Sucks to Be You

By Chica

Published on Nov 15, 2000


Whew! It's finally done!! Thanks to all who give a shit and fuck you to those who don't. =)

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexualities of the Backstreet boys. Hell, for all I know they could be playing with themselves right now. (Anyone else just enjoy that thought?)

Chapter 2

"Good night Orlando! We love you!!" Kevin yelled to the crowd. About 3,000 girls and guys screamed back, sadly watching the five Backstreet boys leave the stage. As they walked into the dressing room, the first thing that happened was Nick tripping AJ. AJ fell on his face as everyone laughed. AJ slowly got to his feet and calmly looked at Nick.

"Do you know how to count to 3 Nicky?" AJ asked kindly.

"Yeah." Nick asked as a confused look spread across his face.

"Good. I'm attacking you in 3 seconds. Count bitch." AJ said, walking over to Nick. Nick started to scoot away, but AJ threw himself on Nick, pulling his head underneath his armpit.

"Not the armpit! Ahhh!!! The stinch!!" Nick yelled. Kevin walked in the room. AJ turned Nick's body behind him so the only part you could see was his head.

"AJ, are you aware that there is a blonde head emerging from your armpit?" Kevin asked.

"What blonde head?" AJ asked dumbly.

"My blonde head, crack head!!" Nick screeched. Kevin pulled Nick to safety.

"Thanks Kev." Nick said, brushing himself off. Nick started to walk over to his wardrobe, but caught sight of Brian bending over to grab a shirt. An evil smile spread quickly over his face. In a flash Nick grabbed Brian's Calvin Klein underwear and yanked as hard as he could.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" Brian yelled, pulling it out and chasing Nick. Nick laughed loudly, but couldn't run faster than Brian. Brian pulled him to the ground, tickling him fiercely.

"NOO!!! I'M GOING TO PEE IN MY PANTS!!" Nick yelled.

"Am I interrupting something?" A quiet voice asked kindly. Everyone looked up to see Denise McLean standing next to the door, a smile playing on her lips.

"Mom!!" AJ yelled, wrapping her in a bear hug.

"Surprise, sweetie." Denise softly told him. The other guys went to hug her.

"Hey sexy." Nick greeted.

"You better believe it." She said, giving him a hug.

"I got the scarf you knitted for me." Kevin stated.

"Knitting. Now I really sound old!" She joked. Hugging Kevin.

"You, old? Never! You don't look a day over 20!" Brian stated, getting his hug.

"Always the charmer." She joked with Brian.

"Hey mom!!" Howie yelled, hugging her and picking her up off her feet a little.

"Oh my you're getting strong!" She exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh at her expression.

"Thanksgiving is almost here, Howie, and you know what that means?" Denise asked.

"Mexican casserole?" Howie asked excitedly.

"You bet. I've been talking with Paula and she thinks that your idea of joining our two families would be great, since we only have me and Johnny." Denise said.

"Oh, mum, don't tell me I ave to go over ere! I want thanksgiving wit you, mum!" AJ said in his English accent he uses with his alter-ego. Everyone laughed. "Well, that's OK if we go over there. Hungry, mom?" AJ asked, putting an arm around his mother.

"Do you have to ask?" Denise asked.

A couple of hours later, AJ and Denise were seated outside of a public restaurant.

"How was the concert dear?" Denise asked.

"It was great! This promotion stuff is going great! Only a few more days until, da da da da....Black and Blue!!" AJ stated.

"That's great honey. So, how's life going? We haven't really sat down and talked for a couple of months! I saw you and the boys on MTV a few days ago. SoCal summer. What will they think of next?" She asked to herself.

"That's nothing. A few days ago on MuchMusic they had a Backstreet boys day. You talk about an honor! I heard it wasn't the first either!" AJ said excitedly.

"It seems like everything is going y'alls way." She stated.

"Yeah." AJ said sadly, looking toward the ground. Denise smiled knowingly.

"Are you really okay with this year's thanksgiving arrangement? If it bothers you we could always go over to Grandma and Granp....."

"Uh, no. It's just fine, mom. I can handle it. It's just a little turkey and family. Oh yeah, and my love of 10 years. Can't forget that, can we?" AJ stated glumly.

"I said 'yes' because of you AJ. Last year you kept complaining about how we had turkey sandwiches." Denise argued tiredly.

"You could have said 'I'll have to think about it' and then TALK to me. If I would have argued with you right then and there, everyone would suspect something's wrong with me and that I hate Howie."

"You can't hide from him, dear."

"Don't you think I know that?! If I could "hide" from him I would. He's straight mom. He even has a girlfriend. Is it enough that I have to spend every waking moment of this tour with him without having to be at his house? And don't you think it would be hard for me?! Smelling him, seeing him, hearing him?! I'm not a little kid any more so quit trying to play matchmaker with me. Bye." AJ slammed some money on the table and left quickly. After walking two miles to their soon-to-depart tour bus, everyone was waiting for him.

"Where's Denise? Why did you walk?" Kevin quickly asked.

"We had a fight. Now excuse me." AJ stated glumly, pushing past Kevin and entering the tour bus.

"Oh man, they never fight guys." Nick observed.

"Who wants the honors?" Kevin asked them.

"Oh heck, I'm all ready and set to go. Be back in a few." Howie said, stepping inside the bus.

He walked slowly, unsure of how AJ would be. When he reached the bunk area, he saw something amazing. AJ was crying. He was actually crying, and not the "I got something in my eye" crying. He was sobbing into his pillow. Howie quickly mustered up some courage and sat down next to AJ. AJ suddenly grabbed his thigh, crying into it. Howie raised an amused eyebrow, but knew this wasn't the time. Finally AJ had stopped, but he had also fallen asleep. Howie sighed, wrapping a blanket around him. 'Guess I sleep here tonight' Howie thought. 'I wonder what's bothering him?' Was his last thought before drifting off to sleep.

The other guys entered the bus and laughed at Howie's situation.

"Should we wake them up?" Nick asked.

"Aw, they look so sweet there. Let them sleep." Kevin drawled, causing more laughs.

"What do you think they'll do in the morning?" Nick asked.

"AJ will probably yell and scream, 'get the hell off me! I don't do butt darts! Are you hard?! GET OFF ME OR I'LL SUE YOU FOR MOLESTEN! Then the next morning all the newspapers will read, 'Backstreet Boy Behind Bars For Raping Fellow Band Mate AJ McLean'" Brian said, nearly having to hit himself to get him from laughing.

"Well, let's get going. We're off tomorrow and I have a surprise for all of you. Now let's all get some sleep." Kevin stated, going off to his bunk.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me Nicky. What do you wanna do?" Brian asked.

"Nintendo." Nick stated.

"Why do I ask?" Brian wondered out loud.

"For the hope that someday I'll answer different." Nick stated, running off to the back of the bus.

"Yeah. Someday it'll be different." Brian sadly whispered.

Next: Chapter 3

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