Suburbs Are Not So Bad

By Frank Grimes

Published on Mar 16, 2015



Several years ago my wife was a young hotshot attorney at a large firm making big bucks until she burned out from all the long hours and became a law school professor. Instead of late nights at the office, high class parties with pricey wines, and luxury cars we had to leave downtown and get a house in the suburb where we eventually had kids and settled into our more family-oriented routine.

Sex was always fun and intense but rarely occurred more than once a week, maybe a BJ every other month which was a shame because she was so damn good at them. As we tried new things and toys she clearly got the point how much I enjoyed her playing around my ass and under my balls. I'd be sure to give her signs of encouragement with my moans but she'd play a bit and move away after quickly when her more prude tendencies took over and told her that ass play is gross. We never talked about it though and frankly we never really talked about sex, we just had it. I'd introduce new vibrators and hand restraints which she'd go along with happily but seemed to never discuss outside of us using it all in the heat of lust. I seemed to have hit her limit though in kinkiness and we've had a pretty routine albeit boring sex life for quite a few years now.

A couple of months ago though my wife got a call from an old friend that she worked at the law firm with about troubles with a guy. We used to hang out with her and her husband back in the day going out on their boat and partying at clubs until my wife left the firm. They kept in touch just barely enough to call it a friendship/acquaintance but I'd found out over the years that her friend Courtney had gotten divorced from all the hours at the firm and was now a very sexy tall blond single lady that had at least one boyfriend going at any given time. She was always in hot demand and I could see why. Back in the day always had the hots for her and loved her flirty attention she'd give me as we danced at a club or pounded shots at one of our places late into the night.

So the call was very unusual because she wanted to have lunch with my wife urgently to talk. When my wife got back that evening she told me about their conversation. Apparently, Courtney had gotten involved with some hot guy that claimed to be in the film industry and had taken an overly obsessive liking to her. One night she saw his car drive by his place multiple times while he was texting with her as if he wasn't nearby. Another night she had a girl friend over and they caught him peeking at them through the windows. And most recently she was texting with him but looked in her backyard and found him sitting there without his shirt or shoes. As much as she apparently liked fucking this guy the signs were clear this guy was nuts so she called it off.

I couldn't believe she got herself caught up with such a crazy idiot and I probably scared my wife a bit about Courtney's safety as I told her how dangerous guys like this can be. The next morning my wife got a text just as we were waking up to deal with the was from Courtney and she asked my wife to call her asap. We both gave each other a concerned look and when she called she found that unfortunately the next night she saw his car driving around her place again and she called the cops. They told her they couldn't do much and even suggested that she buy herself a gun or stay at a hotel for a bit. Courtney was freaking out and was a mix of wanting to stay home and make a stand or run for safety. While I was getting ready and my wife, Ellen, was on the phone I came to an immediate halt when I heard Ellen insist to Courtney that she come out to the suburbs and stay with us for a little bit while things cool down. Immediately, typical guy thoughts danced in my head of Courtney walking around our place in the morning in her likely sheer PJs showing off her terrific body.

Well, I was only partially right. Courtney did come to stay with us for a few days and then she'd figure out what to do. She showed up with all her fancy luggage and we got her all setup in our guestroom. That night she put on her PJ's but unfortunately it was far from my "see through" fantasies. She had on frumpy super comfortable pants and full covering top but that didn't keep me from catching some nice cleavage shots while she bent down to play with my kids.

The first night we were all tired and called it a night. To my surprise as Ellen and I were approaching sleep she scooted over to me and started her sighing and close spooning which was her tell-tale sign for sex. I was shocked that with her friend in the downstairs guestroom that she would be bold enough to have sex with someone so close by but I was down for it as always and I noticed that her pussy was extra slick than it normally is without a lot more foreplay. She clenched my dick as the sounds of my dick sliding in and out created that distinct wet popping sound and it wasn't too much longer that I emptied my cum inside her, grabbed the vibe to finish her off with her own orgasm and we rolled to the sides of the bed to a deep sleep.

The next morning we awoke to a light knock at our bedroom door and thinking it was one of the kids we said come in. However, instead of one of our boys, it was Courtney in her pajamas and she wanted to know how to work the remote herself so she could watch tv. I was wiping the sleep out of my eyes when I realized my wife was sitting up in bed showing her how to use it while she was completely topless. In fact we were both totally naked from fucking the previous night and while the blanket covered me my wife was sitting up with her tits hanging there in front of Courtney. She of course apologized a million times while finally leaving but I was rock hard under the covers. As soon as Ellen got up to go to the bathroom to get ready I gave myself a quick jerk and cummed all over myself and the bed. I was surprised my wife was so bold but then again she's always been pretty liberal around other women. Heck, when her sister and mom are over at our house and Ellen changes to jump in the pool she'll strip right in front of all of us and change. Always kind of weird being around my mother in law and sister in law while my wife is naked but then again we have kids so there's no hiding that I've seen those fun bags before!

