SULTRY SUMMER NIGHTS text file complete


Published on Jul 6, 2012



This is a work of pure fiction. I retain all rights. Do not plagiarize. If you are to young to legally read porn, do not read this story. Otherwise, enjoy.


by Bill M

"Did you wipe the sweat off Johnny when you took off his saddle?"

"Of course, Gramps," said Toby. "He's getting low on oats."

"Did you sponge him down too?"

"Yes, Grandpa. I wiped him down. I sponged him down. I even washed his goddamn balls!"

"You're gett'n to be a real smart lip, Toby."

"I'm getting a beer, that's what I'm getting. Want one, old man?"

"You're drinking too much beer. How many today?"

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine beers on tha wall. Take one down. Pass it around. Nine hundred and ninety-eight beers on the wall. a beer? " Toby impatiently snapped.

"You're a wiseass, boy! Yur daddy went too easy on ya. Just like him to go gett'n himself killed and leave you and yur brother for me to raise."

"Do you want a fucking beer or not?"

"No! I want my jug!"

"You'll be wanting a kidney too. That moonshine will rot them out. Here's your Jug, Gramps. It's like an oven in this old shack. Beau go for groceries?"

"He said so."

"Good. See ya."

"Where you off to now, Toby? Put on some shoes!"

Toby ignored his eighty-four year old grandfather, Earnest Lawton. He pushed the screen door open and was headed to the pond on foot to go for a dip. He could taste the salty sweat, beading and crawling down his cheeks and onto his lips. His pits were soaked, and sweat zig-zagged over the ribs of the nineteen year old. His groin was becoming raw too. The side buttons on his striped bib overalls were all opened for circulation, and he wore no shirt or shoes. Dry dust settled in the sweat, speckling his long, willowy feet and toes. He cursed the temperature and flipped back a swath of sun-bleached hair. "I'm gonna move north someday," Toby said aloud as he headed across the pasture toward the pond.

"Hey, Toby! Wait up! Are you walking to your pond for a swim?"

"Yep, as soon as I can get there. Looks like that bike of yours seen better days. Coming with, Cody boy?"

"Fuck yeah, man. A swim sounds great. I'm ten degrees past boiling."

Cody wore frayed-at-the bottom cut off jeans. A red tank-top stretched tightly over nicely rounded pectorals, it too was cut short with scissors, For an eighteen year old, Cody was a tough and wiry young man with swimmers muscles. His hair was cut in a bur. He too was barefooted. Sunburned and pealing skin blotched his entire, lithe body. He dismounted and let his bike carelessly fall to the ground. He and Toby buddy-bumped fists.

"Where's Beau's rust-bucket Chevy?" asked Cody.

"Gone shopping for grub."

"Good! We can diddle at the pond with him not around."

"Watch your trap, Cody! Gramps sits by the open window to grab some breeze on scorching hot days like this."

"How would he know what diddle means?" asked Cody, displaying a Howdy Doody grin on his freckled face.

"You don't think gramps was ever a boy? That's the way in these parts. As you know, the word buddy means more than just buddy `round here. Corn holing is considered a prerequisite to becoming a man in these ole' hills."

Cody almost rolled with laughter. When he regained his composure, he said..., "I'm fucking hot! Let's hurry up, Tob."

The small Lawton farm lay right against the limits of the tiny town called Quarry Village. The Lawton's had eight milk cows and one bull that grazed in a large fenced-in area that included a two acre pond. Besides knee-high blue grass, Timothy was mixed in too; its tall heads swayed lazily in what little breeze there was. Heat waves glimmered above a field of corn on the Lawton farm.

The bull was known to be moody. Sometimes he'd eye you with a contemptuous stare. Other times he paid people no mind. Cody was scared of him, which garnered teasing from Toby, and from Beau the few times he went swimming with them. Thousands of crickets chirped relentlessly. Toby rounded the end of the pond fartherest from the Bull. A large weeping willow growing half in and half out of the water provided the only shade. The high bank totally cut off the view from the property fence and dirt road behind it. On the other side of the road, church construction was taking place.

"Last one in has to do the fucking!" yelled Cody as he rapidly slung off his few cloths. He wore no underwear.

"Suits me," said Toby.

Toby purposely lagged. He wanted to be the top, although he liked sex either way. Splash! When Toby looked up, only water rings spread where Cody dove in. Toby waited to be sure Cody was okay; he wasn`t the greatest swimmer. Cody burst through the surface, blowing water away from his mouth and gasping for air.

