Sucking on Justin's Bong

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Mar 13, 2024



Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

It was almost certainly a bad idea to come here.

No doubt about it... I was gooooooofed. Higher than a bat's ass. And the way Justin was packing his large, brightly colored bong with a fresh load of skunky weed, I wasn't going to be climbing down off my cloud for a long time.

Look, as a young guy at college, I've done my share of stupid shit in the name of letting lose. God knows this wasn't my first time getting baked... but man, this time I could feel it. This was some seriously good shit. And I was going down hard.

Justin was to blame. Justin was always to blame. He was a good friend... well, at least a bud. It's just that... Jesus, the dude was like the Pied Piper, who made everything sound fine and dandy before it spanked your ass. It sounds corny to say, but he was the only person on earth who earned the name rapscallion. He was forever getting into scrapes, escapades, and cockamamie adventures. But I should have known by now that he inevitably took things too far. I'm not used to Justin-level highs, and I realized I was in for a ride.

Not that I was actually complaining... even if my foggy brain would let me. Despite the messes I ended up having to clean up later, I always had a blast.

So when Justin asked if I wanted to stop by and smoke some weed, I agreed. Why not? My girlfriend had blown me off to go out with friends, and my roommate, who was tightly wound under the best of times, was currently freaking out over a test he was sure to ace anyway. Knowing Justin's knack for scoring good shit and raising hell, it was a pretty easy call.

And now, I was going to be here awhile.

My head was dancing around as I looked over at him. I inwardly shook my head. The dude was a fucking heartthrob, that's for sure. That probably helped make it so hard to say "no" to him. I don't make it a habit of checking out other guys, but even I could tell he was hot as shit. What was it? His dark hair, tousled like a movie star's? His tight athletic build? That commanding jawline, covered with a perfect sweep of stubble? All of the above? Yeah, Justin always had women following him around, and those who were lucky enough to enjoy him had stories.

My ears were ringing as I watched him light up and inhale deeply, then hold the smoke in his lungs. He let loose with a long languid smile, obviously reveling in the sensations. His gaze swirled around the room like drifting smoke... before landing on me, almost as if by accident.

"Here," he said as he passed me the lit bong. "Suck on this."

I gave him a slightly idiotic grin. I inhaled deeply, then struggled to suppress a cough as I held the smoke in, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my smooth, cool buddy.

Despite my efforts, Justin could read me like a book. He gave a low laugh. "Keep it going. Take another hit. Deeper. You'll get used to it." I exhaled the smoke and put the pipe back to my lips. As I sucked in the smoke, Justin said, "Yeah, that's right. Suck it like it's a cock."

This time I really did cough.

"What the fuck...?" I asked, blearily. What did he say?

Justin's sly smile broadened, and his eyes sparkled in amusement. "C'mon, man... what, you've never heard that expression before? Never thought sucking a long tube was like sucking an angry one?" I was so stunned, I couldn't do anything but stare at him, which just fueled his amusement.

It's funny how this one, tossed-off line had somehow shot straight through me, to stab my fogged-over brain and prod it to life. I guess that's a sign of things—of how deeply, deeply homophobia was etched into the reptile-brain of young men. Even me. Even stoned, a casual one-liner could spark feelings of gay panic.

But as Justin watched me, my discomfort faded and seemed to become ridiculous. "Don't be such a pussy. Think about it. It's freaking hilarious!" He started giggling. Then laughed harder. And finally, I responded. The weed in my system had re-thrown its euphoric haze back over me... and after a beat, I found the whole thing hysterical, too. I started snickering... as if I was little kid hearing a fart joke. In a flash we were both laughing riotously. "Sucking it like a cock!" Hilarity.

Justin took back the bong and theatrically started working it over in the most obscene way possible. Just like a cock. Hilarious. I couldn't stop giggling at the thought. Watching him make an idiot of himself. Egged on by my laughter. Showing off.

As Justin mockingly deepthroated the bong, flashes of thoughts flickered through my brain, half forming and then swirling back into my mental haze. But somewhere, deep down inside, I could feel my body respond to the lewdness. Yeah. Cocksucking. Heh. Aw shit. I forgot how getting baked always made me horny. All that talk about cocksucking, when I hadn't gotten any action in a while. Certainly not an honest-to-goodness blowjob; I swear my girl only gave those out under protest. Damn. Cocksucking. Somewhere inside my pants, I could feel my dick stir for a hot second.

