Summer in the Dorm

By R.S.

Published on May 13, 2024



It was miserable outside.

A summer storm battered against the windows and sent everyone inside to be trapped in the muggy heat. Everyone in the dorm was locked up in their rooms. I could hear the occasional creaks from the floorboards overhead and the shouts from a group of boys that decided on a video game tournament to pass the time. It was the week leading up to the beginning of school, when all the freshmen were invited to the dorms, so we could do icebreakers and get to know each other or whatever. I guess I should have appreciated it more. Coming from a small, midwest town, I didn't know anyone else at this new college, except for some loud-mouthed football player from my graduating class. He was probably in that video game tournament.

I, for one, wasn't interested in meeting anyone else. I had my fair share of icebreakers for the week and, with the dank weather outside, I had little energy to do anything else but lay dead still in my bed. My roommate had a similar idea. His name was Joey. From New York, apparently, though why he would come to the midwest from there was beyond me. Joey was chill and we got along well enough. When we were first moving our stuff in, he let me pick which side of the room I wanted. He didn't have many belongings himself. In fact, he carried it all in both his arms - a white trash bag, a beat up duffel bag, a skateboard, and a framed portrait of him as a little kid at a waterpark. So, when he was done throwing his stuff under his bed, he helped bring all my stuff in. And I had a lot. I couldn't part with all my things, including a pair of Bionicle action figures given to me as a gift from my dad. In hindsight, I was embarrassed for bringing it, especially when Joey was the one to pull it out of my boxes.

Cheeks flushed red, I swiped it from his hands, saying, "Oh, these are just some old collecti-"

"Dude," he interrupted me, "I think I had these same ones." Then, he winked at me.

I didn't know what to say except let the red in my cheeks fade away.

Joey was more outgoing than me. He went to every event this week. And, he would always go out of his way to say hi to me when I showed up to some of them - even when he was getting along with a group of friends he had made. So, I was partly surprised when he decided to stay in with me today. I turned my head to look at where he lay on his bed.

"Any plans today?" I asked.

He fluttered his lips and put down the book he was reading on his bare chest. I hadn't noticed he had taken shirt off. It was my first time seeing him shirtless and I was surprised to see him pretty fit. He wasn't muscular in the way his sleeves would bulge from his arms, but he was toned, with abs that looked natural on him. He was also tanned from the summer.

"-today." I finally heard him say.

"I'm sorry, what?" I didn't even realize he started talking.

He turned his face to me and smirked. "I said, it's too hot today. I'm sweating just laying here."

"Me too," I responded.

"Yeah, I don't know how you even have a shirt on," he said.

I shrugged. I wasn't embarrassed of my body, but I also wasn't used to showing it off to others. I worked out and was toned enough to spare a few glances from others in the locker rooms. At first, I could have thought that Joey's comment was a signal for me to take my shirt off, but I brushed it away. I did only just meet him, after all.

Anyways, he got up out of his bed and started pacing the room. The little I knew about Joey already was that he was never still for too long. His legs bounced when he sat and he kept a fidget toy on the keychain he looped around his belt loop. Now, he started casually juggling a soccer ball he had stolen between his feet. He wore loose, short basketball shorts that hiked up his thighs each time he kicked the ball. "I'm bored," he said, without looking up.

"Wanna go out into town?" I offered, not really wanting to, but I also hadn't spent much one-on-one time with Joey and figured it wouldn't hurt.

But he shook his head, still focused on the ball. "Too hot."

"Into the dorm?"

He shook his head. "Too boy-ish."

I laughed and agreed. "What do you want to do then? We could do something in here."

He looked up at me intensely with those brown eyes. "How about a game?"

I lifted an eyebrow at him. "What game?"

He rubbed at his chin, like a cartoon character thinking. "Hmm, a card game?"

"Do you have cards?"

"Uhhh, no. I was hoping you did."

I chuckled and shook my head at him. "Any other ideas?"

"How about truth or dare?"

"I haven't played that since I was in middle school," I said.

"Come on," he whined, "It's the perfect vibe for it."

"Fine," I gave up for him.

Joey, then, sat cross legged on the carpet and patted the space in front of him. "Well, let's do it right - middle school, sleepover style."

I slunk off my bed and sat across from him.

"Okay, but before we start-" he put a finger up "-let's make it more exciting."

"Like how?" I said, doubtfully.

"If you refuse to answer the truth, you have to do the dare no matter what it is. And vice versa if you refuse to do a dare."

I furled my brows together. "So, if I choose not to tell a truth, I could be forced to do a shitty dare?"

"Exactly," he said mischievously.

My heart started to quicken with excitement. I was suddenly more awake. I smiled at Joey. "Okay, let's do it. You ask me first. And I choose truth."

"Okay, okay," he said, rubbing his chin in thought again. After a while, he asked, "Have you ever not washed your hands after taking a shit?"

I raised a brow. Pretty tame, I thought somewhat disappointedly. I answered immediately, "No. Never."

He nodded in approval. "Good. Just wanted to make sure where we stood on basic hygiene. And, I choose truth, too."

