Submissive Korean Buddy

By thinsmooth

Published on Jul 20, 2005



Some details have been changed to improve the telling of this otherwise true story.

As a bisexual kid just commissioned in the army, I was paranoid about messing around with guys. However, there were exceptions. This story is about a civilian who was a friend of a friend among my small circle of my Korean buddies. I'll call him Park, the most common name in Korea.

Soon after I arrived in Korea, I was introduced to a young ROK (Republic of Korea) marine officer who loved to party. Eventually I was spending all my days off with him and his buddies. Most were ROK marines or sailors, but I also met several of his former college buddies, Park among them.

I've always been attracted to some asians' smooth, boyish features, so hitting bars with these young men was constantly tempting me. Although the oldest (maybe 24) among my new circle of friends, Park was the smallest, most boyish-looking, and to my western eyes, his mannerisms were almost girlish. He was very smart, but very shy. All of these guys were just learning to use English with me, and Park's English was the best among his friends.

I generally spent weekends in Seoul with my friends, and saw a lot of Park. He couldn't hold liquor like the rest of us, but when we drank he loved to talk with me, and we got to know each other pretty well. He was more fun when he'd been drinking because it made him more outgoing, but he never went pussy-diving among bar girls like the rest of us. I didn't think anything of it, because he'd just gotten engaged.

Meantime, all the partying and easy, eager pussy made sex a common topic of our often ribald conversations, all very open and relaxed. Nudity among us was common, and the atmosphere was always playful, even including a limited amount of grab-ass. No real inhibitions, except my secret longing to have sex with one of the hot, sexy boys I was getting to know so well.

It wasn't uncommon for my friends to visit me on the base where I lived, and sometimes stay overnight in my one-room quarters, or at an inn outside the security gate. If they stayed in my room I'd typically slide the top of the 2-piece twin mattress onto the floor for the visitor to sleep, and I'd sleep on the box springs. This is what I did the weekend Park came to visit me alone, without our other friends.

Now, I'd spent a lot of time talking to Park, and knew him as well as any of my marine friend's buddies, but it this was the first time he'd come to visit me alone, and in fact he'd rather unexpectedly called to say he was in town and wanted to get together. Up until now Park had seemed to accept me as one of the guys, though still a somewhat foreign oddity. I was in excellent physical condition, but I wasn't physically imposing by western standards. However, compared to some Koreans, and especially short, slender, delicately built Park, I may have seemed like a blonde Viking warrior prince... or close to it, I have hazel eyes, and my hair is light brown.

We met in the village, hit a few bars and drank a lot. Since the other horn-dogs weren't with us, we didn't hit on the girls. As it got later I began to realize Park was drinking more than he usually did, and it was beginning to show in his speech and gestures. I was inebriated, too, heightening my awareness of Park's femme-boy persona, which suddenly seemed to be directed at me, almost a flirtation. Park's shy attempts to make me laugh, to tease me, and to flatter my sensitive, young-gun ego began to arouse me, and while he continued jabbering and giggling I started to watch his body instead of his face. All I could see was what showed above the table we were sitting at, but his short sleeves and open collar gave me a glimpse of finely boned, taut musculature moving under smooth, lustrous skin. I'd seen Park naked in an open-bay hostel one time, so I knew he was hairless except for thin patches in his pits and pubes, and very sparse, black, leg hair.

At that time in Korea there was a curfew which limited bar hours and partying. I casually invited Park to stay in my room with me instead of trying to make it home before curfew, and he eagerly accepted. That gave us a little more time to enjoy our conversation, but soon it was time to go back to the base.

A quick taxi ride later we arrived at my quarters, and began to undress for bed. These Korean boys aren't shy with their bodies, and they also liked to look at mine whenever they had the chance. Nothing was usually said, but our glances back and forth at each other were pretty open, not challenged, and often acknowledged with a polite smile. That was the atmosphere in my room as we undressed, just a few feet separating us in the dim light of my bedside lamp. After watching him unselfconsciously strip down to his briefs, I wasn't embarrassed to let Park see the early-stage semi emerge when I shucked my levis. The bulge in my jockeys got more prominent as I took off my shirt and undershirt... I'd made sure to be facing Park... leaving him plenty of time for a close look as I fussed with pulling the tight t-shirt over my head and eyes.

When I finally pulled off my undershirt I saw that Park had laid on his back on the ground-level mattress, staring up at me. Due to the dim light, my viewing angle, and the alcohol load, I couldn't quite tell when he was looking at my face and when he was looking at the swollen pocket of my briefs. Though his face was expressionless, I was pretty sure he was doing both. I smiled and stared back at him, relishing the view of this underwear-clad girly-boy, though at the moment there was complete quiet, he wasn't joking or giggling.

The next thing I learned about Park was that he was too shy to make the next move. As much as he openly stared at my own smooth, tight, body, he didn't accept my inviting look. His moist, cherry- red lips remained slightly parted, but silent, and he didn't reach up to touch the cotton-enclosed ridges of my hardening cock. Yet he was splayed open on his back below me, his arms and hands arranged on either side of his head in apparent surrender, his legs spread, knees bent slightly and tensed, tight white briefs revealing the soft creases of pale skin where his legs joined, and I could see the bottom of his hairless scrotum peeking out from one over-stretched leg-hole.