Wait. Fucking-A. What was happening? Part of me, the guy's guy part of my brain, was sending off warning signs again, and in other circumstances I probably would have puffed up and responded with typical male bravado, lashing out and all that. But the smoke was softening the rough edges of my reaction, leaving only that giggling sense of hilarity. Jesus, dude... it's all a joke. Lighten up, go with the flow and don't be a dickhead.

Not that it would have mattered; my body was transfixed to the futon we were sitting on, weighted down like I was caked in cement. I couldn't have stormed off if I tried.

Justin was watching me openly, laughing. Damn, he could probably see right through my discomfort, and the bastard was making fun of me. Part of me wanted to be mad, but in a weird way, I found myself hypnotized by his eyes. They were... shit, they were fucking sparkling. Alive. I could see how the ladies fell for him. His gaze was... electrifying. Deep. Laying my whole soul bare.

Wooohhh... I must really be buzzing. Man, I felt good, my head lost in that smooth smoke.

"You ready to suck some more cock?" he laughed. I snickered at the thought; my outrage from before had melted into nothing but a lingering, laughing sense of naughtiness.

"You go first!"

"Fine, I'll show you how," he responded. Another deep, vulgar hit. I was grinning like an idiot.

Justin got up and stood up facing me. "Now it's your turn. Take a deep hit from that pipe. Suck that cock."

I was almost laughing too hard to comply, but I got it together. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with smoke and listening to the hiss and bubble of the bong water sucking out the harshness of the hit. I looked up at him, and watched his incredible eyes lock onto mine.

"Take another hit," he directed. I didn't need the hit, but did it anyway. His voice was... persuasive.

"Take another hit." Again. My mind's haze was now nearly total. I was floating. Floating. Almost completely outside the conscious world. Anchored by Justins eyes.

And then I heard it. A strange sound, but familiar. Very familiar. Like... a...

Like a zipper.

Attracted by some motion, my eyes floated down... down... and saw Justin slide his dick out of his pants.

It was... like, shit... I felt... shiiiiiiiiiit. Whaa...?

Justin stepped forward. His cock inches from my face, framed by his tangled pubes. He had the big mushroom head and a piss slit wet with precum.

And in a buttery, smoky voice, Justin purred, "And now you're gonna take a hit from this pipe."


I had seen guys' dicks before—living in the dorm, playing sports, everything. But never like this. Never so close. So intimate. So raw. It flooded me all at once, this was his manhood looking back at me. The source of his masculine power.

I wanted to balk. Run away. But his words rolled through me, hypnotizing me. Disarming me. And the smoky haze in my brain was weighing me down. He gently put a hand on the back of my neck and pushed forward. I resisted for a moment, but damn! He was good looking and I was so horny. He brushed the tip across my lips, leaving a slur of cocksnot as he moved. It was the most intimate gesture a guy could ever make. Hot as fuck. Goddammit—my lips parted. Fuck. FUCK.

"Mmmmmmm," Justin growled. I looked up again, and our eyes locked. "Take another hit, man. Do it."

And for the first time in my fucking life, I took another man's cock in my mouth.

Fuck. FUUUUCK. It was... God help me, it was hot as fuck. My tongue instinctively flicked around his cockhead. Spongy. Alive. God the taste of him. The pungent earthiness of his dick, with the... surprisingly salty-sweet taste of his precum. So fucking intimate. What other guys share a moment like this? His cock... his cock! Trusting me with it, a man's everything!

His hand, running through my hair, gripped my skull. "Fuck yeah, man... take another hit from my pipe!"

My mouth flew open and he pulled me against him, grinding my face into his crotch. Instinctively I inhaled, and was staggered by the sharp scent of his musk. Man-scent. Fuck. This was fucking real.

"Yeah fucking swallow it!" He pulled me in as he thrust upward. His cock bottomed out deep in my throat, and I nearly gagged. Justin, leered down at me, "Swallow! SWALLOW!" and I started sucking him down, as hard as I could. Desperate to respond. I urgently wanted his approval. He was trusting me with his dick, and I had to please him. Show my loyalty. Show my worth.

"Fuck yeah, man... yeaaaaahhh."

To my amazement, his cock responded, filling. Filling faster than I imagined. Lengthening. Filling me. Fucking filling me. I instinctively started sucking him off, as hard as I could. His cock was coming alive in me. That skunky taste. That musky smell. God damn, I was flooded with this crazy sense of pride washing up inside of me. Of accomplishment. I was sucking him! Sucking Justin's dick! Getting him hard! I looked up at him, needing his eyes. Needing the approval in his eyes.

