Summer Brothers

By Extreme Inferno

Published on Oct 4, 2007


The next few weeks seemed to fly by and before they knew it, the boys were in the dead heat of summer. Justin and Troy had started dating, then broken up, and were back together by the 4th of July. Blake and Kyle were still going strong and were planning a 4th of July barbecue in their backyard for some of the guys they had met at the gay clubs they went to.

Blake and Kyle had gone shopping for groceries for the party while Justin was at work one afternoon.

"How many people are coming, babe?" Kyle asked Blake as they walked up and down the aisles at the Wal-Mart.

"Well, I guess probably about 25 people so far, but we should plan for a few more in case people get hungry or whatever," Blake replied. Kyle nodded in agreement. The boys filled their cart with all of the supplies they needed in no time and went to the checkout. On the way there, they bumped into Troy, who had a cart full of his own groceries.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" Troy asked.

"Good, we're just getting stuff for the party. You're coming, right?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, Justin told me about it. I should be able to be there since the Y is closed that day and I'm not going out of town this year."

"Cool, it's gonna be a good time!" Kyle said.

The boys finished checking out and headed to the mall to pick Justin up from work. They walked around the mall for a bit before heading to Abercrombie and Fitch, where Justin worked. As the boys walked into the store, they saw Justin working the fitting rooms in the back of the store and talking to a really cute blonde guy. They didn't walk up to him right away, but instead walked around through the guys' side of the store to see what was new that week. As they rounded the corner to walk up to Justin, they saw him hand a piece of paper to the guy he was talking to and wink at him. Both boys looked at each other with looks of confusion.

"Dude, what was that?" Blake asked Kyle quietly.

"I have NO idea man, but your brother is gonna be in deep shit with Troy if he's cheating on him!"

"No way, Justin wouldn't cheat. He likes Troy a lot," Blake said in response.

The boys walked up to Justin, who was now folding polos.

"Hey guys!" Justin said cheerily. "I'll be done in a little bit. It got busy today, so they asked me to stay and help straighten up a bit. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, no prob bro," Blake replied. "Who was that guy you were talking to?"

"The blonde guy?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, him," Blake said as he pointed at the guy, who was now browsing a rack of jeans in the next room over.

"Oh, he's just a customer that comes in a lot. His name is Jeff. He swims at the Y. I'm surprised you guys haven't seen him there!"

"Oh, really? I'll have to keep an eye out for him. He's pretty hot!" Kyle said as Justin kept folding polos.

"Okay, I guess I'm done. Just let me go clock out and the manager can walk us out and then we can head home," Justin said as the boys walked toward the entrance. As they walked out of the mall, Justin's cell phone rang.


"Hey, is this Justin?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's Jeff, from A&F."

"Oh, hey, how's it going?"

"Good, good, how are you? Must be off work now."

"Uh, yeah, I am. Can I give you a call back later?"

"Sure, yeah, talk to you later!"

Justin hung up the phone and was met with two inquisitive stares from his brother and Kyle.

"What? It was a girl I met out last night. She's kind of annoying, so I don't really like talking to her," Justin said.

"Haha, a stage 5 clinger?" Blake asked, referring to a title given to clingy girls in the movie Wedding Crashers.

"Yeah, definitely!" Justin replied.

The boys piled into Kyle's Jeep and started the drive home. "So, Justin, are you stoked for the party this weekend? A lot of people are coming!" Kyle said as he maneuvered through the evening traffic.

"Hell yeah! I think Jeff is gonna come by too. His parents go to the Hamptons to see his grandparents every year and he isn't going this year, so I told him he should come," Justin replied.

"Yeah, that's a good idea! I'll get to check him out better that way!" Blake said with a laugh and a smile.

Kyle punched Blake playfully in the arm and gave him a stern look, something he hadn't done before.

"Relax! I was kidding, you know I'm head over feet in love with you!"

"Head over feet?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, like the Alanis song," Blake replied, quoting one of his favorite music artists.

"You and Alanis, I swear," Justin said as he rolled his eyes.

Kyle didn't say much for the rest of the drive home and stared out the window, not even allowing Blake to hold his hand as they finished the drive home. When they pulled into the driveway, Kyle got out of the car and instead of following Blake and Justin into their house, grabbed his backpack out of the back of the Jeep, and walked across the street into his house without saying a word to either boy.

"Dude, what the hell did you do?" Justin asked his brother as they carried the groceries into the house.

"I don't know! Kyle's been weird lately."

"He hasn't been weird around me. Are you two fighting or something?"

"No," Blake replied, "But I think he's pissed at me because I still look at other guys, even though I'm with him, and he KNOWS I am with him!"

"Yeah, but Troy gets pissed too if I make a comment about another guy," Justin said. "So, just relax for a while, don't say stuff. You can think the guys are hot, but don't say anything. Tell me if you want to, but don't say anything to Kyle."

"I guess. I can see why he'd get pissed, but I didn't think he'd ignore me like this," Blake responded.

