Sub X

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 27, 2019


Practice had been fun even though it didn't end in an orgy this time.

Milo had not been able to resist and gotten nipple rings over the weekend. Although maybe peer pressure played a role just as much as weak SubX. Very few football players were still left with virgin nipples.

"Mase!" Jacob said and grabbed Mason in a quick one-arm hug as he caught up. "Did you have time to look at... the training footage yet?"

"Sure," Mason said. He had checked out the video from game night at Jacob's place that the bigger player had put into their common folder. "Really helps me get better at... exercises."

Jacob winked and they both chuckled dumbly.

Another hand slapped itself down on Mason's shoulder - Oliver.

"You're playing personal trainer for Mase now?" Oliver asked. "Do I needa look for a new gym buddy?"

Jacob waved him off. "Not unless he's upgrading gyms, bro."

Mason rolled his eye. "Not unless I upgrade to A+ student first." While the smaller teen would have loved going to the better gym, his parents had told him they weren't paying for a more expensive membership unless he earned it.

The crowd thinned as most football players left with the other students. Only a few had additional classes this afternoon.

Jacob hung back while Oliver headed for the parking lot, so Mason waited in case his friend wanted to talk.

He had guessed right. The thick teen bodybuilder whispered as the corridor emptied out.

"I have an idea who our next test subjects should be," Jacob said. "I'll show you a pic."

Jacob turned his phone back on, after having it stowed away for practice. His smile dropped from his face. "Uh, shit."

"Something bad?" Mason said. It obviously was bad but the smaller teen didn't want to guess if it was serious.

"Shit," Jacob repeated. "That's... oh fuck." He looked left and right. They were alone. A moment later he lifted his phone to his ear.

"Yeah, I just came out of practice," Jacob said into the phone. His voice trembled. "I didn't see you there. I can... Yeah, I'll wait here."

He lowered the phone and turned to Mason.

"We're fucked," Jacob said. "Someone found out. Someone's stolen all the SubX."

Mason could feel his heart beat in his throat. He needed a huff from his inhaler. There was nothing he could do but wait for... whatever Jacob was waiting for.

A minute later Naoto turned around the corner.

The water-boy looked furious. He jogged, making his backpack swing to the sides of his thin frame.

And he headed right for Mason.

"I knew I shouldn't have involved you," Naoto said. "I fucking knew it. Three people can't keep a secret between them. Who else did you tell?"

"Just Ji, boss," Jacob said on Mason's behalf. "Only Ji knows, but he doesn't know how we do it. He thinks it's magic."

Mason felt like waking up from a dream and found his voice again. "Y-you? You're the mad sex genius? The water-boy?"

Naoto gave him a dismissive once-over. "Don't act so surprised. And I still demand an answer. I trust Jacob not to leak anything but I never got to vet you."

"I swear on my sexlife," Mason said, "I kept everything under lock. All the pics and videos are in the folder I shared with Jacob and he secured it personally."

"Alright," Naoto said, looking as threatening as a short 100 pound boy can look at two football players. "Help me look. My SubX boxes have GPS trackers and it looks like the thief hasn't taken them out of the building yet."

"Thank fuck," Jacob said. "What do we do, boss?"

"Look into every room upstairs. I'll take the ground floor." The Asian boy dashed off.

"What are we looking for?" Mason asked running after Jacob who already headed for the stairs.

"Red boxes. Big as a binder. No label or anything."

Mason let his own phone turn back on. "Maybe we should split up. I'll give you a call if I find-"

"Fuck," Jacob shouted. He was staring wide eyed at his screen. "Someone deleted everything in our folder. That's how he knew what we did. Someone hacked our shit."

Mason gasped. "If it's Hudson, Aiden or Karter we're dead. I mean literally. Their dads have guns."

Fear ran across Jacob's face for a second. "Nah, since when can any of them hack? Landon, maybe? He's a geek."

They looked into a classroom. Empty.

"Fuck," Mason groaned. "We've given SubX to so many guys."

His phone was done loading and ding'd with notifications.

They were texts:

You are a monster

You've betrayed me

I will destroy you.

"Oh fuck!" Mason shouted. "It's Wookie!"

Jacob closed the empty staff room he had been about to search. "What... How? He's not a hacker."

Deep shame slammed into Mason like lighting.

"D-don't kill me," Mason said.


"Promise. Swear you won't kill or maim me."

Jacob was remarkably calm. "Mase? You're not making sense."

"That common folder... I used it to share pirated movies with Wookie years ago when we were kids. I think... I never kicked him off the sharing list. He must have randomly seen I added something and... uh."

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck," Jacob said and hammered a wall with his fist.

The Buff called Naoto with the news. Seconds after informing the no-longer-mysterious benefactor, Jacob grabbed Mason by the collar and headed for the stairs down.

"He found a clue," Jacob said. "Wookie has used SubX on someone."

They reached Naoto at the detention room.

Wordlessly, the thin boy gestured at the window slit in the classroom door.

Inside were six boys and a teacher, buck naked and playing with their own nipples.

"This isn't a problem," Naoto said, "as long as nobody walks past and sees it before the effect has worn off."

"Do we know where he went, boss?" Jacob asked.

Naoto scowled. "Mason's lovely childhood friend might be trying to expose us. Is that his style?"