"Uhhh," thinking of something good was a lot harder now that it was my turn. I also didn't know how much I could get out of this guy I just met. "Do you think our RA is attractive?" I finally asked. Apparently, the RA was infamous on campus. Especially for having sex with anything that breathed.

Joey cocked his head from side to side. "Honestly, no," he said, "He's got greasy hands."

I actually laughed out loud. "What?"

Joey shrugged. "Check it out next time."

I laughed again. "Okay, my turn. I'll go with truth again."

Joey rubbed his palms together. "When was the last time you jerked off?"

I cleared my throat. He asked it so casually. I almost didn't answer, but it was only the second question and I was scared of what dare I would have to do if I refused. So, I said, honestly, "Yesterday."

"Where? Here?"

"That's more than one truth."

"Fine," he groaned. "My turn. Truth."

I decided to push it a little farther. "Have you jerked off with me in the room since we've moved in?"

Joey's cheeks went a little red, but he said confidently, "Yes I have. Sorry, if that's weird, but I had to let it out."

I laughed and put my hands up. "Hey, I don't mind. Trust me, I get it."

Joey smiled back, the redness gone. "Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with a dare this time."

"Yes!" He cheered. "Okay, umm, I dare you to - flash your ass out in the hall."

"What if there's someone out there?"

He shrugged with a devilish smile.

I didn't want to seem boring to him. Plus, I'm sure the halls have seen worse. So, I walked to the door, opened it, and quickly pulled my sweats over my ass. Luckily, no one was outside. So, I shook my hips a little, which made Joey give me a round of applause. I pulled my sweats back and sat back across from him.

"Dare," he said.

"Okay, I dare you to go commando."

"Easy enough," he said. I watched him as he got up and, for a moment, I thought he was going to pull his shorts off right in front of me. Instead, he went to his open closet door and hid half behind it. I could still see most of his body though, as he turned around and pulled off both his shorts and boxers. His ass was white compared to his dark tan. He quickly pulled up his shorts and sat back down. I thought I could see one of his balls peeking out of his shorts, but I didn't want to stare too long. "Truth or dare," he asked me.

I shook my head to focus. "Dare, again."

"I dare you to wear my boxers. Only my boxers." He handed them to me.

I wanted to go behind the closet door like he did, but he sat in between it and me. And he was waving the boxers in front of me already. So, I just turned around to pull my sweats off and pulled his boxers on, trying not to imagine his dick being just on it, so I didn't get hard. I took my shirt off too, which honestly felt good with the heat. I could feel Joey's eyes on me as I changed out of my clothes. I turned back to him, to find a smirk on his face. His boxers were the plaid kind that were loose, with a pretty big opening in the center to piss out of (not that I know anyone who used it that way).

"What?" I asked, thinking my dick was popping out of the boxers.

"Nothing," he shrugged, "Just that you have a good body."

"Thanks," I said shyly. I cleared my throat quickly. "Okay, your turn."

"Alrighty, I'll choose truth."

I cursed inwardly. I was liking the direction this was going in and didn't want him to choose truth. Still, though, there were a lot of opportunities and he was pretty honest with me so far. I asked him, "What is guaranteed to give you a hard-on?"

"Oo, good question," he said and I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't too much. "Honestly, I'd say I'm pretty into public stuff. Like the idea of jerking off in public always makes me hard."

I tried not to imagine it, but it was hard not to. "Have you ever jerked off in public?" I had to ask.

"That's more than one question," he teased.

"Come on," I pleaded.

"Fine," he relented, "Yes. Once. I was on the train-"

"Woah-"I began.

"But!" he defended himself, "There was no one else in the same cart when I started. But right after I came, someone sat right next to me and I thought the smell of my own cum was so obvious, they knew what I did."

I couldn't help but imagine it and I had to tug at my - his - boxers to hide my growing bulge. Joey looked down as I did it, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he asked, "Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?"

"I'll do truth," I said, glad to get my mind off my own dick.

"What's your body count?" he asked.

"Oo, I don't think I'll answer that," I tried teasing, as if the number was huge. Truthfully, I've only ever gotten one handjob, from a failed high school relationship with a girl.

"Then, you'll do the dare?" he said with a smile. "No matter what it is?"

I hesitated. He could make me do anything right now. "Yes. I'll do the dare," I said.

He rubbed at his chin. "I...dare you to get hard right now, but you can't use your hands."

My cheeks flushed a bright red. "I - I don't if I could do that."

Joey shrugged. "You said you'll do it."

"Fine," I groaned, looking around the room to see how I could get myself hard. The truth was that it would be pretty easy. Joey was leaning back on his palms right now and there was a growing sheen of sweat on him that caught in the gray light outside, accentuating the shadows of his abs and toned arms. Just looking at him, I could feel myself getting harder by the minute. Soon, enough my dick was bulging in the boxers. It was the hardest I had been in a while. I was scared my dick might pop right out the hole in the middle.

Joey whistled. "Impressive," he hushed.

My face was still red with embarrassment, but it also had the heat from being horny now. I tried to ignore my boner and the smile on Joey's face and said, "Okay, I did it. Your turn, while I try to get this thing back down."

