Summer of Sex with Cowboy

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 6, 2021



Chapter 15

By Donny Mumford

Thursday morning of my third week as a pussy boy recruit, and I can hardly believe I've done it this long. Sitting at the counter of the hotel's cafe drinking coffee, thinking that, I changed topics, and I'm now thinking about my ass. Specifically, how incredibly resilient it is. Butt plugs, dildos, and Bruce's seven-inch cock stretching my anus for six hours a day the better part of three weeks, and yet, it's as tightly closed right now as it's ever been. My buttocks have been paddled unmercifully, and while they're not looking pretty, the pain is gone, and I'm very comfortable sitting on both cheeks as if nothing untoward happened to either one. And although it's not part of what I think of as my ass, I need to give props to my gastrointestinal tract because the every other day enemas Bruce gives me have had no noticeable negative effect.

Obviously, none of the abuse is helping anything, and none of it is recommended, but it's survivable. Saturday's paddling will challenge the resilience of my abused buttocks, although I'm optimistic they'll recover. Recovering from the pain, though, is another story. I don't see anything's to be gained from thinking about that, though.

Instead, I think about yesterday's mentoring. Bruce ended the training after two hours and introduced me to his druggie buddy, Bret, who sold me some premium cannabis. We drank some good scotch during that process and had a few beers as well. It was a very welcome relief from the four discipline days that began on Saturday. So, yeah, a welcome respite.

Today I meet another of Bruce's friends, Eli Barnes, who has been a pussy boy mentor/pimp a year or two longer than Bruce. Richard recruited him began before Richard opened that locker room business. Other than that, I don't know anything about Eli except he'll be stepping in replacing Bruce for one or two of my oral, anal sex training sessions. I'm looking forward to that because it's a change, and I've always appreciated some variety in my sex life. I'm sure Eli will fuck my ass really well, but I can't conceive how he could do it as well as Bruce. Afterward, I'll probably appreciate even more how lucky I am to have Bruce as my mentor.

After wildly overtipping the perky girl who served me two cups of coffee, I walk out of the cafe feeling better than I have for five days and better than I have a right to feel after what I've been through.

Ten o'clock sharp, I knock on Bruce's apartment door, and he yells for me to come in. He's in the kitchen making a mug of tea, wearing only his silky-looking women's underpants. Without needing to be told, I kick off my sandals, take off my shorts and shirt, then stand at attention. Bruce and his steaming mug of tea come from the kitchen to walk around me, checking me out looking for I can't imagine what.

Just to do something, Bruce pulls on one of the jockstrap's straps and, without a good morning greeting, says, "Eli will be here at eleven o'clock, and he's never late for anything, so I want to cover some important points with you before he arrives. He's my best mentor friend among the pussy boys; he's also sort of my idol. He'd be mortified, as would Richard if he knew the liberties I've taken avoiding some of the practices in the mentor's manual to make it easier for you. It's just that I want to impress upon him that I'm as stern a mentor as anyone, so do not mention we took yesterday off and had shots of scotch and beers with Bret or that you bought exorbitantly expensive pot."

Bruce is standing right in front of me now, adding, "And, while he's here, you can practice how humble you're going to be with Richard by acting humble and submissive to me. Please do not overdo it, though. Eli is as sharp as Richard at detecting bullshit phoniness." I say, "Yes, Bruce," and then he goes off the rails a little getting into one of his goofy-Bruce moments, "Whoa, but how about that Blue label shit Bret gave us! Can you believe that dog piss cost $275 a bottle? And those three beers too. Holy crap, I was hungover this morning, and I'm thinking, Omigod, Eli will be here, and I'm hungover. By the way, how was the three hundred dollar marijuana?" Bruce gets into a stream of consciousness mode like this occasionally. It funny and, um, innocent. I go, "It was awesome, and thank you for hooking me up with Bret."

Gulping tea, he says, "That was way too much talking, Zach. What did I tell you? When Eli gets here, pretend I'd never allow you to go off talking like that. Be humble and submissive to me." I try being humble, mumbling, "Yes, mentor." He frowns, then says, "Okay. At ease, um, and put your doggie collar on with the leash attached. We're not using it, but if it's on when Eli walks in, he'll assume we did the doggie roundabout already."

As I'm fastening my dog collar, Bruce gets the butt plug, saying, "I'm twisting in a Richard-size plug to impress Eli, so pretend you're used to it." I bend over, my hands on my knees, rolling my eyes. Damn, this isn't how I thought it would go this morning. I expected Bruce to be in a relaxed mood, but he's hyper about impressing his idol.

Then, all I'm thinking about are the last two or three twists of the butt plug being twisted in extremely tight, and I gasp and groan, "Oh, ow, oww! Please, Bruce." He mumbles, "Just until Eli leaves. Take your time straightening up; that's a big plug I twisted in there." I whine, "It really hurts, Bruce." He smacks the back of my left thigh, saying, "For Christ's sake, no whining!"

It takes me almost three full minutes to, little by little, straighten up to a partially upright position. Bruce mumbles, "Give your ass time to stretch out. You'll be fine." Drinking more of his tea, he sits on the couch with his laptop and hits some keys, muttering, "Walk around to loosen your asshole while I fill in some blocks on your progress report." Walking around the living room, I don't feel any loosening, and every step I take hurts. Sweat breaks out on my forehead as Bruce mutters, "Walk faster. I just filled in that we did the doggie walk around outside, so if Eli asks you, say we did."