The boys finished putting the groceries away and Blake tried to call Kyle as Justin sat down at his computer and closed the door to his room behind him. He flipped open the screen on his Sony Vaio laptop and signed on to AIM. He pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket that Jeff had given him earlier at A&F and added "BlondBlueSwimr" to his list. The name showed up bold, which meant he was online.

"hey dude, its Justin from `crombie"

"oh, hey, what up man?"

"nothing, just got home, my bro is fightin with his bf and I cant stand it"

"haha, u want some company over there?"

"maybe, u wanna go swimming and sit in the hot tub?"

"sure, that sounds cool, where u live?"

Justin told Jeff the address and Jeff said he'd be over in a half hour. Justin closed his laptop and started to change into his swimming trunks, admiring his tan, toned body in the full-length mirror next to his dresser.

"Damn, that workout has really helped," he thought to himself, referring to the new set of exercises he'd put together after researching them online.

He pulled off his shorts and boxer briefs and his thick, soft cock hung down low over his balls and he casually stroked it a bit, hoping that he'd be able to work it good soon. He pulled up his white and blue Hawaiian print boardshorts and threw on a sleeveless A&F t-shirt before heading downstairs, tanning oil and towel in hand. He was getting a bottle of water out of the fridge when his cell phone beeped, indicating he had a text message. He flipped his Razr open and saw that it was from Kyle.

"Hey J, tell ur bro to just leave me alone tonight. I don't wanna talk to him. Thx."

Justin walked into the livingroom and saw his brother sound asleep on the couch, his face tear-stained and blotchy.

"No need to wake him up for that," Justin thought to himself, as he turned and walked back into the kitchen. As he was walking out the front door to get the mail, Jeff pulled up into the driveway and hopped out of the car, dressed very similarly to Justin.

"Hey man! Let's get this party started!" Jeff said as he walked toward Justin and both boys headed into the backyard.

Jeff was the first to hop up on the pool deck and take off his shirt, revealing a toned body with gorgeous pecs and the start of a good 4-pack of abs. He smiled at Justin and took a running start and jumped into the pool, splashing water all over the place in the process. Justin didn't waste time and stripped his own shirt off, joining Jeff in the pool. The boys continued to swim around and roughhouse, playing with giant foam noodles and mock-fighting until they were sufficiently worn out and Justin suggested they hit the Jacuzzi.

"Sounds like a good idea," Jeff replied, as he watched Justin hop up out of the pool, his board shorts clinging to his muscular butt like they were painted on, leaving very little to the imagination as he turned to the side as well. Jeff swam to the edge of the pool and followed his friend into the Jacuzzi.

The boys sat down in the hot water, facing each other and talked a while about Justin's job and Jeff's college and all the guys he had met there. It wasn't long before they were laughing and had moved closer together in the tub. Jeff reached under the hot, bubbling water and when he pulled his hand out of the water, his boardshorts were in his hand.

"What are you doing?!" Justin asked with a laugh.

"What does it look like? I'm just getting comfortable. Join me?" Jeff asked.

"Uhh, I dunno man, I have a boyfriend."

"He's not here, is he? No one will know, c'mon!" Jeff replied.

Justin thought for a second more, shrugged his shoulders and pulled off his own boardshorts and tossed them to the side.

"This does feel a lot better. Those bubbles on my nuts.hell yeah."

"See dude, I told you!" Jeff replied.


Justin turned around and saw Blake standing at the patio door with his cell phone in his hand. He didn't know what to do. If he stood up now, his brother would know he was skinnydipping with a boy that wasn't Troy and would probably be pissed, but if he ignored the call and it was Troy, he would get in trouble from him.

"Who is it lil bro?"

"It's Dad. He has a question about the construction."

"Tell him I will call him back later!" Justin yelled.

"That's your bro, huh?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, he's havin' a rough day," Justin replied.

"Sounds like he could use a little hot tub time!" Jeff said. "Haha, probably, but not with us sittin' here naked!" Justin said with a smile and a laugh.

"Why not? You've never seen him naked before or what?"

"I just don't think it's a good idea, okay?" Justin replied.

"Okay man, whatever you say," Jeff said as he reached for his boardshorts and put them back on under the water. "I'm hittin the pool, then I probably should get home. I've got a lot of stuff to do."

Justin grabbed his shorts and put them on and swam some laps in the pool with Jeff before they hopped out of the pool and walked around the side of the house to Jeff's Explorer.

"Thanks for letting me come swim, man!" Jeff said.

"No prob dude, I'm in the pool all the time and it's good to have company. I'll see you at the mall probably." Justin said.

"Later man! Thanks again!" Jeff shouted out his window as he drove away.

Justin walked back inside the house and saw that Blake was making dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey bro, you doing okay?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna give Kyle some space, I guess," Blake replied.

"That's probably not a bad idea," Justin said. "What are you making?"

"Spaghetti. You want some?"

"Yeah! I love spaghetti!"

The boys finished cooking dinner together and sat down to eat at the island in the kitchen together, their first meal alone in what seemed like forever. As they ate, they talked about school coming up in a couple months and their parents moving in and life in general.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do about Kyle, bro! I'm going to college in Cali and I haven't told him yet. He's gonna be pissed!"

