Summer Brothers

By Extreme Inferno

Published on Jun 26, 2007


This story is for adults only and does get rather graphic at times, so if you're not 18 or 21, depending on where you live, stop reading now! It's based loosely on people in real life, but the names and situations are completely different. If you guys LIKE what you read, please let me know. If you DON'T like what you read, let me know that too! I've got several more chapters ready for submission, but they can be tweaked. I've really enjoyed the comments I've gotten so far, so keep them coming and enjoy!! This story is copyrighted by me for ExtremeInferno Productions.

The next few days went by quickly and Kyle's parents returned home and were shocked that not only were all the chores they had given him done, but he had actually taken it upon himself to do some fixing up around the house, garage, and yard. What they didn't know is that Kyle had recruited his new neighbors to help, promising to take them out for dinner when his parents paid him. Now that they were home and had paid Kyle more money than they'd originally promised, he gave Justin and Blake a call.


"Hey Blake, it's Kyle. I got the money from my parents. You and your brother want to go to dinner tonight?"

"I would, but let me ask J to make sure he wants to."

Blake covered the mouthpiece on his phone and shouted to his brother.

"Yeah, we'll go. Does 5:30 work? Justin's gotta work til 5."

"Well, why doesn't he just meet us at the Cheesecake Factory at the mall? I was gonna take you guys there anyway."

"Yeah, that's cool. I'll tell him. You wanna work out in a little bit man?"

"Sure," Kyle replied, "I'll be over in like 20 minutes. See you then babe."

"Later sexy boy," Blake said as he hung up the phone with a big smile on his face.

Kyle looked down and saw that just TALKING to Blake had caused his dick to get rock hard. He knew that he and Blake would probably end up fooling around after the workout, so he decided not to jerk off just then. He threw on his black UnderArmour jockstrap and some gym shorts and a sleeveless Abercrombie t-shirt and new Nike Shox.

"Damn, I look fuckin' hot," Kyle said as he checked himself out in the full-length mirror on the back of his closet door.

Kyle jogged across the street and knocked on Blake's door. He answered the door clad only in a pair of red Adidas soccer shorts and matching Nike Shox. Kyle's jaw nearly dropped to the ground as he marveled yet again at how gorgeous Blake's body was, all tan and toned.

"Dude, you're gonna be popular at the pool this summer with that body," Kyle said with a laugh as the boys walked into the foyer.

"Whatever man, we both know who the only person I want to see it is," Blake replied with a smile and grabbed Kyle's hand. He kissed him on the cheek and then slapped his butt and jogged upstairs. Kyle quickly followed and before long, the boys were in the middle of an intense workout in the home gym Blake's dad had installed for his sons. The sounds of Fergie, the All- American Rejects and Justin Timberlake pumped through the speakers and kept the boys energized. The next song that came on changed the mood just a bit. It was "Lost Without You" by Robin Thicke.

Kyle stopped doing his butterfly presses for his chest and got up and walked over to where Blake was doing some crunches and stood at his feet, then started doing a sensual dance as he sang the song to Blake and started to strip out of his now-sweaty workout gear. Blake sat up and by the bulge in his shorts, Kyle could tell he was thoroughly enjoying the show and was suddenly glad he hadn't jerked off earlier. Before long, he and Blake were both completely naked and all over each other in the showers, the song just ending.

"Dude, you're so fucking sexy," Blake said as he kissed Kyle passionately.

The boys finished washing each other off, Kyle spending extra time on Blake's strong chest as he kissed and nuzzled his neck; Blake spent extra time on Kyle's well-muscled back as he pressed his now rock hard cock up against Kyle's tight jock ass. Blake shut off the water, tossed Kyle a towel and took him by the hand down the hall to his room.

Though it wasn't as romantic with the sunshine coming through his windows, Blake and Kyle wasted no time heating up the sheets. Kyle pushed Blake onto the bed and started working his way up Blake's tan, muscular legs with his tongue until he reached Blake's inner thighs and then started to kiss them and massage Blake's V-line with his hands as he started to give Blake a killer blowjob, working his tongue up and down the thick shaft and swirling it around the head, now dripping sweet precum. It wasn't long before Kyle had worked his tongue down across Blake's big balls and had his legs propped up on his shoulders as he gave Blake a hot rimjob. Blake was moaning and squirming all over the bed as he stroked his cock and Kyle rimmed him.

"Dude, you're gonna make me shoot if you keep doing that!" Blake said, half-moaning.

