Summer of Sex with Cowboy

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 8, 2022



Chapter 35

By Donny Mumford

Cowboy, Lee, and I leave the beach at five o'clock. Then, back at the apartment, the boys shower together and immediately leave to have dinner at Lee's house. They'll be sleeping here tonight, though. I seriously enjoy their company, and I'm so glad they're back, but I still turned down the invitation to join them for dinner. Lee's old man is a grump, and, as much as I don't care for eating alone, that's what I'll be doing again tonight. Also, haha, Mr. Patrick gives the boys those super short haircuts every ten days or so, and I don't want to get mixed up with that craziness. Mr. Patrick is not one to take 'no' for an answer. Cowboy goes along with the haircut insanity because to him; everything is a lark, and, I suppose, he's supporting Lee by not causing a fuss about it.

Another reason I didn't want to get hung up at the Patrick's having dinner is I'm antsy to try hooking up with Jon tonight. He has no idea I'm planning to do that, and I'm not sure he's even available tonight. This afternoon, looking at Lee ignited my horniness for Jon because they look alike, and their body types are similar. I've been getting my rocks off lately, being fucked by tops who are about half my size and years younger.

Yeah, I still want to top, but not with Jon because he's feisty enough to have real dominant potential, and I'm missing gooey submissive trances and all the sexuality I get from that. It's been a while now since my last really good sub/dom fuck. Too long, actually.

Then, as I drink three Budweiser beers and smoke cigarettes on the balcony, I start vacillating between hunting up Jon tonight or waiting until tomorrow or seeing him both times. It's too late to hook up with a date on the pussy boys' Atlantic City site, and there weren't any handsome guys available on that site anyway. The hit-and-miss chance of hooking up with a street pussy boy isn't very enticing after all the trouble I had trying to do that the other night. So, my best bet is Jon.

Before I do anything, I should eat something for dinner. It's seven o'clock, but what is there to eat? Hmm, looking in the freezer, I see three frozen Angelo's Chicken Parmigiana dinners. Oh, yeah, Bruce bought frozen dinners for a night we didn't feel like cooking. That would be every night as far as I'm concerned. Fuck it, though; I microwave one of the frozen dinners. It's convenient and turns out to be tasty too. Bruce knows about shit like this... my man!

After washing up and brushing my teeth, I go right to my car and drive to Jon's dumpy apartment. Second-guessing myself again, I park across the street and sit here looking at his apartment building, hoping he'll walk out the front door. Gee, Danny said he might visit this weekend, but it's Friday, and he hasn't texted, so maybe next weekend. He's a hottie, but what would I do with him tomorrow night? Take him with me to meet Bruce in Philly? Hmm, that doesn't sound like something I'd want to do.

Well, I don't need to worry about it since Danny's not gonna just show up here without first texting or calling. And, dammit, Jon isn't going to walk out the door, so I work up the nerve to get out of the car and walk across the street. The lock on the apartment building's door is broken, so I go inside. Jon's front door is one apartment to the right. Taking a deep breath, I knock, and a second later, Peanut, with a puff of smoke coming out of his mouth, says, "What the fuck do you want?" He's another skinny motherfucker. He has a tiger tattoo on the side of his skinny neck, making the tiger look skinny, plus his breath smells like a marijuana fire sale with everything going up in smoke.

Rolling my eyes, I go, "Is Jon in?" I hear Jon from somewhere inside say, "Zach?" It reminds me of Bruce saying my name sounding incredulous at the funhouse as if he couldn't believe it was me. I yell in past Peanut, "Yeah, it's me... do you wanna come out and play?" He comes to the door pushing Peanut out of the way, telling me, "C'mon in." Peanut says, "You're not using our room, Jon. I've got company coming over any minute now." Jon goes, "Fuck you then." He looks around, then asks Benny, "Can I use your room, bro?" Benny goes, "Ask Corndog. Um, except he's sleeping in there, so he'll probably be pissed if you wake him up. Which one of you motherfuckers has weed?"

I nod my head at the door, and mumble, "Come outside, Jon." I'm thinking, hell, we can use my place. Outside, sounding very much as if he's talking to an underling, Jon asks me, "What is it now, Zach? I'm trying to hook us up with some 'effing place to fuck." I'm like, "Hey, be cool, okay? Do you wanna earn some money?" He shrugs, I guess," and I go, "Good, I wanna pay you some money for another good fuck on my ass, but I don't want to stay here, so we can..." and he interrupts me, pointing at me, "What the fuck? You didn't do what I told you!" I'm like, "Whaddaya mean?" He goes, "You didn't get a pussy boy haircut, and I emphatically told you to."

Oh, for Christ's sake, I forgot all about that. I go, "Fuck that! C'mon to my place. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Nobody will be there until later tonight." He says, "Listen, Zach, if you want me to service you, you've gotta do what you're told. You know that as well as I do! Bruce drilled that into your brain; I know he did."

Omigod, he off in delusional-town again. I'm nodding, as if he's making any sense, then mumble, "Yeah, uh-huh, right. Sorry," and he pokes my chest with his little index finger, saying, "Okay for tonight, but Saturday morning, tomorrow morning, I want you at a barbershop." I go, "Yeah, sure," and then notice he's barefoot. I mumble, "Do you want to put sandals or something on your feet?" He mutters, "Huh? Oh, yeah," and he goes back inside. Some mentor... he didn't even know he was barefoot.

When Jon goes inside, Benny comes to the door. He's still only wearing the jockey underwear he had on when I was here eight hours ago. He looks back in the room, then back at me, and says, "Hey, dude, I can fuck you up a helluva lot better than Scheyer can, and I'll only charge you fifty bucks." I go, "Yeah? Well, why the fuck didn't you say so when I was here at noon?" He scatches his hairy chest, muttering, "I didn't think of it then, and I hadn't had breakfast yet." I shrug, mumbling, "Well, I already asked Jon to do it." He goes, "No shit, dickhead, I meant tomorrow." His breath smells like cereal.

There is no way in hell I'm getting fucked by this hairy fat motherfucker, but no need to be rude about it. He says, "So, how about it? Not too early in the day, though, 'cause I sleep late. I'm in between jobs at the moment, um, recovering from an accident." I nod, "Sorry to hear that. I shouldn't come in the morning, huh?" He nods, then goes, "Yeah, like two or three o'clock, and you'll need to provide the condom. Um," he scratches his balls inside the jockey underwear and adds, "I guess what we'll do is, you give me the fifty bucks and, um, yeah, I'll fuck you up good in my bed. We can do it naked, or any fucking way you want." I nod again, then Jon pushes Benny out of the way and says to him, "Did you just proposition my 'effing John?" Benny makes a face, muttering, "No fucking way, dude. What kind of a guy do you think I am?"

Jon grabs the back of my neck, "Get moving, Zach." I take two steps, and he asks, "What'd you say your last name is?" I tell him, then say, "How about if you stop all that grabbing the back of my neck shit, okay?" He takes his hand away, muttering, "You're gonna end up standing in a fucking corner if you aren't careful."

Getting in the car, I'm like, "Jon, can we both agree that I'm not your recruit? I'm your, um, client, alright? I'm paying you, so lighten up" He goes, "Yeah, yeah, but dude, this is one badass car ya got here. I guess you do have lots of money. Listen, though, sure, you have the money, but I'd fuck you for free if you'd wise up and be my recruit. I'm just talking about a week or two, so I can impress Eli. How about it?"

Driving away, I go, "We've been over this ten fucking times already. I don't want to do it!" He mutters, "Well, maybe I don't want to fuck you then." I'm like, "No, don't be like that. I meant, um, I'd be your recruit for a week or so, except Bruce would spank the shit out of me. He might even dump me, and you forget that Bruce and Eli are friends, so they'd know." He mutters, "You're right, I forgot about that; hmm, I'll think of something. If not for that, though, you would be my recruit, right?" Glancing at him, I can't help noticing the similarities to Lee. Hmm, Jon might be even smaller than Lee. Shorter, I mean... they're both equally thin, um, skinny.

He asks again, "You'd be my recruit if there's a way to do it without Bruce hearing about it, right?" I'm psyched to get fucked tonight, so I go, "You're my man tonight, Jon." He looks at me, saying, "No shit, I know I'm your man tonight. I'm talking about you getting onboard spending a week or ten days with me as your mentor. Ya, know, I mean as soon as I think of a way to sneak it by Bruce. Once Eli takes me back, you go on your way being Bruce's bag-boy or whatever" I go, "Yeah, okay, but I'm in love with Bruce, not his bag-boy. You need to think up a foolproof way Bruce won't dump me." He can think until his head falls off, but there's no fucking way I doing any of that pussy boy shit anyway...

