Sucks to Be You

By Chica

Published on Jan 4, 2001


Wow. A chapter. I'm so special! LOL, it's actually about one house before I go back to hell, AKA. school. Pray for me people!

DISCLAIMER: No I do not know if any of the Backstreet boys are gay, so all of this is completely made up.

Chapter 3

AJ opened his blurry eyes to see Howie laying in his arms. AJ quickly woke up and fearfully tried to get up, but Howie had a lock grip on his waist. AJ thought for a minute, and decided 'what the hell?' and laid his head on Howie's chest. AJ smiled warmly, listening to Howie's heart beat. He closed his eyes, wishing that he could stay this way forever. Out of nowhere a heavy body fell on top of him. AJ groaned, seeing who was stupid enough to wake him. Nick Carter. 'Of fucking course' AJ thought. Nick quickly stood up and checked to see if he woke someone up. AJ opened his eyes and knew he couldn't let Nick think he was hitting on Howie. AJ pushed Howie away in false anger, glaring at Nick.

"Who was the smart ass that came up with this bright idea?!" AJ yelled, pointing at Howie. Howie had woken up and had a goofy grin on his face.

"...and wipe that shit eating grin off your face." AJ told Howie. Howie's face obediently fell. Brian had entered the room, upset that he had missed the first of the scene.

"But AJ, wasn't the sex good last night?" Howie asked, laughing. AJ glared at him.

"That's just sick. I don't do butt darts." AJ spat out in disgust.

"Pay up guys!" Brian yelled, a big smile suddenly plastered on his face.

"What the fuck is that shit about?" AJ asked.

"I, being the genius I am, guessed correctly that you'd say that when you woke up." Brian said.

"Run." AJ stated. That simple word spoke volumes and Brian started to run. AJ soon ran after him. AJ finally caught Brian by the waist and pulled him into Kevin's bunk. Unfortunately, Kevin was in it, sleeping. Kevin woke up with a start, grabbing both AJ and Brian by their shirts.

"What the hell are y'all two doing, running around like bats out of hell?" Kevin asked angrily. AJ managed to escape his grasp.

"It was that little bitch cousin of yours!" AJ yelled, trying to grab Brian again. Brian clung to Kevin for safety.

"Now children, what did I tell you about fighting on the bus?" Kevin asked nicely.

"No fighting on the bus." Brian and AJ said in unison.

"And...." Kevin said soothingly.

"We have to set a positive example to our fans." They said together again.

"Very good." Kevin said, patting their heads. "Now AJ, take a shower, you stink." Kevin said, pushing AJ toward the bathroom. "Brian, get some GOOD clothes on." Kevin said, pushing Brian in the direction of his bunk. Nick and Howie were laughing behind the door. Kevin gave them a stern look and they quickly shut up.

"Old fogey." Nick said under his breath.

"I heard that!!" Kevin bellowed. After everyone had calmed down, the five discussed their vacation plans.

"We only have three days, so it's really no use for any of us to go back home, unless anyone wants to." Kevin said.

"Well, me and my mom are in a disagreement, so I'm not heading home just yet." AJ stated, hiding the pain he felt.

"Leigh's busy with her current acting role, so I'd just be alone." Brian said.

"My dear Aunt Sally, the bitch, is coming down, so I'm hoping to avoid her at all costs." Howie said sourly.

"Isn't she the one that hit me with that spatula?" Nick asked.

"Um, no, that was my Aunt Ruthie." Brian corrected.

"Kristen's on a business trip, so that's out." Kevin said.

"I'm watching my Grandma's house, so I can't hang with you guys." Nick said sadly.

"Your Grandma's house?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, my daddy so lovingly chose my only time off for a month to babysit a house." Nick said. Brian put his arm over Nick's shoulder, understanding his family problems. Nick leaned his head on Brian's shoulder, rolling his eyes at his family.

"Hold up, the house is empty?" AJ asked.

"Yeah." Nick said, not knowing where AJ was going.

"So, how big is this house?" AJ asked.

"It's a three story." Nick stated, trying to get what AJ was saying.

"So, four of us have not shit to do, and one of us has an empty three story house, and isn't it right by a lake?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, it does!" Nick said, finally catching on.

"Wait, you're suggesting we go there?" Howie asked.

"Howie, it's sad that Nick catches on faster than you." AJ joked, earning a slap from Howie.

"Well, then I guess we're all set. We arrive in Atlanta this afternoon, do a quick radio interview, and we're off too.....where is your Grandma's house?" Kevin asked.

