Summer of love

By The Y2K Hottie '-

Published on Mar 22, 2000



Legal Disclaimer: Ok you all know if you are underage then you shouldn't be here, let alone reading this story! But I won't stop you. I know how horny some of you young shits are! So enjoy this, just don't get caught!

Authors Note: Ok be easy on me, this is my first attempt at writing a gay story. Please note that this story is not just based on SEX! It will be based on a relationship. I plan for this story to continue for a quite a while, but a story's got to end sometime, right? This story is half fiction, half non-fiction. These characters are real as real can get, but everything that happens to them does not necessarily happen in real life, and the places I have put them in the story are not the real places in which they take place. Any similarity of these characters to those who you may know, is merely a coincidence. (LOL Get that?) Anyway I will accept all critism positive or negative, but if its negative please use your common sense! I won't reply to those who are highly rude and vulgar.

( wow! I sound smart with all those big words I'm using don't I!) Anyway spark it at, Enough said, ENJOY!!


It all began 3 years ago, the summer we were both 17 . . . .

I decided that June, being I had expensive tastes in a lot of things, and my parents were too damn cheap to raise my allowance, that I was going to find a summer job.

One of my aunts, on my Dad's side, was only a few years older than me so we grew up close. Known to me as just Dawn, without the appropriate prefix, never minded my unique name for her . The Apollo Flame, the ritzy, classic style Greek Restaurant, where she called work, had a job opening. I asked her to put in a good word for her hard working, detitcated, young nephew.

I guess I should introduce myself. Its, Jillian Harvard III, but Jill is just fine. Many females at my school were attracted to my 6'2, 180lb. frame, my short dirty blonde hair (naturally a light brown), and my attractive brown eyes. I thought my eyes were my best feature, amoung other things '-) I considered myself goodlooking, proud when I looked at a mirror, and able to pick up any girls I want. Although, girls arn't what I want.

You see, I knew I was gay, around 14, and started to fantasize about guys non-stop by 15. I was jock, go figure! How many queers were the Captian of their Senior Football teams 2 years in a row? And moved up from quarterback to fullback in just 4 games? And nominated MVP? Not many probably.

I had Jason, my best friend, completely fooled. He never suspected a thing. It was the most natural thing to me, I didn't have to try to hide it, I just DID.

And the one other thing.... flamers are a total turn off. I'm only attracted to those who are masculine, with a lean, chisled, and defined body. My its getting hot in here!!

Anyway.... Dawn got the interview for me no problem. Little did I know that this job, would change my life forever . . .

"Well, Mr. Harvard, I was very impressed with the interview, and you shall recieve a letter of recommendation within a couple business days." replied the boss, Mr. Brooks.

I stood and shook his hand. "Thanks for taking the time to see me, Mr. Brooks, I really appreciate it."

"And that politeness you got there, son, will get you far in life. Your chances on getting this postition are quite high." he flatly stated with a broad smile on his face.

"Thanks again." I replied and stepped outside his office. I had a really good feeling about this, I was so excited, I felt like screaming!

As soon as I got home I called Jason. "Hey dude! Whats up?"

"Hey Jill! Not much . . .h' bout you?"

"Well I got a job!

"Really where??" Jason seamed really proud of me.

"At The Apollo Flame, downtown."

"No WAY! Thats like the most preppy joint in town!"

"I know! Isn't that cool!"

"Yeah dude, thats awesome!"

"I gotta where this uniform, its kinda cool though . . . ."

"I didn't know you have to wear a uniform just to wash dishes!"

"I don't wash dishes ASSWIPE! I wait on tables...." I replied, matter-of-factly.

"Oh really, you? Wait on tables!" he replied laughing.

"Whats so funny?"

"Nothing . . .when do you start?"

"Well . . .umm . . .I don't have it yet . . ." I replied

"I thought you just said you had the job?"

"Well no I had an interview . . .but it went really well, he said I was perfect for the job!

"God your such a sucker! Of course they'll tell you that!"

"Well whatever, I think I got it . . ."

"Well next time tell me when you got the job, I gotta go . . ."

"Ok, hey! The boss said that I'd a letter of recommendation in a few days so there!"

"Well I'll believe it when I see it! Gotta go" And with that Jason hung up. Sometimes he could be suck a jerk! Oh well, what could I do?