Jon's smiling, muttering, "Okay, good... that got settled easier than I expected. Heh-heh, no offense, but submissive guys such as yourself have a tough time saying 'no' to dominant types like me, and I knew you wouldn't be able to turn down the three or four fucks a night. Sure, I'll be upfront. One or two of those sex acts will be with a dildo, but it'll still be me doing the thrusting. The way I'll do it with you is the way Eli did it with me. I'll let you suck my cock as I'm leaning over you fucking you with a good-sized dildo."

That makes me snort out a laugh and mumble, "Holy shit, Eli wasn't messing around, huh?" He says, "No, and I won't either, but I'll be more considerate. I promise you at least two fucks a night using my pecker. Then, the other one or two times with a dildo while you're sucking on my dick. How's that sound?" I laugh out loud again, a terrific hardy laugh, then say, "Totally insane. That's how it sounds, my friend."

He shakes his head, "You'll see what you've been missing with Bruce as your mentor." I won't see shit because I'm not doing it, but for now, I'm horny, so Jon can daydream all he wants as long as he gives my ass a good hard fucking.

Inside my apartment building, walking up to the second floor, Jon says, "Ya know, Zach, your mentor Bruce fucked both of us up by dissing Richard on that video." Opening my apartment's door, I ask, "Whaddaya mean?" He says, "Richard was going to assign me to him. Assign me to Bruce to finish my training right after Bruce put you out on the street to do some whoring for him. I was three weeks away from getting back in the program, and then Bruce fucked everything up. You and I are presently out of the club, but I can get us back in." I go, "I'm not looking to get back in." He says, "What if Richard let Bruce back in too? Would you finish as my trainee if he was doing the training next to you?" I take a big breath and exhale it noisily but say nothing because I'm tired of this conversation.

Inside the apartment, Jon goes, "Would you?" I don't want to put him off too abruptly, so I mutter, "Um, I don't know, but I don't think Richard will ever forgive Bruce and me I." Jon looks around, then goes, "Holy shit, this is a sweet pad!" Taking a bottle of Bud from the refrigerator, I hold it up. Jon goes, "No, thanks. I don't drink beer." Neither does Lee, so that's another similarity. I've got to stop thinking of Lee in connection with Jon, though. They're two totally different individuals, except for their appearance, that is.

Jon asks, "Do you have a seltzer in there? Some kind of sparkling water?" Frowning, I mutter, "Seltzer? Why would I have that?" He goes, "I don't know. Just give me a soda, and then get undressed." Normally, the bossiness would be a positive, or it used to be anyhow. Now, though, after all his talk about me being a trainee, it's getting on my nerves. Handing him a Coke, I say, "I'll get undressed in a minute. For now, I'm going to have a cigarette and drink this 'effing beer on the balcony."

Popping the tab on the Coke can, he follows me out on the balcony, saying, "I can't help but notice that you're not playing the submissive role very well tonight." Leaning on the railing, I exhale a drag off my Marlboro cigarette, then say, "Yeah? I'm not sure why that is, but you're right; I need to get in a proper frame of mind. And, as you've figured out, I like the submissive role during sex. So, maybe if you'd save your bossiness for our sex, I'd be less snippy."

After hearing that, perhaps it's occurring to him that I might be changing my mind about, um, hiring him tonight. He moves to solidify that by muttering, "Ah, yeah, whatever. Not to be too pushy, but the hundred and a half is normally paid upfront."

Reaching in my pocket, I mumble, "Right. I want you to fuck me first, and I'll suck you off later." He holds out his hand. Then, with two one-hundred-dollar bills in his hand, he regains some confidence, saying, "I'll decide when you'll be getting fucked "

Huh, I'm looking at the money remaining in my pocket and see I'm getting low. I only have four hundred-dollar bills and two twenties left. He pockets the two bills, mumbling, "The extra fifty we'll consider a tip, okay?" Nodding, I get the strongest urge to kiss him. Putting my hands on either side of his face, Jon looks startled. I slowly pull his head up, so his Lee-look-alike face is up. After a second, looking into his eyes, I lean down and give him a sloppy kiss on his mouth. He doesn't struggle, so I stick my tongue in his mouth and feel my dick get hard as I see a clear picture of Lee in my head.

That shocks me, so I let go of Jon and step back. Why am I fixated on Lee? Let's see, yeah, I was crushing on Cowboy there at the end of our sexual activities. He met Lee, and I got captured by Richard and handed off to Bruce, who I fell in love with the same way Jon fell in love with Eli. What the fuck's going on?

Snapping me out of my fog, Jon goes, "Give me one of those twenties in your pocket, Zach. It's twenty bucks a kiss, so why not do it again and give me both twenties." Shrugging, I wrap him in my arms, pulling his skinning body again me and French kiss the hell out of him. He doesn't kiss back but cooperates otherwise, and when I let go of him, I have a forty-dollar boner in my pants. I know what's happening; I'm missing Bruce. That must be it.

He holds out his right hand as he's rubbing across his mouth with his left. Adjusting my junk, I give him the two twenties. He says, "In less than twenty-four hours, I've made more money from you than I made in the past five weeks blowing old men in the garage." I reach over and rub his grown-out burr-haircut head, mumbling, "That was worth forty dollars." He nods, saying, "See, you'd probably fall in love with me after one week's mentoring training. We've got to make that happen. Now, I think it's obvious that you really want to do the training too." Bullshit!

Chugging beer, I adjust my junk again, not sure what's going on in my head. What I've got to do is convince Bruce to come back with me tomorrow. That's exactly what I need to do because I need him to be my leader. With him, everything was settling down nicely for me. He was my man, my leader, and we were doing excellent stuff together. Without him, I'm going off the fucking rails again. Jon smacks my ass and says, "C'mon, drink up. Your hour is almost up." I mumble, "Fuck that hour bullshit. I didn't hire you online."

Sounding concerned, he asks, "What's wrong? You're acting strange, not like yourself." HA! How would he know what I'm like? I put my arm across his thin shoulders and squeeze him against my side, mumbling, "Sorry. I'll get into it. I think those kisses freaked me out. I didn't know I was going to do that." He doesn't pull away from me; instead, he puts an arm around the back of my waist. His tone of voice is as if he's talking to a child, "See, you need a mentor, someone to follow and look up to. That's what is confusing you, Zach, so let's begin. You'll start first thing in the morning by getting your pussy boy haircut. Tonight you'll use the MAN hair removal creme in all the right places and be at my apartment for inspection at ten o'clock in the morning. I'll figure out how we'll get away with it later. Leave that up to your mentor."

With less conviction in my voice than I intended, I mumble, "Ah, I don't think I want to do that, Jon, but thanks for the offer." Looking into his eyes, I add, "You'd be an excellent mentor, though, I'm sure of that." I don't know why, but he's getting to me. I've got another stiffy in my shorts.

He smiles, saying, "Each time you say 'no,' it sounds more and more as if you want to say 'yes.' I'm getting through to you, aren't I?" Shrugging, I have nothing to say to that because I think he is getting through a little; he's slowly getting on top of me too. It must be I'm too fucking needy; that's my problem. He has potential for good dominance, though, and that may bring on the awesome submissive sense I've been missing lately. I miss that... and Bruce could do that without even trying.

Or maybe all I need is relief from my horniness problem. Using a different tactic, I ask, "Is it okay if you fuck me first, Jon, and then I'll suck you off later? You know, the reverse of what you had me do last time?" He goes, "See, that's a nice submissive way of asking your dom permission to do something different. Not telling me what you want as you tried to do earlier. You'll get nowhere with that approach."

Wow, I feel a little sab of submission to him, which makes me sound a little timid, saying, "I know, Jon. Sorry, um, so, will that be alright?" He says, "Since you asked so nicely, sure, that'll be fine." Then he uses the arm around my waist to smack my ass again, "Now, let's get inside and you get undressed." I go, "Okay, Jon." I want to help this submissive sense develop. It's a start because Jon's stepping up to the plate with some good dominant moves. Plus, there's something about him that's ringing my bell... he's little but a really cool and confident motherfucker.

No, it's not all fun and games being as oversexed as I am. I need it and, consequently, will be flexible about whatever I need to do to get it. Ignoring that I told him not to do this earlier, Jon again gets that firm grip on the back of my neck, asking, "Which way to your bedroom?" I point, and he pushes me off the balcony and into the bedroom. I know what it is... it's that Jon wears me down by never stopping with his mentoring sales pitch, plus he's been able to walk the line between being dominant but not quite overdoing it. He was on the verge of annoying me with it, but now that I've settled into accepting his dominant vibe, one he dropped on me gradually, it's feeling damn good. And, it helps a lot that I like him too. I'm not sure why I like him, but I do.

