Sucks to Be You

By Chica

Published on Jan 29, 2001


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the Backstreet boys, though I've stalked them enough to be called insane. I have a couple of questions about disclaimers:

1.) Who's actually going to sue me? No one knows who I am! 2.) I accidently found the Nifty archive, but it's pretty hard to find. If the Backstreet boys are reading these stories, then are they really straight? 3.) Of course we don't own them! Nah, I keep them locked up in a closet. (tee-hee, they COME OUT of it). 4.) What crackhead could not see that these are fictional stories? Do they figure that the Nifty archive is some top secret site appointed to house the true lives of the Backstreet boys, N Sync, and many other boy bands? If you believe that, honey, you'd believe anything.

DISCLAIMER ON DISCLAIMERS: Don't take me seriously, or else some internet lawyer will sue the pants off me.

Chapter 4

AJ soon grew tired of the seemingly endless interview at the WXKG radio station and averted his eyes to a sight that filled his empty heart with joy. AJ was glad that Howie sat four seats down from him. It made it easier for AJ to stare at his love. AJ silently cursed as Nick's huge head practically swallowed his perfect view. Why must he always ruin my joy? AJ thought silently. But soon Nick's head was replaced by his love. AJ sighed, really wishing he could fall off the face of the earth.

He knew that pretending to be homophobic was wrong, but on the other hand it was the best coverup he had come up with. Who could guess that he really was gay? Howie turned his head, looking at AJ. AJ quickly looked away, praying Howie didn't notice. Howie looked that way for a split second and then shifted his gaze at the DJ. While Kevin talked about the upcoming tour, Howie couldn't help but think of his friend. What was wrong with him? The other guys didn't notice but Howie could read AJ like a book. 'Well, not on this one'. Howie thought. Over the years, it took a lot of hiding to hide his sexuality from AJ. Howie wanted to tell him so bad, yet he knew that it would consequently be the end of the Backstreet boys.

Eventually, AJ once again stared at Howie. AJ knew almost everything about him. They were the best of friends. Even if by some slim chance that Howie did feel something for him, how could they be together? It would be too weird. True, he'd definitely try, but that still would have a rising conflict. 'That's like if Nick and Brian got together!' AJ laughed a little. That was a good one! Unfortunately, everyone heard his laugh. AJ blushed, sinking into his seat. After all the confused stares were gone, he once again stared at Howie. His sweet lips, his sexy eyes, hell, even his nose (which most found exceedingly large) all seemed so perfect to him. If only he could just ki.....

"Hey, cracky! Get your skinny ass up! It's time to go to Granny's." He heard Howie yell, playfully hitting AJ on the head. Sadly, it was only a far away dream. AJ quickly got up, thanked the DJ, and then sprinting toward the bus.

"Damnnnnn!" AJ stated, whistling. They stood in front of Nick's Grandma's house. Everyone but Nick craned their necks to look at the top floor of the mansion. Nick carried a bag, shaking his head in amusement.

"Y'all act like it's Buckingham palace or something." Nick commented.

"It's big enough to be!" Brian exclaimed. Nick rolled his eyes, picking up a suitcase. The four followed Nick into the house, pulling their luggage behind them. After a brief tour, they ended up back in the living room.

"I want the master bedroom!" Brian exclaimed.

"Shit nigger hell no! Yo ass had better back on off my nuts." AJ yelled.

"What?" The other four asked together, staring at AJ in confusion. AJ let out a huge sigh.

"No, I want the master bedroom." AJ said slowly.

"AJ, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're either morphing into Justin Timberlake or you need to take some ritlin." Nick said, sliding an arm around AJ. AJ delicately pulled Nick's arm off his shoulders. Nick smiled broadly.

"Guess we'll have to draw straws." Howie said.

"Good idea, Howie." Kevin said. He walked over to a small desk, found some paper, and wrote their names on it. He then tore up the paper into slips and put the slips into his Wilcats hat.

"The one who gets the 'master bedroom' slip gets the master bedroom." Kevin explained.

"Nah shit." AJ muttered, grabbing a slip.

"Oh, and if I don't get it myself, one of you is my roommate." Nick stated.

"Why's that?" Kevin asked.

"It's the only room in this house that doesn't smell like an old lady." Nick said.

"Please dear god let it be.....blank." Howie said, frowning.

"Well, one of you gets a roommate." Nick said, showing his blank slip.

"Mine's blank too." AJ stated, tossing away his blank slip. "Oh well. I'd rather smell old lady than Nick's morning breath." AJ further joked. Kevin and Brian looked at each other, waiting for the other to open their slip. After a few seconds of silence, neither of them moved.

"Can y'all stop staring at each like asses and look?" AJ bluntly asked. They opened their slips. Brian frowned slightly and Kevin smiled brightly.

"Looks like we're roomies!" Nick stated, throwing an arm around Kevin. Kevin pulled his arm away as if it were a venemous snake.

"Mine's blank, stupid." Kevin stated. Brian stood a couple of feet behind Kevin, leaving his own 'la la land' and stared dumbly at the other guys. Nick didn't hesitate one inch as he pushed past Kevin and slung his arm around Brian.

"Just you and me frick!" Nick happily said, giving Brian a quick hug.

"Alright! I don't have to smell old lady!" Brian softly joked. AJ cocked one eyebrow under his sunglasses, analyzing Brian's behavior. There was something weird.....

