Successful Trip to Scout Camp

By libra

Published on Feb 27, 1999


------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 5 ------------------------------

The next morning, I awoke to find Dave and I entangled in a mess of arms and legs. It wasn't comfortable. During the night, one of those infamous Alabama heat waves settled in, and we were smoldering. Two guys, waking up in a sleeping bag, intertwined - imagine the heat. And I don't mean passion! We decided to cool off in the shower. We were the first ones up that morning, so we had the shower to ourselves. My mind was stuck on thinking about how we had awaken that morning. It wasn't sexual, but yet it was nice. I was worried, wondering what it was that I was feeling, when I turned to look at Dave. He was standing there smiling at me in the shower, and the weirdest thing occurred to me, I didn't have a hardon! I got a frog in my throat, I was scared to death. What was wrong with me?

During my shower I had decided that I needed to back off a bit and chill out. I was confused and wasn't quite sure how things were panning out. I knew I wanted to do stuff with Dave. I knew that he had certainly been acting like he wanted to mess around too. What I didn't know was how to move to the next step. If I was wrong, I would have to quit Scouts, and move out of state - or so I thought. If I was right, what was fast becoming an obsession would come true. Why did I always get myself into a "do or die" situation?

That third day I skipped out of merit badge class and went off on a mini-sabbatical to Pointe Bluff. This was a small mountain with a rock out-cropping at the top. I told Dave I had to hit the restroom, and never went back to class. I wanted to be alone. While this place was very poplular among all of the scouts, I had it to myself while everyone else was at merit badge class. Perfect for thinking.

Now when I go off thinking about heavy issues, I turn into a classic case of indecisivness; and this time was no exception. I was 16 and Senior Patrol Leader. I had certainly had girlfriends. But was I gay? My life would be ruined.

Then I thought, "Screw it. Everyone can just go to Hell if they don't like it. I'm going to live my life however I want and be happy."


Then I would think, "My parents would hate me. I would have no friends. I can't live like that."

I stood up and walked to the edge of Pointe Bluff, looking down. I was terrified of heights at the time, but as I stood there looking over the edge of the 95+ foot cliff, I felt tranquil. I had been racking my brain as to what to do, only coming up with black or white decisions. No happy medium. But I realized, I could continue like I had been, possibly mess around with Dave, and no one would have to know. I would make the first move, and if Dave rejected it, I would play it off as some big elaborate joke. That would work, Dave was always joking around. Now how would I make my move...

Lunch time rolled around and the triangle was clanging at the mess hall and I was hungry. I started one of those out of control runs down the mountain towards the mess hall, having to grab a small tree to help me stop. Man it was great being a kid!

Dave saw me run in, and caught up with me.

"Dude, where have you been?? I've been looking everywhere for you?"

"Hey man, I took off and checked out the camping spot on Pointe Bluff."

Our troop was going to hike up the Pointe and camp for a night. Perfect excuse.

"Oh, and you didn't think about bringing your Assistant?!" Dave was hurt. I had anticipated this.

"Dave, DUH, you needed to lead in my absence. Hello? What if we both got hurt up there? Who would lead the troop? Andy???"

Andy, poor kid, was the quintessential nerd. It was a low tactic, but one I knew that would work.

"Well I guess you're right. You could have told me though."

"Aww, don't worry - I'll make it up to ya!" I said with a grin.

We finished lunch and headed straight to the lake. Cathing some sun and swimming was in order. While we were all in the water, Dave started swimming around underwater and dropping the swimming trunks of folks. It was great. Dave bobbed up at one point with a pair in his hands. A quick look around told me that no one was missing theirs, and then I realized what happened.

"Dave you freak! Put them back on!"

"Hahaha! What, you don't want to see my ass?!"

Then he dove under - his lily-white butt sticking straight out of the water. Insta-Boner was back!

After hearing the Scoutmasters screaming something about needing sunglasses after seeing that butt, we all laughed and came in to clean up. Everyone hit the showers en masse, albeit with swimming gear still on. Chickens. Heh.

The day continued on as normal, each scout spending the afternoon visiting other troops at camp; trading patches, playing ball, working on the troop projects, and other activities. The afternoon was a typical lazy afternoon, and I retired to my hammock, spending the time catching a nap. After all, I had plans for that evening, and I needed to be awake!

After dinner, we all crashed at camp. Dusk was setting in, and I was sitting at the fire being mesmorized by the popping and jumping flames. Dave asked if I wanted to play some cards. Poker of course. After spending a number of previous summers at my grandfathers fishing cabin learning how to play poker (and drinking a little beer) I figured I would take Dave up on his proposition.