Walking faster, I trip on the fucking leash and stumble into the threadbare armchair; Bruce looks up from his laptop, saying, "Watch where you're going."

This blows, but then it gets better when Bruce stands up, pulls off his women's panties, and says, "Practice how you're going to suck Eli's dick. No, I mean do the rimming first, then the blowjob." I get on my knees, grimacing as the butt plug digs in, and Bruce mutters, "This will do more to help my hangover than the Tylenol I took twenty minutes ago."

Wow, I'm always startled to see Bruce's adorable ass up this closely. Plump but firm buttocks and, considering how slim he is, by contrast, his buttocks seem even plumper than they are. Spreading Bruce's cute buttocks, I stare at his rosy-colored anus. It's very tight, immaculate, and smells like the rest of him; pleasantly boyish with a subtle hint of sexy youthfulness. Huh, when I was nineteen, did I think other nineteen-year-old guys had a similar scent? I don't remember ever thinking that. And, Richard's insistence that we pussy boys keep our bodies hairless is the one good idea he had among many bad ones.

Within fifteen seconds, I'm deeply into rimming Bruce's ass and not thinking about my butt plug anymore. In the background, Bruce is making quiet pleasure sounds. He likes me doing this as much as I like doing it. He's right; he and I are a great team.

That thought leads to a quick fantasy, a favorite one of mine, that Bruce and I are regular boyfriends with nothing to do with the pussy boys. We're in the most intense sub/dom relationship of all time. My tongue licking his asshole, his quiet moans of arousal, and my fantasy get my dick so hard it's straining in the cup against the straps of the jockstrap. I need to take my tongue away and gasp out a moan of arousal, joining Bruce's.

He takes the opportunity to step away, murmuring, "Give me a minute, Zach." Blinking my eyes, coming out of fantasy land, I look up and see Bruce holding his seven-inch boner in his fist, mumbling, "I almost shot my load. I want to save it for when Eli and I are doing a tag-team fuck on your ass." Huh?

With me still on my knees, Bruce walks around to lose the sense of impending orgasm, and I try adjusting my boner in the cup. In two minutes, Bruce's boner receded somewhat, as mine did as well, so he says, "C'mon over here and suck my cock, but stop when you feel pre-cum drolling out. I'll record a full oral sex session on your training record. If Eli asks, we did the full thing earlier." I do my rote response, "Yes, Bruce."

I can't decide if sucking Bruce's beautiful penis or rimming his hot ass is my second favorite sex act with Bruce. Him fucking me is the runaway number one favorite thing he does for me. When I lift his long penis with my fingers, it's not a boner, but it is still firm. I plop the head on my tongue and suck it into my mouth, then slurp on the head as If it has a delicious taste, although it's actually tasteless. I've sucked Bruces cock maybe thirty times, and there has never once been a drop of urine dried on it. He the cleanest guy I've ever been with sexually. Hmm, well, except for Richard's cock, Bruce's cock is the only one that's been in my mouth for over four years, so maybe I forget one or two other guys with penises as clean as Bruce's.

See, that's the thing, I haven't done the things I do with Burce since I was in Yale, and I didn't do a lot of it there. All the way back to prep school was when I did most of my oral sex, and teenagers aren't normally known for being fanatical about cleanliness. And, yet, Bruce is a teenager, a rather exceptional one for sure.

Sucking and licking Bruce's penis gets it very hard, and it gets mine trying to be as hard as his, but in a jockstrap cup, things are discouraging that. I'm gasping, spit drooling all around my mouth, so I take his boner out and push it against his belly to begin licking his balls. I stop, though, because a big glob of pre-cum from his cock is drooling over my fingers. I look up at Bruce, who has his eyes closed, taking deep breaths. I'm very aroused, but he said to stop when I feel precum on my tongue, and I'm sure that same stop order includes pre-cum on my fingers.

A pleasant submissive blanket slipped over me as I was doing this; although I'm so used to it by now, I only notice it when I hear myself speak in a timid, submissive voice, "Bruce, do you want me to stop?" His eyes blink, then he says, "No, not really, but stop anyway," and he steps back. I reluctantly take my sticky with pre-cum fingers away. We both take a deep breath, then he says, "You do that very well, so I hate to criticize, but you weren't doing some of the tricks from the cock sucking video."

Sitting back on my heels, I go, "I'll do them for you next time, mentor, but I wanted to give you pure pleasure this time, and I know by now what you like the most." He mumbles, "I'll say you do. C'mon, stand up." Grimacing, I stand slowly, remembering the big butt plug now that I'm not enjoying Bruce's ass and cock with my tongue and mouth." Bruce twirls his finger in a circle, saying, "Walk around some more. Get used to that big butt plug, and don't step on your leash again. I want Eli to think you wear that size plug all the time."

Christ, he's always trying to impress somebody. Plus, he seems uptight, and I thought this was going to be a relaxed day. It's ten minutes of eleven, so I don't walk around for long before Bruce says, "Eli will be here in a couple of minutes. Stand in your corner so when he comes in, it'll look like you're being disciplined." I hesitate, and he yells, "Now, recruit! Goddamm, don't make me tell you everything twice."

This isn't anything like I hoped it would be. I get in the corner with my nose touching and stand almost at attention. Bruce hurries getting his pants back on, then goes to the bathroom. He always leaves the door open, and I hear him pissing. A nervous piss, perhaps? There's a knock at the door, and Bruce yells, "Stay in the corner, Zach." I hear the water running as he washes his hands, then he's running to the door.