"Well, the next unsmelly room is the guest bedroom, up the stairs and to the right." Nick said. Kevin, Howie and AJ looked at each other, and then sprinted off toward the stairs. The three pushed and shoved up the stairs. Nick and Brian laughed.

"Lucky you, huh Bri? Let's go look at the garden!" Nick giddily stated, running toward the back door. Brian giggled, jogging after him.

Upstairs, AJ and Kevin were having a 'bloody' fight.

"This is MY room! I got here first!" Kevin shouted, punching AJ.

"You cheated! You threw dust in my eyes!" AJ yelled, throwing himself on Kevin.

"Get up!" Kevin yelled, trying to get AJ off of him.

"Get up, nice choice of words. Too bad you can't 'get it up' you Viagra chugging old hag!" AJ yelled, receiving a mightly push from Kevin.

"OK, Howie the peachmaker commands you to stop!" Howie yelled playfully. They still fought. Howie sighed, unplugging the video game counsel.

"Hey!" AJ and Kevin both yelled.

"There's no point in fighting over the room like a bunch of sissies. Besides, while you two were fighting I already put all my stuff in here, so leave my room." Howie said while grinning.

"That's not fair, is it AJ?" Kevin asked him. AJ nervously darted his eyes around the room.

"Um...I....I don't care. I wanted the one by the kitchen anyways." AJ left the room at that. Kevin shrugged, leaving also. Howie, on the other hand, stood there, puzzled at AJ's behavior. After finding no answers, he shrugged and finished unpacking. Nick and Brian were hiking up to the lake, planning their fishing trip.

"There's an old row boat in the cave on the east side of the lake. We can get in there and just fish all day." Nick said. Brian trudged after Nick, silently cursing dead tree trunks and rocks in their path. Nick effortlessly hopped over the barriers, still talking.

"There's some fishing poles in the attic and we can either use the fake bait in the attic or we can dig up some night crawlers. Are you OK?" Nick finally asked, smiling at Brian's distraught figure.

"Why am I, the athletic one, dragging ass and hitting every single thing on this stupid path while you are practically skipping down it?" Brian asked, slightly irritated.

"I've been down this trail a hundred times when I was a kid. I guess I still remember everything about it." Nick smirked.

"Don't smirk! That horrible smirk! I think God gave you that thing just to piss me off." Brian groaned. Nick smiled, stopping suddenly. Brian, who was looking at the trail, bumped into Nick, falling down to the ground. Nick turned around, laughing loudly.

"Ha ha ha..." Brian grumbled, trying to get to his tired feet. Nick helped him stand up, but Brian stumbled, almost falling.

"Are you OK?!" Nick asked worridly.

"It's just really hot and....and..." Brian tilted and Nick stopped his fall again. Nick quickly made up his mind, picking Brian up. Nick was surprised how light Brian was. He never used to be this light. But then the last time he ever carried Brian was for some carnival footrace and he was only 16. Finally, Nick reached the end of the trail. Brian had regained his strength, and felt kind of silly being carried like a baby.

"Nick, um, I feel kind of weird with you carrying me." Brian said sheepishly. Nick smiled, putting Brian back on his feet. Brian stretched and looked out over the placid lake. The sun dipped slowly over the horizon with it's radiant colors spreading across the sky. Nick sat on a rock and gazed out at the lake. Brian sat next to him, knowing that no words needed to be said right now. After a few minutes, Nick slowly rose to his feet.

"We'd better get back before dark. The trail is worse when it's dark, and I don't think you'd like to try that one." Nick stated, smiling as Brian immediately started for the trail.

"AJ said something about going to town tonight. He said it was a surprise." Brian said, grunting as he pulled himself over a rock. Nick swiveled past the rock altogether, causing Brian to growl with frustration.

"Oh quit being a baby. Well, the town is kinda small, so there's a very slim chance we'll be recognized. Bri, ok, I've seen enough of your hiking skills. I'll tell you where to step. Take my hand." Nick stated, rolling his eyes and holding out his large hand. Brian hesitated, raising an eyebrow.

"Like I said, quit being a baby, take my hand." Nick snatched Brian's hand and pulled him along. Nick slowly led Brian, helping him along the trail. Finally they reached the end of the trail and the house/mansion loomed before them.

"OK, that was MUCH easier." Brian said, breatheing a sigh of relief. Nick smiled.

"Comfortable?" Nick asked. Brian furrowed his eyebrows in question. Nick lifted his hand, still firmly attached to his own. Brian quickly let go, slightly blushing.

"Why Mr. Littrell. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to hit on little ol me!" Nick said in his best Southern belle accent.

"Why, Miss. Carter, I can't help hitting on little ol you because you're as purty as a Texas sunset." Brian said, pouring his thick southern accent into his speech. Nick fluttered his eyelashes, causing Brian to laugh. Nick laughed too, but only for a second before he collected himself.

"Mr. Littrell, you do tease! You're such a big, strong, sexy man." Nick said, continuing their playful conversation.

"Miss. Carter, you're as beautiful as a...."

"'s ass!" Someone interrupted. Brian and Nick turned to see AJ.

"Mr. Littrell, and MISS. Carter, it's time to get going, and do try to act like you're not two flaming fags." AJ joked, shaking his head. Nick smiled, and pulled Brian again by the hand.

Next: Chapter 5

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