In the bedroom, he mutters, "Christ, you're neat. This bedroom is, um, pristine." Letting go of my neck, he snickers, mumbling, "Is that the right word? I'm not an English major." And, I'm not paying attention to what he said because I'm gawking at Bruce's barber equipment case with the clipper and guides. It's on the bureau. If Jon sees it... oh, fuck! He could put on a half-inch attachment and buzz off a month's worth of my hair's growth... anybody can do that. I go, "Ah, uh-huh, yeah. Do you need to use the bathroom, Jon?" pointing at the bathroom door to keep his eyes away from the bureau.

He says, "Yeah, thanks. That Coke is running right through me. And, dude, a private bathroom for your bedroom? How much does this place cost you, anyway?" Walking with him to the bathroom, I tell him the rental fee, then say, "I don't need to pee, so I'll give you some privacy." He snickers and says, "I'll let you hold my dick as I piss if you want." Forcing a laugh, I go, "No, that's alright. I'm good." He goes into the bathroom, saying, "Get a condom."

As he takes a piss, I put Bruce's barber clippers kit in the bureau's bottom drawer. Without washing his hands, Jon walks back into the bedroom and says, "Get undressed, quickly. C'mon, get with it, Zach. You should already have your clothes off!" We undress in twenty seconds, and Jon holds his five-inch chubby dick out, mumbling, "Get this boned-up, and where's the condom I told you to get?"

I grab a condom from the bedside table as Jon lies on the bed, his knees pulled up and spread. Getting on the bed, on my knees, I lean down to pick up his dick, then suck off a piss dripping. He mumbles, "Watching you suck off that urine reminds me to offer you some urine play. It's fifty dollars for ten minutes. I just took a piss, but later, if you want, I'd be happy to pee on you, or however, ya know, you want it."

Licking up his chubby cock's short shaft, I go, "I've never done that, Jon, although I'm aware urine is sterile, which is why licking off that piss drop didn't freak me out." He goes, "It's sterile? I didn't know that. How the fuck can it be sterile?" Shrugging, I mutter, "I don't know," and then go down on his cock. Jon has a really good recreational size cock. It's only five or so inches long but really chubby with a smooth head. I go at it hot and heavy, getting it boned-up in less than a minute. I like his dick because I can get the whole thing in my mouth with the head just breaking past the gag-reflect-area in my throat. It goes in my throat maybe an inch. I gag a little but only the first couple of times. It's minor deep-throating, not really long enough for for-fledged deep-throating. Each time it goes into my throat, Jon moans and lifts his ass off the bed, squirming and pulling my hair.

He has a nice body scent which is strongest when my face is squished against his belly, with a little bit of his boner is in my throat. He hasn't bathed since our lunchtime sex, so there's a smidgen of body odor diluting the fresh scent I noticed earlier, but, if anything, it's even sexier somehow. He's pushing my head away as a long drool of precum drags across my tongue. Umm, I'm looking forward to sucking him off all the way after he fucks me.

He's still holding onto a fistful of my hair, holding my head three inches from his boner, saying, "Wow, you cocksuck great, but this hair of yours has got to go." Letting go of my hair, he says, "For now, though, get on the floor, um, all fours. I want you walking around on your hands and knees as I'm fucking your ass. Damn, a dog collar would be a perfect addition to doggy fucking. Wish we had one." Slurping on the precum drool that I can't describe, although it has a taste that I like. And, I just felt another stab of submissiveness toward Jon. Maybe his dog collar reference. Whatever, it was hot, a hot submissive spike...

When I get on all fours, of course, he whacks my bare ass with loud, "SMACK! SMACK!" sounds ringing in my ears before the stinging slaps even registers, and I yelp, "Ow! OW!" He says, "That's spanking is because you didn't roll the condom on." Fuck, it's still in my hand. How did I forget to do that? Sitting up, still feeling a little of that submissive spike from a second ago, I rip open the packet and hesitate for a second to get a good look at his boner. It's sticking straight out shiny with my saliva looking fat and healthy. Nice looking penis on my dom, um, mentor... no, Goddammit, he's my top. One with a really nice boner.

As I'm rolling on the condom, Jon grabs a fistful of my hair again, saying, "It's not right that a trainee has longer hair than his mentor. It's all wrong, so I'll use those clippers from the kit I saw on the bureau when I first walked in here to cut your hair tonight. It'll save you the trouble of going to the barbers tomorrow morning." Goddammit, he saw the fucking kit! And, how can he sound so confident and sure of himself about doing that? I grab my fairly hard cock and mumble, "We'll talk about it, alright?"

Yeah, I know he's getting on top of me, but it feels good that someone is finally doing it properly. And, I got him hard so fast I didn't get a rock-hard boner like I usually get when sucking cock. He mutters, "There's nothing to talk about. You know, and I know you want me mentoring you. I mean, at least until Bruce gets back, so stop pretending otherwise. Now get back on all fours."

Holy shit, I actually felt a for-real thrill of a submissive stab, the second one in two minutes. I love that! I do what I'm told, murmuring, "Yes, Jon," and then think... Dammit, no! Don't fall into the super-submissive trap! Get a grip. Jon smacks my ass, saying, "Lower your asshole a little." Oh, fuck it, I'm keeping this submissive vibe going. I lower my ass by spreading my knees apart, and then I yell out a high-pitched, "OW!" when he rams his chubby boner in past my sphincter. That hurt a lot, but it's a level of hurt that I can embrace after the first initial shock of entry.

He's tight against my buttocks in one second, then humping against me, saying, "Get walking," so I do awkward steps on my hands and knees with my knees apart unnaturally keeping my ass low enough for Jon. The awkward walking slightly moves his boner in my ass. It hurts but feels really good too. As I said, Jon has a perfect size cock for recreational buddy sex. It's not real long, but fat enough to create all the pleasure sensations in my ass that anyone could ask for. No, they're not thrilling sensations, just good consistent ones. This walking on all fours while getting fucked is new to me. I like it because it's dominant of Jon to make me do it.

He hasn't pulled his boner back yet, and I've walked a full circle on the bedroom floor. I hear a moan from Jon, "Umm, aah," so this walking on all fours must be causing muscles in my buttocks and rectum to massage his hard chubby cock. When I'm halfway around the floor again, he grunts, "Stop!" Then he thrusts his cock in my ass for a solid minute. Hard and fast, "Slap, slap, slap," thrust that gets my cock granite-hard sticking straight down at the floor, throbbing with my horny climax building too quickly. I moan, "Ooh!" at each thrust, my back arching and the lips of my anus quivering in its efforts to grip his rock-hard cock as it moves quickly back and forth inside me. Feels really good too.

With his absurdly hard boner fully impaling me again, Jon says, "Start walking." When I walk on my hands and knees, it again causes slight movement of his fat boner against my prostate, and I go, "ooh, umm, Jon..." and realize I have a for-real submissive feeling that's growing stronger. I'm feeling submissive to my top, Jon, and I recognize that this submissive sense has serious deep submissive possibilities. And, instead of being surprised by that, I embrace it and feel free in my submissive frame of mind to make more unembarrassed moans of sexual arousal. "Ahh, it feels so good, Jon, umm, aah, ooh." He, of course, realizes he's got me totally into a submissive role now as he sternly says, "Faster, get moving faster."

Moving my hands and knees faster causes his boner to pull out and back, out and back. Basically, I'm fucking myself on his hard cock until he again says, "Stop." I stop immediately, and he does hard thrusting for maybe another full minute as I docilely stay in place for him, swaying back and forth on my hands and knees, whining at the power of the climax building inside me, "Ah, ah, ooh, Jon, ahh..."

Then my world explodes, and I go, "Ahhhh!" blowing a hard stream of cum straight down on the floor, just missing a throw rug. My cum splashes off the hardwood floor with spray flying up to wet my thighs with drops of creamy cum. Jon thrusts for another thirty seconds as I moan and shudder at the climax sensations. Then, tight against my ass, he blows his load into the condom making breathy noises, then lying on my back.

We're motionless for a few seconds, then he lifts off my back and fucks me for at least five more minutes, getting my cock boning up again before he pulls out, muttering, "I know damn well I gave your ass a hundred dollar fuck." I'm still swaying on my hands and knees, feeling sizzling pleasure sensations, ones that are submissive-enhanced, and they're hard to beat. I take a deep breath and say, "That was a great fuck, Jon. Thanks."

Oh, yeah, I'm still feeling submissiveness; it's a profound submissive sense that I want to hold onto. He did a fantastic dominant job with that sex. I mean, getting me walking on my hands and knees while he fucked me... genius.