Justin smiled at me and purred in that smoky, smoke-filled voice, "Yeah, you like sucking cock... don't you, cocksucker?" I could feel my cheeks flush. I nodded, unable to think of anything else to do. My mind was an absolute haze; there was nothing else but his dick. This shared masculinity. His cock had filled me. Opening my fucking throat. Filling my mouth with manly tastes, my nose with manly scents, and everything flooding my brain at once. Short-circuiting everything. Making me dizzy, from hormones as much as the weed.

He was completely hard. So was I. I worked him over, swirling his manhood in my mouth. My mind fascinated with how hard, and yet how soft his dick was. My tongue playing with his shaft, while my lips worked him over. Sucking. Wanting to suck him in his entirely. Wanting nothing else.

"You like being my cocksucker, don't you?" God, his voice was dripping with sex. Funny thing, I was too obsessed with sucking his cock to answer. Too desperate to feel his manhood fill me up to be bothered with such stupid things as language. I just let go, let myself drift in a stoned, horny daze. Living for the feelings flooding me.

Justin pulled out, leaving me panting, with my tongue out. Trying stupidly to keep sucking him. Justin growled, "Say yes. Say you want to be my cocksucker."

"Yes," I heard myself say, instantly. Without thought. Without hesitation.

Oh shit. Part of me was terrified to hear myself say that, to fucking... degrade myself like that. God, in my world, being a cocksucker was the worst sort of insult. Fighting words. I was terrified of being... gay. Or even thought of as gay.

But at that moment, flying on a cloud of wacky weed and hormones wrapped up together, I was more terrified of never having his cock again. Needing his hardness. His taste. His scent. His feel. Needing his cock. "I wanna be your cocksucker," I heard myself murmur. "Please. Please let me be your cocksucker. Please. Please."

"Say it again."

"Yes, please."


"Please... oh God PLEASE let me be your cocksucker! Please, I'll do anything! I NEED YOUR COCK!"

"Choke on it, cocksucker!"

With that, Justin grabbed my head and drove his dick into me. But this was matched by me opening up my mouth and fucking swallowing him whole. I did indeed swallow, which drove his rock-hard dick deep down my throat. My eyes teared up, my body started convulsing, but my nose was deep into his pubes, and I was fucking alive.

"Take it, you fucking cocksucker! Take it like a man! Mghaaaaaaaa! Aaaaagnhhhhhaaa!" His words twisted into a series of unholy, guttural sounds as his cock fucked my throat. It was only the relaxing power of weed that allowed me to take it. He dove down deep, holding it there, with his balls against my chin as my body convulsed. He pulled out hard, with an audible "glurp." As I gasped for breath, his musky scent filled me, electrifying my entire body—male pheromones needing no translation to excite another man.

I was staggered, my weed-feebled mind wondering at how much I was getting off from Justin face-fucking me, when I heard the distinct sound of unbuckling. With a muffled plop, Justin's jeans fell around his ankles; he stepped out and he kicked them free. I desperately dove down again for his cock, needing it as I had needed nothing in my life before. I had become the sexual aggressor as I fucking went after Justin's cock, nearly bowling him over in the process. But he needed me just as badly, and started fucking my face with more raw power than I could imagine.

He grabbed the bong and rammed it in my face. "Take a hit." I did.

He rammed his dick in my face. "Take a hit." I sucked him.

The bong again. "Take a hit."

I did everything he said, without thought, without question. Needing his dick. Needing the smoke. All personal thought swept away in pure need.

"Suck me."

And with that, Justin was no longer even pretending. Demanding I sexually service him. My defenses had long been shattered. Any reservations long swept away. I was horny as FUCK and I fucking NEEDED HIS FUCKING COCK. I was fucking obsessed. I ruthlessly went after him, determined to show my worth. Needing his approval.

Too soon, way too soon, Justin pulled off of me, his dick twitching. His cock was still connected to my hungry mouth with delicate threads of spit.