I sat on the bed facing Dave, shuffling the cards, while he geared up the jambox with his favorite band of the time - Gun's-N-Roses. I coyly asked him what he wanted to use as chips. I could be evil at times.

"Umm, how about Now-And-Laters?" He asked. That candy rocked. Grape was my fav.

"You sure you have enough?" I asked.

"Of course, dude, I went to the store before the trip."

Heh. Yeah, he had enough. So I started dealing the cards...

"Five card stud?" I asked.

"Sure, stud." He replied, grinning.

It took me a second to catch the exchange. Fortunately the music saved me from giving a response.


After a couple of hands, it was clear that either I was lucky or Dave didn't know how to play cards. While I was raking up all of the Now-And-Laters, Dave was pouting. Now I'm not one to put up with pitiful people, but when I saw that face of his, I about died......from laughter. He had the most sorryful face on, looking like his puppy just died. After recovering from laughter - I gave him his candy back. He immediately brightened up.

"Geez, Dave, I thought you were going to start crying!" I laughed.

"Ha! You are such a SUCKER! I just wanted to see if you would give me my candy back!"

I tackled him.

After a few twists and turns, I ended up pinned on the bed face-down, with Dave sitting on top of me laughing. He was positioned on my shoulders, his thighs falling on either side of my face. I could have gotten out of this position, but I found I rathered liked it! He grabbed a Now-And-Later, unwrapped it, waved it in front of my face, then ate it. We started giggling so hard it hurt!

Dave got off of me and I started to get up, realizing a little too late that I was hard. My scout shorts stuck out like a tent. Dave saw it and fell off the bed from laughter, me being to emabarrassed to do anything about it. After a couple of minutes of awkward laughter, things calmed down enough so that we could continue playing cards.

"So, Dave, do you wanna loose your Now-And-Laters, again?"

"Nah, let's play with something a little more valuable." He replied.

OMG. Was he really thinking of playing strip poker??? And he just lost! No way...

"So, like, what then?"

"Well, I figured we could combine Truth or Dare with Poker."

Sneaky devil. He had my attention.

"Oooook. Explain." I said.

"This is how I see it would work. You bet a truth. I would either fold, call, or raise. A fold, the game is over. A call, we show our hands and whoever wins get's to ask the question. A raise, and the bet is turned into a dare. So what do you think?"

I think you planned this whole thing out.

"I think it's cool. Five card stud?" I said, grinning.

"Nope, Hi-Lo." He said.

Ah-ha. A game with better odds for him.

He dealt. I bet a truth. He raised to a dare. We showed our cards. I had an Ace, he had a Queen.

"You loose!" He yelled.

"What?! No way Jose! Aces beat all!"

"Not in this game!"

I was being setup. Somehow I knew the whole time and still kept playing. Aces were low. That's the only thing left to set, right? So I had a dare coming at me...

"Fine. What's the dare?" I hesitantly asked, but secretly was excited to hear. Depending on what he chose, this dare would set the tone for the rest of the evening.

"Go moon Jamie and Chris!" He said.

Ahhh... a little ass showin'. This was going to be an interesting night.

"Heh, sure. I'll be right back!" Like I was going to do it.

"Wait up! I'm coming too." Shit.


"Because I have to make sure you do it!" Double shit.

A flurry of tent-flaps-pants-dropping-and-scouts-yelling later, we ended up back in the tent. Dave was giggling so hard, he was in the fetal position on the bed. He had me going too.

"D-d-d-did you see their faces?!"

"Yeah, like I could see them with my ass pointing at them!"

[Five minutes of harder laughing]

Next hand. I dealt. He bet a truth. I raised a dare, after all, I had a 10. We showed our cards. JOKER?!

Dave looked absolutely evil. And cute, I might add. He laughed and stated that Joker's beat anything in the deck. He was loving this immmensely. I faked pain.

"What, this time?" I groaned.

"Steal a porn mag from Mikes backpack!"

"What?! He has one?! And how do you know???"

"He told me today in Reptile class. I know where he keeps his bag, I'll go with you and recon. It's under his bed on the left side of the tent."

Mike was off doing some late badge trading. This could be interesting. So we left our tent, and crawled up to Mikes tent in the dark. Dave and I were next to each other, our sides touching. He whispered in my ear, which sent chills down my spine.

"It's under this side. Just reach up underneath and grab the bag. We'll put it back when we find the mag."