Unfortunately, I was no better at making things happen. My seduction only went so far, and it didn't include taking the risk of being outted, or so I suddenly rationalized. The moment passed, I turned off the light, and we went to sleep. However, other forces were apparently still at work besides my innate paranoia.

Sometime later I became aware I was dreaming. It was unusual for me to be "aware" of a dream while in the middle of it, but it had happened a few times and I'd experienced one very powerful wet dream that way a year or two before this story takes place. That's what this dream seemed to become, and although I don't remember the details, at the end just before I woke up, my dream included some sort of physical, sexual subjugation of Park... then the dream fell away and I realized I was laying on the mattress on the floor, in the dark, next to Park.

Not only was I in "his" bed, but my right hand was down deep in his underwear, groping and massaging his small penis and smooth, robins-egg balls. I knew Park was awake because I could feel him physically resisting me. He was on his back, his hands grasping my right arm, trying to pull my hand out of his flimsy underwear. I also became aware that he was trying to turn his whole body away from me, probably trying to lay on his stomach so I wouldn't have access.

From the time I bacame remotely aware that this wasn't a dream, to the time Park tried to turn over, I had the sensation of emerging from one dream only to wake up in another. I had NO previous (conscious) intention of forcing myself on a sleeping Park, nor had I ever done so to anyone before. This was SO unlike my normal mild-mannered personality, I had trouble accepting that this was actually happening... I was doing the unthinkable, physically subduing the smaller, helpless victim of my churning lust. Under the overwhelming control of some primordial instinct, I was a predator, and delicate, girlish little Park was my wriggling, panic-stricken, prey.

All of that mental shock and awareness took no more than a few seconds, insufficient time for my erection to fail. I still get an evil thrill when I recall the instant my psyche kicked into predator-mode. My cock, which had softened slightly since awaking from the "wet dream", suddenly went rigid... the feeling was so intense... I was fully conscious then, every muscle in my body alive and straining to do my will. If there's a biological truth underlying the expression "hot blooded", that's what was happening to me. My blood was boiling, coursing through my body, giving it incredible strength. I was like two people in one, the old familiar me had stepping back into shadow, leaving the new, part- animal me. The animal was hungry, and it wanted Park.

From the instant the predator took over, Park's struggle became almost amusing to me, if not quite a game. Though small, he was fit, and quick... he almost succeeded flipping onto his belly. But the beast was much quicker. By then I'd let him remove my right hand from his underpants, but only so I could use that arm to block his attempt to escape. He used both hands, struggling to push me off. I lowered my right side across the right side of his chest, pressing his right arm between our bare ribs while I pinned his other wrist with my right hand. Besides his choked whispers of "No Danny no", our grunting and breathing were the only sounds in the dark room. He seemed quite serious about wanting me to stop, and put up a stuggle to prove it... not that I cared.

Once I had flattened him under my hard 170lb body, I grabbed both wrists in my left hand and pinned his legs under my knees so I could roll my upper body slightly back, exposing both our chests, stomachs, and cotton baskets. Enough street light came through the window for us to barely see each other's face and body. My right hand shot back down into Park's underwear, roughly pushing below the thin elastic waistband and grabbing his penis and nutsack. I tightened my grip and pulled in short, jerky motions meant to deter further struggles. He cried out softly, and it wasn't long before he realized that every time he tried to break his wrists free or turn his body, I would violently stretch his nutsack, so he stopped struggling.

I was laying flat on top of Park, and since I was taller, his face was about even with my collar bone. I looked in his eyes while I smiled down at him, but it was a predator's smile, like the spider to the fly... and like the fly, his eyes were bugging out of his head. His thin red lips were moving, but no words were coming out, only the gasps and groans associated with movements of my right hand and fingers between his satin-smooth legs.

In spite of the intense physical contact his dick was still soft, so I began to roll it between my fingers, sliding up and back between the small head and almost hairless base. At the same time I slid my body down, realeasing his legs from their imprisonment. I kept my eyes on his as my face floated lower, but he didn't look away. As I moved I pressed all my weight into his chest and stomach, grinding, trying to transfer my heat to him, and to reinforce my physical and sexual superiority.

When our faces met I wordlessly drove my tongue past his teeth, as deep as it would reach. Ruthlessly forcing his jaws apart I stretched his yielding lips, until the tip of my tongue touched the back of his mouth and I could feel him gasp for breath underneath me. I was still pinching and rolling his penis in the fingers of my right hand, and he finally responded. His erection came quickly and completely, also surprisingly hard, like a piece of iron rebar, if not very long. My left hand let go of his wrists for just a moment, while I raised my right hand from Park's tented shorts and grabbed his right wrist again. I rejoined our tongues while grinding my body weight into his thin chest, making him gasp for air, at the mercy of my pitiless whim. I roughly sealed our mouths together again, viciously sucking the air from his mouth and lungs, and I succeeded remarkably well. Holding his breath in my lungs was like inhaling his soul, and I held it for several moments before I reluctantly gave it back to him, letting it flow from my throat to his, across our sealed lips.