Bruce says, "Eli, dude, welcome! Thanks for helping me out." They're silent for a second, so I supposed they hug. A second later, I hear a wet kiss sound and then Eli's voice saying, "Any time for you, Brucie." Brucie?

Eli has a musical-sounding voice, very clear and youthful sounding. He asks, "Where's the recruit?" Bruce probably pointed at me, 'cause Eli says, "Oh, there he is. Yeah, ha-ha, well, that's a damn good place for most recruits, huh? What'd he do?" Bruce mumbles, "He didn't respond to something I told him to do, but never mind him, come in the kitchen, and we'll have a mug of tea."

I hear them moving as Eli says, "Tea? Are you a fag or something?" and they both laugh. Bruce says, "I have instant coffee for you." I hear a chair scraping on the floor as one of them pulls it away from the table. They're talking, probably catching up on what they've been doing the way friends do. I can't make out the words, but I hear the laughter. The teapot whistles and the refrigerator door opens and closes.

My earlier submissive sense drifted away when I was walking around the room. However, as always happens when Bruce puts me in the corner, a deep submissiveness slides over me, which I figure is why he put me here. He doesn't trust me to be fake being humble to his friend. Bruce is sneakier and smarter than I give him credit for. At the tender age of nineteen too. Jeez, I can't help admiring him and look up to him even though he does things like put me in the corner when I haven't done anything to deserve it.

The longer I stand here, the deeper I sink into submissiveness. I guess it's been at least a half-hour before their voices tell me they're coming back into the living room, then I feel a strong grip on the back of my neck turning me around, and see Bruce standing there looking serious. Oh, I'm looking at Bruce, so the hand on my neck is Eli's. My mind is not exactly a steel trap when I'm dizzy with submissiveness.

Still tightly gripping my neck, his strong hand forces me to turn my head, and there he is. And, now I know why he's got me hunched over; Eli is only about five-foot-eight, stocky, and strong-looking. He has dark brown hair, an ashen complexion, and dark blue eyes. That's a striking combination; dark hair, very whitish pale complexion, and big dark blue eyes. Unfortunately, it's wasted on Eli because his pug nose doesn't go with his wide mouth and oversized chin. His facial features don't go together.

He says, "Whoa, fuck, Bruce. This dude is good-looking! He'll attract the old guys for sure. What is he, twenty-three?" Bruce says, "That's the thing, he just turned twenty-eight." Eli goes, "Get the fuck outta here." Bruce shrugs, "Yeah, I know. Richard never recruits over the age of twenty-five, but as you said, he looks twenty-three." Still gripping my neck Eli drags me to the balcony's sliding glass door, into the bright sunlight, and looks me over. Letting go of my neck, he pats my shoulder and says to Bruce, "Christ, dude, you're going get rich off this motherfucker. His body is hot too," and they both laugh until Eli says, "How the fuck did Richard pass on this stud?"

Bruce says, "I haven't figured that out. He is trying to get him back, though, but we're outsmarting him. Aren't we, Zach?" I mumble, "Yes, Bruce." Eli keeps staring at me. Then he frowns, "Um, Bruce, buddy, what size plug do you have in our boy here? He can't stand up straight." Bruce is like, "Of course he can. Attention!" With a grimace, I stand at attention, the butt plug painfully digging into my prostate."

Eli makes a 'face' and walks around behind me. Putting his hand on my shoulder, he says, "Bend over." I look at Bruce, who mutters, "Go ahead," so I bend over, and Eli goes, "This plug is huge, Bruce." Then, "And what the fuck happened to his ass? I've never seen black and blue, purple, and this dark green color on anybody's buttocks before. Holy shit!"

He starts twisting out the butt plug. Bent over with my hands on my knees, my eyes go to Bruce again, like, 'what should I do?' He nods his head, mumbling, "It's okay." He walks behind me, saying, "I paddled him because Richard put me on probation and Zach on discipline week. That's what I was gonna tell you..." and he tells Eli what happened during Richard's inspection fiasco.

What relief when Eli gets the butt plug out. He pats my back, saying, "Jesus, you've had a tough time of it, dude." Then to Bruce, "Yep, all that paddling is pure Richard. I'll bet you anything he thought you would fail, and when you didn't, he turned it into a self-fulfilling prophecy by baiting our boy here into contradicting him. Wow, that was a weak-ass reason to put you on probation, though."

Initially, I thought Eli would be a prick, but he's turning out to be a sweetheart. Bruce says, "Yeah, well, as I said, we've got a plan to outsmart him." Eli tells me, "Recruit, c'mon out on the balcony with us," and I look at Bruce, who makes a 'go-ahead' wave with his hand, and we all go out on the balcony. Bruce says, "Sit here, Zach," and I sit next to him, our sides touching, and he tells Eli our plan for making me super-humble.

Eli's expression is like, 'Are you out of your fucking mind???' So Bruce is like, "What? Zach hates Richard, and it shows in his eyes. You know how Richard can read our eyes." Eli goes, "Bullshit! He reads what he wants to see, whether it's what we're actually thinking or not. He's the ultimate con man, Bruce." Bruce looks around as if somehow we might be overheard, and it'll get back to Richard.