His breath on my ear was almost more then I could handle. I turned my head to find him staring back at me... bare inches away. I started to lean in, as if I was going to kiss him, then realized what I was doing and stopped.

"Wow, Dave, I just got really tired all of a sudden. The heat today must have gotten to me. Let's go back and chill out for the night" Bullshit, but I had to say something.

"Uhh, sure." Dave knew something was up.

After returning to the tent, we stripped to our boxers and climbed into the sleeping bag and layed there. For a fleeting moment I had a thought, "Tonight will either be good or bad. Either way, it's gonna change my life." I shivered and Dave asked if I was ok.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?" I smiled.

"I'm a stud, remember?" He was all grins. Dang this boy was awesome!

"Heh, you keep thinking that. You need all the self-help you can muster!" I retorted.

With that we turned to go to sleep. Only I wasn't crashing just yet. I had plans.

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 6 ------------------------------

Time moves SO FREAKING slow when you are waiting for something. Especially when you are waiting for something and nervous as shit about it. In this case, time moved even slower, if that were possible. I had told myself to not even consider doing anything until thirty minutes had passed. Five minutes went by on my Indiglo and I amended that time in half to fifteen. Another ten minutes later and I decided I would start checking.

I had decided on Pointe Bluff that morning that I would chicken out and feel up Dave in his sleep for my own gratification. I felt like crap about it then, as I do now, about doing something like that - but dammit! I was a horny teenager! Fortunately things didn't turn out bad.

I was laying flat on my back, barely breathing, and listening intently for signs of Dave being awake. His breathing was slow and shallow, and he wasn't moving. I glanced in his direction and was glad to see that he had fallen asleep laying on his back, too. This would make things easier.

As I was just about to start slowly moving, I noticed movement from his side! He was slowly turning onto his side facing me. Damn! Well at least he's positioned facing me. I layed there as still as I could be, waiting for him to get comfortable and fall back to sleep. That's when I heard him softly whisper,

"Hey, are you awake?"

I didn't answer.


I didn't answer, again.

Then I felt his hand at my side! This can't be happening I told myself! I grew hard immediately.

I layed there feeling him slowly run his hand down my side, beginning at the mid-chest level until he hit my boxers. Then he stopped. I presume to see if I awoke. After about a minute, his hand slowly slid up the side of my boxers to the front, about an inch from my cock. Then I realized - I was HARD! Why I was worried about it I do not know, but I was.

Dave's hand continued onward, hitting my cock, and slowly grasping it. I twitched and he gasped. At this point I lost all inhibitions. I reached up and grabbed Dave's hand and helped him start to rub my cock. He started to draw back in surprise, and I whispered that it was ok. I reached over and felt for his cock.

Dave must have let all worries go, too, for he stopped rubbing me for the split second it took for him to take his boxers off and climb on top of me. It seemed natural that he do that. I don't know if it was because I was a half foot taller then he or what. He was at that awkward (but perfect) stage of puberty that his dick had sprouted, but the rest of him hadn't yet. So his dick looked larger than normal in proportion to his body. And it was rubbing on my dick. I about fainted.

At this point I wrapped my arms around him and held him to me. His smell was filling my senses. It was absolutely intoxicating. It was that smell of a kid about to become a man, mixed with soap, and a little sweat. Heavenly. Clean. Refreshing. I buried my nose into his shoulder and grabbed his butt and squeezed him to me. He wrapped his legs around mine, his arms and hands holding my head to him. We layed still like that for a few minutes, getting used to what was going on. I wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. What do you say? Nothing with your voice, but you can talk with your actions. And if he ever knew the power he had over me at that moment...

We broke the stillness at the same time, both of us starting to body surf. I held him tighter, wanting him to be part of me. I hate describing it like that, because everyone says that, but it describes what I felt at that moment perfectly. We continued to body surf for a while, our breathing becoming faster and faster. Then Dave got up and crawled down into the sleeping bag!

Now if you have ever been in a sleeping bag, you know it can get damn hot in there. Multiply that by ten. Dave had to have been suffocating! I sat up and reached down to open the vent at the foot of the bag. Dave popped up and decided we didn't need the bag. Ok, he was driving. Fine by me!

After unzipping the bag, I layed there and watched Dave lay his head on my stomach, facing towards my cock. Not being able to see my dick made me slightly nervous, but after he grabbed it and started stroking I felt better. I placed my hands on his head and shoulders and started rubbing him. I still couldn't believe that this was happening. Dave was gently stroking me, rubbing his other hand on my stomach, when he lifted his head and went half-way down on my cock. I involuntarily bucked my hips in reaction, causing Dave to gag slightly and hit my head with his teeth. At this point we spoke for the first time since starting this experience:

"Ow!" I whispered loudly.