I released his hands, rolled my body to the side, and slid his underwear off. He lay motionless, his erection betraying his state of arousal, his face turned toward mine with an frightened, expectant look. I showed him my spider smile as I pulled my own shorts off, and continued smiling and watching his eyes as I lowered my flat belly onto his. Our chests weren't touching, but our hard cocks were, and mine was starting to drip. The effect of my slippery pre-cum on our hard dicks was electric, and Park responded with a gasp and deep breath that made his chest swell and rise to full capacity, then fall again. The skin on his chest was almost translucent, but his nipples were dark and full. I lowered my mouth to his left nipple and nibbled, and it started to tighten and shrink against my lips and teeth. Park groaned, closed his eyes, and moved his head to the side in the resignation of fallen prey, his neck open to the hunter's teeth and claws. He was stretched out under me, restraint now unnecessary, waiting to be devoured by the grinning victor. I nearly howled at my trembling, terrified victim.

My 7-inches of pulsing flesh was drooling over it's prey when I raised my head from my nipple hors d'oeuvres, and decided to administer the coup de grace. I used my strong arms to reach under his thighs, and jerked both his legs up, roughly parallel to my sitting/squatting position. Park flinched, but didn't cry out or try to resist this time. I grabbed his nutsack and squeezed, then groped his balls for a few seconds before moving my finger down to his perineum. I used my thumb to press on it, making his cock enlarge even more while his balls contracted and relaxed in a rhythm all their own.

My index finger brushed his little hairless pucker, back and forth, following the path between his round, smooth buns. Park didn't open his eyes or speak, but he began to move his head from side to side, at first slowly. I used my wet cock to paint a slimy coating of semen all around his un-bruised rosebud, until it was dripping up his crack. Then I leaned into him, propping myself off the bed with one hand, and helped by the natural resistance of his over-stretched leg muscles pushing back against my upper chest. With the other hand I pointed my cut cock's mushroom head at Park's boy-hole, and attempted to enter. He was incredibly tight, but I was incredibly determined to take him right there, right then. When he let out a soft cry, I looked up and saw his face twisted in pain, but he kept his eyes closed. His head was moving rhythmically from side to side as I tried to impale him on my throbbing bone. Finally the head slipped in, making Park yelp and his whole body tense, then he relaxed. I held firm, but didn't press for the moment. There were a few beads of sweat on his forehead, and his eyes were squinting tightly closed.

My prey had already let me take his soul, so owned his body as well. Slowly I put most of my weight behind my hips, and using my shoulders and upper arms to bear down, I steadily drove my aching member about half way into Park's virgin bowels. If I hadn't been quick he'd have screamed, but I used both hands to cover his mouth and hold his chin closed. I could feel him fighting for air so I let him breath through his nose, but his chest was heaving, and his eyes were still tightly shut. He began to struggle underneath me, which only made my lust rise higher. We were now locked together in a primitive struggle, and the outcome was obvious. I drove the last few inches into Park's cherry-hole and stopped, waiting for his struggles to weaken before continuing with my brutal assault.

He only struggled a bit more before his entire body went limp under me. His legs lost their tension and flopped against my shoulders. His chest still heaved but he let go of my hands, which he'd previously been trying to pull away from his mouth. Both of Park's arms fell to the bed and he was eerily still, except for his rapid breathing. I loosened my grip on his mouth, then removed my hands entirely. Sensing no opposition, I grabbed his slender hips and began to withdraw from his boy-hole. It was unbelievably tight, I could feel his stretched guts contracting around my pecker as it slipped and slid out of his wet, quivering sphincter. When only the head was left inside, his pucker muscle clamped tightly around the fleshy helmet, I leaned into him again, no mercy. This time his body remained limp while I buried my cock deep into him. I grabbed his ankles and spread his legs as far apart as I dared, afraid of snapping him in two like a wishbone.

I looked for any reaction but there was none, until I finally noticed tears flowing out of the corners of his eyes. I didn't know how long he'd been crying, nor did I care. I kept sliding in and out, with gathering speed. I held him in place and plowed him deep, enjoying the sucking sensation his tight hole created around my engorged organ. Park's eyes stayed closed, but now I could hear soft continuous weeping.

Since my cock had first penetrated his hole, Park's own dick had gone soft and stayed that way. Now it began to go hard again, even without my touching it like before. It stayed hard for the rest of the time I was drilling his hot little hole, but I didn't touch it this time.

Finally the inevitable happened, and I felt my balls boiling up their load of protein stew. While Park lay on his back crying, his sweet young ass raised high for my taking, I finished him off. My balls tightened, I was overwhelmed with a sense of power over my new fuck-toy. My hard dick convulsed and began pumping hot sperm into Park's battered boy-cunt.

A few minutes later I went back to my own bed. I could still hear Park crying softly as I drifted into a deep sleep.

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