Obviously, Bruce is subservient to Eli, which makes sense since Eli has been with the pussy boys before Richard starting his Atlantic City division. Bruce told me that Eli had been a pussy boy two years before Bruce got recruited. Then, as if reading my mind, Eli says to Bruce, "When Richard first started recruiting guys, he was in college working out of his apartment. His stepdad gave him, um, I guess sort of a franchise deal. Back then, Richard wasn't the tyrant he is now, though. If he were, I would never have gotten involved. So, I knew him before his so-called eye-reading bullshit started. He does it because it intimates all you Atlantic City recruits."

Bruce goes, "If you say so, Eli, but he sure seems to be able to read minds. Anyway, you don't like our plan to outsmart Richard, so what do you suggest we do?" Eli takes what looks like a prescription bill container from his pocket and says, "Give him a drug, what else? We're not living in the fucking dark ages doing that medieval torture shit, Bruce. There's a drug for every-fucking-thing. Give him the right one, and your boy here will be as humble as a lamb." Bruce goes, "Oh, shit, I never thought of that." Then to me, "It looks as if you're not gonna need that paddling." Am I projecting, or does Bruce seem disappointed?

Eli puts his pills away, saying, "Not one of these pills, though. These are to get high on--simple meth, which is the opposite effect you want. Your druggie buddy, Bret, can get you something like Droperido, which causes mental detachment and indifference. Ya know, so your boy here will be like... whatever." Bruce is nodding his head at Eli the way I nod my head at Bruce. He says, "Wow, perfect. I'll see Bret tomorrow; thanks, Eli."

I want to kiss Eli on the mouth. I'm so thrilled I won't need to suffer that horrendous paddling! This is awesome.

Eli stands, saying, "You should have talked to me about this situation you've got with Richard." Bruce also stands, so I do too. He goes, "I should have called you, but I'll bet Richard would have found some reason to put me on probation and Zach on discipline week no matter what we did." Eli mutters, "Unfortunately, you're probably right. But, hey, aren't I suppose to fill in for one of your sexual activity sessions?"

We go inside as Bruce is saying, "Absolutely, and thank you for doing this. I'll need help for the next three weeks." Eli looks at me and says to Bruce, "Please take that ridiculous leash off him, and I can tell without touching it that his dog collar is too tight." As Bruce unhooks the lease, he says, "But the manual says specifically that..." Eli interrupts with, "Fuck the manual. You need to use common sense, Bruce. There's no common sense in that piece of shit manual. And, by the way, Richard's stepdad wrote most of it thirty barbarian years ago. Richard simply updated some of the wording."

Brue looks befuddled as he goes, "But, what..." and Eli says, "No, I'm not being critical, Brucie baby. You're doing great. He's your first recruit. You'll learn," and Bruce goes, "I've gone easy on Zach. Haven't I, Zach?" I go, "Yes, Bruce."

Eli is loosening my dog collar one notch, mumbling, "You're doing good, um, for your first try at it." Bruce goes, "Thanks," and Eli adds, "I'll tell you one thing, though. You're fortunate your boy here isn't younger because if he were, he'd have bailed out of this two weeks ago, or maybe never returned for day two," and he chuckles. Bruce mutters, "Fuck, and I thought I was easy on him."

Looking me in the eyes, Eli has a smirk on his face, mumbling, "Nice jockstrap, Zach. Which dipsy dumpster did you find it in?" He chuckles again, patting my shoulder, then, as casually as can be, he drops his shorts and says, "Show me you love me, recruit. Lick my balls."

I glance at Bruce, and he's nodding his head, saying, "Well, what are you waiting for? Show him." Getting right down on my knees, thinking Eli is my savior, I start by craning my head back as far as I can between his legs, my nose against his cock and my tongue just reaching his asshole; I start there and drag my tongue, keeping pressure on it, across his perineum to the back of his scrotum and up his average-sized ball sack, pushing on his nuts as my tongue drags over to the front of his scrotum and up to the base of his chubby five-inch penis. His body jitters as he goes, "Holy fuck!" Then he shivers, laughing and adding, "Bruce, you've done a great job getting your recruit to embraced his trade."

This isn't going to be my trade; it's my hobby. I'm feeling fond of Eli and want to thank him by doing the best blowjob and balls washing I can. Doing long licks on his scrotum, being sure to move his balls around in there gets Eli chuckling and rubbing my head and shuffling his feet, muttering, "Jesus, umm, ahh, ahh, ooh, fuck, that's great." After two minutes, his balls are vibrating, and I take his cock, which is fairly hard already, into my mouth and lap the head, then my lips slide up and down the shaft taking all of his cock except three-quarters of an inch inside my mouth each time.

Eli lasts about ninety seconds and, while laughing and going, "Omigod, ahh, ahh," he shoots his load down my throat, then steps back, pulling his cock from my mouth. Sitting back on my heels, I'm disappointed he blew his load so quickly. Then, I notice I don't have a boner as I always get when blowing Bruce. Eli is exclaiming. "Bruce, dude, you've done a spectacular job of getting your boy to buy into what we're selling." He laughs again, adding, "That blowjob will sell." He often laughs as if this is all one big party. Bruce is the opposite, treating this as serious business.

I don't know what the fuck to think by now, not that that's a new condition for me since becoming involved with this pussy boy business. Bruce looks proud as he shrugs, saying, "Nah, it's mostly Zach being experienced and, um, he kind of likes to please me," and he rubs my head as he often does. Hell, I'm still high about not needing to be paddled on Saturday, so it's all good.