The rest of the day went as usual and that night we put the kids to sleep and decided to open some wine for us and watch a movie. We settled onto the couch and pretty soon a second bottle was empty and we were all feeling pretty good. Ellen, unfortunately, doesn't handle alcohol all that well and before the movie even ended she went upstairs to pass out leaving Courtney and I on the couch. Once the movie ended I too was feeling pretty buzzed and the air got a bit ackward with just her and I hanging out together downstairs. I told myself that any chance of some action was a pipedream and that I will end up causing more trouble by embarrassing myself with any poor move on to Courtney. I said good night and went upstairs to my dark room and heavily asleep wife. After about 30 minutes of playing stupid games on my phone in bed next to my passed out wife I got thirsty and decided to grab some water downstairs. I figured Courtney was passed out too in her room as I didn't hear the TV anymore so figured going down there in just my boxers would be safe.

As I got downstairs though I saw the sliding door to the backyard was slightly open and I could see the pool light was glowing in the night. I ventured closer to the glass door and saw Courtney in our hot tub with the bubbles on. I guess she wasn't feeling too tired either and wanted to take a dip in the humid night. I peeked out the door and shouted out to Courtney asking how the water was. She looked surprised at hearing my voice and sank mostly under the water with just her head sticking out. She asked what I was doing and I said I was grabbing some water. She said back that she was pretty thirsty too and asked me to bring her some water.

I was a bit self-conscious at being in my boxers but I figured what the heck since she was in a swimsuit. So I made two waters and ventured out to bring them to her. As I got closer though I got a better idea why I could only see her head out of the water. I didn't see a top around her back or neck and realized quickly that she was topless. I caught my breath for a second and approached her. She laughed at seeing me in my boxers and I shot back that she shouldn't be laughing considering I didn't see her wearing a top. At that comment she sat back onto the seat in the spa and I quickly realized that a top was not the only thing she was missing. Despite the waves of the spa, I could make out her bare body and she indulged me in staring for a few moments with my jaw hanging open.

Once I got my bearings back I gave her the water but as I bent down my now semi stiff dick crept through the hole in my boxers popping right out. I quickly shoved him back inside but not before Courtney started whistling her appreciation for my show. I now had a full blown tent standing next to her. She then explained to me that the heat of a hot tub can help relax me and alleviate hard-ons and I gullibly acknowledged that fact, dropped my boxers, and slid into the hot tub. It was finally at that moment I realized my wife was only one story away and with a window to see down over the pool and I got a big hesitation. Courtney laughed again and pointed out that the room upstairs was completely dark and that we were alone.

She let me look her over some more and I was amazed at her body. Having a wife with a couple kids you forget what a toned single woman looks like in person. I pointed out that she was completely shaved and how I wished Ellen would do the same and how I guess it would feel to lick. At that she grabbed my hand and moved it to her crotch and rubbed herself with my hand. She was so damn smooth and tight lipped I today am amazed I didn't cum right then. At that point all inhibition was lost and we kissed passionately as I fingered her slit and she stroked my dick nice and slow.

Then without warning her strokes stopped and she started caressing my balls and then under my balls. Instinct took over and I started moaning as I loved being touched here and only had fleeting occurrences from my wife. She laughed some more and whispered in my ear that she knows what all men really want and that's to have their ass played with. I grunted an "uh huh" and lifted a bit off the hot tub seat. Her touches got lower and eventually found my hole which she circled with her finger at just the right pace. My moaning and breathes were increases when I felt the first feeling of a finger penetrating my ass with just her tip of her index finger. After letting me adjust for a few minutes she was stroking me faster with her other hand and without warning slid her finger deep into my ass causing me to gasp in orgasm as my cum floated from my underwater dick up to the surface. As I recovered and she pulled her finger out I felt an emptiness inside me that I strangely missed. With my recovery came some guilt and paranoa about Ellen finding out so I gave her a big thanks and quickly ran inside, upstairs, dried myself with a towel and crawled into bed next to my wife. I slept so deeply that night and woke up more refreshed than I had in a long time.

The next day was Saturday and I woke up way past my usual time. I heard the voices of the kids, Ellen, and Courtney downstairs, grabbed some clothes, and join them to make everyone some breakfast. I caught Courtney giving me a sly grin but tried to ignore in case Ellen caught on to us. Ellen was particularly friendly and happy to see me and said hello with a big kiss and hug. It was not like her b/c she was usually stressed by this point from the kid's craziness but I was happy to accept her cheery mood. That's when she asked if Courtney and her could go shopping while I watched the kids and I figured that her cheeriness was due to her buttering me up for her leaving me to care for the kids.