"Wisconsin." Nick stated.

"Where Wisconsin cheese comes from?" Howie asked.

"No, where potatoes come from. Howie, did you and Nick trade brains.?" AJ asked.

"No, he jacked mine last night." Howie said, pointing at Nick.

"Wait, I heard jack....last night....the thoughts....." AJ joked, earning a slap from both Howie and Nick.

"So it's settled." Kevin stated, leaving the room.

"Well, I'm off to read a book." Howie said, getting off of the couch.

"Well, it's just me and the two most likely candidates for the nuthouse." AJ stated. Nick and Brian grinned.

"We prefer mental institution." Brian said.

"Or the place with the padded walls." Nick added. AJ looked heavenward.

"Please dear lord, tell me what I've done to deserve this." AJ pleaded.

In the next room, Howie was silently reading a book when his cell phone rang. Howie flipped it open.

"Hello?" Howie asked.

"Hey, baby! Why haven't you called? I've missed you so much!" A manly voice said.

"Sam, it's over. I told you that before and I can't believe I have to tell you again." Howie said exasperated.

"OH.....I forgot that you're the one that told me."

"Yeah, me, not the other guys you were screwing around with." Howie said, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Howie jumped at the voice, realizing it was AJ.

"Um, it's just some girl I left back at home.

"Sam?" AJ asked.

"Pet name. Samantha." Howie said, trying to sound convincing.

"Sounds like you had a relationship with this girl. Why didn't I know about it?" AJ asked, slightly hurt.

"No one does....she was a kind of secret, you know?" Howie defended. AJ raised a curious eyebrow but decided to drop the subject.

"All right, I believe you. Just remember you can tell me anything, D." AJ said, leaving the room. Howie sighed, wishing he COULD tell AJ everything.

Kevin walked into the living area, trying to find his bag. Nick and Brian were inside. Nick was curled into a ball on Brian's lap, snoring lightly. Brian was stroking Nick's hair and raised his head at Kevin's intrusion. Kevin smiled, sitting down on a chair.

"I won't even ask how y'all got into that position." Kevin said good naturedly.

"I won't tell how we got into this position." Brian said, smirking a little.

"I hope this little vacation runs smoothly. The last few weren't great. Between Nick's constant family battles, Howie's Thanksgiving, having to hide that old boyfriend of his, and then you only getting to see your family for two days because LeighAnne decided to spend the rest of the week with you." Kevin said, getting angry.

"Why do you hate her so much?" Brian asked.

"I just don't. I don't hate her, I just don't feel right with her in your life. I know you love her, and maybe someday I can accept her. We got off to a bad start." Kevin stated. Brian sighed, knowing he couldn't change the fact.

"Well, to get on a happier subject, Nick told me more about the house..." Brian stopped as Nick yawned loudly, turning over and clutching Brian tightly around the waist. "...yeah. Anyways, he said that it's three stories tall. His grandma has a motor boat but doesn't go out on the lake because of a bunch of old ghost stories about the lake. I'm sure you'll go fishing, and I might even join ya. His grandma doesn't even sleep in the main bedroom because it's on the second floor." Brian said softly.

"It makes sense. Why walk that much?" Kevin reasoned.

"The backyard has a garden. Nick said it was on one of those morning garden shows. He has to water it, and it took a whole sheet of paper, front to back, to write all the directions. I'll help him so he don't go crazy. There's also a wine cellar with some bottles at least half a century old. Bet AJ will be happy"

"Knowing him, he'll be down there until we drag him out the day we leave." Kevin joked, laughing a little. Brian laughed too.

"Really. Hell, I might join him!" They laughed some more. "Get this, the main bedroom has a king sized bed, one of two fireplaces, and a balcony."

"How romantic. Too bad it's only us guys. Shame really. Five guys and no women." Kevin sighed.

"At least we can run around half nude." Brian joked.

"Well, we're almost there. Wake sleeping beauty up." Kevin said, leaving the room.

"Nicky, wake up." Brian said, shaking Nick gently.

"No, me wanna stay here with BriBri." Nick whined, holding Brian tighter.

"NickNick can go with BriBri." Brian told him.

"But NickNick want BriBri to stay here." Nick whined again.

"But BriBri....."

"But BriBri wants NickNick to get his lazy ass out of bed before JJ can beat his ass." AJ stated, walking into the room. Nick stood up, smiling at AJ. After they packed their things, the BSB arrived at the radio station.

Next: Chapter 4

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