"Not yet, bro," Kyle said as he stood up and lay next to Blake on the bed and started kissing him. He moved his hands down Blake's legs and started to finger his hole gently, getting Blake to moan once again.

"Oh man.not yet.please. I'm not ready yet," Blake said as he kept kissing Kyle.

"Why dude? I thought this is what you wanted?" Kyle questioned.

"I do, but not right here, right now. I want it to mean something."

"Alright dude, that's cool," Kyle said as he once again started sucking Blake's dick and rimming him again.

It didn't take Blake long to get into a 69 position with Kyle, finally giving him the same kind of pleasure that Kyle had been giving him. Kyle continued to suck Blake's thick dick as he moaned in pleasure as Blake's warm mouth wrapped around his pole and his tongue worked up and down Kyle's wet shaft. Both boys sucked each other feverishly and Kyle even managed to work that finger back in Blake's ass as he deepthroated him.

"Dude, I'm gonna fuckin cum if you keep that up. It feels so fuckin' good," Blake said as Kyle took his cock down his throat.

"Go ahead dude, blow your fuckin load, I want it!" Kyle said, only stopping his sucking enough to get the words out of his mouth. He pushed his finger deeper inside Blake's tight ass and sucked harder than before and just a few seconds later, his mouth was flooded with Blake's hot spunk as Blake moaned and grunted his name as Kyle swallowed the big, sweet load.

Blake didn't stop sucking after he shot his load. Just like Kyle had done for him, Blake swallowed Kyle's big load as he moaned loudly and grabbed a hold of Blake's head. The boys lay next to each other on the bed and kissed a bit after they'd both come down from their post-orgasm high. They'd gotten all sweaty again, so they walked down the hall to the shower and washed up quickly. By this time, it was mid- afternoon, so the boys decided to lay out and tan for a bit before going to the mall to meet Justin for dinner.

"So Kyle, I gotta tell you something," Blake said as he laid a towel on the pool deck to lay on.

"What is it man? Is everything okay?" Kyle questioned as he put his towel down next to Blake's.

"Yeah, it's brother has a huge crush on you too."

"What?!" Kyle exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, Justin is bi. He didn't want to tell you, but we talked about it last night and agreed that I would tell you sometime."

"It's no big deal, really. I'm flattered, I guess. Two hot brothers that both have a crush on me? Wow," Kyle said, half in disbelief.

"Well, I obviously have more than just a crush on you. I want to be your boyfriend, Ky."

"Wow, all these surprises! I don't know if I could handle anything else," Kyle said jokingly as he rolled onto his stomach and gave Blake a kiss. "Of course, Blake. I totally want the same thing, but won't Justin get even more jealous?"

"We'll just have to see, I guess. He was too chicken to say anything to you, so he lost his chance to date you first. He and I have dated the same boys in the past, one time even in a 3-way relationship, but that got messy. I wouldn't do that again, I don't think."

"Yeah, I don't blame you. That must have been weird!" Kyle said.

"It was just too complicated, it gives me a headache just thinking about it!"

"We don't have to talk about it. It's all good. I am just happy that you want to be with me," Kyle said, giving Blake another kiss, this one a bit longer than the last.

"Whoa dude, don't get me all turned on again or we'll never meet Justin on time for dinner."

"Sorry man, its just hard to keep my hands off of you!" Kyle said as he again rolled over and lay on the deck next to Blake.

The boys fell asleep in the sun and were only awakened by the alarm on Kyle's cell phone going off, telling them they only had a half hour to get dressed and meet Justin for dinner. Kyle nudged Blake, waking him up, and the boys went inside to get dressed. They put on nearly matching polos and khaki cargo shorts and flip-flops. They jumped in Kyle's Jeep and headed to the mall where Justin was impatiently waiting in the lobby of the restaurant for them.

"Guys, what the hell? It's almost 5:45, I'm STARVING."

"Sorry bro," Blake said, "We fell asleep in the sun and there was traffic on the way here."

"It's fine, I'm just REALLY hungry. I skipped lunch today because we were so busy," Justin said as the boys followed the host to their table.

"Sorry man. We're hungry too," Kyle said as the boys sat down in their booth, Blake sitting next to him instead of next to his brother.

The boys made small talk and figured out what they wanted to eat before Blake took Kyle's hand in his under the table.

"Bro, I gotta tell you something. It's not that big of a deal, really," Blake said and paused for Justin to focus his attention. "I told Kyle you're bi."

"Oh. Um, well,'s true, Kyle. I just was scared to tell you. Plus, you and my lil' bro hit it off so well that I didn't want to make any kind of a decision harder for you," Justin said, blushing and looking down at his empty plate.