Pulling up his shorts, Eli goes, "Whew! That was worth the trip right there." Bruce looks over at him, and Eli goes, "Don't look concerned, Bruce, I'm still gonna give your boy a good hard fucking, maybe two." He laughs again, then adds, "In an hour or so, though. No sooner, 'cause your boy drained my balls dry." Then, to me, he says, "C'mon, stand up and get us all something to drink." I look at Bruce, and he says, "Yeah, get us all a can of Mike's Hard Lemonade. There's a sixpack in the refrigerator. What the hell? It's almost noon, so not too early, and a little alcohol will hit the spot."

Eli sits in the rickety deck chair on the balcony, Bruce sits on the rickety chaise lounge, and I pass the cans of hard lemonade out. Bruce says, "Sit here, recruit, and light us a couple of Cigarettes." Eli, waving his hand at the secondhand smoke, goes, "Gee, you guys probably hadn't heard about the research fifty years ago that shows cigarette smoking causes cancer." Bruce and I inhale deeply, then as he's exhaling, Bruce goes, "Huh, no shit? It hasn't caused any in Zach and me yet."

Of course, Eli laughs at that; he laughs at everything. They talk about being in Florida together doing a video, which gets Bruce laughing the same loud way I heard him laugh earlier when I was standing in the corner. I've made Bruce laugh a few times, but he doesn't laugh a lot. Eli wants to hear about Bruce and my first night, and when Bruce tells him all the stuff he told me that first night, Eli almost busts a nut laughing, saying, "If Richard knew you told a recruit that shit the first night he'd cut your balls off." Brue is like, 'What? Whaddaya mean?"

I'm enjoying a loosened dog collar and no putt plug; thank's to Eli.

And, of course, I say nothing, but it's entertaining watching and listening to these two friends. Obviously, Eli thinks Bruce is as clueless as I did that first night. I also sense Eli sees, as I do, that Bruce is basically a good guy albeit misguided in his enthusiasm for the pussy boy enterprise and, um, not overly brilliant. Eli, on the other hand, doesn't appear to take anything seriously, including himself. Perhaps he understands he's basically a gay pimp, which, I wouldn't imagine, boosts one's self-esteem.

And, I'd have had an entirely different experience being mentored by Eli. I'd never have gotten involved with him the way I have with Bruce. In addition to Bruce being somewhat cute and, at times, reminding me of Cowboy, I'm attracted to his bossiness and seriousness. And, sure, he can be clueless at times as well, which is kind of endearing. Mostly, though, it's a mystery why a person is attracted to one individual and not another. Perhaps that's because subconscious factors are involved. All I know for certain is, I'm infatuated with Bruce.

And, Eli laughing at everything would prevent me from getting the submissiveness sense toward him I have for Bruce. The submissiveness I feel toward Bruce is just as enticing to me as Cowboy claims his submissiveness was toward Ricky. And, like Cowboy, I don't know why that is, but it is what it is just the same.

Finally, Eli says to Bruce, "Is Zach safe? You're doing him bareback, right?" Bruce nods, "Yep, plus he was tested a week ago, and he's good to go on that front." By now, I'm used to these pussy boy guys talking about me as if I'm not here or as if I'm an inanimate object. Eli goes, "Get him lubricated, and I'll take his ass for a trial run." Bruce looks at me and nods his head in the direction of the bathroom. I mumble, "Yes, Bruce," and hurry inside to lube myself as I hear Bruce saying, "He'll suck you off good to get your dick nice and hard." I don't hear what Eli says 'cause I'm in the bathroom now.

Bruce fucking me is always my first choice, but I'm excited to feel a different cock inside me. Even though today didn't start very well, this is turning out to be the relaxed day I expected it would be. With my ass full of KY Jelly, I hurry out of the bathroom and find Eli and Bruce in the living room. Eli has his shorts and underwear around his ankles, and Bruce is on his knees sucking Eli's dick. Eli pushes his head away, mumbling, "Zach's back," and sitting back on his heels, Bruce says, "I've always liked sucking small cocks," and they both laugh their balls off.

Catching his breath, Eli motions with his finger for me to get in front of him. I do that and drop to my knees, feeling my cock firming up in the jockstrap. It's getting hard 'cause I'm thinking about sucking Eli's cock that's now wet with Bruce's saliva. Picking up his slippery, slightly firm cock, my cock quivers in the cup as I put Eli's saliva-covered cock in my mouth and suck on it, licking at Bruce's saliva. Immediately, I get a raging boner, half of it poking out the top of the cup, and I grimace because that hurts. Eli says, "Drop the cup under your nuts, recruit."

Without taking his cock from my mouth, I quickly and gratefully do that, and he mumbles, "Feel better?" I nod my head and get all five inches of his cock in my mouth, the head going in my throat. Ha, Bruce's dildo work teaching me how to deep throat has paid off. I'm gagging a little as Eli humps his hips a few times, pushing the head a half-inch deeper in my throat as he says, casually, "You've got him deep throating already, I see." Bruce, who never actually had success with my dildo deep throating, and got frustrated because of it, says, "Oh, yeah, I got him doing that at the beginning of the week."

Pulling his hips back and then pushing them forward, Eli fucks my throat a half-dozen times, then laughs and says, "Motherfucker, I think I'm gonna cum again." Then he steps back and pulls his cock out. That five-inch stubby, pudgy penis of his is rock-hard and sticking straight out from his hairless groin. He goes, "Stand up, recruit, and turn around." I do that, and he mutters, "Too tall," then he says, "My mistake, get on all fours."

