just think yo some kind o' Master, little white oughta be ashamed, actin' all hi and mighty and master like, why shit, I've ridden bois twice your size and they thanked me fo it later! Yo really think I was gonna let yo treat ME like you treat that bald twink punk downstairs?"

I was out of breath and trying to figure out what I could do to get him to stop beating my ass. Through the haze I noted that he now sounded like a brother, sounded black, while before there had been no accent.

"Hey Jeff. Wait a can't..." I started to object, beggin really, but he kicked me and took my breath away.

"Get on yo knees bitch, and I mean NOW!" he ordered.

I quickly complied, pushing myself up with my head and shoulders, thinking I could recoup my energy and figure out what to do during the respite.

"Put those legs together," he demanded, kicking one of my legs toward the other. From somewhere he produced leg shackles and in no time had them attached to my ankles. Then he secured another chain between the handcuffs and the shackles, and I was truly fucked. I started turning around to see what he was doing but he spotted me and grew angry again...

"What the fuck is it about you that you don't understand who's runnin' things now fuckmouth? Get those eyes pointing down in front of you maybe this will give you something else to think about!" He had positioned a lubed butt plug at my asshole and with very little delay, shoved it till it was in and seated, filling my suddenly very hurting hole!

From somewhere he procured a ball gag and tightened it around my head, filling my mouth with an absurd looking pink ball. Realized now what it was he had in the bag he brought in with him...enough toys to humiliate his new...his new bitch, I thought, blushing. Was I?

Just a very few minutes had passed since we started walking up from the dungeon, two Masters, and my mind was trying to figure things out...was I in any real danger? Was he still in a scene or could I end up really being hurt...or even killed? I decided to cooperate and do what he asked, not that in my current bound state I had much choice! Suddenly he pushed me over and I fell on my side in a heap. He adjusted the chain connecting my handcuffs and shackles, pulling me into more of a backwards ball shape, my groin pushed outward, my ass forced to close tightly on the plug in it. It made it impossible for me to stand up. With no warning, he used his leather crop to pummel my tits and thighs a dozen or more times, with me trying to avoid the blows but not being very successful.

Then he paused and I tensed up, waiting for the next assault. Instead I felt liquid flowing on the back of my head... he was pissing on me!

"Here ya go you's marked, now we know who's on the bottom and who the big boi is..." he heaped verbal abuse on me, called me feminine names and warned me what would happen if I didn't obey. I moved around the little bit I could to avoid his stream...but it didn't work. Some leaked into my gagged mouth and around my plugged asshole, and soon I was soaked, from head to foot.

"Now stay there shitface...I gotta go check on my other slave-boi!" he said, smirking at the same time. My body was burning from the blows and the piss, my hole was still adjusting to the plug and I actually felt a couple of tears trail down my face. Fuck!

But the worst thing was this: I was rock hard! I blushed at the realization that somehow Jeff's treatment was turning me on. Where was the Master in me? How could my body betray me this way?

I could hear him walk down the stairs and knew from the muffled cries that he was treating boi even rougher than he had treated me. Small comfort! But in a way I was worried. Boi was my slave, after all, and I had a responsibility to keep him from any permanent harm. He was still gagged, so I couldn't make out what boi was saying, but Jeff's comments were clear enough.

"Boi, there's a new Master in town. That would be me. The old boss is kinda tied up now and has his own problems to take care of, so you just do as I tell you, right?"

I barely made out a muffled reply and could be nothing other than a "yes". What else could he say? I could hear the chains securing boi rattling around and realized he was being untied. More from Jeff: "Now I'm gonna' un-gag you fucker, but yo don't say even a word unless I tell you it?" I could hear no reply, naturally. I had trained boi well and he would have just nodded.

There was a sudden sharp intake of breath and a restrained yell. I knew immediately what had happened. The clamps that had been compressing boi's nips had been suddenly removed and the blood was rushing back into his tender nubs. He'd be OK, but I knew he was hurting like hell! Jeff didn't make it any better when he apparently grabbed them and kneaded them between his fingers. Boi was good though, quietly moaning and being a good slave. I glanced down at my own clamps, saw the whitened bloodless nipples that were going to hurt even worse when my clamps came off.

"This bitch upstairs...what's he done to you to make you such a good sissy boi?" Jeff asked.

At first boi said nothing, he probably couldn't get past Jeff calling ME "bitch", Then, tentatively, he started answer the question. I could picture him sitting on the bondage table, the big jack-operated dildo out of him, his muscles recovering from the abuse Jeff and (and I!) had heaped on him.

"I, um, I'm not sure how to answer...I guess I kinda fell into it, being his, his slave and's all I've ever really known."

"Whacha mean slut?"

"I have an older brother, or had, and when I was just barely a teen he forced me to do stuff...blow him and his friends, run errands for him, kinky stuff too, like wearing girl's underwear to school. Then he'd pull down my gym shorts so the other boys could see them. He'd force me to meet him in the bathroom and get on my knees next to a urinal to drink his piss.

At home each night I had to sleep with his cock either in my mouth or in my ass, and he loved making me lick the sweat off his balls when he came home from a ballgame. See, he was the jock in the family.

He was terrible to me but I did as he said cause he had some pictures of me blowing one of his friends and the threatened to put them on the net." Boi paused a moment, and then continued..., "When I was about to turn 18, my brother was killed in a car wreck and I was left alone, without anyone to order me around for the first time in years. I was kinda driftin around, hanging around dominant guys at school or in the neighborhood, but nobody took the hint...nobody took me when, when the guy upstairs came across me, I was all but beggin' for someone to take my brothers place. I was so used to being ordered around and stuff that I really missed it."

"Get down and suck on this big black pole for a while boi, while I get those little girl titties of yours bigger and decide where we go next!" Jeff ordered, and I could hear the boi struggling to take as much of his cock as possible, moaning at the same time as his tits were massaged roughly.

I was fascinated to hear about boi's brother, though I had to strain to hear his voice. On the other hand the sex sounds from just a few dozen feet away were impossible to miss. My legs were cramping from the chain bondage too, and I was sweating...the sweat mixing in with Jeff's piss bath. I was stinking, hurt, tired and a little worried scared (and HARD!). Where was all this going???


Indeed, where IS this all going?? Next chapter! Comments? I answer all serious e-mails.

Next: Chapter 12

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