He stepped back, and I realized he was stripping off the last of his clothes. He tossed off his shirt, revealing a fucking EPIC chest underneath. GOD FUCKING DAMN. And not just his chest, but that body. His meaty pecs jutted from his chest. His abs stood out hard and taut. Hard muscles—not showy, but fucking ripped. And, he was fucking hairy, in ways the "civilized" guys I hung out with were not. Hair across his well-formed pecs, around his fat nipples, and running down him in a fucking line of raw masculinity into his hairy man-bush that surrounded that incredible... Fuck.


Now I could see him. Really see that amazing cock. Tall and straight. Long and thick. I'd never seen a real-life stiffy before, and it fucking made my mouth water. And those balls. Rich and heavy, filled with man-cream and ready to boil over. And again hairy, the way God intended. He was a fucking MAN. I was nothing compared to his fucking masculine vitality. How could any man compete?

No, Justin was a fucking GOD. Not one of those squeaky-clean Greek Gods, but a fucking barbarian god coming to fucking burn Rome to the ground. He was my GOD OF SEX.

It was so... fucking raw. Fucking primal. Right there, right then, I vowed I was never gonna shave anything, ever again.

And seeing him in his fucking glory... my stomach fucking came alive with butterflies. Maybe it was the weed. Maybe it was the smell of man-musk perfuming the air. Maybe Justin was really just that hot. But as I sat there, raw testosterone flooded my entire body. Hunger. Desperate hunger for this God. My balls were on fire.

I had never been so fucking turned on in my fucking life.

His eyes looked at me with a... masculine look... a look of desire. Of cockiness. Of sexual hunger. All wrapped in the certain confidence that he would be obeyed. A look of possession. He had already won, and was simply claiming the rewards he was entitled to.


Oh fuck. The fucking power of his words. Cutting through weed-induced haziness, cutting right through the hormonal fog. Demanding obedience. Demanding homage. I stood up, and ripped off my clothes, desperate for my God of Sex's approval. I had no idea what would happen... oh fuck, oh fucking fuck... was he gonna suck me? Worship me as I had done to him? Please, please let him...

"Turn around." God, his voice. Amplified by my haze. It was like honeyed butter, but with a core of carbon steel. Husky with need, and melting with sexual energy. I wanted nothing more than to obey this voice, to make this strong, gorgeous man happy, to satisfy his hunger. I turned around, wanting to hear that voice again. Wanting to hear that... leer in his voice as he spoke to me.

Instead of speaking, however, he came up behind me. His hands, sliding around my waist, and moving up my hairy chest. I could feel the electricity as his rough hands touched me, making my skin come alive. I shivered. God... his hands. Bigger... way stronger than my girlfriend's. With a grip... a man's grip. His touch was... brawny. Commanding. His touch was strong enough that I could lean into him, meet his touch. Man to man.

My girlfriend's touch was to tease me; Justin's was to take me.

I felt his lips on the back of my neck, thick and full. Hot and wet. My whole body fucking shook. His mouth pressed against my sweaty skin. Tasting me. Moving. Slurring. His stubble clawing at me. Awakening me.

God I LOVE stubble.

I was so fucking turned on, so desperate for his touch. Stunned that this sexy God of man wanted me. Me. I just wanted him to... just needed him to...


Oh holy FUCK. The weed made me horny. Sucking Justin's dick made me hornier. Breathing his scent ramped me up even further. Seeing him in his naked glory about did me in. But now? With his fucking dick in my hairy ass? I was so fucking horny I was moaning like a rabid wildebeest in heat.

No one had ever touched me there. Hell, I thought of my butt as being, well... butt-ugly. Nasty and all hairy. But... fuck... Justin's touch? God, I was fucking tingling all over, like I was a kid touching his hard dick for the first time. What the fuck? What was happening? It was... taboo. It was wrong.

It was the hottest fucking thing ever.

As he started to dry-hump my ass, Justin leaned in and started making out with my neck, rubbing his lips, rubbing his whole face on me as his hands worked my body. Holding me. Possessing me. Oh GOD his stubble was shredding my skin, nearly wrenching me out of my mellow. His mouth, his fucking mouth. It was so... fucking sexy being kissed like that. Not like a weak woman's kiss—being kissed like a real man. Hard. Hungry. Knowing what he wanted.


As he mouthed me, licked behind my ears, setting off a hormonal rush, Justin slowly reached his hand down my furry midriff, slowly moving towards my spasming dick, now wet and running with precum. I gasped. Needing his touch. As his hand gripped me, he started slowly thrusting his dick upwards, slowly dry-fucking my hairy buttcrack. GOD I could barely stand. I had been sweating, and that provided the lube needed as his cock slid up and down. His shaft moving the length of my crack. I started bucking back into him. Wanting his touch in that most private of places. Fuck... I felt... sexy. Not just horny, but sexy. I was making my God of Sex hungry for my body.