Dropping to my hands and knees, I push my ass up, curving my lower back the way Cowboy does it for me, and Eli goes, "Jesus, Bruce, you've done a helluva job training this guy." Then I feel his chubby cock spread my anus and, a second later, he pushes in two inches. Pain bursts on the scene, and I try embracing it but grunt and gasp anyway. Eli grabs my hips and shoves his boner in all the way with firecrackers going off in my head. I grunt and gasps again as Eli says, "He takes it pretty well, Bruce, but then, he is used to your cock and the extra inches."

They both chuckled at that, then Bruce mutters, "Christ, I'm getting a boner watching an expert top like you fuck a willing bottom. I'm proud of the way my boy loves taking it up his ass, but then, he loves it."

Eli mutters, "Cha-ching, that'll serve both of you well money-wise," and he begins hard thrusting. All five-inch thrusts with the 'Slap' sound accompanying each one, and my grunts soon turn into moans of pleasure that I try being cool about. I don't want to embarrass Bruce by acting as if it's unusual to be fucked this well. "Slap, slap, slap," for a delicious five minutes, and then I can't hold off my climax, and as I'm making quiet gasping, breathy sounds, my cock fires a good hard stream of cum on the floor.

I shudder and shake a little for a few seconds as those ripples of pleasurable after effects sizzle around my groin. I feel Eli's orgasm a fraction of a second before I hear him hissing, "Sssss... Aaah, oh fuck," as he humps against my butt cheeks, filling my bowels with semen. He gasps, then pulls his cock out and goes, "Nice! Really nice ass on your boy here." He smacks my buttocks, then says, "Oh, Jesus, I didn't mean to do that." Bruce goes, "It's okay, Eli. His butt cheeks look fucked up, but they don't hurt now."

Bruce hands Eli some tissue, and he wipes his dick as Bruce tells me, "Zach, clean yourself up in the bathroom." I mumble, "Yes, Bruce," and get right up. cum drooling out from my ass to jog into the bathroom. Eli's saying, "You've done a great job of..." but that's all I hear. It was obviously a compliment from Eli to Bruce. I feel good Bruce is getting some recognition. He's made mistakes, but overall I think he's been a well-meaning effective mentor.

We have lunch on the boardwalk, during which the guys discuss Eli sticking around for a tag team fuck. Of course, I'll be the fuckee. They make two twenty-dollar bets for a game they call musical chair fuck, which I've never heard of, but they don't bother explaining it to me. They're chuckling about Eli losing money to Bruce in Florida in a musical chair bet using one of Eli's boys as the fuckee.

Inside, Bruce tells me to strip, which I do. They don't, though; they stay fully clothed, pulling their dicks out through the fly of their shorts. Bruce says, "On your knees, recruit." I do that and then suck one dick, then the other, getting hard boners on both mentors. I got a wicked hard boner myself that's pointing up, tightly against my belly during that process. They're joking back and forth, flipping a coin to see who goes first. Bruce wins the coin flip, so he gets to fuck my ass for five thrusts, then Eli gets five thrusts, then Bruce, and so on until one of them blows his load up my ass. The first one to climax is a winner of twenty bucks, and whoever's cock is in me when I climax is the other winner.

From what I gather, mentors play this game whenever they get together, and someone's recruit is available. For obvious reasons, the game needs to involve bareback fucking, but these guys are tested for HIV regularly, and more importantly, so are all recruits. Bruce leans me over the kitchen table bringing back bad memories of my paddling, but this is the opposite of that. I'm ready and anxious to be fucked. My ass has plenty of lube inside from when Eli fucked me two hours ago.

When Bruce mounts me, it hurts initially but not as bad as when Eli did it earlier. Eli's fat boner loosened me up back there, and my asshole hasn't fully tightened back up yet. The extra looseness lessens the pain of Bruce's big cock opening me up again, but I'm not saying there was no pain. I had to use a lot of willpower not to scream out loud, not that either Eli or Bruce wasted one second worrying about me being in pain. There is lots of smack talk taunting each other as their boners hump very hard and fast in my ass.

It was glorious from my point of view. I liked both of them, and they both sure know how to fuck a guy's ass. Long, fast, hard thrusting from Bruce as he goes first, them both calling out the number of each thrust, "One, two, three, four, five," and he pulled out. Eli plunges his hard cock in and, laughing, they call out, "One, two, three, four, five," as Eli thrusts his chubby five-inch boner back and forth in my ass. Oh, man, I can't stop moaning at the intense pleasure sensations coming from my rectum. And everything is so much better without my cock and balls confined in that jockstrap cup too, plus my loosened dog collar. This is great!

I moan openly, "Ah, ah, ooh, mmm," although they pay no attention to it, they're having too much fun ragging on each other's fucking techniques. I think they're both genius tops, one with a fat hard five inches and the other with a normal circumference cock, but two inches longer. I'm in my glory getting fucked humiliatingly by two hot young guys taking turns. They're having a great time doing it, too... meanwhile, my sexual arousal is off the charts.

My climax is building at an alarming rate, too, though. Building and building until I'm gasping, almost frightened at the force it's grown to, and then BOOM! I fire off my climax, the stream of cum burning as it exits my dick at the speed of light. Bruce cheers because it was his cock in my ass when I blew that load. He was doing the second thrust of his fourth turn.