Joey chuckled. "Okay. Dare."

I wasn't sure how far I could push this man. But I was already hard in front of him. So, I went out on a limb and said, "I dare you to be naked for the rest of this game."

He smiled, as if expecting it. Without hesitation, he slipped off his basketball shorts, revealing a fine cock. He wasn't hard just yet, but his dick was plumped up, against a small tuft of brown pubes. It was clear that he shaved pretty regularly. Joey stretched his legs out in front of him and let his dick be fully out, as he leaned back. "What do you think?" he asked.

"Is that my truth?" I teased, but it was clear what I thought. My dick was still hard as ever.

He smirked. "Okay, your turn."


"I dare you to get me hard - without using your hands."

My dick jumped at that. It opened up a world of possibilities. I held myself back, though, and aimed for a subtler tactic. I stretched my legs out and rubbed my leg against his, feeling his leg hairs rub against my shin. This made his dick twitch a little. Then, I let my own cock, hard as a rock, pop out of the boxers and played with it - all while rubbing my leg against his. Joey's cock hardened. It didn't take too long for it to be fully up and shining with precum. I went wild, knowing that I was able to make him hard, just by him watching me play with myself.

He smiled slowly. "That was good. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said.

Joey didn't say anything at first. He just reached down to his own cock and rubbed his thumb over the growing precum on its head. Then, he reached his arm out to me and said, "Lick it."

I crawled over and slid my tongue over his thumb. It was salty - both from his own precum and his sweat. Joey let out a soft breath - almost like a moan - at that.

I sat back. "Your turn."

"Dare." He said quickly.

"I want you to rub your cock against mine."

There was no hesitation as he sat up and situated himself, so he was on his knees, his knees straddling my hips, as I lay back on my elbows. He leaned forward so his hot breath hovered against my lips and pulsed his hips. I felt his hard cock and abs, pushing against my own. I was leaking precum too, at this point. And his and my precum worked well enough for lube so our dicks slid smoothly against each other. As he pulsed back and forth, he hushed over me, "I dare you to kiss me."

It was easy for me to reach up. It was a sweaty, salty kiss. Both of us were more focused on our pulsing dicks. "Suck me," I told him.

He did. But he enjoyed his way down first. He kissed along the side of my neck, down my chest, over my nipples. Then, he slid his tongue over my abs, until he made it to my thighs. He used his arms to spread my legs open, as he kissed my thighs, balls, and then - finally - he wrapped his mouth around my dick. First, he just sucked the head. But just that was enough to let out a groan. His tongue slid around the rim of my dick and sent a shiver through my body. He pulled his mouth out, just for a second, to tell me - "Mouth fuck me."

I did. I thrust my hips up and down, jamming my cock into his open mouth. I was raging hard and I could feel the back of his throat everytime I thrust up. He let out a soft gag, but went right back to swallowing my dick. I was close to cumming, but didn't want to just yet. "I want to suck you," I said.

He looked up at me and growled, "Dare me to."

I smiled and said, "I dare you to let me suck your cock."

Joey stood up and I could see the sweat building up on him. All his muscles were flexed and rippling with his fast breaths. I went on my knees and put his cock in my mouth. It was salty with precum. I hadn't given head before. At first, I could only take half his dick, but he wrapped his hands around the back of my head and thrust his hips, so his full cock went in me. I gagged, but the extra spit made it easier. I could smell the musk of his pubes as I went back and forth. I must have been doing a somewhat good job because Joey started moaning, deep and soft groans that could probably be heard from the room next door. I started jacking myself off, while I sucked him. I had never been so horny and I was so close to cumming. Joey must have sensed it because he said, "Wait. I want you to cum on my dick."

I stood up, so we could rub our cocks against each other. He was stroking both of them with one large hand, the other gripping me by the shoulder. I was letting my hands rub all over him, down his abs, over his ass, up his back. Our breaths were hot against each other. It was all too much for my body and I could feel myself about to cum.

"Cum," he whispered into my mouth.

And I did.

I released several, long white ropes of cum all over his dick and abs. It caught in his pubes and dripped into his belly button. Joey wasn't done yet though. He pushed down on my shoulders, so I went on my knees and he said, "Suck me."

I wrapped my mouth over his dick, covered in my own sweet, salty, sweaty cum. I could feel Joey's body begin to flex and harden. He let out a loud moan, his thighs hardened like rocks, and he let out this cum onto my tongue and in my throat. I didn't swallow just yet. I stood up and started to kiss him. I spit the cum - his and mine, mixed together - into his mouth and we made out, letting the cum and spit drip out onto our faces and chests.

Below, Joey was still holding onto our two cocks, still plump and wet. He was rubbing them, more softly this time. I never could keep jacking off after I came. My dick was always too sensitive, but I let Joey jack me off, even though the head of my dick was sending pulsing waves into my body. It was too much in a good way. I had never felt the feeling before. Though I thought it wasn't possible, I came again, all over his stomach. My body was spent.

He smiled in between making out.

"Let's play this again, yeah?" he said.

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