Subway Encounter

By tina foster

Published on Dec 24, 2010


By Reading this, you acknowledge that it's intended for adults only, like the rest of the work of

Now, please do remember this is just adult fantasy, if you're not old enough to read this, or if this sort of thing isn't for you, "why are you here?? Go away..."

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My black brim was worn down mid-point on my nose, on which my round gold-rimmed glasses sat, as I rested into my seat, back to the drivers cab.

As ever, I had dressed in black, bar the blue-jeans, hem furled up a little, worn over my black ankle-length boots, with Cuban style heels.

I'd crossed my arms and, was trying to doze awhile, as the train moved, it's movement rocking me to a rested state.

And I'll swear down, I don't know what prompted me to look up just then, but I did.

Across the aisle, further down, there was a fellow watching me, someone I recalled, from somewhere, sometime. And, he was staring at where my coat parted a little, at my crotch.

Suddenly, I recalled where I knew the fellow, who looked for all the world like a cousin to Richard O'Brian, the sorta gaunt that belongs on a mortician, or something.

That's when I decided to get off at his stop, to see how the afternoon might play out, just from that one decision.

Standing slowly, I used the handrail, as I swung round into the aisle and then walked to the doors, aware that he had stood, as well.

He watched me, as I got off the train and, I couldn't help but wonder if he had remembered.

Then, as we walked down the path to the roadway he glanced in my direction, his face showing recognition: "I know you, don't I?"

I smiled at that, `oh, he knew me.'

"I know you live round the corner from here," I told him, "and, I know you serve guess sherry... and, that you have an old-style fifties open fire-place."

Confusion showed in his voice, as he asked, "So I do know you?"

I stopped to turn at look at him, as we neared the end of the pathway; "And I also know you have a sister..." he stopped walking, to look at me.

Now he was looking at me askance, "okay, I have to know now, how'd you know?"

Beneath the brim of my hat I grinned.

"Because a few years ago, you invited me back to yours...?" I told him.

"And?" he quizzed, his face nearing mine.

"You showed me a dress to be worn and we were interrupted," I told him with a grin. "You wore one of my wife's dresses didn't you?" He quizzed in a quiet voice.

"And after you taking a piss, we were interrupted..." I remembered with a smile, recalling how his wife's dress had drawn up, to expose my stocking-clad legs, as I'd knelt in his bath, my mouth open, for the golden stream.

Then I had stood and he had taken me in his arms and I'd nuzzled my face against his neck, as his hands eased up my dress to cup my buttocks in his hands.

"You going to fuck me?" I had murmured against his skin.

"Oh yes," he'd assured me, as I had suckled his earlobe.

"And then my sister called, didn't she?" He enquired.

The bell had rung for ages and ages and, he had parted from my arms, to answer the door. And, then, I'd changed at his insistence and left by the back door, as they'd talked.

"Yes Oliver, that is what happened..." I told him, as I began to walk again, taking a right at the end of the path, in the direction of his home.

"Where are you going?" Oliver asked me.

"Well, do you want company?" I asked in return.


Next: Chapter 2

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