"Oh man, you should tell him! You guys should sit down and figure out what you're gonna do. Maybe he can transfer there with you," Justin said as he started the dishwasher.

"I guess, maybe. That might work. Thanks!" Blake said as he ran upstairs. Justin finished putting the dishes away and walked up the stairs to his room, flopped down on his bed and turned on the TV. One of his favorite movies, The Family Stone, was on one of the movie channels, so he left it on while he changed into his PJs and sent Troy a text message.

"hey baby. Whats up? U okay?"

No response. He waited a little while and sent another one.

"jus wanted to c if u wanted to come watch a movie n cuddle"

No response again. Justin gave up, thinking that Troy must have been asleep or out with his other friends.

A couple hours later, his phone beeped.

"hey hun sorry I didn't reply. I was at work late"

Justin smiled and texted Troy back.

"its ok, come over!"

His phone beeped soon after.

"im on my way"

"Sweet!" Justin said to himself.

He went downstairs to meet Troy a few minutes later and hugged him tight while he gave him a big kiss. The guys walked upstairs to Justin's room and laid down on the bed together, both guys kicking off their flip-flops. Justin flung the door closed behind them, missing the fact that it didn't latch.

"I missed you," Troy said as he wrapped an arm around Justin's shoulders.

"I missed you too, babe," Justin said and kissed Troy gently as they snuggled in to watch the rest of the movie that was now playing.

Troy gently rubbed Justin's shoulders as they watched the movie and noticed that he was giving Justin a hardon by doing that. He gently and slowly worked his way down Justin's arms and laid a hand on his stomach and eventually reached down into Justin's soccer shorts and started to stroke his thick hard cock. By this point, both boys had stopped watching the movie and were now completely engrossed in each other.

Justin reached over and tugged Troy's gym shorts down and started to stroke his cock, remembering the time by the pool when he had bottomed for Troy for the first time. The guys were now kissing each other passionately as they stroked each others throbbing cocks and moaned quietly.

Justin was the first to start kissing his way down Troy's body, eventually kissing the head of Troy's thick cock and swirling his tongue around it gently, then taking the whole shaft into his mouth. He continued to suck Troy's cock, which was now completely hard.

"Troy, I gotta have you inside me.please?" Justin said, almost begging.

"Of course baby," Troy replied, reaching for the lube he knew was in Justin's bedside drawer, grabbing a condom at the same time.

Justin was surprised by Troy's use of a condom because they usually fucked bareback, but he didn't complain. He wanted Troy inside him and was willing to do almost anything to get it! He laid on his back, lifted his muscular legs onto Troy's shoulders and chest as he spread his ass for Troy's cock.

Troy lubed up his cock and Justin's sweaty ass as he pressed the head of his cock up against Justin's ass and pushed the head in, causing Justin to moan involuntarily. He didn't waste any time in sliding his cock the rest of the way in. He knew this would put Justin on Cloud 9. He started in slowly on Justin's tight jock ass, then began to pick up the pace.

"Damn Troy, FUCK ME already!" Justin almost yelled. Troy picked up the pace a lot when he heard his boyfriend begging for his cock.

Neither boy had heard Blake come up the stairs and certainly didn't see him standing in Justin's doorway, watching his hot older brother get fucked by his equally hot boyfriend. Blake could hardly contain himself, watching Troy's tight ass pumping in and out of his brother's hot ass. He'd never seen anything like that in person, only online in the SeanCody porn videos he beat off to before meeting Kyle.

Blake quietly walked down the hallway to his room and flipped open his computer, trying to ignore the sounds coming from Justin's room as Troy was no doubt pounding Justin's ass in a new position now.

"Fuck J, your hole is SO tight. Damn boy!" Troy exclaimed as he grabbed Justin's hips and was now fucking him doggie style.

"Yeah baby, nail me! Fuckin' pound me!" Justin managed to say between grunts and moans.

It wasn't long before Troy pulled out of Justin's ass and flipped him onto his back. Troy straddled his chest and aimed his throbbing cock at Justin's face and with a couple quick strokes began to shoot his hot white cum all over his boyfriend's face. Justin instinctively opened his mouth and a few of Troy's shots ended up in his mouth. He gladly swallowed the sweet cum and didn't mind that the rest of the load missed his mouth and now covered his face and the pillows he was laying on.

Blake had signed onto his computer and saw that he had a message waiting from Kyle. It read "Hey, message me when you get on, we need to talk." He was worried when he read the message, hoping that Kyle didn't want to break up with him or something like that.

"hey ky, you there?" Blake typed, almost hoping that Kyle wouldn't be at his computer.

"yeah, ive been waiting for u"

"sorry, I was cooking and swimming and stuff" Blake replied.

"its all good, can we talk?" Kyle asked.

"yeah, that's cool, but um, why don't i come to you because uhh.Justin has company"

"lol that's cool see u in a few" Kyle typed and set his status to "Away."

Blake put on his flip-flops and headed across the street.

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