Justin reached down, fisted his cock and dragged it up and down my trench. I was matching him, move for move, loving the feel of him. Lost in a hypnotic haze of feelings. Unexpected feelings.

I was brought up short when I felt his cockhead going down, down, and down... finally brushing my butthole. Teasing it. Circling it.

Awww FUCK.

The sensation broke through my mellowed haze. Any doubt about what Justin wanted was torched in an instant. He wanted... God damn, he wanted to fuck me. Me! A guy! Fuck me in my ass!

"You want my dick, don't you. You want me to fuck that sweet ass of yours."

It wasn't a question.

Somewhere inside me, a primordial sense of panic erupted. That was it. There was no going back from that. Out there in the real world, taking it up the ass was the worst thing you could do—worst of the worst. Guys get beaten up for shit like that. Would any guy ever look at me the same? Could I even call myself a guy after that? What the fuck? What the actual fuck?

But while the alarms in my mind sounded, with each passing moment they were dulled and muffled by my buzz, and by the hormones flooding my body. The terror was... like, too... distant... too... tomorrow. Justin's hypnotic touch, however, was in the here and now. Justin. Justin was a good guy... Justin was a bud... he'd never let me down. Plus, he was so... fucking... sexy. So fucking hot. Hell, he WAS sex. His sexiness was making me sexy. And fuck... did I feel sexy!

And he wanted it. Justin wanted it. He was so strong, powerful. I had to make him happy, right...?

My clear, rational objections all crumbling in the face of... the fact that... it felt... goooooooood.

"C'mon man, you know you want it. Give me your ass."

God, that voice again, smoky as the haze in the room. Fuck it. I leaned into him. Desperate for more. Desperate to make this strong, sexy man happy. Desperate to have him make me happy.

Justin pushed up with his hips. Nothing. Again. Nothing. In my dream fog, I was stupefied. "It's not going in," I murmured. Brilliant analysis there, stoner... brilliant.

"Bend over."

I got onto the futon and kneeled down, my ass hanging over the edge and my head and shoulders slumped over the back. Horny as fuck. Not caring if my butt was hanging out and open to the world. I was fucking horny.

Justin bent over my exposed backside. A strange sound... and suddenly I could... feel... a trickle of slimy...wetness... slur down my hole. Fuck. His spit. Justin's spit. My hair stood on edge and my body shivered at the wet tickle. My horny, hazy mind was spinning, but before I could think, I felt... oh holy FUCK... I felt his finger back there. His fucking finger! Tracing the line of my hairy crack... and then POW! Fucking bursting inside me.

"Oh... GAWWWWWWWD," I moaned, not giving a fuck how loud or who heard.

"Yeah, let's open that sweet ass up. C'mon! Open for me!"

In my hormonal state, the new sensations I was feeling back there fucking floored me.

"So fucking tight. Tight fucking ass. Gotta loosen you up."

And then... my entire world ripped apart, inside out and upside down. Justin fucking dropped his face into my trench and fucking licked me. Fucking licked my asshole.

I about came right there. This was the most... nastiest, intimate, fucked-up, shimmering moment in my entire life. It was raw, but wrong. My body started... singing.

Oh God, he licked me. And kept at it. Licked me again. And fucking inhaled deeply. "Love your skunk butt, dude... it smells like skunky weed!"


In a flash he was fucking making out with my hole. Licking. Sucking. Sucking like he was taking a hit on the bong. His tongue... it was inside me. God, he was eating me. Eating me. In my haze, I couldn't get enough, I was pushing back. Desperate for more. He sucked on a finger and rammed it inside me. Easier this time. My mental and physical blocks crumbling. I wanted this. I fucking WANTED this.

Justin pulled back, and dribbled spit on his cock, smearing it roughly across his thick shaft. Again. And again. And he spat back onto my hole, working it in with his slicked-up finger. I was gone, surging hormones flooding my mind. I was groaning like an alley cat; all pride and self-control gone. I was horny for his dick. GIVE ME YOUR DICK.

Justin stepped forward, lined himself up, pushed... and fucking sank into me.