"Oops! I'm sorry! Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, heh, I'm fine now. Dave, you don't have to do that if you don't want to."

"But.....I want to. Do you not want me to?" He replied.

"No! I want you to, it's just that.......I don't know if I can do it to you, too." I hesitantly admitted. My fears had been layed out in the open.

"Oh, no. That's way cool, I didn't expect you to..." Dave said as he slowly continued what he was doing before.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the feelings. My body must have been as stiff as a board, cause Dave said,

"Chill out dude, please. Relax."

With that I breathed out and softened. He went back down on me, licking and slurping all over my cock. Wow, talk about fireworks in the head! I swear I was floating three inches above the bed at this point. After having Dave work on me for a couple of minutes, I started feeling guilty that he was down there, and not getting anything from me. I pulled him up and rolled him over, softly "shhhshing" him from his protests. As we layed there, with me slightly hovering above him, we started to body surf for a little bit. Then an idea hit me.

I reached down and grabbed Dave's dick and my dick in the same hand, and started masturbating both of us off at the same time. Dave was totally into that, because he started moaning and twisting and turning. His reaction got me so turned on! After a minute or two of that going on, Dave started in with these little high-pitched chirps. Hahaha. That's the only way I can describe them. By watching his chest heave, he would breathe in, and then let out a quick chirp, and then exhale - all the while wiggling underneath me. At this point we had rhythm, and those beds were squeeking. We were both rocking back and forth, with me wanking us off and him reaching up and grabbing my ass and moving along. It was hot! It was here that I decided to finish it off. I don't think it would have been healthy to have two teenage boys continue having this sort of sex for any amount of time. There has to be some sort of release!

I started stroking faster. Dave was starting to buck around and grab my ass hard, so I figured he was about to loose it. I stroked a couple more times, then layed down and started body surfing again. Dave wrapped his arms around me and was moaning/chirping in my ear. The breath I felt on my ear set me off. I started shooting. With the juices flowing, things got easier to move against. Dave grabbed my head and pulled me into him more, then rolled over on top of me, and started shooting. I reached down to help him get off the rest of the way.

He collapsed on me. We were both breathing so heavily, we just layed there resting. I was listening to his breathing, hearing him come down from the high we were both at. I hugged him closer to me. After a few minutes, I must have drifted off.

I woke up later that night sometime, to Dave cleaning me off with a towel. He gave me the towel to make sure that I got everything off, then crawled back on the bed with me. I reached down and got the sleeping bag pulled up around us. The postition we both ended up in was his back to my chest, with my arms around him - what I later found out was termed spooning. I sat there for a minute or two thinking about what had happened, and suddenly felt like I was going to cry. Why did I feel that way?

------------------------------ Scout Camp - Part 7 ------------------------------

We awoke the next morning, and although it was in each others arms, after we untangled it was business as usual. We never discussed what went on that night, but we both understood that it was between us.

The rest of the week at scout camp went on as usual. At night Dave and I would repeat what we had started that third night. I swear each night was hotter then the previous. We never did anything more daring then body surfing and mutual jack-offs. Dave did convince me to let him give me a blow job, with him pulling off right before the gusher started. Once again hindsight is 20-20, and I shouldn't have worried about him not getting any pleasure out of that act - for I now know that if you want to do that - it's pleasurable.

I should probably fill you guys in on how things went after scout camp. Things went on like they did before camp. Dave and I didn't really run in the same circles outside of scouts. He was a year younger then I - so we weren't even in the same classes. But this isn't to say that I didn't want anything to happen. I was prepared to carry on what we did at camp. Dave meant alot to me. Even though we did not continue what we had started, we certainly didn't become cold or indifferent to each other. We had this bond, and we both knew it. But being 15 and 16, there was no way we could have started anything and realistically expected it to carry on. I moved soon afterwards, too. My parents divorced and I went with my father.

I hated to end this story on a downer. But I wanted to stay as close to the truth as possible. When I was writing this all down - there were numerous times I wanted to fork off from the truth and continue down a more sexually tittilating path. (I love that word, heh.) Anyways, I know when I have read some good stories on the Archive, and they just ended, I wanted to know what happened to the characters - even if it was fiction!

I wanted to thank all of you that wrote me. It really meant alot. I was surprised at the amount of email - and it all was good!

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