He's out of breath, mumbling, "Get up and flush this condom." Yeah, well, he's earned the right to be the bossy dominant top after that fuck. I take the condom, flush it, and use toilet paper to wipe lubricant from all around my asshole, then wipe the cum splashes off my legs. Jon's got his underwear and shorts on when I come back into the bedroom. As he puts his shirt on, he asks, "Where'd you hide the barber clippers?" I make a face and go, "C'mon, please, Jon. Let's take a break. Dude, that was awesome sex. You're a fabulous top. You da man, Jon." He goes, "Sure, so where did you hide the barber clipper set?"

A shiver goes through me, a sexy submissive shiver as I obediently get the sack from the bottom drawer. He holds out his hand, and I give the kit to him. It's a zippered nylon bag with barber clippers and attachments guides for different length cuts inside. He nods, mumbling, "Thanks, now get dressed, um, ya better leave your shirt off," and he unzips the bag, mumbling, "I've used clippers like this cutting my brother's hair before I finally hit the streets on my own after dropping out of high school."

In a sexy trance, I nod, and he says, "In the kitchen, that's where you'll get your haircut. Let's go." Pulling on my shorts, I whine, "Bruce will be pissed, Jon. He cuts my hair the way he likes it, and what can I tell him when he sees me?" He goes, "You'll figure out something to tell him, and I mean without mentioning me."

If I was willing to let go of this delicious submissive feeling. The one I got from the way he fucked me, a feeling I haven't had for some time now, I'd easily refuse to go along with this. I can't let go of it, though! It feels too good pretending Jon's my leader. He sure knows how to play that role perfectly, and he's short and skinny and just right. To reinforce this submissiveness that I don't want to evaporate on me, I ask, "Can I go to the bathroom first, Jon?"

As he tests the clipper, turning it on and off, he says, "It's almost fully charged; the clippers I had was a plugin type. And, no, you'll need to hold the piss in until I'm done with your haircut. You should have taken a leak when I did."

My submissiveness intensifies nicely, and I shudder. Jon asks, "Are you cold? C'mon, sit here on this kitchen chair." I swear I feel my cock stirring and getting hard again. This is a form of sexy dominance I didn't think Jon could come up with, and yet it seems so natural for him... it's not forced or phony at all. Submissiveness is like a drug to me, and I'm addicted to it... a submissive addiction.

I docilely sit where he said, my cock a hard boner poking up the lap of my shorts. My eyes droop because I've sunk so deeply into this swooning submissive state of mind. I haven't experienced one for a month or more, and I'm not sure how it happened. Just the right combination of everything, I suppose. Plus, I helped it along, and when it got rolling, it picked up intensity. The other thing is, it was me who went looking for Jon... he didn't hunt me up. I hunted him up, and that put him in a position to start getting on top of me, and he's totally on top of me now, and I'm liking it too. It feels too good to ruin it by protesting against anything he wants to do. I want to keep the ball rolling.

Interrupting those thoughts of mine, Jon goes, "For Christ's sake, Zach, sit up. You're slumping in that chair as if you don't have any bones in your body." Then he laughs, saying, "Except that one," and he hits my lap with the back of his hand. I sit up, and he goes, "Now, sit back in the chair and keep your head up." I think I'm doing what he said, but he makes an exasperating exhale and gets a hand on both sides of my head, moving it until he says, "Right there. Keep your head right there." Shit, I'm helplessly under his control now... nothing has felt this good since early training days with Bruce.

Turning on the barber clippers, he doesn't buzz the hair on top of my head as I expected. He starts redoing Bruce's entire haircut, starting with the sides and back. I go, "Um, why...?" and he mutters, "I'm using the number 1 guard for the sides and back. Just keep your head still." He runs the clippers up the side of my head, with short hair clippings falling onto my bare shoulders. After moving the clippers up the right side of my head about ten times, he stops, the clippers still making their buzzing sound as Jon mumbles, "Uh-huh. Yep, this looks much better, Zach. Hair an eighth of an inch is just right for trainee pussy boy's hair. I'll finish the back and the other side, then use the number 2 guide on the top, and you'll be good to go for inspection."

He's fast, and when he's finished cutting the hair on the sides and back, my shoulders and the back of my neck are covered with short hair clippings. There's something awesome about docilely letting my dominant top make me over just the way he wants. My cock throbs as I concentrate on sitting up straight.

Jon runs the clippers redoing a few areas, then says, "Okay, that's looking good! This is fucking fun too... haha," and he rubs hair clippings off me roughly. He mumbles, maybe to himself, saying, "Oh, wait... I'll do this like Eli made me get my haircut." I watch him take the number 1 guard off the clippers, telling me, "This is what makes Eli's trainees a little different from most. I'm going to use the bare clipper blade starting at your sideburns, going halfway up the sides, and then matching the cut in the back. This takes the hair down to the scalp for that extra clean look. It's a military look, right?" I murmur, "I guess, uh-huh."

Keeping my head still, Jon moves the clippers on the right side of my head, taking the eight-inch hair down to the scalp. He does it more than halfway up the sides, then the back. He takes a step back and goes, "Goddamn, this is turning out really good. You can hardly see the line where the one eight-inch hair meets the bare scalp. It almost looks professional." Patting my head, he says, "Cutting hair is like riding a bike. Once you learn how to do it, you never forget how."

The buzzing clipper sound, plus the fact I'm letting Jon cut most of my hair off, gets me deeper into this fantastic submissive trance. His fingers rub the bare scalp on the sides above my ear, murmuring, "Whoa, these clippers really do a fucking clean job of it too. Goddamn, that's cool." He seems really happy, really in a good mood, saying, "Okay, this couldn't have gone much better."

He's checking the size of the guides, muttering, "Now I'll get rid of all that hideous hair on top of your head." He finds the clipper guide he's looking for, mumbling, "Here it is," then attaches a guide, adding, "Okay, this will be fun. This number 2 guide leaves a quarter of an inch of hair in its wake so you're going see a lot more hair falling than those short clipping from the sides." He ruffles his fingers through the hair on the top of my head, snickering a little because he's having fun. Pulling the hair up, he goes, "This is almost two inches long, Zach; why did Bruce let this get so long?" I'm so deliciously deep into submission to him; I sound like a little kid when I say, "I nagged him to let it grow, and he gave in to my nagging."

Jon's like, "Huh, that's not something a mentor normally does, um, mentors punish nagging, they don't give in to it." Yeah, well, I could explain that Bruce is my leader, not my mentor, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble trying to explain that. Jon doesn't hesitate, he runs the clipper right across the front of my bangs, and a pile of hair flops down to my tented lap, then drifts down each side of my boner tent pole. I made a low gasping sound that I don't think Jon could hear over the sound of the clippers, not that he'd care.

Then, with the front cut down to a quarter-inch length, he moves the clipper from my forehead, cutting hairs all the way back to the crown of my head with a bunch of two-inch-long hair sliding down my back. He does it again, saying, "Ah, yes, this is what I'm talking about. Pussy boy trainees do not have long hair. This quarter-inch length is the proper length for trainees, and, dude, you look so much better now. You should thank me." I murmur, ''Thank you, Jon," and grin to myself. That was so pathetically submissive of me... it was perfect.

Jon chuckles as he runs the clippers back over my head again, and again, and again, then he goes, "It's ironic I'm shaping you up when I haven't had a haircut since Eli dumped me. As a matter of fact, when you were leaving the lockers yesterday, you saw Richard coming over to me. Haha, he told me not to come to work on Monday if I didn't get a haircut. So, after your mentoring training tomorrow, I'm getting a haircut too. You and I will be twins." Even in my pleasant state of submission, I know there will be no training session tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, etc.

I have no intention of arguing that point, though. I'm, instead, enjoying the way I feel warm all over, floating and sizzling with sexy submission. It's such a wonderfully relaxing and sexual sensation. Jon asks, "How about that for a coincidence, huh? Richard telling me to get a haircut, and I'm giving you one." I murmur, "Oh, uh-huh."

He finishes up by running the clipper back and forth over my head three times, bearing down. Finally, he mutters, "That does it. What a fucking blast that was, so cool..." He turns off the buzzing clipper sound and rubs his hand all over my head, saying, "Now you're a proper pussy boy recruit. This turned out great, Zach. Give me your hand." I hold up my right hand, and Jon guides my hand over my bristly scalp, asking excitedly, "How's that feel?" I mutter, "Good! It feels very familiar and excellent. Yep." Dropping my hand, he says, "Mentors know what's best, right?" I go, "Uh-huh."

Putting the clipper down, he mutters, "That thing cuts hair much better than the one I used years ago. Okay, now, like proper pussy boys, we'll be conscientious cleaning up the hair clippings." Neither of us is presently an actually pussy boy. He's a counter clerk, and I'm just me.

