Summer Brothers

By Extreme Inferno

Published on Jun 13, 2007


This story is for adults only and does get rather graphic at times, so if you're not 18 or 21, depending on where you live, stop reading now! It's based loosely on people in real life, but the names and situations are completely different. If you guys LIKE what you read, please let me know. If you DON'T like what you read, let me know that too! I've got several more chapters ready for submission, but they can be tweaked. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.enjoy!! This story is copyrighted by me for ExtremeInferno Productions.

Summer was once again rolling around and 19-year-old Kyle was beginning to feel the heat as he mowed his parents' lawn.

"How fuckin' nice," he thought, "that they waited until school got out to decide it was time to mow the lawn."

Kyle had finished his first year at college just days before and had really turned into a good-looking All-American college guy in the process. He was now 5'11" with brown hair and green eyes, which he got from his mother. He wasn't a big guy, but was built and toned really nicely from playing intramural baseball at school. He was gay, too, but this wasn't a well-known fact in his small town. Kyle was single and perpetually horny, as most 19-year-olds guys are.

Kyle trudged across the massive front lawn of his parents' house in his black UnderArmour sleeveless top and blue Adidas gym shorts. He was wearing his old Adidas Superstars shoes so as not to ruin his new Nikes. Kyle was starting to curse the summer sun even more when he saw a big U-Haul truck pull up across the street in front of the big white house that had been for sale. He now noticed that the realtor's sign on the lawn read "SOLD."

A white Jeep pulled up behind the U-Haul and a college-aged guy jumped out of the driver's seat. Kyle shut off the lawn mower, noting that he had about half the lawn left, and went inside to get some water. When he came back out, he noticed there were now two college-aged guys unloading box after box out of the back of the U-Haul.

"Must be moving day," Kyle thought to himself. He decided he'd finish up the lawn, and then see if the guys needed any help with moving boxes or furniture or whatever it was they had crammed into the back of the U-Haul. Kyle hurried back out to the lawn and finished it up in record time. His parents were gone to his cousin's graduation out of town for the weekend and promised him $150 when they got back if he finished a list of chores they'd given him before they left. Kyle needed the money for summer since his job wouldn't start for another week and a half at the community YMCA's outdoor pool working as a lifeguard.

As Kyle put the lawn mower in his family's garage, he heard footsteps behind him. As he turned around, he was surprised to see one of the guys from across the street standing before him with no shirt on, practically dripping sweat.

"Hey man, my name's Blake. Me and my brother are moving in across the street for the summer, and then the rest of our family's coming down from New York. Nice to meet you!" he said as he extended his hand to Kyle.

Kyle shook Blake's hand and couldn't help but marvel at his awesome body. Blake was about 6' tall, short blonde hair, brown eyes, and an almost-perfect tan with a hot sun tribal tattoo on his left bicep. Kyle was immediately interested in finding out more about this boy.

"Hey Blake, I'm Kyle. I was actually going to come over and see if you guys needed any help!"

Blake responded, "Sure, we've got some furniture and a few more boxes to move, but other than that, we've got it all inside. I guess you could help us unpack too, if you wanted." Kyle thought he saw Blake wink at him as he mentioned unpacking, but he blew it off as the heat getting to him.

"Uh, sure, I'm kinda sweaty though."

"Who cares, Justin and I are all sweaty too. This heat is gonna kill us. We didn't get the air turned on yet. Something about the breakers in the basement needing replacement," Blake said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Kyle had taken some home repair classes in high school and if the problem was as easy as fixing a breaker, he knew he could do it and realized it was the perfect way to get inside the house with the boys he wanted to learn more about.

"Hey, I can fix those breakers for you if you want. I've got experience," he fibbed.

"Well, sure, give it a shot man! All the stuff you need should be downstairs. Come on over!"

With that, the two boys walked across the street and Kyle couldn't help but check out Blake's ass in his basketball shorts as he jogged casually across their tree-lined street.

"Yo, Justin! The kid from across the street is here!" Blake shouted up the stairs as the two boys walked in the front door.

Justin, Kyle assumed, came down the stairs quickly and reached out a big hand to shake Kyle's.

"Hey bro, nice to meet you. We saw you mowing the lawn when we pulled up. Shitty day for it. Too fuckin' hot!" Justin said with a laugh and flashed his near-perfect white smile.

"Yeah, my parents promised me some money if I did it though, so I'm not gonna turn that down," Kyle replied. The boys nodded in agreement.

The boys pointed out to Kyle where the basement stairs were and Kyle went down to fix the breaker that was controlling the central air for the house. Within minutes, cool air was blowing through the vents and the boys were once again beginning to feel comfortable as they carried the last of the boxes and furniture in from the truck.