Considering my infidelity the previous night I was in no position to say anything other than "yes, dear" and shortly after they left the house. While cleaning up the mess I noticed in the laundry room my boxers sitting on the washing machine. I had a strike of terror as a realized I didn't bring my boxers back upstairs and likely left them by the pool. I told myself that Courtney must have brought them back in an that my wife was none the wiser. That evening went as usual but this time after the kids were asleep it was Courtney that said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep earlier. So Ellen and I went to bed upstairs to watch some TV for a bit. As the evening got later she again snuggled up to me and had me rub her shoulders and neck. After a strong rub and her slight moans I got bolder and roamed my hands over her chest lightly running over her hardening nipples. I knew I had some more sex coming my way and laid over my wife as we passionately kissed and felt each other.

She then rolled me over onto my back and started kissing my chest. I couldn't believe it, she was getting ready to blow me and I couldn't believe my luck. For a married guy, a blowjob is worth a million bucks considering the usual frequency I received them. This time though as she had me in her mouth her hands started to roam more than usual. She squeezed my ball gently and I could feel the tip of her finger tingle the area below my sack. I moaned in great appreciation at which point her finger started circling my ass. My mind was blown, I couldn't believe that two nights in a row I was getting this special treatment and the ass play I'd been so eager to experiment with.

She stopped blowing me for a moment look up at me and ask me if this was what I wanted. I muffled out a yes and she asked again if I was sure. I replied that I wanted it so bad and she coldly stated, "Yeah, I figured since you decided to go get some from my friend and our house guest!". I breathed in terror at her acknowledgement of my cheating the night before but before I could process it all she jammed her finger deep into my ass causing me to yelp out in some pain and shock. Ellen started laughing at my predicament but kept her finger firmly lodged inside me. She said, "I never knew you were gay and wanted a dick up your ass so badly." I whimpered that I wasn't gay and that I just liked the feeling. She laughed some more and said, "We'll see about that".

With that comment she added two more fingers to my now compensating ass and I moaned out with even more pain and pleasure. As she was sliding her fingers in and out penetrating my ass she reached behind her pillow and pulled out some crazy contraption with lots of straps. But what stood out most was the hard pink dildo that was hooked into it all. I sat up quickly causing her fingers to pull out while asking what she was doing.

She replied, "I'm finally giving you what you want. I thought all this time you just like some like touching around your ass to heat you up but now I realize that you just want to get fucked."

I tried to deny it but the shape of the fake cock just looked so appealing, it wasn't overly large but seemed so damn kinky that I couldn't say no. She started putting on the straps while I watched in amazement but then started laughing when she was having trouble with the clips. She gave me an evil grin, reached for her phone and appeared to be texting. I gave her a quizzical look but a minute later our door opened and in came Courtney. I began to scramble to cover up but they both laughed saying it was way too late for that.

Courtney adjusted the straps on Ellen, hooked in the dildo, and yelled at me to roll over. I did as I was told but with a nervousness in my stomach. At that point I heard Courtney tell Ellen:

"See I told you he wanted to get fucked, all that moaning you told me about whenever you got close was a clear sign of his need for dick up the ass!"

I again tried to deny it but there was no point. She was right. I loved women, their pussy, and tits, but I also loved my own ass wanted it to be filled. Ellen got over on top of my back, I felt the tip of the dildo at my entrance and thankfully more slowly she slid inside me. My head started spinning and my dick was rock solid. I looked back at them and saw Courtney with her top off helping to guide the cock into my ass as she also rubbed alongside Ellen. I was in absolute heaven and couldn't deny it. I had the best of both worlds!

Slowly then faster Ellen penetrated my ass while Courtney would add some lube to the cock giving Ellen the ability to really drive into me and back out. My moaning filled the room dirty comments were flying from the ladies providing this wonderful torture. Before I could give warning, my cock shot load after load of cum everywhere as I clenched the dildo so tight my wife had to struggle to pull it out.

Once again I had an empty feeling in my ass and missed that full feeling but was light headed and ready to pass out. It was then Ellen sternly told me, "OK, I'm done with you. It's your turn to sleep downstairs." I looked at her confused and she pointed to the door. I meakly walked out and as I turned around I saw the girls begin to cuddle under the sheets and my wife's fake cock rub against Courtney's back. They saw me stalling and yelled to close the door. I went downstairs, laid in the guestbed, and realized actually how noisy the master bedroom is from downstairs. Moans seeped through the ceiling and the rocking of the bed was obvious. Probably an hour and half later it stopped and I realized I had jerked off another 3 times while listening. The house fell quiet and all slept soundly that night.

The next day Courtney packed her stuff and said she was ready to be home again regardless of any threat. We all hugged good bye and as the door closed she pointed at a neighbor walking his dog across the street. She gave me a smile and said, "There's nothing like trying the real thing."

Courtney returned to her big city life and high powered job. And while we were still in the suburbs I knew that a boring suburban life was not in my future either!

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