Omigod, though, I gotta admit Jon handled this entire haircut episode perfectly. It was a classic example of getting on top of a guy, in this case, me, and never letting up. It helped a lot that I have an obvious submissive nature, and Jon recognized that by not letting up on me for a second. Fuck, haha, I feel like I'm going to cum. He says, "Hey, get a broom and help me. Let's go!" Forcing myself to get up, I murmur, "Yeah, sure." He hands me the broom he got from the kitchen closet, then picks up the dustpan and brush and watches me sweep up my hair. He says, "That's a big pile of hair!"

I stop sweeping and walk over to look in the mirror over the sofa, and, yeah, he did an okay job of it, although I can easily see the line where the bare clippers stop and the number 1 guide on the clippers begins. It's okay, though. I don't mind, and Bruce will give me a pat on the back because this looks very much like the haircuts he gets every couple of weeks. Jon, standing next to me now, still holding the dustpan and brush, asks, "Whaddaya think?" I go, "I like it. You did a pretty good job." He says, "Yeah, well, I haven't given anyone a haircut in like five years, but it all came back to me." Running my hand over my head, I mumble, "Ya know, Bruce gave haircuts years ago too. It was when he was on the street years before his pussy boy life."

When I finish sweeping the hair in a pile, Jon holds the dustpan, and I sweep the hair into it." He's very chipper now that he's obviously fully in charge here. He says, "I might as well examine your body and get that out of the way just in case you change your mind and, you know, realize you'd be a super successful trainee for me." I slowly shake my head but have nothing to say to that.

Mainly, I want to retain this oozy submissive sense that Jon's got me in. He keeps bringing up that training horseshit because he's following the art of positive thinking. Cheerfully, he says, "You're gonna need to use the MAN hair removal creme at least on your calves. I can see the beginnings of hairs growing back." I nod my head. That's no big deal because it's what Bruce would say too. So far, neither of them, Bruce nor Jon, can let the pussy boy requirements slide. Not yet, but Bruce will in time.

We put the cleaning stuff back in the closet, then I rub my head all over again, liking how it feels. When my hair got long enough to comb on top, I didn't want to be bothered with it. This is better. That's true, but it was Jon who decided I'd have bristly short hair, not me. That's why I'm still feeling a trance or coma-like fogginess and still enjoying it. Jon's doing a great job of being dominant and in charge, and he's managed to do that mostly in a cheerful manner. As for me, I refuse to talk about the training shit he keeps mentioning because I know I'm not doing it, and right now, I want to stay in my present submissive frame of mind.

In a fuzzy nice-feeling-fog, I do my best to keep the sarcasm from my voice when asking Jon, "Can I go to the bathroom now, Jon?" He smirks at me, mumbling, "I know you're being a smart ass again, but you're also doing an excellent job with the submissive role. And, damn, I know I've had a lot to do with you acting as submissive to me as a puppy, haven't I? This is the most fun I've had in six weeks, so, sure, go to take your piss. I'll inspect you afterward, and, um, you have the MAN creme, right?" I nod, "Yeah, uh-huh, and, yes, you have had a lot to do with me being as submissive to you as a puppy." He goes, "And there's plenty more I can do as well, so prepare yourself to return to pussy boy training class."

Yeah, right. Fuck that, and as I piss, I can feel my head clearing a little. He does have a lot to do with my submissive state of mind. More than he realizes because what Jon fails to grasp is, there isn't as much role-playing in my submissiveness as he thinks there is. He doesn't know how effective his dominant antics are with me. That's probably because he most likely has never met anyone as susceptible to being dominated as I am. It's mostly a coincidence that he fits almost perfectly someone who can get my rocks off by being submissive to that perfect dom. For one thing, it's his small size that adds to the experience for me. That and the fact he looks like Lee, plus Jon is very good at this shit, just as Bruce is. It takes a certain combination of over-confidence and self-centeredness to be a dominant personality such as Jon and Bruce.

Maybe I accept being this submissive to Jon because I know I could stuff him in my pocket if I wanted to, but instead, I do what he says because it pleases me to do so. I'm not exactly sure how everything in my subconscious mind works, obviously. Nobody is sure of that.

Done my piss, hmm, I don't want this to end yet, so, in the bedroom, I drop my shorts and underwear and stand up straight for his inspection. Oh, Christ, this reinforces my trance a little, so I stand straighter, the way Bruce insisted I do it during his insanely stupid pussy boy training. Standing at attention reinforces the submissive state even more. Okay, yeah, this part is role-playing, but it's sexy fun for me too, and so I make a sighing sound, "Ummmm." Bruce looks up and goes, "Hey, I'm not the only one having a blast tonight. You're enjoying this sub/dom shit as much as I am."

Trying not to grin as he rubs his hands across my shoulders, murmuring, "Seriously, you'd enjoy it even better the way I'd do the training for you." I roll my eyes, but he doesn't see me do that. He goes, "But, damn, dude, your body is so fucking hot!" Squeezing my butt cheeks, he goes, "This is one of the benefits of being a mentor. A little fuck like me gets to control a handsome big stud like you. Not being a mentor, though, I don't know for sure, um, ya know..."

Rubbing my ass again, he goes, "Fuck, I'm super hot and aroused. Giving you that pussy boy haircut, um, the way you were so submissively obedient. Dude, you have no idea how much that got me aroused! Damn, it got me horny as hell. I love shit like this!" He casually rubs my head, walks around in front, then says, "Ya know what? I'll do the pretend inspection of your body hair later. I'm super hot to have you suck me off. Oh yeah, I'll be feeling your bristly head as you swallow my cum."

I shrug, muttering, "Let's do it." He lies on my bed again, his knees up and spread, his hands behind his head, a big grin on his face. I eagerly crawl up on the bed and get on my knees. Bending over, I lick around his penis and notice what looks like a white substance from inside the condom still on his plump cock. Still feeling a pleasant submissive sense toward Jon, I pick up his dick and suck it clean. He mumbles, "I'm curious, does that crap from inside condoms taste like anything?"

Ya know what? He's acting as if there's nothing unusual about me being deeply submissive to him. He takes it for granted, making me think, somewhere in my brain, that he's not telling me his whole story. He's too blase about this for it to be his first time acting as a dominant top... or dominant mentor.

Jesus, I hadn't felt this dominated since that first time with Richard when he got on top of me like a motherfucker and never let up. Before that, I'd have to go way back to prep school when I was totally under the control of that older kid, Bret Farmer. He made me rim his stinky asshole every night for three months straight before he dumped me for that cute Spanish kid whose name I forget. Jon is too good at this dominant stuff to be a three-week recruit, as he claims. Right now, though, I can't get enough of sucking and licking his cock and balls.

When his dick is a fat pointing-straight-out boner, I suck on one of his nuts, then the other with Jon groaning and moaning, rubbing my bristly hair and squirming so much I bite one of his nuts by accident. He swats my head, yelling, "Be careful, recruit!" Recruit?

My arms are around his buttocks, squeezing them and pushing my finger at his asshole. He groans, then murmurs, "Lick it," and he turns over. I spread his cute butt cheeks and then lick up his ass crack. His asshole is as clean as Bruce's, and I'm again thinking, hey, I'll bet Jon is bullshitting me. I think he's already a mentor.

That thought evaporates as I devour his asshole with my tongue. Getting my tongue up inside his rectum arouses me, and my climax sneaks up on me; oooh, fuck! I stop pushing my tongue up there, stop everything to hump my hips as I squeal like a cunt and blow my load against Jon's ass. It's a pretty good load of cum, considering I shot off a big one not too long ago. Wow, it leaves me shaking and murmuring, "Um, um, um, oh God, ooooh..."

Jon says, "Get your mouth around here and suck me the rest of the way off, pussy boy." He turns back over, my cum smearing off his buttocks onto the bedspread. I grab his boner, scraping it with my teeth in my anxiousness to get it in my mouth; Jon swats my head again. Sucking on his hard cock, then pushing the hard head into my throat twice, and he goes, "Ah, Omigod," and shoots a nice stream of cum in my mouth and down my throat. He immediately rolls away from me, grabbing his cock, moaning, "It's tender, oh fuck, that was awesome!"

I fall forward off my knees, lying on him and hugging him, pushing my face against his surprisingly tight chest, then inhaling his unique, very pleasant scent with his unwashed body odor on top of it. Moving my tongue down his chest to his belly, then moving it back up to his chest, I lick his right nipple like a cat licking at a bowl of milk. I'm totally out of control, dragging my tongue all over Jon's body.