That thursday I got a phone call, from Mr. Brooks himself. "Mr. Harvard, this is John Brooks calling from The Apollo Flame, in regards to our interview 2 days previously. I just wanted to call you and tell you myself that I have picked you and one other to add to my waitering crew." "Really?! That's totally awesome, Mr. Brooks, thank you, so much!" I was so happy I got the job, although I kinda knew I had it comin'! "Well you should thank yourself, Jill, I was very impressed with your interview." "Thanks . ." was my only reply. "I would ask that you start work this Monday morning at 10 am, sharp." "Ok thats great!" "I will also ask that you stop by sometime Saturday afternoon, and pick up your outfit." "Ok will do, thanks again, Mr. Brooks" "Jillian, call me John please, and no problem!" "Um, John can I ask you one more question, before I let you go?" "Sure . . ." "Who was this other one you hired?" "Oh yes, that's another thing that I wanted to tell you. . . . he's a handsome young boy, much like yourself, that I hope you will work with, be a team, K?" Man it sounded like this young much-like-myself kid was a total loser, and he knew it, too. Maybe it was his own kid? "Sure, Mr. uh . . John" "I'll see you on Saturday, Jillian. Bye now . ." "Goodbye . ." As I placed the reciever back in its place, I couldn't stop thinking about this kid. What if he was a total freak! That would totally ruin my image. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey boner, guess what?" "What the hell do you want now?" "Fine then I won't tell you." Jason was laughing. "I was just kidding, what?" "I got the job." "Really, Jill? Thats great!" "You think so?" "Yeah, you need to keep your mind occupied . . ." "Whats that suppose to mean?" "Oh nothing . . ." "Whatever. Anyway I have to "become a team" with some loser that he hired, and he wants me to be his friend, it kinda sounds like his own kid or somethin' . . ." I said, kinda of sullenly. "Well look on the bright side, you won't have to do all the work your self . . ." "Well what if he's a total freak, a nerd, a geek, a wiedro?" "Then I guess he'd be perfect with you! Nobody would even notice!" He replied laughing so hard he dropped the phone. "Bitch." "Whore!" "Cunt" "Pimp!" "Cock Sucker" "You wish!"

The weekend flew by and before I knew it I was in the car, freshly done up in my uniform, and on my way to work in my, '83 jag. The whole time I was driving on the way to work, I was constantly worrying about this kid I was supposed to team up with, I was so intently nervous about the situation . . .I was litterally being stupid, there's probably nothing to worry about . . .Oh god who was I kidding, my luck sucks! I'm gonna be stuck with the ugliest, zittiest, boniest, freak, in town!

As I pulled into the parking lot of my new found "work", there was almost nothing I could do to make my heart stop beating so hard. I opened the door, and was immediately greeted by Mr. Brooks.

"Mr. Harvard, I was expecting you."

"Hi John, so what do I do?"

"Are we that eager to start?" Mr.Brooks replied laughing, "Since this is your very first day in the job, I want you to take it quite easy learning a little as you go, and I also want you to meet your acomplice . . .HEY JOHNSON! Could you come out here a moment?"

"Well his name ain't bad . . ." I thought to myself. As I stood there waiting for my life to be ruined, I saw the hottest hunk I have ever seen in my whole life. He was around 6' nicely built, with the cutest face. His hair was a light brown, ceaser style, and had dark brown eyes, and his full lips formed a delightful smile.

"Mr. Johnson, I'd like you to meet, Mr. Harvard."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Harvard" he said with a wink. God! I was dying inside!

"The pleasures all mine, Mr. Johnson . ." I replied, giving back a wink.

"Well now that you 2 boys have met, I have some work to do, so you both are free to go back in the lounge and get to know each other a bit better . . .afterall you will be working together for the rest of the summer." And I was not about to assest to that, I could be stuck with this piece of hot flesh for the rest of my life, and I wouldn't fact I'd really like that! Mr. Brooks had left, the hot stud had started to speak.

"Come I'll show you the lounge, its really cool, comfortable furniture, and an N64!" he seemed to have a real cheery attitude. I could tell I was gonna like this guy! "By the way...," he said, "My names Justin . . ."

"Hey Just, mines Jillian, you can call me Jill . . ."

"Darn, my name should have been Jack, then we'd be a real team!" he said.

"Ya right!' I replied laughing.

"So you play football, Jill?" he asked me, showing that killer grin, again.

"Well actually yeah I do . . .why do you ask?"

"Your nicely built, ya look like a jock . .who do you play for?"

"The Cantonberry High Falcons . . ."

"Really?" he asked stunned, "We played them a couple months ago . .remember 24-5?"

"Oh yeah, I remember! We kicked your guys's ASS!" I replied laughing.

"Yeah you did!"

From that point on I had the hugest crush on this guy, and I'd do everything in my power to make him mine! TBC

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