"Man..., this spring water is really refreshing!" yelled Cody.

"Don't hog the lake," Toby joked, and sprinted the few feet to the edge of the water and dove in. He spit water when he came up. "Now that's more like it," he said, shaking water from his full head of toe-blond hair. "Today has been like living it the furnace of hell. Hottest day so far. Makes me want to go around in the buff...everywhere!"

Cody swam up behind Toby and grabbed a butt cheek. Toby splashed water in his face and jerked away. Then, to tease Cody, he swam away, thrusting his smooth young butt out of the water several times.

"I've got just the thing to plug that purty little pucker," said Cody.

"I thought you wanted my eight up your tailpipe, butt boy."

"We could take turns screwing. Say, I didn't notice the tip of that church steeple before. Are they about through building the thing?"

"I suppose," said Toby. "Already got enough of that hocus pocus around here with other churches. Don't need no more hot air. Got a boner yet?"

"The water is a bit cool, but I'm working on it. Bring lube with you?"

"Always. Cody...I thought I heard something, other than the livestock. Did you hear anything unusual?"

"Nope. You don't see Beau headed this way, do you, Tob? Wouldn't want him to see his brother and me going at it. I don`t think he likes me anyway."

"He's not coming. I suppose I was just hearing things. Lay your belly in the cool shoreline mud. I'll fuck you that way."

"Sounds super. Come make my ass hole yours, topper man."

Unbeknownst to the young lovers, Toby had indeed heard something. At the far end and top of the bank, hidden behind a group of honeysuckle bushes that Toby had planted there two years earlier, was their worst nightmare. A man kept nervously pulling his white collar away from his neck to let air in. His black robe was soaking up the sun and making him miserable as he spied on the two young men making love. In spite of the intense heat, the Catholic priest was deeply absorbed by the site of Toby's hard penis sliding out, and then plunging back in Cody's pretty little butt. And he didn't understand why the one being abused seemed to be liking it...a lot! Worse yet, the priest was horrified when he became aware of a serious stirring in his own groin. His embarrassment flushed hot, making the ambient heat even more unbearable. Morally uncomfortable with the unnatural sex scene, he decided to sneak away more stealthily than he had sneaked up the bank after hearing loud talking and laughing from across the road.

Stunned by what he saw, he hurried down the bank and made his way back to the church grounds. He went directly to his car for fear that the church construction workers might be able to detect his firm erection bulging under his flowing cassock.

"You're almost late for diner, Toby. Granddad said Cody came here and the two of you headed toward the pond. I didn't see him come back with you. Was he really here?" asked Beau.

"You know Gramps, bro. His mind ain't what it used to be. What's for supper...steak?" Toby asked.

"Lobster too, wise ass. Go wash up, and make it snappy. The pork chops are getting done."

"Pock chops again?"

Beau heaved a sigh. He knew when Toby was purposely being a pain in the neck. Beau thought about what his grandfather had said, and he hoped Cody really wasn't there. As Beau saw it, Cody had proved to be a bad influence on Toby. It was just small mischief; raiding a farmers watermelon patch and bursting more than they could eat in order to find the ripest one; Sitting another farmer's shock of corn afire when they were six, hoping the ears were the popcorn kind. That prank had embarrassed their father while he was still alive; stuff like that and much more.

"Gramps, time to eat. Take your place," said Beau.

"I knows what I's talking about," said the old man. "I heard Toby say that he went swim'n by himself. Ain't true!"

"Never mind, Gramps. I'll have a talk with him. Take all of your pills?"

"That tiny bitter one too?"

"All means all, granddad," Beau said with a smile.

Beau was only two years older than Toby, but he made it clear that he was in charge of the household after their father ran his truck into a bridge abutment and died. Their mother, Leona, got out fast. She wanted a nicer life than she could hope for there. When she left, she told Toby to do everything his brother told him to do and that Beau was now in charge of all matters.

After supper was over and Toby had finish washing the dishes, Beau said...

"Time for a talk, Toby. Take the couch."

"What this time?"

"Shelve the attitude! Gramps says Cody did go to the pond with you. Is that right, Toby?"

"So what if he did?"

"You lied, that's what. Why lie about that?"

"I know you don't approve of Cody...that's all. We just swimmed."

"You just swam, knuckle head. Didn't school teach you anything?"

"Alright! Can I go now...bro...dictator?"