He gets it together before I'm even thinking about raining myself in. I want to eat him up or crawl inside him when he slaps the side of my face, saying, "I'm sorry for slapping you, but calm down, please." Breathing hard, I look up, surprised this little dom had the balls to smack me. Then, I go, "No, I'm sorry, I, um..." and he mumbles, "It's okay, but you were getting, um, frantic." Oh, God, in my submissive frenzy, Jon seems like the most awesome dominant top in the world, and I ask, "Will you kiss me?"

He breaks my submissive spell by laughing in my face, then saying, "You're a ballbreaker, aren't you. Breaking my balls by overdoing your submissive shit. That's quite an act you got there! I liked it a lot until you overdid it, ya smart ass. Hey, were you mocking my attempts at dominating you? I thought I nailed it pretty fucking good, bro."

After the slap, I ended up with my knees on either side of his legs. Gulping, I realize his laughter has me coming out of my trace. I mutter, "What?" He snorts a laugh and says, "Knock it off and come up to lie with me. That was exquisite ass rimming, by the way. Bruce knows how to train a pussy boy; I'll give him that."

I'm still smelling and tasting him, just hanging here. He says again, "C'mon, that's enough. Get up here and lie against me. You were a good submissive." Whoa, that was, um, really something. He snorts out another laugh, saying, C'mon up here with me, ya ballbuster!" He's on top of the bedspread, but it is a new one, so that's okay. I've read that you never want to lie on a hotel's bedspread because many people have done on the hotel's bedspreads what we just did on this one.

My head clears, and I say, "Jon, um, what?" He motions with his fingers for me to come up and lie with him, so I crawl up, and he puts out his arm so I can lie against it. He goes, "The cum you shot all over my ass is on the bedspread, just so you know... it's not my fault." I take a deep breath, and he asks, "Aren't we having great sex together?" My head is clear now, but I'm still feeling slightly submissive to Jon, so I lie over partly on his little skinny body and snuggle in tightly. He snickers and says, "There ya go, ya joker. You can drop the act now, but dude, you did it awesomely."

I love how he smells, and my hand goes across his slim body, and I can feel his ribs on the other side. He squirms under me, saying, "You should have shaved, bro. Pussy boys are always clean-shaven, but you know that. Your chin is scratching my shoulder." I mutter, "What?" and he laughs, then goes, "Stop saying WHAT!" Oh, God, he's right about the sex we've had tonight. It's been the best sex for me in a month. My arm hugs his slight torso, my fingers counting his ribs as I inhale his sexy scent.

Jon chuckles, then he says, "No, I mean it. Stop fucking around!" He pushes my head to his pointy shoulder and pushes the rest of me off him, saying, "Enough is enough, Zach! Jesus, that was extraordinary oral sex, though." I lie partially against his slim body, my cock still vibrating as I continue coming down from a submissive high. Letting out a long breath, it now feels like I'm hungover. Not from four or five beers, but from that submissive high that I can't even believe I was in.

He goes, "Your shoulder is making my arm go numb, Zach. Move it over and lie the way Bruce taught you to do it." Bruce? Oh, damn, yeah. Not realizing I'm going to say it, I go, "You're not a three-week recruit, are you, Jon?"

He exhales as if he's annoyed, then goes, "Not exactly, no." Still feeling some submissiveness towards him, I turn my head on his slim shoulder to look at him, asking, "Why did you say you were?" He shrugs his shoulder under my head, mumbling, "I felt like it. You tried to deceive me, so I returned the favor. No big deal. I know you've enjoyed yourself tonight, right?" He's right about that, and I wish our false relationship could continue, so I say, "Yes, very much."

He snickers, then he says, "You're so fucking easy to manipulate. Hell, I couldn't resist doing it. And, bro, it was such a blast dominating a hunk like you! But, Omigod, you're such a pussy!" That gets my head clearing completely, but I can't work up any animosity, so I say, "Well, I guess, but what's your real story? And, just so you know, you're pretty fucking fantastic, so..." He says, "Thanks. Um, it's not a very interesting story. I finished hooking on the streets for Eli in three months, then worked eight months as a pussy boy online jerking off for perverts or going on dates, then I asked Eli if I could be a mentor."

I go, "So, why are you working in the locker rooms?" He says, "Because I haven't been able to recruit anyone yet. It's a bitch getting someone to put up with what we put up with, ya know?" I mutter, "Yeah, I guess." He says, "Richard did see you in the locker room yesterday, by the way. I told him what you said about me servicing you, and he said it's okay if I wanted to try getting you back in the fold as my recruit."

Lifting my head, looking at him, I go, "Get the fuck out of here! No way." He shrugs, "Yeah, he doesn't hold a grudge. It's all about making money for him, and you'd make both him and me money. You've got a natural instinct to please. I had you trying your ass off to please me tonight, and I've known you for less than eighteen hours. You're a natural submissive, and clients will love a submissive guy who looks like you because it seems, um," and he chuckles, "Because it seems as if you'd be a macho Navy Seal, but you're not, ya know? You're a guy who can't help but get submissive even to a hundred and twenty-pound short skinny guy, like me."

I'm thinking about that as he rubs my quarter-inch hair, saying, "Richard also said that I could have Bruce as a recruit too. Making Bruce start over again is punishment enough. Richard will then forget about the fiasco at the club." The last flicker of submissiveness blinks out of me, and now I feel foolish, embarrassed. My face feels hot as I silently curse my needy oversexed helplessness when in the clutches of a sexy hot dominant top, especially a young skinny one like Jon.

He looks at me, asking, "What's wrong now? You had a great time tonight, didn't you?" I shrug, and he goes, "Don't start pouting and second-guessing yourself. You got exactly what you wanted, so don't act like you've been used." Shrugging again, I mutter, "I'm not pouting. You were awesome, Jon. I just wish I had a little more self-control, that's all. You had me eating out of your hand like your pet monkey."

He goes, "Well, yeah, that's where my training comes in." Fuck the training. As I thought earlier, there needs to be a certain personality trait in someone to be as super-confident and dominant as Jon, or Bruce, or Richard. Sure, I suppose training and experience will enhance the natural dominance, the Alpha dog inclinations in a guy... or a woman. He rubs my head again, saying, "What? Is it the haircut that's got you pouting? It looks good on you, ya handsome motherfucker. What's your problem? I did you a favor."

Pulling away from him, then getting off the bed, I'm like, "No, the haircut is fine. I couldn't give less of a sit about that, and you were perfect tonight, Jon. Seriously, you're right; I loved every minute of it. The thing is, all your efforts are for naught because there is barely one chance in a million I'm going to be your trainee for the pussy boy bullshit, and that's what it is too... bullshit!

He sits up, mumbling, "One chance in a million, huh. So, you're saying there's a chance. It's worth a try then, so I'm not through with you yet. I'm telling you, don't be so sure of yourself." I'm picking up my underpants as he goes, "I know you won't say no to another fuck." Holding my underpants, I look at him and go, "Another fuck? You mean tonight?" He shrugs, "Sure, it's still early." He looks at his watch, "It's not even ten o'clock, for Christ's sake." I go, "Oh, yeah, okay, sure. Do I, um, ah, should I get back in bed with you?" He says, "No, you can get dressed. We'll have something to drink and talk a little. Let my batteries get recharged. Um, but it'll cost you another hundred bucks."

Gee, a surprising little submissive wave slides over me. Submissiveness isn't something that a person can totally turn off and on. This time I'll keep it in check. I smile, "Yeah, sure. You're a hot top for me. It's good we can still do business even though I turned down your pussy boy training offer." He hops off the bed, mumbling, "So far, you've turned it down. It's not over yet, not by a long shot. Anyhow, before you get dressed, come in the bathroom and clean your cum off my ass." Yeah, he's still acting in charge because he doesn't know any other way to be. He accepts rejection because he doesn't believe it. That's confidence.

In the bathroom, I'm taking my time wiping my cum off his cute-as-hell ass; tight butt cheeks small enough I can almost hold all of one in my hand. I've been taking it for granted lately, but the hairlessness of pussy boy's bodies is a brilliant move. They look so smooth, so clean, and streamlined.

Drying his ass, I then wrap him in my arms from behind and lift him off the floor. I love the feel of a skinny guy's body against mine, especially when we're naked and the little body is as toned as Jon's. He snickers, then mumble, "Hugs are ten bucks each, Zach."

Letting go of him, we go back to the bedroom chuckling and get dressed as he's saying, "See, you find it hard to keep your hands off me, plus you're happy as that puppy you mentioned earlier that I'm willing to still take you on as my client. Those factors tell me you shouldn't get overly confident that you've definitely rejected my offer to finish your training." I mutter, "Uh-huh, sure."