Mason hesitated. "I... uh, I dunno. I've never seen him really angry. Wookie is pretty quiet, uh... boss."

"Pretty quiet," Naoto said, "and pretty resourceful. And pretty not into getting assraped on camera. And don't think calling me `boss' earns you any points. You're still fucked but I'll deal with you later."

They walked along the corridor and Naoto shoved Mason into the next classroom over.

"Take a deep breath, Mase."

"Uh, why?" Mason asked but his head was already clouding. The Asian boy looked really cute and fuckable. His dick was asking for attention and... his throat closed.

Mason took an inhaler hit.

"Figures," Naoto said. "Wookie's using my own plans of the air ducts against me. Let's see," he looked down at the wall grate, inches above the floor. "This one runs along the corridor to..."

The boss ran off and his two underlings followed.

At the corner, Naoto stared at the wall where the air duct lay behind.

"Mase, take a sniff in there."

The teen stepped into the music room, took a deep breath and reported, "Nothing."

Jacob opened the door on the other side of the T-junction. "Uh, yeah, we found another SubX room."

Mason looked inside to see TJ and Jool. They must have been smoking out the open window. Now they were half-dressed spasm-rubbing off on each other. Pure, pleasure-less fuck machines.

"That's the hard variant," Naoto said. "Wookie dropped two different kind into the vent system... which means... he's at a center of this floor's system in... hm..."

They hurried one corridor over and found an art classroom where everything looked normal through the door's window. So they jogged the other way and found a SubX'd club room.

Ten or so nerds were typing on computers, naked and nipple fondling with one hand, the other still on the keyboard.

"Oh man," Jacob said. "There's going to be a surge in nipple piercings."

"Come one." Naoto ran off, his backpack bouncing. "I know where those ducts meet."

Three pairs of sneakers squeaked on the floor as the boys raced.

Naoto scanned the area but the coast was clear.

"If we're lucky," the boy said and nodded toward the boiler room door, "he's still in there. You two need to hold him down. Mase, take a hit now. He's definitely going to try SubX us and only me and Jacob had the immunity dose."

Ten seconds later, the two bigger guys readied themselves at the door, while Naoto was going to pull the knob.

"Three, two one."

They burst in and... the room was empty.

No wait.

"There!" Mason called out. Between the large, humming pipes he had spotted four red boxes. One was open and showed little bottles with a red substance.

"Those are my samples," Naoto said and closed the door behind them. "The fucker can't be far. Maybe he'll come back."

The `boss' walked up to his samples. "Jacob, you take position behind the door. Mase, see if there's a wrench or something. We might have to hurt him when... oh, I take that back." Naoto sounded smug, grinning. "Look what we have here."

There were legs sticking out between the pipes. Mason stepped closer, cautiously, and saw Wookie – jeans pushed down, flannel shirt open – furiously masturbating.

"Aw," Naoto mocked. "Did the poor kid dose himself? You're too dumb to handle my work safely."

The gay Asian boy spit on the straight one.

"Hey Nao- uh, boss," Mason said. "Were you always acting when I was around or were you sometimes on SubX?"

"Either. Depending on what I feel like," Naoto said as he dropped his bag and started digging for something.

"What about last time at Jacob's?"

Naoto produced a vial. "We're not having honesty hour. You're still in trouble. But this is looking good. I can just..."

The water-boy filled a syringe.

"W-what is that?" Mason asked. He just wanted to make sure his childhood friend wasn't getting capital punishment. Especially since he'd be next in line.

"An overwhelming concentration of SubX," the boss explained. "He'll just lay there, with his brain unable to compute anything but sex."

Seconds after the injection Wookie stopped jerking off and just drooled. It looked kind of scary.

"Why?" Mason asked, quietly.

"Wipes about a day of memories," Jacob answered. "We discovered that by me losing a Saturday's worth of studying. Then we tried again, on purpose, and I lost a whole Wednesday."

Naoto pulled Wookie's jeans up the unconscious boy's legs. "We need to get him outside or he'll wonder why he woke up in a boiler room."

"Let's get him into his car," Mason said. "His keys are always in his right pocket."

It was quite concerning that the great benefactor ran around with mind wiping magic in his bag but there were more immediate concerns.

Fortunately, no one was roaming the corridors during late afternoon lessons.

Wookie woke up with a flinch and instantly rubbed his neck. He couldn't have slept well in his sex-coma in the driver's seat.

Mason slammed the passenger side's door shut. "Hey thanks for the ride," he said in a convincing, casual tone. "Can't believe I missed the bus."

The thin boy in flannel blinked, mouth slightly open. "Uh, right. How uh..."

"How practice was?" Mason said, quickly. "Long, obviously. That's why I missed my ride home. Haha."

The groggy boy started his car and Mason briefly wondered if it was safe to let him drive.

"Man," Wookie said. "I've been thinking about my lab partner all day. She's so hot. I think I totally spaced out thinking about her."

"Ha, I know that feeling," Mason said and sent his co-conspirators a text.

Mason wrote:

Everything's fine

Jacob wrote:

Boss says no more subx for us :(

Mason leaned back and glanced over to Wookie. The skinny boy didn't display any hostility. The athlete only had to worry about whether Naoto would hold a grudge.

Ya boi saved the day. See you, sadly for the last time... next time.

Next: Chapter 16

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