"It's okay, J. I like you guys regardless of what you are or who you like. It's no big deal. Your brother did ask me to be his boyfriend this afternoon, though, and I told him yes. I hope you can understand that."

"Yeah, I guess," Justin said, his voice cracking a little bit. "I don't really have any other choice. I'll be right back."

Justin got up from the table in a hurry and walked toward the bathroom. When he didn't come back within a few minutes, Kyle got up and went to check on him. He saw Justin standing at the sink, drying his eyes as he walked in.

"Justin! What's wrong bro?"

"Nothing, it's's just that Blake always gets the guys I really like but am too chicken to say anything because I'm afraid of how they'll react," Justin said, sniffling a little, "And I am really tired of always being second-best."

Kyle put his arm around Justin's muscular shoulders and looked at their reflection in the mirror.

"It's all good, Justin. I don't think you're second-best. I'm still going to be around and we can still hang out. It's not like I am going anywhere just because Blake and I are together now."

"I know," Justin replied, "but I won't get a chance to date you now. Or do this."

Justin turned and faced Kyle, grabbed his shoulders and kissed him square on the lips.

"Dude, what are you doing?! I'm dating your brother!" Kyle exclaimed, almost too loudly.

"I'm sorry, I've wanted to do that since I met you. You're just so gorgeous."

"Um, thanks, I guess, but you shouldn't have done that. What am I going to say to your brother?"

"Kyle, please. Don't say anything to him. It was innocent, really," Justin replied.

Kyle turned and walked out of the bathroom without saying another word and Justin followed.

"Everything okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, he's fine." Kyle replied with a smile. "He'll be just fine, right J?" Kyle asked with a wink.

"Uh, yeah, everything's good. Sorry, I've just been kinda stressed with this job and all and things caught up with me."

The food arrived at the table and the boys eagerly dug in. In a matter of minutes, it seemed, they'd finished nearly everything and all 3 boys had a look of satisfaction on their faces. They asked their cute server to box up the leftovers and they took them back to Justin and Blake's house, where there was a big box sitting on the porch.

"What is this dude? Did you order something from eBay again?" Justin asked his brother as he picked up the big brown box and saw it addressed to both he and Blake.

"No dude, who's it from?"

"No idea, let's open it," Justin said as the 3 boys walked into the kitchen and Blake grabbed the scissors and opened the box.

Blake opened the box and saw their entire movie collection, which the boys had obviously left at home during the move.

"Sweet! Mom must have sent these when she was packing up their stuff. I knew we forgot something!" Blake said with a smile.

"So, are we having movie night or what?" Kyle asked.

"Hell yeah, movie night in my room!" Justin replied and bounded up the stairs.

Kyle and Blake picked out The Family Stone and joined Justin in his room, all 3 boys now sitting close to each other on Justin's king-sized bed.

"Hey, Kyle, come with me. I'm gonna change into something more comfortable and you can just borrow some stuff of mine in case we fall asleep watching movies. You can just stay over here tonight," Blake said as he got off the bed and walked toward his room.

As Kyle walked into Blake's room, he saw Blake stepping out of his khaki shorts, revealing a pair of white Abercrombie boxer briefs which not only showed off his gorgeous bubble butt, but also the awesome contrast between his tan skin and the white fabric.

"Hot damn boy! Are you TRYING to get me boned?" Kyle asked as he walked up behind Blake and wrapped his arms around him, kissing the back of his neck gently.

"Well, not exactly, but if it happens, it happens," Blake replied, turning around to kiss Kyle gently.

He reached into his dresser and tossed Kyle a pair of gym shorts and an old t-shirt to put on. When they had both changed, they went back to Justin's room and found that he had dimmed the lights and gotten everything ready for the movie and changed into comfier clothes himself.

Kyle hopped up on the bed between the two boys, hoping to get some serious snuggle time with the pair of hunky brothers. Blake sat next to him, putting his ankle across Kyle's and holding his hand as he leaned his head on Kyle's shoulder. Kyle put his arm around Justin and turned to smile at him and saw that Justin was smiling back.

"This is pretty sweet. I've got two hot buddies and we can just hang out and snuggle up in bed for a good movie. I'm looking forward to this summer!" Kyle said as Justin pushed play on the remote and the movie started.

Kyle kissed Blake's hair as the opening credits started to roll and though to himself, "I'm probably the luckiest guy on Earth right now." He gave Blake's hand a squeeze and focused his attention on the movie.

Next: Chapter 4

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