His constant harping on this training nonsense should be annoying, but it isn't because there's a serious submissive factor in the one chance in a million that I'd actually do it for him. That titillating one-in-a-million chance that I'd be his pussy boy on the street sucking and getting fucked to earn him money makes my dick quiver. Ya, know; just thinking about it the same way it got my dick quivering when Bruce was constantly talking about the same shit Jon talks about. These fucking pussy boy mentors, ya know? Pretending I needed to ask his permission to take a piss was so 'effing hot, though. Haha, but only a submissive individual will appreciate that.

When we're dressed in shorts and polo shirts, both of us coincidentally choosing the same clothes tonight, I put up with his hand behind my neck again as he walks me out to the living room at the same time Cowboy and Lee are just coming in for the night. Jon pushed me to an armchair, and I sit as he says, "Hi, guys. I'm Jon Scheyer, Zach's boyfriend for the night. How are you guys doing?" Lee smiles then bump fists with Jon, "Nice to meet you. I'm Cowboy's boyfriend, Lee Patrick." Cowboy waves his hand, grinning and saying, "I'm assuming Bruce doesn't know about this."

I'm rubbing my face thinking about that, as Jon goes, "What he don't know won't hurt him, huh? But, dude, are you a real cowboy?" Cowboy nods, "Yep, I'm on vacation from the rodeo circuit." I shake my head, mumbling, "No, he's not, Jon. That's his nickname." Cowboy chuckles, get a beer, and asks me, "Zach, want a beer ?" I nod, and he goes, "How about you, Jon?" Jon says, "Thanks, I don't like beer." Lee says, "I'll get Cokes for us, Jon. I don't drink either."

Handing me a beer, Cowboy smirks while asking me, "Gee, who does Jon remind you of, Zach?" Jon goes, "Yeah, I thought I was seeing my younger brother when Lee walked in." Lee gives Jon a Coke, mumbling, "We don't look alike."

Lee and Cowboy sit on the sofa, Cowboy's arm around the back of Lee's neck. Jon, still standing, points at Cowboy and says, "This is weird, but I thought my boss was the best looking motherfucker I ever saw in my life, but you're even, um, you're beautiful, dude." Cowboy swallows some beer, them muters, "Yeah, I know." Jon snickers, then he sits on the arm of the chair I'm in and rubs my head, asking, "What do you guys think of Zach's haircut? I did it for him," and he jostles my head, adding, "He looks good, doncha think?"

Lee says, "Oh, I thought he went to my dad's barbershop, but yeah, I like it." Cowboy goes, "So, Zach, how do you intend explaining all this shit to Bruce when you see him tomorrow?" I've noticed that Cowboy has taken a distinct dislike of Jon. He occasionally does that with guys; sometimes he's right, and other times he isn't. I say, "I'll tell him I went to Lee's dad's barbershop." Jon goes, "It was my idea, and I, haha, kind of insisted Zach get this haircut."

I think Lee feels tension in the air between Cowboy and Jon and goes, "Hey, do you guys realize intelligence actively abets stupidity by allowing pernicious rationalization?" Cowboy mumbles, "Of course. Stupidity is a very specific cognitive failing, but remember to distinguish stupidity from an error or mistake." Lee nods his head, "Uh-huh, and dumbness is much different from stupidity." Jon squeezes the back of my neck, saying, "Zach, let's get some fresh air." Cowboy chugs some beer grinning around the bottle's opening, staring at Jon.

On the balcony, I light a cigarette as Jon mutters, "What the fuck were those two talking about? Are they calling me stupid?" I shrug, "I have no clue what they were talking about, Jon. They get a kick out of talking nonsense, but, no, they weren't calling you stupid. Why would they?" He drinks some Coke, and I exhale smoke from my cigarette. Jon waves his hand at the smoke, saying, "You know they'll be no smoking for you when you're my recruit." I laugh out loud, then go, "Oh, okay," and take a deep drag off my Marlboro the way Bruce does it.

He rubs my back, asking, "So, how'd you like that doggie fuck we had earlier tonight?" I go, "I loved it! I already told you, you're a monster good top. One of the best I've ever had." He goes, "I can do better too. Just think about that, and, um, oh yeah, how about the hundred for your next fuck. Get the money business out of the way." I look at him and grin, asking, "How about a freebie?" He smirks, "You know very well how you can get tons of free fucks compliments of me when I'm your stern but oh so lovable mentor."

Grinning back at him, I pass one of my last hundred dollar bills to him. He chuckles as he slips it in his pocket, muttering, "Thanks." I smile, saying, "I could hug the shit out of you. You turn me on, bro." He says, "Thanks for the compliment. You already know how hot I think you are and what a fabulous pussy boy I could turn you into." I go, "Did you ever hear someone refer to you as a broken record?" He shrugs, "Yes, I have, but we'd be perfect together as mentor/trainee."

Swallowing some beer, I ask, "Who was your mentor after Eli dumped you?" He snickers, "You know damn well that Eli never dumped me, numbnuts. Hell, made a lot of money for him even with my smallish penis. I'll make more money for him if I can recruit someone, preferably you." I say, "That's not happening, but for the next two weeks, I'll be the best customer you ever dreamed of having." He nods, "Yeah, I know you would be, that's if I don't cut you off." I stare at him, and he shrugs, "I might do that, Zach. Hey, you know what I'm after, and I'll do what I need to. Hell, I've made it as plain as the nose on your handsome face; I want you as my recruit."

Nodding, I go, "Yeah, I know, and I won't do that, but don't cut me off as a John. Tonight was the best sex I've had in a while." He goes, "Better than with Bruce?" I go, "Sort of, yeah. Um, it's complicated because I'm in love with him, though, so hard to compare accurately, but you got me into that submissive shit that I grovel in like a pig in the mud. It's like a drug to me." He says, "Don't worry. I'm not cutting you off. I need the money, and it's a blast for me to dominate you. I already told you that, so I'll service your needs for a week maybe. I expect to have you in the program sooner rather than later, though." I go, "Don't bet the ranch on it," and he says, "And not just you. I'm going after Bruce too. Ya know, when he gets back from whatever he's doing. Having you under control will make it that much easier to get him buckling under."

Flicking my cigarette butt into the night, I mumble, "Dream on, dreamer boy." Jon goes to say something but stops when Cowboy slides the balcony door wide enough to says, "Lee and I are turning in, Zach. goodnight... um, nice to meet you, Jon." I go, "See you in the morning, bro. It's great having you and Lee back." The door slides shut, and Jon goes, "Would he ever make a fantastic pussy boy, huh?" Using a conversational speaking voice, I say, "No, he wouldn't. If you or anyone from the pussy boys so much as approach Cowboy or Lee, I will put that person in the hospital for a long stay. I'm not talking jive; I'm not talking bullshit; I'm deadly serious about that."

He pulls his head back, going, "Whoa, easy now. Nobody is going to talk to them. Certainly not me after hearing that. Put that scary dude shit back in the box it came out of." I give him a look, mumbling, "I'm just telling it like it is. They're so far off-limits to any of this crap they're invisible." He goes, "Christ almightly, I got it already! Lighten up." Draining the last of my beer, my blood pumping a little faster... jeez, I got worked up there a little bit.

Jon rubs my shoulder, saying, "It's cool, buddy... we're good." I nod and mumble, "I'm getting another beer." He asks, "Do you got any vodka? I can drink something alcoholic as long as I can't taste the booze." I'm like, "No, we don't have vodka, but I've got bourbon. Bourbon and Coke. That's a drink." He goes, "Okay, I'll try that so you won't need to drink alone." I turn to go inside, and he says, "I'll come with you," and tightly grips my neck again. I stop and say, "Don't do that," and he goes, "Yeah, I'm gonna continue doing it, Zach. Let's get something straight between us. If you want me servicing your sexual needs, which seem to be quite significant, you'll need to put up with this. This, and any other thing I decide to do. We'll do stuff my way, Zach, or we won't do it at all."

Well, there he goes with his dominant shit, and a shiver of submissiveness streaked right through me. I need to think about not shuddering as I mutter, "Okay, Jon, you're right. We'll do it your way." He pushes me, mumbling, "Of course, we will."

He lets go of my neck in the kitchen and asks, "How much bourbon will you use?" I tell him one jigger, which is an ounce and a half. He watches me put ice in a glass, then a jigger of Jim Beam, Bruce's choice for bourbon, then most of a can of Coke. Jon taste it, makes a face, then says, "It's good," and we both laugh. He says, "I can taste the whiskey, but it's not too bad." I go, "Okay, then."