I made an inhuman sound. He was ripping me apart. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was screaming in pain. But it was... so surreal. I was... too... buzzed... for pain. I was aware of it, aware I should be aware of it... but the pain meant nothing to me. Everything felt so... fucking raw. So fucking... primal. I was... leaning into the... nastiness off it. My addled brain suddenly created a picture of a thousand Justins, with a thousand dicks, filling me all at once. Feeling... dirty.

And just like that, all resistance vanished.

God, it was so weird. I could... feel my hole give way, and Justin... fill me. So weird. So fucking weird. The reverse of anything my ass felt before. Moving... up. Wrong way. That... deliciously wrong way. So fucking new. God. I could feel his head inside me... moving... and my body... opening... opening wide... and holy fuck... my whole body was fucking expanding. Opening. And it was... holy shit it was... OH MY FUCKING GOD.

I drew in a savage gasp as Justin's body met mine. His wiry pubes tangled in my ass hair, his balls crushed against mine. "MuuhhhhOHHH GAWD!" he hissed into my ear. His muscled arms enfolding me, instinctively clutching me.

And... the... sunrise of my ecstasy dawned and blazed to life.

He could feel it, feel the change in my body. Hear my sharp draws of breath shifting into moans.

And he fuuuuuucked me.

GOD. He pulled back... slow... the inhuman suction of his dick... pulling... pulling my innards. At first my mind was lost in horror that I'd lose him, lose that incredible, full feeling. But his meaty hands gripped me and he fucking drove his dick back into me. Slooooooow. Fuck. FUCK. His cockhead shooting off sparks as it plowed through my guts.

Slow. Slow intensity. In and out. In and fucking out. Twisting as he went. Painfully slow. Oh GAWD. A whole new feeling inside of me. It was like he was somehow... like, fucking jacking me of off... from the inside.

And... a burn. A burning that started. It started in the center of my body. Thrust. Retreat. Burn. BURN. I gasped. It was like... all my guts were on fire. Like I was cumming. Fire all at once. Involuntarily, I let out a deep guttural wail. Wailing as his fucking dick set my body on fire.

"Take it, dude!" he savagely hissed into my ear. "Take my fucking cock!"

Oh God YES! YEEEEEESSS! In my own mind, my primaeval sounds became ever-increasing shouts of "Give it to me! Fucking give me your fucking cock!" But in my dazed, befuddled haze, I'm sure it came out more like "GUH TUH MIHMUHCKIN MIHMIH!"

The relentless, slow savagery of his thrusts. Merciless. Roiling me. Making my body accept him. Every time he bottomed out, my body convulsed in response. Rolling, rolling together.

God my mind was on FIIIIIIIIRE.

And then, way too soon, I could feel, fucking FEEL my balls getting ready to erupt. A roaring sound like a hundred fire-tornados began thundering in my head. My temples were pounding. My whole body was gathering up, up UP... and I FUCKING BLEW THE BIGGEST LOAD OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Without touching my dick at all.

Ropes, fucking ropes of cum blasted out. Splattering the futon. Four, five blasts as my entire body shuddered like two mountains colliding. I howled myself hoarse, my spittle flying out my mouth to match my cum.

And Justin, God love him, lost his fool mind.

His body slammed on top of me, his muscled arms encircling me. His hairy chest crushed against my back. His nipples were so hard I swear they were drawing blood as they tore across my sweaty skin. He unleashed a ferocious assault on my ass, not fast, but fucking DEEP. Whole body slams that rocked us together in an unholy dance. Hard enough that the futon bucked and strained beneath us. I was staggered. My addled brain unable to process anything but my raw, savage pleasure. The FIRE he lit inside still roared inside me, as if I hadn't cum at all. Again and again, full body slams, skin on skin. Again and again. His chest hair rubbing me raw. Again and again. AGAIN AND AGAIN.

And then I felt it, felt his dick roar to life. Felt his fingers dig into my skin. And he fucking EXPLODED. I could fucking feel his white-hot cum fill me, flooding my body.

Holy shit, I never felt anything like it! God, was this was butt-fucking was like? And guys were afraid of this? Threatened by this? Oh fuck, this was a whole new fucking world.

Overwhelmed, I collapsed onto the futon. Breathless. My throat raw from the smoke and from screaming. The fire inside me... still glowing, still hot. I rolled over and looked up at him. Justin towered over me, a study in masculine power. Panting. Sweat running down his chest. He looked down at his deflating cock, then his eyes locked on mine.