"Yes! Now get the hell out of here! And don`t go getting in trouble. "

Start editing here.

In a huff, Toby left and walked quickly to his bicycle. He peddled straight to Cody's house. Cody saw him coming and met him outside the front screen door.

"It ain't cooled down a darn bit," Toby said. "Let's go to the pond again. We can come up the far side of the back where gramps and my brother, the boss, won't be able to see us. It'll be dark soon anyway. Okay?"

"You got it. I'm going for a bike ride with Toby, ma!" Cody yelled through the front door screen.

"Stay out of trouble, ya hear me?"

"Let's go, Tob," Cody said with a smirk.

At the intersection, they rode to the right. It was only a few blocks to the Catholic church grounds where they dismounted.

"That church thing looks almost finished, Tob. You mean tha money put in those little trays on Sundays is enough to build one of them?"

"Yep, and let the priest not have to work for a living...don't forget that. Hey, we're wasting swim'n and screw'n time. Lean the bikes in the ditch."

The young men crossed the barbed wire fence and made their way up the backside of the pond's steep bank. The water was glassy smooth. Dragon flies flitted from one cattail tip to the next. Crickets were adding music to the tranquil ambiance. As they walked down the bank toward the water, Cody pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the grassy bank. Both young men refused to wear underwear in weather this hot. As earlier, both were sweating. It appeared like the night would be just as sultry as the day was. This time they didn't swim before lying in the cool mud of the shore and wildly embracing like craven lovers. Toby grabbed both of Cody's shoulders and pinned him down on the cool mud.

"Toby...I fucking love you, man! Most times when I think of you at night, I jerk off before going to sleep. Can`t sleep, otherwise."

"I love you too, buddy," Toby said, and puckered his lips for a kiss.

Soon they were grinding their hard cocks together in crazed passion as they rolled in the soft mud. They were oblivious to all things except each other. Cody slid down and chattered his teeth on Toby's left nipple.

"Oh yes, Cody boy! Suck that nipple. Suck it, man. Ooohh yeah! Suck my cock! It's so hard it hurts."

"Mine too! Let's sixty-nine."

Sixty-nine quickly evolved into first Cody mounting Tobys butt, and then Toby mounting Codys. Seven times, they had to pause the action, not wanting to climax too soon.

The priest, having seen the boys park their bikes and climb the pond bank, did it again. He anxiously waited five minutes, and then he quietly sneaked up the bank and hid behind the lilac bushes as before. The priest's jaw dropped when Toby drew Cody's body up tight against him and heavy kissing began as they massaged their cocks together in unfettered passion. Cody broke the kiss and went down on his knees and took Toby's now ridged cock into his mouth. Toby grunted and moaned as Cody's mouth radically oscillated on his long stud stick.

The priest felt tingling as his own cock began to thicken. But his attention snapped back to the scene of lewd and lascivious debauchery.

Toby broke away and took the few steps to the water's edge. He laid down on his belly in the cool, soft mud with his lower body in water up to his nipples. His butt rose just above the water. Cody lowered himself onto Toby`s back and bit into his neck, causing Toby to giggle and coo.

Then Cody raised up enough to see where his pulsing handful of male flesh was aiming. Toby reached back and pulled his pretty ass cheeks apart. Cody laid back down on Toby's back and began to gently open Toby's hole with his huge, throbbing cock. Toby arched his head back as Cody invaded his tight sphincter. Cody's cock slowly disappeared, deeper and deeper until his pelvis pressed flatly against Toby's butt cheeks. Then he began to osculate, slowly at first, than harder and faster, causing Toby to groan and plead..."Deeper! Harder, honey!"

As the stunned priest stared on anxiously, he got an almost painful erection of his own. Frustration engulfed him He started to reach for his demanding cock and relieve his nuts of their burden. He paused just before his trembling fingers were about to wrap around his joy toy. It was against his religion to touch his cock except for urinating and washing. With great reserve, he managed to refrain.

Cody was ramming hard into Toby's ass. Water squished from between Cody's pelvis and Toby's butt, sending ripple after ripple radiating from the lovers and splashing onto the shore on the other side of the pond.

"OH YEAH, Cody! Ram me! Feed me your big fat sausage!"

"Ya like my big dick, don't ya babe? My dick loves your hot gut and tight love ring. How's this, lover boy?" Cody hissed as he drove hard into Toby.

