Summer Job


Published on Jun 24, 1999


I have written this continuation based on requests I have received via email. I hope you enjoy it and thanks to those of you who wrote me.

Summer Job Part II

After our encounter that afternoon, I could not good help but see my strange guest again. I went to his room around 9:30 that night. He answered the door wearing blue umbros and a white cotton T-shirt. When he saw me those beautiful lips parted revealing his elegant white smile. I could not help but smile back as my heart began racing a bit.

He invited me in. He offered me a glass of wine from the bottle that he had opened a short time ago - Blanc Du Blanc De Bordeaux an excellent French white wine. We sat and talked for a little while. It turned out that Jason, I was glad to get his name finally, was in town visiting family and friends for the extended weekend. He is one of those people who would much rather stay at a hotel when visiting relatives than with a bunch of screaming kids and such. It turns out that his family was having a get together that day and certain people would be there that he did not get along with and felt it best to spend the day away from potential family drama. Perfectly understandable as I also do not get along well with certain people in my family - namely my father.

We decided that we did not want to hang around the hotel for the evening. He was not much into going to clubs and such. I suggested just going for a drive. He thought it was a great idea. I love to ride around in a car. When I was young my parents used to put me in the car and drive around at night until I fell asleep. My former boyfriend and me would spend the weekends driving to all sorts of places and I liked looking out at the landscape and buildings as we passed.

We headed downstairs and he asked if he could drive. Not a problem for me. Although I do admit I was somewhat apprehensive about riding around with someone I barely knew. We got into his blue Jeep Wrangler. The top was already taken off along with the windows and such. It was a perfect night to take a drive. I was about 70 degrees out and calm.

We headed out. I asked him if we would be going any place in particular. He said there was a place he knew of from growing up in these parts that he wanted to show me. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "go for it". We started driving west towards the coast.

As we drove, we talked and laughed. It turns out that Jason is a really a very entertaining guy. He had me laughing and smiling the whole time. Which is somewhat rare, as I am not a very smiling person. It is not that I do not like to smile or never smile, actually I am told I have a charming smile. I am just not one of those people who walk around with a perpetual grin on their face all day long. Some people mistake this for being pissed or something when I am actually usually very happy and content.

The moon was almost full but not quit that night. We drove along and I sat back and felt the wind whip through my hair and flow across my face. I stuck my head out the side and heard the thunderous rush of wind as we rushed through the night. We turned off the highway and onto a road, which ran somewhat parallel with the coastline. We were on that road for about 20 minutes when we turned off onto a smaller road, which was really not a road at all. I became a little concerned but I had never been off-roading before and welcomed a new experience. I enjoyed the uneasiness of the ride - the jauntiness. We continued for about 3 or 4 minutes heading straight toward the water. He stopped in front of a sand dune. At that point he got out and removed a black duffel bag that had been located behind his seat. Jason slung it over his shoulder and motioned me to follow him with his arm.

We hiked over the dune and down a semi steep path to the beach. It was remarkable. The part of the beach we had come to was cut off on two sides by these huge rocks. That, along with the small trail we just came down in essence turned this section into a secluded little cove. I walked toward the water and admired how the moon reflected in the waves and ripples of the water further out. I savored the feeling of the gentle seabreeze caressing my arms, face, and legs. The wind had a slight nip to it, which sent a wave electricity through my body. I closed my eyes and listened to the waves lightly crash onto the shore. I took delight in all of this. This had to be one of the most romantic and serene places I could ever imagine - it was hard to believe it actually existed.

While I was enjoying the scenery with a child's fancy, Jason had opened the black duffel bag. In it was an oversized beach blanket which, he had lain out well away from the surf. I walked over, took my shoes and socks off, and headed back to the shoreline. I wanted to see how the water was. When I got there, I dipped my foot into some of the oncoming surf. The water was a moderate temperature - a little on the cold side for my preference but, overall rather pleasant.

Whack! I felt this slap on my shoulder.

"Tag! You're it," he said with a fox-like grin on his face.

Jason had also removed his shoes and was now running away from me following the edge of the water. No way he was going to get away from me. I pursued him up and down our little cove for several minutes but he managed to allude me ever time I got close to catching him. We laughed aloud as we chased each other around like school kids. I finally was able to catch him.

I caught his arm and said "Gotcha!"

He stopped and turned around breathing a little hard. As he did, the moonlight was reflected in his dark eyes. I slowly moved forward and allowed out lips to touch for a few moments. As the kiss broke off, he smiled at me in a way that made my heart melt. I turned around and trotted back towards the water. As I did so, I took off my shirt and tossed it toward the blanket. I stopped just at the surf's edge. I allowed the breeze from the water to glide over my torso.

Then two warm hands embraced me just below my rib cage and above my hips. He slid his hands around until his fingertips meet at the center of my stomach. Firmly he pulled me back closer into him. I felt his chest come into contact with my back. He had taken his shirt off as I could feel the warmth of his skin against mine. He was warmer than normal from all the running around. His hands wandered up my torso to my pecs where he began to rub and caress. I felt his warm lips touch the base of my neck as he began kissing it. His kisses moved over to my shoulder. I was becoming very relaxed and at ease. His mouth rounded the top of my shoulder and proceeded back to my neck heading for my ear.