"Phew! That was a lot of work. I didn't think we had that much stuff to bring, but damn!" Justin said as they carried the last load through the front door.

"Hey, Kyle, you wanna shower up here and we can all grab some dinner when we're done? I'm freakin' starving man!"

"Sure, that sounds fine. There's a good burger place downtown that I used to work at," Kyle replied.

"Nice man, alright, the shower's upstairs and all the way at the end of the hall, over the garage, and here's a towel," Blake said as he grabbed one out of a big plastic tub. "We'll be up in a second."

"We?" Kyle thought to himself. He grabbed the towel and headed up the stairs and down the hallway. He looked in the rooms as he went by and noticed that the bathroom was under some kind of renovation at the moment, which would explain why the boys told him to go to the showers over the garage.

"Why all the way down here," Kyle wondered to himself.

Kyle walked into the room at the end of the hall and was amazed at how big the gym and locker room area he walked into were. The gym itself extended over part of the backyard, so when you were on the treadmill, you could look into the backyard and overlook the pool and Jacuzzi in the ground. He walked into the shower area off to the left and noticed a "new" smell and realized that the guys doing construction on the house must have just finished this part of the renovation. Kyle started stripping down in the locker room area and threw his clothes onto a bench and walked into the big marble shower area with his towel. He noticed there weren't any curtains between the multiple shower heads.

"I've got nothing to hide, but I hardly know these guys," Kyle mumbled to himself as he walked up to one of the 4 shower heads on the wall.

He turned on a nice stream of cool water and started to rinse the grime of the day's work off him. It wasn't long before he heard laughter and some music as Blake and Justin joined him in the shower, now completely naked. Kyle noticed that his guess about Blake's all-over tan was right. He also couldn't help but notice that Blake had a gorgeous cock that was cut and hung about 4 or 5 inches when he was soft with a big set of even lower-hanging nuts.

"Hey guys, what's up with the other bathroom?," Kyle questioned as he washed up with the soap he found in the shower.

"Yeah, our dad is having a new shower and sink and stuff installed and it won't be done til next week, but they finished the gym up at the end of last week, so he said to just use this til they're done. Why? Are you embarrassed?" Justin replied.

"No, I mean, we're all guys, it's just that I've never met you before and here we are, buck ass naked together," Kyle said with a laugh and a smile.

"Yeah, I guess that could be a little awkward for you," Justin said, "but I've seen Blake here naked a million times. We used to go skinny dipping in our old pool all the time! Our parents were never home, so we'd have big parties with the guys from school and it was just easier than trying to find a swimsuit to wear all the time."

Kyle laughed and agreed and the boys quickly finished up their shower and started to towel off together. Kyle again marveled at the size of Blake's thick cock. Kyle was definitely enjoying the view as the boys were toweling off. Blake turned around first and smiled at Kyle, then bent over and toweled off his tan, muscular legs, giving Kyle a perfect view of his bubble butt. Kyle smiled as Blake turned back around and wrapped the towel around his waist. Justin faced away from him the whole time, so he never got to see his dick very well, but he had a feeling he would as the summer went on. The guys threw on some clothes that Blake had pulled out of his monstrous suitcase and the boys were surprised to find they all wore pretty much the same sizes, except Blake's t- shirts were a bit tighter on Justin because of the size of his chest and biceps. Kyle thought they all looked pretty hot as they headed out the front door and jumped into the Jeep to go downtown.

After an awesome dinner of burgers and shakes, the guys headed back to the house to finish setting stuff up so they could get some sleep. It was about 11:00 when they finally got the bedrooms ready enough to sleep in and Kyle gave them his cell number and told Justin to have one of them call in the morning if they wanted to bum around town or go for a swim or whatever.

"Good night, guys! I had a good time with you today. I'll bring back the clothes tomorrow," Kyle said as he was heading out the front door.

"No prob, buddy. See you tomorrow for sure!," the boys replied as Kyle closed the door behind him.

Kyle jogged across the street and headed straight up to his room to beat off, which was nothing new. Tonight, however, involved a new spank bank donor. It was Blake.

Kyle dropped Blake's shorts on the floor and pulled off the white Abercrombie t-shirt that read "Sexy Never Left" and tossed them on the floor and laid on his bed buck naked and rock hard and started gently stroking his 7" cock as he thought about Blake's muscles.and how the sun tattoo popped when Blake flexed and carried boxes inside.he got harder thinking about how he'd drop to his knees in front of Blake in that gym shower and suck his beautiful cock after they'd worked out together.before long, Kyle had sprayed a big load of jock spunk all over his abs and wiped it up with a "cum sock" he kept in the drawer next to his bed. Almost as soon as he was finished cleaning up, he fell asleep.and started to dream.of Blake.

Next: Chapter 2

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