I grab another Budweiser and head for the balcony, but Joh grabs my arm, saying, "You just had a smoke. We'll drink our drinks in here." I resist grabbing my junk like I wanted to because that got streaking submissiveness firing through me too. Man, he's better at this than Bruce, but Bruce has tempered his bossiness because he's grateful for how I've tried to help him. Jon's the opposite. He motions at the sofa, saying, "Sit there with me," and when I do, he quietly says, "Right next to me," and I slide over, remembering Bruce doing the same thing during our breaks in training. Little things that constantly remind me who's in charge.

When I'm so close, the sides of our legs are touching; he smiles nicely and squeezes the back of my neck, saying nicely, "You're my favorite client of all time, Zach, and I really do appreciate doing business with you." Then, looking me in the eyes, he fishes for compliments, "I hope you feel you're getting your money's worth." It can get hypnotic for me when these super confident guys get on a roll. His hand is still resting on the back of my neck, and I need to take a deep breath. Whoa.

He opens his eyes the way you do when you're waiting for a response, so I go, "Absolutely, Jon... more than my money's worth. As I told you before, you're a fantastic dominant sex partner." Another squeeze on my neck gives me chills, and this time I can't stop a little shudder. He grins, "Thanks, Zach." Oh man, I need to take in a big inhale and try doing it quietly, but I can't maintain eye contact now. Fuck! He really knows how to get to me. Then I do a long noisy, deep inhale, followed by a nervous chuckle, mumbling, "I can't catch my breath... haha, that's stupid, huh?"

He smiles and takes his hand off my neck to pick up his rum and Coke. After taking a swallow, he asks, "And, seriously, how do you like the haircut I gave you? Ya know, now that's it's sunk in." My dick is firming up for no reason. Well, I guess Jon's the reason. My hand goes to the stiff, short hairs on my head as I mutter, "My haircut?" He nods, and I go, "Um, I already told you, I really like it. Ya know, I've had four years of haircuts like this one. Well, not exactly like this, but... um." He says, "It looks great on you because your hair growth is so tight that no scalp shows. That's when a haircut looks bad, don't ya think? When you can see a guy's scalp in between the hairs." I shrug, "I guess, um, I've never thought to notice that."

Gulping my beer, I tell myself... toughen up, Zach! Then, totally unexpected, Jon goes, "Whaddaya think about me spending the night with you? Would you like that?" Well, no, but I force a laugh, saying, "I don't think I could afford it, haha." He says, "No charge, but if you don't want me to stay, that's okay too." Wait, what am I thinking? That would be cool, so I go, "No, please stay. I want you to stay, really."

He drinks some rum and Coke, then goes, "Okay, if you insist." Without realizing it, I'm groping my junk thinking about sleeping naked with Jon's skinny body against mine. Nodding my head, grinning goofily, I go, "A sleepover with my dom, um, I mean mentor... um, no, Jesus, what am I saying? My hired pussy boy who's doing me a favor of a free sleepover."

He grins, asking, "Am I making you nervous?" I go, "What? Nervous, no! It's an unexpected, um, thrill that you're staying the night. That's what it is." He goes, "For me too. You've never been in a room with Peanut trying to sleep. That little fucker snores like a gorilla, and he farts! This will be a real treat for me. I'd sleep here every night if you'd invite me to do that." I'm like, "Oh, well, um, Bruce..." He goes, "I mean just until he comes back, obviously." I go, "Well, ya know, I'd need to ask Cowboy if it's alright because he pays half the rent."

Jon finishes his drink, saying, "Can I try another one of these?" We stand, and I guzzle the rest of my beer. Jon chuckles as he grips the back of my neck, extra hard this time. I look at him and make a face. He shrugs, "Yeah, I need to do this. Accept it, and let's go." I sink a little bit more into a submissive frame of mind... it feels harmlessly good; it really does! I bump against his side as we walk to the kitchen, and we both shake our heads a little, chuckling. He knows he's getting on top of me again, but, what the fuck, it's sexy to me.

Making his rum and Coke, I say, "Just so ya know, I'm psyched you want to spend the night, Jon. Surprised but psyched! Um, but should I pay in advance for a morning fuck 'cause I know we're gonna have one, and I'd feel better knowing it's, um, official."

He takes the drink I made for him and says, "Yeah, good point. Just slide me another hundred and, ah, if you want to include a tip, I'd really appreciated it." Getting a beer for myself, I reach in my pocket, and, of course, I know there are only two or three hundred-dollar bills left and no smaller denominations. I don't care 'cause I'm a spoiled trust fund brat with plenty of money in the truck of my $85,000 car. Nothing to be proud of, but...

Giving Jon two of my last three hundred dollar bills, I mumble, "Money well spent." He pockets the money, muttering, "I'm happy you feel that way. C'mon now, let's snuggle on the sofa, and maybe I'll let you kiss me for free. Haha, do you wanna do that?" I jokingly say, "That's really tempting, Jon. Omigod, a free kiss, but I'm going to have a cigarette on the deck instead." He goes, "No! No more smoking tonight. I don't like the smell getting on my clothes."

Taking a deep breath, calming myself, I say in a non-threatening voice, "Yes, lots of people find cigarette smoke offensive, so you'd better stay in here while I smoke a cigarette. That's if you don't fucking mind too much." He goes, "I was kidding, Zach. Of course, you can smoke if you must."

Without trusting myself to say anymore, I take my beer out on the balcony with Jon following with his rum and Coke. He says, "Jeez, don't go all nuts on me, Zach. It was a joke."

No, it wasn't! It was him seeing how much he can get away with. They all do it; the confident, dominant guys always push it. I usually love it, but occasionally, like a minute ago, I need to exert myself a little so I don't get too deeply under his influence--it's a safety valve sort of thing.

Lighting a Marlboro, I take a drag, and, while exhaling, I say, "I know it's a dangerous and nasty cancer-catching habit or whatever, so save your breath about that." He pats my shoulder, saying nicely, "I wasn't going to lecture you about the eighteen million reasons why you shouldn't smoke. I was going to say I'm sorry you thought I was intruding too much in your life. Until you agree to be my trainee, of course, you can smoke any time and as often as you want."

Drinking a few swallows of beer, I try feeling angry that he had the audacity to say I couldn't smoke anymore tonight, but I can't work any anger up. He's just being himself. Putting my arm across his slim shoulder, I go, "Sorry I came on so strong there." He's like, "No problem. You might want to work on developing a sense of humor, though. I was just fucking with you."

Ha! He was testing me as they all do, but that's alright. I say, "Yeah, I guess. Hey, anyway, I'm happy you're staying the night, seriously happy about that. I might do some twenty-dollar kisses if that okay with you." He snickers, "Yeah, it's okay with me. Actually, I'm flattered that you're so hot for me."

Squeezing my arm around his shoulders, pulling him against my side tightly, I mutter, "Well, Jon, I like the way you so easily and totally get on top of me, so I'm kinda totally captivated by you. Actually, I can hardly wait for you to dominantly fuck me to the stars tonight. The way you got me under your control was pretty awesome, and I liked it." He slips out from my arm on his shoulder, drinks some rum and Coke, and says, "I already knew all that, Zach, but I wasn't sure you realized it... yet."

I rub his head, mumbling, "Well, I do, and, as I said, I like it. So, whaddya gonna do about it?" He gets his hand on the back of my neck, squeezing so hard I hunch my shoulder, whining, "Ow, Jon, Ow!" He says, "What I'm going to do about it is give you as much dominance as you can take, but no more than you can take. Plus, I'm going to fuck you really good, so good you won't want to do without it, and you'll agree to be my recruit so you can get some more. That's about all I have in mind, except I like you a lot too."

Chugging some beer, I burp, then mutter, "Let's go to bed, and I'll suck a puggy boner on you to fuck my ass with." He laughs and says, "Not yet. It's my job to decide when we're doing that, right?" I flick my cigarette butt off the balcony while thinking how hard it is for me to resist Jon's blatant dominant statements, especially because it's all coming from this little skinny nineteen-year-old. If I wanted to, I could smack the shit out of him and tell him to go fuck himself, and what could he do about it? Nothing, that's what. That's not the point, though. Well, it's part of the point in that it makes it seem okay, as I rationalized earlier, to accept his dominant antics, knowing I could smack the shit out of him. And that knowledge makes it okay for me to say, "I know that, Jon. So, let me put it another way. Please, can we go to bed now?"

He says, "Yeah, okay, after we finish our drinks." Getting in the mood for being appropriately submissive to my dom, I ask, "Well, do you mind awfully if I have one last smoke?" He says, "You just finished one, so this time it's not okay. The answer is no. Sorry." Perfect answer this time because I want to sense his dominance as we get ready for sex. Gawd, I want him to fuck me really hard tonight!

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 36

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