"Take another hit."

No question. No second thought. No resistance to anything this masculine God of Sex would say. I grabbed his waist and pulled him into me, gorging on his cummy, assy cock.

Oh fucking GOD. I understood what he meant before... the searing masculine scent of his well-used cock mirrored the pungent skunkiness of weed.

I fucking devoured him. At first he flinched, sensitive from shooting such a massive load in me, but we were both too far gone to care.

"Fuck yeah, dude... fucking suck it! Make me hard again!"

I fucking did it. Desperate to awaken my God of Sex again. Sucking him, sucking him down. Swallowing, swallowing him whole, gagging myself on his cock so I could smell his sweaty pubes. I pulled off with a thundering slurp, puckered my lips and slid down his shaft to his balls. Mouthing them. Wanting them. Wanting their power. Again to his dick, swallowing the head and working his piss slit with my tongue. Blowing him. Working his shaft as I blew him. Justin growled like a fucking jungle cat in heat. Again and again. Again and again. Cock and balls. Again and again. After a while, my jaw hurt. I could feel his spent cum was oozing out and running down my leg. I didn't fucking care. Cock and balls. Again and again. Lost to all time. Lost to everything but low, raunchy need.

Finally, God knows how much later, he broke my reverie. "You're a good cocksucker, dude... look how hard you're getting me. You fucking got me ready! You need this cock, dude?"

His steel-hard cock in my mouth muffled my desperate pleas of YES YES OH GOD PLEASE YES, but Justin got the message. His eyes were flashing lighting as he hauled me off his cock and threw me on my back. I was at an awkward angle, but Justin didn't give a flying fuck. There was no grace. No technique. He just slid his hips under mine, knocking my legs away. Dick to ass.

No need for ceremony. No need for preparation, even if in his blood rage he was willing to give it. My cum-filled pucker easily gave way, and with one vulgar thrust he was fucking inside me, balls deep. FUCK YEAH! He started slamming into me, making an obscene, wet sound. MNUGH MNUGH MNUGH. Swirling his hips. Twisting and torquing as he took me. Terrifying in force. MNUGH MNUGH MNUGH. Relentless. Like the beating of a huge demonic heart. MNUGH MNUGH MNUGH.



The fire inside me roared back to life. Ripping through me, terrifying in its intensity. If I hadn't been so thoroughly baked, I'd have been scared shitless. It was so fucking... powerful. He was so fucking powerful. Oh God. Hormonal bliss... hormonal fire that I had never felt before. Horny. Fucking hornier that I'd ever felt in my life. Hormonal fire everywhere inside me. Fire. FIRE.


FIRE. The haze in my mind was lit from within with savage colors of red and orange. FIRE. Everything else was lost. There was only him. Him and that fucking cock of power.


Our bodies savagely ground together, his muscles all but crushing me. Our chest hair painting each other in shared sweat.


I reached up and brutally kissed him. Hard. Sucking the life out of him. Sucking him down like I was taking a hit from the bong. Sucking in all of his fiery masculinity. Letting it fill me. Letting it consume me. Fire. OH GOD THE FIRE INSIDE MEEEEEE.

Justin wrenched his face away, and I could see his eyes. Terrible. Mighty. Predatory. No woman could have ever survived his gaze.

And no woman could have ever survived the pounding he gave me.


It was fucking lethal. All the slow driving abandoned in a barrage of hammer strokes to shatter the world. Fast. Furious. BAMBAMBAMBAM The fire inside my body burned my mind white, like when movies those old-school projectors got caught and melted, burning away clean and white. BAMBAMBAMBAM

Fuck, I think the fucking futon was cracking...




And suddenly, everything inside me was unleashed. I fucking CAME. Came so hard my back arched and my mind shattered. Howling to shatter the heavens. Dousing us both in a blasphemous baptism of man-juice.

Justin was right there with me, rearing back and blowing his wad into me so hard I thought the veins in his neck would explode.

His bellows still echo in my ears.

It was over. He fell on top of me. Drained, as drained as I was. Somehow our mouths found each other and we clumsily made out. Barely aware of our surroundings. Barely conscious.

After a time, as our heartbeats finally stopped pounding, I pulled my face back from his.

He arched an eyebrow at me.

"I... need... another... hit."

And his eyes... sparkled.

Returning to my original thought. Yes, coming here was indeed a bad idea.

The best bad idea I've ever had.

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