As his lips progressed my body tensed up when he got to the spot halfway between my ear and collar bone. He had found one of the most sensitive parts of my body. Whenever a guy kisses me on that part of my neck I become paralyzed. He felt my reaction, paused at that spot, and continued kissing and massaging the spot with his tongue. I let out a slight moan. His accomplished tongue continued to my ear where he sucked on my ear lobe before sliding it into my ear. With that I arched up on my tiptoes. My god did he know all of the right spots. By this point my cock had grown fully erect. He too noticed as his right hand had slid down and began rubbing it through my shorts. I could feel his hard shaft pushing into my backside through his thin umbros.

He turned me around and placed his arms around me as he started kissing me. I had his weird feeling of safety being in his arms. As we kissed our hands roamed over each other. I felt firm ass and tight broad back and shoulders. He took my hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the top of it. Jason then took my hand in his and turned and lead me back to the blanket.

We sat down on the blanket. Jason asked me with a coy grin to lay back. I did as instructed. He continued working his magic at my neck where he left off. His mouth covered ever inch of my neck then torso. As he did, I allowed my hands to run through his hair. He found another one of my spots as his tongue flicked like a snake's across my nipple. I pulled his head into me as he began sucking and cautiously nipping at it with his teeth so as not to cause pain but arouse and entice me more. I could not wait to have him. The foreplay was turning me on in a way I never imagined.

He worked his way down my stomach to my shorts. He unbuttoned them slowly and slid them off me revealing my blue silk boxers. He put his mouth over my cock and blew his warm breath through the think material. His hands slid from my inner thighs up under my boxers until they reached my prick. He began fondling my balls with one hand while the other began stroking my shaft. As his hands worked, he kissed my navel and stomach. I laid there with my hands behind my head and enjoyed the attention I was being paid.

Within minutes, my boxers were removed and my whole body was exposed to the night air. He too removed his remaining clothing. He knelt down and his face went back into my crotch where he began licking my balls. Taking each one in his mouth and rolling them around with his tongue. The sensation was exquisite. I began to arch my hips slightly upward in response. My lover continued up my body and lavished attention to my dick. I must admit that I am more used to performing oral sex, not having it performed on me making the whole experience even more remarkable. He was masterful in his technique. His lips applied firm pressure as I watched his head slowly bob up and down as he took it all the way down his throat. Relaxing as he went down and sucking hard as he came up. I could have allowed this to go on for hours but my friend had other plans.

He straddled my body and sat down on my stomach. His marvelous eight inch thick dick stood there in front of my face. He took it in his hand and slapped my chest with it - over and over. Asking me "Do you want this fat dick?". I wanted to have it in my mouth so bad. I reached up to grab it so that I could stroke it. I encountered opposition as his hands intercepted my wrists and forced them back to the ground where he held them in place. Now he was hunched slightly forward. He beautiful cock was just out of reach of my tongue. He refused to move forward. I begged him to let me taste it. I wanted it so bad. After pleading with him for a minute he slowly moved his hips forward, still pinning my wrists down, allowing half of his penis into my mouth.

My tongue had free reign as it touched all it could. I wanted more and he could tell. His hips moved forward a little more pushing more of that dick into my mouth. His hips moved back and then forward again each time pushing his cock further and further into my mouth and down my throat. Moans of pleasure escaped his lips as I enjoyed the excitement of being dominated by him. This went on for several minutes. I could tell he was getting close to orgasm by his quickening breaths. He stopped before climaxing and released my wrists from his grip.

He crawled over to the duffel bad and got out a small bottle of ID lube. He put a generous amount on his index finger and started rubbing my hole. The coolness of the lube made me shiver. I had not expected to be in this position but certainly did not mind. Slowly he probed with one finger and as I became accustomed to it, he inserted a second one, then a third. He was making sure that I was relaxed and ready to take him.

I was ready and could not wait any longer to feel him inside of me. I sat up and got on my hands and knees. He needed no more prompting. He pushed his hard prick against my ass. There was a slight discomfort as the head went in but after that no pain. He pushed until he was all of the way inside of me. The feeling of fullness was fantastic. He started out with a relaxed rhythm but steady increased the pace. Each stroke consisted of the full length of his manhood starting with the head of his cock and ending with his pelvis pounding into my ass. I began supporting my body with my right arm in order to have my left hand free to jack off.

The ramming went on for at least 15 minutes. I knew I was close but I did not want it to end this way. I had him stop and I turned over on my back. I placed my lower legs on his shoulders. He pushed his dick back into me and leaned forward so that my thighs were almost parallel to the ground. He started fucking me just as he had been a moment ago. The feeling in this position was different and incredible in its own respect.

Both of us began breathing faster and shorted breaths. I knew we would climax soon. Looking up and seeing him over me was thrilling. I started stroking my cock. He asked where I wanted him to cum and I told him inside of me. I felt my balls tighten and I knew I was at the point of not return. I began shooting cum all over my chest - up to my neck. It came out in several thick streams. Just as I had began cumming I heard him grunt in delight as he filled my ass. I could not believe it - we had gotten off at the same moment.

After kissing for a few moments and enjoying the after glow, we cleaned up with some towels he had brought. We decided to enjoy the night while it lasted. So we curled up in the spoon position and pulled part of the blanket over us. He put his arm around me and held me. I felt safe and protected in his arms. We fell asleep to the crashing waves several feet away.

I woke just as the sun began to rise. The sky was filled with brilliant shades of purple and pink. My slumbering friend woke and sat up next to me. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder as we watched the sun rise. Afterwards, we got in the jeep and headed back into town.

Perhaps the good thing I felt between us would grow and foster. However, the only people who know the answer to that are him and time.

--- SWH

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