The squeal I made when the enormous sensations of climax soared over me was embarrassingly girlish-like, but I was very turned on as these two take turns fucking me. It was a totally new experience. My climax still has me shaking and shivering with pleasure thirty seconds later. They paid no attention to that and continue taking turns until the sixth round when Bruce won again. His boner blows a huge load of cum up my ass, and his hands go up in the air as he yelled, "YES!" and pulls his cock out with cum dripping off it and drooling out of my ass at the same time.

Eli yells, "Foul! You had an extra turn," and he shoved his boner inside me, it slipping easily in, sliding in Bruce's creamy cum. Eli humps his boner and blows his load into my bowels during the fifth and final thrust of his sixth turn, yelling, "It's a tie!" He pulls his cock out, slathered with Bruce's and his own cum. They high-fived and laughed as I lay on the table, cum drooling down the back of my legs, me still quivering from that awesome twin fuck.

It's a tie, but Bruce still wins one of the twenties for making me climax during his turn. They do a quick guy hug, mumbling, "That was a blast." Bruce gets him and Eli a beer, and they head for the balcony with Bruce saying over his shoulder as he walks out of the kitchen, "Zach, clean your cum off the table and then clean yourself up. Put your jock on, and join us on the balcony wearing only your jockstrap." Balls!

After using disinfectant spray and six paper towels to clean the tabletop, I go into the bathroom smiling at how good this day has been. Taking my time, I clean my ass and the back of my legs, take a piss, and then wash my face and hands. Sighing, I'm again smiling that I won't need to be paddled. That's an enormous relief, and Eli's idea of me taking a pill is genius. He's been a big help to Bruce and me, especially me.

With another sigh, I pull on my jockstrap and adjust my junk in the cup as best I can. Then, walking through the living room, I hear Bruce yell in, "Lube the butt plug that's on the coffee table and bring it out here, Zach." Looking over, I see a medium-sized plug and pick it up, making a 'face.' Back in the bathroom, I lube the end of the plug really well and, resigned to wearing it, I take it with me to the balcony. Eli is sitting in the chair and Bruce in the chaise lounge, like earlier.

Bruce motions with his fingers for me to give him the plug, and I do, then immediately bend over with my hands on my knees. As Bruce screws the butt plug-in tightly, Eli tells him about a Florida video shoot the week after next, saying Bruce should ask Richard if he can attend that shoot. He goes, "I'll lend you, Chico, to watch your boy for that week." Bruce, screwing in the last three painful twists of the plug, pats my ass, saying, "Do your standing exercises slowly. That plug is really in there." Then to Eli, he goes, "Holy shit, Chico! Christ, he'll go to town on Zach." I take a few steps away, still bent over, and start lifting little by little.

Eli laughs and goes, "Yeah, Chico will fuck your boy plenty, but that's a good thing during week five, right?" Bruce snickers, "Yeah, I guess so," then he and Eli laugh, muttering, "Fucking Chico and his horse dick." I have no interest in Chico, whoever the fuck he is.

It takes me only two minutes to be standing up straight. Then, I get in the attention position as I'm used to doing for Bruce. Dammit, though, my balls are in an unfortunate cramped position in the jockstrap's cup. The mentors ignore me and reminisce about Eli mentored Bruce for a week, which gets them laughing again. All this laughing by Bruce is a new side of him, one I'm happy to see, although it's his serious side that gets me aroused. He's acting more like a teenager with, basically, a superior. Eli is twenty-one or two and has been with the pussy boys twice as long as Bruce.

After like fifteen minutes, Bruce says, "At ease, recruit," and sends me for two more beers, and when I'm inside, Eli yells, "And get one for yourself too." Back out on the balcony, Bruce has me sit next to him, which means right against him. I like that because I like being right next to him as tight as he'll allow. It also means, leaning over to be against Bruce, I'm mostly sitting on only one side of my buttocks, relieving the butt plug pressure somewhat. He puts his arm across my shoulders for a squeeze, but without saying anything to me.

That's okay, though, because the shoulder squeeze tells me I'm doing good. I grin, leaning against him even more as Eli tells Bruce about a recruit sent to the Bahamas. He goes, "You know, to the a pussy boy toy factory there. It's a factory in a sense; it's an assembly line where buses of gays on vacation can walk through getting blow jobs or stick their dicks through holes in hammocks with pussy boys being disciplined lying in the hammock, their asshole on the other side of the hole." Bruce mumbles, "Yeah, I heard about that house of horrors."

Eli says, "This boy is only there for a month, but it'll be a month of doing twenty blowjobs a day, seven days a week, and three-to-five fucks a day for no money. No money for him, but the factory charges those vacationing homos plenty to tour the factory." Bruce goes, "Yeah, I've heard rumors."

Drinking some of his beer and waving at Bruce's secondhand cigarette smoke again, Eli says, "I hear they feed the disciplined guys pretty well and test them every three days. It's like the recruits either straighten up or escape to be homeless refugees on the island." Bruce says, "Not only recruits, though, right?" Eli shrugs, "I guess anyone Richard decides needs reeducation he'll send down there." Bruce shudders and says, "I'll bet those that finish their punishment are a docile bunch when they return." Eli laughs, "Yeah, you can say that again. I had one about a year ago. We discovered he kept some of the money due to his man, meaning me, and doing some work on the side too. Richard sent him to the Bahamas, and I never saw or heard from him again."