The one thing the priest hadn't counted on was his spontaneous, involentary eruption of a magnificent orgasm. He tried hard to restrain from groaning loudly, but...

Cody was about to blow his wad when they both heard loud, rapturous gurgling. Cody withdrew his throbbing cock so fast that his magnanimous amount of semen squirted all over Toby's backside from his neck and shoulders to his clenched butt cheeks, and water rushed into Toby's gut before his sphincter could close up.

"What tha fuck!" yelled Cody.

"Shut up, Cody! Quick...hit the water!"

Cody scrambled to his feet and plunged in first. As Toby was about to dive, he glanced back and saw the black cassock of a frantic priest fly up over a voluminous ass, exposing hairy white legs, black sox in black shoes, his balls and still hard dick, as he scrambled to his hands and feet. Then, Toby dove in fast and stayed under until he had no choice but to come up of air. Cody was treading water and looking in the direction of the loud moan. Then he too saw the priest, but only for a second from the waist up as he was scurrying down the far side of the bank and out of sight.

"Well I'll be... A fucking priest!" exclaimed a frantic Cody. "We are in deep fucking shit trouble now, Toby! Now what do we do?"

"Do you expect me to know the fucking answer to that? If this gets back to my brother, my ass is his to stomp! Shit! Damn priest!"

"Beau had better not stomp my honey's sweet ass!" Cody said, and chuckled.

"What?! This ain't no damn time for levity, dumb nuts! We need to get dressed and sit down and talk about this. The asshole might not know who we are. Other guys could sneak in here and swim."

"And screw?!"

"Sure, why not?" Toby said, in an effort to ease Cody's angst as well as his own.

"I'm dressing and going home as damn fast as I can!" said Cody.

"Hey! You shot your wad, but I didn't," complained Toby.

"Now who tha hell thinks he's funny? Wait! He caught us at it, but he might have been yanking off and spurting his sauce while watching us. If so, I don't think he'll dare say anything. You dove in last. Did you see him naked?" asked Cody.

"Not completely naked. In his hurry to get up and get away, his cassock got hung up on his back. Before he could rake it down, I saw his big ole' butt and his dick and his little balls. One nut was hanging a lot lower than the other, and they were no bigger than cumquats."

"Cumquats? Cumquats! That's funny...on someone other than on me. You didn't happen to see a choir boy hiding under that black skirt, did ya?"

"Aw shit up! Let's get out of here," said Toby.

They rushed to put on what few cloths they had, and were about to climb over the bank and retrieve their bikes and ride somewhere and talk it over, when Toby grinned big.

"I've got it, Cody! If we walk over to the church and confront him straight on, and tell him that we saw him pleasure himself and that we'll tell the whole community if he tells about us, he won't have any leverage. He'll have no choice but to keep his mouth shut. It doesn`t even have to be true. "

"Not bad, Toby...not bad. But we don't really know that he was beating his meat, now do we?"

"He could have been. He had no underwear on when he was hurrying to get away," Toby said. "Maybe priests don't wear any under that cassock thing. Hey! If he does, and his underwear is still up on the bank..."

"Yes!" Cody quickly interrupted, and rushed through the grass and weeds, his half-staff cock wildly slapping from thigh to thigh, to where he thought the priest had hidden. "Got em!" he yelled, and delicately held up dingy Jockeys with a finger and thumb. "Geeze! There's cum on the ground! The fucker got off too! That mother is a closet case. I'm keeping his underwear for proof."

"To smell when you beat off?" quipped Toby.

"Shut up! Let's confront him right now before it gets too dark."

Toby finished fastening the buttons on the fly of his cutoffs as he headed up the bank. When he crested the bank, he saw a dust cloud bellow behind a fast moving black sedan. It was the same car that had been parked where the church parking lot was to be built.

"That was him, Toby. We can't confront him now. I wonder where he's headed that fast."

"Cody, I don't know. And right now I don't give a shit. If he asks anyone whose property the pond is on, and how to get to our house, I hate the to think what Beau will do to me if the priest goes to our house and tells on us. My muscle-head brother could break me in half. I'm scared to go home. I am sweltering! Instead of cooling down for the evening, its gotten hotter. All this fretting has worn me down. I think I should go back to the house and you should go home too," Toby said, and nodded across the pasture to his home.

"I suppose you're right. But as hot as it is, I don't think I can sleep in my bed," Cody said. "My folks can't afford no fan. Look, Toby! The moon is already coming up. It's almost orange for the first fifteen or so minutes. It's so romantic. Why don't we sleep all night here at the pond?"