Finally, Bruce wants my cell phone. Immediately, I get up to get it. I hand it to Bruce, and he explains he's putting Eli's number in it and my phone number in Eli's phone. "Zach, Eli is your backup mentor. Ya know, if I was to get hit by a bus or whatever, he'll contact you with instructions for where to meet him. Probably in Philly. We'll make it official when we see Richard Saturday." That gives me a scary feeling in my balls. Seeing Richard hasn't worked out well for me recently, but I brighten up, again remembering... no paddling.

I stare at Bruce until he says, "Gee, you're so obvious, Zach. Okay, you can sit with me." Eli laughs, mumbling, "Goddamn, you the man, Bruce. Your boy loves his mentor." Bruce shrugs, and Eli adds, "That's kind of amazing considering how hard you are on him." Bruce rubs my head, saying, "You like that I'm hard on you, don't you?" I nod my head, "Yes, Bruce," and he gives my shoulders another hug. See, I'm not humiliated being treated like this by a nineteen-year-old boy. I've had humiliation weaned out of me by Bruce. I don't care much what anybody thinks as long a Bruce is pleased with me.

Bruce lights a cigarette and gives me one, so I sit up to smoke it and grimace as the butt plug grinds into my anus. Bruce and I inhale deeply and smoke our cigarettes in about five drags; then, he sends me for more beers. Around four o'clock, I again suck both guys off. It takes some lapping at their cocks first, though. They used these same cocks to fuck me in the musical chair fuck. Eli leaves after hugging and kissing Bruce. I'm stunned when he doesn't even say goodbye to me, but it's probably some mentor protocol involving recruits.

Then, I've bent over again, my hands on my knees, so Bruce can untwist my butt plug, saying, "Excellent day, Zach. I'll be writing up the report for Richard emphasizing you're doing week four sessions already." The plug out, I stand and hug him tightly, the side of my face against his. He's stiff at first because recruits aren't supposed to touch their mentors unless told to, and then he hugs me back, murmuring, "Okay, okay. I know how you feel about me. That's enough, though.."

Letting go of him, he says, "Tomorrow we'll see my druggie buddy and get you the perfect drug for Saturday's meeting with Richard." I nod, "Yes, Bruce." He says, "And from now on, I want you to wear your dog collar around the clock, same as the jockstrap." I nod my head, "Yes, Bruce," hoping he won't tighten it, and he doesn't. I'd like to stay with him longer, just the two of us, but he ushers me out the door, saying, "Ten o'clock sharp tomorrow." I can hardly believe it's Friday already. Time is speeding up on me the more familiar Bruce's mentoring becomes. I really like it, and him.

Walking to the car, I'm groping my crotch, trying to get everything in a more comfortable position in the cup, but other than that, I'm feeling high, feeling good. Things are working out okay. Eli's a good guy, even though shorter guys don't normally do it for me sexually. That may be one of the reasons I lost my interest in Richard so quickly. Plus, Eli would never bring the kind of sexy submissive feeling I get with Bruce. What am I saying? I wouldn't be doing this if he were my mentor, good guy or not. It's Bruce for me or nobody.

After taking off my dog collar, I shower, wash and dry my jockstrap, then put my dog collar and jock back on, and walk to the beach, anxious to see Cowboy and Lee. Passing the grumpy beachboy at his rental stand, I shoot him with my forefinger and thumb, saying, "How ya doing today, grumpy?" He frowns at me, then goes back to reading his paperback book. Ha-ha, that's quite a personality he's got going for himself. His face would crack if he smiled.

I do my usual walking up behind the boys as they're sitting ultra-close together in their beach chairs and hug around both their necks and kissing them on the cheek. Lee goes, "Is that a dog collar you're wearing, Zach?" I sit in the chair Cowboy rents for me and go, "Why, yes it is. I think it's cool." Cowboy says, 'So do I. Where'd you get it?" I go, "It's my buddy's. He let me borrow it." The weather is in the low eighties, a nice ocean breeze, and sitting with these two delightful, innocent boys is quite a contrast to my secret life, although both lives I'm living intrigue me greatly.

Lee eats with his family tonight, so Cowboy and I go to the Italian restaurant we like and get half smashed drinking at the bar there before sitting at a table and having another drink before dinner. We're talking mostly about Ronny and the times we remember the best. Both of us shed a tear or two but very glad we're together at least. Back at the hotel to wash up before Cowboy meets Lee. We're feeling especially tight after the reminiscing at the bar about Ronny and kiss, which leads to another and another until I grab a condom, pull my jock down under my balls, and roll the condom on as we stagger around, ending up just inside the bathroom. I fuck him standing up with our shorts around our ankles.

Omigod, it feels good topping Cowboy again. The jock cup under my ball, substracting some from the experience. Cowboy gave up wearing the jock he swore as a joke that night a week ago, but he never questions why I'm still wearing mine. He gets very aroused, his five-inch cock so hard it's sticking straight out when he shoots his cum at the sink in the bathroom. It splatters, his cum does, and some spray droplets come back, bouncing off his boner. I hump my cock up his ass for another thirty seconds, and then worlds collide as I fill the condom with my jism.

We're both gasping for oxygen after that five minutes of hot sex. He goes, "Fuck, I didn't realize how much I missed that, Zach." I go, "And you didn't even get your spanking." He snorts out a laugh, saying, "Beggars can't be choosy." We wash up, and he hustles out, late meeting Lee, shouting over his shoulder, 'Thanks, Zach!"

I'm a little drunk but still feeling good. I mean, this was an enjoyable day. Yeah, I've admitted to myself a hundred times that I'm oversexed, and I'm not doing anything about it either.

To be continued...

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