"I don't know about that. Bro already has the idea that you are a bad influence on me. Ain't that a hoot? Well, it's about time I stood up to Beau. Your idea gets my vote. We'll go to my house and walk right up to him and tell him where we`ll be tonight. Let's go."

Off they went, carefully circling around the bull that couldn't care less. With eighty or so yards to go, Toby could see the familiar profile of his grandfather sitting in his rocker at the open window. He also saw something that didn't seem right. Beau always parked his truck in the garage, but there it was, parked at the north end of the house. Toby shrugged off the thought and credited it to paranoia spawned by the harrowing events at the pond.

"Are you ready for this, Cody?"

"As much as I'll ever be. Geeze, I haven't made out my will. You first. I'll be behind you...way behind!"

"Don't be so dramatic. Beau is mostly all wind."

"That ain't what you said before. Whatever."

Toby pulled the screen door open and stepped inside. He blinked as his

eyes became adjusted to the bright light of the overhead fixture.

"Well look what the cat drug in," said Beau. "Yeah, Cody, you get your ass in here too. Note that we have company."

"That's him!" said Cody, pointing toward the dining room table.

"Oh fuck!" exclaimed Toby. "The jerk off, I mean..., priest!

"Mind your mouth, Toby," said Beau. "This man has something to say to both of you."

"It's them, alright," said the priest. "They were defiling their bodies with unmentionable acts of pure lust... Together!" said the priest as his face turned ashen.

Toby turned to Cody. He was staring back at Toby in disbelief. Cody looked like he was about to bolt, Instead, he looked back at the shaky priest.

"Did you loose these?" Cody asked as he reached into his hip pocket and held up the evidence. "They're much too large for me or Toby. And neither of us wear Jockey brand undies. Oh..., did you enjoy our little show?"

The priest leaped from his chair, casting the chair onto the floor. Then he charged forward. Cody, not wanting to strike a man of the cloth, shielded his face and turned his side to the priest. He misunderstood the man's intention. The priest breezed past Cody and pushed the screen door open so hard that its frame broke as it slammed into the side of the house.

Beau sagged into the nearest chair. Toby had never seen him look so totally lost. To make matters worse for him, Cody slung the underwear Beau's way. It landed on his shoulder. Bea freaked.

" the... Were the three of you..., oh shit! What am I saying?" Beau stammered, and flung the underwear across the room.

"His cum on the ground showed us that he was yanking one off as he watched us kiss down at the pond, and he ran when he knew we'd seen him, and left his underwear behind," said Cody. "

"Yeah..., that's right, Beau. We saw him pulling his pud," said Toby. "We were sooo embarrassed!"

"What's he saying?" asked their granddad."

"Never mind, Gramps," said Beau. "You two get out of this house right now! Perverts!"

"Can we sleep at the pond?" Toby asked, his tone reeking of sarcasm.

Beau turned his head and looked hard at a rock, used as a paperweight. Cody whirled and slung the screen open so hard that it disintegrated.

"Beau, ...don't do that!..." Toby stuttered. Then he too spun around and leaped over the screen door debris and ran after Cody like a Jack Rabbit.

After a cool, restful all-night sleep at the pond, the boys woke and greeted each other with roaring boners. After Toby jumped Cody's bones, thus matching him in stud score, they laid on their backs, Cody's head on Toby's arm, and verbally revisited the scene last night at Toby's house.

"Beau will kill me," mumbled Toby, as he gazed at the gorgeous sunrise. "Maybe I should stay at your house for the next five years."

"That would confuse my parents. They'd wonder where my ugly brother has been all these years."

"Fuck you...dumb nuts! I ain't no more ugly than you! Wanta suck my dick..., honey buns?"

"Oh, baby..., yur soooo romantic."

After a hot round of blow job for blow job, they rode their bikes four and a half blocks to the local hardware. After picking out a standard size screen door and charging it to Beau`s account, Toby directed the bewildered store owner to deliver it to his house, "ASAP!"

All comments are very welcome at You obviously like reading these wonderful free stories. It takes a lot of work to offer them. Donations would be graciously received. If you are published on Nifty, please let me know where I can read your offerings.

The priest was only twenty-two and new to the ministry.

Toby & Beau & Cody

Grandpa = Ernest Lawton

Grandma = Lily Lawton

Jonny = a thou bred Sorel with White star

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